View Full Version : Moozies no longer feel the need to conceal their agenda

midnight rambler
27th May 2019, 07:44 AM
Right out there in the open, "We will eliminate you whitey!"


27th May 2019, 08:18 AM
Even the globalist Pope is in on white genocide. White countries are to be destroyed wherever they're found.
All other races are allowed to have their own sovereign nations, it's only the blacks and browns that are unable to develop their own countries/continents to prosper.
I'm glad to see nationalist parties rising in yesterdays election. It's time for whites to push back on the globalists and run these invaders out of our countries.

Pope Francis sounds racism alarm as EU nationalists win big
Pope Francis warned against a rise of intolerance and racism as far-right nationalists and eurosceptic parties made historic gains in European elections on May 27, 2019.

VATICAN CITY (AFP) - Pope Francis warned on Monday (May 27) against a rise of intolerance and racism as far-right nationalists and eurosceptic parties made historic gains in European elections.

"The signs of meanness we see around us heighten our fear of 'the other', the unknown, the marginalised, the foreigner," he said in a message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

"It is not just about them, but about all of us, and about the present and future of the human family.

"Migrants, especially those who are most vulnerable, help us to read the 'signs of the times'," he said.

Nationalist forces from Marine Le Pen in France to Matteo Salvini in Italy and Nigel Farage in Britain boasted significant gains in the EU Parliament elections which wound up on Sunday.

Salvini's far-right League party did particularly well in Italy in centres seen as migrant "hot spots", including a town held up by the left as a model of tolerance and integration.

Pope Francis acknowledged the "fear" in many societies towards migrants and refugees arriving in search of protection or a better future.

People hold letters forming the words "Europe Resists" during an action of activist group Avaaz outside the European Parliament after the announcement of results for European parliamentary elections in Brussels on May 26, 2019.

"To some extent, the fear is legitimate, also because the preparation for this encounter is lacking," he said, alluding to often piecemeal and inadequate approaches to refugee integration.

"But the problem is not that we have doubts and fears. The problem is when they condition our way of thinking and acting to the point of making us intolerant, closed and perhaps even - without realising it - racist," he added.

"Today's world is increasingly becoming more elitist and cruel towards the excluded," the Argentinian said in his message titled "It is not just about migrants".

"Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees produced by these conflicts," he added.

The next World Day of Migrants and Refugees is not until Sept 29, but the Vatican sends out papal messages on such subjects well in advance to provide guidance to pastors around the world.


27th May 2019, 08:45 AM
too bad Ilhan O is such a chameleon; some of her tweets have hit the non-kosher bullseye, then next thing she's singing the dinjoo Clash Of Civilizations agitprop tune. She's gotta be ziOwned & promoted somewhere along the line.

27th May 2019, 01:07 PM
I think the goal there is to make it a federal crime to be antisemitic.

27th May 2019, 01:08 PM
too bad Ilhan O is such a chameleon; some of her tweets have hit the non-kosher bullseye, then next thing she's singing the dinjoo Clash Of Civilizations agitprop tune. She's gotta be ziOwned & promoted somewhere along the line.

Can't disagree with this. Her performance is pure scripted theater, and it's well known who has the monopoly on show bidness.

midnight rambler
27th May 2019, 01:45 PM
Can't disagree with this. Her performance is pure scripted theater, and it's well known who has the monopoly on show bidness.

Meanwhile the radical mudslimes get egged on.

Muslims *used* to be relatively benign and congenial in their home countries...WTF happened?? ??? WTH did all the radical goatfucking mudslimes come from??


midnight rambler
27th May 2019, 01:50 PM
It's as if we're in a totally different reality.

Check out the amount of skin showing on these women tourists visiting Kabul -


27th May 2019, 04:28 PM
The Saud's of Saudi Arabia are really crypto Jews. This info comes courtesy of Saddam Hussein's secret police, who smelled a rat and tracked down the details.

The Sauds are responsible for weaponized radical Wahhabi Islam complete with all the policies of forced conversion and beheading as the alternative.

27th May 2019, 04:59 PM
It's as if we're in a totally different reality.

Check out the amount of skin showing on these women tourists visiting Kabul -


I think it was done to them, as in social engineering. Not sure of the exact dates, but wasn't Brzezinski the one who brought in the crazy wahhabis from Saudi Barbaria as part of the mujahadeen. You can do a google search for images of Afghanistan in the 1960s and see lots of photos of women in westernized clothing, including short skirts.

I really think it's all about the (((controllers))) at the top wanting a clash of civilizations, but you can't have that if everyone is kind of westernized. So, I think these people were socially engineered to be as they are today, by bringing in the radical muslims and taking things "backward.".

I think the same thing happened to Iran. You can do image searches on Iran pre-revolution days (like 60s and 70s) and see they look pretty westernized. I actually think that the whole Iranian revolution was staged by the CIA (read somewhere that they had that Ayatollah Khomeini on hold somewhere in Paris) and when the people had their fill of the Shah, they brought him in (they always control both sides). You can find more on that here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp8VQfi45OM Years ago, I saw a video on Iran, maybe posted at Mike Rivero's and this showed how Iranians are inside their homes, and all the women seemed pretty westernized to me--they all took off those head scarves that they have to wear outside and they looked like Westernized women.

I've also listened to F William Engdahl and he's talked about how the intelligence agencies are purposefully radicalizing the muslims with a network of madrassas throughout Europe. Sibel Emonds has talked about the same thing--says the leader of all these radicalized madrassas is Fetulah Gulen, who the CIA (and state dept) has been protecting for decades. Pretty sure they have him set up in some kind of secure compound in Pennsylvania.

27th May 2019, 05:05 PM
The Saud's of Saudi Arabia are really crypto Jews. This info comes courtesy of Saddam Hussein's secret police, who smelled a rat and tracked down the details.

The Sauds are responsible for weaponized radical Wahhabi Islam complete with all the policies of forced conversion and beheading as the alternative.

Yes, I read the same thing about the House of Saud being crypto jews. And yeah, it's really the Wahhabi Islam that's the radical weaponized Islam

Here's more from ReallyGraceful on that:

What the Media Won't Tell You About Saudi Arabia

old steel
27th May 2019, 07:05 PM
They are shitty drivers too.

The ones living kitty corner across the street park with two wheels on the sidewalk.

Yet they have drivers licenses, i guess it would be racist to flunk them for lack of driving skills.

27th May 2019, 08:05 PM
WTH did all the radical goatfucking mudslimes come from??


Hollywood... where else?