View Full Version : Long range mooooslim goal for America exposed - TOTAL TAKEOVER

midnight rambler
21st May 2019, 06:27 PM
As espoused by a mooooslim who is now a member of CONgress -


Twisted Titan
21st May 2019, 08:53 PM
I hope they do it.

Americans have had it too good for too long.

You want to see revival in this country??

Let the prosecutions begin in earnest.

Look at videos of Coptic Christians getting killed.

I saw one that still blows my mind.

A Muslim says deny your faith and accept Islam or I will make you watch me kill your daughter and then I will kill you .

He said something I will never forget.

Then on this day me and my daughter will both be with Jesus forever ....I WILL NOT DENY HIM

And he killed that girl right before her father's eyes and then killed him.

That is total conviction and a level of faith I still cant fully wrap my head around.

But that level of belief is missing in this country from the days of Jonathan Edwards who penned the amazing piece" Sinners in the hands of a angry God" in the 1820's

21st May 2019, 11:20 PM
As espoused by a mooooslim who is now a member of CONgress -


WHO is she? Clip didn't identify, & I don't recognize.

Anyways I aint shaking in my boots over any scary moozlem takeover of USA, sharia law, convert or be murdered, yada yada; & view any fear of same as being kosher-contrived "Two Minutes Hate (https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-two-minutes-hate-124283)" propaganda.

midnight rambler
21st May 2019, 11:30 PM
WHO is she? Clip didn't identify, & I don't recognize.

This thing -


22nd May 2019, 12:36 AM
^ I suspected it was her, just by deduction IE who are the (2?) scary moozie congressperps atm? Weird how fugly she was in the muzzie clip (2009?) vs her westernized look today.

The Two Minutes Hate is a ritual observance that is designed to use the collective rage of the people against supposed "enemies of the (((Party)))" to strengthen the (((Party's))) position among the people. The ritual serves to unify the people in the observance of the ritual.

The Two Minutes Hate also serves the purpose of religious observance by deifying (((Big Brother))). It serves to channel the rage that persons may feel toward the lack of control over their own lives away from the (((Party))) and against purported enemies of the (((Party))). Because (((Big Brother))) is proclaimed to be benevolent and good, any enemy is automatically evil and bad. While it is a "two minutes hate" the desired end result is less hatred of (((Big Brother))).

This is very similar to what some politicians do to strengthen their position when they feel threatened. The politicians will invent an enemy and then channel the public rage against that enemy.

Twisted Titan
22nd May 2019, 04:43 AM
So you are of the position this woman isn't a spook??

Do you really believe if she had her way she wouldn't jam legislation through that wouldn't make mandatory we all must participate in the call to prayer??

This woman is the progeny of what False Religion breeds and what it breeds is absolute destruction In due time.

22nd May 2019, 07:59 AM
No single congressperp, much less POTUS, can "jam legislation through that (((yada yada)))"...

Who CAN & routinely DOES jam through tyrannical Constitution mocking legislation, are our (((malevolent overlords))) - laws like prosecuting/incarcerating heretics against holohoaxianity; against speaking truth re their Big Lies, treachery, theft, & genocide (AKA anti-Shlomoism), & against BDS-ing their global mafia safe harbor in Occupied Palestine.

I'm just sayin keep your eye on the (((ball))), & don't be distracted/preoccupied/pacified boxing their contrived 2 Minutes Hate shadows cast on the cave wall.

I imagine them laughing in their Happy Merchant posture whenever Westerners bang on about how scary moozlems wanna take over USA & the world, & must be stopped yada yada-- as besides expending our energies hating/fighting an 'enemy' who's of no real threat in our current ZOG hegemony paradigm; this misdirected hate also helps set our minds right for their planned Clash of Civilizations (Christians vs Moozlems destroy each other, leaving the dinjoo-nuffins standing large & in charge).


Twisted Titan
22nd May 2019, 08:20 AM
I am fully aware of the synagogue of satan.

The point I am making is there are a good many Muslims that serve the tribe from the shadows and do so willingly

Same as there were allie agents deep in the nazi military complex....who killed men in the Hope's they wouldn't have there cover blown

It may or may not b a surprise to you but not to me cause this all lines up with scriptures and what they said would happen.

All of the false religions are to lineup under one banner and they are going to attempt to crush the God of the bible

22nd May 2019, 08:36 AM
whew now I need to detox from all the anger/stress from my post above; this method REALLY WORKS for me! :D

Overcome Stress By Visualizing It As A Greedy, Hook-Nosed Race Of Creatures (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PC8Luqiws)


midnight rambler
22nd May 2019, 11:00 AM
I'll explain it in the simplest of terms for you Pat -

The difference between a radical mooooslime and a moderate mooooslime is that the radical mooooslime wants to behead you while the moderate moooooslime wants a radical mooooslime to behead you.

22nd May 2019, 01:41 PM
I'll explain it in the simplest of terms for you Pat -

The difference between a radical mooooslime and a moderate mooooslime is that the radical mooooslime wants to behead you while the moderate moooooslime wants a radical mooooslime to behead you.

you'd love twitter. I have a very MAGAholic following/followers base there around 11K on both. >95% of those are from these "MAGA follow back trains", that's another story you'll figure out if you're on there.

So my "stream" from these folks is a steady flow of pro-trump, anti-libdems tweets, memes, vid clips & headline links.

Stream is also an open sewage line of (((Pamela Geller-esque (https://gellerreport.com/)))) "moozlem savages wanna sharia law you, then behead U, then eat ur babies!:o" appeal to base-emotion (fear) zio Two Minutes Hate agitprop, which it appears you're all in with.

Joke's on ME there on twatter: I imagined I'd build a good repub/MAGA/etc base of followers there, & then tweet out a stream of credible bite size red pills mostly re the JP/ZOG/etc.

But I've come to learn first hand, twatter is a kosher-tweet-boosting, non-kosher-tweet-shadowbanning/containing, kosher-gaslighting platform.

So anything trad-Libs vs Cons, MAGA vs Never Trump, pro-life vs pro-choice, Christian-zio vs atheist, FOX vs CNN, etc... all kosher, & boosted IE 'magnified' to be in more peoples' streams with frequency over-representing the raw % of users who actually tweet much less give a shit about those topics.

TELLINGLY, also boosted is that Geller-esque scary moozlems agitprop which seems to ring your bell. The twatter-dinjooz obviously really want for people to get a steady, turbo-boosted diet of that joospew.

My brand of JP, ZOG, JWO, 911/warrenterra-hoax truth, FF/hoaxed 'event' call-outs, anti-vax, #NoIranWarForIsrael, etc type tweets have nearly ZERO chance of reaching >99% of my >11K followers.

Describing in proper detail how I know this, would be more typing than I'm up for atm. But safe to say, it's in the tweet analytics which break down the views/interaction details of your tweets. My tweets are kept in a non-kosher containment box, reaching < 1% of my followers, only those who twatter's AI have concluded are already JP-wise as they have tagged me. If any of those < 1% retweet my tweets, those are similarly contained wrt who in their follower-base it actually reaches. :rolleyes:

Point of all that blahblah is, (((Twatter))) LOVES the Geller/scary-moozlems agitprop tweets/headlines/memes/videos, coz they're GOOD FOR DAJOOZ. >:D

If I didn't know beyond question that they're gaslighting everyone while 'containing' the non-kosher element, & trying to mindfuck everyone into their false 'reality' re how most people feel about most things (similar to MSM's fake polls), it would be a really depressing place! >:(

midnight rambler
22nd May 2019, 01:58 PM
Da joos are using the stone age goatfuckers (mooooooslimes) to lay siege upon whitey.

22nd May 2019, 04:17 PM
This is not Europe.

Latins & Blacks will take over this country if Whitey remains sleeping.

She is just saying that (per her (((masters))) orders) to get dumb evangelicucks worked up for war with Iran.

23rd May 2019, 01:18 AM
Recall "Tommy Robinson" (alias...) is touted as a "UK Nationalist" coz he's an "anti-muzzie immigrant activist."

Also recall what a devout zio he is, doing his part by whipping up (((useful))) anger/resentment among native Brits against UK's muzzie (((Kalergi Plan invaders))), in preps for the (((Clash of Civilizations))) agenda.

oh oh what's this?! :o How clever, now they can posture as being "UK Nationalists" too, just like "Tommy Robinson" --H H--

UK Orthodox Jews mobilize for Tommy Robinson (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/263546)

Members of hasidic and Sefardic communities urge community to "do right thing for ourselves - and for country to which we owe so much."

23rd May 2019, 06:45 PM
A review of the history of the Moors in Spain would suggest that they wouldn't have any better luck on this continent.