View Full Version : Magazine 'pez dispenser'

midnight rambler
6th April 2019, 10:06 PM


7th April 2019, 06:54 AM
Designed for a true optimist. But then you notice payment is in CANADIAN dollars?

I might suggest one design change. Straps at the top to roll up the rug used to face Mecca.

midnight rambler
7th April 2019, 12:09 PM
Designed for a true optimist.

When the shit blizzard blows in only the true optimists will make it through.

7th April 2019, 01:37 PM
payment is in CANADIAN dollars?

Minor problem right now, X-Via from Ripple is changing all this, they also have X-Rapid, X-Current and soon X-pool which will be a pool of XRP for ALL banks in the world to "pool" into and make exchanges in FIAT or CRYPTO in SECONDS.