View Full Version : Sri Lankan bombings

22nd April 2019, 09:38 AM

seems like Sri Lankans know not to take such events at face value and are looking for the forces behind the scenes:

Wahhabism, ISIS, Al Qaeda etc are all created for a reason by the Zionist cabal. The British Empire dismantled the Ottoman empire and chosen Ibn Saud to capture power with the Wahhabism as the tool to control the masses in the newly captured territory. ISIS was well protected by the Israel to cause mayhem in the Muslim lands. Al Qaeda was created by the CIA to create the Mujaheddins to fight the Soviets. So, when you blame any of these criminals, pls mention their masters in the Western Zionist establishment.
This is a far more devious operation, a FALSE FLAG to cause chaos and cast blame on each other. We should NOT fall for this.
So who ARE the culprits. This is indeed a sophisticated operation, coordinated and planned. This could be a FALSE FLAG OPERATION, to set one against the other, blame one side, set the country ablaze once again, a deliberate effort to take the country backwards again, tourism will take a hit, an effort to turn Sri Lanka into Myanmar, anything is possible.
The planning for this attack happened on distant shores. There are geopolitical parties and interests and the narrative will be carefully crafted by external parties too to explain the attacks and distract from truth.
Also, of interest there is foreign war ship docked in the port of Lanka at this time.
This well planned and coordinated attack has hall marks of a Hollywood “shock and awe” op., to bring Lanka into line with empire policy in the Indian Ocean.

22nd April 2019, 03:47 PM
There is a long twitter thread in Spanish indicating a false flag with connections to Mossad, MI6,


En Sri Lanka, como sucede con otros muchos atentados de falsa bandera que han ocurrido en el mundo, lo fundamental es que la masa adoctrinada se quede con el discurso efectista y simplón. Sri Lanka es el penúltimo capítulo de terrorismo manufacturado por Occidente. HILO LARGO

In Sri Lanka, as with many other false flag attacks that have occurred in the world, the fundamental thing is that the indoctrinated mass is left with the simple and simplistic speech. Sri Lanka is the penultimate chapter of terrorism manufactured by the West. LONG THREAD


22nd April 2019, 04:02 PM

Se sabe que 27 comandos hindús también fueron a Israel para entrenarse. Para evitar el cruce de todos ellos el Sayeret Matcal se hizo cargo de tamiles y cingaleses. El Sayeret Matcal es el comando especial israelí que llevó a cabo la famosa falsa bandera de Entebbe, Uganda (1976)

(https://mobile.twitter.com/berlinconfidenc/status/1119964871423135747/photo/1)It is known that 27 Hindu commandos also went to Israel to train. To avoid crossing all of them the Sayeret Matcal took charge of Tamils and Sinhalese. The Sayeret Matcal is the special Israeli command that carried out the famous false flag of Entebbe, Uganda (1976)



22nd April 2019, 04:06 PM
https://mobile.twitter.com/berlinconfidenc/status/1119964876309504000 (https://mobile.twitter.com/berlinconfidenc/status/1119964876309504000)
El Mossad no es la única fuente de armas y entrenamiento a los grupos terroristas, pero si es la más grande de Sri Lanka. La mayoría (no todas) de las armas provienen de fábricas del Mossad en Vietnam y Camboya y de fábricas propiedad de Israel que están en Sudáfrica.

The Mossad is not the only source of weapons and training for terrorist groups, but it is the largest in Sri Lanka. Most (not all) of the weapons come from Mossad factories in Vietnam and Cambodia and from factories owned by Israel that are in South Africa.



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22nd April 2019, 04:19 PM
Yes, pretty sure it's another zionist operation. I was on Sri Lanka threads at zerohedge and JIDF was out in full force.

Also, on a columbo telegraph article, saw some interesting comments--many people in Sri Lanka were awake to false flags, etc, also saw comment saying that the zionists had something to do with the civil war they went through- I think the person was saying that they were training terrorists on both sides and b/c of the zios, the civil war went on three decades longer.

22nd April 2019, 10:06 PM
a (((cesspool))). lengthy piece at link



"According to accounts by retired officials of ... Mossad, the Israelis were simultaneously training the Sri Lanka Army and the Tigers, and providing arms to each.
"Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, told Indian Abroad news service in 1991 that the Tigers were trained in Israel in 1985."

25th April 2019, 11:39 PM
Why is this getting zero media coverage?

26th April 2019, 05:59 AM
this has been framed as revenge for the thing in new zealand. those who can see recognize the attempt to inflame

26th April 2019, 07:37 AM

Sri Lanka blasts: Terrorism targets another Chinese ally (https://journal-neo.org/2019/04/25/sri-lanka-blasts-terrorism-targets-another-chinese-ally/)
Tony Cartalucci
New Eastern Outlook (https://journal-neo.org/2019/04/25/sri-lanka-blasts-terrorism-targets-another-chinese-ally/)
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 12:00 UTC

https://www.sott.net/image/s25/519716/large/screenshot_journal_neo_org_201.jpg (https://www.sott.net/image/s25/519716/full/screenshot_journal_neo_org_201.jpg)
The recent, tragic Easter attack in the South Asian state of Sri Lanka - killing and injuring hundreds - follows a now unfortunately all too familiar formula.

The New York Times has reported in its article, "What We Know and Don't Know About the Sri Lanka Attacks (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/22/world/asia/sri-lanka-attacks-bombings-explosions-updates.html)," that:
The authorities in Sri Lanka said a little-known radical Islamist group, the National Thowheeth Jama'ath, carried out the attacks, with help from international militants. It is also reported that these extremists received assistance for the large-scale attack from foreign sponsors. The attack has put Sri Lanka on the map for many in the general public for the first time - but for all the wrong reasons.

Countering OBOR: Divide and Destroy

Sri Lanka has recently and decisively pivoted toward Beijing as a major partner of the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative. This is despite Washington's best efforts to prevent it from doing so.

Consequently, extremists fuelled by Washington's "clash of civilizations" have helped set the stage for growing violence between Sir Lanka's majority Buddhists and its minority Muslim communities. The resulting violence serves as a medium for US coercion, destabilization, and intervention aimed at undermining Sri Lanka's unity as a nation, and thus its viability as a partner for China.

A nearly identical ploy has been used in nearby Myanmar where US-backed Buddhist extremists battle against US-Saudi-Qatari backed extremism rising from the ranks of the nation's Muslim Rohingya minority.

The resulting violence and growing humanitarian crisis - without coincidence - is unfolding in Myanmar's Rakhine state (https://journal-neo.org/2018/07/03/militants-threaten-chinas-obor-initiative-in-myanmar-2/) - precisely where China is attempting to build another leg of its region-spanning OBOR initiative.

Sri Lanka has signed on to OBOR in a big way, with major rail (https://www.businesstoday.in/current/world/sri-lanka-builds-fastest-railway-line-first-time-after-independence-with-china-assistance/story/335847.html), port (https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/south-asia/article/2182461/chinese-firm-completes-14-billion-land-reclamation-works-sri), airport, and highway (https://www.reuters.com/article/sri-lanka-china-loans/sri-lanka-signs-1-bln-loan-with-china-to-build-highway-idUSL3N2192HZ) projects all moving forward with Beijing's support. Sri Lanka is also considered by Western policymakers as one of several among China's strategic "String of Pearls (https://edition.cnn.com/2018/02/03/asia/china-sri-lanka-string-of-pearls-intl/index.html)," strong points where China can secure maritime routes through waters traditionally dominated by the United States.

These projects are derided across the Western media with headlines like the New York Times' article, "How China Got Sri Lanka to Cough Up a Port (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html)" and France24's article, "In Sri Lanka, the new Chinese Silk Road is a disappointment (https://www.france24.com/en/20190324-sri-lanka-new-chinese-silk-road-disappointment-economy-debt-italy-france-investment)" - characterizing Washington's growing opposition to China's expanding influence across Asia - a region Washington has long presumed primacy over.

Washington's ability to compete with China regarding regional development is nonexistent. Instead, the US has tried to tempt nations like Sri Lanka with military aid.
AFP in an article titled, "US gives Sri Lankan military US$39 million, countering China's investments in strategic island (https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2159546/us-gives-sri-lankan-military-us39-million-combat-chinas)," would claim:
The US funding for Sri Lanka is part of a US$300 million package Washington is setting aside for South and Southeast Asia to ensure a "free, open, and rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region". This "free, open, and rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region," is how the US regularly refers to US primacy in Asia throughout policy papers (https://www.cogitasia.com/the-role-of-the-quad-in-the-free-and-open-indo-pacific-concept-a-policy-coordination-mechanism-for-rules-based-order/), diplomatic statements (https://www.voacambodia.com/a/us-envoy-calls-for-free-open-and-rules-based-indo-pacifics/4847249.html), and even political speeches (https://dod.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript-View/Article/1538599/remarks-by-secretary-mattis-at-plenary-session-of-the-2018-shangri-la-dialogue/).

It is obvious that "military aid" can in no way compete with massive investments by China aimed at spurring national development through tangible infrastructure projects.

America's inability to compete openly and on equal economic footing has given way to political interference and even the use of violence.

Sri Lanka's Crisis Linked to US-Driven Crisis in Myanmar

In Myanmar, the US is documented to have supported ethnic violence for years (https://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2012/09/us-funded-activsts-exposed-as-genocidal.html). The US all but installed current "State Counsellor" Aung San Suu Kyi into power along with her political party - the National League for Democracy (NLD) lined top to bottom with US State Department-funded "activists. (https://journal-neo.org/2016/08/11/how-the-us-took-over-myanmars-ministry-of-information/)"

Despite the liberal facade constructed by the Western media around Suu Kyi, her political party, and factions supporting both - rampant bigotry and racism pervades all three (https://journal-neo.org/2015/03/05/myanmar-meet-aung-san-suu-kyi-s-saffron-mobs/).

Simultaneously, US-funded fronts posing as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have worked to co-opt and wield Rohingya communities as an equal but opposing political weapon while US-allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar (https://journal-neo.org/2019/01/03/us-ngo-teams-up-with-gulf-terror-sponsor-to-target-asia/) have begun radicalizing and arming factions within Rohingya communities to carry out armed violence across Rakhine state.

The resulting conflagration affords the US and its partners a pretext to intervene (https://journal-neo.org/2017/09/08/us-to-fight-us-saudi-sponsored-terrorism-in-asia/) on an ever expanding scale - giving Washington access to and leverage over Myanmar to counter Beijing's growing influence.

And in precisely the same way the US has inserted itself into the heart of Myanmar's political affairs - it is attempting to do so again in other Asian nations (https://journal-neo.org/2017/10/12/how-the-west-is-trying-to-recreate-myanmars-crisis-in-thailand/) - including now Sri Lanka.

Articles from across the Western media including the UK Independent's 2018 article titled, "Violent Buddhist extremists are targeting Muslims in Sri Lanka (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/sri-lanka-buddhist-extremists-muslims-target-clash-hate-speech-kandy-ampara-a8332401.html)," even establish direct links between Myanmar's and Sri Lanka's growing conflicts.
The article would admit:
Currently, Sri Lanka's most active Buddhist extremist group is Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist power force, or BBS). BBS entered politics in 2012 with a Buddhist-nationalist ideology and agenda, its leaders claiming that Sri Lankans had become immoral and turned away from Buddhism. And whom does it blame? Sri Lankan Muslims.

BBS's rhetoric takes its cue from other populist anti-Muslim movements around the globe, claiming that Muslims are "taking over" the country thanks to a high birth rate. It also accuses Muslim organisations of funding international terrorism with money from Halal-certified food industries. These aren't just empty words; in 2014, one of their anti-Muslim protest rallies in the southern town of Aluthgama ended with the death of four Muslims.

BBS also has links to Myanmar's extremist 969 movement. Led by nationalist monk Ashin Wirathu, who calls himself the "Burmese Bin Laden", it is notorious for its hardline rhetoric against the Rohingya Muslim community. The West's use of "Islamophobia" to sell its serial wars of aggression and to divide nations around the globe is a classic example of "divide and conquer.

While the West no longer possesses any real means to "conquer" the nations it is now targeting - it does possess the capacity to use resulting divisions to destroy them. If the US cannot hold primacy over Asia - no one will. It is a "War on Peace" waged under the guise of a "War on Terrorism."

Comment: Russia is well aware of the West's strategy: After Syria & Venezuela, Russian military prepares for Hybrid war (https://www.sott.net/article/411652-After-Syria-Venezuela-Russian-military-prepares-for-Hybrid-war)

Sri Lanka appears to be but the latest victim of Washington's now trademark "slash and burn" foreign policy - where it is fueling conflict to consume political orders that oppose its interests, and building upon the ashes ones that do serve them instead.

In the coming days, weeks, and months - not only will more information emerge linking the recent attacks in Sri Lanka to Washington, Riyadh, and Doha's global network of terrorism - but additional pressure will also be mounted upon Sri Lanka to divest from Beijing and pivot back toward the West.

In reality - Sri Lanka's violence is an artificial construct carried out by a tiny minority of extremists on either side of an equally artificial ethnoreligious divide. The nation and the region must unite in purpose - as peace and stability benefit them all - while chaos benefits only a handful of waning interests from afar.
Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine "New Eastern Outlook" (https://journal-neo.org/).

Comment: See also:

Map shows the trillion-dollar reason why the US is backing terrorism in Western China (https://www.sott.net/article/408170-Map-shows-the-trillion-dollar-reason-why-the-US-is-backing-terrorism-in-Western-China)
Is There a Hidden Hand Behind The 'Clash of Civilizations' in Europe? (https://www.sott.net/article/393595-Is-There-a-Hidden-Hand-Behind-The-Clash-of-Civilizations-in-Europe)
Pakistan-India showdown: What you're not being told (https://www.sott.net/article/408081-Pakistan-India-showdown-What-you-re-not-being-told)
Chief architect of Notre Dame: 'We installed new detection system in 2010, and completely rewired the cathedral, so the fire wasn't caused by electrical short-circuit' (https://www.sott.net/article/411378-Chief-engineer-of-Notre-Dame-That-fires-flames-needed-an-accelerant-to-reach-and-burn-the-churchs-ancient-oak-beams)
Russia versus NATO's Gladio 2.0: Turkish jihad from China to Syria (https://www.sott.net/article/307515-Russia-versus-NATOs-Gladio-2-0-Turkish-jihad-from-China-to-Syria)
Syria welcomes China's offer of military support in fighting terrorists (https://www.sott.net/article/392680-Syria-welcomes-Chinas-offer-of-military-support-in-fighting-terrorists)
Pepe Escobar: The Syria connection to Iran, Afghanistan and China (https://www.sott.net/article/387241-Pepe-Escobar-The-Syria-connection-to-Iran-Afghanistan-and-China)

26th April 2019, 07:43 AM
Why is this getting zero media coverage?

Because moslems bombing peaceful Christians isn't something the media is interested in covering. Remember, Christians are evil and must be presented as such, and moselms are the religion of peace, and must be presented as such.

27th April 2019, 07:41 AM
History of Mossad in Sri Lanka


Mossad in Sri Lanka
"Mossad in Sri Lanka (http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/node/5332)"

"Yesterday in Sri Lanka a bomb ripped through a packed civilian bus Wednesday, killing 23 people and wounding 67.

I mention this because Mossad has directly sustained this violence since 1983, when ethnic Tamils in the north started fighting for independence from ethnic Sinhalese in the south. The Tamils want an independent state called Tamil Eelam.

Mossad has caused Sri Lanka’s fighting to become some of the bloodiest in human history. Entire villages are routinely wiped out. Massacres happen almost daily. Over 70,000 people have been killed.

The purpose of this post is to give an overview of Mossad's involvement. Also involved are MI6, plus India's equivalent to MI6 (or the Pakistani ISI), known as the "Research and Analysis Wing" (RAW).

In Sri Lanka, Mossad trains, arms, and equips both sides -- through its Cambodian Zim Shipping empire, and through its holdings in South Africa -- and perpetrates false flags whenever there is talk of peace. Mossad’s goal is to maintain the lucrative arms market, plus the local drug trade that helps pay for those arms.

When the Tamils started fighting the Singhalese for independence in 1983, the Singhalese President Junius Jayawardene brought in 50 Mossad officers to train his security forces at a place called Maduru-Oya. This was not scret. It was in all the newspapers.

From that point on, Mossad armed, trained, and equipped both sides. (Since the Tamil forces are smaller than the Sri Lankan army, the zio-media calls the Tamils “terrorists.”)

In 1991 Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, told Indian Abroad news service that Mossad brought many Tamils to Israel for training in 1984 and 1985. "These groups kept coming and going. When I was in Mossad, it was part of our routine job to take them to training camps and make sure they got training worth what they paid for, no more and no less. The Singhalese paid in cash.”

Ostrovsky said the arrangement for training was made by the Mossad liaison in India, who lived there under a British passport.

We know from sources other than Ostrovsky that shortly after the war broke out in Sri Lanka, Mossad approached a group of officers from India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW, which is India’s equivalent to the CIA). In July 1984 this inner RAW circle arranged with Mossad to send Tamils to Israel for commando training. Mossad paid the RAW team for this by setting up accounts for them in the BCCI bank. (More about this below.) The Tamil commandoes that went to Israel became known as the TELO. They are separate from the main Tamil rebels, known as the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam).

Meanwhile the Jews simultaneously trained the Tamils’ enemies (the Singhalese) in Israel, but did not tell the main Tamil army, or the main Indian government, or anyone else. In Israel they kept both Goy groups apart. The Jewish purpose for this, as always, was to fan the war to a fever pitch, and make a fortune as the Goyim kill each other.

Each group had 60 members. Training started with a two-week basic commando course at an Israeli base known as Kfar Sirkin near Tel Aviv. This is a fairly large base, but on one occasion the two groups passed within a few yards of each other while they were out jogging.

After the two-week basic course, the Israelis took the Tamils to Atlit, a top-secret naval commando base at Haifa. Meanwhile Singhalese were brought in for basic training back at the Kfar Sirkin base. After the Tamils completed advanced training in Haifa, they were moved out, and the Singhalese were brought in to learn how to deal with all the techniques the Israelis had just taught the Tamils.

The Jews had to dream up punishments and night training exercises to keep both groups busy, so they wouldn't run into each other in Israel. Sometimes the situation was hectic, but the Jews were tickled to deceive the filthy Goyim while preparing them to kill each other.

The Jews made a tidy sum training the Singhalese. Ostrovsky writes in his book By Way Of Deception that, “Israel charged each of the 60 Singhalese $300 per day, for a total of $18,000 per day. For a three-month course, Israel charged them $1.6 million. In addition, Israel charged them $5,000 to $6,000 an hour for helicopter rental, with as many as 15 helicopters being used in a typical training exercise. The Israelis also charged for special training ammunition. A bazooka shell, for example, cost about $220 a unit, while heavy mortars were about $1000 each."

Apparently the Jews did not charge the Tamils, which had little money at that point. Instead, the Jews regarded the Tamil training as an investment toward the Jewish goal of getting a major war going in Sri Lanka. Then the Jews could make a financial killing off the physical killing. As noted above, the Tamil commandos formed an elite splinter group known as the TELO, which was separate from the LTTE. The TELO was tied in with the inner circle of India's RAW (the intelligence agency) -- unknown to the overall Indian government.

At one point the Jews worried because 27 Indian commandos also came to Israel for training, and the Jews could not let the Indians see the Tamils or the Singhalese. Therefore the Sayret Matcal took over the training regime for the Tamils and the Singhalese. The Sayret Matcal is a commando-recon group that executed the false-flag raid in Entebbe Uganda (1976).

So the Jews trained Tamils, Singhalese, and Indian commandoes, preparing them all to kill each other. (Jews love to pit armies against each other like chess pieces, because it makes Jews feel like gods. It’s part of the satanic impulse shared by most Jews.)

Meanwhile back in Sri Lanka itself, the Jews did everything possible to escalate the massacres on all sides into a full-scale war.

In 1985, Rafi Eytan, head of the Israeli intelligence agency LEKEM, was caught running spy Jonathan Pollard against the USA. Afterward, Rafi Eytan was sent to Sri Lanka to take over Mossad operations there. His cover was that he was an employee of Israeli Chemical Industries, which has operations in Sri Lanka.
By 1987, Jewish evil became so extreme that India’s Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi convinced Sri Lankan President Junius Jayawardene to sign the Indo-Sri Lankan peace accord, which gave autonomy to the Tamil areas in the north and east of the island. An amnesty was declared, and 3,000 Indian troops were sent as peacekeepers.

Then Indian troops started to confiscate Mossad arms. In 1987, the Hindustan Times reported that in the Sri Lankan city of Jaffna, the troops seized large quantities of arms with Israeli markings, meant for the Tamils.

The Jews panicked, since peace would put an end to their death market. The inner circle of the Indian RAW also became worried, since they were on the Mossad payroll. What would become of their paychecks? Worse, when Rajiv Gandhi drafted the peace accord, he demanded that all Israelis leave Sri Lanka, since everyone knew that Jews maintained the violence there.

Therefore the Jews (and perhaps the inner RAW circle) started plotting to liquidate Rajiv Gandhi. The Jews also increased their arms to both the Tamils and their enemies (the Singhalese) against Ghandi’s 3,000 Indian troops.

In 1989 Ranasinghe Premadasa became President of Sri Lanka. Because he was a dictator, a separate resistance movement rose up against him among the Singhalese in the south. This was the JVP (People's Liberation Front). They were not Tamils; they were Singhalese Buddhists.

Therefore Premadasa allowed Mossad to arm the enemy (the Tamils) in hopes that the Tamils would wipe out the JVP Buddhists, and also cause the Indian troops to leave Sri Lanka. Meanwhile the Jews committed a series of false flag murders, causing all sides to escalate into worse and worse atrocities.
India’s Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi responded by sending 97,000 additional troops.

By the following year (1990) Jewish false flags massacres had reduced Sri Lanka to a quagmire for India. Under political pressure at home, Rajiv Gandhi withdrew the army, but used the Indian navy to completely shut down the Jewish arms trade in Sri Lanka. In November 1991, the Indian Navy seized an Israeli ship carrying large amounts of arms and ammunition from Singapore to the Tamils.

That was it. The Jews could tolerate no more interference from Gandhi.

For shutting down the Israeli arms trade, Gandhi was assassinated on 21 May 1991, along with 15 others in a blast. (On 8 Aug 1984, Ghandi’s mother, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, condemned Sri Lankan President J.R.Jayewardene for bringing Mossad into Sri Lanka. Two months later, Sikh separatists gunned down Indira Gandhi, probably using intelligence furnished by Mossad.)

Five weeks before Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated, Yasser Arafat in Palestine warned him that a hit was planned. The bomb that killed Rajiv Gandhi was composed of RDX explosives thought to have been manufactured in Israel. The conspirators’ trial was held in total secrecy, and court records have never been released. No one knows what happened to the “suicide bomber,” or who was behind the assassination.

Subramanian Swamy was a newspaper columnist on the Israeli payroll. After the assassination, he wrote numerous editorials saying the LTTE did it, which was a deception, since the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) are the regular Tamil Tigers. The Tamils trained in Israel were part of a splinter group known as the TELO, as noted above. The TELO was connected with the secret inner circle at RAW that was on the Mossad payroll. (RAW = "Rearch Analysis Wing," or Indian intelligence.)

I suspect there was no suicide bomber, and that Mossad set off a bomb, or equipped the TELO, or perhaps the inner RAW circle to set off a bomb for Israel. Certainly Mossad was involved.

And of course the slaughter continued in Sri Lanka, while the Jews continued to make millions in arms sales.

Incidentally, Lalith Athulathmudali was the Deputy Defence Minister and National Security Minister for Sri Lanka under President J.R. Jayewardene. He led military attacks against the Tamil Tigers (LTTE). In 1988 he tried to become president of Sri Lanka, but lost to Premadasa. Therefore Athulathmudali started plotting against Premadasa. He complained loudly that Premadasa had allowed Mossad to arm, train, and equip the Tamil Tigers against Sri Lanka. (He was not referring to the Tamil commandos trained in Israel. He meant Mossad’s equipping of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.) Athulathmudali had been on the Mossad payroll, but now turned against the Jews for his own political advantage. Therefore he too was assassinated.

Indian court Justice Milap Chand Jain came across evidence that a suspect known as Chandraswami had links with Mossad and with RAW (Indian intelligence). Mr. Jain linked Chandraswami to Mossad through the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).

BCCI was a major international money-laundering bank founded by Agha Hasan Abedi of Pakistan in 1972. Abedi moved his headquarters to London, and registered the company in Luxembourg (which vies with Switzerland as Europe’s biggest money-laundering center for world gangsters, especially Jewish gangsters.) BCCI operated in 78 countries, had over 400 branches, and claimed assets of US$ 25 billion. MI5 confirmed that the Israelis funded their Abu Nidal terrorist through the Sloane Street branch of BCCI, near Harrods in London. The Israelis also used BCCI to fund “Black September” and many other Israeli false flag operations.

On 21 September 1977 Bert Lance (director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget) resigned in disgrace from the Carter Administration, and went to work for BCCI. Lance got many U.S. officials to launder their money through BCCI, including U.S. Defense Secretary Clark Clifford, and his Jewish partner Robert A. Altman.

Israel’s Mossad, Pakistan’s ISI, England’s MI6, and America’s CIA also used BCCI, as did rich people all over the world. For example, Garrards and Mappin & Webb, the jewelers responsible for maintaining the crown jewels, and makers of the trophy for the America's Cup, all laundered their money through BCCI. So did billionaire Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi. None of these gangsters, rich people, and intelligence agencies could afford exposure. Therefore Bert Lance and his cronies were acquitted of all charges.

(In 1974 Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky was acquitted of all IRS charges for the exact same reason. The days of getting someone like Al Capone for tax charges are long gone, since gangsters, governments, rich people, drug lords, and intelligence agencies all use the same money-laundering banks. Typically money is given to casinos, since casinos can make up any story they like regarding their money sources. Then the casinos deposit the money in various banks.)
Finally BCCI became such a mess that gangsters from the next level up (Bank of England) closed it down in July 1991. About a million criminals and rich people were affected. Some withdrew their money in time. Some didn’t.


I repeat: because of Jewish involvement, the violence in Sri Lanka is truly extreme. Statistically Sri Lanka has far more suicide bombers than any place in the world – and I mean REAL suicide bombers (many of them women and children).

By “real suicide bombers” I mean to distinguish them from bombs in Iraq, which are usually remote-detonated false-flag bombs set off by Mossad or by US / British operatives. The zio media calls every Iraq bombing a “suicide bombing” in order to sustain the false myth of mad Muslim “jihadists.” The media also ignores true suicide bombings by Hindus in Sri Lanka, since only Muslims can be suicide bombers.

(By the way, have you ever noticed that Islamic fundamentalists from North Africa and Iran don’t commit suicide attacks?)

Suicide bombing happens in extreme circumstances when an oppressed person chooses death over humiliation. In Sri Lanka, for example, cadres swallow cyanide capsules if captured.

In his May 2005 book Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism, University of Chicago political scientist Robert Pape analyzed 315 suicide bombings (real suicide bombings) from 1980 to 2005. Pape concluded that…

1. Religion (Islamic or otherwise) has little to do with suicide bombing. The motivations are nationalist, not fundamentalist. Every suicide campaign is meant to compel a force to withdraw from territory that bombers view as their homeland.

2. The world’s leading practitioners of suicide bombing are the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka.

3. Suicide bombers are not poverty-stricken loners. The data shows that most are highly respected members of the middle class in their countries. Ninety-five percent of suicide attacks occur as part of coherent campaigns organized by large organizations with significant public support.

4. Contrary to claims by the government and the zio-media, nations (including the USA) routinely make concessions to suicide bombings. Pape examined 18 campaigns, and noted that in 13 cases, the occupying forces were compelled to leave, while the forces in the other five cases are in trouble. Conclusion: suicide bombings work.

The very first Tamil Tiger suicide attack was on July 5, 1987. He was equipped by Mossad. Thus, just as Menchim Begin invented the car bomb, Israelis invented suicide bombers.

Palestinians took note of its effectiveness, and started using suicide bombers shortly thereafter.


Again, whenever there is talk of peace in Sri Lanka, Mossad commits a false flag operation to trigger the violence again, thus sustaining the arms trade. For example, in 2005, Sri Lankan foreign minister Lakshman Kadirgamar, a Tamil Christian, was bringing peace to Sri Lanka. Therefore on 12 August 2005 he was shot dead as he climbed out of the swimming pool at his luxury home. SP Thamilselvan, leader of the Tamil Tigers’ political wing, denied that the Tigers were involved, which was probably true, since the Tamils always claim responsibility when a killing favors them.

ISI drug lords in Pakistan and Israeli gangsters in Turkey (plus Mossad in Southeast Asia) sell heroin to the Tamils, who use the drug proceeds to buy arms from Mossad. In the early 1990s, over 600 cases involving Sri Lankan Tamil traffickers were reported to Interpol.

Mossad is not the only source of arms and training, but it is the largest in Sri Lanka. Most (not all) of the weapons come from Mossad-owned factories in Vietnam and Cambodia, and from Jewish-owned factories in South Africa.

The British also arm and train both sides. Just as the CIA uses its “National Endowment for Democracy” to arm dictators and death squads, MI6 uses use Oxfam (Oxford Famine Relief), which is one of England’s most powerful and secretive intelligence organizations.

John Glover, a British feature writer, wrote to the Western Mail in Wales about the ongoing and future training programs for Tamil youth by British mercenaries.

"A band of British mercenary soldiers recruited in South Wales is training a Tamil army to fight for a separate state in Sri Lanka. About 20 British mercenaries were signed up after a meeting in Cardiff, and have spent the last two months in South India preparing a secret army to fight the majority Singhalese. The British mercenaries are employed by Keenie Meenie Services, a branch of the SAS, which also arms, trains, and equips the Tamils’ enemy, the Singhalese.”

Mossad is deeply involved in Sri Lanka’s government, and keeps it thoroughly corrupt. For example, Ostrovsky writes that Mossad got donations for the Mahaveli River Diversion Project. Then Mossad and President J.R. Jayewardene pocketed all the money.

When Mossad or the CIA commit a false flag attack in a war zone, their choice of location depends on the ambient violence level. If the bloodbath is proceeding well, but needs a little kick, a false flag massacre will be in a hot area. However, if the killing needs a major jump-start, Mossad will strike far behind the lines, in a capitol city, or in a place where the attack causes direct fear in the middle class.

The exception is when a host government – in this case Sri Lanka’s government – asks Mossad to back off. Mossad must comply to some extent, in order to remain in the host country and keep its arms market.

In 2002, Norway brokered a partial peace deal between the Tamils and the Singhalese, causing a slight drop in the violence. After several years, however, Sri Lanka’s president, Mahinda Rajapaksa complained that the cease-fire “wasn’t working.” Mossad coached him in what to say. Rajapaksa announced that the cease-fire allowed Hezbollah – Hamas – al Qaeda the Tamils to build up their military strength.

So, two weeks, ago President Rajapaksa announced that he was planning to withdraw from the agreement. Sri Lanka’s government unanimously agreed. Violence started escalating again, with about 300 people killed in the last two weeks.

Yesterday’s blast, (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22674259/) which killed 23 and wounded 67, was in the remote town of Buttala, about 150 miles southeast of Colombo. The 8 a.m. explosion came just hours after Sri Lanka’s government officially pulled out of the cease-fire agreement. The bomb was planted on a roadside in standard Mossad fashion.

And so Mossad is back in business, and the violence will now take a sharp upswing again. The Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission has been dissolved. This was one of the few independent groups with access to both rebel-held territory and the government.

Of course, none of this can be talked about. Since Jews own all the media, no one can mention Jews. Therefore conspiracy theories abound concerning most events in the world, which in turn helps conceal Jewish involvement. Everyone is busy pointing fingers at everyone else. We see this with 9/11, with the London subway bombings on 7-7-05, with the Madrid train bombing in March 2004, and many other events.

No one can get at the truth of anything, since no one in the media can mention Jews. And the masses don’t care, since they avoid mentioning Jews at all costs. :-)