View Full Version : Ding! Ding! Round One and the kid comes out swinging!! Motion cancelled!!

Twisted Titan
19th April 2019, 10:39 PM
The story so far:

Plaintiff was looking for a answer from me in 20 days ( as per the rules of this state) I am trying to avoid an answer so I file a motion to dismiss with prejudice for lack of authenticated documents (everything was a copy of a copy). Judge dismisses my motion stating that what i brought up is matters for trial. So the plaintiff treated this as if i never answered and files a motion for default, so I start out behind the 8 ball.........

I wasn't expecting to play two trump cards i had so early but i was in a bad position: I stated to court that I have a medical condition and also I am not in the state because i am seeking medical care and also I was never personally severed with the complaint. So I file a motion to quash the complaint because the service was incorrect.

so now I am starting to sink my teeth into the meat of this battle and the first order of business is : i have to play for time until i get a forensic investigation done of my house so i know what points i can actually argue in court rather than swing in the dark like 99.99% of Pro SE litigants.

I scheduled a teleconference with opposing council to hash out a few things ...

and that is where the magic happens............

I see why lawyers are the butt end of jokes, because it is richly deserved.

This lawyer would not shut up and ran his mouth a mile a minute and he tried to sound cool and sophisticated because he was talking to a lowly pro se litigant.

I'm on the phone with this guy for upwards of a hour writing down EVERYTHING he is saying on a legal note pad ( im astounded how fast i can write when i need to)

the pearls this guy dropped where too numerous to name but I will mention several:

***he doesn't personally handle to scheduling of motion his legal assistant in a different department dose that.

***Big law firms like his have multiple departments handling a single case so it is easy for things to get lost ( good to know fly boy , VERY good to know)

*** just got the job last month

*** all formal pleading MUST be heard regardless if is out of sequence ( effective blocking strategy when properly implemented)

*** He has a wide latitude as to when a motion is set for hearing, most jurisdictions its about 25 days but he can kick it out as far 3-4 months and the courts will still consider the matter timely ( I almost shit myself on that one)

so during our discussions he is convinced to withdraw his motion for default and allow my motion to quash to be heard( as it was a formal pleading) and plus the protocol for court appearance by telephone where not in place yet , so there were enough legitimate concerns to give them room to back down and not look like they were conceding. I don't care what it looks like it gives me the one thing I need : TIME.

And now that fly boy ran his mouth when it comes time to set my motion, im going to kick that puppy out to the middle of July and if they balk ( which they will, I already know what type of lawful argument I will make and it will hold water )

That will give me time to prepare and work out the kinks of several legal strategies, theories im working on.

when I stand back and look at the entirety of the ordeal, I am utterly amazed what i just pulled off.

A law firm effectively backed down and put me in the drivers seat till the next hearing and it just might go extremely favorable because again i have several valid arguments to make.

You know day by day I find out that the bible is true.

If you look in the old testament the greatest king that Israel ever had was king David and if you look through all the battles he won and all the situations he got out of there is one sentence that you read over and over and over and over..

And God was with David.....

​That is why he overcame impossible odds .

And The Same God that was with David is with me now.

That is why I know Im going to win.

20th April 2019, 01:33 AM
I don't know much about this stuff, but according to Ralph Winterrowd these guys create a public record using affidavit's and you have to rebut their affidavit's in a timely fashion or you lose. You've got a certain amount of days to rebut and after that you can kiss it goodbye. They will dance with you and play with you like you are a mouse and they are the cat and they already know you are toast and when they are going to eat you.

Twisted Titan
20th April 2019, 05:08 AM
As long as I am following the rules of civil procedure ( and I am)

They cant legally do shit.

They can certainly get a judge to rule in there favor but that is reversible on appeal

And appeal I will.

The trick is to learn the rules in Jurisdiction where the battle is taking place.

There are no magic bullets

Each victory is unique as a grain of sand

20th April 2019, 09:20 AM
How long have you been at this Frank? I remember you at it when they foreclosed on my house.

Twisted Titan
20th April 2019, 03:06 PM
How long have you been at this Frank? I remember you at it when they foreclosed on my house.

That was my other house

I actually won that house not because I knew what was I was doing ( I certainly didn't)

But I kept fighting and they kept making mistakes and between the two they just gave up and walked away.

If they ever try to come back I would utterly destroy them and sue for millions but it was that ordeal that prepared me for this battle.

Didnt know but for 7 years the Good Lord was refining me in the fires of adversity.

I am a completely different animal today.

And the plaintiff is going to learn that sooner rather than later

20th April 2019, 03:58 PM
They can certainly get a judge to rule in there favor but that is reversible on appeal

And appeal I will.


Will you be asked at the Pearly Gates how you spent your Life here on Earth?


midnight rambler
20th April 2019, 04:57 PM
Book, TA is engaged in battling the Beast System and there isn't a higher calling or more noble cause, PERIOD.

I'm quite sure TA will be given a welcome befitting a hero.

20th April 2019, 05:03 PM
That was my other house

I actually won that house not because I knew what was I was doing ( I certainly didn't)

But I kept fighting and they kept making mistakes and between the two they just gave up and walked away.

If they ever try to come back I would utterly destroy them and sue for millions but it was that ordeal that prepared me for this battle.

Didnt know but for 7 years the Good Lord was refining me in the fires of adversity.

I am a completely different animal today.

And the plaintiff is going to learn that sooner rather than later

Your doing fantismo man. Using the very system that kicked millions of people out against them. I wish I knew more at the time cause I lost a lot of equity. A lot. Then again I found someone else's bank foreclosure and caught it pennies on the dollar. Not quite as big but just as nice, and paid for so there are no complaints. Just wish I had that 200K I lost but would have probably wasted it by now. I have no monkey on my back again.

20th April 2019, 06:06 PM
Book, TA is engaged in battling the Beast System and there isn't a higher calling or more noble cause, PERIOD.


I'm objecting to the assertion that God or Jesus is involved in these things.


midnight rambler
20th April 2019, 06:11 PM
Book, apparently being an agnostic, does not get it.

Twisted Titan
20th April 2019, 07:46 PM
Book, TA is engaged in battling the Beast System and there isn't a higher calling or more noble cause, PERIOD.

I'm quite sure TA will be given a welcome befitting a hero.

Nothing would have made me happier than to just loose the house and move on with my life and my family. Everyone in my family has lost a house at some point and bounced back.

It's just very odd the same stack of cards weren't dealt to me.

I just kept fighting and I didn't know why.

But it's funny my mama use to say. GOD will reveal His plan for your life in His own way and at the Time of His choosing.

I think He wants me to teach this to others and He wants a man that dont just yip yap theories but comes from a place of battle tested real combat.

But I dont want to do it for money.

I want to keep families together.

The fastest way to bust up a family is to lose the house.

Wives quickly lash out on their husbands because he couldn't protect and provide
Husbands become physically abusive because the shame they dont know how to handle
Children lives are annihilated because the mother and father are at each throats spewing venom
It becomes a horrible situation where its everyone for themself.

I know this personally.

When I thought I was gonna lose this house my first wife turned on me and divorced me because she thought she was going to be on the hook financially and feared losing her money so she kicked me in my face when the bank was sticking a 12 inch knife in my chest

I dont want families getting busted up .....it makes them easy pickings by the devil because people are mad at God so they turn away

old steel
20th April 2019, 08:32 PM
We are all cheering for you TT.

Regarding lawyers, what's 200 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start!

Twisted Titan
21st April 2019, 03:51 AM
We are all cheering for you TT.

Regarding lawyers, what's 200 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start!

It's a well deserved joke.

When flyboy told he could wait 3 -4 months to list a motion.

I was like WTF is that???

Then I thought about it .

It's a great way to chew up your 5000 dollar retainer and didn't have to do shit.

I was on the phone with him upwards a hour and even though he was my adversary

He kept trying to " help" me by telling me no less than 5 times I should get a lawyer..

Wheater a lawyer knows each other or not when they meet in a court room they all help each other cause they know the mob rules they learned in law school and the judge is standing by in case either party forgets

That is why they hate Pro Se litigants so much.

It's a peak into the smoke filled room with a bright ass flashlight.

Twisted Titan
21st April 2019, 03:53 AM

I'm objecting to the assertion that God or Jesus is involved in these things.


If God or Jesus isn't on the side of the poor, oppressed and exploited

Please do share what side is He on???

21st April 2019, 10:34 AM
If God or Jesus isn't on the side of the poor, oppressed and exploited

Please do share what side is He on???


Nonsense that losers tell themselves: "Jesus loves our side of the fence more".


Twisted Titan
21st April 2019, 12:36 PM
That my friend is the handiwork of people that have no fear nor respect for God.

People that think they can do what they please to others and their will never be a reckoning day.

21st April 2019, 08:46 PM

Nonsense that losers tell themselves: "Jesus loves our side of the fence more".


I'd be banging that chick top center left nekid sunbathing. You all go about the dissaray.

22nd April 2019, 06:41 AM
He kept trying to " help" me by telling me no less than 5 times I should get a lawyer..

Wheater a lawyer knows each other or not when they meet in a court room they all help each other cause they know the mob rules they learned in law school and the judge is standing by in case either party forgets

That is why they hate Pro Se litigants so much.

You're 100% correct!!! I had a premises liability lawyer once tell me that they (plaintiff and defense lawyers) basically get together and talk about which ones they're going to let the others have. He said a normal conversation goes kinda like this, over coffee or lunch.

Plaintiff Lawyer: If you settle case X for $xxx (more money), I'll settle case Y for $xxx (less money)

Defense Lawyer: How about we settle case X for $xxx and case Y for $xxx, then you give me a win for case Z, and I'll let you win case N?

Plaintiff Lawyer: Deal! Now, let's talk about our yachts and vacation homes in the Caribbean!

That's why he wants you to get a lawyer, so they can sit down, add your case to their hand of cards and bargain with it between themselves.