View Full Version : This Is Their Plan To Fuck You

old steel
24th April 2019, 10:16 AM
The ruling oligarchs are running out of time. This teetering edifice of debt is going to collapse, and they know it. Those with cash and precious metals are enemies of the state at this point. They will be making an all-out effort to ban cash and force all transactions to be electronic. This will further enrich the banking cabal, as they get a hefty slice of every transaction. It will also allow the ruling class to inflict negative interest rates on savings to force you to spend. I don’t think there will be enough guillotines to dispense justice when the shit hits the fan.

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FR6ZZb0DUoLY%2F maxresdefault.jpg&f=1


24th April 2019, 10:22 AM

It also allows (((them))) to disappear any goyim they want by simply deleting their digital accounts. Poof! You don't exist goyim!

24th April 2019, 10:30 AM
Notice what they do lately here is hand you a bunch of small bills from atm or cash registers change just to gaslight the fuck out of you.

Large over $20 only available to human traffickers?

24th April 2019, 11:06 AM
Isn't going to fly in the U.S.


old steel
24th April 2019, 04:33 PM
There is a lot of talk about a global currency reset. Most of those who talk about it say they are going to crypto's, with some kind of newly issued Dept of the Treasury note to transition from cash to crypto.

Now if TPTB agree to it and it is made law it doesn't matter if it flies or not, it will be law.

24th April 2019, 08:57 PM
Isn't going to fly in the U.S.


Like a law that makes you feel safe?

Once the poor bag holders have been shaken to death and every other being tortured to acceptance those will be removed 50years from now like some antisodomy laws.

25th April 2019, 05:32 AM
Like a law that makes you feel safe?

Once the poor bag holders have been shaken to death and every other being tortured to acceptance those will be removed 50years from now like some antisodomy laws.

Law / No law doesn't matter. It's the trend of cash usage that the article I posted discussed. Even though credit / debit card usage has gone up, cash is still king when it comes to in person transactions. Even the FED's own data supports that assessment.

25th April 2019, 07:04 AM
Law / No law doesn't matter.

Your law is declared by your actions. Gold is for sovereigns. Silver for gentleman (aka "barristers"). Copper for peasants. Paper for slaves.

You have free choice. Choose your own status.

Kipling says "Iron rules them all". And that is quite definitive.

25th April 2019, 07:22 AM
This reminds me of what happened to the Daily Stormer guy and Alex Jones. The whole deplatforming thing.... Say something we do not approve of, and we will shut off your ability to function in society.

25th April 2019, 07:22 AM
Your law is declared by your actions. Gold is for sovereigns. Silver for gentleman (aka "barristers"). Copper for peasants. Paper for slaves.

You have free choice. Choose your own status.

Kipling says "Iron rules them all". And that is quite definitive.

Your status is chosen for you whether you like it or not, Slave.

Pay your property taxes, groceries, gasoline with gold if you'd like. But Grishams law will win out before you can reclaim your sovereignty.

25th April 2019, 08:02 AM
Even though credit / debit card usage has gone up, cash is still king when it comes to in person transactions. Even the FED's own data supports that assessment.

True Banana Republic U.S. will change all debt note colors and reprint every 8-10years not accepting older versions hence forth. Bag holders tagged at exchange windows for "processing"

Kamala Harris AOC presidential ticket is in the wings.

midnight rambler
25th April 2019, 08:12 AM
Your status is chosen for you whether you like it or not, Slave.

Wrong. Unless of course you CHOOSE to let (((others))) decide your status FOR you by default.

It's just a ride.

midnight rambler
25th April 2019, 08:21 AM
Kamala Harris AOC presidential ticket is in the wings.

Kameltoe Harris is ready, willing, and able to kick off CW2. Recently she announced how she intended to solve "the gun violence issue" via EO if CONgress doesn't pass legislation to do so within 100 days of her taking office. Some very serious bloodlust there.

25th April 2019, 08:25 AM
Some very serious bloodlust there.

pre-menopause, more bananas please!

25th April 2019, 08:27 AM
Wrong. Unless of course you CHOOSE to let (((others))) decide your status FOR you by default.

It's just a ride.

How am I wrong? They automatically assume you to be a slave. It's not a choice and have to correct them no matter what and no matter where you go. The choice you are eluding too is the choice to fight the distinction that they provide you.

25th April 2019, 08:29 AM
Your status is chosen for you whether you like it or not, Slave.

Pay your property taxes, groceries, gasoline with gold if you'd like. But Grishams law will win out before you can reclaim your sovereignty.

In the proper plane there is no property tax. That is because there is no property. Gasoline (and bread) is priced in fiat. Nobody ever bought anything with fiat. If you doubt this try to get your local colmado to accept your IOU. While they won't accept yours they will gladly accept the Federal Reserves. This sort of proves they are selling Federal Reserve bread in exchange for Federal Reserve IOUs.

I don't deal with these issues. Let fictions deal with them 'cause I can't.

25th April 2019, 01:07 PM
How am I wrong? They automatically assume you to be a slave. It's not a choice and have to correct them no matter what and no matter where you go. The choice you are eluding too is the choice to fight the distinction that they provide you.

Everywhere I go, they assume I own slaves. :cool:

The former is probably better.

25th April 2019, 02:28 PM
Everywhere I go, they assume I own slaves.

Yah. Same here. Don't know what gives them that idea unless it is the 100 year old slave manacles I have suspended from my rear view mirror. I don't actually own any slaves but ya know you need to be prepared just in case.