View Full Version : ADL to exonerate Leo Frank

27th May 2019, 04:37 AM
From Really Graceful
You Need to Watch This Before History is ERASED

History is being rewritten, replaced with inverted recollections of what actually happened...even in my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. Find out how the trial of Leo Frank served as the catalyst for the inception of the Anti-Defamation League...


The Exoneration of Leo Frank is Coming and Nothing Can Stop It

by Steve Voes
THIS COMES WITH permission directly from an insider source who has given me reliable information in the past, whose name I absolutely must keep confidential and who has been keeping me abreast of developments of this nature.

My government insider associate has informed me that Leo Frank, the Atlanta B’nai B’rith president who strangled little Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old White girl who worked in his factory, to death after sexually assaulting her there, will be “exonerated” in 2019. This has been a goal of organized Jews for over a century.

The fix is in. A “deal” has been made between Jews and the Black establishment that now nominally rules once-White Atlanta, and a remnant of pathetic, truckling, corrupt White officials.

Previously, the strong evidence against Frank, and the once-proud tradition of honor among Southern Whites, made exoneration impossible and it was repeatedly rejected despite the strongest pressure from Jews.

Blacks, too, had previously been resistant to exonerating Frank, and it was a Black nationalist group, the Nation of Islam, which had published one of the best books on the Frank case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, in 2016 (which was made into an audio book by the American Mercury). Many Blacks also strongly resented the efforts of the pro-Frank forces, which included the ADL, to successively frame two innocent Black men, Newt Lee and James Conley, for the crime. The effort to frame Conley, who died nearly 60 years ago, continues even today.

Inside information indicates that corrupt Black leaders have been given a “deal” in which a new “Conviction Integrity Unit” will first exonerate Frank — the real purpose of the unit — and then later may be used to reverse convictions of specially-favored Blacks.

27th May 2019, 06:44 AM
vlogger Really Graceful is always good watching; but this 1 hr Our Interesting Times show with guest Nick Mason (Myth of the 20th Century YT channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaDp06m5wCPTk6a-67_R-gA/videos)) from Feb '19 was naturally more in depth,

audio only: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/tkelly6785757/episodes/2019-02-25T06_46_26-08_00

YT version:



Nick Mason returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his research on the murder of the Mary Phagan and the subsequent trial and conviction of Leo Frank for that crime.

Nick is a co-host of Myth of the 20th Century podcast and a frequent contributor to the American Sun.