View Full Version : Georgia Peach - long time AM radio host red pilled, fired by joo station

19th May 2019, 09:06 AM
this 9/17 Fetcho article lays the groundwork, +includes audio of her show 1 month earlier where she talked White Genocide

KSCO’s (1080 AM-Santa Cruz) Georgia Peach tackles “White Genocide” (https://insidetheeyelive.com/kscos-1080-am-santa-cruz-georgia-peach-tackles-white-genocide/)

so a few weeks ago the station's joo owner finally fired her. She was on Rense 5/6 to tell the story:

& yesterday she was on Dennis Fetcho's show; begin at 1h 33m for top of Georgia's hour 3:
Download (https://archive.org/download/ITELRadioFullShow5.18.19/ITEL%20Radio%20Full%20Show%20-%205.18.19.mp3)

19th May 2019, 10:19 AM
listened to her on rense. she said that they jumped on her as soon as she uttered the work buttplug (mayor pete nickname)

this further shows how they work. they choose a target, or targets, then lay in wait for some excuse to attack. the best example was that hefty woman that had her heart attack in the street. they immediately went to work on their list

19th May 2019, 01:10 PM
yeah don't miss her on Fetcho too; she's out for blood vs grubby joo station owner. Very informative. she needs a new platform, bigger... that would be sweet revenge!

6th June 2019, 11:11 AM
The Realist Report – Georgia Peach (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-georgia-peach/)

June 3, 2019 (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-georgia-peach/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 5 comments

(http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-georgia-peach/#comments)http://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Georgia-Peach.jpg (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-georgia-peach/)

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Georgia Peach, a former radio host on a KSCO, a popular AM radio station in Santa Cruz, California who I recently wrote about for American Free Press (http://therealistreport.com/white-rights-get-radio-host-fired/). Georgia and I discuss her background and experience broadcasting at KSCO, how she came to her racial views, why it is in fact OK to be White, the on-going and blatant war on White America, the reality of White genocide worldwide, and much more!

Download (https://ia601504.us.archive.org/7/items/GeorgiaPeach/Georgia%20Peach.mp3)

6th June 2019, 02:28 PM
Under trump 'presidency' too, all she had to do was call Mexicans - 'rapists' - and deny the white genocide by negros and joos and she could have kept her job and became the next 'president'.

Just hate the white Muslims (Bosnians and Anatolians) and hate white Mexicans and love the joo, and your brand of far-right neo-nazis is a success in the States and in Europe. If you are for shooting white Arab Christians in Palestine and Syria, then you get even more support from the zionist media. You could become a two term trumplike 'president'.

trump's enemy are white Mexicans and white Muslims:


so long as you like the freemason-jewish alliance to get whitey, MK-ultra jewish alliance to get whitey, black-jewish alliance to get whitey, and homosexual-jewish alliance to get whitey... you can hate the white Mexicans and the white Muslims like trump does and the new jewish deep state that hates China too. This new jewish disorder to replace the old jewish deep state that hates Russia.

The joo wants you to hate China, whites and truth... listen to Alex Jones brand of zionism, it rarely ever goes after blacks or jews.

6th July 2019, 11:31 AM
Fight White Genocide Podcast #15 – An Interview with Georgia Peach (https://www.fightwhitegenocide.com/2019/07/05/fight-white-genocide-podcast-15-an-interview-with-georgia-peach/)

activism (https://www.fightwhitegenocide.com/category/activism/), Featured (https://www.fightwhitegenocide.com/category/featured/), Podcast (https://www.fightwhitegenocide.com/category/podcast/)

In this podcast the FWG crew are joined by a very special guest, Georgia Peach, a former AM radio show host at KSCO in Santa Cruz, California. She is the first to take the message of White Genocide to the AM radio waves in Southern California and was deplatformed because of it.


Podcast #15 – An Interview with Georgia Peach – MP3 Downlaod (https://www.fightwhitegenocide.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Podcast-15-Final.mp3)

7th July 2019, 08:02 AM
Leftists Claim “Great Replacement” Is A “Conspiracy Theory”…Unless They’re Bragging About It (http://www.unz.com/article/leftists-claim-great-replacement-is-a-conspiracy-theoryunless-theyre-bragging-about-it/)
James Kirkpatrick (http://www.unz.com/author/james-kirkpatrick/) • July 4, 2019 • 1,600 Words • 6 Comments (http://www.unz.com/article/leftists-claim-great-replacement-is-a-conspiracy-theoryunless-theyre-bragging-about-it/#comments) • Reply (http://www.unz.com/article/leftists-claim-great-replacement-is-a-conspiracy-theoryunless-theyre-bragging-about-it/#respond)

The “Great Replacement (https://vdare.com/articles/the-great-replacement-is-killing-the-eu-long-live-a-europe-of-nations),” the systematic dispossession of white Americans and Europeans by Third World immigrants, is either a “conspiracy theory” or a self-evident good (http://content.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,19900409,00.html) depending on who is talking about it. Main Stream Media publications recently denounced those who discuss it as accomplices to terrorism or at least purveyors of fake news. Yet other journalists, some from the same publications, run articles gloating about the obvious political consequences of immigration-driven demographic change. In a step beyond the “who, whom (https://vdare.com/posts/who-said-who-whom-lenin-trotsky-or-stalin)” model where everything is analyzed from the standpoint of which group benefits, we are now in a situation where people making the same objective observation are either good or bad depending on their views about it. It’s beyond politics; it’s madness.

A typical example: [moar: http://www.unz.com/article/leftists-claim-great-replacement-is-a-conspiracy-theoryunless-theyre-bragging-about-it/ ]

7th July 2019, 08:30 AM
Thanks for posting about this tactic PatColo.

I stopped listening to my local corporate media in 2016 after the last AM radio DJ I knew of who would occasionally have a guest on who was not promoting the degenerate corporate globalist narrative was fired (by Bell Media) after interviewing a well known (locally) independent blogger critical of the local government's resource policies.

Tim Ball (the skeptical global warming scientist) has also mentioned that he was the last person "several" corporate DJ's had interviewed before they were fired.

7th October 2019, 06:56 PM
2 hrs, great as always

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2019.10.07 (Sticky Post) (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-graham-hart-show-with-brizer.html)

Brizer's guests: John Friend (http://therealistreport.com/) And Georgia Peach (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-graham-hart-show-with-brizer.html)

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/a8ab6f750/qgtyufid-ecsgw377-x4s6qpse-phvwsy5h)

16th December 2019, 08:09 PM
Georgia Peach guest hosted this show Saturday, with 2nd hour guest Frank Raymond, of India ethnicity living in Canada, & oddly "pro White" -- one of Georgia's most popular guests at the Santa Cruz joo station which fired her.

The Alternative Media With Farren Shoaf 2019.12.14 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-alternative-media-with-farren-shoaf.html)
Guest host:
Georgia ‘Peach’
with guest Frank Raymond

"The Whites are like a fart in the room. Everyone pretends that the fart doesn't exist."... "Whites have become the fart people. And you know what? You can't defend the Whites because no one defends a stinky unwanted fart."... Frank Raymond

64k CF Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/741ac3ed0/6u2jykb3-5f3ccx58-agiphi5v-4mabb9xn)

5th March 2020, 07:22 AM
Georgia Peach guest hosted this show Saturday, with 2nd hour guest Frank Raymond, of India ethnicity living in Canada, & oddly "pro White" -- one of Georgia's most popular guests at the Santa Cruz joo station which fired her.

The Alternative Media With Farren Shoaf 2019.12.14 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-alternative-media-with-farren-shoaf.html)
Guest host:
Georgia ‘Peach’
with guest Frank Raymond

"The Whites are like a fart in the room. Everyone pretends that the fart doesn't exist."... "Whites have become the fart people. And you know what? You can't defend the Whites because no one defends a stinky unwanted fart."... Frank Raymond

64k CF Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/741ac3ed0/6u2jykb3-5f3ccx58-agiphi5v-4mabb9xn)

^ Frank Raymond was guest for full 2 hours of...

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2020.03.02 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-graham-hart-show-with-brizer.html)

Brizer's guest: Frank Raymond (https://www.amazon.com/Sweet-Dreams-Terror-Cells-Giants/dp/1544060440).

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/8ee7e1f10/n3rv4ng9-wybbm57a-wtja6xmz-ifmkiirt)

6th March 2020, 06:56 PM
^ more Frank Raymond touting whitey's virtues, today with A.C. Hitchcock:

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1205 - 2020.03.06 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show_6.html)

Frank Raymond – Sweet Dreams And Terror Cells – Part 2

Info Page (https://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/2020/03/06/ach-1205-frank-raymond-sweet-dreams-and-terror-cells-part-2/)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com (http://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/)
The Synagogue Of Satan.com (https://thesynagogueofsatan.com/)
EuroFolkRadio.com (http://eurofolkradio.com/)

Download (https://cldup.com/vhFH4Iobk3.mp3)

13th March 2020, 07:45 AM
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1210 - 2020.03.13 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show_13.html)

Georgia Peach – Greetings From Marxist Occupied Santa Cruz

Info Page (https://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/2020/03/13/ach-1210-georgia-peach-greetings-from-marxist-occupied-santa-cruz/)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com (http://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/)
The Synagogue Of Satan.com (https://thesynagogueofsatan.com/)
EuroFolkRadio.com (http://eurofolkradio.com/)

Download (https://cldup.com/lnjwQ2c8IX.mp3)

11th February 2022, 06:15 PM
infowars.com: Canadian Radio Host Forced Off-Air for “Dangerous” Pro-Convoy, Anti-Covid Passport Speech (https://www.infowars.com/posts/canadian-radio-host-forced-off-air-for-dangerous-pro-convoy-anti-covid-passport-speech/)

February 11th 2022
A popular radio host in Canada is leaving his position with radio station Z95.3 after he espoused support for the anti-mandate Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.

In his last radio segment Wednesday, host Kid Carson discussed how he’s been instructed to ignore certain topics he feels are important, namely the convoy of truckers protesting vaccine mandates in the nation’s capital city.

“What silly, stupid thing that doesn’t really matter can I talk about today?” Carson said in a segment. “It weighs heavy on me not to share my honest feelings and commentary about what’s happening around us.”

“It seems I have to avoid talking about all the things that really matter.”

“I feel like I’m trying to stay on my best behavior so I can be liked again, so that I can keep my job. Instead of doing what we are all supposed to be doing, which is having passionate discussions about the insanity that is happening around us,” he said.

Carson went on to say, “This radio show sucks without another point of view. The whole media landscape sucks without another point of view.”

He also described media suppression of the convoy and pointed out that people who believe the convoy is racist have been deceived.

“How are we supposed to know what’s happening in the world for real if the media’s not telling us?”

“If you think the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa is a racist movement, you have been tricked. You have been fooled. Ya know? What we need to realize is that it takes real eyes to recognize real lies. This isn’t about race, or health, or Nazi flag, or masks. It’s about trying to keep our children off a digital ID that will control every aspect of their lives. That can be switched off at anytime.”

“If you only knew, you’d be so mad, but I’ll be the one mocked for doing my own research.”

“The final thing I want to say is why, why is the news not telling us the truth? We see truckers setting up bouncy castles for kids, feeding the homeless, dancing, being so damn Canadian – but the news is calling it violent. I don’t understand it,” he added.

Carson said things changed about six months ago after he was spotted at an anti-mandate protest in Vancouver and was ordered not to discuss the topic.

Speaking to Vancouver media outlet Daily Hive (https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/kid-carson-pro-trucker-stance), Z95 senior vice president of brands and content for Stingray Radio, Steve Jones, described Carson’s on-air content as “dangerous” and claimed after Wednesday’s broadcast both parties decided to “mutually part ways.”

LISTEN: Radio show host on his last broadcast, "you've been tricked"

ctvnews.ca: Radio host Kid Carson leaving Z95.3 after spreading conspiracy theories on air (https://bc.ctvnews.ca/radio-host-kid-carson-leaving-z95-3-after-spreading-conspiracy-theories-on-air-1.5775383)


Stingray Radio Inc., formerly known as Newfoundland Capital Corporation Ltd. (operating as Newcap Radio), is a Canadian radio broadcasting conglomerate owned by Stingray Group. It owns and operates 101 radio stations in Canada (making it the second-largest radio conglomerate in Canada behind Bell Media),

A hundred or so quotes like Paul's at this link:

"Most newspapers are part of huge conglomerates, and the policy that comes down is that you don't rock any boats. You can't make the government upset because the value of the company is the broadcast licenses, and the government will not renew them, and we can't make our corporate owners mad because they will fire us, and we can't make the advertisers mad or they will pull their advertising. So the media can't say anything that will upset the power structure. And that's what had happened to the press."
-Paul Craig Roberts

11th February 2022, 07:10 PM
PatColo started this thread. He's been missing for a long time now. Any word on what has happened or where he is???

11th February 2022, 08:54 PM
PatColo started this thread. He's been missing for a long time now. Any word on what has happened or where he is???

Pat went to GAB, he invited me to come along, but for some reason whenever I try to register there, I can't get it to work.
They say I have to respond to an email they send me, but it never shows up. Yes I have looked in spam and all the usual places... nothing; So it never allows me to post over there.

11th February 2022, 09:29 PM
Pat went to GAB, he invited me to come along, but for some reason whenever I try to register there, I can't get it to work.
They say I have to respond to an email they send me, but it never shows up. Yes I have looked in spam and all the usual places... nothing; So it never allows me to post over there.

Pat Colo's last post on Gab July 6, was the same day as his last post here

The MuhRONA! https://gab.com/emoji/1f631.svg™ Emperor (https://gab.com/MuhRona) @MuhRona


Asia Pacific Today published at 11:28 UTC on July 6th, 2021
47m: https://www. (https://www.bitchute.com/video/3DD3N9uf9nFF/)bitchute.com/video/3DD3N9uf9nFF/ (https://www.bitchute.com/video/3DD3N9uf9nFF/)

Australia, like the UK, US and Canada, is in the grip of manufactured hysteria over Covid-19. Our Federal and State governments are hyping up the infectiousness and dangers of new strains of the virus and the media is having a field day on cases and virus hotspots.

Lockdowns, border restrictions, mask wearing, social distancing and vaccinations are in. The cost of these measures, availability of alternative treatments are studiously ignored. Funny that!

The public health system is broken - Governments are the spreaders of misinformation and the media are the propaganda agents. The media wont ask about Covid-19 vaccines and their safety.

Dr Dolores Cahill, a renowned expert in immunology. Dr. Cahill has been an Expert in the EU for some 15 years in Future & Emerging technologies. She is President of the World Freedom Alliance, a worldwide platform of organisations offering access to justice, true dialogue for health science and politics, holding worldwide officials to account under the law.

Asia Pacific Today. 6 July, 2021

@DaveCullen (https://gab.com/DaveCullen) @GrandTorino (https://gab.com/GrandTorino) @Gemmaod1 (https://gab.com/Gemmaod1) @MaxIgan (https://gab.com/MaxIgan) @hmakow (https://gab.com/hmakow)

Read more

24th February 2022, 09:17 AM
nypost.com: Last living signer of Canadian constitutional charter of rights sues government over COVID travel ban (https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/last-living-signer-of-canadian-constitutional-charter-of-rights-sues-government-over-covid-travel-ban/) [for violating constitutional rights]
January 27, 2022

I transcribed some of Brian Peckford's interview with Jordan Peterson last month. I transcribed more of interview and will post in a more appropriate thread.

Times of war aside, one will not often see a better example supporting that Canada's mainstream corporate news media is the enemy of Canada and the Canadian peoples. Not just patriots, even the last living founder of Canada is blacklisted by mainstream 'Canadian' news media!

Jordan Peterson: The Venue that you chose to announce this move and to discuss all these issues isn't the standard news media venue it's my Youtube channel and one of the things that you discussed with me this week was the impossibility of your view having these topics dealt with in an honest and straightforward manner by any major news organization in Canada. Which to me is almost a statement damming the current larger scale governance structure which in some sense includes a free press operating in a coherent and articulate and trustworthy manner as a check and opportunity for reflection of the political process. And so that in itself seems as worrisome as all the other things that we are talking about at a governmental level. I think this is preposterous in some sense that this is the place where this discussion is taking place.

Brian Peckford: I think you have raised an important point and one that I need to address.

I have been vocal about being concerned about what's happening for quite some time and have held public meetings here on Vancouver Island and Vancouver in front of the art gallery last October and I have written letters to National Newspapers and they have not carried any of my letters which is quite unusual because before this happened they would carry my letters when I made comment on normal pubic policy issues across the nation and they carried my letters. But in recent times they have not even acknowledged that they received them.

Jordan Peterson: So how do you account for that? What's going on?

Brian Peckford: Well it seems to me that the media very early on bought into the government narrative and developed the same kind of fear that a lot of individuals did because of what there was being told, all that was being proposed with all these cases even though these cases didn't represent hospitalization or ICU visits or whatever and so there was a fear generated early on and the mainstream media bought into it very quickly and now are out trying to sustain the narrative that they became a part of early on is the only way I can explain it. Of course we also know that all the mainstream media have received significant sums of money from the government of Canada over the last three years, over 600 millions dollars [in addition to even greater funding towards the state broadcaster CBC]. So one cannot but mention that in any discussion like this that one has to ask the question has this flow of money from the federal government to the Canadian press in any way impinged upon their impartiality to tell the story on both sides of the issue.

Jordan Peterson: Silence and looks away

Jordan Peterson: And so your mounting a challenge to the integrity and constitutional appropriateness to a series of laws that have been passed in Canada over the last two years and you mounting that as one of the establishers of the charter of upon which the entire country is predicated, making the claim that these actions violate both the spirit and the law that governs our land at the deepest possible level of analysis. That's the first thing.

The second this is the collusion between the press and the governmental agencies that are circumventing the governmental process is so intense that it's almost impossible to have this discussion in the public landscape, there aren't venues for that.

Brain Peckford: I've tried. Its not like I haven't tried. I'm not making this kind of statement without evidence, I don't come by all of this lightly. I don't want to do what I'm doing, I'd rather not have to do this as a Canadian and especially as a first minister who was involved in the constitution. But I'm forced to do this, I've written the National Post, I've written to other newspapers and they have not carried my stuff nor have they ever gotten back to me. And all of them also know that I'm out there on my blog with 10,000 to 15,000 readers every day and a lot of them know that. So I have to go to all of the media and I've done about 50 interviews before I've launched this lawsuit all over Canada two or three hours long and I get hundreds and hundreds of emails a day responding to what I'm doing and now I've been led to were I am today.

Canadian Constitutional Crisis | Brian Peckford | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4: E78


catholicinsight.com: JORDAN PETERSON, BRIAN PECKFORD AND THE CHARTER (https://catholicinsight.com/jordan-petersen-brian-peckford-and-the-charter/)

January 27, 2022
Jordan Peterson interviews Brian Peckford, former Premier of Newfoundland (1979 – 1989), who helped draft Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1981-82). He is suing the Federal Government under Justin Trudeau for violating this charter, in particular the following provisions:From the Charter:
“Mobility of citizens

6 (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.
Marginal note:Rights to move and gain livelihood
(2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right
(a) to move to and take up residence in any province; and
(b) to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province.”

Canadian Constitutional Crisis | Brian Peckford | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4: E78

It’s a bit choppy in the introduction, but the interview proper begins at about the 12 or so minute mark:
jordanbpeterson.com: S4: E78 – Canadian Constitutional Crisis | Brian Peckford (https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/podcast/s4e78/)

We posted this discussion start to finish in the uncut form to maintain full and complete transparency, given its import. It was recorded on January 25th, 2022 and released the next day.

Link to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms press release:
on how to support the JCCF in this matter: https://twitter.com/JCCFCanada/status/1486446844490231811?s=20
More from the Honorable Brian Peckford (Blog): https://peckford42.wordpress.com/about-the-blog/
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Some-Will-Shine-Have-More/dp/1771170247

28th March 2022, 07:14 PM
The purification of corporate fake news devils continues. Another reporter fired for accurate reporting of and not demonizing conservatives.

yahoo.com: Asian American Journalist Fired By Seattle ABC Affiliate KOMO After Covering Proud Boys Protest (https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/asian-american-journalist-fired-seattle-213653550.html)

March 27, 2022
Jonathan Choe, a veteran reporter for the ABC television affiliate KOMO in Seattle, has written an essay on Medium claiming (https://medium.com/@jonathanchoe_58650/i-got-fired-for-live-tweeting-a-proud-boys-rally-d6fe68e0d569) he was fired for his coverage [live tweeting] of a rally by the controversial Proud Boys group...

It was advertised as a “rally for America.”...

Choe was covering the rally in the Washington state capital of Olympia earlier this month...

Choe, a reporter of 20 years, created a photo montage with sound from the march to end his day...

“I wanted to simply capture a moment in time, with authentic visuals and sounds. It was clearly misinterpreted by some on-line,” Choe wrote.

Because of the uproar, Choe said his news director told him to take down all his social media related to the Proud Boys rally. He did so, but was fired the following day, he said...

My job is to present all sides, not just the one that aligns with my values or worldview,” Choe wrote, adding that he has covered “Antifa violence and destruction in the city” as well.

“My problem arises when any group or side tries to silence me for simply trying to show what’s happening,” Choe condluded.