View Full Version : $18 HM Digital TDS-EZ Water Quality TDS Tester

13th April 2019, 07:26 PM


$18 HM Digital TDS-EZ Water Quality TDS Tester (https://www.amazon.com/HM-Digital-TDS-EZ-Measurement-Resolution/dp/B002C0A7ZY/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=water+quality&qid=1555207929&s=gateway&sr=8-5)

Been testing my kitchen sink water several times today with my new toy:

Arrowhead Bottled Spring Water = 202 ppm

My BOISE Kitchen Tap Water = 62 ppm

My Culligan FM-15RA Kitchen Faucet Filter (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61bO-UtMP4L._SL1000_.jpg) reads the same as my Tap Water.

Important that all test sources be room temp. It appears that my Tap Water is just fine and I have been wasting money on the faucet filter ??? The weird thing is the faucet filter gets reduced flow after every two months requiring regular replacement.

:(?? must be the visible rust?

13th April 2019, 09:10 PM
This tester is included with the Zero water filter: http://tinyurl.com/y65cymcn $34.99

Filters aren't cheap but produce several dozen or more gallons, depending on tap water quality. Typical output is 0 ppm. Maker recommends changing filter when detecting 3-5 ppm. My filters last a couple of months.

When I tested tap water (~150 ppm IIRC) after filtering through a Brita, the ppm was unchanged!!!

13th April 2019, 09:35 PM
tds - total dissolved solids? is that what you are looking for? if so, why?

13th April 2019, 10:33 PM
tds - total dissolved solids? is that what you are looking for? if so, why?Correct - it's a measure of impurities, especially heavy metals, but also calcium and other common salts.

14th April 2019, 04:59 AM
This tester is included with the Zero water filter: http://tinyurl.com/y65cymcn $34.99

Filters aren't cheap but produce several dozen or more gallons, depending on tap water quality. Typical output is 0 ppm. Maker recommends changing filter when detecting 3-5 ppm. My filters last a couple of months.

When I tested tap water (~150 ppm IIRC) after filtering through a Brita, the ppm was unchanged!!!

I think your free tester is a cheap knockoff that has the battery soldered onto the motherboard? My genuine TDS EZ HM Digital brand has an easily-replaceable battery.

Your ZeroWater filter does indeed filter out to zero ppm including the healthy valuable minerals. I imagine some kind of trace mineral supplement is required in your diet to replace those lost healthy minerals.

Yeah...both your Brita and my Culligan are a joke.

My BOISE CITY Kitchen Tap Water = 62 ppm is pretty decent unfiltered. From a well. A big relief. My Culligan faucet carbon filter must be getting clogged up every two months by just the rust in the old cast iron 45 year-old water pipes. I can actually see that rust occasionally in a seldom-used bathroom white sink.

:(?? we need the healthy minerals in our drinking water.

Source of Most Boise Area Water

In the Boise City area, approximately 70% of your water is supplied from 85 wells located in the area.
The remaining 30% of your water comes from two surface water treatment plants (Marden Water Treatment Plant and Columbia Water Treatment Plant) which treat water from the Boise River.
Outlying areas such as Meridian, also rely on municipal wells for the main water supply. Municipal wells tap the groundwater supply from 300 to 800 feet below ground level. Water from these various depths and locations varies in chemical composition and overall quality…

14th April 2019, 05:16 AM
As far as the TDS, (total dissolved solids), is there any evidence these are harmful? There is no way to say whether or not the impurities are harmful or beneficial, as this will not tell you if heavy metals are present; nor will it tell you any fluoride content. I will take my mineral laden well water over municipal water any day.

I wonder how useful this would be for analyzing water for beer making. I'll bet Brewtech knows of a tester I could use for my beermaking, as sadly my well water is not conducive to tasty beer. I think ph is quite important to beer style.

14th April 2019, 05:42 AM
As far as the TDS, (total dissolved solids), is there any evidence these are harmful?
Minerals are sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful. Dissolved minerals are absorbed more easily but for minerals to be really useful to the body they should be plant based. Seems plants impart a charge on the minerals. At least this is what Dr Wallach is promoting.

A company I once worked with kept getting dinged by the city on the TDS of their return effluent. A manager took a sample of their tap water and sent it back to the city as a sample of effluent and the city once again rejected it. Seems they were expecting better numbers coming back than what they were supplying.

14th April 2019, 05:50 AM
As far as the TDS, (total dissolved solids), is there any evidence these are harmful? There is no way to say whether or not the impurities are harmful or beneficial, as this will not tell you if heavy metals are present; nor will it tell you any fluoride content. I will take my mineral laden well water over municipal water any day.

My point exactly. My BOISE CITY tap well water is 62 ppm of presumably healthy minerals. I need those healthy minerals in my diet.

Mamboni filters his tap water to zero ppm eliminating all those healthy trace minerals.


14th April 2019, 01:24 PM
My point exactly. My BOISE CITY tap well water is 62 ppm of presumably healthy minerals. I need those healthy minerals in my diet.

Mamboni filters his tap water to zero ppm eliminating all those healthy trace minerals.

:(??I add complete trace minerals back: https://tinyurl.com/yxz8g5cm'

Don't assume TDS in your water are healthy minerals!

14th April 2019, 02:35 PM
I add complete trace minerals back: https://tinyurl.com/yxz8g5cm'

Don't assume TDS in your water are healthy minerals!


"Mike holds a B.A. in Consumer Behavior & Globalization"

"Greg holds a B.S. in Business Administration"


14th April 2019, 02:59 PM

"Mike holds a B.A. in Consumer Behavior & Globalization"

"Greg holds a B.S. in Business Administration"


I am starting to not trust any of these supplements and vitamins. Some are worthless and the body cannot assimilate them and others are dangerous or can be for some people who don't tolerate them well. Reading the reviews is perhaps futile as there is no way to know if they are truly objective.

26th July 2019, 03:38 PM
This tester is included with the Zero water filter: http://tinyurl.com/y65cymcn $34.99

Filters aren't cheap but produce several dozen or more gallons, depending on tap water quality. Typical output is 0 ppm. Maker recommends changing filter when detecting 3-5 ppm. My filters last a couple of months.

When I tested tap water (~150 ppm IIRC) after filtering through a Brita, the ppm was unchanged!!!

I also tossed my Culligan (https://www.amazon.com/Culligan-FM-15A-Faucet-Advanced-Filtration/dp/B00006WNMI?ref_=bl_dp_s_web_2587953011) faucet filter after it tested the SAME as my tap water.

I just bought the ZeroWater 8-Cup Water Filtration Pitcher (http:// UYHiggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQGi0lHR0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tKystLS0tLS0tLS02LS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAOIA3wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAQIDBQYABwj/xABFEAABAwEFAwkEBwYEBwAAAAABAAIDEQQFEiExQVFxBhMiYY GRobHBBzJCUhQjcpLR4fAVQ2KCssIWY6LxM1NUc4PS4v/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBf/EACoRAQEAAgICAQIFBAMAAAAAAAABAhESMQMhQQRRImGBkeETc aHwIzIz/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCS026NgO2izV5cphsSW+QuYQ1ZRt2ybQV nNOjKWCLZfb36ZKvcXOzJr2oz9nGnumqabA6mQKuaZ2UKIiuli yzUr7LINAU6OySHYnuJ1UVlhpntTbS13xEoiWyyN2JBZ5XbO9A 0DbJQZVUkLyTQVqpnQOGrV0biDXCUAXBYPieUlrttMmDtULrU8 6gqItJ2FGj2gkeTmSnwPOmqeAR8JStnA+FMkUrHahT2Nx1OzYn CauwpRlsRTNfO8nIJXSOpnRIZgmADaSj0W3Y8qUUcURcaAKQxt 3ouyTNjz1QcFuibEyu2ipTJUo+2TiTVCc0AlIdqJszdCEkkgGi n5pp1Xc01PRIYLQKgYdUfa7UBRoGxDSw6UyongE65paPaBzwfh oka5m2qIIFFDzaNE1Lb2I+BTxXvU05tNaApWxBZ6jblSvvRoND GlF7RbY/BcGA7FIIm7gjjBypI7fC40wJH22DTCnCFozARN33M+0OwwxGR2 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FZhsce2hXGB2lQuY5KHZrGrM5tyBt0J1orN700GuqQVtnfXJWM QoFF9FaMwaKYOypkVeyNLaqWONRlw+YLi8fMO9PadHSJ8RKEkt bG/FU7m9I+CkssuPUgbmg1PbRR7qoOkzaUJGcv1nTJEWtxbGSBXLg Myh2OAa2pGYr3ohh5zmgbQ+mXarVobtIKhtzGuGzLQhHyCXX7p 4+iMKDsDg1uGqLqlQQpEpSFIxRamOaiXtQ7kghIXzbfkeG0zN3 TPHc5wX0k9fO3LJuG3Wkf5zz3uJ9V1fS38ZZ9K2B3SHEeYX0ww 5DgF8yQnPtHmvpWzO6Dfst8gtvresf1Rh3Uzigm1DyNh0RqCtM wD2jadnl5LgaG2fMEbE+YubpQ+KDEpjcQ4VFciMslYNkDttV02 o17Zma/5ekKtbRpAyqcYz03KvdfFqJrzgA+yB6KzvO6HFxwgUPDU6Krku p7R0nNFc9Sdv5LPV21/Dp01vtDs+eIrXIVFOGS76RM4Ckj3HaQXb9yFMmDLnKdYxBSxXw wZOdI7gQOzMplr8hAs1oOkklczqWjP7RzR1luuelMVTvL9NM/FQw8oGgdGIV2Of0j4BSs5SyE9LDQDShaM+1LlRxv2SWmwHIyOw 4RhzflQbaZkoOWdvRDelhFATxrvKBtNoEri5xJPcNuTUTZQKgN YSa0OWLb1KvZcdJ4jM91GNHUtbcd2yt6UhA6hn3oS7rNKSTRsb ammI1dSuVAM1oWkgADM7zl4Kcrr0Qa+ZcMeHa7Idiq2uyCMvKI 1BJrkg1O/ROBCZIuKjc4pA3EQioLXsKEJTaINdseClVXZ5iFYxyVUhaEoeY 9VU4uULnJGY9edcreRsM1pdMcTS6hOE0BoAKnryXopKq73jqAV WNuN3AwVg5G2WNwdgxEGoxOLsxplWi9Bu2XEwbxkqQhG3ZJQ03 qrlb3QuiUDbJRQOpU1FPzRh0VXa4HE4QaCoJ26HMBSBdqixNqq 7m6K2ZpRCWmOiqUgkhJyPmgZLqa41pv1z1rnr1qwqnAp8qc9KH/AArXRx7/AMk+Lkef0fyV8x6KhthCWz5VRw8kRtr31R8XJ5gAbqAcVDU50A 2ncAruK2g6qR0gKORbqmF0wtNQxo7K+JU7cLdAETKKoKRqOVId Z5xorSM5LNMNCrywSVCQJeLagKoer61DJU0rQUgGqmlK9qYmDX JhcnkqMoDucRENpohSxNLEg05TXLlykzUHeHurlyYUb9VLZfeC 5cmF5HohZvfHA+iRcgJ2JloXLkEriuC5cmZ4TguXICaJWEKVcl SSvCGmCRcgBXK0uxcuTAyfRUk2q5cpNE9DvXLkyMTXLlyYKE9c uSD/2Q==). It does indeed reduce my 49ppm tap water down to 0ppm. I'm curious to see how long this filter lasts with my modest half-gallon daily usage. BTW...the included free ZeroWater tester does have replaceable batteries and measures with the same accuracy as my existing $18 tester mentioned in the OP.

:(?? who knew?............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................................Mamboni

26th July 2019, 11:48 PM
Last year I became interested in "alkalized water" IE higher pH than tap, with supposed heath bene's U can search up.

Bought an alkalizing water bottle: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=alkaline+water+bottle - these all work the same, have an element inside containing mineral/rock pebbles, which raise water's pH with contact.

My bottle's 750 ML, & with 30+ minutes in the bottle (+ a few shakes during), my local tap water goes from mid 7s to low/mid 9s.

A digital pH tester is sort of a must have accessory, for the "hobbyist" in you + verifying the before/aft pH of your water, + knowing when ur alkalizing water bottle element needs replacement. They're cheap, around $13. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ph+tester+digital

What I'm curious about is -- what's the before/aft pH of "Zero Water", as the TDS which Zero filter removes, are presumably many of the same dissolved minerals which give it any pH?!

Anyone? Mamboni/Jooboo?? Yous needs to fetch digital pH testers, & do some playing... lemme know! Maybe also fetch an alkalizing bottle - test pH of ur Zero water, then 'alkalize' in bottle, test pH again, then run through Zero filter again & pH test... knowhatamean?

It's the "healthy minerals/trace elements" which we're jerking around here, between Zero TDS water, & post alkalized water (whether via alkalizing bottle, or Mamboni's added supplement).

Also, are "dissolved gasses" (chlorine!) measured as TDS? Fluoride?

27th July 2019, 02:24 AM
Bought an alkalizing water bottle: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=alkaline+water+bottle - these all work the same, have an element inside containing mineral/rock pebbles, which raise water's pH with contact.

If anyone here decides to shop for one of those alkalizing water bottles, main thing is, do the math on their replacement filter cost, vs expected liter/quart/gallon life expectancy, & figure price per (volume/unit).

One ripoff I narrowly avoided was this dog: https://www.amazon.com/REVIVE-Alkaline-Water-Bottle-Carry/dp/B07NRMGJWV

It temptingly claims to 'filter' AND alkalize! :D Repeatedly abuses the word "removes..." in their desc; "removes X,Y,Z badees" -- when in fact the best it can do is REDUCE, probably very slightly, any said badees, given its design, where the element merely co-mingles with the water, & presumably absorbs badees which actually come in contact w the 'filter' media, which is mixed together with the alkalizing pebbles. But a proper "filter" forces every single drop/molecule of H2O laboriously through the filter media... this turd does far from that!! :(

Then I got to looking at expected "filter/alkalizing element" lifespan, which they laughably tout as "Each Filter has a MASSIVE 255 Cup/16 Gallon/60 Litre capacity" -- yes they went ALL CAPS on that "MASSIVE" BS. So, will last 1 person at .5 gallon day, about 1 month... fine. So how much for replacement elements?
$10/ea. So, 1000 cents, divided by 16 gallons, = 62.5 cents/gallon !?!? :o

Need I say more? BS "filtering" purely for marketing sizzle, leaving their less diligent buyer-dupes with false 'security' of filter 'removing' badees; obscene $PPG for their replacement elements... total racket! :( Plus they're cheap/plastic bottle which is ~$40; they tout "NO BPA plastic" but how are we supposed to 'test' that claim from these shysters? :(??

I ended up getting a different alkalizing bottle a year ago, which I don't see for sale there anymore. 750ml; all "surgical stainless steel" (with outer silicon sleeve for grip); only touted its alkalizing function with element $/lifespan working out to ~14 cents/gallon. Initial bottle price ~$40. You put water in there which is already filtered with a PROPER/REAL water filter.

27th July 2019, 07:27 AM
I think one of the best methods of determining water quality is by taste and smell. If it tastes good it probably is. The tap water we have in our town in Sweden is very good tasting, much better than the filtered tap water I get in Istanbul. And I am using a very advanced and expensive water filter. Earlier I used an alkalysing water filter, both were good but none measures up to the quality of the Swedish tap water IMO. No fluoridation in Sweden, and plenty of access to fresh water from lakes, rivers and wells.

Another issue though because Sweden’s population has increased a lot the last couple of decades, mostly with people who is not particularly concerned with water preservation, we are experiencing shortages in some locations because the water grid is underdimensioned, likewise with the electric grid. I suppose the native Swedes could be coerced into saving more...

27th July 2019, 08:29 AM
as far as "design" for a filter/alkalizer combo, this countertop jobee looks ideal: https://www.amazon.com/Santevia-Water-Systems-Stage-Filter/dp/B00BM7A23K

5 stage gravity filter, then water comes to rest in lowest compartment which has a bed of alkalizing mineral stones, where water sits indefinitely (pH should gradually rise) til you use it. Touts 2.5 cents/liter cost, aka ~10 cents/gallon.

Their mineral stones https://www.amazon.com/Santevia-Water-Systems-Mineral-Stones/dp/B003T46666 ($34) tout a lifespan of 2-3 years; recommending boiling them every ~6 months.

Not "recommending them", just found them surfing related products @ amzn. Never heard of them b4, but design certainly looks ideal, as REAL filter + 'natural' alkalizing.

Also notiiced this: https://www.amazon.com/EHM-Alkaline-Tourmaline-Germanium-Maifanshi/dp/B017KXDVY6 - stainless steel mesh encased mineral stones, which you just throw in whatever water container you already have. :) About $4/each, lifespan ~90 liters (24 gal's) so ~17 cents/gallon.

6th October 2019, 12:55 PM
I also tossed my Culligan (https://www.amazon.com/Culligan-FM-15A-Faucet-Advanced-Filtration/dp/B00006WNMI?ref_=bl_dp_s_web_2587953011) faucet filter after it tested the SAME as my tap water.

I just bought the ZeroWater 8-Cup Water Filtration Pitcher (http:// UYHiggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQGi0lHR0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tKystLS0tLS0tLS02LS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAOIA3wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAQIDBQYABwj/xABFEAABAwEFAwkEBwYEBwAAAAABAAIDEQQFEiExQVFxBhMiYY GRobHBBzJCUhQjcpLR4fAVQ2KCssIWY6LxM1NUc4PS4v/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBf/EACoRAQEAAgICAQIFBAMAAAAAAAABAhESMQMhQQRRImGBkeETc aHwIzIz/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCS026NgO2izV5cphsSW+QuYQ1ZRt2ybQV nNOjKWCLZfb36ZKvcXOzJr2oz9nGnumqabA6mQKuaZ2UKIiuli yzUr7LINAU6OySHYnuJ1UVlhpntTbS13xEoiWyyN2JBZ5XbO9A 0DbJQZVUkLyTQVqpnQOGrV0biDXCUAXBYPieUlrttMmDtULrU8 6gqItJ2FGj2gkeTmSnwPOmqeAR8JStnA+FMkUrHahT2Nx1OzYn CauwpRlsRTNfO8nIJXSOpnRIZgmADaSj0W3Y8qUUcURcaAKQxt 3ouyTNjz1QcFuibEyu2ipTJUo+2TiTVCc0AlIdqJszdCEkkgGi n5pp1Xc01PRIYLQKgYdUfa7UBRoGxDSw6UyongE65paPaBzwfh oka5m2qIIFFDzaNE1Lb2I+BTxXvU05tNaApWxBZ6jblSvvRoND GlF7RbY/BcGA7FIIm7gjjBypI7fC40wJH22DTCnCFozARN33M+0OwwxGR2 2gyHW5xyHajjC51WOt0NfdUkVogK1zfZlI8DnJWR9TWulPCpwj zVlYvZ1ZGUL3SSHrIYO5or4p8E82J52yj3m96QT2MmgaCTsAqe 5eqwckrC2hMMbjsBaZnd760VrZ7C1gpHG2McA3/AEtRw/Mf1J9nj0NzCQ9Cyykf9twHeQreHkS54zhEf23AeDar1AWYbXE8 MgntjaNAPNPim+T8nmkfs3afelA6msLvEkIyH2YWb4nSu4YGDy JXoWJNxKtJ5VjIfZtYh+6ceMjvSiJHs+sH/Ib9+Q/3LVY12NBbZUezq7/+nZ95/wD7Jkns1sB/c04SSD+5a3GE9sjdpRsMJJ7KrCfheP8AyOUEnsnsWznRwkHq1e gyWgbFC60J7pPOZfZHZtkk7ePNvH9IVfaPZKK9C0g9T4yPEO9F 6kbUdijkke7IZdlfNGzjxu2+y+0sHRDJB/A6h7nALOzcl3xuLXhzHDVrgWnuK+iGxHgqzlFydZao8JOF49yQ DNp3He3eErL8Klny8OFxHcmTXE74QVZ3l9JssjoZRRze0EbHNO 0FRsvaSlVnvKN+GNim/wAPSV0KeeT7utaL9oSBmOo4Ic32/clcshPHizdrt7ucoMqK/wCS96sONkutMis9bbEQ8kZpLvszg6pFFtqaY7u2oc8Cp2Zqi/a0jpMLASSaACpJOwADMlWk0ZwJeQVr+j2pzS1uKUFscjhUtfn0 a6ta7Q03BLCS08m55Ncmqwh1raWOOfNgjHT+NwybwGfArWxEMY I42iOMaMYKDid56zmszFyjeDR8QyNMnEadRCsrFfLJPhcO4pXG hZtUged57yhW21m8jiD6KRtpZ8w8ktUaECV28p4md8xUAmb8w7 wpA4bwgaiX6Q/5il+kP+byUYCdRCT/AKQ/f4BLz79/gEwBOATI7nnb/AJeddv8kgalDUAuM7yuxHeUtFyZEonhqQEdSeCgHNCe0JGhSNY 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axu5vfkpo2CuaQouywU112/giwRvQ7CNgU8YQmiI3bh3qOR2akYlLBrRKiK612sNbiBrqBxGv mFnmT0qSa1Nadf6orvlBYeciODJzOkKZV3hYuzPJI1z0rmjHLf pWte20uRtTi/gHe41r3AK2QV0MozsaO4fmjXGmZUZdnOg856Q/hBPackNGMid/r+gnvdUV+Y17NilgZmAdlSfRVPUB81ma4AOANBRDR3e1vu+Oas CkKgR80JapCkQ0Mtn/Dd2KNpyU0wqx/2fUINk7QBU0yHluC9b6K/wDG5/L2urDnZ39UjD4OHqmtS3W8GCamebD/AKgPVI1cf1v/AK/pGvh/6nh9CCNQajszXstecgJ+eMEd1fQLxkr2PkbMH2OBxqaNwng2rT 5LLxXWx5ZuLa57RzkLHbcNDxbl6I9ip7jGDnY86NfibXLovFR5 FW8ZSznaIcSuqmlcAs1M7eQ+tdxKc1tV16N+tKTHQUGq1nRHul pkNU+Ab0lnsZOe1ENioiFU8ZREZQsaKjCaaIanu0SNCdNk0JUR CAslfcQbacgAAxuQ31J9VrwsrfUZ+liuhaw91R+KjHtd6aW7o6 Rt4JtqfU4Ngzdw2BSc5gYN9AAOuiDY7I7c8zvSk3TPBqf1oEXC 3Kp1ca9iGszKnz4bkaVWV+CNKROITSFBvmmq4FHG7XblG6wOGx LbUPSrX/YPmELZbl5xgeZWsDtBSpoCW7xuVmyzEB1R8DvKvon3ZIxsDThx OGLKpFOmToNdV2eLPPHxX+n3tjnPaC6IQxloYDiFGkHTSRoPkn tT7E8udMaUxR6Z0qH4sq57k0NKj6nduNveorxdVy9S9mc+KyFv ySPHeA7+5eZ2azSSODI2F7jo1oqSvVuSFwSWOEiQgukOItGYZQ AUrtKx8fas+l6eiMehDmA9bXOw+GJG0pqq+CQOxtOh8KfmrFz1 eU9so4ncuBKaHrqrPRqK+B9bxojLPZqBR3tAS4OA2eSIsxJZUq/gDrvaKFNt8VE2739Km9G2ttWo+SqriCJYoyFJGqTRbEs+xNYll NTwCmnCNVNf0Q52E0zJLeyrfxKvI2qrvxpLmFhGNpJbUV2btFO PajpCSf1l1BMpU4Qm2iemQ1Ph1I2wWegxHVX1BUsTMIp3pVyQr I3JKpF1UBSP5IWI/uiOD3j1ULuRNkOnOD+evmFpSmkpaVusNyk5GwxWWeVj3ksjcQD hppwXlVgsjJIw1zqZmrcQZXN209mS9+5RMxWS0DfDJ/QV4JdQbh6WocaZEjXOtM9oXf8AQ3W2Hn3cb3+na45PWKOS2xwV OF4LCRmc2itKjPPavSYuQNjHvY38XYf6QF51cErReFmwig5xo0 pUk7BsC9uco+sn4p/vzVeK3Suu27IbPlDG1m8gZni7Uoi2aDjTv/2SymmaS1HoEj9bPVc2HcXQlkiAeTvz7MIKsTGaA019FUNLnPBp kBTeOKvJZei2gyGRPXRa5z2gMP1knAp7RVIQsqpHKThNNaZKuu 91WlpKtAFV4MDya5VyCeITxOLSrMyVCrtc0XEMkyRP1T40hCkj CqJqaNNbWtd6VzqBOhOanI4mAVLb5QJATsa7TrLR6K5PumuxVT bLjkxHQCnbWvolj2dJd9lqcbhlsCs3SADPLJQSy0GSCndUEotG lgDVch7A+reCJUqNSVSlIkDyE0hTOCicEjD22PFFI3ex472kLw Xk3A1zqO0ElDWlKGmtcl9AOGR4FfNf0t0Uj8NRVxBFK6Lr+lm+ UTldNSWNZboHNIobU2lKUpiGlNi9uIXzbZLfI6eJ7q1a9lK0AF HDQBfSJVfVY8ZjP7pxu7Q9qGRTKnBwFe7NSWhhIyQ8DqtcD1jw XJO1orNKXSDcEsVoL3vY7RumzU9SfY2gVK6BlCSRQnMrfP5ZwZ FZhsce2hXGB2lQuY5KHZrGrM5tyBt0J1orN700GuqQVtnfXJWM QoFF9FaMwaKYOypkVeyNLaqWONRlw+YLi8fMO9PadHSJ8RKEkt bG/FU7m9I+CkssuPUgbmg1PbRR7qoOkzaUJGcv1nTJEWtxbGSBXLg Myh2OAa2pGYr3ohh5zmgbQ+mXarVobtIKhtzGuGzLQhHyCXX7p 4+iMKDsDg1uGqLqlQQpEpSFIxRamOaiXtQ7kghIXzbfkeG0zN3 TPHc5wX0k9fO3LJuG3Wkf5zz3uJ9V1fS38ZZ9K2B3SHEeYX0ww 5DgF8yQnPtHmvpWzO6Dfst8gtvresf1Rh3Uzigm1DyNh0RqCtM wD2jadnl5LgaG2fMEbE+YubpQ+KDEpjcQ4VFciMslYNkDttV02 o17Zma/5ekKtbRpAyqcYz03KvdfFqJrzgA+yB6KzvO6HFxwgUPDU6Krku p7R0nNFc9Sdv5LPV21/Dp01vtDs+eIrXIVFOGS76RM4Ckj3HaQXb9yFMmDLnKdYxBSxXw wZOdI7gQOzMplr8hAs1oOkklczqWjP7RzR1luuelMVTvL9NM/FQw8oGgdGIV2Of0j4BSs5SyE9LDQDShaM+1LlRxv2SWmwHIyOw 4RhzflQbaZkoOWdvRDelhFATxrvKBtNoEri5xJPcNuTUTZQKgN YSa0OWLb1KvZcdJ4jM91GNHUtbcd2yt6UhA6hn3oS7rNKSTRsb ammI1dSuVAM1oWkgADM7zl4Kcrr0Qa+ZcMeHa7Idiq2uyCMvKI 1BJrkg1O/ROBCZIuKjc4pA3EQioLXsKEJTaINdseClVXZ5iFYxyVUhaEoeY 9VU4uULnJGY9edcreRsM1pdMcTS6hOE0BoAKnryXopKq73jqAV WNuN3AwVg5G2WNwdgxEGoxOLsxplWi9Bu2XEwbxkqQhG3ZJQ03 qrlb3QuiUDbJRQOpU1FPzRh0VXa4HE4QaCoJ26HMBSBdqixNqq 7m6K2ZpRCWmOiqUgkhJyPmgZLqa41pv1z1rnr1qwqnAp8qc9KH/AArXRx7/AMk+Lkef0fyV8x6KhthCWz5VRw8kRtr31R8XJ5gAbqAcVDU50A 2ncAruK2g6qR0gKORbqmF0wtNQxo7K+JU7cLdAETKKoKRqOVId Z5xorSM5LNMNCrywSVCQJeLagKoer61DJU0rQUgGqmlK9qYmDX JhcnkqMoDucRENpohSxNLEg05TXLlykzUHeHurlyYUb9VLZfeC 5cmF5HohZvfHA+iRcgJ2JloXLkEriuC5cmZ4TguXICaJWEKVcl SSvCGmCRcgBXK0uxcuTAyfRUk2q5cpNE9DvXLkyMTXLlyYKE9c uSD/2Q==). It does indeed reduce my 49ppm tap water down to 0ppm. I'm curious to see how long this filter lasts with my modest half-gallon daily usage. BTW...the included free ZeroWater tester does have replaceable batteries and measures with the same accuracy as my existing $18 tester mentioned in the OP.

:(?? who knew?............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................................Mamboni

ZeroWater Filter Status Report 10-06-2019

ZeroWater 8-Cup Pitcher ZD-013W (Clear) $25

https://www.walmart.com/ip/ZeroWater-8-Cup-Pitcher-ZD-013W-Clear/19528921 (https://www.walmart.com/ip/ZeroWater-8-Cup-Pitcher-ZD-013W-Clear/19528921)

ZeroWater Replacement Filter, 4-Pack (ZR-006) $40



My Boise tap water is already a very good and tasteless 50ppm.

New ZeroWater filter read 0ppm on first day 07-26-19 until today when it now reads 2ppm. Last week it still read 0ppm. Water remains tasteless at 2ppm and ZeroWater themselves say don’t replace the filter until it reads 6ppm. I impatiently did this early to verify that the replacement filters I bought from Walmart are actually genuine ZeroWater and not counterfeit like the many complaints at Amazon. The new replacement does appear identical to the original factory filter and labeled assembled in Mexico. It should therefore start eventually reading 2ppm just like the original at 72 days:

72 days = 72 gallons filtered by $10.00 filter = less than fifteen cents per gallon. A lot cheaper and much more pure than plastic-bottled water.

My guess is that the cheapo plastic/spring spigot on these pitchers will only last six months (https://cdn0.opinion-corp.com/review-media/pictures/b3/f4/390884/zerowater_broken-spring-in-5-months-201905181537136_b3f4-gallery.jpeg?t=8359444) so that’s another $30 per year in addition to the filter cost. Per year at one gallon daily this works out to around ballpark two $25 Pitchers with filter and three additional $10 replacement filters for a total annual cost of $80.

With all the coffee I drink it still surprised me that I regularly consume a gallon of water daily. After a couple of days, it became routine that I refill the Pitcher right after drawing water...the filter never dries out.

:) ZeroWater is working for me

19th October 2019, 12:38 PM
Taking the zero water plunge; got their little 26oz tumbler on the way

Plus getting their TDS tester, $17.

So next week I'll have lots to say re my pH questions above, + will be interested in seeing TDS results after just my little hand pumped Katadyn Vario filter (ceramic +fiberglass +carbon)

Will finally know what happens to pH from tap water to post zero water, then again after raising pH to >9 via alkalizing element exposure... :)

19th October 2019, 03:08 PM
Taking the zero water plunge; got their little 26oz tumbler on the way

comment from an owner on your link:

The average filter life for the portable filter is 3-5 gallons.

I drink around a gallon of water per day including my coffee water. My $10 pitcher filter posted above is good for 72+ gallons. What does your replacement filter cost?

My $25 pitcher comes with the meter and a 72+ gallon filter.

BTW...the replacement filters I bought from Walmart posted above ARE the real authentic ZeroWater filters and only cost $10 each.


19th October 2019, 06:15 PM
I don't monitor my drinking water from my well but I just checked it and it's 2200 ppm. I do check the water the cattle are drinking because it can cause them to not gain weight, lose weight or kill them. There are a lot of sulphates in the water where I live and that can cause the brain to swell and polio like symptoms. When the sulphates get high enough the water gets bitter and the cattle won't drink it if there is better water available.

I had checked a creek that runs through my land a few years ago and it tested at 10,800 and that was killing cattle up stream.

19th October 2019, 08:35 PM
comment from an owner on your link:

I drink around a gallon of water per day including my coffee water. My $10 pitcher filter posted above is good for 72+ gallons. What does your replacement filter cost?

My $25 pitcher comes with the meter and a 72+ gallon filter.

BTW...the replacement filters I bought from Walmart posted above ARE the real authentic ZeroWater filters and only cost $10 each.


Yes the travel/tumbler has diff/cheaper/shorter-lived filter -about $6 EA.
Hang around the plentiful QAs & reviews there to see widely varying claims for life of the tumbler filters -- coz it's all about the source water TDA. "3-5 gal life" sounds very low end!

I got 2 replacements coming w it, so if after blowing thru 3 filters I find the cost/gal unacceptable, it'll be time to trash the whole ~$25 "investment."

I'm semi permanently in temp digs, living out of a bag, so the travel/tumbler was the solution.

1+ yr ago I bought the Katadyn Vario as solution, but my enthusiasm for hand pumping that sucker for ~2 mins, 3-4x/day to refill my 750ml alkalizing bottle gradually waned over 1-3 months; & it's been dead weight since! Whoda guessed right?

So I wanted a gravity filter... & U know SFBA waters above avg already -- the zip code/TDS tool @ http://zerowater.com guesses my current city's municipal TDS to be ~160, we'll soon see.

19th October 2019, 08:49 PM
^ oh yeah, & the $13 startup tumbler doesn't come w TDS meter as u said, so I bought it for $17. Will remain a toy regardless of zero water cost outcome.

Instead the tumbler filters have some built in color indicator. So some reviewers will only have that color jobee to judge by; no electronic meter to check actual performance. So we might speculate zero water has 'motive' to slant that color jobee toward "time to buy a new filter again, boss!" Again we shall soon see.

21st November 2019, 11:12 AM
Yes the travel/tumbler has diff/cheaper/shorter-lived filter -about $6 EA....I got 2 replacements coming w it, so if after blowing thru 3 filters I find the cost/gal unacceptable, it'll be time to trash the whole ~$25 "investment." I'm semi permanently in temp digs, living out of a bag, so the travel/tumbler was the solution. ...we'll soon see.




21st November 2019, 07:38 PM
Ya I got the stuff; couple bumps in the road or I'd've posted sooner...

one bump was, the digital pH tester I bought > 1y ago, went whack & needs recalibration, so I need to order some of the 3-powders kits which set 8oz water to specific pH levels: low, neutral, high, & run the calibration routine again. I've been dragging my heels on ordering that.

But pH tester did still work for the first ~week or so & I was able to do some testing; but going off memory now re those results... below.

RE the portable zero water filter; my local tap water tests 160-175, & yup, filter brings it to zero. Colorless odorless tasteless, as water should be.

The upper unfiltered water reservoir holds 12oz, which takes ~4 mins to drop through filter screwed into the bottom. The lower reservoir only fits a little more than that 12oz, when the upper +filter is inserted. & It's designed that you drink from that lower through the straw; or you can remove the upper, dump the clean water into something else, & repeat, if U want...

I didn't mention in earlier posts but I also bought this Contigo (BP-A free) plastic water bottle at same time:

So with the lid removed from that ^ puppy, the mouth is just about 1/4" bigger diameter that the actual zero filter, but still goodly smaller than the 12oz reservoir that filter screws into -- so I can just drop it into the Contigo as the water-catcher, & run two+ 12oz batches of tap water through it, then drink from the contigo.

& guess what's waiting at the bottom of the contigo bottle, to co-mingle with the fresh zero water? Yup, pH booster element:

Yes, works well, raised pH from it's locally native 7.x to 9.x, even seen it >10.x after the water has sat in the bottle with it overnight+.

Q: was tap water's pH changed going from raw, to after zero water?

A: yes, but surprisingly very little. The 2 results were so close & varied a bit from test batch to batch, I don't even recall atm whether they were little above or below one another... but 7.x either way. Plus the digital pH tester was showing intermittent signs of starting to go whack, so I don't much trust the close results.

Q: did TDS of zero water rise again after raising its pH by around 2+ points?

A: yes. After maybe 1hr in the bottle mingling with the mineral stone element, & pH testing 9.x, IIRC TDS of a few test batches had risen to 14-20. The batch I tested in the morning after overnight in the contigo bottle, which tested 10.1x, showed a TDS of 41... gasp! :o

But we figure that's "good TDS" right? actual mineral nutrients which the body uptakes? :)

7th March 2020, 10:40 AM
Now that I'm in a quazi-perm (motor)home, looking at upgrading from my current setup, the Zero-water portable 'tumbler' (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012CEY1H4/ref=dp_cerb_1) jobee with it's cheaper (~$7) & shorter lived (~3 weeks/~15-20 gals based on my current area muni water's starting-TDS) replacement filters which I adapted for more practical use by putting the filter over a larger 1qt bottle & refilling 2-3x until the qt bottle is full... so upgrading from that to a big countertop jobee of some sort?

So yeah, Zero makes their 20, 30++ cup models all with their standard (bigger) filters @ ~$11/pop which I'd expect to get at least 30 gallons through, so ~37 cents/gal, is that about right?

But not married to Zero nor their 'cheap $tartup but then repla$ement filter$ treadmill' biz model, & now getting big eyes re the good old Berkey lineup, with it's bigger up front investment but I gather, if they aint lyin, ~2 cents/gal looking forward?!

looking at this $350, 1.5 gal:
Travel Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter with 2 Black Berkey Purification Elements (https://www.amazon.com/Travel-Berkey-Gravity-Fed-Purification-Elements/dp/B00FMUYU6I/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Travel+Berkey+Gravity-Fed+Water+Filter+with+2+Black+Berkey+Purification+ Elements)

do I read this bullet point right? :o

- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- A pair of Black Berkey Purification Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before needing replacement. Black Berkey Purification Elements average just 2 cents per gallon of purified water.

^ that would mean, @ 1 gal/day, "up to..." 16.4 years before needing filter replacement?!

& I find a twin pack of said replacement elements, $128
Berkey Authentic Black Purification Elements - Berkey Water Purifier Replacement Filters (Pack of 2) (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BWIWW1Y/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B00BWIWW1Y)

where's the catch? like, does fine print, or Q/A somewhere stipulate that those 6K gals must first all be 1) distilled then 2) R/O'd then 3) Zero'd, b4 starting their run thru the black berkey elements?!

Anyways, RE Zero vs Berkey H2O, I gather Berkey pulls near/all the living harmful creepers out, IE 'purifies', which Zero doesn't/can't tout coz their 'TDS yardstick' is but one component of water quality -- I already went over above, how my taking zero water & upping the Ph in the (supposedlly) good way, also raised the TDS again to as high as 41:

- POWERFUL PURIFICATION- Berkey systems equipped with Black Berkey Purification Elements purify water—not just filter it—by removing greater than 99.999% of viruses and greater than 99.9999% of pathogenic bacteria, while also removing or dramatically reducing protozoa (such as giardia and cryptosporidium), trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals (including arsenic, lead, mercury, chromium), pharmaceutical drugs (including caffeine, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Progesterone, Triclosan),

7th March 2020, 11:57 AM
Travel Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter with 2 Black Berkey Purification Elements

(https://www.amazon.com/Travel-Berkey-Gravity-Fed-Purification-Elements/dp/B00FMUYU6I/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Travel+Berkey+Gravity-Fed+Water+Filter+with+2+Black+Berkey+Purification+ Elements)


The "bungee cord" tie down at the end of this video is clever.


7th March 2020, 02:17 PM
^ good one. Also see this "RV Odd Couple" vid; adv to 14m where they have their dog taste test berkey vs their in-hose-line-filtered-only tap water, lolz


Berkey users all seem to give 2 thumbs up, in all the ~16y since I first heard their name in '04 when I discovered AJ's show with his endless ads for them... so I'd be buying one now in spite of infowars being one of their affiliates! I aint buying thru AJ, after all.

AND, where I said/linked above the travel berkey for $349 -- I clicked amzn's "other sellers" link and find it here for $269 (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FMUYU6I/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1), yes new, just with current backlog til 3/15 - I can wait!

So making the berkey plunge now.

But never one to let a good $plurge go to waste; opted to initially also go for the
Berkey PF-2 Fluoride Filter (Set of 2) - Fits Black Berkey Purifiers Only (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BWIWYBW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2)

@ $68, w 6 month lifespan I guess irregardless of water flow thru them. These screw on under the 2 main black berkey elements, so extending down into the lower chamber, displacing some of the otherwise 1.5 gal ready-to-drink H2O space there... then after their 6 month life, can either toss 'em & just go with the main 2 black elements, or replace 'em if I find my life/mental-clarity so much better without the fluoride/arsenic slow poisoning our (((dark overlords))) purposely taint our municipal water with...:rolleyes:

...then further displacing some H2O space in that lower chamber, Ima gonna drop a $34 load of these right here
Santevia Water Systems Mineral Stones (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003T46666/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1)

to alkalize the H2O to 9-10.x somewhere. Stones have a "2-3 year life, boiled every 6 months"... which would also line up nicely with "time to replace fluoride filters."

Yes I'll be the mad scientist with my pH + TDS testers, first getting some baseline pH/TDS of the tap & post-berkey water b4 I add the stones, & after, etc. So fun times ahead, I hope! :cool:

7th March 2020, 06:41 PM
Good Q/A in one of the berkey product pages:

has anyone tested the TDS parts per million reading? (https://www.amazon.com/ask/questions/Tx2QLPUX5X4OZ70/ref=ask_dp_dpmw_al_hza)


Some people have, yes, and stated that their TDS meter does not register much of a change between their pre-filtered water and the post-filtered water. This is actually normal, and the answer has to do with what a TDS meter actually measures. According to tdsmeter.com, "Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water, expressed in units of mg per unit volume of water (mg/L), also referred to as parts per million (ppm). TDS is directly related to the purity of water and the quality of water purification systems and affects everything that consumes, lives in, or uses water, whether organic or inorganic, whether for better or for worse."

This statement is both correct and incorrect. It is correct in what a TDS measurement consists of, namely the "total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water". It is incorrect in its conclusion that TDS is related to the purity of the water and the quality of the water purification system. If the measure of a water purification system was how close it could make water to pure H2O, then maybe it would be correct. But, people need minerals to live. Thus, helpful minerals in your water are actually a good thing. Thus, you can and should have a quality water purification system that filters out things that are harmful to your body, but leaves in the helpful things such as minerals.

So, when our customers use a TDS meter, what they find is that the reading both before and after the water has gone through the Black Berkey purifiers is about the same. And they are correct. The Black Berkeys do NOT take out the beneficial minerals. Thus, of the things that a TDS meter will actually detect, the Black Berkey purifiers will only remove the unwanted heavy metals such as lead and mercury as well as sedimentary minerals such as iron oxide and aluminum. Therefore, your TDS reading will not change much unless you have a significant amount of heavy metals or sedimentary minerals in your water.

Does this mean TDS is inherently good? No! But at the same time, it also doesn't mean a high TDS count is inherently bad. It just depends on what those solids are. The important thing is to not simply rely on a TDS meter for your measure of whether your water is good. You can have low TDS count water that has harmful bacteria in it. You can have high TDS count water that is perfectly safe (e.g. - pure, un-polluted ocean saltwater...albeit, you wouldn't drink it, but that's only because the mineral is salt). Thus, you just have to make sure you know what your TDS meter is actually telling you.

Hope that helps! see less (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AWVQLPK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1#)

By 9G Health Foods SELLER (https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=cm_rn_bdg_help?ie=UTF8&nodeId=14279681) on May 14, 2015

8th March 2020, 01:03 PM
It is correct in what a TDS measurement consists of, namely the "total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water". It is incorrect in its conclusion that TDS is related to the purity of the water and the quality of the water purification system. If the measure of a water purification system was how close it could make water to pure H2O, then maybe it would be correct. But, people need minerals to live. Thus, helpful minerals in your water are actually a good thing. Thus, you can and should have a quality water purification system that filters out things that are harmful to your body, but leaves in the helpful things such as minerals.

True that Zerowater removes helpful minerals. Doctor Mamboni in another thread says that SELENIUM can prevent coronavirus infection............eating one single Brazil Nut daily provides that selenium:

Brazil nuts are very nutritious and energy dense.

A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of Brazil nuts contains the following nutrients (1Trusted Source (https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/12078), 2 (https://ods.od.nih.gov/Health_Information/Dietary_Reference_Intakes.aspx)):

Calories: 187
Protein: 4.1 grams
Fat: 19 grams
Carbs: 3.3 grams
Fiber: 2.1 grams
Selenium: 988% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Copper: 55% of the RDI
Magnesium: 33% of the
Phosphorus: 30% of the RDI
Manganese: 17% of the RDI
Zinc: 10.5% of the RDI
Thiamine: 16% of the RDI
Vitamin E: 11% of the RDI

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, with just one nut containing 96 mcg, or 175% of the RDI. Most other nuts (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/9-healthy-nuts) provide less than 1 mcg, on average (3 (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096399691730474X)).

Additionally, they have higher concentrations of magnesium, copper, and zinc than most other nuts, although the exact amounts of these nutrients can vary depending on climate and soil (3 (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096399691730474X)).
Finally, Brazil nuts are an excellent source of healthy fats (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-super-healthy-high-fat-foods). In fact, 36% of the fats in Brazil nuts are 37% polyunsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat that has been shown to benefit heart health


8th March 2020, 01:29 PM
AND, where I said/linked above the travel berkey for $349 -- I clicked amzn's "other sellers" link and find it here for $269 (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FMUYU6I/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1), yes new, just with current backlog til 3/15 - I can wait!

So making the berkey plunge now.

But never one to let a good $plurge go to waste; opted to initially also go for the
Berkey PF-2 Fluoride Filter (Set of 2) - Fits Black Berkey Purifiers Only (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BWIWYBW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2)

@ $68, w 6 month lifespan I guess irregardless of water flow thru them.

found a better offer @ amzn, package deal: travel berkey w 2 blacks + 2 fluorides, same combined price total $337, delivered Tue 3/10. Plus will get muh alkalizing stones on Tue, so should be all good to go. :)

Worth a mention-- a berkey shortcoming across their (stainless steal) filter line, is inability to see the filtered water level in lower chamber, without at least tipping the upper chamber up a bit to peer into the lower. Yes you CAN overflow the lower all over ur ..., &/or unexpectedly run out of filtered water, if ur not always keeping a beady eye on lower's level, via this hopelessly imperfect solution of constantly tipping the top half up & checking lower's level!

^ So leave it to the clever berkey peeps to devise a 'solution', for ONLY $54!! :o:D
Berkey Sight Glass Spigot for Travel Berkey System and Big Berkey System (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BWIX0JW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

that was a tough one, whether or not to bend over for such a racket -- but my $plurgeFesting ass finally said, yeah okay gimmedat too! :rolleyes:

RE the fluoride filters, I was initially misinformed by some nobody amzn commenter who said the above re 6 months. Have since learned, manufacturer + certified sellers all say 1000 gallons, which is a helluva lot better, at <= 1 gal/day! :)

Which brings up the subject of an interesting 'internal debate among berkey-loving owners' re the true/potential lifespans of the black filters.

This firecracker of a YT 'survivalist' vlogger, 3 Basket Living (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgU9zJ9PEaiKN03C3oECGQ/videos)explains, & demonstrates his own brilliant black filter cleaning/preservation method involving a white-vinegar/water soak & then reverse flow purge, which should far overshoot berkey's official "3K gal per filter lifespan."
It's 36m long but I found myself glued throughout, very well done! --H H--

Cleaning BERKEY Water Filters - STEP by STEP - and SHOCKING REVEAL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb-jjP504Lc)


8th March 2020, 02:32 PM
True that Zerowater removes helpful minerals. Doctor Mamboni in another thread says that SELENIUM can prevent coronavirus infection............eating one single Brazil Nut daily provides that selenium

I've seen several peeps now describe why they're against both R/O & distilled H2O, at least without mineral replacement -- they tell how not only is distilled devoid of all healthy minerals, but it's also left 'hungry' to return to its 'natural state' of carrying said dissolved minerals, & thus in ur body it acts like a vacuum cleaner sucking up said minerals in ur blood/bones/organs etc!

In latter ~third of my 3 Baskets Living vid above, he explains this as why he uses vinegar + distilled H2O for the final reverse-flow-flush stage of his black filter cleaning routine! it's a vacuum cleaner as it pushes thru!

Mercola say as much here too; 15m:

