View Full Version : Suspect Arrested for Pushing Child Off Mall of America Balcony

14th April 2019, 03:43 AM
Disgraceful story.
Hopefully it gets spread by social media, since Fake News wont cover it.

The suspect accused of pushing a child off the third floor of the Mall of America in Minnesota has previously admitted to having “anger issues” and has twice been banned from the popular shopping center in the past, according to court records.

http://www.wvwnews.net/content/index.php?/news_story/suspect_arrested_for_pushing_child_off_mall_of_ame rica_balcony.html

14th April 2019, 04:35 AM

14th April 2019, 04:51 AM
Reading this angers me. I am angry at the animal that killed the boy, but more angry at the animals who are bringing these creatures into our country to destroy us.

midnight rambler
14th April 2019, 06:14 AM
How did I know it was a nigger before it was reported as such?

14th April 2019, 07:10 AM
How did I know it was a nigger before it was reported as such?

And how did we all know the child was white before we read the story? Could you imagine the shit-storm if the races were reversed and a white man with 'anger issues' pushed a black child to their death? The Jewish media (Main stream media) would go crazy!

14th April 2019, 04:50 PM
And how did we all know the child was white before we read the story? Could you imagine the shit-storm if the races were reversed and a white man with 'anger issues' pushed a black child to their death? The Jewish media (Main stream media) would go crazy!


14th April 2019, 09:31 PM
the ghetto gods are accessories - imploring their low iq worshippers to get whitey. black power, bitchez


14th April 2019, 09:36 PM
Disgraceful story.
Hopefully it gets spread by social media, since Fake News wont cover it.

http://www.wvwnews.net/content/index.php?/news_story/suspect_arrested_for_pushing_child_off_mall_of_ame rica_balcony.html

Me thinks he dindu nuffin'.

Tall tree, short rope. Problem solved.

14th April 2019, 11:52 PM
The real outrage is yet to come when the lieyers get the guy off with a slap on the wrist.

Twisted Titan
15th April 2019, 06:43 PM
Where is the posse of men that was suppose to throw this loser of the side of the 3rd floor so they could stretch his dam neck??

15th April 2019, 07:41 PM
Where is the posse of men that was suppose to throw this loser of the side of the 3rd floor so they could stretch his dam neck??

Out breeded, case closed.

Twisted Titan
18th April 2019, 02:44 PM
Out breeded, case closed.

It should only take one.

My momma use to say: one man with courage IS A MAJORITY

24th April 2019, 02:48 PM
Apparently this kid is doing okay, no brain damage and healing better than expected. Was through a FB Fox news story so didn't copy link etc.