View Full Version : Girlfriend has a lump in her breast

21st May 2019, 02:25 PM
Hi gimmers, I was active in the Gim1 days and had an account here for awhile until things were purged and I never signed up again. Been a lurker since then.

So about a year ago my girlfriend got a mammogram done cause that's what women are suppose to do I guess. Priests in white coats said they "saw cancer" and wanted her to do the works. She didn't really notice a lump until about 4 weeks later.

Anyways, given her lack of trust in priests in white coats she decided she'd focus on less stressful living, eating better, exercise etc. She did Gersons a bit here and there, ate apricot kernals, some supplements, but nothing religiously. The lump stayed more or less the same, sometimes a bit bigger but sometimes she had a hard time finding it.
Anyways, after more then a year she'd get sick once in awhile....Maybe a cold or nauseous and would worry it had to do with the lump or something "cancerous". Soooo a few days ago she finally went in for the biopsy where they said it was "cancer" and they want to do the works, radiation, surgery, MRI, another mammogram blablablabla. She's made it clear to her priest that she will do no more then surgery to cut the lump out.....but maybe not even that.

What does the collective wisdom of GIM suggest? I was hoping the great Mamboni could chime in or anyone who's been in this situation....which nowadays is alot of people.

Thanks guys

21st May 2019, 03:42 PM
^ My mother died from breast cancer. Two of my sisters had their breasts cut off when they found cancerous lumps in their breasts and they're still living. My ex had lumps in her breasts but they were cysts and and not cancerous.

midnight rambler
21st May 2019, 03:54 PM
First of all it appears you’re on the right track with the clean living aspect.

I strongly suggest suggest taking this liposomal vitamin C twice a day -
https://www.livonlabs.com/products/vitamin-c/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkam_1dqt4gIV1PfjBx0gJgOqEAAYASA BEgKFR_D_BwE

And equally important if not more so, study up on the recent work of Dr. Bruce Lipton and his book/lecture on ​The Biology of Belief. ​And take it to heart. She CAN health herself.

21st May 2019, 04:15 PM
Thanks for the info guys, I'll be sure to share this with her. God bless.

21st May 2019, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the info guys, I'll be sure to share this with her. God bless.

She should investigate Maitake mushrooms and Rick Simpson oil. There are many, many alternative therapies out there. Cut, slash and burn is the recipe given by the AMA. I believe that cutting out cancer can spread it. Story made short: She needs to focus on her helath to the exclusion of all else. From what you have said, she has been rather haphazard about her attempts at healing.

21st May 2019, 07:14 PM
Hi gimmers, I was active in the Gim1 days and had an account here for awhile until things were purged and I never signed up again. Been a lurker since then.

So about a year ago my girlfriend got a mammogram done cause that's what women are suppose to do I guess. Priests in white coats said they "saw cancer" and wanted her to do the works. She didn't really notice a lump until about 4 weeks later.

Anyways, given her lack of trust in priests in white coats she decided she'd focus on less stressful living, eating better, exercise etc. She did Gersons a bit here and there, ate apricot kernals, some supplements, but nothing religiously. The lump stayed more or less the same, sometimes a bit bigger but sometimes she had a hard time finding it.
Anyways, after more then a year she'd get sick once in awhile....Maybe a cold or nauseous and would worry it had to do with the lump or something "cancerous". Soooo a few days ago she finally went in for the biopsy where they said it was "cancer" and they want to do the works, radiation, surgery, MRI, another mammogram blablablabla. She's made it clear to her priest that she will do no more then surgery to cut the lump out.....but maybe not even that.

What does the collective wisdom of GIM suggest? I was hoping the great Mamboni could chime in or anyone who's been in this situation....which nowadays is alot of people.

Thanks guysI am a retired physician and my license is no longer active. So I am not qualified to offer professional medical advice and am speaking as a layman. These are my opinions regarding cancer vis-a-vis nutrition and diet.

If I were advising a woman with breast cancer, I would recommend:
1. discuss alternative treatment options with her doctor
2. consider surgical removal if the cancer is proved (get a second opinion) and early stage (less than 2 cm and not in lymph nodes). Tumoral debulking may be beneficial, though some holistic doctors might disagree with this as it disrupts the microanatomy and could potentially cause micrometasis.
3. find a naturopathic physician versed in the treatment of cancer

In general I am not a proponent of neoadjuvant or postsurgical chemotherapy and radiation because while these can sometimes improve statistical 5 year rates of remission, they have not been proven to increase overall survival. And after 5 years, the development of a second malignancy is increased as chemotherapy and radiation damage the immune system and general health. You should discuss this with your doctor/oncologist.

I would adopt a dietary regimen that inhibits cancer growth and boosts the natural immunity to cancer:

1. Eliminate all sugars, especially processed sugars and grains and starches - be strict about this
2. No alcohol
3. No tobacco
4. Eliminate all gluten (nothing with barley, wheat, rye and oats) to insure that the small intestine is absorbing nutrients.
5. Eliminate all animal proteins and all dairy
6. Supplement with the 90 essential nutrients (see Youngevity Health Start Pack and other packs) - this is the foundation of your nutrition. Listen to every Youtube lecture by Dr. Joel Wallach!
7. Consume fresh vegetable juices with emphasis on green leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables (see recipes on line)
8. strictly eliminate all oils from the diet - no cooking oils - cook with butter only. Essential oils should be obtained exclusively from nuts and seeds
9. Selenium 400 mcg/day (from yeast or selenomethionine)
10. Vitamin E natural d-alpha with beta and gamma tocoperols only, 400 IU per day.
11. Vitamin D3 5000 IU per day plus liberal sun exposure for natural D (do not burn)'
12. Frequent rest and sleep - take a leave of absence from job if necessary - rest is critical to healing
13. Vitamin C - 1000 mg per day in divided doses.
14. Filtered water only free of fluoride, chlorine (no tap water). Filtered and distilled water should be remineralized with natural ionic minerals (use this: https://tinyurl.com/y4da6k8c ). Consuming lots of clean water will flush toxins from the body.
15. Filter your indoor air and saturate it with negative ions (for example: https://tinyurl.com/y2875qg9 )

The diet should consist predominantly of freshly made vegetable juices (i.e. kale - broccoli - carrot - cauliflower - lemon). Eating organic apricot seeds in addition to other seeds (and nuts )rich in omega-3 fats (i.e. pumpkin, walnuts, sunflower, hemp etc.) would be optimal. Adequate complete protein can be obtained by combining foods (i.e. brown rice and beans.)

Many believe herbs can be beneficial in treating cancer, most famously Essiac tea (https://www.healthfreedom.info/cancer%20essiac.htm); but there are many herbs with proven anti-cancer activity (i.e. ginger, turmeric, cinnamin, garlic etc.)

Green tea (without any sugar) is to be preferred to [black] coffee. It is a rich source of polyphenols.

In addition to the juices, one can boost the intake of natural phytochemicals derived from fruits and vegetables (without the sugars) which have proven anti-tumor activity by using these powders: https://www.amazon.com/Country-Farms-Energizing-Polyphenol-Antioxidants/dp/B0777C3N81/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=super+reds&qid=1558490939&s=hpc&sr=1-3


These recommendations are by no means exhaustive. There are many resources re: natural cancer treatments on the internet. You might look into Dr. Lorraine Day, a surgeon who rejected conventional medical treatment of her advanced breast cancer and achieved a complete remission using natural remedies ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DYhyCu3DQY&list=PLCQjsD9sOtrB7wPVS_81EFXmt-AqxvcQP )

Finally, forgive all who may have hurt you and get right with the Lord. Banish all hate, resentment and negative feelings. Ultimately, your life is in His hands.

Twisted Titan
21st May 2019, 08:44 PM
She has too make a lifestyle change and a drastic one.

It seems that the apricot seeds are the least invasive.

I would do about 10 seeds daily

And also take the b 13 in pill form

Then I would go fron regulars screening every month to see if it going up down or maintaining.

I would also plug in to holistic support groups where other had prior experience and you can bounce ideas off each other.

But I am strongly recommended a high dose of prayer to the Great Physician
There is nothing that He cant fix if He chooses to.

Your ladies life is not in the hands of a pill, a shot,a doctor, a group, a book,or fill in the blank with whatever you like.

It all sits in His Hands.

The One who shapes the mountains with His breath, stirs the seven seas with His fingers, uses the earth as His footstool and throws the Universe on His back like a overcoat.

Try Him.

He cannot lie
He cannot fail.

22nd May 2019, 04:56 AM
I would add to Mamboni's post to also supplement with Iodine (Iodoral probably the 50mg form of it, found on Amazon). Iodine has been shown to be the missing element needed to activate the "kill switch" during cell death and has been speculated by me through my own research (my cousins wife died from breast cancer). That the lack of iodine in our diets is a major contributing factor to increase in cancers.

Also look into recent findings of a dog deworming medication having extremely positive results with even aggressive forms of cancer.


No matter which treatment option you and your girlfriend decide to pursue definitely look into supplementing Iodine as it should help reduce the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. If you do supplement with Iodine, you also NEED to supplement selenium as the thyroid uses selenium to protect itself from metabolizing Iodine. If you take Iodine without supplementing selenium you could damage your thyroid.

22nd May 2019, 05:49 AM
Hi gimmers, I was active in the Gim1 days and had an account here for awhile until things were purged and I never signed up again. Been a lurker since then.

So about a year ago my girlfriend got a mammogram done cause that's what women are suppose to do I guess. Priests in white coats said they "saw cancer" and wanted her to do the works. She didn't really notice a lump until about 4 weeks later.

Anyways, given her lack of trust in priests in white coats she decided she'd focus on less stressful living, eating better, exercise etc. She did Gersons a bit here and there, ate apricot kernals, some supplements, but nothing religiously. The lump stayed more or less the same, sometimes a bit bigger but sometimes she had a hard time finding it.
Anyways, after more then a year she'd get sick once in awhile....Maybe a cold or nauseous and would worry it had to do with the lump or something "cancerous". Soooo a few days ago she finally went in for the biopsy where they said it was "cancer" and they want to do the works, radiation, surgery, MRI, another mammogram blablablabla. She's made it clear to her priest that she will do no more then surgery to cut the lump out.....but maybe not even that.

What does the collective wisdom of GIM suggest? I was hoping the great Mamboni could chime in or anyone who's been in this situation....which nowadays is alot of people.

Thanks guys

Looks like you (cross?)posted to the wrong forum, kikeroast.

23rd May 2019, 06:41 PM
I am a retired physician and my license is no longer active. So I am not qualified to offer professional medical advice and am speaking as a layman. These are my opinions regarding cancer vis-a-vis nutrition and diet.

If I were advising a woman with breast cancer, I would recommend:
1. discuss alternative treatment options with her doctor
2. consider surgical removal if the cancer is proved (get a second opinion) and early stage (less than 2 cm and not in lymph nodes). Tumoral debulking may be beneficial, though some holistic doctors might disagree with this as it disrupts the microanatomy and could potentially cause micrometasis.
3. find a naturopathic physician versed in the treatment of cancer

In general I am not a proponent of neoadjuvant or postsurgical chemotherapy and radiation because while these can sometimes improve statistical 5 year rates of remission, they have not been proven to increase overall survival. And after 5 years, the development of a second malignancy is increased as chemotherapy and radiation damage the immune system and general health. You should discuss this with your doctor/oncologist.

I would adopt a dietary regimen that inhibits cancer growth and boosts the natural immunity to cancer:

1. Eliminate all sugars, especially processed sugars and grains and starches - be strict about this
2. No alcohol
3. No tobacco
4. Eliminate all gluten (nothing with barley, wheat, rye and oats) to insure that the small intestine is absorbing nutrients.
5. Eliminate all animal proteins and all dairy
6. Supplement with the 90 essential nutrients (see Youngevity Health Start Pack and other packs) - this is the foundation of your nutrition. Listen to every Youtube lecture by Dr. Joel Wallach!
7. Consume fresh vegetable juices with emphasis on green leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables (see recipes on line)
8. strictly eliminate all oils from the diet - no cooking oils - cook with butter only. Essential oils should be obtained exclusively from nuts and seeds
9. Selenium 400 mcg/day (from yeast or selenomethionine)
10. Vitamin E natural d-alpha with beta and gamma tocoperols only, 400 IU per day.
11. Vitamin D3 5000 IU per day plus liberal sun exposure for natural D (do not burn)'
12. Frequent rest and sleep - take a leave of absence from job if necessary - rest is critical to healing
13. Vitamin C - 1000 mg per day in divided doses.
14. Filtered water only free of fluoride, chlorine (no tap water). Filtered and distilled water should be remineralized with natural ionic minerals (use this: https://tinyurl.com/y4da6k8c ). Consuming lots of clean water will flush toxins from the body.
15. Filter your indoor air and saturate it with negative ions (for example: https://tinyurl.com/y2875qg9 )

The diet should consist predominantly of freshly made vegetable juices (i.e. kale - broccoli - carrot - cauliflower - lemon). Eating organic apricot seeds in addition to other seeds (and nuts )rich in omega-3 fats (i.e. pumpkin, walnuts, sunflower, hemp etc.) would be optimal. Adequate complete protein can be obtained by combining foods (i.e. brown rice and beans.)

Many believe herbs can be beneficial in treating cancer, most famously Essiac tea (https://www.healthfreedom.info/cancer%20essiac.htm); but there are many herbs with proven anti-cancer activity (i.e. ginger, turmeric, cinnamin, garlic etc.)

Green tea (without any sugar) is to be preferred to [black] coffee. It is a rich source of polyphenols.

In addition to the juices, one can boost the intake of natural phytochemicals derived from fruits and vegetables (without the sugars) which have proven anti-tumor activity by using these powders: https://www.amazon.com/Country-Farms-Energizing-Polyphenol-Antioxidants/dp/B0777C3N81/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=super+reds&qid=1558490939&s=hpc&sr=1-3


These recommendations are by no means exhaustive. There are many resources re: natural cancer treatments on the internet. You might look into Dr. Lorraine Day, a surgeon who rejected conventional medical treatment of her advanced breast cancer and achieved a complete remission using natural remedies ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DYhyCu3DQY&list=PLCQjsD9sOtrB7wPVS_81EFXmt-AqxvcQP )

Finally, forgive all who may have hurt you and get right with the Lord. Banish all hate, resentment and negative feelings. Ultimately, your life is in His hands.

Thanks Mamboni, I've enjoyed your posts for the better part of a decade. Last night my girlfriend and I went over every point you posted and will incorporate it into our plan, I especially found the part about ionizing indoor air interesting. God bless

23rd May 2019, 06:43 PM
She has too make a lifestyle change and a drastic one.

It seems that the apricot seeds are the least invasive.

I would do about 10 seeds daily

And also take the b 13 in pill form

Then I would go fron regulars screening every month to see if it going up down or maintaining.

I would also plug in to holistic support groups where other had prior experience and you can bounce ideas off each other.

But I am strongly recommended a high dose of prayer to the Great Physician
There is nothing that He cant fix if He chooses to.

Your ladies life is not in the hands of a pill, a shot,a doctor, a group, a book,or fill in the blank with whatever you like.

It all sits in His Hands.

The One who shapes the mountains with His breath, stirs the seven seas with His fingers, uses the earth as His footstool and throws the Universe on His back like a overcoat.

Try Him.

He cannot lie
He cannot fail.

Thanks TT, I have been buying and eating Apricot kernals as a result of your recommendations for years now. I totally agree with you regarding the Great Physician also the holistic support group idea is a good one and I shared it with my gf. God bless.

23rd May 2019, 06:45 PM
Coincidentally Dr. Liptons name came up at my guided meditation class last night. I will look more into him. Thankyou MN Rambler. God bless