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27th May 2019, 09:07 AM
From Jim Stone: (

Corrupt judicial activism MUST BE STOPPED (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/24/judge-blocks-mississippi-heartbeat-abortion-law/)
If America is to come out on top after a civil war, ALL of these corrupted federal judges who screw the will of the people via "lawfare" need to be wiped out. Period. END OF DISCUSSION.

"Tsunami bombs cannot be real BULLSHIT getting rave reviews!
If you want to see an example of someone using "credentials" to spew B.S., while backing it up with a few loose facts and then making it sound all flowery, a a prime example is here. (https://www.scrivial.com/articles/a-dive-into-tsunami-the-terrifying-energy-it-possesses)

The report, backed up by the USGS and other "intellectuals" claims that the power in tsunamis VASTLY exceeds the power in nuclear weapons, and some absolute fool with GREAT credentials made the claim that the 15 KT yield of the Hiroshima bomb could have powered Delhi India for 6 years. Ahh yes, the magic "6".

So take a look at the report, and here's the obvious debunk:
Earthquakes are measured for their seismic yield, and nukes are also rated for their seismic yield. Seismic yield is a perfect, immutable reference, that bypasses whatever crap math is in that report.
Tsar Bomba, the reduced power version that was set off, at 45 megatons, was worth an 8.7 earthquake. If an earthquake is what sets off a tsunami, the net energy in the tsunami cannot exceed that of the quake that caused it. Let me repeat that:

OBVIOUSLY, the net energy in a tsunami cannot exceed that of the quake that caused it.
Add losses such as ground shaking and harmonics, and no earthquake can trigger a tsunami that has more than a few percent of the total seismic yield in it's energy.

The ultimate for making tsunamis would be a nuke, which can drop ALL of it's energy directly into the water with few losses.
So why this backhanded effort to debunk nuclear tsunamis? Does Fukushima have anything to do with it?
This is why "they" want common core, with traditional education erased because anyone with a real education can challenge anyone using "credentials" to spew BULLSHIT.

Here's another beauty in that report: the claim that 15 KT yield could power Delhi for six years. Here's the debunk for that:
I got to admit, that claim flabbergasted me, because Delhi is SO ENORMOUS that It's metro transit system (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/delhi-metro-will-draw-on-sun-for-a-third-of-its-energy-needs/articleshow/68946645.cms)ALL BY ITSELF needs 300 megawatts to run. That's 30 percent of the output of an average BWR 3 nuclear reactor. So how much does 300 megawatt hours (which would get consumed by Delhi transit in ONE HOUR, which does not even consider what the city itself actually needs amount to in explosive yield PER HOUR? This nifty calculator (https://www.metric-conversions.org/energy-and-power/megawatt-hours-to-kilotons-metric-explosive-energy.htm) makes finding out easy. DELHI'S TRANSIT SYSTEM ALONE uses .25 kilotons worth of "atomic bomb yield" PER HOUR. 10 hours - 2.5 kilotons. 100 hours? 25 kilotons, which is more than 15 kilotons and happens in a few days. BUT FOR THE COMMON CORE CROWD, IT IS SIX YEARS.

Be careful what you read folks, there's a LOT of "credentialed" CRAP out there. All debunkable with simple math and obvious logic.
Even if you can't understand the tsunami part, the B.S. claim about what the Hiroshima blast amounted to in equivalent electrical output ought to do it, the report is BUNK.


Conservative shift in the EU?
Just watch. Nothing will be lost by the left and the balance of power will stay the same. But the media will squelch public dissent towards the "same old same old" by saying "The right made many gains in the election, WOW, what happened? But miraculously, every last key position the left needs will be taken and the status quo will continue.

Watch EVERYTHING stay the same, except for tiny window dressings that the media goes bonkers about to create the illusion that "something good happened to the people. PROOF: Watch what happens to Notre Dame and watch the flood of migrants continue.

The same thing will happen to Trump and declass.
Nothing will hit the public as ordered because the entire system is subverted. This is why I have been rather low key about it because just like Europe likely voting 85 percent conservative despite the numbers showing considerably less because they had to steal it, IT IS NOT HAPPENING IN THE U.S. EITHER. Too many traitors are everywhere, and they predominantly consist of you know who. Gee, still squeamish about saying it, because they weaponized their "victim status" so well.

To the people who have managed to "undetectably" route everything I do through their desktop:
A 4k display is nice. It allows you to have multiple screens open at once, your stuff, my stuff, and whoever elses "stuff". But there's a problem. When you surf the web with a different IP address than I have, I CAN SEE IT YOU F***ING MORONS.

"THIS" is not an easy target!

And by the way, you are STILL not getting the PHP renders right all the time and I can see the results when I administer in "combat mode" FACE IT: without your back doors into everything you'd be HOPELESS against me, no matter how much you laugh at raping people you are doing it with a handicap of at least 11.

They are now destroying Martin Luther King
It is not all necessarily about destroying white people, it is about destroying anything in American history that is revered.
Do I believe the "Martin Luther King screwed 40 women and laughed while one was raped?" HELL NO, the Jewish press can take that and STICK IT.

There will be no great white people, and no great black people when all is said and done, they fully intend to erase it all.

FACT: If the FBI knew all about this, MLK would have been busted and canned, STAT. (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7071713/FBI-tapes-Martin-Luther-King-Jr-40-affairs-laughed-friend-raped-parishioner.html)
But you can slander a dead guy all you want. Now we have Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, and MLK. Name greater black people than that. You cannot. Who's next? Will F***ING SMITH? (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7071713/FBI-tapes-Martin-Luther-King-Jr-40-affairs-laughed-friend-raped-parishioner.html)

Ford won the robot race
Ford has a robot that can take a package from Amazon, put it in an autonomous vehicle by itself, then get into the autonomous vehicle, go to destination, get out, pick up the packages, bring them to the door, and send a message that it was delivered while through all of this avoiding obstacles, walking up steps and across various terrain. It is smart enough to cut corners through the grass the way people would. SEE THIS. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHWciIxNK2c) Well worth a watch. Ford has out-done them all.

Half Sense
27th May 2019, 10:35 AM
You watch an ad and say FORD WON
What happened to IT IS ALL FAKE FOLKS

27th May 2019, 11:13 AM
You watch an ad and say FORD WON
What happened to IT IS ALL FAKE FOLKS

Bs prove it.

You at least have your handle correct.

27th May 2019, 01:30 PM
Remember that guy who did a Gofundme to build the border wall? HE DID IT

And he proved I am right about the wastage and time the government is taking, because it is the same 18 foot steel bollard design the government is using and a HALF MILE was done over memorial day week end that closed the second busiest illegal crossing gap on the entire border.. ADDITIONALLY, IT WAS DONE IN A LOCATION THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SAID WAS TOO DIFFICULT TO PUT A WALL INTO. IN FOUR DAYS.

They located the property two months ago, bought that property so they could install the wall, planned the wall, organized the people and when they showed up to do it, it was done before the Memorial Day weekend was even finished.

I was right when I said they were lying about the wall and how "difficult and expensive" it was to do it. You can't get the truth out of this government unless the truth happens to benefit the agenda.

We now know they are lying. Every damn politician is LYING. I can't get the figures on what it actually cost, but buying the land and installing the wall in a location the Army Corps of Engineers said it was too difficult to do, a WHOLE HALF MILE OF IT definitely cost less than $20 mil. If it took a team of 15 people only a three day week end to do it in a very difficult location there's no conceivable reason why the entire damn thing is not built by now, other than someone does not want it built.

SEE THIS (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/may/27/first-ever-private-border-wall-built-new-mexico/) and compare the progress this team of 15 people made against
the progress outlined in this report (https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-mexico/articles/2018-08-17/contractor-makes-progress-on-new-border-wall-in-new-mexico)
where 11 miles took FOUR WHOLE MONTHS. If this group of 15 people took less than a three day week end to do a half mile, they'd have at a maximum finished those 11 miles in about a month and a half.


What a joke the government is.

30th May 2019, 05:18 AM
Disney to pull out of states that make laws against abortion

This is not rumor or a joke, it is from The Hollywood Reporter (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/disney-may-pull-georgia-new-abortion-law-enacted-1214329)

"Bob Iger said it would be "very difficult" for Disney to keep filming in Georgia if the state enacts a new abortion law.

In an interview with Reuters, the CEO of the Walt Disney Co. said he had doubts the company would continue production in Georgia if the controversial ban on abortion in the state comes into effect, primarily as the company's employees would be against it.

"I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. Right now we are watching it very carefully, " Iger told Reuters.
The exec added that if the law does come into effect, he didn't "see how it's practical for us to continue to shoot there."
Disney's prospective withdrawal from production in Georgia would be a huge blow to the state. Recently, Disney's Marvel Studios filmed portions of both Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame in Georgia.
On May 7, Georgia's Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed the "fetal-heartbeat bill, " which bans abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy. The legislation, as well as similar moves in Alabama and other states to ban abortion, has caused a furious backlash in Hollywood and led to calls to boycott those states.

The above needs a translation, here it is:
"Our company, Disney, is now evil - as many people suspected. Many of our actors summon demons to help them play their parts, and therefore need a local environment where demons can thrive. All of them have made deals with the devil to get where they are - you have all heard about "give yourself to me, and I will give you fame and fortune" and that's no joke.

In order for Satan to live up to a deal, he has to be there to fulfill it, and it has already become clear that he won't want to be in your state to help us anymore if you ban his favorite treat - the blood and life of the most innocent of all. And our movies are going to suck because of it, because our actors are not good enough - they need all the help they can get."
If you had any questions about whether or not Disney really did go dark, WOOP, there's your answer. I'll never see another Disney movie or buy another Disney product ever, I won't support that, and I thank Bob Iger for saying what it all is VERY clearly.

30th May 2019, 06:45 AM
Christopher Strunk claims he has removed himself from state & federal ownership and is sui juris. He explains he accomplished this by filing the correct documents and now has standing as a free man to file lawsuits he otherwise would not have standing. He has filed a lawsuit on the grounds that it is the governors duty to protect the fetus because it is government property due to the third party marriage contract between the couple and the state.



30th May 2019, 11:39 AM
I listened for a few minutes and think mr. struck is selling something.


Or else we are all slaves.

He talks like a man convinced that a fraudulent defacto govt and it's bs court system is the law of the land. It is only the law of the United States. A piece of property isolated by law from the several States.

You can't have a State of xxx without an xxx.

30th May 2019, 03:47 PM
I listened for a few minutes and think mr. struck is selling something.


Or else we are all slaves.

He talks like a man convinced that a fraudulent defacto govt and it's bs court system is the law of the land. It is only the law of the United States. A piece of property isolated by law from the several States.

You can't have a State of xxx without an xxx.

I thought some of his legal arguments were interesting.

I also thought from some of what he said he is promoting some form of Anna Reitzinger’s ideas.

The defacto government & its equity/admiriaty court system that most Americans are under the jurisdiction of by volunteering themselves into commerce is the one he is dealing with.

As he points out a baby is a free person up to the moment its birth is registered but after the Erie Railroad Supreme Court decision under Roosevelt common law ended in the courts. New York made a law that common law marriages were illegal and all future marriages were a contract with the state being a 3rd party and and anything issuing forth from the marriage (children) the state has an ownership interest in.

The guy also sites an international treaty that is the basis of his lawsuit. I am curious to know the outcome of his lawsuit.

I never heard of him or his ideas before so I really can’t comment further.

30th May 2019, 05:43 PM
Well I was kind of pissed at his saying sovereignty was a Patraidiot idea, only god is sovereign.

Treaty with King George says all American's are sovereigns in their own rights. If only god is above you, what else is that?

Which makes me call him an ignorant idiot.

All land in America is private and not subject to taxation until the Jews created the Civil war and started instituting all their fraud upon the land.

I got the impression he was selling the current govt as our only choice and we had to work within their rules and their court systems.

Anna is all about doing a reconstruction via the original law and restoring what we had.

I appreciate all your idea's Monty and I might be wrong.

31st May 2019, 07:11 AM
I was reading Anna's fb page and just found this.

To my way of thinking it perfectly describes what I perceive as the difference between Mr. Strunk's idea of what our govt is and Anna's.

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz)They get away with this because they are a foreign government that allows this kind of "subjection" of the people in their employment. This is one of the reasons that our Forefathers rebelled against the Queen. We are dealing with her government and the even more oppressive "local government" provided by the members of Congress operating as a "plenary oligarchy" on our shores.

What Strunk calls our govt, is really not our govt, just a bunch of pirates that invaded our shores and set up a hostile foreign British (Jew) govt pretending to be our govt.

31st May 2019, 07:28 AM
RON PAUL IS AWARE OF THE EFFORT TO DESTROY ASSANGE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=vxzOfWkGAL8)

Ron Paul has done a 21 minute video and asks the question: Are they trying to kill Assange?
MY ANSWER: I guess Ron missed the fact that Pamela took him out in 2016 and he was not even at the embassy this whole time. All they did was put him in the spotlight for a short time so they could show a face, get him "officially" out of the embassy, and subsequently say he "died in prison" and even if he does not "die" he's already effectively brain dead and he's never coming back. This is a major blunder for them, it just proves Britain has gone full blown cold war COMMIE. Yes, Assange is indeed in the Queen's dungeon and it is a lot worse for him than the old days, where all you'd worry about is a little skin rot and the rats eating your feet.

No one would have even considered this being an offense when I was in 8th grade! Obviously programming ABSOLUTE COMPLIANCE for an upcoming police state.


8.6 ounce premature baby lived (https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/9181959/worlds-smallest-baby-survives-saybie/) AND THEY LIED ABOUT HOW MANY WEEKS PREMATURE to cover for the pro-abortionists

A baby was born at 19 weeks and lived. But the MSM will not admit that, and is instead saying the baby was 23 weeks, (which is the end of the legal time frame for abortions in many states) obviously to squelch "outrage" from the pro-abortion crowd. You can't tell the truth like that and show a case where a baby that could have been legally aborted practically anywhere was more than an "un-viable tissue blob" without offending a pro-abort, so "23 weeks" it is. The linked article above is clearly lying because This gestation chart (https://www.babycenter.com/average-fetal-length-weight-chart)clearly shows that at 23 weeks the baby should not have been 8.6 ounces, it should have been 18 ounces. 8.6 ounces lines up with 19 weeks.

On another note, Gucci is another company to ban along with Disney because they just released some new apparel sporting the phrase "my body my choice". You know, there's a GLARING problem with that statement, because a DNA test on the abortion remains would unquestionably prove it is NOT HER BODY.

About that new wall that just went in -

The mayor of the town that has jurisdiction over it says it violates city code, which states that no wall can be more than six feet tall. I can't blatantly state the obvious with this, - what needs to be done about this, I repeat: I CANNOT STATE THE OBVIOUS HERE, but I will say that mayor does NOT have secret service protection.That's an awful big pair of pants he just put on.

According to rumor, Julian assange is "unresponsive" in Belmarsh prison

Yesterday they said he was gravely ill. Today they say he is "unresponsive" but have not announced he is dead.And I called this long ago if he is dead - we would never see him in public, alive and well, EVER. They nailed him in October of 2016 and it has all been a deception since.
I am still waiting on the final answer, and hate to say I told (everyone) so, repeatedly and repeatedly.


All the outrage, as it turns out, is a product of FAKE NEWS, Trump did not order the ship out of sight, anything that happened was the result of normal Navy maintenance. But they found a story to spin, and well, they are the MSM.
I was not going to mention the following until the MSM said everyone was "outraged"

To circumvent that obvious B.S., I'll chime in

Trump ordered the U.S.S. John McCain out of his sight during his Japan visit. The deep state is "outraged" and claims the outrage on social media is so complete it is even felt by the chips it runs on. But there's a huge problem with that assessment, - all I can find is people laughing. GOOD ONE TRUMP!!!

31st May 2019, 10:23 PM

Get it while the getting is good! Pause it exactly 4 seconds into the video and look at the floor - an Israeli flag is painted there. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91JT4qlU8Oo) BUSTED.

ANOTHER FAKE ISRAELI VIDEO BITES THE DUST. And I am sure that once they realize this blunder, the video will be VAPORIZED, get it while the getting is good.

According to Reuters (https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-northkorea-usa-purge/north-koreas-kim-jong-un-carrying-out-purge-after-hanoi-summit-collapse-chosun-ilbo-idUKKCN1T02PB) Kim Jong executed his negotiator over failed NK summit with Trump>

My comment: DOUBT IT. First of all, Reuters quoted a South Korean newspaper, not a North Korean newspaper, and Reuters will lie it's butt off to get a war started as well as CNN will. Since there's no solid way to know if this really happened absent North Korea publishing itself, I am going to express a little doubt here and point out something obvious: A little over a week ago the Mossad staged a false flag in the gulf to kick off a war with Iran. It may have failed, but who's to believe the ziopress is not just trying to get a war started with NK by printing yet more BUNK?
Here's a word of advice: Not so dear and definitely maligned and purely hostile ziopress: If you don't want us calling B.S. on everything you print, don't lie so much, in fact, don't lie at all. By doing so you put us in a difficult position: what to believe and what not to believe. So when a nuke DOES go off in Israel, NO ONE will believe your media when you cry and show burned bodies and a huge crater, after all you run Hollywood and deep fakes are a reality. You should not have blown your chance to have us trust you by posting SO MUCH PATENT B.S.

On that note, I am calling B.S., Kim Jong did not execute his top negotiator, no, this is just some a-holes spewing a war chant. And if I am wrong, it is because YOU, the ziopress, SUCK.


They are promoting the HELL out of this "Rocket Man" movie, if Pokemon got the same rave coverage it would have blasted to $30 billion. And it is obvious Rocket Man is going to have heavy gay undertones, who gives a crap about Elton John's life anyway, let alone when it is obviously going to be a huge gay pride display? I'll bet the rave coverage will make it BLAST to #1 on Friday night, and Saturday the gay theme is going to flush it to the $.99 rack.

I thought this was rumor, and then Drudge posted it


Journalists really were detained filming Bilderberg participants arriving, and this year it is all HUSH HUSH. Kushner is going to be there, but Trump is not. And I'll bet $50 Kushner is going to get marching orders that will do the United States ZERO good.You can't really blame Ivanka for going rogue, because regardless of what the feminists say, mentally stable women really do have enormous respect for a man that deeply influences their behavior, and her being the way she is, with much of her effort at conflict with Trump is only proof Jared is a traitor. If he was not, it would show in Ivanka. Trump would be a lot better off if he just ditched the advice of both and hopefully he'll figure that out. I have no doubt whatsoever Kushner latched onto Ivanka for the sole purpose of keeping Trump, who was then already a billionaire, under the close watchful eye of the tribe by putting an enemy squarely at the center of Trump's business. It is modus operandi for the tribe. I doubt Jared is disappointed with her, but I also have zero doubt he sees her as a tool more than anything else.
THE FACT KUSHNER IS AT BILDERBERG PROVES IT, absolutely no good will come of this.

1st June 2019, 06:05 AM
I have noticed recently people commenting on how the Jews "own everything" now. They do. And they did not do it by "being the best". Here is how it was done:

RT: NSA handed ALL data on ALL Americans over to Israel

This included ALL data on government officials with the agreement that "Israel would respect that data and delete it".Obviously they did not delete it, because they used that data when Obama was in, to fully corrupt the entire U.S. government. Any government official that was not 100 percent in lock step with destroying the United States got removed from office and replaced with one that was. This NSA list is probably how Obama purged the command structure of the U.S. military of so many decent people.
But it is worse than that. Israel got handed detailed profiles on ALL non-Jewish company leaders and owners and most likely everything the NSA had on all non-Jewish owned companies, including all the company contacts and supply lines. Such data could be used to bring the value of a company to zero so the Jews could buy it up for nothing and subsequently revive it. The bottom line now is that there is very little of significance the Jews don't own, and there are very few government offices, right down to the city level, that they don't own also.
This RT report is scathing, and if you read between the lines, it is obvious Israel used the NSA data exactly the way I said above. RT played it safe and did not take it to the ultimate conclusion. (https://www.rt.com/news/460785-nsa-israel-intelligence-partner/)

1st June 2019, 04:21 PM
Probable remote controlled car murder

Something does not sit right about the fatal car accident involving Spanish soccer star Joseph Antonio Reyes. The accident obviously happened at about 150 mph and the story does not wash (https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/breaking-jose-antonio-reyes-dead-16237337)

Adding to this is that even the MSM is using stock photos of the car crash on occasion, with the report I linked being one that actually shows what happened to that car. It had a strong roll cage and was stripped clean of parts, INCLUDING ALL 4 TIRES AND RIMS, during the crash. What kind of accident would erase a car like that?His background was that he was an athletic married family guy, in the car with family. The lone survivor of the crash "died at the hospital". PERFECT. AND WORSE? Within two hours of the crash, Wikipedia had his death and total life story already arranged and told. They probably had it even earlier, that's just when I saw it. That's not possible unless they had it all prepped ahead of time, you can't do that kind of perfect write up on someone that fast unless you know ahead of time what is going to happen. My guess is that someone had a reason to do him in, most likely he was an icon that was holding someone's agenda back.

The very first thing that hit me when I heard about this, straight from the gut is "lane assist" hijack. His car had ALL THAT which means an accident of the type that happened was impossible, he simply went straight off a perfectly marked out highway at probably the max his car could possibly do. SORRY MSM, I AM NOT BUYING THE OFFICIAL STORY WITH THIS, the same way I did not buy the official story of Steve Irwin or the death of Elvis. Both Elvis and Irwin had to be taken out because they were stabilizers of the societies they were a part of - Elvis being the fabric of Americana and Steve Irwin totally defining what it was to NOT be a snowflake. Steve Irwin's death is better explained by a shark dart through the heart, not a damn stingray, the guy was not an idiot.

At any rate, I can't get any info on what this soccer star stood for, only that he was a family guy that was TOTALLY famous, that his car was smart enough to not allow this type of accident, and that he had family in the car, not a bunch of companion dopers. It makes little sense being a supreme athlete that he'd get high enough or drunk enough to crash his car or irresponsible enough to crash it this way, especially in this manner, ESPECIALLY since his car was wired to not let this type of accident happen. So I am going to call this one: DAMN THAT "LANE ASSIST."

YES, with that nice NSA database Israel has access to that is outlined in the next report, they have ALL the car codes, ALL the registration data, ALL the history of everyone's life including everything their competition stands for, and without question, any time it was possible to murder someone with their car, they did and then slandered them as "drunks". They did not end up "owning everything" by being smarter than the rest of us, anyone could get ahead with the NSA fueled advantage they had.

11th June 2019, 08:13 AM
A&E to stone Jehova's Witnesses with new expose' (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/rambling-reporter/leah-reminis-next-a-e-project-tackle-jehovahs-witnesses-1114006)

MY COMMENT: Oh GREAT. I am SUUURE A&E is going to represent a Christian faith well after they told Georgia they were going to stop filming Walking Dead there if that law against abortion gets activated.Fine people they are, ripping Jehovas Witnesses. I can't wait! Or maybe I can, I won't pay a dime to watch their sh*t.
First Disney, then A&E. Double boycott. Anyone who pulls the pro abortion crap where if you are not pro abortion it's adios can have their ADIOS, I'll just put them on the same ban list as Frito Lay, Pepsi, Nestle, Starbucks and other companies that use flavor enhancers that are developed with aborted baby tissue. What gives with that? It is such PATENT B.S. and I am not going to be a part of it. Everything tasted better before they started doing that crap anyway, WHY are they doing it, other than to aspire to new levels of evil?

A comment on Iran's new "anti aircraft missile" that can "shoot down stealth
Yesterday I was skeptical, but after giving it a little thought, Iran has lots of precision guided "ballistic" missiles that are so precise they could easily hit a non-moving parked aircraft in Israel. This is proven when they nailed an ISIS command bunker in Syria with a lone missile, killing everyone there and totally obliterating it (this was a couple years ago). Such precision hits are not possible with missiles that cannot be steered after launch, so Iran definitely has that. And if they have that, all it is going to take is a cheap brain and some ground based targeting controls to take out stealth. It is, in fact, not much of a stretch at all to say they probably did it, especially since pointing a rocket straight and having it be steerable is the hard part. They had that solved long ago. Add to this the fact that they have Russian anti-aircraft missiles to reverse engineer, and well, then what?

A helicopter crashed into a rooftop in New York
This was something I would not have posted about, until the MSM started suggesting it may have been intentional. But it probably was not. It appears the helicopter lost tail rotor control and was traveling at a high rate of speed to avoid losing control without the tail rotor. That ate too much altitude, and being unable to clear the buildings to try to land it he chose a roof top, the wrong roof top because it had structures on it the main rotor hit and the helicopter burst into flames.

11th June 2019, 09:58 AM
The following companies just stood up and said abortion is so central to their business model they cannot succeed with out it.

Here is the current list of companies you should boycott

Bloomberg L.P. - Mˆ™Aˆ™C Cosmetics - DVF - H&M - Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics - Yelp - Square, Inc - Portland General Electric - Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - Zendesk - The Standard - Warby Parker - Backstage Capital - Unity Technologies - &pizza - Refinery29 - POPSUGAR - Hello Alfred - Tinder - The Cut - CREDO Mobile - Outdoor Voices - ChowNow - Hint, inc. - R2C Group - Catbird - The Muse - BaubleBar - hims & hers - Blavity - Cinq Sept and LIKELY - The Riveter - THINX - Trillium Asset Management - WILDFANG - Richer Poorer - Mara Hoffman - OUAI - TomboyX - Heartbeat - Sustain - Dame Products - ADAY - Designer Revival - Cora - Visit.Org, Inc. - Fur - LaRue PR LLC - Lesbians Who Tech - Nia Impact Capital - We Dream in Color - The Cru - Harrington Investments, Inc. - Dazey LA - Gotham Gal - Union Station - New York Media - Le Tote - Aspiration - Sunshine Sachs - BerlinRosen - Swift - Verified Strategy - - Sawyer - General Assembly - Kona Natural Soap Co LLC - LOOM - The Femedic - Smash Strategies - Milo - Obedient - Mos.com - Okta - Slack Technologies Inc - Postmates - Eileen Fisher, Inc. - Dermalogica Professional Skincare - The Body Shop US - Quintessentially - [B]Ben & Jerry's - Teads - IDEO - BlueJeans Network - Atlantic Records & Warner Music Group - Endeavor - Bolt Threads - Lex Machina - Food52 - PR Consulting - Overtime - Godfrey Dadich Partners - Naadam - Clare V. - Parachute - Houseparty - Threads 4 Thought - The Lede Company - HATCH - Clark - NOAH - Becca PR - Homeboy Electronics Recycling - Full Circle Brands - DRG Search - CleaverCo - Lingua Franca - Shoppable.com - La LOOP - Bhakti, Inc. - Inspiring Capital - HigherRing White-Glove Customer Service - Global Gaming Initiative + Jukko - Tia - Bantam Tools - Timehop - Soma Massage Therapy - MilkRun, Inc. - MilkCrate - The Jane Club - WaitWhat - STATE Bags - Picture Motion - Plum Alley Investments - Grey Horse Communications - Dipsea - Loop & Tie - VenueBook - t PRIMA - Hugo - Agents of Change Partners - [B]Paladin - atlasGO - LIVARI - Culture Creators - Melanin.Tech - UserTesting, Inc. - Ladies Get Paid - RVisions Medical Staffing - Moxie Communications Group - PresentVoices - Maven Communications - Amalgamated Bank - M.M. LaFleur - rag & bone - Away - Beneficial State Bank - Birchbox - Glossier - The Wing - Kenneth Cole Productions - Everlane - Seventh Generation - Rebecca Minkoff LLC - Gabriela Hearst - United Talent Agency - Yulu PR - Indigo - iFundWomen - The Helm - ROAM - ClearHealthCosts - Lately - LimeRed - MakeLoveNotPorn - Rebellious PR & Consulting - BeautifulNow - VOZ - Sustainable Pacific - Balloonr - SVILU - Sophie Theallet - FoodtoEat - McPherson Strategies - Vista Global Coaching & Consulting - WhyWhisper Collective - Iconery - Aunt Flow - LOROD - Andrena - RAD - Change Catalyst - Fathom - Heather Taylor Home - Adam Selman Sport - Superfit Hero - Repairogen Corporation - Gyrate Media - Lorals - Mangrove Web Development - Green Retirement, Inc. - Seed Systems - Female Founders Fund - Ends+Stems - Beefcake Swimwear - RockPaperRobot - Colibri Digital Marketing - NEEV - Narrative Food - RoundPeg Benefit LLC - Certifiably - Arrow Event Management - Shifting Patterns Consulting - Nathalie Molina Niño, LLC - Unbound - Women Online and The Mission List - Diana Kane - Carlson & Carlson, Inc. - TAFi - Juicebox - AGENCY672, Inc. - Law Offices of Traci M. Hinden - TGW Studio - Alder New York -

[B]Yelp extortion backfires

Yelp does indeed remove positive reviews for your business if you don't pay them a hefty extortion fee, and Yelp itself will in turn write negative reviews written by their own staff even if they never hit your restaurant or business if you do not pay the extortion fee. I stopped paying attention to online reviews back in the 90's because they are predominantly B.S.
Take a look at what one pizza shop did to Yelp. (https://thehustle.co/botto-bistro-1-star-yelp/) Just like my boycott of AMC and Disney for their boycotts of Georgia over Georgia's new abortion laws, Yelp needs a boycott BADLY, STOP USING YELP, they are bullshit anyway. Just like Amazon reviews, you really have to read to the bottom on Amazon to know what is going on there. I have a GREAT example of a company posting fake reviews on Amazon, and you'll be surprised what company did it.

I have a GREAT example of a company with a stellar reputation writing fake reviews on Amazon. The company is Roland, makers of very popular pro keyboards. Yes, even they will fake it, check this out!
Recently Roland contracted with a Chinese OEM that had what Roland figured was a half way decent arranger keyboard for home use. The Chinese company name is Mideli, which produced a great sounding budget keyboard and Roland re-branded it as their own.I noticed people were leaving reviews on this keyboard that were indicative of a product that was not up to Roland standards, yet the product still had a 4 star rating. Here are a few:
"I bought this keyboard last month, and already 3 keys are not working. It's a cheap one"
"Dear Amazon this product is found fauly before 1 year of warranties"
"Not durable. Some keys are not functioning within some days"

And then I came across this review: "Roland ex-20 (https://www.amazon.in/Roland-EX-20-Arranger-Keyboard/dp/B078WQ7YQL) is rebranded chinese keyboard medeli M361 (https://www.amazon.com/Medeli-M361-Portable-Electronic-Interactive/dp/B01N0X5ZEY).So expect poor quality. Buy casio ct-x 8000IN instead.Roland made this keyboard for indians and fooled us.

And then there was a splattering of reviews like this, which have all the characteristics of FAKE:
"nice product" / "Excellent" / "Great, Very good product" / "Super, Nice" / "It was worth waiting, it's OK" / REPEAT: "Great, Very good product" / and lots more similar super short super positive five star reviews. That does not happen with an instrument, musicians will describe WHY it is "great".
To be clear, in it's own right, the Mideli M361, when purchased as it was intended to be sold, is not a bad keyboard and when purchased in the perspective of what it is, people LOVE IT.

The problem with it all is that it is NOT a Roland, which is supposed to be thrown in a case wet from a rainstorm, thrashed in the back of a truck over 3, 000 miles of speed bumps, dropped off the stage during setup, and STILL WORK PERFECT. So it appears Roland pumped up the rep of this particular product with a bunch of fake reviews. I'd have strongly preferred from Roland: Please keep in mind that this is an OEM keyboard with a GREAT sound set for home use only and not critical use, it is not a stage instrument, DO NOT GIG WITH IT if you don't intend to treat it like a baby or use it in situations where any problems will be disastrous.The bottom line: Reviews are rigged. Even by Champions. Roland is a TOTAL CHAMPION company. Take the lengthy write-ups with good perspective with 50X the value of the short one liners, and if everything is a short one-liner or something long that is basically a repeat, don't consider it legit.
Unlike Roland, which deserves a good reputation and never extorted anyone, Yelp is total trash. I used Roland as an example of "even the best will do this, " so seriously CAVEAT EMPTOR, if even Roland pulls this crap, online reviews are worthless.

11th June 2019, 02:58 PM
So much debauchery going on

It does not take much to notice that the left has really thrown it into overdrive down the canyon of debauchery recently. Never at any point before has any leftist company been brazen enough to scream that they stand for abortion up until birth and if people won't accept it, THEY, THE COMPANY, will boycott. They are doing it all the time now. And it went from LBG to LBGT to LBGTQ and now they want to add a P for Pedophile. I am sure a N will be added for those who want to dig up graves and screw the corpses after that. What is up with this lately?Evidently they believe that if they cancel all conservative voices from all public venues that magically everyone will go queer. There's not a chance that will happen, but "they are brighter than us" and really truly believe that just by stopping us from connecting with each other in any way other than THEIR terms, they'll cause a transformation.
They have stepped this up recently, and plan to enforce it via the subversion of law enforcement, where the laws will interfere with monopolies held by the tech left. They plan to continue the subversion by allowing a wave of immigrants in who are totally unaware of what the agenda is, but will cast a vote in favor of a free handout. They plan to win this in the most despicable way possible but are worried they might not make it. So they are standing up and exposing themselves now in one last huge push to take it all. Whether or not the gamble will work or not has to play out, but their recent freak outs are not good for them and it is hard to believe they don't know that. They probably do.

One thing is certain - with how they are pushing obviously destructive "vaccines" to destroy the intellects of their right-wing competition plus slandering the right as much as possible, while doing all they can to wreck both America and Europe with IQ 70 invaders at the same time they hand all the tech they possibly can to China and other various groups who will work against our interests, if we lose 2020 we are DOOMED. People had better wake up and see this as the war that it is or it will be GAME OVER.

The last thing they care about is honesty. The last thing they care about is social unity. What they are seeking is anything at all that can undermine and wipe out conservatives and nationalists sufficiently enough to allow them to take the reins once and for all, - while all of their ugliness is showing, in broad daylight. They were in the shadows until now, and now the mask is off. If they take over while the mask is off, WATCH OUT, it is going to be FIGHT or be carted away, like we have all been ranting about for over a decade.

9 year old boy stabbed to death by "Fembians" who performed botched sex change surgery (https://www.newmediacentral.net/brazil-couple-stabs-nine-year-old-boy-to-death-after-makeshift-gender-reassignment-surgery/)

"Rhuan Maycon, 9, was stabbed to death on May 31st by his mother, Rosana da Silva Candido, 27, and lesbian partner Kacyla Damasceno Pessao, 28.The boy was stabbed to death as he slept after suffering for a year after a botched gender reassignment surgery.

They performed a "sex-change surgery". After removing the penis, they sewed the mutilated region and improvised a version of a female genital organ, making a cut in the groin. The surgery had apparently been performed with no medical supervision after Rhuan's mother had decided to turn her son into a girl.

Rhuan's father had previously contacted Child Protective Services and the police after expressing concerns about the welfare of his son. Rhuan€™s father told the press, "We tried to save Rhuan. We published messages on the social media, we contacted police and the Child Protective Services. No one helped us."

It appears that Rhuan had suffered extensive psychological trauma from his mother for being male before his penis was severed and his eventual death.
MY COMMENT: The two women were never held accountable for what they did because it was "only a boy, " and subsequently moved to the U.S. where they now teach third grade. Ok, that was only a guess, but with the way many American teachers are now, a VERY GOOD guess.

11th June 2019, 04:46 PM
C'mon Bigjon; "
if we lose 2020 we are DOOMED." You really think politics will save us? Politics got us where we are and will get us where we are going. Trump is a tool.

11th June 2019, 04:52 PM
C'mon Bigjon; "if we lose 2020 we are DOOMED." You really think politics will save us? Politics got us where we are and will get us where we are going. Trump is a tool.



11th June 2019, 08:25 PM
C'mon Jim Stone; "
if we lose 2020 we are DOOMED." You really think politics will save us? Politics got us where we are and will get us where we are going. Trump is a tool.

Don't disagree with anything you said.

12th June 2019, 01:54 PM

The U.S. Women's team thrashed the hell out of Thailand (http://www.stationgossip.com/2019/06/its-important-for-us-to-celebrate.html) and then were jerks about it.

Obviously the U.S. women's team kicked butt, probably without even needing transgenders, (I never checked on that) but their behavior was over the top afterwards. I guess it was understandable IF you also understand that they are not raised to have any class at all anymore. I guess I can't say I am disappointed they kicked butt (I am not in the least) because they showed that even with all the diminishing of American greatness lately there is still a lot left. But come on now, SHOW SOME CLASS. Let's see how the American girls behave after getting their butts kicked by China or Russia. That may be a far fetched notion however, they really look like they are set to take it all.

Robot cop? Not hardly, and it is BAD. (https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/police-robot-could-make-traffic-stops-safer-ncna1002501)

Some people should not be designing anything, and this "robot" is such an example. How would you like to get pulled over, and rather than see a cop, a POS robot that does not even look or think like a robot plus has to be on a track that extends from the police car because it can't think it's way to your window comes up to your window, lays down a spike strip (what an insult) to stop you from driving off, and then you see a cop's face on a tablet rather than the cop at your door? Pepper bot blows this thing away, and fortunately, the COPS HATE IT.So unless this robot gets an "ocasio" boost, (you know damn well she did not win anything, abrain burrowing worm (https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/05/hawaii-warns-tourists-of-parasitic-worm-that-can-burrow-into-human-brains/?fbclid=IwAR2YmMuLwW76j8QWqeF_wnh0RmuE1hxQVMVa4_fY weGFbq1tW15QgVTtrY4) could have beaten her) - absent such a phony boost you won't have to worry about ever seing this piece of insulting techno crap any time soon.
"Sir, you may go now. OOPS, sorry, the spike strip was not retracted yet . . . ."

La Brea tar pit eruption!!!

The La Brea tar pits are a tourist attraction in LA that I have seen several times. It's just tar that trapped animals and preserved them, you probably heard about it.Anyway, The area around the tar pits (https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2019/06/08/la-brea-tar-pits/) started erupting tar onto the city streets. There are two possibilities with this:
It is either just the natural progression of the tar pits, which have to be fed occasionally from below to remain as tar pits, or there is something seismically shifting underground, and this could be signaling an impending earthquake.
I will side with "this is harmless" for now, but it is a curiosity no doubt.

Something very strange has happened here

A few weeks ago I purchased a kilo of sugar from the corner store. Normally they will sell in grams, but they seemed to want to sell me a specific kilo. There is something VERY wrong with that kilo.A while ago I mentioned repeatedly that if you are anyone in alt media or anyone who has gotten the attention and ire of the "elite" that you must randomize all purchases to avoid problems. And that sugar may be one such problem.
Here is what happened initially: After using it in my coffee, I proceeded to run red lights and almost hit people repeatedly, and never had an accident out of sheer luck. It had an off taste that was too sweet for straight sugar but it did not taste like aspartame. Aspartame will totally screw me over. So I set it aside to test the next time I ran out of sugar.
Today, I ran out of sugar for the second cup of coffee. So I grabbed that sugar, telling myself: "You probably had a misperception the first time around, this sugar is going to be OK. And now I am spinning with vertigo, barely able to stay in the chair, I was not expecting it so it is not a misperception, I figured I was wrong about the sugar the first time which is why I tried it again. I should not have.
It is 100 percent motor coordination/balance/association of objects and what they mean, it is not affecting my writing. So now I have a nice sample of sugar I expect to be a royal screw job, and people at the store to tell all about how they were scammed by whoever. I don't know how to get this tested when I can't direct the lab as to what to test for, so I am just going to keep it as a sample and maybe eventually use it on someone I figured gave it to me in the first place (this would not be anyone at the store, who would believe whatever some CIA-hole would tell them.) If I ever get a prime opportunity I definitely will use it. If they don't want me to have a weapon, they should not hand me one. THANKS!
I do not drink or do drugs, so I notice things like this very easily, if this was done by someone on purpose it failed, I will NOT take the "therapeutic dose" over an entire KG, It is obviously possible the sugar company spiked their sugar with aspartame to make it sweeter, but this seems a LOT worse than aspartame, especially since it would have only been a trace amount that you would not notice mixed with normal sugar.

DAY CANCELED as far as other things I had planned, I can at least type. I can barely stay balanced to type. Blood pressure fine, heart beat fine. This is not that.

I have not missed the recent McCaffee story

The one with "31 terabytes" of "A LOT worse than Wikileaks". I have not bothered with this because:Though I am totally sure it is legit, I am also totally sure McCaffee will be either dead or shut down, he may be a smart guy but he does not understand the conspiracy well enough to know YOU DON'T ANNOUNCE THESE THINGS, YOU DO THEM. He'll be dead or rendered irrelevant so fast it will be ADIOS before word one.

Trump: "Mexico is doing more for the United States than Democrats"

Donald Trump tweeted:Sad when you think about it, but Mexico right now is doing more for the United States at the Border than the Democrats in Congress! (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1138414246298042369)
The usual trolls are the "only thing posting" below his tweets, that kind of manipulation of a social platform should be outlawed, AND, HE IS RIGHT.
Actually, when you ignore the headlines in the scamming MSM, Obrador has indeed done MANY MANY times as much to stop the illegal immigrants than the U.S. border patrol has, but with Soros funding it all it was a daunting challenge. When they bust the U.S. border, they just walk across. When they bust the Mexican border, they have to do it by holding babies in front of them, and if the police try to stop them, they smash the baby. What is Mexico to do? Mexico has a hell of a lot worse situation than the U.S. as far as how evil Soros is, he took the gloves off down here and resorted to killing the innocent to get the job done. Once they start crushing babies against the barricades, what can you do?
Rather than help stage an invasion of the U.S., Obrador instead tried to get all the immigrants to stay in Mexico by giving them jobs. But a large number of them would not take the jobs. They chose to go north to the U.S. anyway. And even among the ones that took jobs, the crime stats were WAY out of wack, and Mexicans got sick of it.

I'd say, contrary to the sh*tposting that appears on various social media, that Obrador did extremely well with all of this, but what can you do when a Soros nuke goes off? People complain that Mexico did not shut down the bank accounts of the people who were final stage funding the caravans sooner, and that when he did, he still did not give out names. But the flip side to this is, there's a reason why Paypal for this site is still working, and because someone is PISSED they can't shut it down entirely, instead they steal or block anything they can get away with. There are two sides to the story of making bank accounts hard to shut down, if alt media in America had a Mexican banking situation in American banks, not one NOT EVEN STORMFRONT would have lost a bank account. They may have still been denied ads and demonetized but they would at least be able to receive donations. The way America's left has it now, you can't even have that work.Ok, so back to the main headline: Mexico is indeed doing more to help the immigration scenario than the Dems are, and it was not just after tariffs, they were the whole time. The tariffs just put pressure on an effort that was already underway. So the question is:
How much more could the Dems prove they are an element subversive to the United States than to have Mexico, a "leftist" country, do more to solve a problem for the U.S. than they will? And it is a LOT MORE, because rather than do something about the problem, the left in america is doing all it can to make the problem worse.
It's called SUBVERSION

13th June 2019, 09:46 AM

WE ARE LOOKING AT AN AI DEEP FAKE WITH THIS. do not believe any tankers got torpedoed anywhere. The deep faker was not good enough, GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. IDIOT.

The more I look at this, the more there is wrong with it. Like, look at the very front of the "burned part". They were smart enough to at least slope the "burned part" backwards because the ship would have been underway at the time and the burn mark would look like that, but they were not smart enough to put that slope mark behind the "hole". How did the leaking oil outrun the ship and start burning more than a hundred feet in front of where the hole was? Looks good in a picture though. This is a really pathetic fake that presents a shocking image that may work against people who can't think or don't know what a bilge pump is.Another problem: Considering how low the ship is sitting in the water, it is still full of oil, WHERE IS THE DAMN GUSHER? And it is not sitting low enough to indicate there's a problem, that's what the orange part of the hull is for - to show if the ship is sitting too low. The bulb is submerged but there's orange showing. It is sitting JUST RIGHT, after taking a torpedo and burning. YEP.

I'd actually like this to be a longer report, and I guess I could throw in a bunch of crap everyone already knows, like, Israel does lots of false flags and lots of troops just got positioned for an Iran attack and there's a good reason to attack Iran RIGHT NOW before they make more of those missiles that can "identify and shoot down an F-35" but EVERYONE who reads this site already knows that, and this was all so stupidly faked that it is probably better to make it short and to the point.I guess I'll sit around and wait for the war to start, a war Iran did not want and was WAY TOO SMART to start by stupidly blowing stuff up in the sea of Oman which just so happens to be barely far enough out of Iran's sight for them to not be able to call this as it is in the first few hours. I hope my post at least helps, a war is the last thing America or anyone else needs.
But wait, there's more. I'll throw this in because it is SO STUPID.

This is the "hole" the "torpedo" made.
Great. If so:

1. The tone of the light proves this picture was taken at a depth far beyond an oil tankers max draft of 55 feet.2. How is the diver just sitting there peacefully without getting sucked in?3. How could the bilge pumps keep up with such a huge hole?
4. There is a fire "burning" above this diver, RIGHT ABOVE THIS DIVER, where's the glow from that? And if the fire is out, it would prove this picture was taken in BRIGHT SUNLIGHT with PERFECT COLOR RENDITION because the timing of events would require it, WHICH WOULD MEAN:

And the water is not to blame for the color shift, you know, those REEF PICTURES we all love so much PROVE IT. They substituted a photo of a different sunken ship for this, one that was a POS and sunk somewhat deep, not one that was a perfectly painted tanker right on the surface as proven by the top photo, and if they want you to think the paint burned below the water line, THEY SUCK, you can see drip marks down the side of this hulk that could only come from years of neglect and the top photo proves the "attacked" ship was well cared for and did not sink enough to conceal a hole that damn big.I'd like to find where they googled that picture from.
Here is a little help with where they googled that picture from:

There are two possibilities. One is that it is a photo of a ship that was intentionally sunk to create a reef and the picture was taken after the sinking, and another is that it was not intentionally sunk, and is at a depth of more than 95 feet, beyond which coral can grow, which is why it stayed clean. Normal scuba gear can be used to depths of over a hundred feet, so the absense of coral does not mean the sinking is a recent sinking. To me, the light looks like this was taken at a depth of about 120-150 feet, which is within the spec range for recreational diving with conventional scuba gear.Where is a ship that you can dive to, that is sunk at a depth of between 120 and 150 feet?

13th June 2019, 07:13 PM
MY ASSESSMENT ON THE OIL TANKER PICTURED WAS WRONGIT PROBABLY WAS HIT AND IS NOT A DEEP FAKE, THE CARGO WAS METHANOL WHICH IS WHY IT DID NOT SHOW UP AS AN OIL SLICK. THE BURN MARKS ON THE SIDE STILL NEED EXPLAINING.I would have continued to call B.S., but Iran did the rescue of the crews of both ships, and Iranian media itself is saying it. So obviously my assessment is wrong, my error is mostly explained by the fact that the ship was carrying methanol, which would instantly totally combine with seawater and not be visible at all. The other one hit was carrying gasoline, which would have been more visible but not like crude oil would be.So I am going to post a big OOOOOPS, they were NOT carrying oil, which I assumed they would be if they were oil tankers. BONUS: Neither one of them sank, and (random) Iranians are saying they were tracking an Israeli sub in the area when the attacks happened. I have not seen an Iranian military assessment say that directly yet. That did not stop Pompeo from blaming Iran.Yes, I am embarrassed, but there is at least an explanation for why I made such an error. I still don't think the hole pictured was a hole in one of these tankers however, that hole should have sunk whatever it hit and both are fine and floating, preserving all evidence for future investigation.Fortunately I do not screw up like this often, and when I do, I post a clear correction.

14th June 2019, 06:25 AM
Iran has officially stated the U.S. did the oil tanker attacks

"The US and its regional allies must stop warmongering and put an end to mischievous plots and false flag operations in the region, " Iran's mission to the United Nations said."Warning, once again, about all of the US coercion, intimidation and malign behaviour, Iran expresses concern over suspicious incidents for the oil tankers that occurred today."
SEE THIS. (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9292305/iran-oil-tanker-attack-gulf-of-oman/)


http://www.informationliberation.com/files/sarah-jeong-az-quotes.jpgMy comment: Chinese people are SO SMART that all WHITE PEOPLE had to do to destroy Huawei is tell them they could not use our processors or operating systems in their products. THE SAME IS TRUE FOR ALL NON WHITE COMPANIES, WHITES COULD WIPE EVERY DAMN ONE OUT INCLUDING AUTO MANUFACTURERS BY JUST SAYING THEY CANNOT USE OUR PROCESSORS.

Asians have yet to design a SINGLE. DAMN. ONE.Yep. She's a SMART GIRL.

Pompeo said Iran did it

Pompeo said no war with Iran

Trump said we would strike without notice.

Well well, the mask comes off: Alex just said Iran admitted to the oil tanker attacks. Iran admitted to nothing!


14th June 2019, 08:02 AM
Something is SERIOUSLY AMISS with the oil tanker reports from ALL sources

There are TONS of inconsistencies. Some sources are saying one of the ships (the one I showed yesterday) sank, yet the ship's operator says it is floating fine, but on fire. Some sources say the Iranians saved the crews of both ships, other sources are saying The Americans saved the crew of at least one of the ships and the Koreans rescued the crew of the other ship, which begs the question: Why then are both crews sitting in Iran?Lots of reports are claiming torpedoes. Other reports are claiming Limpet mines. And other reports are claiming "flying objects" hit the ships while Iran is now claiming that upon investigation, it looks like technical issues caused the fires. (http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13980324000337)That's not a done deal yet, and HIGHLY suspicious.
Some reports have both tankers carrying crude oil. Some reports have one carrying gasoline and the other one alcohol. And other reports are claiming one was carrying naptha.
It is very difficult to assess what is going on with all the conflicting crap out there. The only thing consistent so far is that there are no crews on these ships, Iranian investigators are on at least one of the ships, and it appears everything happened above the water line which means yesterday America's MSM was posting bullshit photos of damaged hulls.

I think Iran's claims that both tankers had "technical issues" are LUDICROUS. They are not done yet, we'll have to see where these stories go.

Someone is going to get arkancided. Or something approximate to that.

HMMMM, WHAT WOULD "FLYING OBJECTS" BE?"The Japanese owner of the Kokuka Courageous, one of two oil tankers targeted near the Strait of Hormuz, said Friday that sailors on board saw "flying objects" just before it was hit, suggesting the vessel wasn't damaged by mines.
The Japanese tanker was attacked twice Thursday, damaging the vessel and forcing all 21 crew members to evacuate. The tanker survived the first attack, which hit near the engine room and was followed by another, damaging the starboard side toward the back. SEE THIS. (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oil-tanker-attacks-gulf-of-oman-tanker-owner-seems-to-dispute-us-account-of-gulf-of-oman-attack-today-2019-06-14/)
My comment: The linked CBS report erroneously claims that both tankers were carrying petroleum products, which screwed my analysis yesterday when I assumed the same thing. Alcohol is not a petroleum product, which is what the tanker I featured yesterday was carrying. That is why there was nothing visible on the water, or in the bilge. The one mentioned in the CBS report linked above was carrying gasoline, and I have seen no pictures of it posted anywhere.
All the attacks happened ABOVE the water line, which means my calling B.S. on the hole picture the MSM posted was correct. I am still upset at how I messed up yesterday, despite being right on some of the points I made.

Also, unless they are timer based only, limpet mines won't go off above the water line, and why on earth would anyone put one above the water line, where the supposed video of the Iranians removing one showed to begin with? It's not like they are invisible, it is awful easy to see something stuck to the side of a ship. Why on earth would ANYONE put such a mine in plain sight? Add to that the fact that in the era of crystal clear sat pics and 4k video, the "video" of Iran removing it, which would only prove they removed it, not that they put it there - the video was of a quality you'd get from a 90's era brick phone. That alone is highly suspicious. I doubt that video is legit at all.The good part of this story is that people are not believing Iran did this. How stupid would it be for Iran to bomb two Japanese bound tankers while Japan's prime minister was talking to Iran's president? Rumor had it that there was an Israeli sub in the area, however, the "flying objects" take on this makes that spurious, some explaining is needed with all of this.

17th June 2019, 09:03 AM
I hate to say it, but Trump really did green light GMO BIGLY. (https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-modernizing-regulatory-framework-agricultural-biotechnology-products/)

Trump has issued an executive order that will make it far easier for GMO companies to get their products to market. I thought people were against that - and obviously getting the public to accept this has a KEY CLAIM: "Trust your government, they operate in YOUR best interest." and if you don't think so, you are a nutter!YEP.

"Mothman" of Chernobyl?

I think Mothman and similar entities may be real but are sort of like Bigfoot, which also may be real. Both would be highly intelligent and able to keep out of sight in remote areas. Both have been featured in MSM reports, with Mothman (surprisingly) given a higher credibility. Now, stories about a "mothman" type entity around Chernobyl before it exploded have surfaced on Russia's MSM.
I'd still say take it with a grain of salt, however, having this get published will certainly boost the entire notion of Mothman.
Mothman is about the size of a man and has wings of a bat, and has a reputation of showing up in locations that are about to have a disaster. Mothman does not attack anyone, it just seems to be an entity that shows up where a disaster will be. The one that is rumored to have shown up at Chernobyl was "headless" yet had eyes, if it was real it is probably a visible spirit entity that varied slightly in form from the American mothman. At any rate, if you are into this stuff, Sputnik News (https://sputniknews.com/viral/201906161075899976-blackbird-of-chernobyl-staff-claimed-to-have-seen-creepy-supernatural-creature-before-blast/) did an interesting piece on the topic.

If you caught the AFP headline about an explosion induced earthquake in NK:

It is a prime example of CRAP reporting. The "earthquake" measured a 1.3, which makes it approximately equal to a few sticks of dynamite, and it happened on the CHINESE side of the border. This type of thing should never make a headline, but since NORTH KOREA was nearby they figured they'd call it an explosion and make people at least briefly think NK did another nuke test.

Iran busted a pool of CIA agents (https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201906171075913700-arrests-cia-run-busted-in-iran/) operating in Iran

Iran should not be honoring American passports. People who show up as "salesmen" and "aid workers" and "tourists" and whatever else are more and more nothing but CIA agents and similar, looking to spy, undermine, and de-stabilize the country. This is certainly true of more than just Iran also.


This is on Twitter, so people need to get onto this before Twitter shuts it down. It took me a while to figure out what is going on with this, so I will say it clearly so people won't have to take a long time to figure it out -Remember the synagogue shooting in New Zealand? As it turns out, the FBI was on 8 chan trying to entrap people and was posting their own stuff to 8 chan to prove 8 chan was violent and needed to be shut down and have their servers seized, and they proceeded with an affidavit and a lawsuit to accomplish that. PROBLEM: 8 chan puts "you" and your identifying number right into the script above whatever is posted, and that only shows for whoever posted it. And that "you" was there for every post the FBI itself made to "prove" 8 chan was a platform for plotting violence. And they were too stupid to redact the "you", which proves they themselves posted it. IT GETS BETTER:
So the "you" made it evident that the FBI was posting under user ID number 8f4812.Archive.org did their "duty" and deleted everything for the FBI, so people could not do what ARCHIVE.IS MADE POSSIBLE: Archive.is had everything the Chans ever had posted, archived. And people started going over those archives, looking for posts by user 8f4812 and found other threads where the FBI trolled, and the FBI got busted posting tons of crap about Russia doing Christchurch and more, once ONE innocuous post by an FBI agent got discovered for what it was because the FBI did not redact properly it allowed people a way to find the rest of what the FBI was doing, and folks it is not good, for however long this lasts
the twitter thread on this is here (https://mobile.twitter.com/Jasperge107/status/1140394418312220674) take some time going through this to get a clear picture of what is going on, it proves SO MUCH, like:
1. The FBI controls the Wayback machine (archive.org), and can have anything removed that they want, but they don't control Archive.is.
2. The FBI is a primary instigator of violence on online forums.
3. The FBI is TOTALLY leftist.
4. The FBI will try to make people who are aware look like nutcases, by pretending to be "aware" and then acting crazy.
5. The FBI will shitpost to frame forums and provide a "reason" to seize servers and shut them down, when in reality, no one who hit those forums to begin with did anything to cause it.
And I am sure, MUCH MUCH more.

Jim Acosta tweeted 1.25 million "followers" about a book signing in ARLINGTON and
Only sold about 30 books. (https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/14/jim-acosta-book-signing/)

This speaks volumes. It shows how much scamming Trump haters are appreciated, as well as how much people really like corrupted liberal reporters. PERFECT.
Google's response? Sideline, de-monetize, and ban more conservatives! That way, they might increase the number of people who believe the liberal crap they link from 30 to 37.

Power outages, cyber attacks, arrests and more!

Despite numerous reports about Russia probing America's grid and America probing Russia back, no outages, other than a major one that affected Argentina, Paraguay, and parts of Brazil have happened and I did not hear of any attacks against them. 40+million were without power but they returned it fairly quickly, over a few hours.Despite numerous reports about attacks on the internet, nothing is showing up in the real world. Ditto for arrests:
Everyone plus their followers, their followers cat's and the cat's fleas, EVERYONE is screaming about how Barr is going to trigger arrests soon. EXCEPT ME.
I doubt it is click bait, but I don't believe a word of it. And sit back and watch, and watch, and watch me be totally right, if they can't even be honest about Ginsburg dead or alive, NO ONE is getting busted ANYWHERE except for perhaps the Uber driver for Hillary's florist.

Here is a good reason to NEVER trust a "film critic"

A Netflix documentary on Ocasio Cortez titled "knock down the house" has been given a Rotten Tomatoes score of 100 by critics, and is being "celebrated" as the "greatest motion picture of all time".
But there's a problem.
LOOK AT THIS. (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/knock_down_the_house) Real people who are not slanted "critics" have given it 2.05 stars. It is very difficult to get anything rated that low, and you can bet even that is being held artificially high by people attempting to slant even that upwards.
Consider this when giving a certified "movie reviewer" credibility, 100 percent of critics gave this 2.05 star mega flop top honors. Their word is DIRT.
And it also means that Ocasio is going to be handed whatever she wants, FOREVER, she is not leaving an "elected" position ever again. Vote rigging will see to that.

GET THIS! After I posted how Israel sucked, the phone I am using as a modem suddenly asked me, out of the blue, if an "app" could access the microphone, camera, pictures and everything else on the device, and it would not quit asking, kept the screen on for hours and made the phone hot, when I have NEVER surfed the web with it directly or used that device AT ALL. It is just a phone I picked up at Wal Mart for $35 that will work as a modem, that is what it's life is for.So I shut it off with a long power button hold and this morning when I turned it on, so far nothing is asking for anything, however, IT WAS STILL HOT AFTER BEING TURNED OFF ALL NIGHT. Welcome to 3 hour battery life, fortunately it can be plugged in constantly and the cameras are taped over. Maybe I'll de-solder the microphone too.

20th June 2019, 06:12 AM
From Jim Stone: (

I am going to repeat again that nothing is going to happen to Hillary
Once again, probably for the 18th time, there's a flurry of reports about "they have the documents" and "they are going to prosecute" and "the deep state is going down." It will not go down, and I'll tell you why:

Jared Kushner That's why.
Jared has painted over things so well for the Jewish community, and that they can "do no evil" and that it is all just a "misunderstanding" and "we really love America" that Trump is simply allowing traitors to keep on going because "they could not be that bad" and he does not know who to trust. He's not getting good advice. If anything positive happens it is kept in check by subversive elements. No one is going to jail, the welfare for immigrants situation will not change, and every damn last piece of "progress" we do manage to make will come with a price tag: WAR ON IRAN or at least an attempt to start it.

Where are we now? Trump was anti-vax, yet the vax laws are in place harder than ever. Trump knew common core was bad and wanted to change it, and NOTHING happened. Now we have teachers outright telling boys to get sex changes, and it was not that way under Obama, the left accelerated EVERYTHING and Trump has not been able to stop any of it. Quite frankly, we are sitting in a worse place than we ever were, despite the fact that Trump was likely well intentioned.

And as it turned out, it WAS the U.S. waging war on Yemen, not Saudi Arabia which is perplexing because I can't think of why the U.S. would want to wipe Yemen out, or why the Sauds would want to either. This is a mystery war, proven to be U.S. fronted when rebels shot down an advanced American killer drone that could not have been there unless the U.S. was flying it. Well done. Now we have better insight.

Could Eretz Israel have anything to do with it? Maybe they want the whole peninsula? Why the hell would anyone blow up Yemen? That's like having a 10 year old with a B.B. gun shoot sparrows just because they are something to shoot at. And it just goes to show that Hillary had Libya, Trump had Yemen, and he probably did not even know it because the entire damn system is subverted.

Don't expect miracles when there is a mess like THAT, NO ONE is going to jail, take your pajamas off, dream time is OVER.

Train derailment in Nevada
I might as well mention this. The CENTER of a train came off the tracks near Elko Nevada, and 19 cars derailed and piled up as a result. It appears the two ends of the train stayed on the tracks. This will get attention because the train was carrying grenades and other military armaments, but none of the cars that had them went off the tracks. Cars carrying foodstuffs derailed.

There are only two things that can cause a derailment in the center of a train, and they would be wheel failure or track failure. It is an odd event.
I am only mentioning this because it will probably be news.

A judge presiding over the case against Alex Jones declared he had to pay all legal fees for his prosecutors after he made it clear they sent him kiddie porn, and that he was not going to take it.

CLASSIC: Now Sandy Hook is about kiddie porn rather than a shooting. Way to slide the topic. And it is forensically proven it was sent to him and never got opened to boot.
Ok so I am going to make a statement about Sandy Hook:

Sandy Hook was a hoax shooting that took place in a school that had been closed for most of a year, pending it's demolition. This cannot be argued. Additionally, going over the photos taken from helicopters it is perfectly clear from the angle of the sun that the entire event did not even take place at the time stated, it took place much later in the day.
It has been made obvious that the kids who were "killed" are still alive, in very clear photosets showing the entire group alive much later in life in the same photo. It would not be possible to get people with the exact same features as those at Sandy Hook all gathered together in a group photo several years later, it is obvious it was all a hoax. Add to this the fact that we never got pictures out of the school afterward to prove any of it happened.

They at least did the courtesy of re-starting a hoax web site after the shooting, because people were asking why it had been idle for so long, with an OBVIOUS IMMUTABLE CIRCUMSTANCE that proves again the school did not have students and had been abandoned. I am not going to name names to avoid complications, I'll just say this:

Go ahead and sue Alex. Make a martyr of Fetzer. The bottom line is that these shenanigans are not going to convince ANYONE AT ALL it happened but I guess like a 4 year old who wins chess against "uncle" ANY victory is a "victory", RIGHT?

HA HA, this is TOO GOOD
NFL Legend Burgess Owens Says Democrats Should Pay Reparations
From Breitbart (https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2019/06/19/watch-nfl-legend-burgess-owens-says-democrats-should-pay-reparations/)

"NFL legend and Super Bowl Champion Burgess Owens, does not agree with the Democrats about much. However, he does agree with them about reparations, except he believes the Democrats should be the only ones who have to pay them.
During stirring testimony in front of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Reparations, Owens blasted the Democratic Party "for all the misery" they've brought to blacks; citing everything from the party's support of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and abortion.
"I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race... Let's pay restitution. How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race."

My comment: The entire idea of reparations is a Jewish construct launched for the sole purpose of destroying the United States. There is little doubt the checks would be nation destroying ENORMOUS, AFTER all that welfare . . . . . forget about how they want us to destroy Iran for them, they could care less about whether or not the United States lives or dies, and I am at least partially confident they hate the United States more than they hate Iran, but won't say it for as long as they can be a parasite.

If the Jews cared about the United States, they would not be destroying the American people with shots they claim are vaccines but are instead for the sole purpose of destroying the intellects of anyone who gets them. The shots are crudely race specific, some are hit harder than others but all get hit.
If they did not want to destroy the United States, they would not be pushing the vaccine agenda with their media, which they wholly own, or censoring vaccine truth on venues all the way from Blogger to Wordpress to Faceplant and more; OR MAKING THE SHOTS IN COMPANIES THEY WHOLLY OWN AND CONTROL - if they did not want the United States destroyed they would report negatively on the abomination called Obamacare, THEY OWN THE MEDIA, any news we do not get, in addition to any nation destroying lies they peddle are direct affronts to the existence of this nation and these hoax reparations are part and parcel with it all.

HERE IS MY BET: They want to do this scam reparations bill RIGHT BEFORE they draw America into world war 3, with the hope that the financial maiming they will cause will so deplete finances that America loses the war and gets totally pounded and then occupied by China, which Iran is begging for as an ally right now. The timing of the reparations hearing with the "limpet mine" bullshit is all too convenient.

21st June 2019, 07:25 AM
It appears my originally stated reason for why the attack was called off is legit

There are rumors going around that Iran got tipped off to the attack and did indeed have the American planes perfectly targeted. They knew that if the planes actually entered Iran, they would be lost. There are several variants of this story and I am waiting for which variant ends up being confirmed. The bottom line is that the attack was called off because Iran was aware of it and too many American assets would be lost. Trump's lines about "loss of life" being the reason for calling it off may not be reality and though I am sure he was concerned about it the people really calling the shots were not.

The U.S. was locating Iranian submarines when the drone was shot down
The Navy was operating a P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft alongside the drone. With the course it was flying, it was obviously attempting to locate Iran's submarines. It did cross into Iranian airspace, as proven by the fact that Iran got the debris and not the Navy, which went after it immediately. Iran beat them to it and the Navy could do nothing to prevent the Iranians to from picking up the pieces, a reality of it landing on Iranian turf. Iran shot down the drone to force the anti-submarine aircraft to leave their airspace without killing any Americans. This beyond proves that Iran not only can target American stealth, they can target it selectively and not hit a nearby aircraft. That's BAD NEWS for the U.S.
What is even WORSE news is that Iran did it at 4 AM, which means night attacks won't be beneficial against Iran.

The drone shot down was an MQ-4C, which is basically a more advanced clone of the Global Hawk. A better score for Iran than a Global Hawk.
ADDITIONALLY IMPORTANT: Iran was the one that recovered the debris, the U.S. navy did not, which means Iran was telling the truth about where it was flying to begin with. If they got it, it fell on their turf. It is really blown to smithereens, (https://www.rt.com/news/462387-iran-refrained-shooting-us-plane/)a direct hit. That's good for Iran because it proves their missile systems can do it, but it is bad because they don't have any big pieces.Additionally, there was an American P-8 spyplane accompanying the drone, Iran was able to differentiate between the two, and hit the drone. The P-8 was a much easier target. Iran obviously opted not to hit it because killing it's crew would have meant war.

It appears America is attempting to attack Iran's power grid
Iran's power is normally relatively stable. However, starting last night they have had power anomalies that don't match their historic pattern. This is where all the sanctions they have been under for decades are going to backfire, only a small amount of their grid can be remotely attacked so they can't get nailed as badly as Venezuela, which continues to be under attack. Venezuela got Guri under control, now the problem is in the other 20 percent.
It appears the stability of Iran's power, absent directly destroying it with bombs, - the electronically attackable portion of their power is less than 10 percent. I am not certain about the sudden fluctuations being attacks, but I have paid attention over the last few weeks (since the first Saudi false flag a few weeks ago) and the sudden 5 percent outages have not happened before, for the short time I have been watching this. They are of very short duration, the Persians are much faster at getting things going than the Venezuelans, Iran appears to do things as fast as the United States. Right now I am in combat mode so I can't post what I am talking about yet (and don't know if I should) because I am still not 100 percent certain of what is going on. I have captured the data though.
My big worry is that their nuke plant at Bushehr is up to date enough for hackers to attack, and that's what we are seeing with the sudden power dips of a few percent. If the anomalies are related to Bushehr, they would be caused by turning the switch gear off where the power leaves the facility. That won't likely cause reactor failure, but it will cause mayhem. Iran has a total generating capacity high enough to almost bury total dropouts of Bushehr into the overall average. Iran has substantially more than 4X the electrical capacity of Venezuela, with a grid system that is many many many times as distributed, and that makes it a lot more robust. But it is old and not perfectly smooth. If it does get destroyed, the pattern of it's destruction is not going to match what happened to Venezuela, it will instead go down in increments, rather than huge blackouts.
I have a hunch that Iranians think and move an order of magnitude faster than Venezuelans, and that is going to make an enormous difference with how fast externally caused problems are resolved.

Update to the update below:
After going over all the reports, here is what I think happened:The U.S. was going to strike, but the NSA had a hack on Iranian communications and discovered that Iran had missile locks on all the aircraft that were in the air. I strongly suspect that is what really went on, but obviously there won't be confirmation. At this point it makes the most sense - they realized that every last asset in the air was going to get obliterated and they called it off. They probably were not too concerned about the timing of it all if they decided to get the aircraft flying. Something else caused them to call it off.
FACT: If Iran shot down a global hawk, all bets are off. Stealth has been defeated, and from there, a missile is a missile is a missile. It will work. And it is now proven the global hawk was 5 KM into Iranian airspace when hit. So by international law, Iran had a right to hit it. That may have played into this as well.
Obviously we are going to have to wait until about 5 PM EST to know if all attacks were really called off (that is an hour after markets close, and long before sunrise in Iran.)

The U.S. had an attack underway, but called it off at the last minute, most likely because they want to attack at night and by the time things got going the sun was coming up.

This would be done if the U.S. intended to clear all Iranian airspace of all Iranian aircraft. Not good.



This would be done if the U.S. intended to clear all Iranian airspace of all Iranian aircraft. Not good.

HA HA, NOW PROVEN: AMERICAN PUPPET GUAIDO WAS THE CROOK, (https://www.globalresearch.ca/venezuela-massive-embezzlement-scandal-threatens-juan-guaidos-political-future/5681085)NOT MADURO!!!
Told ya so!

House Dems unanimously pass bill allowing boys to compete in girl's sports
Pelosi has a Cheshire cat grin over this one. Disgusting. (https://dailycaller.com/2019/05/17/house-equality-act-transgender-womens-sports/?fbclid=IwAR0y_gb2zgj5L2Gnt83nAxgICLkPtILapjkX99ZP Fff_cqAGOlTjhUfGsfU)
What does this tell you about liberals who pushed for women's rights? Obviously it was a hoax all along.
"The Democratically controlled House of Representatives voted Friday 236-173 in favor of the Equality Act, which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams.
Eight Republicans crossed party lines to vote for the bill, which had unanimous Democratic support.
The bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make "sexual orientation and gender identity" protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law.
Among other things, that would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls.

21st June 2019, 09:00 AM
"The Democratically controlled House of Representatives voted Friday 236-173 in favor of the Equality Act, which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams.

Art. I 8 Clause 17 limits Congress’ legislative power to D.C. & all Places purchased by th Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful buildings

In order to get States & schools to comply with legislation that has no force outside the Art. I 8 Cl.17 territory the feds will withhold the bribes (grants) to those that refuse to comply.

29th June 2019, 05:50 AM

A while ago I stated that Boeing's problems were caused by "diversity" and the firing of white males. I WAS RIGHT.
Bloomberg has reported that Boeing's problems were caused by firing white male engineers and replacing them with people work farmed from India. I SAID IT FIRST. And I said it without anyone telling me, it was simply obvious.

Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers

Here are key quotes from this Bloomberg report (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-28/boeing-s-737-max-software-outsourced-to-9-an-hour-engineers)

Engineers complain that Boeing is employing programmers for $9 per hour and the software is junk
The Max software -- plagued by issues that could keep the planes grounded months longer after U.S. regulators this week revealed a new flaw -- was developed at a time Boeing was laying off experienced engineers and pressing suppliers to cut costs.
Increasingly, the iconic American planemaker and its subcontractors have relied on temporary workers making as little as $9 an hour to develop and test software, often from countries lacking a deep background in aerospace -- notably India.
Rabin, a former software engineer, recalled one manager saying at an all-hands meeting that Boeing didn't need senior engineers because its products were mature. "I was shocked that in a room full of a couple hundred mostly senior engineers we were being told that we weren't needed, " said Rabin, who was laid off in 2015.
"It was controversial because it was far less efficient than Boeing engineers just writing the code, " Rabin said. Frequently, he recalled, "it took many rounds going back and forth because the code was not done correctly."
The 787 entered service three years late and billions of dollars over budget in 2011, in part because of confusion introduced by the outsourcing strategy. Under Dennis Muilenburg, a longtime Boeing engineer who became chief executive in 2015, the company has said that it planned to bring more work back in-house for its newest planes.

My comment: The paper under the text is screaming, YES, and when you do it in house, BRING BACK THE ANGRY WHITE MALES.
And here is my previous post on this topic. I do not claim to be a prophet, but well, there is this:

I still stand by my original statement that there is WAY MORE than software wrong with this plane, and this post lays it all out PERFECT with cream and sugar on top.

That's what happens when you stop hiring white people and go to the
lowest common H1B visa denominator, (http://www.boeing.com/principles/diversity.page)

THERE. I had the guts to say it like it is, and did it in a single short sentence.
As it turns out, the recent Ethiopian air Boeing 737-MAX crashed due to structural failure, and not a nose down causing pitot tube. I called B.S. on the pitot tube the first time around, and was reluctant to the second time around because it got blamed again and I thought "Maybe". However, the real problem is that the plane is a PIECE OF CRAP that fell apart in flight. Why? Just LOOK HERE. (http://www.boeing.com/principles/diversity.page)

FACT: Boeing products were without question, NO QUESTION WHATSOEVER, the best in the world until this diversity crap took center stage. Boeing rose to greatness with the work of the WHITE RACE. That is a completely, totally, irrevocable WRITTEN IN BEDROCK FACT. But I'll be a racist for pointing that out I guess. Now that Boeing has called diversity the most important thing they can be a part of, rather than building quality aircraft, we have crap like what just happened with Ethiopian air having a BRAND NEW 737 MAX fall apart in mid air.It was not the pitot tube. It was not a software issue.
Eyewitness accounts clearly prove the airplane simply fell apart in the sky so badly it was dropping "clothes and papers" and creaking and rattling from failing metal.
Now the only question is whether or not Al Bajeeb did not laminate something on the assembly line, or if Phi Bhopar screwed up the engineering somewhere, and ALL OF THESE PLANES need to be thrown in the trash! FACT: The 737 MAX is the first Boeing plane produced with "diversity" being a key component of it all. And what is now happening clearly proves that WHITE LIVES MATTER.

THERE. Said it again. And I admit that I am a bigoted racist homophobic intellectually stunted ANTI SEMITE for saying it!

FACT: It takes growing up in the first world to fully understand how important it is to GET THINGS RIGHT. It takes growing up in the first world to fully understand that all of these great inventions DO NOT RUN ON MAGIC and "white boy" did not rise to greatness by screwing everyone and snorting fairy dust. Hiring someone who cooked with cow dung for the first 30 years of life just because a piece of paper said he was qualified does not cut it in the real world,

Predominantly these H1B visa engineers are nothing but software jockeys who simply lack the sense they need to see a fatal flaw the software, for some reason, does not point out.

AND GUESS WHAT: America invented the airplane, mastered electrical distribution and designed nuclear reactors WITHOUT that software. Go figure. How the hell did that happen?

Here are the eyewitness testimonies that prove the all new "strength from diversity" Boeing simply built a horse sh*t product:
"It was a loud rattling sound. Like straining and shaking metal, " said Turn Buzuna, a 26-year-old housewife and farmer who lives about 300 meters (328 yards) from the crash site.
"Everyone says they have never heard that kind of sound from a plane and they are under a flight path, " she added.
Malka Galato, 47, a barley and wheat farmer whose field the plane crashed in, also described smoke and sparks from the back. "The plane was very close to the ground and it made a turn... Cows that were grazing in the fields ran in panic, " he said.

Tamirat Abera, 25, was walking past the field at the time. He said the plane turned sharply, trailing white smoke and items like clothes and papers, then crashed about 300 meters away."It tried to climb but it failed and went down nose first, " he said. "There was fire and white smoke which then turned black."

My comment: There is ONE THING that matters: It was trailing debris before it hit and sounded like shaking and straining metal. No reports of explosions (no bomb) just reports of it making loud noises, falling apart, and crashing.
That blows control software and pitot tube B.S. straight into the trash. No software update is going to fix this problem!
The white smoke was probably from debris damaging the engines. People noticed the noises of metal coming apart, not the engines, which can only mean the structural failures were so massive they were louder than the engines.
This type of failure was not possible in new aircraft from the original, no diversity, classic Boeing the company built it's reputation on. If this kind of crap is going on, Boeing is now below the quality threshold of 1970's vintage Tuopolev craft, and if they don't stop focusing on diversity and START FOCUSING ON QUALITY, they are going down, it won't be limited to this one POS.


But no self hating snowflake liberal in the hiring department is ever going to own up to that reality, I predict that once all the aircraft produced before the 737 Max 8 obsolete out, Boeing is history.

UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE: When Trump blocked Iran from receiving all those "nice new Boeing" aircraft, all he did was prevent them from importing CRAP!

UPDATED COMMENT: Interesting it is that Bloomberg said the exact same thing a lot more nicely quite a while later. Boeing had DAMN WELL BETTER bring back the American white male, and the Jews had damn well better stop maiming all the little white boys with shots that are called vaccines yet are not, if they don't stop doing that EVERYTHING is going to eventually fall apart and they'll be walking in the sand again praying for a snake on a stick to save them.

The following post about Iran's internet is not stating there was definitely an attack, it is only pointing out an anomaly that really ought to be watched.

I think Iran might be getting attacked and it is not in the news

How hard would it be for the U.S. to fake all of Iran's web sites, plus communications out of Iran? Not hard at all. Here's how they would do it:
Simply route all calls, including diplomatic ones, through an AI super computer so when Putin calls, he really does talk to the Ayatollah, only it is not the ayatollah. This won't work for more than a few months, but a few months would be more than enough.
Iran's ability to access the internet is going down in steps. The trend is not perfect yet, but it started with the huge drop during the first night of the Democrat debates, which was recovered from quickly up to about 92 percent of prior levels, and again, the next night it dropped to 86 percent. The time for the next big drop is approaching, if this is a pattern it will go down again. Iran's internet was stable, I have been watching it for quite a while, this is not a usual occurrence.

What did I say about the heart attack weapon? TAKE A LOOK AT THIS! (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7189391/Pentagon-developed-laser-identify-subjects-afar-based-HEARTBEAT.html)

If they can identify people from hundreds of meters away just from their heart signatures, it would be LUDIRCROUS to think they can't electronically stop those hearts. I am really surprised this got published Freak factor: 10.

A word on the biker accident out east -

Here's my summary of what happened, after all the info came in.A legal immigrant Ukranian who was given permission to drive heavy trucks legally by the New Hampshire DOT after having drug convictions, at least one DUI and a serious accident with a semi the month earlier (all of which the DOT knew about yet gave him permission to keep driving anyway due to his immigrant status) somehow lost control of a pickup truck that was at the utmost limits of it's capabilities with a LARGE flatbed trailer in tow. He was probably digging for some hooch and jackknifed it hitting the brakes after the first CRASH, and the heavy trailer went sideways across the path of the motorcycles and clipped all of them off at belly button level.

Other than the deaths of the motorcyclists, this story is nothing more than liberal DOT giving an immigrant too many chances despite totally documented reason to never let him drive. He was sad about it and was walking around in circles screaming afterward but that did not fix anything.

Liberal DOT "resigned". Liberals ALWAYS do that when their decisions have criminal consequences and they really should be jailed. God forbid an AMERICAN trucker get a job before an IMMIGRANT. Let the damn druggie keep on driving. That is exactly what this was.

Anyway, I was skeptical of this story at first, but it really ended up being what I stated above.
Though there are fair numbers of maniacs on motorcycles, I'd say the bulk of the accidents are not the biker's fault, having put considerable rider miles on myself.
I know that is hard to believe after seeing a lot of motorcycle maniac behavior that does indeed happen, but motorcycles are not the easiest thing to see, which causes lots of close calls. The only time I was at risk from my driving is when I got a bee in my helmet, buzzing inside the visor. Nothing happened, but my reaction could have been better than it was. The rest of the crazy crap was cars not looking out. These bikers were clearly not at fault.

White South African farmers plead for asylum as attacks escalate

Back in the news, (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/787799/south-afrcan-farm-attacks-australia-asylum)
probably briefly because we all know "you know whos" want as many whites as possible wiped out. At any rate, the land grabs have started and the push for extermination of whites in South Africa is picking up speed. But there will be no asylum to be had in any country "you know whos" control, perhaps white South Africa would be best off asking Iran. Due to all the propaganda floating around, they probably will not, and will instead be exterminated, there's not a chance in hell Europe, the U.S., or Australia will let a WHITEAfrican in.

Update to below:

Look at the comments - It took the Washington Post TWO DAYS to get a few sparse comments that all agreed with their B.S., there should be thousands on an article like this, WHERE ARE THEY?

HA HA, Real stupid.The Washington compost posted a fake picture (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/06/26/father-daughter-who-drowned-border-dove-into-river-desperation/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.03807bc2bdec) of two people drowned in the Rio Grande.

Oh, but there's a problem: The skin tone is normal. These are actors, laying there, alive.

And even if it was real, what kind of a-hole would take a kid across the Rio Grande like that, especially if he could not swim?

Italy arrested a group of people for using the state to steal children

This is happening everywhere, and I am surprised MSN reported it

A group in Italy, which had state paid social workers, a town mayor, and more stealing kids from parents got busted. This group was taking the kids for health and welfare checks, giving the kids electroshock to erase their brains, replacing the kids memory with the belief their parents abused them, then taking this testimony to the courts and using it to get the kids away from their parents, AND THEN, THEY SOLD THE KIDS TO SEXUAL PREDATORS. When the parents sent gifts and letters to their kids who were in "safe hands" the social workers simply took the gifts and stuffed them in a warehouse. This is going on in the United states also, and has been for decades.
We all know this, it is what pizza gate was all about, the only thing different this time is that
MSN reported it. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/italy-arrests-18-for-allegedly-brainwashing-and-selling-children/ar-AADvVRw)
Now they ought to go after the REAL problem, this bust in Italy was NOTHING.

As I said, slavery "reparations" will be a tool to destroy white America, by slapping White America with such a huge bill they will be GONE.

Yahoo has Stated a price of 17 trillion. (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/40-acres-and-a-mule-reparations-in-2019-190018747.html)
If the U.S. has a population of 300 million now, and only 60 percent of that is white, that leaves 180 million whites. A $17 trillion bill will mean every white in America will have to pay 94, 000 which means every black (and it is not specified whether or not they are actually going to figure out who has slave roots) will receive 360, 000.
They have already received that much over the years via welfare. Why pay it all over again? Obvious answer: As an up-front bill it will kill the United States which is an obvious objective of the Jewish community that is running our government in suicide mode, and there's little doubt they will take for themselves several million each and leave the black man a far diminished amount. It's not about reparations at all, it is about cashing America out once and for all.

3rd July 2019, 02:54 PM

Someone noticed that during a screw up at Facebook, the pictures did not show, and instead their meta data (which proved an AI is combing the images and this is how they are banning American flags) - the AI wrote the meta data into the pages instead of the images. Here are some examples:Picture may contain: Sky, cloud, outdoor and nature
Picture may contain: Two people, people smiling, food.
Picture may contain: One or more people, people on stage, and text
The twitter for this is HERE (https://twitter.com/Pijnacker01/status/1146450120503963648) and obviously, if the AI decides Picture may contain: Puppy, teddy bear and American flag, the picture is now removed from Facebook.

Here is how you build a defacto border wall for the cost of gasoline and a little time -

Trap a large number of five pound alligators. And I mean a couple thousand or so. Put them in a horse trailer that can handle 10, 000 pounds and go to the Rio Grande in various locations and let 500 go in each spot to make damn good and sure you have released a survivable base population that will mate and make more. After a few trips, your border wall will be built.The border patrol is worried about ONE (1) alligator in the Rio Grande that is only six feet long. A five pounder is almost half way there, and they grow. Times three trips equals "problem" magnified by 6, 000.

Even 50 or so would probably eventually do the trick, but for speedy results the more the better. Let's see the Dems stop that!


Story of a billionaire losing 42 billion dollars loads a virus

Here is the story: Billionaire loses $41,500,000,000. Now has $500 million onlyAnil Ambani, who was the 6th richest man in the world with a wealth of $42 billion in 2008, has now crashed out of the billionaire club. In 11 years, the equity value of Ambani's entire business empire has now crashed to Rs 3,651 crore ($523 million). That value, though, also includes substantial pledged shares.
The virus tries to load when the story, which was originally hosted in only ONE location is accessed via a link.

If you see this story which is making the rounds now, DO NOT CLICK IT, what I have posted here is all there is.


People on facebook are complaining that they are seeing any picture they have that has an American flag in it disappear from Facebook. It does not have to be a picture of a flag, it could be titled "Puppy jumps over teddy bear" and if there is an American flag ANYWHERE in the background, Facebook will remove the picture.No complaints from anyone about Israeli flags being removed.
The message is clear: Facebook is a confirmed enemy of the United States and it is WAR.

UPDATE: This extends to any picture Facebook does not want online, and people can't predict what that will be. It is getting noticed. Let me guess: Any picture that portrays a conservative theme, whether it is intentional or by accident.


Google to begin browser based censorship via the Chrome browser

They AND others have been doing it for years in earnest, by not allowing some sites to appear as freshly updated as they are. That is why I have the comment at the top of the page, teling people that reloading the page will not work, they have to instead delete their cache or open a private window.

This next step Google is taking with Chrome is worse
Google is going to outright censor the web by making Chrome simply not load web sites Google disagrees with. This will use the same process that has forced me to constantly change page names (which forces a reload), except it will be done more noticeably.

I told everyone repeatedly this was already happening and that there was little question they would do it worse in the future. SEE THIS. (https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-07-02-google-to-block-all-anti-cancer-anti-vax-and-anti-gmo-websites-at-the-browser-level.html) And as a side note, if a window pops up saying "sale ends in X days, click this to close" DO NOT CLICK IT, that could be an overlay Google inserted (they can do anything if they make the browser) I did not click it, I read this story elsewhere and copied the link when that happened.
If Natural News (which I have never seen anything like that happen on before) actually did that, it is a BAD IDEA, it allows anyone hosting an ad to use that ad to plant viruses. That happened here several years ago.

4th July 2019, 04:37 PM

The white male posts are causing fools to post ridiculous claims on web sites, not even forums - including "White males are evil and made by aliens" and the rest of the races are pure. Yeah, RIGHT. Anyway, telling the truth means enduring "white supremacist" labeling and associated B.S.

FAIR IS FAIR. Anyone can post any page they want about any group they want and trumpet that group's accomplishments to the world. I am picking WHITE MALE (and even white female, I am going to post at least two) because when it comes to naming accomplishments white males make it EASY. All I need to do is look at anything I have from a bicycle spoke to a Pringles can, and sure enough a WHITE MALE invented it. AND IT IS HIGH TIME THE WORLD TURNED BACK FROM THE TRACK IT IS ON AND PAID RESPECT TO THOSE WHO GAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD SO MUCH.
I am not even going to bother with the big ones everyone knows about, like airplanes, rockets, nuclear reactors, electricity, microprocessors, cars and yada yada, no, even the smaller accomplishments are so great they form the underpinnings of EVERYTHING.

STATING THE TRUTH IS NOT SUPREMACY. STATING ACCOMPLISMENTS THAT ARE DOCUMENTED IS CALLED HISTORY. "Supremacy" is name calling by those who can't accept reality and that's the end of it.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________________
LET'S FACE IT: The enemy is going to have "months" for every perversion on the planet, and they will dictate what they are and enforce them through a hoax scam MSM, rigged and censored tech left, and subverted government. If we are going to have a real month of honor, we have to do it and enforce it ourselves.

A time to remember who "built and invented it all" and just say thanks!


__________________________________________________ ___________________________
Because they are so into taking, I'll do a daily feature to make it clear what the WHITE MAN gave the world. Let's get started.


July 3 - John Seebeck, inventor of the thermoelectric junction

If you have a device that measures temperature via voltage differential, it will have a thermoelectric junction in it. There is another method of measuring temperature called a thermistor, which is a resistor that changes value with changes in temperature that was invented by another white male named Samuel Rubenstien but today's featured white male is Seebeck.

Seebeck's thermocouples function by joining two dissimilar metals and measuring the voltage difference between them. These are used in ALL industry as temperature sensors for all temperature ranges and are far more versatile and precise than thermistors.
Seebeck's thermocouple is an extremely important invention, without it, it would be impossible to measure temperatures well enough to alloy steel, control a nuclear reactor, give accurate temperature feedback for jet engines and rockets, or even get accurate control of a plastic injection molding machine - practically every industry uses thermocouples for either the manufacturing process or for temperature measurements in equipment.
One MAJOR advantage of Seebeck's invention is that it will produce enough voltage and current to drive a measuring needle directly. This allowed it to be used for precise temperature measurement before any electronics were available. The first device that accomplised precise and reliable thermocouple based temperature measurement was the pyrometer in 1890, and the steel industry was the first to use it.

The featured white male for July 4 is Jacques de Vaucanson, inventor of the automatic loom


You owe your inexpensive American flag AND your clothing to this man, who invented the machine that made it possible to produce fabrics cheaply and with a quality that was unprecedented. Prior to the automatic loom, clothing was a major investment, such a major investment that ordinary people had one coat, one shirt, one pair of pants and socks and when they got worn out, they got patched and patched and patched until they disintegrated. You'd wear the same shirt for a decade or more, not because it was great quality, but because you had to.
Nowadays, even "poor" people have a closet full of clothes and even if they are old and faded, they are still better than what you would have had prior to the inventions of today's featured white male.

5th July 2019, 09:28 AM
Obrador is disbanding the Federal police force for not enforcing the migrant caravan ban

I was right about Obrador!

Obrador actually DID give the order to shut the caravans down, but Soros bought off the Federal police - paying them to not follow the president's orders.

As a result, Obrador is going to rip away all their benefits, reduce their pay, and merge them with the National Guard, with the National Guard's leadership monitoring what they do. The National Guard is following orders, so Obrador is having them take over.

The Federal Police are saying HELL NO, and blocking roads and creating chaos, but it looks to me like Obrador has this in the bag.

The once highly paid police force is now going to be sleeping in tents rather than posh hotels, and their pay is going to be cut ENORMOUSLY.

I can understand why many people thought Obrador was causing the crisis, but I never thought he would, and was skeptical. Now that he has taken this action, the picture is clear.

People ought not be harsh with this president, a lot of propaganda has been spewed about him but consider this - The American MSM hates him the same way they hate Trump, and the reason is because he's not an insider.

PREDICTION: The border is going to become an abandoned zone. From the Mexican side. The migrant crisis will be over soon.

Unlike Trump, who is being blocked at every turn and devoured by corrupted advisors, Obrador is a lot more able to get things done, because as corrupt as the MSM claims Mexico's government is, it is no where near as far gone as America's.
Doing away with the federal police is on par with disbanding the CIA and FBI at once.

Let's see Trump get away with doing THAT. NOT A CHANCE.

FIVE MORE YEARS. If Obrador can get through it, Mexico is going to be a lot better country.

Mexican President Says He Wants To Disband Country's Army ... (https://news.titosgoa.com/2019/07/01/mexican-president-says-he-wants-to-disband-countrys-army-report/)

http://gold-silver.us//proxy.duckduckgo.com/ip3/news.titosgoa.com.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Obrador%20is%20disbanding%20the%20Federal%20pol ice+site:news.titosgoa.com&t=opera)https://news.titosgoa.com/2019/07/01/mexican-president-says-he-wants-to-disband-countrys-army-report/ (https://news.titosgoa.com/2019/07/01/mexican-president-says-he-wants-to-disband-countrys-army-report/)

"I would get rid of the army and turn it into the National Guard," Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday he would like to disband the army and put national security in the hands of the new National Guard militarized police force, though he recognized the proposal was unlikely to happen.

9th July 2019, 10:57 AM
YOUTUBE: Where a guy spitting in tea and putting it back on the shelf can go VIRAL

Want to lick some ice cream and disgust everyone, and encourage massive amounts of horrible repeat behavior? Do you want to post a tranny video of yourself or perhaps an anal condom review and have it go viral? Or maybe you have a cute kitten video someone might want to watch. IF SO, Youtube is for you. Youtube is the proven home of vulgarity and kittens, but don't you DARE be a conservative type who actually supports civilization or you'll be labeled a hater and banned post haste.

Epstein the gatekeeper?

Bill Clinton "did not inhale" and also never saw Epstein do anything wrong

He also claims to have flown the lolita express (ONLY) 4 times. Ha. Like that will help - especially when there are so many witnesses that (already) screwed him. The guy pisses me off. What more can I say? Well, I could give a little more detail -Many people have heard stories about how blackmail scenarios are set up to keep people in line. I know several people from Ivy league colleges that told this story about Goldman Sachs:
"They came through once a year, looking for the best candidates, offering "golden handcuffs" which meant that you had to play their game perfectly, and in return, you'd get a life of wealth. Once they located a candidate, (who they preferred to be married) they'd put him up in a nice hotel, alone, and then sent a very sexy girl to try to have sex with him. If he accepted, he'd be welcomed into Goldman Sachs. If he refused, it was adios, because Goldman Sachs wanted ONLY people who could be corrupted and then controlled via blackmail."

Enter Epstein - The testimonies against Goldman Sachs give enormous support to the newly stated stories about Epstein being a gatekeeper, who put people in compromising positions so they could subsequently be controlled via a blackmail threat so powerful it would destroy them and land them in jail. Goldman Sachs on the other hand used lower level blackmail - against a man's marriage - to maintain control but I never heard anything about underage girls or sex slaves from the people who saw this go through their colleges. That does not mean nothing ever happened that no one knew about . . . .
Anyway, with Epstein the entire theme makes sense - he ran the lolita express for the sole purpose of getting blackmail threats against people before they were permitted to continue on to higher places of power. This is evidenced by the fact that he kept records of it all, and subsequently also videotaped EVERYONE'S sexual encounters with these underage girls without them knowing about it. With Goldman Sachs as a precedent for this being done at a lower level elsewhere, it lends serious creedence to the prospect that Epstein was a MAJOR, and I mean MAJOR gatekeeper.
Now that his videos and files are all had by the prosecution, PLUS it has been revealed that over 40 of Epstien's girls reported what happened to the FBI (that's good for Epstien because it means he was not at the worst level - at least he was not killing them) - they ratted to the FBI under Mueller who did NOTHING. This is getting big folks, but there is a problem -

One of the prosecutors Maurene Comey, Daughter of James Comey.

GEE. I guess they are after the "truth" after all, no tough questions please. Hopefully there are at least a few legit prosecutors working this. Deep state scores again.


When reading the stats, look at the average number over the years. Mexico comes out WAY ahead of Russia on average, but at this time, Russia is slightly ahead. That could easily change next year, Mexico has a history of performing a lot better.
The GDP per capita of the average Mexican is on par with the average Russian

Just the facts: GDP per capita of Russia Russia (https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/russia/gdp-per-capita)
GDP per capita of Mexico: Mexico (https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/mexico/gdp-per-capita)
When you consider the fact Mexico is not paying for a large military, life in Mexico is probably better than Russia.
The big problem with Mexico's image is the fact that predominantly, the worst Mexicans go to America. Also, the drug lords are a reality, and that's a serious black eye. But economically speaking, no one is starving in Mexico unless it is caused by someone like a slave trader. In Mexico those exist at the street level. Elsewhere, they are based in 50th floor penthouses and places like pedo island.

PREDICTION: All 387 Boeing 737 MAX planes delivered will be recalled and destroyed.

Boeing had orders for over 5, 000 and delivered 387. That's good news for Boeing, because it is a LOT better to destroy 387 than it would be to destroy over 5, 000.
If Boeing does not recall and re-hire ALL the white males they fired and replaced with foreigners, and then have these white males re-engineer the entire damn plane, and they don't get it done STAT, it is going to be BYE BYE Boeing. Software and cad jockeys do not cut it if they can't understand when numbers are orders of magnitude off just from the use of common sense alone, and can't call B.S. on a bad keypunch just from inherent common sense that is part of their basic existence. An education should go FAR beyond simply telling people how to get machines to do calculations, that education should put a state of mind in people where without any math at all, they know to within a few percent of what the answer should be before they even start so they can call B.S. on bogus POINT BLANK.

If Boeing so much as stalls at bringing back true genius, the company is TOAST.

We'll have to see where the 737 Max saga goes. This plane is the first plane Boeing attempted to build after firing all their white male engineers, while stating "they were not needed anymore, because the process of discovery was complete and all the research they needed to build any plane they wanted had already been done in years past". Foreigners could take it from there. That philosophy obviously worked GREAT. EVERY LAST 737 MAX BUILT TO DATE WILL BE SCRAPPED, even if they somehow get approved to fly again. There will be more disasters if they are approved to fly again, it is not just a software and sensor glitch - the plane is so bad it is structurally unsound.

Boeing has ONE option: Scrap everything made, and release a different plane that looks the same and has the same name, designed by WHITEY.

Rumors of a tropical storm developing are BUNK

There is nothing going on anywhere, in ANY of the world's oceans. It is unusual. There is not one eye developing storm, or even the precursors to one ANYWHERE on the globe.

Epstein updates:

1. Zero Hedge has reported that Epstein is going to rat everyone out.2. Congress has just been given unfettered access to Trump's tax records, obviously in response to Epstein.
3. Some idiot managed to get a long distance drone over Epstein's pedo island and photographed the whole thing, sorry, no links, the censorbot is so active you can't keep ahead of it with a permanent link, just try to find it. It is very complete and shows everything, including a probable location for sacrifices.
4. Trolls have hit COUNTLESS forums and blogs, posting crap that implicates pedophelia was part of the original American construct. That's cute.
5. Epstein claims to have co-founded the Clinton foundation (which was well proven to be using Haiti as a human trafficking point) I don't really need to get into how filthy that "foundation" really is.
6. Thousands of child porn photos have been taken from Epstein's mansion
7. WOO HOO! Epstein made secret recordings of ALL the "elites" doing their dirty deeds with slave kids, and the feds now have those recordings, with which they can nail almost the entirety of the deep state.
8. As it turns out, no matter what they do, Trump is going to come up clean despite having had Epstein in his circle, because he was never part of ANY of it. That's why they want his tax records - to try to get him another way.
Some people are speculating Epstein is going to whithold names and will try to frame Trump. I, however, doubt that because if that was the case, the tax records would not have been handed over.

This is an interesting David Wilcock post

I am skeptical, but it does make sense, so here it is:

IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed! Posted by David Wilcock | Jul 7, 2019 | IT'S TRUE: Jeffrey Epstein has actually been arrested. Indictments have been unsealed. This is the case that will bring down the House of Cards.Everything we just prognosticated in DECLAS is coming true. Big Tech knew this was coming, and has grossly restricted freedom of speech online as a result.
What independent YouTube creator WOULDN'T want to talk about the biggest story of the year, which may soon become the story of the millennium?
Get ready for a TORRENT of new information coming out that none of us could possibly have foreseen. This is it. DECLAS is happening!
The California Independence Day earthquakes may have been strikes intended to take out the Deep State's last, best chemtrail-attack facilities, as we will see.
The Deep State may have intended to use the facilities in a final attempt to destroy America right before the indictments unseal.
Mass censorship won't stop this Truth Avalanche from falling. We are just now seeing the first pebbles... and we probably won't need to wait very long.
My comment: If Big Tech "knew this was coming" there's a serious security problem but if they did know it was coming, they'd do exactly what they did. I am skeptical but it does make sense, and I am therefore not totally skeptical.
We had DAMN WELL BETTER HOPE what happened at China Lake was a deep state takedown, but considering THEY predicted the second quake, I doubt it. They predicted a third huge one. If that happens I REALLY DOUBT IT. Due to the quake predictions, released on their very own MSM, I am more into thinking it was a reaction to what they knew was coming - if you do this with Epstein, kissit goodbye, Israel DID get their nuclear blackmail option planted down there . . . . . DO NOT MAKE US USE IT.
At this point, it is anyone's guess, if anyone goes to anyone with accurate info, they'll be offed and censored post haste. What we do know is Epstein is getting three hots and a cot. We'll have to take it from there.

10th July 2019, 03:09 PM
OMG! You have GOT to see what Obrador did to all the Federali vehicles

Today I saw a new police vehicle in the rear view mirror and wondered what it was. Checked the lights, yep, it was a police vehicle. So I slowed down and let it pass to get a look, and almost busted a nut laughing.Obrador has ALREADY totally merged the Federalis with the national guard. And he had to change their paint scheme. What kind of a paint scheme can you come up with on ALL their vehicles in less than a week? One that looks like sh*t.
Nothing at all was done to remove any dents or fix them up in any way before re-painting, and no buff out finish work was done at all. They look like Ivan and Juan spray painted them in a driveway, white, with a checkerboard pattern at the bottom that would not be possible to sell in ANY market. Totally bland arial font "National Guard" on the doors. They look like CRAP.
And the police, who once looked awesome are now in camo and full military gear, sitting in the back of the truck with an expression on their faces that clearly communicates: "What the F*** just happened?


I never had anything against the Federalis, but this was really something. I did not have a camera to get a picture of it and I doubt any camera (which will have "make it look better" software algorithms) could possibly capture the gravity of what just happened, and how bad that paint looks. It is SHEER UTILITY.

Obrador sold Mexico's Air Force One and lots and lots and LOTS of other stuff he figured was a waste of Mexico's money and I just saw that "frugality for the people" in action today, after all, the paint will indeed do the job and does not truly need to look one bit better. Why do "fancy" on the public dime?

In addition to below:

I strongly believe Google is the primary writer of malware that affects competing products. Why does Chrome get off scott free with everything practically? It is not because it is "better". It is likely because Google has an entire division dedicated to attacking other people's stuff. Considering how Google has been proven to behave, it would only make sense.

Google is going to ban Breitbart from Adsense

Then Breitbart will be entirely de-listed, the mail won't work, and Chrome will be programmed to completely censor anyone else that tries to give advertising to Breitbart. That has not been reported yet, but I have a history of being right about these things with regard to google, EVERY TIME.

Major weather in New Orleans

A massive line of thunder storms has moved through New Orleans and caused chaos. The tropical depression I have mentioned already does not appear to be close enough to be causing it, but the overall wind currents in the region are combined.

Prediction: Trump will NOT go down with Epstein no matter how much the media spins B.S.
Here's a GOOD ONE:

This is being widely reported now that Epstein is in the spotlight and they are trying to drag Trump down with him - you have to put the two quotes which are widely spaced in articles together.Roger Stone once quoted Donald Trump about a pool party he attended at Jeff Epstein's house:
"The swimming pool was filled with beautiful young girls, " Trump said, before adding, 'How nice, ' - I thought, - he let the neighborhood kids use his pool." Epstein was then a member of the Mar-Lago club. That was before he got caught hitting on an underage girl at the club and Trump had him thrown out and banned.

ONE YEAR OF FLIGHT RECORDS (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html)
For the Lolita Express, and Bill Clinton is on them.

The manifests are abbreviated a LOT which obscures who was actually on the plane, but it is clear there were LOTS of females and all had an assigned abbreviation with groups simply spelled out with two letters per girl and followed by designation "female". This is fairly interesting but is far from being a complete record - spanning only one year and probably the least damning one at that.


From Trump's twitter"Word just out that I won a big part of the Deep State and Democrat induced Witch Hunt. Unanimous decision in my favor from The United States Court of Appeals For The Fourth Circuit on the ridiculous Emoluments Case. I don€™t make money, but lose a fortune for the honor of serving and doing a great job as your President (including accepting Zero salary!).
My comment: The emoluments clause was penned to prevent presidents from profiting off of their position in office. Since Trump already owned everything before becoming president and also had all the clients before becoming president, going after him with the emoluments ruse was ludicrous beyond belief. But they tried it.

A rotation has started in the gulf

I think this one is man made but it is impossible to be sure. It started out as a long lasting low pressure region that had no rotation. Now the rotation is started, and it is complete all the way up to around 28, 000 feet but despite being at multiple atmospheric levels at once the sustained wind speeds are still only 30 MPH. It has to strengthen an awful lot before it can even be named.This one was called days ago which is too early to be credible, which strongly implies to me they knew it was going to happen because it was going to be a manufactured storm.
PREDICTION: The wind speeds will, throughout the duration of this storm, be much lower than stated. Additionally, it won't drop much rain. If this one is fabricated the way I think it was, every estimate of what it will do will be much much higher than what actually happens, and the only way to confirm they lied about it all will be to check for how bad damage is, if there is any at all.
Obviously I'll keep an eye on this, but with the global wind map being what it is, (https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/1000hPa/orthographic=-83.29,%2022.78,%201177/loc=-88.634,%2028.842)I won't be falling for any lies. There are too many agencies watching this model and feeding it data, the NWS can't just make it into what they want it to be.

Just to throw this out there -

I would like to repeat and clarify: Epstein definitely was a deep state gatekeeper, who had the job of keeping top politicians in line.

There's no other way to see it. If he was running a sex plane to a sex island that was run exclusively for the top of the top of the top tier people, and he filmed them all IN SECRET, that's exactly what it was. Anyone who stepped out of line would be immediately shown screwing someone far too young, while married or committed elsewhere, while in office, the whole 9 yards, - he got ALL OF THEM on video without them being told. Of course it was a blackmail operation to keep the deep state in line. It gave all the leverage needed to instantly jail those who stepped out of line.I seriously doubt Bill has done anything of significance with Hillary since Chelsea (she's probably his), Hillary is far too repulsive and Bill is far too much of a player. Lolita express 27 times, plus Monica and probably 30 others . . . . . THAT BOY is going to toe the line come hell or high water. Obama could likely be exposed simply by telling the truth about Michael, who looks more and more feminine as time goes on and the hormones work better . . . . you know - that Ellen incident and many many more . . . . I'd be genuinely surprised if that story was off. One way or another, they have them ALL nailed except Trump.
There are lots of stories now floating around about Trump being Epstein's top client, but there's a problem, NO TAPE. Trump figured out what Epstein was in the 90's and banned Epstein ever since. It is one thing to get on the Lolita express ONE TIME without knowing what it is, and then walking away in disgust, and then banning Epstein from all your resorts. They were not pals after that. Trump had influence, and Epstein tried to nail everyone who was at Trump's level.
The bottom line is that Trump has never had a thing for underage girls. And to top that off, he had options. Why go there?
The only thing Epstein has in his favor with all of this is that he did not kill the girls when he was done with them. That's a fair shade better than Hillary with her upscale facial masks.

This is going over like a lead balloon: Israeli leader claims a new "holocaust" of six million

According to him, "six million" Jews have been lost to "race mixing". "Race mixing" is defined by him as any Jew who marries a non-jew, even if that non-jew is of the same biological race.
People are not buying it, because "there's that six million number again" and "Gee, the Jews are the ones pushing race mixing so hard, so it is bad for them, but OK for us?Here is a short quote from one of their news sources, which might not be fake (this time) (https://nypost.com/2019/07/09/israeli-leader-compares-jewish-intermarriage-in-us-to-a-second-holocaust/)

Israeli leader compares Jewish intermarriage in US to a 'second Holocaust'Israel's minister of education said in a cabinet meeting this month that the rate of marriage between US Jews and non-Jews is like a "second Holocaust, " a report said Tuesday.
Rafi Peretz made the statement in the July 1 cabinet meeting that was attended by Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Axios reported.
Peretz was responding to a discussion by officials in the meeting about the growing rate of marriage between Jews and non-Jews around the world, especially in the United States.
He said that because of the rate of mixed marriages, Jewish people have "lost 6 million people, " which is "like a second Holocaust, " according to the report.

20th July 2019, 08:46 PM
I am going to re-iterate that the Max 8 may kill boeing

If it does not kill Boeing, it is going to maim the company well into the future. Reason: Because it is a piece of crap put together by FOREIGN engineers who started life cooking with cow dung, got a less than stellar diploma, and then wooed a foolish SJW with "Me better than white male". FACT: If the problem with this plane could be rectified, they would all be flying now. If they are not flying by now, they never will fly.
A multi billion dollar company is in a major push to try to solve the problems with this plane, and $10 billion later got nothing in the air again.

To repeat what is obviously happening to these planes, after eyewitnesses saw one dropping clothes and papers before it crashed (which means the fuselages are splitting open) and this has NEVER been stated by the MSM but you can damn well bet I am right - The super long portions of the forward fuselages are breaking and nosing up. This tells a sensor the plane's nose is too high. The sensor then does a nose down, but the wings are also pointed down afterward. The sensor gets itself to "level" but if the nose of the plane is bent upward, what does "level" mean? No one lived to tell about it.

All because "boeing already solved all design issues so foreigners could now take over building their aircraft" and "paying white male engineers" cost too much when they are crap anyways!
Now at least a few of the white male engineers are on the job, trying to re-design the entire aircraft so it will be airworthy. An idiot SJW in management is saying "The plane is not that bad, we won't approve what you are suggesting", you are NOT that great and your opinion is NOT that valid . . . . . meanwhile, the company dies. Whether or not it is game over for Boeing is specifically dependent upon whether or not the SJW's stay in place.

I predict if it took this long already, Boeing is TOAST. The proper people will not be fired, they will instead hold Boeing in a medusa's trance of "diversity" until the company turns to stone and vanishes into the fog.


The term was first coined by Rush Limbaugh. Incrementalism is the steady progression of state tyranny in the absence of people pushing back against it. Here's a CLASSIC case, and it is not rumor:Pennsylvania school district informs over 1000 families their children will be taken if parents fall behind on paying for school lunch (https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/pennsylvania/articles/2019-07-19/parents-told-they-could-lose-kids-over-unpaid-school-lunches)

You know, sort of like tranny story time, and landing in jail if you so much as dare to go into the schools un-announced to see what they are brainwashing your kids with."KINGSTON, PA. (AP) - A Pennsylvania school district is warning that children could end up in foster care if their parents do not pay overdue school lunch bills.
The letters sent recently to about 1, 000 parents in Wyoming Valley West School District have led to complaints from parents and a stern rebuke from Luzerne County child welfare authorities.
The district says that it is trying to collect more than $20, 000, and that other methods to get parents to pay have not been successful. Four parents owe at least $450 apiece."
OK, LET ME DO THE MATH - FOUR parents owe $450 apiece. Now THAT is a GREAT reason to take their kids, RIGHT? Oh, but I have an even BETTER REASON - there are "about 1000" other parents who owe the balance - which would come out to $18, 200 total.


Guess what? I know of a school district somewhere that has an administrative headquarters that is sorely lacking the delivery of a cruise missile. They should be dragged through the streets and lynched ALREADY for sending out such a notice because cruise missiles are hard to come by. Pitch fork time.Ahh, yes, but if you are depressed after the state steals your kids, you have a "CHEMICAL IMBALANCE", POP A ZOLOFT AND GET OVER IT, F*** YOU.
Trust me, the police are all in place making sure justice is served, and the kids really do get taken over $18.50. You see, in the United States they are NOT "corrupt", THEY FOLLOW ORDERS.

Things are once again heating up with Iran

Someone wants a war and that's the end of it. I am skeptical of the current reports, which is why I delayed on posting them. I am still skeptical
According to the official line, which is all too often the official lie, Iran has now seized two oil tankers and is demanding the return of their tankers seized elsewhere. However, today's tanker sailed straight into Iranian waters on it's own, without being seized at all. Obviously once it did that when it was not supposed to, Iran took notice and evidently has it now. This British tanker was not taken from international waters.
Additionally, the tanker the Brits seized was done in a way that violated international law, because neither Syria or Iran were subject to U.N. mandates, which meant that they could do whatever they wanted between each other. So what we have with this is the Brits and others trampling Iran, and doing everything they can to set up excuses to attack when if left to it's own natural behavior, Iran would not have instigated anything. And probably did not instigate anything anyway. However, when it comes to the scamming MSM, it is not the truth that matters, it is what you can convince people is the "truth" that does.
This story is still developing and is in it's very early stages.

This is actually big: Trump had a lengthy chit chat with Rand Paul while golfing, (ttps://bigleaguepolitics.com/paul-of-persia-rand-paul-emerges-as-president-trumps-new-peacekeeping-force-in-iran/)and Rand was assigned to Iran

Why is this big news? Answer: It proves I don't spew B.S. What have I always said about Trump's "excessive" golfing? I have always said this was a major tactic of people in power - to get away from prying ears and have discussions in private. I specifically singled out Trump's "excessive golfing" to not be about the game or leisure, and rather, that it was about negotiating with people. He's not out there screwing around, golf was originally invented by royalty, to provide a "reason" to be out in the middle of an enormous field where they were certain no one would be close enough to hear their discussions. That was the entire reason behind the origins of golf.If you can't google that, it is because history is being flushed, this was part of an old school education.
Here is one of my previous posts (there have been several over the years)
Idiocy: Trump's golfing bill has "topped 100 million"

I see this out there occasionally, that Trump "golfs a lot" and there is a $100 million bill for it. Here's the truth about golf -Golf started out as a non-game excuse to get way out in the middle of nowhere, where you could see everything around you, so you could then chat in private and know for sure no one was within earshot. This is why royalty did it. It was not a poor man's game, it was a thing of royalty and was used to discuss secrets in total confirmed privacy. The game had little meaning, it was just an excuse to be out there, talking. Trump likely does the same thing. But the punch line is, Trump is golfing at his own resorts. There's no golf bill. So while he's out there chit-chatting away with whoever, the only bill is the secret service, which is a static fixed cost. You cannot take the budget for the secret service and claim it is Trump's "golf bill", the secret service is simply in the budget.
Trump's golf bill? $0. Secret service bill? $100 million, that would be spent elsewhere anyway.
FINAL COMMENT: When you hear all these stories about Trump taking too much time off for golf, consider that he knows damn well the white house is bugged to oblivion, and that he at least has a measure of control over what goes on at his own resorts. That's not to say that there are no bugs that have been dropped in the weeds by drones, but it is a very safe bet that even if the resort is bugged one way or another, it is a LOT better privacy situation than a confirmed bugged white house, where the microphones will be RIGHT THERE.


Iran has just released an official statement, saying all it's drones are accounted for. This is a big deal, because the drone was shot down in international airspace, which gives Iran a reason to complain. If they are not complaining, someone elses drone got shot down. If it identified itself as Iranian and/or was set up to look Iranian, and it was not Iranian, who's drone would that be?YOU GUESS.
SEE THIS. (https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201907181076289509-tehran-has-no-information-on-a-downed-drone-in-the-strait-of-hormuz---iranian-fm/) It is snoopy dance time, HA HA, if that drone is not Iranian and the U.S. gets it and inspects it, and Iran can prove it was not theirs, then what? Better yet, I heard rumor that it was shot down with directed energy weapons, which means it is likely to be intact and ready for a full inspection if recovered. If Iran is not lying, (and they have no reason to lie, seriously, - they can frame themselves as the victim here) - if Iran is not bluffing this ought to get interesting. Who's trump going to tweet about then?


I am surprised, actually. Very interesting. Wait for outcome. And wait. It will be a while.
Trump just tweeted "a big event" happened in Iran

Apparently the U.S. shot down an Iranian drone that approached a U.S. warship in international airspace. RUMOR There are other reports that Iran has agreed to enhanced inspections of it's nuclear program on America's terms, in exchange for lifting sanctions.I checked vegetables in Wal Mart today

In Mexico, there is no shortage. Not many people buy canned vegetables in Mexico though. One thing that was VERY noticeable however is how cheap they were, they are currently priced a LOT lower than they normally are in Mexico for some odd reason, at about 1/3 the price in the picture farther down this page. Not on special either.

23rd July 2019, 11:34 AM
The pattern of Venezuela's power recovery since yesterday's black out indicates to me they are screwed

They got damaged badly. However, I seriously doubt it was an EMP that did it. They had their power quite stable for a long time and then got attacked again, this time with probable bad damage. It will take a few days to know for sure, but for now, things are not looking good.
Black guy saves white kid from pitbull (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzc-mnN4Tsw)

Good job. Real good for race relations. AND: A family member "rescued" a puppy, and specifically wanted US to give it a home. I looked at the picture, determined it had about 25 percent pit bull mix, and said NO.Conservative consensus overall is against pit bulls. I have looked into what makes pit bulls so bad. Pit bulls actually have a medium strength bite. However, dogs are carnivores, and therefore there are NONE, not even those that have the weakest bites, that can't cause someone to donate blood, not even the little ones. several types of dogs have bites several times more severe than Pit Bulls, with German Shepards being a good example. Here is the problem with pit bulls:
If you injure a German Shepard, it might back off. A Pitbull won't. If any other dog also has reason to believe it has you under control and has established dominance, and does not feel threatened, or it gets injured and figures the fight is not worth it, it will usually let go. A pit bull will not quit. Pit bulls stay and keep attacking until they are dead, or what they are attacking is dead, and since they are pure muscle and very durable, it is super hard to take them out once they start attacking. I managed to destroy one that broke through the fence and attacked Lucas by getting it jammed in a strong door, and kicking the door until I broke it's back. It was not easy, it was an absolute fight to the death.
Afterwards, Lucas, (who was totally helpless against the pit) obviously had an attitude change towards me because I "handled THAT." I was undisputed top dog, and it stayed permanent, even now, years later. Lucas bled all over the place. I did not get touched at all. And I learned something about Pitbulls: Trust me, YOU DO NOT WANT ONE. What I saw in that pit was a freak show demon dog that did not know it's boundaries, would break through another dog's boundary to kill it, and was as tough as the terminator. It was hard to believe any dog could be like that. It was like a Hollywood monster. I plotted how I'd kill it once it got ahold of Lucas, and succeeded. But if I screwed up and that thing got ahold of me, it would have been BAD NEWS.
What we see in this video is a pit bull that was randomly wandering around attacking a kid and biting the back of the kid's head. Fortunately a combination of a medium strength bite and short duration attack saved the kid, and the kid's rescuer also got bit, which means that pit was out looking for people to bite. There's no way out of it. Things are GREAT with Pit Bulls until things go wrong. And no one can predict when that will be. They are fighting dogs, NOT PETS.

There are persistent rumors circulating that Erdogan is dead from a heart attack

I was no fan or enemy of Erdogan, however, I do find it fishy that he might be dead from a "heart attack" after that Russian missile deal, and failing to keep Isis alive in Syria on behalf of the United States. Israel is probably pissed about him getting rid of Adnan Oktar as well (that's actually a huge story that never made press). There's no question Israel hated Erdogan. AND GUESS WHAT: The heart attack weapon is for real. I am not talking about the type of heart attack weapon a jungle pygmy dreamed up, (that is stated by lots of people to be what is used) - you know, the one that shoots an ice dart of poison that vanishes without a trace. That's so outdated that seriously, someone with no tech at all could do it. ANYWAY:The real heart attack weapon is simply a focused EM beam that is shot at people who don't carry cell phones. However, if you do carry a cell phone in your shirt pocket, that will be used instead. This is OLD OLD OLD OLD news, if Erdogan really is "dead from a heart attack" and they can't find a reason for it and the story is "gee, he was in great health, this was unexpected" consider the cell phone and other methods that work just fine. He made himself a target, and this would not surprise me at all. Most likely, Trump is only alive because there are sensors in place to detect such a weapon and no one has wanted to risk it. It is simply too much of a limited use item, it would be fairly easy to track down who did it.
Let's hope we won't be hearing from Adnan again, I always thought he was a Mossad spook, sent to wreck the Turkish people. If not, I'd like to know how the hell such a thing could actually stay alive.

On a web site called "Lawfare", James Comey published a list of questions for dirty dems to ask Mueller this Wednesday

I am going to put them here, and debunk this right off the bat:

The questions Comey asked do indeed look bad for Trump if there is no context provided. They depend on a jury to have no knowledge whatsoever of what went on, and why despite having the answers be yes to everything, not a single yes answer, if gone over again, would incriminate Trump of anything. There's an old German lawfare quote: If you own a dog, and that dog has puppies, the puppies will be your brothers and sisters, because the dog is a mother you own, which makes her your mother. That's what lawfare is, and Comey is a slime ball for engaging in it.That said, here's a list of items Comey handed the Dems for them to ask on Wednesday:
"If I were a member of Congress with five minutes to question Robert Mueller, I would ask short questions drawn from the report's executive summaries.
Volume One: Russia
Did you find that there were a series of contacts between the Trump campaign and individuals with ties to the Russian government? (p. 5)
In particular, did you find that a Trump foreign policy adviser learned that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails? (pp. 5-6)
Did you find that the Trump foreign policy adviser said the Trump campaign had received indications from the Russian government that it could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to candidate Clinton? (p. 6)
Did you find that senior members of the Trump campaign met with Russian representatives at Trump Tower after being told in an email that the meeting was part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump? (p. 6)
Did you find that, despite the fact that candidate Trump said he had "nothing to do with Russia, " his organization had been pursuing a major Moscow project into the middle of the election year and that candidate Trump was regularly updated on developments? (vol 1, p. 5: vol 2, p. 19)
Did the Trump campaign report any of its Russian contacts to the FBI?
Not even the indications from the Russian government that it could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to candidate Clinton?
Volume Two: Obstruction
Did you reach a judgment as to whether the president had committed obstruction of justice crimes?
Did you find substantial evidence that the president had committed obstruction of justice crimes?
For example, did you find that the president directed the White House counsel to call the acting attorney general and tell him the special counsel must be removed? (p. 4)
Did you find that the White House counsel decided he would rather resign than carry out that order? (p. 4)
Did you find that the president later directed the White House counsel to say he had not been ordered to have the special counsel removed? (p. 6)
Did you find that the president wanted the White House counsel to write a false memo saying he had not been ordered to have the special counsel removed? (p. 6)
Did you find that the White House counsel refused to do that because it was not true? (p. 6)
Did you find that the president repeatedly asked a private citizen -his former campaign manager -to deliver a message to the attorney general to restrict the special counsel to investigating only future campaign interference? (p. 5)"
My comment: Out of context, and on the surface, that all looks bad. But in reality, there's nothing to it, every last question ends in a dead end. To release anything like this at this point pegs Comey as an evil, evil man. The name of the blog this was released on says it all, it can be found HERE. (https://www.lawfareblog.com/what-i-would-ask-robert-mueller)
In the obstruction section, there is absolutely nothing there that indicates a crime by Trump at all, "wanting to" remove the special counsel is an assumption and before stating Trump "wanted to" there is an almost identical question, that states in the form of his wording that Trump was "ordered to" remove the special counsel and then told someone to write a false memo saying he had not been ordered to remove it. So Trump obstructed justice by NOT listening to orders to shut down an investigation, and then lying about not following those orders to shut it all down? What a worm Comey is, this crap is weak. And it totally circumvents the entire original premise, which was collusion with Russia in an attempt to invent something totally new.
Since every last project in Russia was underway well before the election, every last item Comey lists is irrelevant. But if deprived of facts and put under pressure to issue judgement without any context, a Jury might go for it. Unfortunately for Comey, that's not the scenario and this is pure manure slinging.
Lawfare it is. What a place to put this crap.

SURPRISE SURPRISE: If this is not a re-play, hoax, or deep fake, and it is not a body double, Gollumsburg IS ALIVE (https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1153308311997079553)

I am skeptical, but this is the first thing I have seen that is convincing in any way. Is it deep fake?

Interesting: Both China and Russia entered South Korean airspace, and South Korea fired warning shots at Russia (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/jul/22/south-korea-fires-warning-shots-russia-military-pl/)
Venezuela appears to be DOWN FOR THE COUNT

They are blaming an EMP. My guess is major simultaneous sabotage against infrastructure. Any way you cut it, they are DOWN FOR THE COUNT. I guess tanker charades did not go well enough, and this is a consolation prize for Bolton.
POSSIBLE RUMOR: LA city hall is beingRAIDED BY THE FBI (https://twitter.com/anblanx/status/1153352458636148745)

One can only hope there's a trump-tastrophe underway for the left. That is our only hope. (https://twitter.com/anblanx/status/1153352458636148745)
Update to below:

The prices I stated below were accidentally $10, 000 off. No big deal, that's less than 2 percent of what this guy got reamed for, (until you consider the fact that even that 2 percent, all by itself, would STILL be a medical carjacking even if it was the total price)

Cost of Dialysis in a nice hospital on a nice machine in Mexico? $90 WITHOUT INSURANCE - that's the cost straight up, in a "you pay it all" private hospital Cost of dialysis in America's scam medical system? [URL="https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7273903/Montana-man-50-hit-540-842-bill-dialysis-diagnosed-kidney-failure.html"]$540, 000 - but if you complain, they'll be nice, and cut the price down to $275, 000. (https://twitter.com/anblanx/status/1153352458636148745)

Yes, America does not have a medical system, it has an extortion racket that charges $5, 000 for a dinner mint, at gunpoint.PAY UP, OR YOU DIE.

Iranian case of having American spies appears legit

They released some related photos that at least partially validate their story. It appears the spies went to Iran, set up their lives, and tried to live as Iranians in disguise. But they look totally American, and Iran nailed their hidden documents, proving they were not Iranian. In such cases, nations tend to abandon people rather than admit there was a spy operation. Trump probably does not know this is legit The photos are here (http://en.farsnews.com/imgrep.aspx?nn=13980431000527)

28th July 2019, 04:07 PM
From Jim Stone: (

Sunday news updates

I am just going to type out what I noticed because time is limited.
It seems as if the leftist media ramps up the lies WORSE the more the heat is on.

The latest lie? A majority of Americans want Trump impeached.
After the Mueller show, where he failed miserably, the left simply prints what it desires, rather than reality. If it wishes a majority of Americans want Trump impeached, they'll cite a phony source and say it. Here's a zinger: Maureen Dowd stated that today's leftist "progressives" are just like the historic American puritans. I beg to differ BECAUSE: The Puritans believed in God, would have probably burned a woman at the stake for getting an abortion, and definitely would have hung gays. On top of that, they were escaping the tyranny the leftists are trying to put in place via "progressives", - escaping such was the entire reason the Puritans came to America. Add to this the fact that the puritans did not have a snowflake bone in their body ANYWHERE, not even a single dead stratum cornicum cell of snowflakeism on the surface - HECK, even their rectal bacteria lacked such, and they pooped that out to boot. If Leftists think they are any kind of "puritans" they are making up a fake reality any way possible to heap credibility on themselves, which, when usurping the "puritan" label, amounts to STOLEN VALOR.Anyway . . . .

As it turns out, Siri was recording everything, including people having sex, and sending it back to mission control to be recorded forever. Yes, it was OK, because it was "only for a few seconds" in each instance.
I normally would not post this because I fully expect my readership to not be stupid enough to have a Siri, an Alexa, or a fancy new Amazon do nothing but spy bot going around their homes but to crack a joke about how stupid a lot of sheeple are for having these things, I guess I'll mention it.
How about that Android phone? I have confirmed the Goophone can't possibly be cooperating very well, because the battery lasts at least 21 days at on and idle . . . . . so it is at least possible to get an android phone that does not try to back stab you - IF you buy one that is a pirate of another brand . . . . . ha ha, yes, that's the ticket.
Seriously - I have a fully functional Android phone with 100% faked ID that can sit there and receive calls and texts for 21 days straight without a charge, it is not gutless to boot - and the battery is only approximately 1500 MAH. If a pirate cell phone company can do that, why not a top dollar Iphone? Just ask Siri!

Storm area 51 is ON. No comment, but it is interesting it is ON and LARGE.

$15,000 fine for sharing memes is ON

Not totally through yet, but as I commented on earlier, they want this to keep control, because memes get past the spam filters and censor bots. A $15,000 fine for that is more than assinine. I really don't think I could say it more clearly. AND, I'll therefore try to get as many of my own going that no one can lay a claim to and make them public domain in a way they can't be copyrighted by a random KIKE and stolen, they have clearly stated that is how they are going to enforce the $15,000 fine -Here is how it goes: YOU post a meme using a photo that is YOURS, of YOUR BABY. You don't copyright it. A Jew then finds your meme, copyrights it, and slams you with a $15,000 fine. That's exactly what this is, it is an abomination and I am not going to pull any punches about who's doing it, it is SPECIFICALLY the Jews, (who steal anything they can) operating via subversive elements in America's government to pass abomidable legislation and screw the public, - which only wants to live legitimately, - TO DEATH.

If you get nailed by this, take your gripes DIRECTLY to the local synagogue, and remember, the "law" (which they own) will not be on your side, you had damn well better bring witnesses and plan it well.

CLAIM: They can't stop Ebola because people fear the government is the cause of the disease

Well, well, I wonder why? Perhaps because after that GOVERNMENT MANDATED "vaccine" Bobby stopped talking and playing the piano, and now only spins, howls, and drools. Aah yes, and I am "anti science" for pointing that out!I'll say people avoiding the government, even over ebola, is a DAMN GOOD THING because it proves that "vaccine damage" is not just rumor, it is instead a readily observed reality. Only no, because the shots are NOT vaccines at all, which is why people who get them have no better chance of avoiding the diseases many claim to prevent, than the general public.

Knowing this, the scamming leftists that unilaterally push this crap rightfully claim "vaccines" are not causing "autism" because they know the shots are NOT vaccines, and the end result is NOT autism, it is instead a brain injury that mimics the symptoms of autism. See how that works? and they feel good about themselves, because they never lied! It's called satan speak!

YES, I BELIEVE the fact that "Baltimore is a rodent infested mess" is 100 percent ENTIRELY "Trump's fault" and that it is indeed a reason to cry live on CNN when Trump points it out, and then subsequently blame it on him. It's called satan speak!

I used to respect Muslims

However, what they are doing to Europe and the United States, while Ilhan Omar divorces her husband, and Rashida Tlaib (probably a Sephardic Jew) but you can't say that about Omar . . . . . by their works, you will know them and I am seeing nothing but horse sh*t come out of the Islamic community, in the United States, Europe, and everywhere else BUT IRAN. Gee, is that why Israel wants Iran wiped out? Because they are Muslim and decent? - that's beside the point, I did not get onto this rant to pump up Iran . . . . .

NOT SO DEAR SUNNI ISLAMIC COMMUNITY: I once respected you, but you are turning my gut like a paint shaker, I am DISGUSTED at the subway attacks, the acid attacks, the rapes, the welfare - which you receive while pumping your assumed superiority while you rip the guts out of the civilization that proved itself superior before your invasion. Are you really too stupid to see you are being used as a weapon by the Jews, to destroy Western civilization? It is working, Minnesota used to be a nice place! And I know damn well the Jewish community in Minnesota is 100 percent responsible for what is happening there, I was in the Jewish community in Canada and could not figure out why they were focusing on Minnesota so closely back in the mid-2000's and now I know why! Just look at Ilhan Omar, from the land of the pirates. There is the answer.

So sue me for a meme.


A few quick things -

Nunes claimed there is collusion between the Democrats and Russia. He's right. If a Democrat accuses you of anything, it will be that which the Democrat is doing. Who sold uranium to Russia? A Democrat. Who gave America's secrets to Russia and the Communists? a Democrat. And what do Democrats consistently try to do? Answer: They consistently try to put the same systems and programs in place, in the United States, that Russia had. People can at least see that, and the fact that this is true ought to make it obvious the real Russian collusion is being done by those who have emulated the old communist systems the best.

I will say it again: Communist Russia is not dead. Their president is a former KGB agent. Anyone see anything wrong with that?

There is a rumor going on about the Navy colluding with ISIS I'd say it is highly credible. The rumor is that the reason why there has been so much Army activity in DC and the recent construction of a new top secret facility to house them in DC is because the Navy is compromised, and was going to try to assassinate Trump by using "Isis" proxies the Navy trained to do it. I'd say that there is a high probability this is true. I thought from the beginning it was all about a hit on Trump, and who could possibly be enough of a threat to activate the Army? Who founded ISIS? Obama. Who fired all those generals and put in place traitors? Obama. Most likely, the Army was the cleanest thing left. And that is why they were the ones who got activated.

The supreme court approved and allowed funding for the construction of 100 miles of NEW border wall Don't get you hopes up however, America's system is so subverted by those who collude with Russia that Trump, a real American, is going to have trouble, even with the approval of the highest court in the land.

Instagram has banned memes. CLAIM: THIS IS HOW RUSSIANS SWAY ELECTIONS - WITH MEMES. FACT: memes bypass the censors. They can't find them fast enough to stop them, the way text based censor functions can. People have to actually track down and kill memes. So since memes are a way for people to get around censors, THEY ARE RUSSIAN, BAN THEM.
Loop right back to that one key word: DISPLACEMENT.

This is the raw link for the video mentioned below, which for some reason does not work as a clickable link. Copy/paste:


It is worth it.

Never thought I'd see this: VIDEO: Bear really does steal entire dumpster from cannabis shop (https://www.fox32chicago.com/amp/news/colorado-bear-caught-stealing-entire-dumpster-from-pot-shop%22)

In the linked report, a bear broke into a fenced off garbage dumpster area that was owned by a cannabis shop, and stole the entire dumpster. One sniff of that dumpster and he knew he wanted it. CRAZY.


BADA BOOM: SOUTHWEST AIRLINES HAS GROUNDED ALL MAX 8'S UNTIL AT LEAST 2020 (https://www.rt.com/business/465081-boeing-737-max-southwest-compensation/)

Folks, if they were fixable this would not be possible. MARK MY WORD: Boeing's SJW MAX is going to kill the company, they won't get over it. Shit on "whitie" PAY THE PRICE.

And I am a disgusting "SUPREMACIST" for saying it, RIGHT? Oh, yes, I am probably the target of one of those "white supremacist terror" FBI investigations that was stated to be taking almost all their time. They sure are not after real terrorists if they are chasing the myth of "white supremacists groups", all they are instead doing is trolling forums and censoring blogs, there sure as hell is no real "terror", hell, they can't even get a patsy framed with that.That said, if Boeing cannot back away from that which caused their current problem - social justice warriors getting rid of "angry white males" and replacing them with far more qualified "engineers" from "shithole countries", Boeing is going to crash like the Hindenberg, WATCH IT HAPPEN.
And yes, I am angry, because I hate to see the country going to sh*t!

I still do not believe Ginsburg is alive

Her funeral was had. She was also registered dead, but I was off on her age by two years and as a result, did not realize it was her death record when I found it a few months ago. That's expunged now . . . . .Anyway, deep fakes and body doubles are a reality, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMvvoJ4YjUk&list=RDeMvvoJ4YjUk&start_radio=1)and any talk of her "commenting" on anything and "appearing in videos" will be declared BUNK, PERMANENTLY around here, I don't buy it, she can't go from where she was to spring chicken, she'd be a LOT easier to fake than Elvis and that's all there is to it. What would it take to keep the supreme court in line? Probably only Epstein at this point. A good body double would also do it, and they had plenty of time to arrange that.

Anything, ANYTHING AT ALL to deny Trump another SCOTUS pick.

1st August 2019, 08:16 AM
This is worth a look.

Twitter is banning people for saying we should demand voter ID.

We damn well should, and Twitter's reaction proves they not only intend to sway the election, they intend to steal it outright via falsified voting. There's no other way around it, if this is a banned item, the people who run Twitter are election riggers, AT POLLING STATIONS, not just via their site. GET A LOAD OF THIS!http://magaimg.net/img/8lrk.jpg

The following has been posted to every forum I know of, so obviously people are interested.

I'll say this my way, because no one is seeing the obvious:

Police states need corrupted, nit-picky tattletales to enforce tyranny. The guy who tattles because you did not mow your back yard, or left an engine sitting there for too long - the phleghminist hack who's better than you because she eats GMO and hates your "unauthorized" garden, or, in this case the moronic neighbor who kept ratting out an old lady for feeding 2 (TWO) stray cats that a neighbor left behind when he moved, simply because there was a city ordinance against feeding stray dogs and cats.
Wanna feel "better than someone else" because you have a problem with your crotch? Just look into all the city laws, find a stupid one, and nail someone with it. In this case, don't feed a couple stray cats. And the city obliged the a-hole by eventually jailing a 79 year old woman over it.

Let this be a lesson: When the police state gets it's final crack down, it will only happen via people who are "superior" because they don't do what you happen to be doing, and they can nail you on a technicality. I am sure whoever griped and got this woman thrown in jail is proud of it, and because most people are decent, whatever violations that particular person is guilty of will just slip under the radar. It takes an A-hole to make it happen, Do not EVER let that a-hole be you.
If there is a problem, talk directly first before calling the cops, and if it is only a "couple cats" for GOD'S SAKE LET IT REST.
SEE THIS (https://www.ajc.com/news/national/year-old-woman-sentenced-days-jail-for-feeding-stray-cats/BLPFXqa62gGyp4vPf7y09M/)

Stating the obvious:

Things are looking better now, especially with the timing of Trump re-instating the death penalty for treason . . . . . . need I say more? Maybe . . . . . . HURRY UP.

Gilette has lost $8 billion since their stupid male bash advertisments

Kitco says Gillette posted the losses because of competition from good dollar store brands (https://www.kitco.com/news/2019-07-30/P-G-posts-strong-profit-amid-8-billion-writedown-of-Gillette.html) but I'd then like to ask why Schick and others are not posting similar losses. I have the answer:I buy nothing but name brand razors because if you use them properly, they last a FULL YEAR each. I use Schick Extreme 3's which only cost 50 cents each in a giant Sam's pack and they last a FULL YEAR each. And I DID buy Gillette occasionally before getting that huge pack, (which ended my razor expenses) but will not EVER AGAIN if something happens to my stache. FACT: If you buy a car after the company that sells it bashed you, your race, or your civilization, you're a spineless moron. At this time, that leaves only Dodge, Jeep and Fiat as cars I'd consider new because I can't afford a Tesla (which would also be an option because Musk has not pulled the SJW crap) - Do that, and I AM GONE. And the same is true for everything from canned foods to Kleenex to a Disney movie to razors, pull that crap, and I'll eat Chinese forever if that becomes the only way to eat and not pander to social programming BULLSHIT.
Adios Gillette, you are posting losses on par with Boeing over the SJW rot and I could really care less if Boeing dies after what they did to all their great engineers just because they were white, they are trying to shift the blame for the failure of the SJW MAX over to Whitie but the effort is largely failing because it is too obviously patently false. Adios Gillette, Boeing, (hopefully Nike) and whoever else takes a crap on their roots including Dicks Sporting Goods, which has now posted enormous losses - I'd rather see them gone and if others stood their ground well enough, we'll see LOTS MORE get tossed in the ash bin of history. I'll be disappointed if anyone who tries to damage our civilization further than it has already been damaged survives in business after trying.


I'll be frank about this: A large city has more car-b-q's DAILY than the total number of Teslas that have ever "spontaneously burned".

Usually it is because people either run their cars without oil or coolant. "Perfect perception mechanical dude" may or may not ever have a car-b-q (less likely with mechanical types) but everyone has seen them, multiple times, for one reason or another. I see them several times a year.FACT: Cars are something that can catch on fire. Any time enough energy is somewhere that can do the job a car does, there's a chance it is all going to go kablooey. This latest Tesla fire (long delayed based on gasoline car averages) may have happened simply because the guy ran over a rock. There's not a car out there that won't for one reason or another burst into flames if the right owner created circumstances exist. Tesla is definitely on the low side of the bell curve for car fires, but they get attention when they do burn because they are "not supposed to ever burn". EVER. And that expectation is totally unrealistic.

UPDATE TO BELOW: "No one with any proof" saying it happened, it is all a guess based on circumstantial evidence, and I'd say a very good bet.

RUMOR: McCaffee was the one who took drone footage of Epstein island

He was in the area when it happened, and did get detained. I bet he got detained over THAT. The second video set got released while he was detained, however, that would be easy to have done without him actually there to do it.This is only a rumor, but I'd say it is plausible.
Rumor has it he got a new drone and was in the area. If you watch the videos, the first ones were done with an abundance of caution, with the drone staying well away from all obstacles. But the last video it went right up to the window, very carefully, and got a good look inside. That's where the bloody bed pic came from. Why the difference in how the drone was flown? Easy answer: Because by the time the last video was made, the drone operator had a little practice and could bump it up a notch.

There's no one saying it was McCaffee that did it, and no news reports, but it does fit - him getting a drone and being in the area and then getting arrested in the time frame it happened.

TOO GOOD: A rat runs right through a Fox News live feed from Baltimore when they were disagreeing the place was a rat infested hole

BETTER YET: You can tell a lot of the employees don't like the new trump bashing from Fox, so they filmed the rat perfectly for the live feed, AND THEN PUT THAT PART OF THE BROADCAST ON TWITTER. (https://mobile.twitter.com/FOXBaltimore/status/1155945892148420615)

LET'S HOPE ALEX GOT THE WORD OUT, the latest development: AG BARR ordered by Trump to open anti trust investigation into big tech (https://www.infowars.com/breaking-president-trump-orders-ag-barr-to-open-antitrust-investigation-into-big-tech/)

We'll have to see where this goes.
BALTIMORE IS BAD? Other American cities are FAR WORSE.

My response to Breitbart's report about how Baltimore is "so much worse" than Central American countries.

Breitbart did a report about how much worse the murder rate was in Baltimore than many central American countries which got my interest, so I figured I'd find the real story, and take it the whole way.
As it turns out, the top 30 murder cities in the U.S. have such high murder rates that they are far in excess of Mexico, Guatemala, or even the Dominican Republic, or places like India, Iraq, and practically all of Africa. The top 30 cities in the United states are SO BAD that there are only 12 countries on earth that can be classed as bad as they are, all the remaining 270+ countries on earth are, on average, safer to be in

HERE IT IS FOLKS, DONE MY WAY WHICH MAKES THE TRUTH INESCAPABLE. HOW CAN LIBERALS MAKE A CASE THEY ARE SAVING THE IMMIGRANTS FROM "VIOLENT SHITHOLE COUNTRIES WHEN: East St. Louis has a murder rate 4X that of Guatemala, and 5X worse than Mexico, and double the WORST country on earth, El Salvador?Let's go down a list of U.S. cities, to see how far down we have to go to find one safer than the countries these "refugees" are fleeing:

East St. Louis Ilinois: 113 murders per 100, 000
Chester Pennsylvania: 85 per 100, 000
St Louis Mo: 66 per 100, 000
Gary Indiana: 63 per 100, 000
Baltimore Maryland: 56 per 100, 000 = El Salvador, Venezuela, Jamaica
Pine Bluff Arkansas: 51 per 100, 000
Wilmington Delaware: 49 per 100, 000 = Virgin Islands
New Orleans: 40 per 100, 000 = Honduras
Detroit MI 40 per 100, 000 = Lesotho
Baton Roughe LA: 39 per 100, 000
Flint MI: 38 per 100, 000
Bessemer Alabama: 38 per 100, 000
Petersberg VA: 38 per 100, 000
Jackson MS: 36 per 100, 000 = Belize, St.Vincent,
Youngstown Ohio: 36 per 100, 000
Huntington WV, 34 per 100, 000 = SOUTH AFRICA
Atlantic City NJ, 34 per 100, 000 = St Kitts
Saganaw MI: 33 per 100, 000
Danville Il: 32 per 100, 000
Fairbanks AK: 32 per 100, 000
North Charleston SC 32 per 100, 000
Camden NJ: 31 per 100, 000= Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas, Brazil
Kansas City Mo: 31 per 100, 000
Chicago Heights Il: 30 per 100, 000
Albany GA, 30 per 100, 000
Goldsboro NC: 28 per 100, 000 = St Lucia

ALL OTHER COUNTRIES WERE ON AVERAGE SAFER THAN AMERICA'S 30 WORST CITIES, INCLUDING: Colombia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and even "shithole" Haiti, with it's rating of a mere 10.

So what does this clearly say? Obviously, if America's 30 worst cities are worse than all countries on earth combined except for those listed, the liberals, claiming America needs to take in refugees to "save them from violence" are full of crap, most of the places they will go to in the United States are WORSE than the countries they came from.

Data sources: (most up to date available) https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/blog/highest-murder-rate-cities"> (https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/blog/highest-murder-rate-cities) And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate"> (sorry for the Wikipedia link, but it was up to date> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate)

Alex is really popping the big question now, and is facing resistance getting it out

Alex posted an alternate link and it worked, but I am certain he hit interference with this message because his stuff auto plays on everything I have, and for some dark and mysterious reason, his warning to Trump did not. I could not get it to work across multiple devices. Something is seriously screwy with this. Here (was) his message, that probably got blocked for a majority of people:


Alex Jones asks: will Trump take action against censorship, or will he allow himself - and his base - to be destroyed?"

HEADS UP: This got posted on Drudge, and did not work on News Wars or Info Wars, on Android or Linux, with two different carriers: AT&T and Telcel. And I can imagine why it did not work.

One device did nothing at all, and another simply said "incompatible media" when that device always auto plays everything Alex puts up. And I have a hunch it was done to prevent Trump from getting the message.

ONLY IN CHICAGO: DRIVE BY SHOOTING FAILS WHEN SHOOTER SHOOTS DRIVER (https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2019/7/25/8931075/park-manor-drive-by-matthew-gibson-jake-lee)

How about that Garlic festival shooting? Like I said, it was NOT NEWSWORTHY without an agenda behind it, (and by the way, it happened exactly 666 days after the Vegas shooting, (go figure))

ANYWAY, this failed drive by shooting in Chicago should get a lot more press because it is not every day that gang bangers screw up so bad that during a drive by shooting, they shoot and kill their own driver!! HA HA, priceless.
Let's see a five line all red headline on Drudge for that! (you won't, because it was not on the agenda!)

Update to below: That is a Prius, which means for long trips you can just switch to gasoline mode when solar runs out.

Toyota has announced development of an
all new solar car (https://electrek.co/2019/07/05/toyota-solar-electric-car/#jp-carousel-97036)

It's range is EXACTLY what my math has stated for the past few years

Occasionally in the past, I would post about how efficient solar panels had become, and that they could be used to power a solar car that could be driven by average Americans with average daily miles driven, without ever plugging it in. A couple weeks ago I also posted about a company that was trying to get the same thing to market, and now low and behold, Toyota is probably going to do it. If they do this, it will change driving forever.
If you have a nice parking spot in full sun, the car can be driven 13, 148 MILES per year on solar only. That's slightly more than an average American drives per year. Obviously during long trips you'll have to plug it in, but the bulk of your driving will happen absolutely free.

1st August 2019, 11:47 AM
From Jim Stone: (


Two fire districts in New York are demanding a re-opening of the 911 investigation

To sum it up: They know explosives were used and are demanding a real investigation that has every incident and every crime called to account. This is new news, they just released the following statement: (https://www.ae911truth.org/news/540-new-york-area-fire-commissioners-make-history-call-for-new-9-11-investigation)

Here it is folks, read it and CLAP!!!

The Franklin Square and Munson Fire District 9/11 Resolution
Whereas, the attacks of September 11, 2001, are inextricably and forever tied to the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department;
Whereas, on September 11, 2001, while operating at the World Trade Center in New York City, firefighter Thomas J. Hetzel, badge #290 of Hook and Ladder Company #1, Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department of New York, was killed in performance of his duties, along with 2, 976 other emergency responders and civilians;
Whereas, members of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department were called upon to assist in the subsequent rescue and recovery operations and cleanup of the World Trade Center site, afflicting many of them with life-threatening illnesses as a result of breathing the deadly toxins present at the site;
Whereas, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District recognizes the significant and compelling nature of the petition before the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York reporting un-prosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and calling upon the United States Attorney to present that petition to a Special Grand Jury pursuant to the United States Constitution and 18 U.S.C. SS 3332(A);
Whereas, the overwhelming evidence presented in said petition demonstrates beyond any doubt that pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries - not just airplanes and the ensuing fires - caused the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings, killing the vast majority of the victims who perished that day;

Whereas, the victims of 9/11, their families, the people of New York City, and our nation deserve that every crime related to the attacks of September 11, 2001, be investigated to the fullest and that every person who was responsible face justice;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District fully supports a comprehensive federal grand jury investigation and prosecution of every crime related to the attacks of September 11, 2001, as well as any and all efforts by other government entities to investigate and uncover the full truth surrounding the events of that horrible day.
My comment: I don't think Trump is going to miss this. This cannot be buried, and is not click bait. They probably did it as a wake up call, having known all along that the buildings were indeed demolished and that the federal government did it.

DOMESTIC TERRORISM THREAT (https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-documents-conspiracy-theories-terrorism-160000507.html) AND HANDLED THE SAME WAY TERRORISTS ARE. Gee, I wonder why.

They know damn well they cannot answer to what these two fire departments just released, which confirms that not only was 911 an inside job, but also that they damn well know it.
Let's see if Trump handles this, or if the newly led FBI will handle this. My guess is NOPE to one or both, it is too big to touch.
File the following under "you can't make this stuff up"

Facebook denies shadow banning, then receives patent for it's proprietary shadow banning methods

From The New American (https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/computers/item/32995-facebook-denies-shadow-banning-receives-patent-for-shadow-banning)"Facebook has continually denied that it participates in the practice of shadow banning - a method of blocking a users' posts or comments from everyone except the user who made the post or comment. But a newly granted patent shows that Facebook not only does practice shadow banning, but wants to protect - by patent - the method it uses for doing so.
Despite the fact that Facebook executives denied the practice in congressional testimony in April, the company was awarded a patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) earlier this month for an automated system that would "receive a list of proscribed content and block comments containing the proscribed content by reducing the distribution of those comments to other viewing users" while continuing to "display the blocked content to the commenting user such that the commenting user is not made aware that his or her comment was blocked." A better definition of shadow banning would be hard to write.
And since Facebook would use the patented system to shadow ban "proscribed" (read: banned) content, one can safely assume that would include political speech deemed unacceptable by the social-media behemoth. After all, Facebook recently slapped down a post by this magazine's parent organization, The John Birch Society as "hate speech." That post consisted of the cover of the July 8 issue of the print edition of The New American. That cover showed a real picture of an illegal border crossing and carried the caption, "Immigrant Invasion."
With a newly patented automatic system for shadow banning anything "proscribed"
by Facebook, the company would have no trouble pressing the digital mute button on JBS or any other user whose posts run counter to accepted liberal norms.
My comment: Well Well Well, Facebook got caught lying. Again. More at the link.

Two rather stunning murders by migrants in Germany this week

The first was when an Eritrean migrant pushed a woman and child in front of a train.

Today's tops that. A Syrian migrant hacked his German room mate to pieces with a sword, and it got captured on two cell phones. Obviously the videos are going to be censored, but for now one of them is HERE (https://twitter.com/haagse_harry/status/1156962316325466112)

The migrant used one of those ornamental swords people often have hanging as decorations in their homes, and made it obvious that yes, those can do the job just fine.
Evidently he did not really see well into the future when calculating the consequence of hacking his room mate up.
This story was brought to you by Angela Merkel.


Don't let the occasional doom headline fool you, this is a very weak storm season

Let me guess: Somebody wanted to present an illusion of things being very hot with the last heat wave, and had to cause it by starving the oceans of energy. Only a guess, but what is going on in the oceans does not match what happened on land. There is only so much energy the sun gives the earth, and managing where it goes is done with comparatively small amounts of energy that don't really affect global temperatures.
Want proof?
Just take a look at the global wind map. (https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-216.17,%2011.62,%20294)

The wind map, as of today, does not lie because it involves input and observation from many different weather organizations and having one be corrupt can't throw all of them off. So no one can put B.S. into it (yet).
On the global wind map, you will see that there are two sub-hurricane rotations southeast of Hawaii, and one of the two might not even be a tropical storm. The rest of the globe has nothing of significance worth noting at all. There is only talk talk with regard to storms this year, and nothing of substance other than Barry which was obviously geo-engineered, and hit America PERFECT for the worst possible outcome with crop damage. Barry was far too convenient . . . .


From MDsafetech (https://mdsafetech.org/2019/07/20/the-first-report-of-5g-injury-from-switzerland/)

The response? It is legal, and within legal guidelines, so stuff it!

The first reported injury of 5G in a news report comes from Switzerland, where 5G has been launched in 102 locations. As soon as the antennas were installed, several residents and entire families in the heart of Geneva reported similar unusual symptoms of loud ringing in the ear, intense headaches, unbearable earaches, insomnia, chest pain, fatigue and not feeling well in the house. 29-year-old Geneva resident, Johan Perruchoud, called up Swisscom and was told that indeed the 5G cell towers were activated on the same day he began to feel the symptoms. When others called Swisscom they were told everything is legal and within guidelines.
Dr. Bertrand Buchs, who has called for a 5G moratorium, states he has seen more and more patients with similar symptoms. He notes, "In this case, our authorities are going against common sense ... we risk experiencing a catastrophe in a few years... no serious study exists yet, which is not surprising when we know that this technology was developed in China, then to the United States. In Switzerland, we could open a line for people who feel bad, listen to these complaints and examine them. Our country has the means and the skills. The debate must be launched because the story is not about to end."

These stories parallel that of Anne Mills, author of "All EMF'd Up", who suffered wireless radiation poisoning in Germany when her husband was stationed there for work. She wrote a diary with identical symptoms of those in Geneva. Her concerns, like those in Geneva, were dismissed. She consulted with German physician, Dr Horst Eger, to confirm her symptoms were that of microwave illness seen in military radar personnel and those working on microwave towers.
My comment: Gee, our emissions are within "safe legal guidelines" so if they make you sick, there's something wrong with your genes!

2nd August 2019, 09:11 AM

Trump managed to slip mandatory DNA testing through to confirm families were real at the border. Here is a story of an extreme case:

"A Honduran migrant admitted to purchasing a baby for $80 in Guatemala after finding out that it was easier for family units to apply for asylum at the United States border.
Amilcar Guiza-Reyes, 51, confessed to immigration agents when he presented himself at the border with the six-month-old boy and was told he would be required to undergo a DNA test.

According to U.S. officials, the undocumented immigrant, Guiza-Reyes reportedly bought the child during his stop in the western Guatemalan town of Huehuetenango and continued his journey through Mexico before reaching the southern U.S. border where he was detained May 7.
The case is one of thousands which officials flagged as potentially fraudulent in recent weeks.

The child, whose name was withheld for privacy reasons, was transferred to the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services for placement.

Most Mexicans and central Americans are APPALLED by people who steal and sell babies for purposes such as this, and would NEVER DO IT. The fact that thousands of people have been stopped at the border since MAY ALONE, and confirmed to have stolen and/or purchased kids proves all by itself that America is getting the scum sucking bottom feeders (of the type that infest our government now, just ask Pedostein) as a primary component of what is coming across the border. Here is the situation in Mexico -
I have actually studied this on my own, and hit corruption in the police forces that stopped any action on this topic - There is a criminal underworld that only consists of approximately 20, 000 people in Mexico, that has a system of taking people from the historic Aztec and Mayan villages and selling them on the slave market. These people are baited into leaving their villages (they are not usually stolen from there outright), they are instead tricked into leaving and arriving at destination (X) for "work and opportunities". Entire families, including the children, husband, wife, are required to arrive at destination (x).

When they arrive, for the first few days, (long enough for them to report back about how great things are) they are allowed to stay together as a family. Then the families get split up, and the woman will be sent to one location (with her baby if she has one) and any kids that are over the age of 2 get sent to a different location where gangs manage and train them, and the dads are probably killed and dumped in the desert. They vanish, and I don't know where to.
The women are kept under threat - "If you do not go to where we tell you to, and work the way we tell you to, we will kill your children". The women are then worked to death doing juggling acts in the streets (or other acts, or perhaps cleaning windshields, or whatever they can do to get money from people in cars) while their children (any over the age of five) are also taught to juggle and forced to be out in the streets, little tiny children, begging for money.
These little kids are worked from 6 AM to 7 PM and they stay ON THE JOB PERFECT.

I found out how that was accomplished -
The slave owners hook them up to electrical torture devices that use biofeedback to manage the suffering. The devices have the appearance of small boxes that have 1/4 inch "microphone jacks", two for torture and one for biofeedback and they are battery operated. The connections simply get plugged in and have clips they hook up to the kids. The devices generate multiple wave forms that signal pain. When the biofeedback system detects the subject has adapted to a particular wave form, it will switch it for a different one to put the pain right back up to max. The kids writhe in pain and scream horrifically for hours. And when it is done, the clips are removed and there is not a single damage mark on the kid anywhere.

These kids are then sent out and monitored by "employees" at Pemex gas stations or other gas stations now that Pemex is not a monopoly, or Oxxo stores, or any supermarket that has security (the security guards will watch the slaves) or even the security at Plaza Mayor in Leon (I tracked them down to that and actually identified the people doing it) - it is not ALL employees at Pemex or restauraunts or pawn shops or wherever, there will just be one, (several at Plaza Mayor) who only works those jobs to keep an eye on the slaves, who are working at an intersection within sight. If a kid walks off the job or stops doing it, they can't really get away, they get captured quickly and then get taken and hooked right back up to the box.
So the system is in place for stealing any kids they want. And the ones who are between the age of approximately two and five simply get taken and sold, because they can't be trained to juggle, mommy can't carry them all day in the street - so they are "waste" that simply gets taken and sold off. The going rate in Mexico in 2012 was $7000 pesos and I have not had any updates for that since, but have stitched the rest of the story since, including where, in Leon they actually get tortured, housed, and fed. I had it all nailed down and could do nothing to stop it.

Let this be a message: The people arriving at the U.S. border with kids that are not theirs are aware of and part of this slave system that does this to people. What kind of quality do you think these people, who are a spat on minority in Latin countries because they are simply too evil - what kind of quality do they have? THAT is what the Democrat party in the United States wants, and is encouraging, to immigrate to the U.S.

When Trump started ordering DNA tests on immigrants to prove the kids actually belonged to a real family unit, he likely seriously hampered this industry in Mexico, which treats people in such a disposable manner. The women, after a few weeks of being worked to death, get put on drugs to keep working, and fall completely apart after about three months and after that, they vanish and a new fresh face "full of hope" will be where they were. At that time, any babies they may have been carrying are likely sold, and the women are buried in the desert.

At the time I really started looking into this, a reader sent me money to buy a P-900 camera, which I used for this. Obviously you can't get close to the action documenting it, or you'll get nailed, and the people at Plaza Mayor did nail me because I was not expecting to be tracked by every exterior camera on a large mall - I did not realize the problem was that serious. Claudia and I were forced to ditch all cell phones and move to a new place at that time.
This is something I never mentioned on this site, but I'll mention it now. I did manage to cause them to give up their efforts at Plaza Mayor for about a year, but they are back at it now. Here are some photos I documented this with.

I am in the process of digging up some good ones, if there is nothing showing just wait UPDATE: This will take an hour or so and will happen all at once, because I am going offline to prevent someone from destroying the pictures if they try to over the web.

New roaches are probably NOT becoming immune to poison

There have been numerous reports lately about roaches becoming immune to anything people try to kill them with. An "evolutionary process" is then cited as being the reason, especially for that nasty "German roach" - you know, the little ones that survive well farther north -Rather than suck up the latest MSM crap, I'd like to present a different explanation for why roaches are "suddenly becoming immune" and it is that the poisons have been changed, changed, and re-changed and have spiraled downwards in effectiveness to meet the latest communist "safety standards". And I have fairly solid case for stating that's probably the reason - Mexico, the land of the roaches, so much so they have the song "la Cucaracha" has no problems with roach poisons no longer working.

You can buy name brand RAID in Mexico that is SO STRONG that one little squirt of it ANYWHERE in the house, (like between the stove and the counter top), one little 1/3 of a second squirt THERE will kill every scorpion, spider, or whatever else that happens to be ANYWHERE in the house even if it never goes into the kitchen. That stuff is so strong that one little squirt in the kitchen will kill everything in the garage, and there's a living room between the kitchen and the garage. And it will keep killing for an entire month. If such a product was available in the U.S. you can bet there would be no roach problems ANYWHERE that people were at least concerned enough about to go to Wal Mart for a can of raid. And I'd bet $50 that if you bought an identically labeled product in the U.S. you could spray the roaches directly and a percentage would live.

As far as safety, the dogs and cats have never been affected by it. And I therefore think that all the "safety" crap Americans have to deal with is just crap, like global warming - it is only done to provide an excuse to rip people off and destroy quality of life, you cannot have an insect spray that truly works because it has been mandated out of existence in the name of safety when the stuff that actually works was not unsafe at all. If you consider that all the safety and emissions guidelines for everything could be an act of war, - let me explain how the people destroying America do war (on one level)
Let's use as an example an Al Gore toilet and faucet. Before Al Gore, you could fill a pitcher in the kitchen in a few seconds because the water would absolutely gush out of the kitchen sink. After Al Gore forced everything to have an aerator and restricted flow, the same pitcher might take two minutes. What's going to happen if your house catches fire? In the good old days, you might be able to fight it off with the kitchen sink. After Al Gore, entire rooms might get engulfed before you filled a single pitcher. And how much time does it waste to wait for water like that? Even if it wastes only three minutes a day, multiply that three minutes by 300 million people - 900 million minutes of American productivity shot to hell for NOTHING, every day. That weakens a nation. And what about the Al Gore toilet that does not flush well anymore? Add toilet plunger time to that three minutes - Or dealing with roaches to that three minutes - or waiting for a non-functional subway system to that three minutes - or trying to get things clean because soap does not work like it used to anymore to that three minutes (Mexico has the old formulations that actually WORK, in the U.S. the detergents are all crap and NEVEr get the stains out) - how much wasted time over that little thing? how much does that hurt a country? A LOT.

No, roaches are not "becoming immune" to poisons due to adaptation. If that was ever going to happen, it would have happened in Mexico FIRST. The problem is that the government is, rather than looking after the people, simply banning anything that works. And it is not via good will, MONSANTO PROVES IT - if it is actually going to do damage, like antidepressants, ecstacy, glyphosate, a "vaccine", a feminist brainwash, tranny story time, GMO's that cause sterilization, a chemical in plastics that feminizes men or whatever else, it gets the green light to whatever calculated extent the people in charge believe, via research and think tanks, the general public won't kill them for.

I'd bet you would NEVER be able to smuggle a can of Mexican raid back across the border to the U.S., and Raid is the most mundane crap there is, we keep that where the cleaning supplies are. We also have the "good stuff" - In Mexico you can buy insect poison that will kill the dog if the dog happened to be put where it was sprayed. That stuff actually has a warning label. You HAVE TO wear a gas mask (that poison is for bed bugs and other stuff that is actually hard to kill, and will turn them to dust) it actually WORKS. And grandma can buy it. You won't get it at Wal Mart. Grandma will NOT be stupid enough to get hurt by it. Grandma WILL find a gas mask that works within 300 feet of her house, at a small hardware store that has every hinge, nut bolt nail or screw, plus hammers, multimeters, the whole 9 yards and someone will be running that store in their living room. That is what a free country is really like. And if someone does happen to get hurt by such a poison, it won't make the news, people are supposed to know what poison does.

Britain to Iran: No tanker swap

My comment: That is easy to say, when the British government has nothing invested in either, and civilians take the loss both ways.

Britain is claiming they took Iran's tanker "legally" and that Iran took their tanker "illegally". But there is a problem with that - the British tanker really did violate maritime procedure and the Iranian tanker is not proven to have done anything at all amiss, Britain simply seized it out of the blue.
Bottom line? Iran is correct this time.
An appropriate Iranian response would be: Fine then. Our tanker was much larger than yours, and worth a lot more than yours, PLUS had a cargo that was far more valuable than yours was carrying. So we'll have to take another tanker or two to get even, and if you don't like it and decide to attack, we have missiles that can easily hit Parlaiment. Yes, we'd get hit worse but you will not remain untouched.
How about that?
Iran does in fact have missiles that can hit all of Europe including Britain, but I don't know how many can make it all the way to Britain, which is at max range for Iran's best. They as of now don't have any publicly announced missiles that can hit the U.S.

4th August 2019, 12:00 PM
The OTHER "white male" shooting. Question: how did everyone's shoes end up in a pile in the parking lot?

Supposedly, everyone left their shoes behind while fleeing, in a pile, in the parking lot. What kind of LOW IQ COMMON CORE RETARD thought of THAT? This one pisses me off simply because it is so insultingly STUPID: original image size on Drudge was 1000X666. I reduce large images and compress them before posting to save bandwidth.
OK, SO - how did that pile of shoes get there so neatly? PLEASE LEAVE YOUR SHOES HERE ON THE WAY OUT, THE SHOOTER COLLECTS THEM AND GIVES THEM TO CHARITY. The police will not take "evidence" and do this with it, THIS PHOTO IS AN ABJECT TEAR JERK SYMPATHY HOAX. This one angers me.


1. How many cameras are in a Wal Mart? We got one video "from someone with a cell phone on the floor, which only recorded audio" YEAH RIGHT. Why, if this shooting lasted for 20 minutes, is there not at least 10 consecutive hours of shooting video from 30 PERFECTLY CLEAR VIEW CEILING MOUNTED cameras? There's more than 30 in a Wal Mart, but let's guess 30 caught it REAL GOOD. Where is that video?2. How in the * did this shooting continue for 20 minutes? How long does it take for people to bail from a Wal Mart? The largest wal marts in existence are 600X298 feet. They have two doors. That means NO ONE was more than a 100 yard dash distance from the door. most people, male or female, in totally average condition can do that in 20 seconds. Add obstacles and maybe in a worst case scenario, 40 seconds. What would be the reaction of people hearing gunshots in a Wal Mart? My guess is that all opportunities to nail people would be totally over in 1:30 (which is generous) yet it continues for TWENTY DAMN MINUTES while the shooter went "aisle to aisle" nailing people who must have been all deaf and did not realize there was a shooting underway. 20 minutes is NOT BELIEVABLE. Virtually all "aisle by aisle" opportunities were OVER in seconds flat.
3. Let's say this shooting really DID continue for 20 minutes - WHY THEN, did this shooter not get a can of cream of mushroom soup in his left ear at 57MPH from weak throw willie? I'd have probably delivered one at about 81 MPH. SHOOTING OVER. Ha, they claim Wal Mart had no guns on site, so the shooting continued and continued and continued . . . . when the store was full of places to hide from the shooter and throw something back at him, like, you know, perhaps a cordless drill? A can of spray paint? How about a small exercise weight?
No, that did not happen, instead, everyone went back to the toilet paper aisle rather than run out the door and waited THERE, in the paper aisle because there was enough paper towel and nearby cat litter in that section to clean up the BIGGEST blood spill. They knew someone needed a story, and were polite about getting it done.
20 minutes? People were there for 20 DAMN MINUTES? Yeah right, this story is STUPID folks.

I have successfully, in a hurry with Claudia waiting, parked over 100 feet from the door, gone in, got something, hit express checkout and got back to the car in under 3 minutes. That's quick for a Wal Mart, but it is possible, and an ENTIRE SHOPPING PROCESS. I PROMISE, IF THIS SHOOTING WAS REAL, THAT NO ONE WOULD HAVE HIT EVEN THE EXPRESS CHECKOUT. The store should have been empty in absolutely NO MORE than 1:30, thus leaving the shooter with no one to hit.SHOOTING IN AISLE 5. REPEAT: SHOOTING IN AISLE 5. Ha, that's great, I am in aisle 43, I'll get those Ramen noodles . . . . . and you can't say the shooter had them cornered, there are two widely spaced exits plus emergency exits in a Wal Mart.
4. So he killed 20 and injured that many more. By himself. That's a lot of bullets for a 30 round clip. IS THAT WHY WE GET NO WAL MART VIDEO? BECAUSE THERE'S NO MAGAZINE CHANGES? Look folks, THEY GOT THE REQUIRED EVENTS FOR THIS SHOOTING TO BE REAL, ON VIDEO, IT'S A WAL MART. Let's see video of a magazine swap! If we don't have that the day after, well, that can be deep faked now, it DID NOT HAPPEN, that's a PRIME moment they would have released already.
5. Why, in ALL the CNN videos (and I watched quite a few) is there only ONE ambulance and ONE stretcher showing up? Hell, they had at least 40 people needing ambulances. Where was the overwhelming paramedic support? I have seen a few tards post that "if they are dead, they don't move them". That is true, IF and ONLY IF the body is so dead it has riga. All these were fresh. They should have all been pronounced dead at the hospital. Why ONLY ONE DAMN AMBULANCE?
You can see in the videos the BORDER PATROL, FBI, and regular cops were there, plus ONE fire truck and ONE ambulance. That's a repeat we see at these shootings- totally underwhelming EMT support. And I'll tell you why: EMT's are GOOD PEOPLE, and they could not get 165 of them who were corrupt pieces of shit to front this lie. But they could find five. (including driver). The FBI and border patrol would be EASY to pull enough dirt bags from, but the local police presence was weak too.
I could go on and on with this but I have probably said enough. BOTTOM LINE: They can't do one of these false flags, because they have SJW'ed unqualified people onto the scenario planning teams. Harpreet, who was in the Indian military, said you can't get that high a casualty count with people trying to avoid you in a short time, so the shooting had to be a long one, and Polly gave the go ahead for it to be TWENTY DAMN MINUTES LONG without considering the fact that the place had doors. That's an EMERGENCY GAFFE, and I mean, an F-5 cow throwing gaffe, a product of sheer stupidity and poor planning. That alone kills the story, on the outside edge I might believe 3-5 minutes because Aunt Edna had the electric cart and got lost in the clothing section on the way out . . . . and then only she would have been dead, the casualty count would not have been that high with so many places to hide, in Wal Mart you would never get a clear shot at ANYONE who was not handicapped after the first few seconds.

The original newsletter was going to be on this topic, but I got distracted by Trump's DNA testing at the border, and I had LOTS of decent work already done on the slaves.The original outline for the newsletter I had originally planned was this:


Prepare for an endless barrage of absolutely horrific false flags, some of which will involve actual deaths

For it, I had everything gathered but it is not put together yet. The topics were:Swamp critters finally getting arrested.
The FBI labeling investigators as terrorists, AFTER the NY fire departments officially stated that the know the government lied about 911, and that they know explosives were used, and that explosives brought the buidings down, and they subsequently demanded the investigations be re-done AFTER Trump got people in that might actually do it for real. The FBI panicked, and now needs an enormous pile of terror attacks pinned on the public to justify shutting everyone up. WHO SHOWED UP AT THIS LATEST SHOOTING? THE FBI. WHILE IT WAS HOT. GO FIGURE.,
The "conspiracy theories are terror" line is only to cover for those who fear being executed for treason, STARTING WITH THE FBI
Trump likely did in fact accomplish a successful game of 7D chess, and has the deep state squirming like a stabbed worm. That makes the deep state dangrous, there will be HORRIBLE false flags.
The deep state woes are so bad that Ocasio's staff quit. It would be convenient to say they hated her, but what if they really quit to distance themselves from whatever explosions are going to happen soon? What if they saw her kill a kid? Her staff quitting needs some real explaining, Ocasio should have been backed by people who were so into the American takeover they'd do it for religious purposes and NEVER QUIT.
Mueller's testimony was a disaster, thus ramping up the heat.
The DNA testing of migrants proved that the familes arriving at the border were hoaxes, and it killed the "poor separated children" lie totally dead. The separated kids were instead LUCKY, until they got re-united to whoever paid for them before DNA testing started. Now they get taken permanently. No wonder why they got left for dead in the desert a lot - it was the pathetic soulless child murdering types that infest the deep state using them as cheap $600 tickets to a $3,000 per month welfare check. Having this get exposed was HUUUUUUGE, and the Dems lost such an enormous sympathy ploy it pushed the need for more false flags much higher on the agenda, even though it is not directly related. In the first couple months, over 20,000 children were recovered due to these tests, and you won't see THAT on CNN. That is why I did the slave report.
Do I need to mention Epstien? I'll avoid page clutter by keeping it short, everyone ought to know THAT ALONE could trip a 911+

The left is desperate, and we are seeing it in their efforts to capture and implement as much depravity as possible - Trans story hour. Sex ed blow job tournaments that start with putting condoms on WITH YOUR MOUTH. The endless white male bashing. Gays in too many commercials and a majority of shitcoms. The massive escalation of depravity is a clear indicator the left feels threatened, and is now grabbing at anything it can get, ANYTHING AT ALL, on a schedule that is making frogs jump before they get totally cooked. They are off the rails, and it is hurting them badly. The right false flag will put them right back on the tracks again, or so they think. But that won't work if the frog has already jumped, and if it has, then what?"Then what" depends completely upon whether or not Trump got enough good people in place to prevent a full on national disaster before he started making his move. He's making it now. People had better duck and cover.

Here is a great meme you probably cannot be prosecuted for: WAL MART SHOOTING IS A HOAX

I did not even think about doing screen caps when it first "happened" because I never thought they'd morph the story so badly. The original story was that it was two Latinos, one aged 19 and 1 dead 17 injured, who shot up several stores including Target with one still on the loose. Now it is a lone white computer geek age 21 with 18 dead AT WAL MART.The story cannot change that much, I call



9th August 2019, 05:09 PM
Not much in the news today, so . . . .

McDonalds is under fire in Japan for releasing transparent drink cups, which when lined up correctly looking through them show children engaging in sex acts. The kids are on opposite sides of the cups, and when you look through the cup, you see this:

It is claimed by McDonalds that it was all an accident, but considering ALL cups have a way to configure the kids doing sex acts, I doubt it was an accident. There are lots more examples than these two.

All Israelis were told to leave India and Pakistan for upcoming war.

Nothing follows -

Rumor has it that the Iranian Navy is pretending to be the U.S. Navy and is telling ships to navigate in a way that gives Iran a reason to bust them


There's lots going on with the shootings, all of it quite obviously staged for gun bans. One lib asked for a gun that could "kill 200 people", another walked in with his gun over his shoulder and two boxes of ammo in the cart and filmed people's reactions on his smartphone. Meanwhile Mister "DEAD DAYTON" apparently wrote LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of fantasy pieces about killing people.
And Universal is going to release a film called "The Hunt" about libs hunting Trump supporters, despite backlash that forced them to pull trailers. They decided to do it anyway and I'd like to know what they expect to accomplish with such a film, which features elites on the level of Epstein and Hillary hunting kidnapped conservatives on the land surrounding a large mansion. Is that a message? before they do it, they have to warn us? Awful interesting when Dems are calling for "white nationalist" lists to be created.My opinion on this is that the Dems can talk whatever line they want, and for as long as they don't actually get the guns, they will be too chicken to do it. And if they actually DO come for the guns, they heated the pot too quickly, the frog will definitely jump.

Someone dropped Congressman Castro's Donor list (https://imgur.com/gallery/U5F9fl2) and it is a little bit interesting because some of the donors belong to the Cuban communist party. Don't know what will come of this though.

HERE IS THE REASON FOR THE MASS SHOOTINGS: EPSTEIN DOCUMENT DUMP 1 (https://gofile.io/?c=GqjNcB)(366 pages) AND EPSTEIN DOCUMENT DUMP 2 (https://gofile.io/?c=lyoJKI) 644 pages

I have not read these yet (still waiting for downloads to complete) but they are (slightly) redacted. I hate redactions. However, Trump is totally exonerated.


I am going to say this a little differently than the MSM will:A Bolshevik Communist, or a supporter of communism, who wants an all out gun ban opened fire with an AR-15 in rush hour traffic (because he wanted to make you not feel safe ANYWHERE, not even in your car, PLUS get AR-15's banned.) He's on the loose now because he (or him plus his driver) simply drove off.

HERE IS MY RESPONSE: Gunpowder is stupid when all you need is the propane from a Coleman canister regulated to 100 PSI in a back pack, along with a 2 liter coke bottle (which Nasa has tested fully and found can handle 100 PSI no sweat and subsequently gave building instructions for water rockets) and that will act as a pressure reservoir. You put a splitter on a hose that goes securely onto the 2 litre bottle, and the split off goes to your "gun barrel" and to the Coleman canister. On your gun barrel, you put an unrestricted trigger type air valve. For basics, you just drop marbles and steel balls down your "gun barrel" and for fancier efforts, you can make a vaccuum operated automatic system, that feeds marbles in rapidly with the negative pressure that can be generated on the back side of a pipe when compressed air is put into it at an angle facing forward.
That's a gun build that is so versatile it can't be stopped. Oh, so you banned propane? I'll just use 4 2 liter bottles and pump them full of compressed air. Oh, you banned marbles? I'll just troll the train tracks for taconite pellets or use blow gun darts instead. Oh, you banned 2 liter plastic bottles? I'll have to either look for those in the weeds, or perhaps walk around with anything else I managed to dredge up that can be pressurized, like maybe an old water heater tank out of a small water heater, or an air compressor tank, you know, one of those little pancake ones, that can be pumped up to 250 PSI for better muzzle velocity. I'd like to see them try to force people to register THAT. And what about all those potato guns that people have to be so careful with? All you need for one of those is old soup cans taped together and you can get VERY amazing launches, beyond what PVC is safe with. If that's not your gig, then a strong steel pipe. I knew someone that played for real. His setup used a super strong machined breech and a strong barrel, and it was charged with an oxygen acetelyne mix. He pointed it at a tree with nothing in it at all and blew the top branches off with only the shock wave at about 50 feet distance. It scared the hell out of me because I was not expecting such a blast. I never heard anyone laugh like he did when that happened. It was indeed impressive.

DEAR LEFTIST MORONS - YOU ARE DESTROYING THE SMARTEST BATCH OF PEOPLE THAT EVER LIVED, AND THERE'S 90, 000 WAYS TO GET THE JOB DONE, FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE. HOW BAD COULD IT BACKFIRE WHEN YOU PUT A GUN BAN THROUGH? As I see it now, guns make you a LOT safer than what could actually be done with "shit that's just laying around the house".

Something is messed up in Russia. Is Russia being attacked?

On Monday there was an enormous sequence of explosions in a Siberian weapons facility that I ignored because of the shootings, and because I figured it was an accident. However, something happened today that is beyond weird:Russia was testing a missile (and the reports on this are conflicting) some are saying they were testing a jet engine, some are saying they were testing a rocket engine, and some are saying they were "testing" a missile that got shot down. I'll go for "Russia tried to launch a nuclear weapon and it got taken out right at the moment of lift off" for the following reason:
After the explosion, there was a "brief" radiation spike. And the Russian government advised people to put FORTY (40) drops of iodine in a glass of water and drink it. They also said there was no threat from the radiation spike, (but drink that iodine).
OK, well, I can confirm that ONE drop of iodine in a glass of water is enough to make it un palatable, 40 drops is a LOT. You don't take that for a "brief radiation spike". I'm calling hoax on the engine test, you don't get radiation spikes from rocket explosions unless there is something someone is not admitting to, and the 40 drops of iodine cinches it. Something BIG happened in Russia that was nuclear weapons related. There's no way out of it despite the whitewash. You can read the whitewash HERE (https://inews.co.uk/news/world/russia-brief-radiation-spike-russian-missile-range-explosion-severodvinsk/)

A French court has determined smart meters make people sick, and ordered the removal of at least a few of them (https://www.activistpost.com/2019/08/french-court-rules-against-utility-smart-meters-because-they-are-making-people-sick.html) in homes that had medically susceptible people

There's the usual fluff surrounding this topic, where the usual trolls are saying there's no way a meter could make anyone sick. I beg to differ. I have a little intrinsic proof from my own experience that the smartmeters are likely modulating the power wires inside a house in very strange ways, and it produced an effect that can only be explained by the presence of a high frequency RF signal on the power wires in a house. The mind control/beaming/microwave sickness that is all extremely well documented is all RF, and if a smartmeter is not doing this, EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING, that I observed myself:I have confirmed my own smartmeter puts out a frequency that is not the power frequency to all the wires in the house. And I accidentally discovered a way to confuse the meter by skimming that frequency off -
Here is how it happened: We had an LED light go bad during a long brownout, it burned the switching power supply out. I have lots of electronic parts laying around and did not want to go get a new LED light, so I took a small transformer I had, hooked it up to a rectifier (to get DC from it) and then used a high quality high capacity capacitor (orders of magnitude better than any light would have) to filter it so it would not flicker. The light went back to normal WHEN TURNED ON, but when you turn it off, it never turns off. Somehow, my "old school" circuit that is not a switch mode power supply is snagging a frequency the meter is producing and it is converting that frequency to power, which keeps the light on at about 5 percent brightness, FOREVER, no matter how long the light is off. Since the light switch itself perfectly breaks the circuit, the power keeping the light on is coming from "nowhere". GUESS WHAT:
The utility bill dropped by 80 percent, probably because that circuit is confusing the meter. Somehow it is skimming something off that the meter is producing, that the meter needs to know how much power was used. I knew that circuit had a chance of affecting a smart meter so I was worried, but it appears it did it the "right way". It is super odd that an old school power supply being used in a way it is not EVER used in modern electronics did that - such circuits like the one I built are simply too expensive to be used to light up LED's so they are not used for that purpose. What I built would be used in a medium performance audio amplifier. I laughed at how expensive that particular light now was, but if I am not using the parts for anything else, why not? The effect it produced proves the meters are NOT what we are told, and really can cause effects inside the house that are not advertised.
How does an unconnected circuit still light up, just because one side of the broken circuit (with the switch open, that breaks the circuit) goes back to a smartmeter? Something is screwy with that, the "ghost" light is enough to get a glass of water at night without turning it on. The meter is definitely, without question, producing a prominent frequency that would not be there with an analog meter. That frequency is likely what is making people sick, and somehow, the old school power supply is capturing it and converting it to DC, even with an open circuit.
I have never heard of this happening in electronics before, in order to light the light the ghost frequency has to overcome the voltage drop in the rectifier diodes, and THEN overcome the voltage drop in the light diodes. It has to be VERY strong to do that with an open circuit, which should not work in any way at all if it is open, unless a super strong radio frequency is somehow part of the equation. And that frequency is what would make people sick. The capacitor is only 5, 000 microfarads, it won't power a light by itself forever, it should not be able to do that for more than a few seconds (which it noticeably does do) but it never fades to even close to zero even after hours of being shut off and the fact that the actual diodes in the light itself need 24 volts to do anything at all, getting them to light up takes a lot more than just a fringe effect. Whatever that meter is putting on the line has to be strong.
I disagree with the trolls who are saying the French court is crazy. At least Macron did not screw that up!

There is a recent Hillary Frazzledrip photo that made the rounds, that is fake

Evidently someone wants to undermine that topic by posting fake crap. The picture had someone who looked like Hillary sitting in a room with an old style tv and a bed. Where the mess was supposed to be, it was blacked out. I never believed it so I did not post it. It was not like the original frazzledrip video AT ALL.


Take a look at this - Minethurn technology, - the company owned by the mother of Steve Betts, is stated to be a software developer and it all looks benign, HOWEVER, HA HA - take a look at the web site this company popped up on. The site is USAopps (https://www.usaopps.com/government_contractors/contractor-5348518-MINETHURN-TECHNOLOGY.htm) which is a site the government goes to when it needs to contract with the private sector. All the info is there, including the shooter being the contact for Minethurn.This might dead end here, but it is really all we need to know.

10th August 2019, 06:49 AM
LOVELY: As of 8:22 AM, Heavy.com got onto this, and said he's dead from suicide. Looks like the chatter was for real


Update to below:

As of 8 AM, chatter appeared that ABC news did a sudden special report about Epstein killed himself. "Killed himself". I can't get ABC news live down here in Mex. So I have to go on the chatter. According to chatter, this news report broke at 8 AM. This was posted at 8:04 AM. So if he dies later than that . . . . . and this may be their solution to avoid having to go ahead with their terror attacks as stated below:

VERY STRANGE: RUMOR: New 9/11 on August 11

I do not make predictions like this, so don't say I cried wolf when nothing happens. I hate predictions that don't come true. However, there's enough out there now to mention something:

I have noticed "chatter" that indicates something huge may happen on August 11. It first started with predictions that there would be huge terror attacks on August 10-11 and stuff like that happens so much I blow it off. however, something just surfaced that made me decide to mention this.A landscaper who works on elite properties has noticed that MANY elite are holding parties on August 11. The post is extremely poorly written, so bad it hurts the message, but IF it is true it begs the question: WHY would they be holding parties on the 11th?

The following is not sourced, it is just floating around out there, and the nature of how it was written is spooky, this is NOT someone screwing around, this was posted by someone not very literate so it fits the profile perfectly as legit: . . . . .

"I'm a landscaper and I work on properties that are owned by billionares and millionaires that are oil company executives ceos of large investing companies s and p 500 investors basically extremely powerful people and like 10 different clients are throwimg a party on August 11th even tho its not necessarily unusual for some of our clients to throw a party every now and then its highly unusual for this many of our clients to throw a party on the same exact day and ive been hearimg about this date from you and many fish I think these people know about somthing everone has been really secretove about it I asked what the party was for and no one knows"

My comment: That kind of post actually scares me. I don't know where it came from, just that it is getting passed around. SPOOKY.
And it would not surprise me at all, THE STAGE WAS SET IN EL PASO, we know damn well the deep state did that, if they pulled their huge 911 this week end it would probably work.

There is another rumor going around related to Trump that I am not going to mention because it is not supported by anything yet, but I gotta say . . . . . that landscaper's post has spooked me. No one posts THAT CRAPPY if they are into posting hoaxes, that one is probably legit folks.

This site is well traveled enough to possibly stop them from pressing forward if I mention this on the 9th, however, they have become so arrogant at this point that maybe even Alex could post this and they'd do it anyway. Heads up, if something happens over this week end, we were forewarned.

An URGENT message from Gun Owners of America

Things have taken a turn for the worse since we asked you to email the White House.


This Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill, based on a prototype drafted by the anti-gun Giffords Organization, would send SWAT teams to your door to steal your guns with NO REAL DUE PROCESS WHATSOEVER.

This is our promise to you, we will fight until the very last vote is cast to destroy this atrocious bill, but we.re going to need voters like you to help turn up the heat on the Senate GOP.

But early reports are that the anti-gun Left is generating THOUSANDS of phone calls into the offices of weak-kneed Republican Senators.
We need your help countering the Left's efforts and turning up the heat on Republican Senators. They need to know that America does NOT want these dangerous gun control proposals that will be considered any day now in the Senate!
Please send our pre-written letter to EVERY SINGLE Republican Senator's inbox telling them that if they vote to end the Second Amendment, American voters will NEVER FORGET it.

ADD YOUR NAME Gun Owners of America has already vowed to support a primary challenger to Lindsey Graham because he is introducing this bill. And we will take note of any and all Republicans who join him in shredding the Second Amendment. I cannot overstate how dangerous this legislation would be.

This bill would create a federal bribe pot to encourage states to pass Red Flag Gun Confiscation bills. This means SWAT teams would be empowered to show up at innocent Americans doorsteps, demanding they fork over their guns, all because they've been named a suspected danger to our society.

This is exactly what happened to an African-American gentleman living in Maryland. After a family argument, an angry relative got revenge against Gary Willis by using the state Red Flag Gun Confiscation law to send police to his door. The authorities showed up at 5:17 a.m. and shot him to death.

Giving government agents the power to confiscate firearms, while throwing due process out the window, is the path to tyranny our Founding Fathers warned us about. And the cowardice of a few politicians who care more about the media's opinions than what is right and true will get us there.
And to add insult to injury, Lindsey Graham is downright lying to the American people when he says that this bill would recognize due process.
If that were the case, his bill could not fund ANY state program currently on the books or any program being considered by any state legislature. Because not one state with red flag gun grabs currently includes due process prior to seizing a gun owners' firearms!
Point blank: we need to end this bill now before it ends the Second Amendment.
Link to Gun Owners of America (https://gunowners.org/)

20th August 2019, 10:31 AM
MSM backs up study confirming Fluoride lowers children's IQ??!!??

Now that's a whitewash if I ever saw one. A Harvard study got MSM attention for concluding fluoride during pregnancy "slightly" lowers children's IQ "by ages 3 and 4".

RIDICULOUS. HERE IS THE REAL STORY:Fluoride taken by ANYONE reduces their IQ at any age, even if it is just in toothpaste, and the effect is so drastic that even if a mother is exposed to it during pregnancy, it affects the baby when the first IQ tests are possible to take.

Fluoride has no dental benefit whatsoever, it is tooth poison, this is a well documented stone cold fact that was overlooked by "educated dental experts" because they paid $80,000 plus to get lied to in college. No one would pay student debt off on a lie, yet that's what we have, and "dental experts" just cannot cope with the fact that they got so seriously ripped off.

Fluoride came in when smoking went out, and America has been all downhill ever since.

Space exploration stopped. The movie 2001, a space oddyssey clearly outlines what common sense said we'd be capable of 20 years ago, and we are not anywhere near that yet, and I doubt we ever will be now that fluoride's big baaad brother - shots claimed to be vaccines that are not vaccines, have totally wiped out an entire generation and a half of white males, while an "education system" that is totally compromised from top to bottom shattered what was left.
Don't go thinking China and Russia suddenly got smart - they only advanced on what Hillary gave them, which was EVERYTHING. The fact that hag is still running free is stone cold proof the fluoride, coupled with eugenics shots fronted as "beneficial medicine", and an outrageous "education system" will continue to move forward with their damage, totally unabated.
The tone of the Harvard report, which at least suggests there might be a little itty bitty problem with fluoride, and the way the MSM covered it is a serious slap in the face, if that's all we got, we are going NOWHERE, let alone Mars, 2001 style.

Breitbart, Drudge report, Infowars and a LOT MORE now blacklisted on Telcel

Telcel is a MAJOR phone company, the largest in Latin America (it is the same thing as America Movil) and it is owned by Carlos Slim, who for many years was the world's richest man.
I first noticed approximately 10 days ago when I tried to hit NaturalNews that it would not come in. No notice as to why, just a blank screen and spinning circle. Then I tried Drudge. Same results. Then Infowars - same results. Then Breitbart. Same results. Then a couple popular conspiracy forums - SAME RESULTS. At first I thought it was an internet outage and I announced an internet outage on the front page.
While doing this, to make sure it was not just an airtime expiration, I tried hitting other sites, (first I tried Google because I seriously did not expect it to come in, but it did. I then re-booted the computer with a hard power off before continuing
Upon reboot, I first tried hitting Trump on Twitter and it worked. Then I went back to Breitbart and it was blocked. Checked the other sites I knew were blocked also . . . still blocked. It was late so I went to bed, figuring the "internet outage" would clear overnight. The next morning, same situation, so I put airtime on At&t and tried that instead of Telcel and it all worked smooth as glass. Obviously I did not find everything that was blocked on Telcel (my server got glitchy as hell on Telcel so I think it is blocked by Telcel for most people but after a login they know damn well it is me and the site starts working fine) . . . . anyway -
So I was not terribly concerned because AT&T which is what I use for gathering data still worked for everything (I don't use At&T to get on the server) I use Telcel. As a result of using Telcel for server administration only (as a normal course of work) I don't know how long Telcel has been blocking so many conservative sites. I noticed glitching in "combat mode" I could get around easily at first but that was all at first, until the last couple days where logging in has been problematic until it seems a system "figures things out" . . . . .
Anyway, it has been more than a week since I noticed Telcel was blocking many sites. That means this is hard set and not a temporary glitch. This won't affect this site because I have several providers but it definitely got noticed today when At&t ran out and I HAD TO try using Telcel again (or run to the gas station to put time back on At&t and I did not feel like doing that.)
DAMN NEAR EVERY LAST SITE I USE TO FIND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING DOES NOT WORK ON TELCEL NOW. This is a new development, why the * would Telcel in Mexico care about where I try to go in the United States? DRUDGE REPORT BLOCKED? You gotta be kidding me!!!!

I just tested DavidIcke . . . . . HE IS BLOCKED. WTF, OVER!!!!!

Amazon Workers Now Being Shipped In Packages To Personally Assure Customers They're Treated Well

This is a good one, from The Onion (https://www.theonion.com/amazon-workers-now-being-shipped-in-packages-to-persona-1837312673)

I do not know what to make of this, but I am going to post it because it is probably for real: ALL of Hillary's E-mails had meta data that showed that ALL were, by default, forwarded directly to a Chinese intelligence company

This meta data did exist. That's not in dispute. And I was unsurprised that I considered it "par for the course". Obviously enough proof is there, even in the ashes after the FBI burned it all that Hillary ought to be hanging. But figure the odds . . . . .There's not a peep about this in the MSM, and I did not work on this topic. However, RedState.com has delved into this topic deeply (https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2019/08/17/hillary-clinton-email-saga-just-got-lot-weirder/) and it is DEFINITELY worth a look, this particular piece of work is well done. For more than just my description, go there and have a look.

More interesting is Trump's statement that Google helped Hillary win in 2016, and that's the real "conspiracy"

That is a development that is going to have an impact. It is WAY too far to the next election for something like that to be said by a president from Google's perspective, I strongly suspect something BIG is going to get done about it. The left has given up on "Russia collusion" and is now instead rallying behind "white supremacist" and "white nationalists" as their great white hope to prevent Trump's re-election. Trump needs to focus on election rigging and Google, the white supremacist crap is weak, that's not what his big obstacle to re-election is.

Large food manufacturers are short staffed at this time

Lots of them had almost entirely illegal workers, including even Coca-Cola's dairy division, and after the recent ICE raids lots of them walked off the job. That's quite a development. And what are they going to do for income without work? YOU GUESS. I bet they won't head back home.

21st June 2020, 08:57 PM
Georgia city council asks mayor to resign over rant, saying 'privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance' The city council of Bloomingdale, Georgia, has asked the mayor to immediately resign over his comments on Facebook ripping those he believes possess "privilege, " including those who wear "$300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance" and those who wear "$200 sneakers when you've never had a job." Mayor Ben Rozier's now-deleted post in the Gossip Bloomingdale GA Facebook group from Tuesday night appeared to be a response to the term "white privilege, " WJCL-TV reported.
Here's what Rozier wrote:
"What is privilege?....
"Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you've never had a job."
"Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance."
"Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan which you receive no bill for."
"Privilege is living in subsidized housing where you don't have a water bill, where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table."
"Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest anything that triggers you without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such behavior."
"Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and [to] be able to send them off to daycare or school you don't pay for."
"Privilege is sending your kids to school early for the before-school programs and breakfast, and then keeping them there for the after-school program...paid for by the people who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! ...you know, us so-called 'PRIVILEGED' the ones who pay while you TAKE TAKE TAKE!"
My comment: The city council needs DIRECT PHYSICAL CONFRONTATION OVER THIS - HARD ACTION - MORE THAN WORDS, and I'll encourage it. And if people are too cowardly to re-post what I post when I say it like it is, THEY ARE THE PROBLEM, taking ZERO hard action against the communists at this point is going to be our doom. WE NEED