View Full Version : Why have we white cacusians turned into such a weak race?

old steel
1st June 2019, 11:45 AM
We used to be a lot stronger, hell we they pretty much conquered the world. It's shocking to me as a White man to see how weak and pitiful our race has become. We are no longer the ruthless superior colonialists that our forefathers were.

We don't make enough children, we gladly let in nonwhites into our lands (since before 1960), we don't value racial unity or racial strength. Tens of millions of us race-mix freely and if I tell my fellow Whites to think of our racial survival and date White only, they tell me to fuck off. They don't care about their race, only their individual selves.

So selfish and hedonistic, that's unfortunately how I have to describe most of my fellow Whites. I tell young White women to have plenty of White babies, they tell me to go eat shit. They'd rather party till their forties and then if we're really lucky, marry a White man and have 1 White baby. pathetic.

I don't even blame the non-whites. Most of them just come to White lands because they want a better future for themselves and their families. They are the ones being normal, we are the ones being abnormal. We, the Whites, allowed mass immigration of non-whites from the 1960s onward. We, the Whites, allowed millions of black slaves to come to our White lands. We, the Whites, allowed and accepted race mixing. Whites are way more anti-white than a non-white could ever be. Just look at the snowflake sjw's

Some people want to blame the joos but the sad truth is, even if they did play a role in this, we the Whites, allowed them to influence us. Are we so weak that we can be influenced like that?

Rant off. Time to go do some yard work but you do see where i'm coming from?

1st June 2019, 03:22 PM
Decades of cultural Marxism brain washing.

midnight rambler
1st June 2019, 03:38 PM
Decades of cultural Marxism brain washing.

Actually the root is turning away from God and His law.

1st June 2019, 04:19 PM
We are the slaves of the Judeo-Masonic overlords. It really is that simple. We are a slave race and most are so indoctrinated they do not see it. "None so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." I forget who said it but it holds true. Just what did you think public school was for? We are being programmed.

1st June 2019, 05:26 PM
I remember back in college in the 90's being taught that eventually, the whole world will be asian. Meaning, the asian genes were the strongest, and given enough time, the other races will be bred out.

I don't think they teach that in schools today.

The point being...the people that promote diversity? Are killing diversity. If we all look asian, or black, or one religion (Islam), what fun is that? Where is the diversity? There ain't none anymore, diversity kills diversity. As of now, God created us all to be a bit different, and that should be appreciated, and preserved.

1st June 2019, 06:41 PM
I remember back in college in the 90's being taught that eventually, the whole world will be asian. Meaning, the asian genes were the strongest, and given enough time, the other races will be bred out.

I don't think they teach that in schools today.

The point being...the people that promote diversity? Are killing diversity. If we all look asian, or black, or one religion (Islam), what fun is that? Where is the diversity? There ain't none anymore, diversity kills diversity. As of now, God created us all to be a bit different, and that should be appreciated, and preserved.



1st June 2019, 09:28 PM
What are cacusians ?

1st June 2019, 09:47 PM
they got the bank and the media

1st June 2019, 10:52 PM
What are cacusians ?

That's where the Jews come from... go figure?

2nd June 2019, 06:12 AM
You can complain about all the isms you want but in the end, it's medicine. A lot of people are surviving to adulthood that would have been dead even 50 years ago.

2nd June 2019, 08:59 AM
Actually the root is turning away from God and His law.

For sure that started before in the 1800’s but the real mass conversion cultural marxism is responsible for post WWII, with judeo-masonic dominance of media, higher education, judicial system and banking/government.

2nd June 2019, 09:57 AM

2nd June 2019, 10:42 AM
For the first time, IRL, met met someone of the Boomer generation last month who admitted we have a problem and was able to have a conversation about these things (specifically his realization that the intelligence existing in society now is not high enough to maintain things).

Over the last 10 years, the local activists concerned about the real and important things have been systematically harassed, forced out of town or silenced by some combination of government oppression, stalking and torture.

old steel
2nd June 2019, 02:05 PM
Wordsmithing with Caucasian, no big deal i meant white so if that word does refer to the jews it wasn't my intent. w/e.

Getting back to my post take a look at this shit.

U.S. Border Patrol agents from the Del Rio Sector in Texas apprehended a large group of 116 people who illegally crossed the border May 30, 2019 near the Del Rio point of entry.

The group was comprised of people from West Africa, including Congo (80), Angola (35) and Cameroon (1).

Agents apprehended the group at 10:30 p.m. local time and are processing and medically screening them.

This is the 181st large group encountered so far this year. A “large group” is defined by 100 or more people who illegally cross the border together.


Now how the fucking hell do broke ass Africans get over to Mexico in a large group to cross the Rio Grande into the USA?


2nd June 2019, 05:02 PM
Wordsmithing with Caucasian, no big deal i meant white so if that word does refer to the jews it wasn't my intent. w/e.

Getting back to my post take a look at this shit.

U.S. Border Patrol agents from the Del Rio Sector in Texas apprehended a large group of 116 people who illegally crossed the border May 30, 2019 near the Del Rio point of entry.

The group was comprised of people from West Africa, including Congo (80), Angola (35) and Cameroon (1).

Agents apprehended the group at 10:30 p.m. local time and are processing and medically screening them.

This is the 181st large group encountered so far this year. A “large group” is defined by 100 or more people who illegally cross the border together.


Now how the fucking hell do broke ass Africans get over to Mexico in a large group to cross the Rio Grande into the USA?


George Soros and his ilk. We all know what his ilk is.

2nd June 2019, 06:29 PM
Some people want to blame the joos but the sad truth is, even if they did play a role in this, we the Whites, allowed them to influence us. Are we so weak that we can be influenced like that?


http://www.vigrid.net/bilder/jodemedia/holmogul.jpg http://davidduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/hollywood-jews.jpg


If ? ? ?


midnight rambler
2nd June 2019, 06:59 PM
If indeed.

2nd June 2019, 11:41 PM
Now how the fucking hell do broke ass Africans get over to Mexico in a large group to cross the Rio Grande into the USA?

Just like 200 years ago, the Jews brought them over. There was never a slave market on Shabbat day, because slave trading was an internal jewish affair. Sure there were a few white slave owning families too, like the Masonic founders. I wouldn’t be surprised if the main reason for the American revolution was that the British crown interfered too much in the Jewish slave trade. I’ll research it and see what can be found.

3rd June 2019, 12:24 AM
Just like 200 years ago, the Jews brought them over. There was never a slave market on Shabbat day, because slave trading was an internal jewish affair. Sure there were a few white slave owning families too, like the Masonic founders. I wouldn’t be surprised if the main reason for the American revolution was that the British crown interfered too much in the Jewish slave trade. I’ll research it and see what can be found.

Yes, it seems like that. The kings court (kind of) abolished slavery 1772 in England and Wales. At the time the issue was left ambiguous for the colonies. Only 4 years later America was (((independent))), in the hands of Masonic slave owning ((founders))


The Argument Against Slavery and the Somerset Case of 1772

"I am really ashamed of my Country whenever I consider it [slavery]; and if ever I bid adieu to Virginia, it will be from that cause alone." Robert Beverly, 1761.
By the third quarter of the eighteenth century, Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality for all men began to openly clash with the accepted practice of slavery. Highlighted by John Locke's examination of the nature of man and society in the 1690s, and reinforced and expanded upon by the works of David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and François-Marie Arouet (more commonly known by his pseudonym, Voltaire), intellectuals in the British world began to consider more closely the contrast between the natural rights of man and how they were governed in eighteenth-century society. The institution of slavery had embedded itself in the American colonies and elsewhere during the seventeenth century and became the basis for the creation of great wealth in the British Empire. Britain had no legalized slavery under English common law, but slave codes, endorsed by the Crown, had been developed in colonial assemblies. Moreover, slavery and the slave trade were endorsed by all European religious institutions and by international law.
The year 1772 was a watershed of sorts in the history of slavery-it might be called the beginning of its end, as the legal framework upon which slavery was based began to crumble, at least in England, beginning with the landmark decision in Somerset v. Stewart. James Somerset was a slave bought in Virginia by Charles Stewart, a Scots merchant and customs official with quite close Chesapeake ties. Stewart left Virginia for England in 1768, taking Somerset with him. In 1771, Somerset took his leave of Stewart and refused to return to a state of permanent servitude. He was soon arrested and imprisoned, but his case was taken up by Granville Sharp, an inveterate opponent to the institution of slavery as antithetical to the British constitution and English common law. In a decision handed down by William Murray, Baron (later Earl) of Mansfield and Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, the court narrowly held that "a master could not seize a slave in England and detain him preparatory to sending him out of the realm to be sold" and that habeas corpus was a constitutional right available to slaves to forestall such seizure, deportation and sale because they were not chattel, or mere property, they were servants and thus persons invested with certain (but certainly limited) constitutional protections. Although Mansfield took great care to phrase his holding in such a way that it could not be used for a broader precedent in determining the legal status of slaves or their rights, it was widely perceived quite differently on both sides of the Atlantic: Many, including many slaves, understood Somerset to have effectively abolished slavery in England (Somerset himself believed so). Its impact was profound in the colonies as some slaves invoked it to seek their own freedom.

3rd June 2019, 01:15 AM
Yes, it seems like that. The kings court (kind of) abolished slavery 1772 in England and Wales. At the time the issue was left ambiguous for the colonies. Only 4 years later America was (((independent))), in the hands of Masonic slave owning ((founders))


41 of 56 signers of Declaration of Independence, were slave owners.

3rd June 2019, 06:21 PM
What are cacusians ?

That would be G,I,J, L and T haplogroups.


Minus Morocco and the Berbers.

Caucasians are the original whites, the natives of Western Eurasia.

Haplgogroup F* were the white holy Aryans in Europe and their descendants went to the Caucasus Mountains (GIJKLT) as a home base. There is much more to tell of this tale, but this is all I am allowed to tell.

The Arabs are from Aryan lands, but in Yemen, they mated with some African women. So many in Yemen are half-breeds. As in north Africa.

female L means African mother:


Most of the fathers are Aryan in the Arab world, but a minority of the mother is African.

The ancient world had less African mothers in the Levant, southern arabs brought them up to the civilized world.

6th June 2019, 10:07 PM
IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity
An intelligence crisis could undermine our problem-solving capacities and dim the prospects of the global economy.

IQ rates are falling across Western Europe, and experts are scratching their heads as to why.Chelsea Stahl / NBC News; Getty Images
May 22, 2019, 1:31 AM PDT
By Evan Horowitz, director of research communication at FCLT Global

People are getting dumber. That's not a judgment; it's a global fact. In a host of leading nations, IQ scores have started to decline.

Though there are legitimate questions about the relationship between IQ and intelligence, and broad recognition that success depends as much on other virtues like grit, IQ tests in use throughout the world today really do seem to capture something meaningful and durable. Decades of research have shown that individual IQ scores predict things such as educational achievement and longevity. More broadly, the average IQ score of a country is linked to economic growth and scientific innovation.

Even children born to high-IQ parents are slipping down the IQ ladder.

So if IQ scores are really dropping, that could not only mean 15 more seasons of the Kardashians, but also the potential end of progress on all these other fronts, ultimately leading to fewer scientific breakthroughs, stagnant economies and a general dimming of our collective future.

As yet, the United States hasn’t hit this IQ wall — despite what you may be tempted to surmise from the current state of the political debate. But don’t rush to celebrate American exceptionalism: If IQs are dropping in other advanced countries but not here, maybe that means we’re not really an advanced country (too much poverty, too little social support).

Or — just as troubling — if we are keeping up with the Joneses (or Johanssons and Jacques) in terms of national development, that means we are likely to experience similarly plummeting IQs in the near future. At which point, the U.S. will face the same dangers of intellectual and economic stagnation.

If we want to prevent America from suffering this fate, we’d better figure out why IQs are dropping elsewhere. But it’s uncharted territory. Until recently, IQ scores only moved in one direction: up. And if you're thinking, "Isn't the test set up so that 100 is always the average IQ?," that's only true because researchers rescale the tests to correct for improving raw scores. (Also, congrats, that’s the kind of critical thinking we don’t want to lose!)

These raw scores have been rising on a variety of standard IQ tests for over half a century. That may sound odd if you think of IQ as largely hereditary. But current IQ tests are designed to measure core cognitive skills such as short-term memory, problem-solving speed and visual processing, and rising scores show that these cognitive capabilities can actually be sharpened by environmental factors such as higher-quality schools and more demanding workplaces.
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For a while, rising IQ scores seemed like clear evidence of social progress, palpable proof that humanity was getting steadily smarter — and might even be able to boost brainpower indefinitely. Scholars called it the "Flynn effect," in homage to J.R. Flynn, the researcher who recognized its full sweep and import.

These days, however, Flynn himself concedes that "the IQ gains of the 20th century have faltered." A range of studies using a variety of well-established IQ tests and metrics have found declining scores across Scandinavia, Britain, Germany, France and Australia.

Details vary from study to study and from place to place given the available data. IQ shortfalls in Norway and Denmark appear in longstanding tests of military conscripts, whereas information about France is based on a smaller sample and a different test. But the broad pattern has become clearer: Beginning around the turn of the 21st century, many of the most economically advanced nations began experiencing some kind of decline in IQ.
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May 22, 201802:40

One potential explanation was quasi-eugenic. As in the movie “Idiocracy,” it was suggested that average intelligence is being pulled down because lower-IQ families are having more children ("dysgenic fertility" is the technical term). Alternatively, widening immigration might be bringing less-intelligent newcomers to societies with otherwise higher IQs.

However, a 2018 study of Norway has punctured these theories by showing that IQs are dropping not just across societies but within families. In other words, the issue is not that educated Norwegians are increasingly outnumbered by lower-IQ immigrants or the children of less-educated citizens. Even children born to high-IQ parents are slipping down the IQ ladder.

Some environmental factor — or collection of factors — is causing a drop in the IQ scores of parents and their own children, and older kids and their younger siblings. One leading explanation is that the rise of lower-skill service jobs has made work less intellectually demanding, leaving IQs to atrophy as people flex their brains less.

One leading explanation is that the rise of lower-skill service jobs has made work less intellectually demanding, leaving IQs to atrophy as people flex their brains less.

There are also other possibilities, largely untested, such as global warming making food less nutritious or information-age devices sapping our ability to focus.

Ultimately, it’d be nice to pin down the precise reason IQ scores are dropping before we’re too stupid to figure it out, especially as these scores really do seem connected to long-term productivity and economic success.

And while we might be able to compensate with skills besides intelligence, like determination or passion, in a world where IQ scores continue to fall — and where the drop expands to places like the United States — there’s also a bleaker scenario: a global intelligence crisis that undermines humanity's problem-solving capacity and leaves us ill-equipped to tackle the complex challenges posed by AI, global warming and developments we have yet to imagine.


God is laughing at the many dumb whites who want to smarten up niggers and other rejects of humanity, so when some buffoon tries to pass smarts to a negro retard, God sees this as stupidity and thus these whites get dumber and dumber.

Niggers are prone to violence and clownery, trying to improve them is to improve them at your own loss, because they want to get back at whitey (anyone who is not African), same as the low IQ jews in Israhell.

There is a war on whites, including white Muslims, there is a war against the smart high IQ East Asians. Anyone good and smart, there is a war against them and high IQs means you can defend against these genociders - jew and niggers. Jews want anyone smart eliminated. Jews are genociders by birth. Same as other niggers, such as negros.

Here is a photo of the jewish 'hope' for the jews:


Lack of IQ, Lack of beauty, Lack of innocence, Lack of purity, Lack of goodness, Lack of truth. The genociding thief in the photo.

Photo is simply a look, like jews, that is scheming and conniving and planning how to get whitey.


7th June 2019, 07:43 AM
I suspect the use of modern technology to solve life’s daily tasks has a lot to do with falling IQ scores.

For example, young people today don’t know how to do math with a pencil and paper. Their “think muscles” have atrophied from lack of use. They can’t even count change if you pay in cash.

I suspect if all the modern technology was to disappear they would be forced to learn to think which would be reflected by higher IQ scores.

7th June 2019, 09:02 AM
I suspect the use of modern technology to solve life’s daily tasks has a lot to do with falling IQ scores.

For example, young people today don’t know how to do math with a pencil and paper. Their “think muscles” have atrophied from lack of use. They can’t even count change if you pay in cash.

I suspect if all the modern technology was to disappear they would be forced to learn to think which would be reflected by higher IQ scores.

Very likely. I've met my fair share of millennials who retain almost zero knowledge (it's all on the web, why do I have to remember it?) Even when I had to jump start a guy whose battery was dead, he asked how I could get his car to start by using mine. I pulled out jumper cables and I swear I don't think he'd ever seen cables like that before. I hooked up his battery, started my car then hooked them to mine and said wait 5-10 minutes and start yours, he literally asked "so this kind of thing works??"

I said yes this is called jump starting and is done when a vehicles battery dies due to age or someone left their lights on when they parked. His car started right up, I said leave the engine running and go to an auto parts store to have them test your battery to see if it needs to be replaced.

Next day, he said the parts store replaced the battery as it would no longer take a charge.

But yes the above example illistrates Monty's point exactly why IQs are falling..

7th June 2019, 09:54 AM
Very likely. I've met my fair share of millennials who retain almost zero knowledge (it's all on the web, why do I have to remember it?) Even when I had to jump start a guy whose battery was dead, he asked how I could get his car to start by using mine. I pulled out jumper cables and I swear I don't think he'd ever seen cables like that before. I hooked up his battery, started my car then hooked them to mine and said wait 5-10 minutes and start yours, he literally asked "so this kind of thing works??"

I said yes this is called jump starting and is done when a vehicles battery dies due to age or someone left their lights on when they parked. His car started right up, I said leave the engine running and go to an auto parts store to have them test your battery to see if it needs to be replaced.

Next day, he said the parts store replaced the battery as it would no longer take a charge.

But yes the above example illistrates Monty's point exactly why IQs are falling..

Yes, if you lack basic physical knowledge on how things function, or its properties, then you’ll not be able to figure out the more complex relations between them either.

8th June 2019, 09:05 AM

8th June 2019, 12:47 PM

Cucked to the point of no hope. When being nuked by Russia, causes your country to improve, you know it is really bad there. The moderates seem to have some brain cells, they just need to be awoke on the jewish problem to figure out the negro problem.


9th June 2019, 11:22 AM
Cucked to the point of no hope. When being nuked by Russia, causes your country to improve, you know it is really bad there. The moderates seem to have some brain cells, they just need to be awoke on the jewish problem to figure out the negro problem.

You mean awoke to the Jewish problem to figure out the white liberal problem? Something happened to my post since I posted it yesterday. Only the link was showing, Had to re-post the graph I was highlighting.

Perhaps you were commenting on the graph, the highlighted graph data shows blacks 1.64 degrees more racist than asians. 1.64!!! Imagine all the re-education camps Liberals would demand if whites lead by 1.64 on the racism thermometer! (:;)

9th June 2019, 11:59 AM
You mean awoke to the Jewish problem to figure out the white liberal problem?

Only a lifetime of heavy indoctrination, would lead anyone to conclude their own race, which by the way is the only one that in any practical sense has practiced egalitarianism, is the biggest problem, biologically we are geared towards appreciate and bond with those that look similar to ourselves. And yes it is the Jews that are responsible for the indoctrination into Cultural Marxism of liberal white! They have taken away our religion, our family, and replaced it with belief in democracy and the government, they have replaced our ability to think freely with a demand to think what they think is right for us to think. For those few that resist, they are planning on taking away the guns.

Twisted Titan
9th June 2019, 12:53 PM
The synagogue of satan has killed your alpha's and all that were allowed to breed were the omegas and it is their prodginy that are the cucks of today

The only answer is to kill your oppressors and take wives after your own and above all


9th June 2019, 03:01 PM

9th June 2019, 09:07 PM
I dunno, part of me still has hopeful/wishful thinking for the future. Things look quite bleak now and has since the mid-60's; but nothing lasts forever. People now have more easy access to information and ideas than 25 years ago. If it wasn't for the internet, I'd be a "ignorance is bliss" goy that would soak up the social-engineering BS that is on TV. I actually used to like Seinfeld. Now, I see through the crap..... There are lots of people like us, but we generally have to "stay in the closet". Prepping isn't mainstream, but much more prevalent than before the 2000's. Yeah, there was some in the 50's-60's, but it was mostly bomb-shelters.

I do not know what it will be, but something is going to happen. It might be a super-economic collapse, Yellowstone blowing up, return of an ice-age [that can happen quite quickly], war with Russia/China.

We've had it too good for too long here in countries formally known as "the West". That's why stupid ideas have bred. 100 years ago and earlier, people didn't think about "gay rights", BLM, or things like tranny bathrooms because most of their days were filled with activities associated with their survival.

If Civil War erupts, the Left, PoCs, Communists, etc don't have a chance.

One, whites are very militaristic. We've been fighting each other for millennia and usually kick everyone else's butt. There are times where we have lost, but there were usually other factors involved. Examples are -- the Justinian Plague or the 4th Crusades that weakened the Eastern Roman Empire [Byzantines] sufficiently to not be able to withstand Arab attacks.

Two, most people who live on farms lean on the Right. We control the food supply.

Three, police and military lean Right. Lots of prior military with combat experience out there.

Four, ever see some of those Leftist Millennials, or just people in general????? I'm in my 50's and look at some guys in their 20's-30's and think, "dude, you have never worked your body hard one day in your life. I'd shake your hand, but I'm afraid your arm might come off". Lefty soy-boys are not a concern for me.

If you have read The Fourth Turning, or study history -- you should know we are due for a disaster..... I just hope it will work for the best for us as a people.

10th June 2019, 12:27 AM
We were the first to give women rights.

As women's rights are imported into non-White countries they face the exact same problems we face, including lower birth rates.

10th June 2019, 01:47 AM
I dunno, part of me still has hopeful/wishful thinking for the future. Things look quite bleak now and has since the mid-60's; but nothing lasts forever. People now have more easy access to information and ideas than 25 years ago. If it wasn't for the internet, I'd be a "ignorance is bliss" goy that would soak up the social-engineering BS that is on TV. I actually used to like Seinfeld. Now, I see through the crap..... There are lots of people like us, but we generally have to "stay in the closet". Prepping isn't mainstream, but much more prevalent than before the 2000's. Yeah, there was some in the 50's-60's, but it was mostly bomb-shelters.

I do not know what it will be, but something is going to happen. It might be a super-economic collapse, Yellowstone blowing up, return of an ice-age [that can happen quite quickly], war with Russia/China.

We've had it too good for too long here in countries formally known as "the West". That's why stupid ideas have bred. 100 years ago and earlier, people didn't think about "gay rights", BLM, or things like tranny bathrooms because most of their days were filled with activities associated with their survival.

If Civil War erupts, the Left, PoCs, Communists, etc don't have a chance.

One, whites are very militaristic. We've been fighting each other for millennia and usually kick everyone else's butt. There are times where we have lost, but there were usually other factors involved. Examples are -- the Justinian Plague or the 4th Crusades that weakened the Eastern Roman Empire [Byzantines] sufficiently to not be able to withstand Arab attacks.

Two, most people who live on farms lean on the Right. We control the food supply.

Three, police and military lean Right. Lots of prior military with combat experience out there.

Four, ever see some of those Leftist Millennials, or just people in general????? I'm in my 50's and look at some guys in their 20's-30's and think, "dude, you have never worked your body hard one day in your life. I'd shake your hand, but I'm afraid your arm might come off". Lefty soy-boys are not a concern for me.

If you have read The Fourth Turning, or study history -- you should know we are due for a disaster..... I just hope it will work for the best for us as a people.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. It is just a pity that we as a specie can’t self regulate our madness, instead it will have to go to the brink of our complete destruction. Anyhow there will be no bleeding heart, self hating, white liberals among the survivors. Perhaps a few going into the collapse, but probably not too many. Very few of those today lifetime dependent on welfare checks would survive... Goodbye POC and white trash breeding machines! Pencil pushers in abstractions, like law, finance, media/politics, would find it hard to survive even though intelligent, unless they in their spare times have dedicated themselves to fishing, hunting, farming... GOODBYE JEWS! They will of course try to stay on by manipulating people to do their business. But the survivors won’t be that easy to manipulate.

Humanity 2.0

It’s about time...

10th June 2019, 02:01 AM
We were the first to give women rights.

As women's rights are imported into non-White countries they face the exact same problems we face, including lower birth rates.

Seems like a mistake. I think it has made women more miserable too, their brains are not geared towards complete responsibility in all aspects of life. Sure they are superior nurturers compared to men, but they need to be told when enough is enough. Women also vote in more and more socialist policies over time, mainly because they don’t understand economics and how it relates to human nature.

10th June 2019, 09:25 AM
Women also vote in more and more socialist policies over time, mainly because they don’t understand economics and how it relates to human nature. Agreed. Women are going to primarily vote for what makes them feel safe.

I personally don't vote, or "believe in democracy". If we're going to have a democracy, I believe it should be based on the Swiss model of direct democracy. Not the "democratic" model we have now where politicians are long ago bought and paid for. Block-chain tech would easily allow one to see if their vote has been tampered with. I also don't believe in Universal Suffrage. I believe that in order to vote, you would have to be a property owner. This would stamp-out anyone just looking for "the gibbs" [gibb me some mo' welfare.....]

On the opposite end, I believe we would be better off in a Monarchy as opposed to what we have now. As we have it now, we have people coming in for a max of 8 years and allowed to basically do whatever they want with no consequences. BHO doubled the national debt. Is he going to see the consequences of that? No, his great grand kids might. Even if he does, is he going to be held responsible for it? Nope. A King/Queen wants their dynasty to last forever. They will generally do things that will make their family name endure. On a side note, there were people who actually thought DJT was going to be led out of office in hand-cuffs. WTF? I just giggle to myself... Nothing is going to happen to, what is it, the 545 people that rule over this country [House, Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS], Ever. Just look at Billy-boy and HRC. Still walking free.

10th June 2019, 12:51 PM
Three, police and military lean Right. Lots of prior military with combat experience out there.


Get real. Here in 2019 most police forces have been affirmative-actioned into NON-WHITE LIBERAL jokes.


10th June 2019, 01:14 PM
Get real. Here in 2019 most police forces have been affirmative-actioned into NON-WHITE LIBERAL jokes.

I am real. Even in 80%+ black Detroit there is a sizable percentage of Whites on the force that do the heavy-lifting. Political positions and "window dressing" positions like Chief of Police is going to be black. Guaranteed. Move to suburban Detroit, the police force is mostly White.


10th June 2019, 06:47 PM
it started with "to kill-amockingbird. it was written by a jew and handed over to a gentile author who had never even written a postcard! she never ever gave a single interview . jew hollywood threw tons of money at a movie. then all in the (jewish) family came on and portrayed archie bunker as a foolish racist and THEN the nail was put in the coffin when it was taught in colleges.

10th June 2019, 06:50 PM
rabbi rabinovich said " we shall hurl the savage races against the civil" and today we see it is jewish aid and "resettlement" orgs that are paying the airfare and transportation for the black and arab beasts that are coming here.

11th June 2019, 01:56 AM
Well out here in fly over land, the biggest transformation was Roundup and GMO's.

We had lots of chemicals to control weeds, but Roundup and GMO changed everything. Our largest farms were 1000 acres before and after Roundup 3000 to 4000 acres. That means 2/3 to 3/4 of the farmers disappeared. Gone to the city. Many little towns just disappeared and small towns got smaller. When I go home now it is a sad time for me, to witness the shrinking rural population. Rural people are more conservative in general.

Now seems people are waking up to the dangers of Roundup. It would be troubled times down of the farm if they had to shrink in size and diversify more.

11th June 2019, 04:22 AM
it started with "to kill-amockingbird. it was written by a jew and handed over to a gentile author who had never even written a postcard! she never ever gave a single interview . jew hollywood threw tons of money at a movie. then all in the (jewish) family came on and portrayed archie bunker as a foolish racist and THEN the nail was put in the coffin when it was taught in colleges.
Interesting. She willed it all to her lawyer, 8 days before her death, who then proceeded to have the will sealed, stating privacy of the deceased...


11th June 2019, 08:47 AM
Well out here in fly over land, the biggest transformation was Roundup and GMO's.

We had lots of chemicals to control weeds, but Roundup and GMO changed everything. Our largest farms were 1000 acres before and after Roundup 3000 to 4000 acres. That means 2/3 to 3/4 of the farmers disappeared. Gone to the city. Many little towns just disappeared and small towns got smaller. When I go home now it is a sad time for me, to witness the shrinking rural population. Rural people are more conservative in general.

Now seems people are waking up to the dangers of Roundup. It would be troubled times down of the farm if they had to shrink in size and diversify more.

I'm not a farmer, so I'm not an authority on this. I don't think that "Roundup and GMO's" are the issue. I think it's the massive farm machinery that they have now that allows them to harvest it. This production boost made prices drop, requiring more land to harvest on. My daughter's ex worked on his parent's farm and they had 33280 acres. The only ones working it was the Dad and two sons.

11th June 2019, 08:49 AM
I'm not a farmer, so I'm not an authority on this. I don't think that "Roundup and GMO's" are the issue. I think it's the massive farm machinery that they have now that allows them to harvest it. This production boost made prices drop, requiring more land to harvest on. My daughter's ex worked on his parent's farm and they had 33280 acres. The only ones working it was the Dad and two sons.

RoundUp and GMO are a huge issue that made a lot of changes with farming. (I grew up on a farm). Roundup is likely the culprit with Colony Collapse Disorder (Bee die offs), as well as increase in "gluten" allergies when the real culprit is your stomach having issues processing glysophate instead of gluten.

11th June 2019, 09:40 AM
I'm not a farmer, so I'm not an authority on this. I don't think that "Roundup and GMO's" are the issue. I think it's the massive farm machinery that they have now that allows them to harvest it. This production boost made prices drop, requiring more land to harvest on. My daughter's ex worked on his parent's farm and they had 33280 acres. The only ones working it was the Dad and two sons.

This sounds like Montana or Canada small grain. They always had pretty large farms.

How many acres were fallowed each year? A typical farm in that part of the country only farms a third of the land and fallows the other 2/3's to let subsoil moisture accumulate to get a profitable yield.
Spraying Roundup or Paraquat on the crop just before harvest allows them to schedule and spread out the time of harvest. The size of the machinery does make difference.

I'm talking about midwest farms of mainly soybeans and corn, which are a lot smaller.

What's this You have never had the treat of walking the beans? Before Roundup and gmo's every farmer worth his salt had his whole family in the soybean fields walking every row hoeing and pulling all the weeds that were not killed by the chemicals. Usually takes all summer to get the job done.

11th June 2019, 10:05 AM
RoundUp and GMO are a huge issue that made a lot of changes with farming. (I grew up on a farm). Roundup is likely the culprit with Colony Collapse Disorder (Bee die offs), as well as increase in "gluten" allergies when the real culprit is your stomach having issues processing glysophate instead of gluten.

I'm on-board with those issues and not defending Roundup; but today's farmer isn't going to be able to bring in that harvest -- on time.... with the machinery from the past.

11th June 2019, 10:13 AM
This sounds like Montana or Canada small grain. They always had pretty large farms.

How many acres were fallowed each year? A typical farm in that part of the country only farms a third of the land and fallows the other 2/3's to let subsoil moisture accumulate to get a profitable yield.
Spraying Roundup or Paraquat on the crop just before harvest allows them to schedule and spread out the time of harvest. The size of the machinery does make difference.

I'm talking about midwest farms of mainly soybeans and corn, which are a lot smaller.

What's this You have never had the treat of walking the beans? Before Roundup and gmo's every farmer worth his salt had his whole family in the soybean fields walking every row hoeing and pulling all the weeds that were not killed by the chemicals. Usually takes all summer to get the job done.

Yep, in Manitoba. Between Brandon and the Sask. border.

I don't really know much of what they did. I know they had a whack of land, and usually grew canola. I will never knowingly eat anything with canola in it or cooked in it.

Nope, never had the pleasure... ;-)

11th June 2019, 10:14 AM
I'm on-board with those issues and not defending Roundup; but today's farmer isn't going to be able to bring in that harvest -- on time.... with the machinery from the past.

It's why I see farming likely being automated in the future.

11th June 2019, 11:00 AM
It's why I see farming likely being automated in the future.

We're kind of there already. This is why I say we don't need immigrants. Especially low IQ, low skilled type. Before you know it, robots will be taking almost all of the jobs -- not only in the Ag industry.

Here in the People's Republic of Canuckistan, they were giving feel-good announcements like, "they are going to pay for our pensions...." No they aren't. They are a net drain on society. Canada is probably the most cucked country on Earth [first place tie with Sweden?] so that argument will go no where here.

11th June 2019, 11:17 AM
We're kind of there already. This is why I say we don't need immigrants. Especially low IQ, low skilled type. Before you know it, robots will be taking almost all of the jobs -- not only in the Ag industry.

Here in the People's Republic of Canuckistan, they were giving feel-good announcements like, "they are going to pay for our pensions...." No they aren't. They are a net drain on society. Canada is probably the most cucked country on Earth [first place tie with Sweden?] so that argument will go no where here.

Agreed, Trudeau is cucking Canada as much as possible.

midnight rambler
11th June 2019, 12:15 PM
"they are going to pay for our pensions...."

Fucking pyramid scheme that only fools believe. Why aren't pensions already funded?? (rhetorical question).

11th June 2019, 01:53 PM
Agreed, Trudeau is cucking Canada as much as possible.

True, he is probably the worst "leader" the PRoC has ever had -- but it was well on it's way to be like this even in the 70's-80's.

I don't really even blame the Boomers for allowing this to happen. It all sounded good. I don't think they could ever foresee the blackening/browning of the country it would have come to like it is now [to give you insight -- Whites are expected to be a minority by 2030 when compared to all non-whites at the current immigration rates].

11th June 2019, 11:44 PM
We're kind of there already. This is why I say we don't need immigrants. Especially low IQ, low skilled type. Before you know it, robots will be taking almost all of the jobs -- not only in the Ag industry.

Here in the People's Republic of Canuckistan, they were giving feel-good announcements like, "they are going to pay for our pensions...." No they aren't. They are a net drain on society. Canada is probably the most cucked country on Earth [first place tie with Sweden?] so that argument will go no where here.

I believe Canada at least has made an effort in attracting the more skilled type of immigrants. Or at least that’s the image we have in Sweden. I think Sweden definitely leads the cuck league by far.

12th June 2019, 08:20 AM
I believe Canada at least has made an effort in attracting the more skilled type of immigrants. Or at least that’s the image we have in Sweden. I think Sweden definitely leads the cuck league by far.

Canada has been successful in making itself look like an attractive iceberg, for persons who are simply dumb enough to be attracted to icebergs.

12th June 2019, 10:20 AM
I believe Canada at least has made an effort in attracting the more skilled type of immigrants. Or at least that’s the image we have in Sweden. I think Sweden definitely leads the cuck league by far.



13th June 2019, 09:51 AM
True, he is probably the worst "leader" the PRoC has ever had -- but it was well on it's way to be like this even in the 70's-80's.

I don't really even blame the Boomers for allowing this to happen. It all sounded good. I don't think they could ever foresee the blackening/browning of the country it would have come to like it is now [to give you insight -- Whites are expected to be a minority by 2030 when compared to all non-whites at the current immigration rates].
Most EVERTHING the boomers did (present boomer company excepted of course) was for selfish short term gain.
The sort term is over now.

13th June 2019, 10:00 AM
Most EVERTHING the boomers did (present boomer company excepted of course) was for selfish short term gain.
The sort term is over now.
What made boomers so unique is that they grew up in the age of teevee. They were constantly fed bad ideas since they were old enough to watch, and if they didn't they were surrounded by others who had. Every other generation of White European people since have been even worse.

13th June 2019, 10:59 AM
What made boomers so unique is that they grew up in the age of teevee. They were constantly fed bad ideas since they were old enough to watch, and if they didn't they were surrounded by others who had. Every other generation of White European people since have been even worse.

Agreed. Television and media in general have everything to do with what we are experiencing.

14th June 2019, 08:50 AM
Agreed. Television and media in general have everything to do with what we are experiencing.

The logistics behind shipping raw materials thousands of miles half a world away only to have them returned to you at less than shipping was never presented on t.v. commercials along with Nancy's say No.

There just isn't enough paper fiat mortar to stretch that far.


15th June 2019, 12:19 PM
Agreed. Television and media in general have everything to do with what we are experiencing.

One cannot make the case that the most boomers have no agency.
They will fight like cornered rats to avoid red-pill type awareness or changing any destructive behaviour.

As another had said:
Boomers rebelled against tradition, not against the Oligarchs who wanted them to rebel against tradition. There is this collective obliviousness to understanding how big power politics, big pharma, big tech, big science, how any of that works... They are traditional while they rebel against tradition. The weird thing about the boomers is that it is a constantly contradictory double-think position and when you try to explain Orwell or double-think to a boomer it is always falling back in to the thing you are trying to explain.

15th June 2019, 01:15 PM
One cannot make the case that the most boomers have no agency.
They will fight like cornered rats to avoid red-pill type awareness or changing any destructive behaviour.

As another had said:
Boomers rebelled against tradition, not against the Oligarchs who wanted them to rebel against tradition. There is this collective obliviousness to understanding how big power politics, big pharma, big tech, big science, how any of that works... They are traditional while they rebel against tradition. The weird thing about the boomers is that it is a constantly contradictory double-think position and when you try to explain Orwell or double-think to a boomer it is always falling back in to the thing you are trying to explain.

Spot on! Rebelling against tradition without considering its value is of course idiotic. Traditions become so because it provides a framework for a functioning society. If anything one should first question why something is tradition before rebelling against it. I think boomers were blinded by the technology that emerged in the era they were brought up. Birth control led to the sexual revolution and women’s lib, and ultimately the destruction of the family. Medicine that seemed like it had all answers and would solve all health problems with pills in just a little more time. Space exploration removed “the sky is the limit”, and Jewish owned television telling them that they could shape their destiny like they wanted, they just needed to rebel against the traditions and they were free to enjoy life like they deserved in the corporate paradise who had all answers to life’s problems.

15th June 2019, 01:38 PM
Spot on! Rebelling against tradition without considering its value is of course idiotic. Traditions become so because it provides a framework for a functioning society. If anything one should first question why something is tradition before rebelling against it. I think boomers were blinded by the technology that emerged in the era they were brought up. Birth control led to the sexual revolution and women’s lib, and ultimately the destruction of the family. Medicine that seemed like it had all answers and would solve all health problems with pills in just a little more time. Space exploration removed “the sky is the limit”, and Jewish owned television telling them that they could shape their destiny like they wanted, they just needed to rebel against the traditions and they were free to enjoy life like they deserved in the corporate paradise who had all answers to life’s problems.Jews have equated all that is evil with our traditions. For example Jewish big pharma is dubbed "Western medicine", when in fact it is not. Westerners had herbalism and homeopathy before Jewish big pharma was promoted by them.

15th June 2019, 02:35 PM
Jews have equated all that is evil with our traditions. For example Jewish big pharma is dubbed "Western medicine", when in fact it is not. Westerners had herbalism and homeopathy before Jewish big pharma was promoted by them.

Actually philosphically and historically, western medicine has its origin in medieval catholic monasteries. The catholic monks usually the only ones who could read and write, were the ones who practiced medicine. Their belief was that illness was caused by the devil taking possession of the poor sufferer, their treatment consisted of exorcism of evil spirits, by drugs or surgery. Of course the drugs they used were plant based, and worked, not as they thought, by driving out evil spirits, but by restoring nutritional balance. Surgery, when used, frequently ended with the patient being permanently relieved from their earthly suffering.

This is why modern medicine has pinpointed lots of evils being behind people’s problems. Like bacteria, viruses, high blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, pain, cancer. All of them of course perfectly normal in a persons life. And for every evil there is a specific drug to exorcise that evil, anti-biotics, anti-virals, anti-hypertensives, anti-cholesterols, anti-inflammatories, painkillers, radiation and chemotherapy to kill cancers. And surgery to cut out the evil. Sure sometimes antibiotics has saved a persons life who would have otherwise died from an infection that was overwhelming a persons immune system. Sometimes a surgery has saved a person who was perforated by a bullet or shrapnel. Sometimes a prosthesis has improved a persons life immensely when the damage to a joint is too large for it to continue functioning properly, but not all the time is this the answer, which is what the medical pharmaceutical industry has been trying to sell us since beginning of last century. In fact most of the time the body has the capacity to heal and repair itself, sometimes with some support, sometimes just stop doing what created the problem to begin with. Oftentimes the best approach is just to accept the symptoms that are there temporarily or permanently, and live life accordingly. No-one is better off with an opiate addiction, apart from the drug dealers.

15th June 2019, 04:21 PM
Their belief was that illness was caused by the devil taking possession of the poor sufferer, their treatment consisted of exorcism of evil spirits, by drugs or surgery. These kinds of beliefs were in the minds of the poor sufferer, but as the mind of the practitioner, if he were a Khazar, likely had a different line of thought regarding the welfare of the goy sufferer. No doubt they dominated the profession of Vatican Medicine as they have dominated the church. Calling the pharmaceutical abomination "Western medicine" serves their goals not only by diverting blame but by getting us to rebel against our traditions.

16th June 2019, 12:05 PM
These kinds of beliefs were in the minds of the poor sufferer, but as the mind of the practitioner, if he were a Khazar, likely had a different line of thought regarding the welfare of the goy sufferer. No doubt they dominated the profession of Vatican Medicine as they have dominated the church. Calling the pharmaceutical abomination "Western medicine" serves their goals not only by diverting blame but by getting us to rebel against our traditions.
I doubt that the average medieval monk, practicing medicine was a Khazar. And probably since they had no idea how the body functions, it was perfectly rational to assume that illness was caused by the body being possessed by evil, which needed to be exorcised. In first year of medical school budding doctors learn that inflammation is a very useful response in rebuilding the body after injury in their physiology class, as I was. In the remaining 9-10 years including specialist training, they are brainwashed into thinking it is evil, by the pharmaceutical industry. Those that resist face delicensing. Sure a lot of patients suffer from excessive inflammation from the lifestyles they are living, but to artificially and very temporary lower their inflammation by introducing a synthetic drug makes them worse not better.

The Khazars took over medicine completely about 120 years ago, with John D Rockefeller at the helm, using the age old doctrine that the body was possessed by evil, that needed to be exorcised. Prior to that there were significant portions of medicine, that worked by encouraging the bodies natural self healing capacity, as you have pointed out. These have now been relegated to ‘alternative’ medicine, and are not able to claim that any medical condition can ever be successfully treated by them. Sadly many of the so-called ‘alternative’ professions have been infiltrated by these Jews, with the result that factions of these professions fight with each other, some realistic, some in the cloud fantastical, some sellouts to the medical profession. Chiropractic is no exception.

If you have a biomechanical dysfunction because you have been sitting to much in your life, then having that mechanically adjusted and told that you need to move your fat ass isn’t an ‘alternative’, it is a necessity if you want to get better, drugs and surgery is an alternative to that perhaps. Likewise if you get a heart attack because you have lived your life in constant stress about how best to serve the beast and lived on a fast food diet, going to a naturopath and get some herbs to clean you out with some specific herbs, being told to go on a specific diet and reduce your service to the beast to an absolute minimum, isn’t an alternative either, it is primary. Going on living your life like before taking antihypertensives and anti cholesterol drugs is.

They are only offering a shortcut to perceived short term wellbeing based on your current symptoms. It isn’t real. Plumbers and refrigeration engineers are more responsible for our longevity today than medical doctors.

old steel
16th June 2019, 12:20 PM
Canada has been successful in making itself look like an attractive iceberg, for persons who are simply dumb enough to be attracted to icebergs.

It's that self proclaimed little bitch feminist cuck Turdope pushing cultural Marxism wherever he goes.

He will be gone on October 21st, or else the fix is in and the country will break apart.

16th June 2019, 12:46 PM
The funny thing is that according to an analysis of the recent Swedish vote to the EU parliament the Sweden Democrats had a higher proportion of votes from immigrants than native Swedes in relation to population. They don’t want Sweden to turn into the shitholes they escaped from. Of course it is still only the minority that wants to work and adopt original Swedish ethics. The Sweden Democrats are the supposed ‘racist’ party according to the cultural marxists.

16th June 2019, 01:31 PM
Plumbers and refrigeration engineers are more responsible for our longevity today than medical doctors.


And window screen installers.


16th June 2019, 01:55 PM
Just watching this roundtable incl EMJ deconstructing the (((JWO's "Mayor Pete Buttplug for POTUS" offensive))), with all its cult-marx undercurrents; good stuff

1hr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7iwHI23xec


16th June 2019, 02:29 PM
I doubt that the average medieval monk, practicing medicine was a Khazar. And probably since they had no idea how the body functions, it was perfectly rational to assume that illness was caused by the body being possessed by evil, which needed to be exorcised. In first year of medical school budding doctors learn that inflammation is a very useful response in rebuilding the body after injury in their physiology class, as I was. In the remaining 9-10 years including specialist training, they are brainwashed into thinking it is evil, by the pharmaceutical industry. Those that resist face delicensing. Sure a lot of patients suffer from excessive inflammation from the lifestyles they are living, but to artificially and very temporary lower their inflammation by introducing a synthetic drug makes them worse not better.

The Khazars took over medicine completely about 120 years ago, with John D Rockefeller at the helm, using the age old doctrine that the body was possessed by evil, that needed to be exorcised. Prior to that there were significant portions of medicine, that worked by encouraging the bodies natural self healing capacity, as you have pointed out. These have now been relegated to ‘alternative’ medicine, and are not able to claim that any medical condition can ever be successfully treated by them. Sadly many of the so-called ‘alternative’ professions have been infiltrated by these Jews, with the result that factions of these professions fight with each other, some realistic, some in the cloud fantastical, some sellouts to the medical profession. Chiropractic is no exception.

If you have a biomechanical dysfunction because you have been sitting to much in your life, then having that mechanically adjusted and told that you need to move your fat ass isn’t an ‘alternative’, it is a necessity if you want to get better, drugs and surgery is an alternative to that perhaps. Likewise if you get a heart attack because you have lived your life in constant stress about how best to serve the beast and lived on a fast food diet, going to a naturopath and get some herbs to clean you out with some specific herbs, being told to go on a specific diet and reduce your service to the beast to an absolute minimum, isn’t an alternative either, it is primary. Going on living your life like before taking antihypertensives and anti cholesterol drugs is.

They are only offering a shortcut to perceived short term wellbeing based on your current symptoms. It isn’t real. Plumbers and refrigeration engineers are more responsible for our longevity today than medical doctors.I look at the issue with a strategic angle. Would it be consistent with Jewish agendas for them to position themselves as Doctors so they could selectively "kill the best goyim"? I can't find it now, but you have probably read about the letter from the head kike in Constantinople addressed to the head Jew in Spain during the Inquisition. He advised the Jews of Spain to become Doctors as one means of getting even with the Spanish.

16th June 2019, 03:18 PM
I look at the issue with a strategic angle. Would it be consistent with Jewish agendas for them to position themselves as Doctors so they could selectively "kill the best goyim"? I can't find it now, but you have probably read about the letter from the head kike in Constantinople addressed to the head Jew in Spain during the Inquisition. He advised the Jews of Spain to become Doctors as one means of getting even with the Spanish.
Yes I know about that. Nostradamus was one of them for instance, but during this time we are already at the very end of medieval period, probably in Spain it is already considered renaissance (as it happened earlier in Southern Europe, Italy especially, and thus it was the end of the height of monastic power. The monks were the chief medical providers during medieval times 500-1500 AD, and there is no doubt that their main approach was exorcism of evil. However they usually did it with herbs, that unbeknownst to them actually balanced their patients body chemistry, but they certainly were open to more radical approaches too, like drilling up the head for headache sufferers to let out the evil spirits. You probably heard of the saying ‘evil should be driven out by evil’, and ‘bitter medicine’. I don’t think this comes from the Jews (I could be wrong though), I think it is a central dogma in Cstholic belief, predating major Jewish influence. Nowadays there is no doubt that Jews have hijacked the dogma for profiteering in medicine, and ultimately to get full control of the goyim by drugging them to brain damaged fools.

17th June 2019, 08:12 PM
We are the weakest species on the planet.

Rule of 3's, you can survive 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food.

Most folks have shelter, but not much food and water. We drink water, eat food EVERY day, yet people only keep a day or two's worth inside their shelter. Stupid. Weak.

Our society is the dumbest species to ever win a darwin award, if a major emergency happens.

17th June 2019, 08:18 PM
We are the weakest species on the planet.

Rule of 3's, you can survive 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food.

Most folks have shelter, but not much food and water. We drink water, eat food EVERY day, yet people only keep a day or two's worth inside their shelter. Stupid. Weak.

Our society is the dumbest species to ever win a darwin award, if a major emergency happens.

Those with food will get 200 negros at their door demanding free food:


17th June 2019, 08:37 PM
Those with food will get 200 negros at their door demanding free food:

They had a chance to buy food while Walmart was open. Tell them that with guns present. They chose an Iphone over food, when it was available.

If they are starving 3 weeks later, help them out if you can. Starving people don't have the energy for violence.

17th June 2019, 08:46 PM
They had a chance to buy food while Walmart was open. Tell them that with guns present. They chose an Iphone over food, when it was available.

If they are starving 3 weeks later, help them out if you can. Starving people don't have the energy for violence.

In sane cultures, helping out nigs can be considered suicide. Feeding them will only make them nig-out more with violence.


(these innocent Koreans did not defend their property)

17th June 2019, 10:00 PM
whitey ;)


Photos: St. Cloud Somali youth celebrate Eid, get schooled in fishing

midnight rambler
17th June 2019, 10:09 PM
Those with food will get 200 negros at their door demanding free food:

It's okay! I have more than 200 rounds of ammo!

19th June 2019, 07:48 PM
We used to be a lot stronger, hell we they pretty much conquered the world. It's shocking to me as a White man to see how weak and pitiful our race has become.

The average White in a few years.

https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/oy-vey-gif-12.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/l378p8uWeCxvnRzhK/giphy.gif

20th June 2019, 05:35 AM
There was a MacDonalds I would sometimes stop at on my way home from town and get somthing to eat. For awhile they had a retarded guy working at the counter. He was a little slow but he did a good job and I enjoyed him. They hired some Somali niggers and fired him and it was a big step down. Those niggers were dumber than shit.

25th June 2019, 04:36 PM
To responsibly address our relationship to the past—and to avoid those same mistakes—contemporary discussions about the establishment of national registries for race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion must remind us that we have been down this road before, to disastrous ends.

Tutuapp (https://tutuapp.uno/) 9apps (https://9apps.ooo/) Showbox (https://showbox.kim/)

9th July 2019, 09:51 AM

I'm just editing this old post, since I think the graph is important to understanding the hatred of the left, since the image no longer displays, nor can I actually edit my post (so I need to make this new post).

Verbal description of the Figure:
Mean In-Group Bias by Race/Ethnicity
(Scores denote mean differences in warmth between in-group and out-group feeling thermometers (0-100 scale)

-Black 15.58
-Hispanic 12.83
-Asian 13.94
-White Liberal -13.17 [negative value!]
-Non-White Liberal 11.62

2nd October 2019, 04:21 PM
We used to be a lot stronger, hell we pretty much conquered the world. It's shocking to me as a White man to see how weak and pitiful our race has become.



2nd October 2019, 06:34 PM
To responsibly address our relationship to the past—and to avoid those same mistakes—contemporary discussions about the establishment of national registries for race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion must remind us that we have been down this road before, to disastrous ends.

The Lessons of Babylon


3rd October 2019, 03:33 AM
I'm just editing this old post, since I think the graph is important to understanding the hatred of the left, since the image no longer displays, nor can I actually edit my post (so I need to make this new post).

Verbal description of the Figure:
Mean In-Group Bias by Race/Ethnicity
(Scores denote mean differences in warmth between in-group and out-group feeling thermometers (0-100 scale)

-Black 15.58
-Hispanic 12.83
-Asian 13.94
-White Liberal -13.17 [negative value!]
-Non-White Liberal 11.62
I bet some Jew Cultural Marxist promoters opened champagne bottles when these figures came out.

3rd October 2019, 03:47 AM


White women working as whores for nigger pimps... Wouldn’t have happened 20-30 years ago. Must be due to the constant media exposure showing white woman happy with black man. Reality is different, white woman is forced to support nigger by whoring her body out, and if she doesn’t earn enough or object to the conditions of their relationship, she gets savagely beaten up.

3rd October 2019, 07:24 AM
White women working as whores for nigger pimps... Wouldn’t have happened 20-30 years ago. Must be due to the constant media exposure showing white woman happy with black man. Reality is different, white woman is forced to support nigger by whoring her body out, and if she doesn’t earn enough or object to the conditions of their relationship, she gets savagely beaten up.

Gosh. If a White Husband perpetrates "domestic violence" he goes to jail. Nigger pimp not even arrested.

:rolleyes: Clown World

1st December 2019, 09:19 AM
We used to be a lot stronger, hell we they pretty much conquered the world. It's shocking to me as a White man to see how weak and pitiful our race has become. We are no longer the ruthless superior colonialists that our forefathers were.

We don't make enough children, we gladly let in nonwhites into our lands (since before 1960), we don't value racial unity or racial strength. Tens of millions of us race-mix freely and if I tell my fellow Whites to think of our racial survival and date White only, they tell me to fuck off. They don't care about their race, only their individual selves.

So selfish and hedonistic, that's unfortunately how I have to describe most of my fellow Whites. I tell young White women to have plenty of White babies, they tell me to go eat shit. They'd rather party till their forties and then if we're really lucky, marry a White man and have 1 White baby. pathetic.

I don't even blame the non-whites. Most of them just come to White lands because they want a better future for themselves and their families. They are the ones being normal, we are the ones being abnormal. We, the Whites, allowed mass immigration of non-whites from the 1960s onward. We, the Whites, allowed millions of black slaves to come to our White lands. We, the Whites, allowed and accepted race mixing. Whites are way more anti-white than a non-white could ever be. Just look at the snowflake sjw's

Some people want to blame the joos but the sad truth is, even if they did play a role in this, we the Whites, allowed them to influence us. Are we so weak that we can be influenced like that?

Rant off. Time to go do some yard work but you do see where i'm coming from?

Jew Advertising Agencies did this to us. (notice Jewtube blocks viewer comments...33,000 down votes with only 524 cucked up votes after two days)

1st December 2019, 04:24 PM
Jew Advertising Agencies did this to us.



20th December 2019, 03:28 PM
For the first time, IRL, met met someone of the Boomer generation last month who admitted we have a problem and was able to have a conversation about these things (specifically his realization that the intelligence existing in society now is not high enough to maintain things).

Over the last 10 years, the local activists concerned about the real and important things have been systematically harassed, forced out of town or silenced by some combination of government oppression, stalking and torture.

Update: early this fall this person tells me during casual discussion in his heart and stroke rehab group (he had a mild stroke last year) someone, he suspects a female retired public servant, reported him to the provincial health foundation that puts on the sessions for supporting President Trump. He was called by the foundation's provincial president and told not to go any more sessions until he could come out and personally certify this man was an acceptable member of society and could continue to receive treatment and support. After two weeks arrangements were made for a society staffer to drive the two hours (each way) to have a one on one with him and sit in on a meeting. Afterwards the staffer said his behaviour was not inappropriate and apologized.

I don't bring up politics with people much anymore, but last month I had coffee with a liberal friend who started going on about Trump's impeachment. Both of us having gone through councillor training together several years ago, he's about the only liberal I know that I can have an agree to disagree with conversation about politics with that stays mostly rational. When he brought up Trump I just sat back and kept asking "What was the crime?" He struggled to answer and I was able to logically knock down his attempts and he kept looking at me in bewilderment (but not being triggered to attack me), as if I was performing some sort of magic trick on him.

An interjection: Most of the Poltical MSM News I watch is through a critical lens (there are even video channels that specialize in this, reporting on the MSM reporting). The left and MSMNews projects. In recent months the projection has been so consistent that 'hate watching' has been getting boring. However in the last month or so, with the impeachment, myself and others have noticed the projection has been ramping up to new levels of hysteria. While the projection previously was of the sort 'that is what the left generally does' when watching the MSM accuse the right of something, now much of it is becoming "‘they are doing the exact thing in real time that they are claiming the other side is doing" as one commentator has said, the Biden/Democrat vs Trump Ukraine issue being the best example.

This morning out for coffee, I overheard two people who came in separately and sat at two different tables, start talking about the impeachment. One of the two, a female, I have talked to casually a few times before, so I turned and joined the conversation, not at any time offering supporting for Trump, other than asking "What was the crime?"

They tried a few times "Russian hacking...." "That is not what the actual impeachment was about" I said, after another attempt I experienced the new hysteria first hand. I bring up Biden and Burisma, the guy grins at me like I just farted or something and does a Strozak like shimmy and talks down to me saying Burisma is not even in Ukraine (confusing Burisma with Crowdstrike I assume). Another one of their deflections was Trumps 'boorish' emails, then a few seconds later they are insulting and mocking my appearance and behaviour until I ended the conversation and turned back to my coffee and computer!

Things are going from 'don't bring up politics', people will get angry, to 'don't try to neutrally ask for some clarification when people talk politics' or people will drop the pretence of civilized behaviour!

20th December 2019, 04:58 PM
...This morning out for coffee, I overheard two people who came in separately and sat at two different tables, start talking about the impeachment. One of the two, a female, I have talked to casually a few times before, so I turned and joined the conversation...then a few seconds later they are insulting and mocking my appearance and behaviour until I ended the conversation and turned back to my coffee and computer!

Your appearance.


midnight rambler
20th December 2019, 05:30 PM
then a few seconds later they are insulting and mocking my appearance and behaviour

It's how Dumborats roll.

20th December 2019, 09:36 PM
Update: early this fall this person tells me during casual discussion in his heart and stroke rehab group (he had a mild stroke last year) someone, he suspects a female retired public servant, reported him to the provincial health foundation that puts on the sessions for supporting President Trump. He was called by the foundation's provincial president and told not to go any more sessions until he could come out and personally certify this man was an acceptable member of society and could continue to receive treatment and support. After two weeks arrangements were made for a society staffer to drive the two hours (each way) to have a one on one with him and sit in on a meeting. Afterwards the staffer said his behaviour was not inappropriate and apologized.

I don't bring up politics with people much anymore, but last month I had coffee with a liberal friend who started going on about Trump's impeachment. Both of us having gone through councillor training together several years ago, he's about the only liberal I know that I can have an agree to disagree with conversation about politics with that stays mostly rational. When he brought up Trump I just sat back and kept asking "What was the crime?" He struggled to answer and I was able to logically knock down his attempts and he kept looking at me in bewilderment (but not being triggered to attack me), as if I was performing some sort of magic trick on him.

An interjection: Most of the Poltical MSM News I watch is through a critical lens (there are even video channels that specialize in this, reporting on the MSM reporting). The left and MSMNews projects. In recent months the projection has been so consistent that 'hate watching' has been getting boring. However in the last month or so, with the impeachment, myself and others have noticed the projection has been ramping up to new levels of hysteria. While the projection previously was of the sort 'that is what the left generally does' when watching the MSM accuse the right of something, now much of it is becoming "‘they are doing the exact thing in real time that they are claiming the other side is doing" as one commentator has said, the Biden/Democrat vs Trump Ukraine issue being the best example.

This morning out for coffee, I overheard two people who came in separately and sat at two different tables, start talking about the impeachment. One of the two, a female, I have talked to casually a few times before, so I turned and joined the conversation, not at any time offering supporting for Trump, other than asking "What was the crime?"

They tried a few times "Russian hacking...." "That is not what the actual impeachment was about" I said, after another attempt I experienced the new hysteria first hand. I bring up Biden and Burisma, the guy grins at me like I just farted or something and does a Strozak like shimmy and talks down to me saying Burisma is not even in Ukraine (confusing Burisma with Crowdstrike I assume). Another one of their deflections was Trumps 'boorish' emails, then a few seconds later they are insulting and mocking my appearance and behaviour until I ended the conversation and turned back to my coffee and computer!

Things are going from 'don't bring up politics', people will get angry, to 'don't try to neutrally ask for some clarification when people talk politics' or people will drop the pretence of civilized behaviour!

I work in the tech industry at one of the large tech companies. Most of the guys in my group lean center left, to left. Impeachment has all I've heard about for the past couple of months. Yesterday the engineer who is more on the left end of the political spectrum says "we finally got him" after the vote. I started laughing which he looked over confused. I said he isn't impeached, he said the house just voted, and I said yes that's all they've done. They have yet to send it to the Senate to hold the trial and good luck with that as the Democrats during their 12 week impeachment inquiry couldn't even point out a single crime. Let me remind you abuse of power is not an impeachable offense, and neither is obstruction of congress at least not for the head of the executive branch.

He brought up the whole quid pro quo, and I said you mean Biden's quid pro quo? He said what? I said Burisma, Joe Biden is on record of wanting a prosecutor who was investigating his son fired or all of Ukraine would not get 1 billion USD in U.S. financial aid.

He said that didn't happen, so I sent the bitchute link since YouTube makes it impossible to find (no censorship here, which I also pointed out. lol) to an internal chat we were all using.

A couple minutes later I respond in the chat "Well son of a bitch, Trump is being charged for something Biden actually did isn't that something?"

no response, a couple who guys who are more center / center right started laughing.

26th December 2019, 11:50 AM
When he brought up Trump I just sat back and kept asking "What was the crime?" He struggled to answer and I was able to logically knock down his attempts and he kept looking at me in bewilderment (but not being triggered to attack me), as if I was performing some sort of magic trick on himBecause logic and rationality is like magic to them. The left is so hard-core feminized now that emotion is the prime moving factor in all they do. When you start logically and rationally analyzing something for them, it's no different than pulling out a magic wand.

27th December 2019, 09:45 AM
Because logic and rationality is like magic to them. The left is so hard-core feminized now that emotion is the prime moving factor in all they do. When you start logically and rationally analyzing something for them, it's no different than pulling out a magic wand.

Yeah, he was in a cognitive dissonant state. He knew he could not support his programmed feeling about the impeachment (from fake corporate news) with logic and facts, that there was no case for impeachment, yet also felt how the fake news programmed him (and friends) that impeachment was the correct signal.

I think the 'trick' in my case was I was able to help him to start logically and rationally analyzing his opinion on impeachment for 10 or 15 minutes. While with my second pair of 'friends' they were able to avoid any dissonant feeling some logic or rationality would cause them by succumbing to their emotions over logic, feelings over facts, by irrationally hating, attacking, shunning and other sorts of uncivilized behaviour directed specifically at the caring loving and truthful people they encounter (in other words, being leftists) so that they can maintain their fake news MSM and deep-state crimminal 'public servants' irrational and illogical state.

21st April 2021, 07:08 PM
Verbal description of the Figure:
Mean In-Group Bias by Race/Ethnicity
(Scores denote mean differences in warmth between in-group and out-group feeling thermometers (0-100 scale)

-Black 15.58
-Hispanic 12.83
-Asian 13.94
-White Liberal -13.17 [negative value!]
-White Non-Liberal 11.62

Related questionnaire for 2020. Just the raw 'feeling thermometer' data not differences in in-group and out-group results like the 2019 report above.

ljzigerell.com: How racial groups rate each other (https://www.ljzigerell.com/?p=9002)

L.J Zigerell Posted on March 25, 2021 Posted in Race

The plot below reports the mean rating from Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians of Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, using data from the preliminary release of the 2020 ANES Time Series Study....

The items are feeling thermometers, asking participants to rate the groups from 0 through 100. The items are on pages 121 to 124, here: https://electionstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/anes_timeseries_2020_qnaire_post.pdf.

I estimated the numbers from the figure, it may be off a percent or two:

Basically Whites rate whites at 71. They rate Blacks, Hispanics and Asians only a few percent lower. This can correlate with the 2019 results that had White non-liberals with an in group preference only a few percent lower than other races being basically negated by the self-hate of White Liberals.

Blacks rate Blacks at 86. They rate Whites at 62 Hispanics at 71 and Asians at 67.

Hispanics rate Hispanics at 80. They rate Whites at 66 Blacks at 71 and Asians at 71.

Asians rate Asians at 80 They rate Whites at 68 Blacks at 71 and Hispanics at 70

Whites are supreme with the lowest overall level of racism.

22nd April 2021, 07:43 PM
Much analysis and commentary based on actual data and with graphs found starting from the link above in yesterday's comments. I've posted significant parts of one below (lots of data and graphs In the report I cannot imbed are at the link).

Some receipts towards what probably most of us here know already: Western corporate journalism and western government deep-state public servants are destroying Western Civilization.

Tabletmag.com: How the Media Led the Great Racial Awakening (https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening)
August 4, 2020

In the wake of the protests, riots, and general upheaval sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the United States is experiencing a racial reckoning. The response from America’s elite liberal institutions suggests that many have embraced the ideology of the protesters...

Countless articles have been published in recent weeks, often under the guise of straight news reporting, in which journalists take for granted the legitimacy of novel theories about race and identity. Such articles illustrate a prevailing new political morality on questions of race and justice that has taken power at the Times and Post—a worldview sometimes abbreviated as “wokeness” that combines the sensibilities of highly educated and hyperliberal white professionals with elements of Black nationalism and academic critical race theory. But the media’s embrace of “wokeness” did not begin in response to the death of George Floyd. This racial ideology first began to take hold at leading liberal media institutions years before the arrival of Donald Trump and, in fact, heavily influenced the journalistic response to the protest movements of recent years and their critique of American society...

By 2019, [the terms racist/racists/racism] would constitute 0.02% and just under 0.03% of all words published in the Times and Post—an increase of over 700% and just under 1,000%, respectively, from 2011...

In 2011, just 35% of white liberals thought racism in the United States was “a big problem,” according to national polling. By 2015, this figure had ballooned to 61% and further still to 77% in 2017...

In December of 2006, 45% of white Democrats and 41% of white Republicans reported that they knew someone they considered racist. By June of 2015, this figure increased to 64% among white Democrats, while remaining at a steady 41% among white Republicans. No increases were observed for any of the nonwhite Democrat groups. In fact, what (statistically insignificant) change occurred among Black (52.7% to 47.2%) and Hispanic (41.1% to 33.8%) Democrats were actually in the opposite direction...

One possible way of explaining these statistics, is that America experienced an explosion of racism over the past decade and white liberals are uniquely reflective of that change. But another possibility, perhaps more likely, is that ascendant progressive notions about race reflected in a steady drumbeat of reporting and editorializing on the subject from leading national media outlets, encouraged white liberals to label a larger number of behaviors and people as racist. In other words, while the world may have stayed more or less the same, elite liberal media and its readership—especially its white liberal readership—underwent a profound change...

In the graph above, we see that shifts in the [New York] Times’ usage of woke-related terminology (green line) almost perfectly coincides (r=0.95) with shifts in racial liberalism (darker blue line) among white Democrats (and among white liberals as well). The same relationship is significant but much weaker for nonwhite Democrats (light blue line), and both insignificant and negligible for white Republicans (red line).

...further analysis shows that woke-related term-usage significantly predicts subsequent racial liberalism while racial liberalism does not significantly predict subsequent term-usage. Additionally, term-usage remains a strong and significantly positive predictor of Democrats’ and liberals’ racial liberalism across variables like consumer sentiment, general policy liberalism, and generational replacement.

Yet, even these findings, while suggestive, don’t prove that the media coverage at leading liberal outlets like The New York Times and Washington Post is causing shifts in racial attitudes. What it shows dispositively is that the newspapers covered here are both talking about racial inequality and race-related issues far more frequently than they have since at least 1970 as well as increasingly framing those issues using the terms and jargon associated with “wokeness.” Additionally, it shows that the racial liberalism of white liberals has closely followed these trends in media coverage, rather than preceding them...

The truth is that unless or until one is able to determine the “baseline disparities” between populations—i.e., disparities that would obtain even in the absence of racism and discrimination—there is no way to quantify or determine with certainty the extent that disparities can be attributed to discrimination and bias. In certain domains, there may appear to be a fairly straightforward correlation between historical racism—for example in biased hiring practices—and unequal outcomes. But in other fields the connections will not be as clear and disparities may be better explained by other variables, such as cultural customs and preferences...

From 2014 and onward, though, movement in frequency of the inequality-related terms is consistently attended (at least in the Times and Post) by similar movement in the frequency of macro-level racism. In other words, the data suggests not only that more attention has been given to racial disparities, but also that racial disparities themselves are increasingly framed in terms of systemic racism theory. Although this frame is now commonplace, it wasn’t so until just a few years ago...

Research shows that how members of advantaged or “privileged” social groups react to group inequality is informed by his/her views of its legitimacy. Those who are inclined or habituated to see it as illegitimate (such as white liberals) are likely to experience feelings of shame, guilt, and/or in-group-directed anger. These aversive feelings, in turn, correspond to needs for moral acceptance and validation vis-à-vis members of disadvantaged out-groups. These needs then motivate the adoption of pro-out-group (or “woke”) attitudes and behaviors that both signal one’s moral solidarity with the unjustly disadvantaged out-group while also distinguishing oneself from the undeservingly privileged in-group. In the other direction, group members that don’t perceive that such inequalities are entirely or at all illegitimate are likely to resent being unjustly blamed for them and to consider the maligning of their moral status unfair...

What the evidence suggests, is that leading publications have not only vastly expanded the definition of racism and actively promoted a more racialized view of American society—in a period beginning under a Black president and during which many indicators showed slow and frustrating, but consistent, racial progress—but have done so, in part, by normalizing and popularizing the notion of “white people’s” collective guilt...

Until just a few years ago, such reductive and Manichaean racial narratives were largely confined to overtly white nationalist and Black nationalist groups and the pages of little-read academic critical theory and sociology journals. But as the graph below reveals, this once-rare framework has been incorporated into the lexicon of mainstream, particularly left-leaning, newspapers...

For decades, the term “racial equality” was the ubiquitous framework for understanding and evaluating racial justice. This is now changing as "equality" gives way to newer concepts such as “racial equity,” which refers to the redistribution of resources from the supposedly privileged to the supposedly disadvantaged as a means to redress claimed discrimination. As Ibram Kendi puts it: "If discrimination is creating equity, then it is antiracist. If discrimination is creating inequity, then it is racist ... The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination." Thus the goal is no longer 'racial equality' or equal treatment under the law. It is, rather, the attainment of a state of the world in which all groups have equal outcomes—even if some are deliberately disadvantaged in the process...

For some Americans all of this is surely good news. For them, the rapid proliferation of articles employing the tropes of critical race theory to ascribe racial guilt in the American system represents a reckoning with white supremacy and inequality that is long overdue. There are many possible objections to this line of argument: To start, there’s the fact that dividing a diverse, multiethnic society into oppressed and oppressor categories on the basis of skin color has, as a matter of historical precedent, more often led to sectarian bloodshed than enhanced justice and equity. What’s more, the narratives promoting this new system of racial division are both factually fraudulent—built on false or misleading premises and assumptions—and deeply hostile to any attempts at factual correction. If one points out, for instance, that accounts of white supremacy as an all-powerful force in American society tend to discount that some nonwhite groups like Nigerian Americans, Indian Americans, and East Asian Americans all have more income equity than the average white person, this itself is invalidated as a racist microaggression. The media has actively promoted a theory of racism that misrepresents facts about the world while stigmatizing any effort to criticize those facts as racist...

Which brings us to the media’s selective and race-driven reporting on deadly police shootings. If the ultimate goal of such media coverage and the protests they generate is to effect police reform—greater transparency, accountability, etc.—the fetishization of Black victims of police shooting is hard to understand. Indeed, if this objective is paramount, then it would be best served by saturating the newswire whenever a person of any race is unjustly killed by law enforcement. Indeed, the more radical the goal of the movement, the more important it would appear to be that it attempt to appeal to the largest possible segment of the populace. That there is no dispositive evidence of racial bias in police use of deadly force would make this approach even more advisable. However, a recent analysis of mine shows that the opposite is happening...

What the data presented here suggests is that editorial decisions made over the past decade at some of the most powerful media outlets in the world about what kind of language to use and what kind of stories merited coverage when it came to race—whatever the intention and level of forethought behind such decisions—has stoked a revival of racial consciousness among their readers. Intentionally or not, by introducing and then constantly repeating a set of key words and concepts, publications like The New York Times have helped normalize among their readership the belief that “color” is the defining attribute of other human beings. For those who adopt this singular focus on race, a racialized view of the world becomes baseline test of political loyalty. It requires adherents to overlook the immense diversity among so-called “People of Color” and “People Not-of-Color” (i.e., whoever is being lumped together as “white” according to the prevailing ideological fashion). In doing so, it has made stereotypes socially acceptable, if not laudable.

The same media institutions that have promoted revanchist identitarianism and the radical transformation of American society along racial lines, could instead have focused their attention and influence on improving the quality of life for all. Working to ensure that Americans of any background aren’t unjustly victimized by the police and have access to quality health care, schools, and affordable housing doesn’t require the promotion of a “race-consciousness” that divides society into “oppressed” and “privileged” color categories. To the contrary, it requires that we de-emphasize these categories and unite in pursuit of common interests. This may not suit the media’s prerogatives, and it may not appeal to activists whose desire for cultural “recognition” trumps their devotion to material progress, but it does offer the potential benefit of improving the lives of ordinary Americans.