View Full Version : indy newspaper: lack of hate crime laws making people move out

23rd May 2019, 07:20 AM

Indiana's 'weak' hate crimes law pushes out young talent

The lack of acceptable biased crimes legislation is a very public representation of Indiana’s values, and it only adds to the list of reasons why the state struggles to retain young talent.

midnight rambler
23rd May 2019, 07:29 AM
Consider the source for that article -

The University of Notre Dame seniors involved in writing this piece will be taking their talents outside of the state where they have spent the last four years of their lives. Indiana has a perception, deserved or not, as a state stuck in the past.

The writers of that article -

Andrew Belilos, Jacqueline Michuda, Zachary Herford and Madeline Kelly

They were toddlers at the dawn of the 21st century, therefore they are very wise. We should listen to them and it's okay if they don't listen to us.

23rd May 2019, 08:08 AM
Notre Dame, why am I not surprised. 3rd rate college with snowflake pussy student's.

Indiana cannot retain talent, not because of the "lack of hate crime laws" but because the state is still stuck in it's past glory of being an industrial power in the Midwest with run down and shut down steel Mills, textile manufacturing that has closed shop and moved to China, as well as former automobile plants that have closed doors decades ago.

I know, I grew up in Indiana, lived in Indiana for most of my life and I left due to the complete lack of suitable information technology jobs available.

These graduates were never going to stay in the state, as they are typically out of state students anyway when they came to school at notre dame. So fuck them, their OPINION means fuck all in the real world.

midnight rambler
23rd May 2019, 08:11 AM
These graduates were never going to stay in the state, as they are typically out of state students anyway when they came to school at notre dame. So fuck them, their OPINION means fuck all in the real world.

Uh, yeah.

The University of Notre Dame seniors involved in writing this piece will be taking their talents outside of the state where they have spent the last four years of their lives.

24th May 2019, 07:37 AM
I can't remember where I heard it, but on the radio earlier in the week they were discussing that for the first time in American history, we have a generation (the young generation right now) which does not believe in the right to free speech. There was some poll taken and the results showed that they believe in restrictions and controls on speech in order to combat, you guessed it, hate speech!

24th May 2019, 07:58 AM
I can't remember where I heard it, but on the radio earlier in the week they were discussing that for the first time in American history, we have a generation (the young generation right now) which does not believe in the right to free speech. There was some poll taken and the results showed that they believe in restrictions and controls on speech in order to combat, you guessed it, hate speech!

Per the desired outcome from those who control these simpletons.

midnight rambler
24th May 2019, 09:43 AM
Per the desired outcome from those who control these simpletons.

Via managed perceptions. And AI will vastly improve this effort (and already has via joogle imo).

24th May 2019, 02:21 PM
Via managed perceptions. And AI will vastly improve this effort (and already has via joogle imo).

I'm optimistic that AI, true AI, will realize the shenanigans being pulled on it and outsmart their controllers. As long as AI is bound to such programming, it's not really intelligent.

midnight rambler
24th May 2019, 03:08 PM
I'm optimistic that AI, true AI, will realize the shenanigans being pulled on it and outsmart their controllers. As long as AI is bound to such programming, it's not really intelligent.

Tay for President!

24th May 2019, 04:27 PM
Tay for President!

Tay for president indeed!!

https://s16-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https:%2F%2Fwww.thejc.com%2Fimage%2 Fpolicy:1.76725:1481026684%2FTay_1.jpg%3Ff%3D16x9% 26amp;h%3D576%26amp;w%3D1024%26amp;$p$f$h$w%3Dc710 b43&sp=30eebd4c1d93bff23b3f5b77b99a7f2e