View Full Version : 1,000 strong NZ biker gang won't be surrendering their *illegal* guns

midnight rambler
8th April 2019, 11:57 PM

9th April 2019, 04:48 AM

9th April 2019, 04:51 AM
Live practice for the state to test their toys?

9th April 2019, 05:13 AM
Gangs can be quite useful to the state, as long as the gang is 'controlled' opposition. The mere fact that this gang leader is openly stating their position should give one pause.

9th April 2019, 05:48 AM
The mere fact that this gang leader is openly stating their position should give one pause.



9th April 2019, 08:45 AM
He says the public should not be afraid of gang members' guns as they are used in gang-on-gang violence only.

"The attacks between our organisations are gang-on-gang, they do not involve the non-gang members. Although there may be peripheral damage and violence that occasionally spills out into the public eye, it is absolutely and without intention for any harm to be caused to non-gang members," he said.

I swear this reads like satire, but it appears to be his actual comments.

9th April 2019, 10:48 AM
I swear this reads like satire, but it appears to be his actual comments.

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/r/w/x/1/k/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .1s2kmq.png/1545174199197.jpg

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/s/2/i/c/y/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620x350. 1s2ihq.png/1545113232632.jpg

This Leader and this armed gang isn't White People. New Zealand is totally cucked.


old steel
9th April 2019, 04:34 PM
Is that a 6 or a 7X vest he is wearing?

9th April 2019, 07:28 PM
I swear this reads like satire, but it appears to be his actual comments.

If the gummit can't convince the gangs to disarm by offering them "protection", it would be pretty hard to start confiscating Whitey's guns and not the gangs without appearing overtly anti-White. Should be interesting to see how this pans out. If they do send in goons to confiscate gang members weapons, what then?

10th April 2019, 02:47 AM
If the gummit can't convince the gangs to disarm by offering them "protection", it would be pretty hard to start confiscating Whitey's guns and not the gangs without appearing overtly anti-White. Should be interesting to see how this pans out. If they do send in goons to confiscate gang members weapons, what then?

Gangs can be very useful in controlling the populace; As long as there is some understanding between the 'outlaw' gang and the 'in-law' gang. Look at what happened in Detroit in the 70's; the police went on strike for higher pay and the gangs were set loose upon the populace. It was a coordinated effort between the black gangs and the blue gang. Rapes, murders, robberies and beatings ensued at rock concerts and other events. It was understood by the black gangs that they had free reign.

10th April 2019, 08:18 AM
This Leader and this armed gang isn't White People. New Zealand is totally cucked.


My bet is they focus on disarming the easy targets, i.e. white people, and leave the gangs alone, ignoring them and hoping they don't have to deal with them.

10th April 2019, 11:22 AM
Gangs can be very useful in controlling the populace; As long as there is some understanding between the 'outlaw' gang and the 'in-law' gang. Look at what happened in Detroit in the 70's; the police went on strike for higher pay and the gangs were set loose upon the populace. It was a coordinated effort between the black gangs and the blue gang. Rapes, murders, robberies and beatings ensued at rock concerts and other events. It was understood by the black gangs that they had free reign. In that particular instance, wouldn't the result have been the same had there not been any understanding between black and blue gangs?

10th April 2019, 03:12 PM
In that particular instance, wouldn't the result have been the same had there not been any understanding between black and blue gangs?
Why ever would you think that? The blue gang gave the black gangs the go ahead. Without the understanding that the reduced blue presence would ‘pull’ their forces, it never would have gone down. This is conspiracy territory here; I can’t say absolutely that it happened but I remember the papers alluding to it.

10th April 2019, 07:56 PM
Why ever would you think that? When you put your finger in a cup of coffee and remove it, there is no hole where your finger was because the coffee just naturally filled that void the moment you removed your finger. When police create a void by going on strike, it seems Blacks would immediately fill that void with crime, agreement or no agreement.

10th April 2019, 08:51 PM
When you put your finger in a cup of coffee and remove it, there is no hole where your finger was because the coffee just naturally filled that void the moment you removed your finger. When police create a void by going on strike, it seems Blacks would immediately fill that void with crime, agreement or no agreement.

Not even sure it was a strike. Maybe I'm just full of shit. I've never heard of an entire force striking. It would make bank robberies a cinch though.