View Full Version : Anyone know anything about open heart bypass surgery?

6th June 2019, 05:32 PM
Anyone here know anything about open heart bypass surgery? As in, have you survived it or do you know someone who has??

I swear the doctors are going to kill my father. He's 81, but seemed totally fine, low BP, healthy pulse, no chest pain, just a little tired, but that goes with being in his 80s. Totally functional, goes about his business, runs errands, etc. Now they are telling him he has a 80% blockage and pressuring him to do the surgery asap, as in in a day or two. My mother tried to talk him out of it, but they did such a high pressure sales job on him that now he just wants to do it.

6th June 2019, 05:59 PM
My uncle had quadruple bypass surgery at a VA hospital when he was 38, he was overweight. He lived to well into his eighties, smoking and drinking many of those years.

6th June 2019, 06:07 PM
okay, thanks good to here he survived.

6th June 2019, 06:56 PM
Look into Linus Pauling therapy for clearing arteries / reversing heart disease. The body can heal itself if given the proper nutrition.


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHWRoLd1XQw

6th June 2019, 07:09 PM
EDTA. Chelation. I know a guy who had 95% blockage in a carotid and a round of 42 bags of chelation got him down to 60% blockage. Basically at the time $100 a bag. now probably $150 a bag.

6th June 2019, 07:33 PM
Look into Linus Pauling therapy for clearing arteries / reversing heart disease. The body can heal itself if given the proper nutrition.


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHWRoLd1XQw

Yes, thanks, I found the Linus Pauling protocol and high levels of K2 are great at clearing out the arteries. Read comment from some guy said he had 65% blockage in a few arteries and did Linus Pauling and k2 (2 pills, 3x/day) and within 6 months it was cleared.

I've told my mother about this and she told him and we are trying to get him to change his mind and come home and try these natural remedies. I just have such a bad feeling about this. I just don't like when the doctors pressure you like this, it makes me really nervous. They are putting so much pressure on to do it right away, but my mom and I want him to come home and think things through. We had a bad experience with my mom once--she had her 1st and only gall bladder attack and ended up in the hospital. They told her she HAD to have it removed. She refused, went AWOL, came home, got natural remedies book for gall bladder and is still fine 3 years later without an attack. Yet they told her there was no other way, no options, she had to get it removed.

6th June 2019, 07:34 PM
EDTA. Chelation. I know a guy who had 95% blockage in a carotid and a round of 42 bags of chelation got him down to 60% blockage. Basically at the time $100 a bag. now probably $150 a bag.

Thanks Ziero, That's new info for me, but sounds good. We'll look into it, if we can just get my father to change his mind and not go through with this.

6th June 2019, 07:40 PM
I had five bypasses done four years ago and it will knock you on your ass. They had me on the table for five and a half hours and I think my heart was stopped for an hour and a half. If I was eighty years old I wouldn't have it done. Your dad may have developed collaterals that are supplying his heart around the blockages. I'll link to some information on that below.

I've followed the Linus Pauling therapy for stopping and reversing heart disease and I've gotten along better that anyone I know who's had the surgery. I'll link to that below also. Owen Fonorow wrote a book on that therapy that is very good and he also suggests vitamin and mineral supplements that are helpful.

a link to information on collaterals.

A link to the rest of the site

here's a link to information on the pauling therapy I follow.

I stopped taking all prescription drugs six weeks after the operation and went back to work and I've been working ever since with no shortness of breath or pain. It's like it never happened. I was having a yearly checkup with my cardiologist and he told me this spring not to come back for another checkup for a couple of years. His nurse told me I'm getting along better that anyone else he sees and I believe it's the Linus Pauling therapy that has helped me the most.

6th June 2019, 08:30 PM
I had five bypasses done four years ago and it will knock you on your ass. They had me on the table for five and a half hours and I think my heart was stopped for an hour and a half. If I was eighty years old I wouldn't have it done. Your dad may have developed collaterals that are supplying his heart around the blockages. I'll link to some information on that below.

I've followed the Linus Pauling therapy for stopping and reversing heart disease and I've gotten along better that anyone I know who's had the surgery. I'll link to that below also. Owen Fonorow wrote a book on that therapy that is very good and he also suggests vitamin and mineral supplements that are helpful.

a link to information on collaterals.

A link to the rest of the site

here's a link to information on the pauling therapy I follow.

I stopped taking all prescription drugs six weeks after the operation and went back to work and I've been working ever since with no shortness of breath or pain. It's like it never happened. I was having a yearly checkup with my cardiologist and he told me this spring not to come back for another checkup for a couple of years. His nurse told me I'm getting along better that anyone else he sees and I believe it's the Linus Pauling therapy that has helped me the most.

Tumbleweed- Thanks so much for all your info. It helps to hear from someone who tried the Linus Pauling therapy. Yes, that's what I think--at his age, I wouldn't do it. Right now, the doctors have convinced him to do this, and he's stubborn, but my mother and I are trying to suggest the Linus Pauling approach.


6th June 2019, 09:03 PM
Tumbleweed- Thanks so much for all your info. It helps to hear from someone who tried the Linus Pauling therapy. Yes, that's what I think--at his age, I wouldn't do it. Right now, the doctors have convinced him to do this, and he's stubborn, but my mother and I are trying to suggest the Linus Pauling approach.


Shortly after I had my surgery one of my sisters had a checkup for what she thought was heart burn. I believe they found some 80 and 100% blockages. She wasn't a good candidate for surgery. She had probably developed collaterals because she seemed to be getting along pretty well otherwise. I ordered Owen Fonorow's book "Practicing Medicine with out a License" for her and sent her some tubs of vitamin C and Lysine. As far as I know she's getting along just fine after four years with no problems. Owen Fonorow keeps up the Vitamin C foundation forum and you can visit with him and others there on these subjects as I have.


One of my uncles had bypass surgery when he was about 80 and he barely survived. His kidneys quit and he really struggled. He did survive for another ten years though and it's very unusual but his kidneys started working again.

6th June 2019, 10:12 PM
Atherosclerosis is reversible. Look into the Dean Ornish protocol at Harvard.

Atherosclerosis is secondary to inflammation of the intimal lining and deposition of trans- and peroxidized fats and later calcium salts. Any diet that does the following will reverse the disease given time (months):
1. arrest inflammation (Natural Vitamin C, natural Vitamin E, selenium, anti-oxidant phytonutrients from green juices and powders; green tea extract, resveratrol etc)
2. mobilize peroxidized and transfats (sunflower lecithin)
3. mobilize calcium deposits (vitamin K2)
4. prevent thrombosis (vitamin E, omega-3 fats (seeds and nuts[walnuts]), magnesium)

Eliminate pro-inflammatory foods: NO sugar, NO trans fats, NO processed foods, NO luncheon meats, NO gluten, NO fried foods, NO vegetable oils (use natural butter, lard or coconut oil).
Emphasize raw green vegetables and juices, nuts, seeds, free range eggs (cholesterol is NOT the problem; soft boiled, poached or raw only).

Supercharge the healing by adding shilajit resin. It is the most powerful and concentrated nutrient substance known to man. It is a rich source of fulvic acid which will dissolve and mobilize calcium salts and heavy metals from the tissues. It contains all known vitamins and minerals (60+) needed to promote healing and repair.

Supplement with generous doses of the B-complex vitamins (10x RDA or higher) and it there is any cardiac failure add megadose thiamine (vit. B1 - 200 -300 mg per day)

Arteriosclerotic heart disease is very easy to reverse!

6th June 2019, 10:25 PM
Atherosclerosis is reversible. Look into the Dean Ornish protocol at Harvard.

Atherosclerosis is secondary to inflammation of the intimal lining and deposition of trans- and peroxidized fats and later calcium salts. Any diet that does the following will reverse the disease given time (months):
1. arrest inflammation (Natural Vitamin C, natural Vitamin E, selenium, anti-oxidant phytonutrients from green juices and powders; green tea extract, resveratrol etc)
2. mobilize peroxidized and transfats (sunflower lecithin)
3. mobilize calcium deposits (vitamin K2)
4. prevent thrombosis (vitamin E, omega-3 fats (seeds and nuts[walnuts]), magnesium)

Eliminate pro-inflammatory foods: NO sugar, NO trans fats, NO processed foods, NO luncheon meats, NO gluten, NO fried foods, NO vegetable oils (use natural butter, lard or coconut oil).
Emphasize raw green vegetables and juices, nuts, seeds, free range eggs (cholesterol is NOT the problem; soft boiled, poached or raw only).

Supercharge the healing by adding shilajit resin. It is the most powerful and concentrated nutrient substance known to man. It is a rich source of fulvic acid which will dissolve and mobilize calcium salts and heavy metals from the tissues. It contains all known vitamins and minerals (60+) needed to promote healing and repair.

Supplement with generous doses of the B-complex vitamins (10x RDA or higher) and it there is any cardiac failure add megadose thiamine (vit. B1 - 200 -300 mg per day)

Arteriosclerotic heart disease is very easy to reverse!

This should be pinned in the health section since the info is so important. Especially for Atherosclerotic heart disease, which is so common and easily treated and reversible.

7th June 2019, 03:33 AM
Shortly after I had my surgery one of my sisters had a checkup for what she thought was heart burn. I believe they found some 80 and 100% blockages. She wasn't a good candidate for surgery. She had probably developed collaterals because she seemed to be getting along pretty well otherwise. I ordered Owen Fonorow's book "Practicing Medicine with out a License" for her and sent her some tubs of vitamin C and Lysine. As far as I know she's getting along just fine after four years with no problems. Owen Fonorow keeps up the Vitamin C foundation forum and you can visit with him and others there on these subjects as I have.


One of my uncles had bypass surgery when he was about 80 and he barely survived. His kidneys quit and he really struggled. He did survive for another ten years though and it's very unusual but his kidneys started working again.

Tumbleweed- Thanks so much for that information. I'm going to get that book. And I'll pass that information along to my father about how your uncle at bypass surgery at 80 and barely survived. I'm sure they did NOT tell him about any risks to this. UGH!!!

7th June 2019, 03:35 AM
Atherosclerosis is reversible. Look into the Dean Ornish protocol at Harvard.

Atherosclerosis is secondary to inflammation of the intimal lining and deposition of trans- and peroxidized fats and later calcium salts. Any diet that does the following will reverse the disease given time (months):
1. arrest inflammation (Natural Vitamin C, natural Vitamin E, selenium, anti-oxidant phytonutrients from green juices and powders; green tea extract, resveratrol etc)
2. mobilize peroxidized and transfats (sunflower lecithin)
3. mobilize calcium deposits (vitamin K2)
4. prevent thrombosis (vitamin E, omega-3 fats (seeds and nuts[walnuts]), magnesium)

Eliminate pro-inflammatory foods: NO sugar, NO trans fats, NO processed foods, NO luncheon meats, NO gluten, NO fried foods, NO vegetable oils (use natural butter, lard or coconut oil).
Emphasize raw green vegetables and juices, nuts, seeds, free range eggs (cholesterol is NOT the problem; soft boiled, poached or raw only).

Supercharge the healing by adding shilajit resin. It is the most powerful and concentrated nutrient substance known to man. It is a rich source of fulvic acid which will dissolve and mobilize calcium salts and heavy metals from the tissues. It contains all known vitamins and minerals (60+) needed to promote healing and repair.

Supplement with generous doses of the B-complex vitamins (10x RDA or higher) and it there is any cardiac failure add megadose thiamine (vit. B1 - 200 -300 mg per day)

Arteriosclerotic heart disease is very easy to reverse!

Mamboni- Thanks so much for all of your information!! I hope we can get him to change his mind and try this natural approach.

7th June 2019, 05:12 AM
Amanda on the Linus Pauling therapy site Sydney Bush and his work are mentioned. It's said that what's going on in your heart is mirrored in the arteries in your eyes. Two weeks after my surgery I had my eyes checked and the guy who checked me had formerly been a chemist. I had him check for a plaque buildup in my eyes and he said there was quite a bit.

Two years after that I had my eyes checked again and this time by a gal that does eye tests on patients at a VA hospital. I told her about Sydney Bushs work and she said she had been trained to look for a build up of plaque in the eyes because it is an indication that the patients carotid arteries may be getting plugged. She could see no sign of any plaque in mine at that time. I believe that is the result of following the Pauling Therapy.

Last time I saw my cardiologist I told him about my eye tests and he agreed that the eyes can be a mirror of what's going on in your heart. He's always curious about the supplements I take and he tells me to keep doing what I am. I've never cared much for fruit or vegetables and I mostly eat red meat, butter and eggs now. I think vegetable oils and not eating fruit and vegetables are why I got in trouble so that's why I supplement the vitamin C /ascorbic acid. I use beef tallow to fry things. I'd starve if I had to go on one of those mostly fruit and vegetable diets. I avoid vegetable oils, sugar, flour and starchy vegetables. Sally Fallon had a good video on vegetable oils called "The Oiling of America" and the problems they have caused. I'll see if I can locate it and post it below.

I probably take all or most of the supplements mamboni suggests and more. I don't take statins and wouldn't but they tried hard to get me to take them. They made me feel tired and gave me aches and pains. My blood pressure always tests good and I eat all the Real Salt that I want and they didn't want me to do that either. I take magnesium powder and have used magnesium oil for arythmias and that is pretty important. I seem to absorb it better through my skin than my stomach.


7th June 2019, 08:00 AM

This has a wealth of do it yourself info and it is my go to vit c website.

Half Sense
7th June 2019, 08:22 AM
My stepfather had the surgery in his early 80s. He was fine, but they convinced him to have the surgery NOW because if he waits 5 years to have it, his chances of full recovery would be much lower. I think he had a triple or quadruple bypass, with a long, painful recovery and it took a full 2 years before he was back to some kind of normalcy, but he will never be as healthy as the day he voluntarily went under the knife.

7th June 2019, 04:30 PM
My stepfather had the surgery in his early 80s. He was fine, but they convinced him to have the surgery NOW because if he waits 5 years to have it, his chances of full recovery would be much lower. I think he had a triple or quadruple bypass, with a long, painful recovery and it took a full 2 years before he was back to some kind of normalcy, but he will never be as healthy as the day he voluntarily went under the knife.

Thanks so much for this--this is really helpful and confirms my worries.

So far, no decision has been made. The doctors are circling like vultures, pressuring him to do the surgery.

We told him just to get home, take some time to think things through, and try some other approaches. But he's really stubborn, not thinking clearly, and not listening to us. He's probably going to end up dying for being stubborn, just like his father did.

7th June 2019, 09:12 PM
To my frustration, not one person in 100 believes in the power of nutrients to reverse disease and restore health, even in the elderly with severe debilitating diseases. The human body has been imbued by its creator with the ability to repair itself when complete nutrition is provided for. Human lifespans having exceeded 200 years have been documented. Also, all deaths from natural causes are secondary to a nutritional deficiency. The nutrients required to reverse disease and restore health are readily obtained today. However, few believe such restoration is possible; and even fewer are willing the make the lifestyle changes necessary to facilitate healing. Ultimately it boils down to one's will to live and one's faith in the promise of God, to restore all who live according to his laws of healthy living.

8th June 2019, 11:47 AM
To my frustration, not one person in 100 believes in the power of nutrients to reverse disease and restore health, even in the elderly with severe debilitating diseases. The human body has been imbued by its creator with the ability to repair itself when complete nutrition is provided for. Human lifespans having exceeded 200 years have been documented. Also, all deaths from natural causes are secondary to a nutritional deficiency. The nutrients required to reverse disease and restore health are readily obtained today. However, few believe such restoration is possible; and even fewer are willing the make the lifestyle changes necessary to facilitate healing. Ultimately it boils down to one's will to live and one's faith in the promise of God, to restore all who live according to his laws of healthy living.You have to convince them that their bodies are much smarter than they think they are while their brains are much dumber. Not an easy task.

10th June 2019, 01:25 PM
Thanks so much for the advice. We got him out of there without them doing anything to him. Turns out the blockage was 70%. He's going to do the Linus Pauling protocol, plus high dose vitamin K2 and lots of other nutrients, and get rid of the crap in the diet.

10th June 2019, 01:42 PM
Thanks so much for the advice. We got him out of there without them doing anything to him. Turns out the blockage was 70%. He's going to do the Linus Pauling protocol, plus high dose vitamin K2 and lots of other nutrients, and get rid of the crap in the diet.

Vit D3 mobilizes calcium, which is one of the reason's why I take K2 which stuffs it where it's supposed to go. So increasing D3 might help move the blockage out. Might also be risky, for sure I don't know.

It's good to hear that he's exploring his options. A surgeon's table would be my last option.

10th June 2019, 02:00 PM
Yup, I heard that D3 and K2 were both important. He's been on D3 for a while now.

Yes, surgery was definitely last option in our opinion.

10th June 2019, 05:43 PM
Vit D3 mobilizes calcium, which is one of the reason's why I take K2 which stuffs it where it's supposed to go. So increasing D3 might help move the blockage out. Might also be risky, for sure I don't know.

It's good to hear that he's exploring his options. A surgeon's table would be my last option.Well said. I neglected to mention Vitamin D3, which is far more than a vitamin: it is a prohormone. The consensus amongst nutrition-oriented health professionals is that each of us should obtain a minimum of 5000 IU per day for optimum health. While D3 can be taken in supplement form, the best way to get D3 is via sun exposure. Get as much sun as you can short of burning and your skin and subcutanous fat will churn out thousands of units of D3. The best sun, depending on the season and latitude, is the morning sun from say 8-10 Am, wherein the sunlight is predominantly UVB and burning is improbable. I make it a point to get as much sun as possible during the spring and summer months here in Pennsylvania. In winter and fall, and northern latitudes, by all mean supplement with D3 if necessary or better yet, eat clean oily fish like salmon et al. to get natural D3.

10th June 2019, 07:25 PM
You can tolerate more sun if you supplement with hyssop. Not a permanent addition to the diet. It seems to last for a few years.

11th June 2019, 04:01 AM
You can tolerate more sun if you supplement with hyssop. Not a permanent addition to the diet. It seems to last for a few years.

How is this hyssop supplement taken? Pill form or tea or essential oil?

11th June 2019, 04:42 AM
How is this hyssop supplement taken? Pill form or tea or essential oil?

I have only taken the vegi-cap option. Usually a bottle every 2-3 years with a capsule being taken daily. When I do this I notice I can tolerate the sun with no hint of burning.

You can also get seed and grow it in your garden.

11th June 2019, 04:58 AM
Just to show how insane most doctors are (unlike Mamboni here who knows how to heal the body), the doctors at the hospital told my father and mother that his diet did NOT cause his problem and that he can continue eating as he was !?!?!?!??!

And then I looked over the discharge papers and they told him to stop taking magnesium and CoQ-10 !?!?!?!??!

It's like everything is backwards and insane in this country.

11th June 2019, 05:48 AM
Just to show how insane most doctors are (unlike Mamboni here who knows how to heal the body), the doctors at the hospital told my father and mother that his diet did NOT cause his problem and that he can continue eating as he was !?!?!?!??!

And then I looked over the discharge papers and they told him to stop taking magnesium and CoQ-10 !?!?!?!??!

It's like everything is backwards and insane in this country.

Yep, Doctors today (Mamboni excluded of course) believe nutrition plays zero part in health. It was Hippocrates who said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He understood even then that you are what you eat. Most food today in America is processed food. You have to look for organic meat, vegetables, fruits etc. It's expensive but you can't put a price tag on your health. If I had more land where I am at I would plant a garden and grow my own food that way I could control the plants nutritional properties.

11th June 2019, 06:09 AM
Yep, Doctors today (Mamboni excluded of course) believe nutrition plays zero part in health. It was Hippocrates who said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He understood even then that you are what you eat. Most food today in America is processed food. You have to look for organic meat, vegetables, fruits etc. It's expensive but you can't put a price tag on your health. If I had more land where I am at I would plant a garden and grow my own food that way I could control the plants nutritional properties.

I have been buying mostly organic foods for years now. Unfortunately it is a crap shoot as far as knowing what you are getting. I just read an article claiming that according to their testing, almost all of the organic flour was contaminated with glyphosate (roundup). Even the organic beer in America has glyphosate in it.

Amanda, I hope your father is able and willing to follow a naturopathic protocol for his clogged arteries. It is a damn shame that our medical system has been subjugated to the interests of the filthy rich corporate 'owners' that have managed to control every aspect of our lives, to our detriment.

11th June 2019, 06:29 AM
Amanda, I hope your father is able and willing to follow a naturopathic protocol for his clogged arteries. It is a damn shame that our medical system has been subjugated to the interests of the filthy rich corporate 'owners' that have managed to control every aspect of our lives, to our detriment.

Woodman- Yes, he's totally on board with cleaning up his diet and following the Linus Pauling protocol, high vitamin k2, D3, and all the recommendations in Mamboni's post. My father is finally a bit angry with what happened, and all of the bullying and scare tactics he got.

11th June 2019, 06:50 AM
Woodman- Yes, he's totally on board with cleaning up his diet and following the Linus Pauling protocol, high vitamin k2, D3, and all the recommendations in Mamboni's post. My father is finally a bit angry with what happened, and all of the bullying and scare tactics he got.

Keep us posted on his journey.

11th June 2019, 07:07 AM
How is this hyssop supplement taken? Pill form or tea or essential oil?

Oregano, 0zero is correct, but obtuse as always.

11th June 2019, 09:14 AM
0zero is correct

"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow"
Psalms 51:7

11th June 2019, 04:47 PM
... high vitamin k2, D3, and all the recommendations in Mamboni's post ...

Vitamin K2 (MK7) with D3 Supplement (https://www.amazon.com/Vitamin-K2-MK7-Supplement-Vegetable/dp/B01GGFDVUI/ref=sxin_5_sxwds-bovbs?keywords=vitamin+k2+mk7&pd_rd_i=B01GGFDVUI&pd_rd_r=ef65ffd0-f2bf-4345-836f-d16760b07e8b&pd_rd_w=WylSn&pd_rd_wg=bQYyH&pf_rd_p=55b738be-ff12-48ad-8ad2-6a14afb06d32&pf_rd_r=0K47ZPPDYX7W698HJTJ5&qid=1560260677&s=gateway)

:(?? Anything better than this product Doctor Mamboni?

11th June 2019, 08:47 PM
Just to show how insane most doctors are (unlike Mamboni here who knows how to heal the body), the doctors at the hospital told my father and mother that his diet did NOT cause his problem and that he can continue eating as he was !?!?!?!??!

And then I looked over the discharge papers and they told him to stop taking magnesium and CoQ-10 !?!?!?!??!

It's like everything is backwards and insane in this country.Yes, everything is backwards and insane. The same doctors who told your father that his diet had no bearing on his heart disease would cheerfully prescribe a statin drug and a low cholesterol diet guaranteed to destroy his brain! These "doctors" are not even consistent. The modern healthcare edifice is a disease promotion-disease management arm of big pharma. It is designed to extract a person's total productive wealth by causing diseases (processed and industrial dead foods, sugar, transfats, glyphosphate-laced grains, etc.) and then charging exorbitant fees to manage these diseases (prescription drugs, high tech procedures, organ transplants etc.) and never promising to cure anything. When the US defeated Nazi Germany it took possession of Germany's large pharmaceutical companies which dominate domestic big pharma to this day. We inherited a literal Nazi-style experimental medicine model imposed on the people, purely for profits and to benefit the elite. Participating in todays' "healthcare" by buying insurance and relying on doctors and hospitals to manage your health is equivalent to becoming a human guinea pig for big pharma and committing slow motion suicide and resulting in family bankruptcy. Each one of us is responsible for his or own health and must exercise this responsibility through self education and action in order to escape this mass slaughterhouse that is modern healthcare.

11th June 2019, 09:02 PM
This supplement is good. I use a different one that is more economical: https://tinyurl.com/y6yhrmvy

12th June 2019, 03:45 AM
Yes, everything is backwards and insane. ...Each one of us is responsible for his or own health and must exercise this responsibility through self education and action in order to escape this mass slaughterhouse that is modern healthcare.

Here is a good place to start:


MEDICAL CARE is "amounts paid for". When I get a bill for MEDICAL CARE I generally respond "Am I licensed to provide MEDICAL CARE"?

12th June 2019, 04:59 AM
The heart bypasses bring a lot of money in to the hospitals. The total for my operation was about $150,000 and I was in the hospital for about a week and a half. A fellow I know that's my age was in the Dallas, Ft. Worth area when he had problems and had his operation there. His daughter told me his bypass operation total was about $350,000.

I was 63 years old when I had my operation and I had Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance that was costing me over $10,000 a year. My out of pocket cost was about $10,000.

12th June 2019, 09:41 AM
The same doctors who told your father that his diet had no bearing on his heart disease would cheerfully prescribe a statin drug and a low cholesterol diet guaranteed to destroy his brain! ...Each one of us is responsible for his or own health and must exercise this responsibility through self education and action in order to escape this mass slaughterhouse that is modern healthcare.

Agree with everything you said. Years ago the doctors did prescribe a statin for my father and it took it for a while until he developed neuropathy. The doctor was actually mad when he said he was stopping it. Then he was prescribed gabapentin for the neuropathy from the statin. He managed to get rid of the neuropathy with B12 and alpha lipoic. A couple of years ago the doctor tried to get my mother on a statin too. He was really mad when she said she was going to treat it naturally.

We managed to escape the "slaughterhouse" a couple of years ago when my elderly mother had her first gallbladder attack and they told her she had to have it removed. She came home, got a book on how to heal it naturally, and so far she hasn't had any other attacks.

Definitely wise to do your own research.

12th June 2019, 10:56 AM
Agree with everything you said. Years ago the doctors did prescribe a statin for my father and it took it for a while until he developed neuropathy. The doctor was actually mad when he said he was stopping it. Then he was prescribed gabapentin for the neuropathy from the statin. He managed to get rid of the neuropathy with B12 and alpha lipoic. A couple of years ago the doctor tried to get my mother on a statin too. He was really mad when she said she was going to treat it naturally.

We managed to escape the "slaughterhouse" a couple of years ago when my elderly mother had her first gallbladder attack and they told her she had to have it removed. She came home, got a book on how to heal it naturally, and so far she hasn't had any other attacks.

Definitely wise to do your own research.The reason the doctor was angry about the patient stopping statins is because he gets a kickback from the pharmaceutical company whenever the statin is purchased. Disgusting conflict of interest!

12th June 2019, 12:02 PM
The reason the doctor was angry about the patient stopping statins is because he gets a kickback from the pharmaceutical company whenever the statin is purchased. Disgusting conflict of interest!



12th June 2019, 07:25 PM
^ My uncles from town used to smoke Winston cigarettes and my uncles from the country smoked Bull Durham role you own. When I was six years old my uncle from town gave me a bottle of beer and a Winston cigarette and that got me started. :)

12th June 2019, 08:14 PM
The reason the doctor was angry about the patient stopping statins is because he gets a kickback from the pharmaceutical company whenever the statin is purchased. Disgusting conflict of interest!So the Doctor is the "hit man" who gets paid extra by big pharma Jews for slowly killing off the goyim.

13th June 2019, 04:36 AM
So the Doctor is the "hit man" who gets paid extra.

in the Quantum universe our subconscious creates everything. When you appear in a doctors' universe you are there because his subconscious developed the reason for your appearance. This means all diseases that result in an office call are creations of the doctors' mind. A successful doctor has many patients so you might do better seeking out a physician that drives a volkswagen rather than one who drives a porsche. Even better .... look for a veterinarian.

The way the system works ... when a cure is detected a disease must be found for the cure.

Seinfeld inflicted much harm on humanity by creating the disease EUROMYOTOSIS ... an infection caused by holding pee in the bladder for an excessive period of time. Untold thousands have died from this disease since he created it in a comedy skit. The remedy is obvious.

15th June 2019, 05:58 AM
Just to show how insane most doctors are (unlike Mamboni here who knows how to heal the body), the doctors at the hospital told my father and mother that his diet did NOT cause his problem and that he can continue eating as he was !?!?!?!??!

It's like everything is backwards and insane in this country

http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/303385/19741236/1344286343613/chris-hedges.jpg?token=DL%2Bj6LYrE8Oi%2BeS%2BjcAPf74mBtQ %3D

Intentionally so.

5th December 2019, 06:45 PM
bump. this thread could save your life.

8th January 2020, 02:49 PM
Agree with everything you said. Years ago the doctors did prescribe a statin for my father and it took it for a while until he developed neuropathy. The doctor was actually mad when he said he was stopping it. Then he was prescribed gabapentin for the neuropathy from the statin. He managed to get rid of the neuropathy with B12 and alpha lipoic. A couple of years ago the doctor tried to get my mother on a statin too. He was really mad when she said she was going to treat it naturally.

I refused to take the statin my doctor prescribed after reading this thread. Some here apparently dismiss our now-tiny forum, but for us remaining few it really does offer us kindred spirits "out there" a here-and-now acknowledgement that us few still exist on January 08, 2020:

“Patient Five” was in his late 50s when a trip to the doctors changed his life.
He had diabetes, and he had signed up for a study to see if taking a “statin” – a kind of cholesterol-lowering drug – might help. So far, so normal.
But soon after he began the treatment, his wife began to notice a sinister transformation. A previously reasonable man, he became explosively angry and – out of nowhere – developed a tendency for road rage. During one memorable episode, he warned his family to keep away, lest he put them in hospital. (https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200108-the-medications-that-change-who-we-are)
Out of fear of what might happen, Patient Five stopped driving. Even as a passenger, his outbursts often forced his wife to abandon their journeys and turn back. Afterwards, she’d leave him alone to watch TV and calm down. She became increasingly fearful for her own safety. (https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200108-the-medications-that-change-who-we-are)
Then one day, Patient Five had an epiphany. “He was like, ‘Wow, it really seems that these problems started when I enrolled in this study’,” says Beatrice Golomb, who leads a research group at the University of California, San Diego. (https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200108-the-medications-that-change-who-we-are)


8th January 2020, 03:06 PM
^ My uncles from town used to smoke Winston cigarettes and my uncles from the country smoked Bull Durham role you own. When I was six years old my uncle from town gave me a bottle of beer and a Winston cigarette and that got me started. :)

My grandfather used to roll his own. I think the brand of tobacco was called "Mule Train" and it came in a little white cloth pouch, but Bull Durham sounds familiar too.

8th January 2020, 03:09 PM
So the Doctor is the "hit man" who gets paid extra by big pharma Jews for slowly killing off the goyim.

That's pretty much it though a good doctor does not sell his services out to "the system". All of this goes for vaccines as well. People would rather just die of non-iatrogenic causes.

Fear is what makes us all do wrong things.

8th January 2020, 03:20 PM
Agree with everything you said. Years ago the doctors did prescribe a statin for my father and it took it for a while until he developed neuropathy. The doctor was actually mad when he said he was stopping it. Then he was prescribed gabapentin for the neuropathy from the statin. He managed to get rid of the neuropathy with B12 and alpha lipoic. A couple of years ago the doctor tried to get my mother on a statin too. He was really mad when she said she was going to treat it naturally.

We managed to escape the "slaughterhouse" a couple of years ago when my elderly mother had her first gallbladder attack and they told her she had to have it removed. She came home, got a book on how to heal it naturally, and so far she hasn't had any other attacks.

Definitely wise to do your own research.

I just stumbled on this thread today and having been reading comments from latest toward the earliest - backwards that is. But I have already learned a lot. Like neuropathy comes from statins. My dear brother started taking statins years ago and I had watched a lot of videos by MDs disputing their safety and efficacy so I tried sharing that with him but I think he is still on statins and is now battling the neuropathy and I think brain fog too.

I just was told I had high cholesterol like 256 and that my ratio ldl to hdl etc was not good but my doc said he decided not to treat it for now. I just ordered a bunch of supplements to try and deal with it in my own way. I do know that statins like Lipitor and others are definitely no good. They exist to bring down a fake number of the result of a fake lab test. It is all on paper and lots of green paper to the medical mafia.

8th January 2020, 03:33 PM
Thank you. Will look for and maybe try the shilajit resin. However, not trying new supplements is one of my New Year's resolutions.

I have been taking supplements of all kinds over the years and think they have helped me but recently learned I had to stop the Vitamin C for another weird condition that has come upon me.

8th January 2020, 04:01 PM
I refused to take the statin my doctor prescribed after reading this thread. Some here apparently dismiss our now-tiny forum, but for us remaining few it really does offer us kindred spirits "out there" a here-and-now acknowledgement that us few still exist on January 08, 2020:

My uncle took statins for his Dr prescribed cholesterol issue which was not why he visited for a regular check up as an old guy. (not a high reading for a dude in his mid 80's).

A few weeks later he noticed his balance was off when he would walk on an uneven surface like sidewalk. Doc gave him other stuff to counter never thinking it was the statins.

A couple weeks go by and my uncles legs got worse, to the point he didn't want to drive. Doc said he is just old and it comes with age. Uncle Ed then basically lost the use of his legs below the knees when I spoke with him. At the time he had leg braces, an attempt at walking which is basically like using stilts to do your every day activities.

He trusted his female doctor cause he felt she cared. She prescribed a myriad of things to counter each other and within 6 months they diagnosed him with prostate cancer.

On we go with this Bullshit. He is older than me so reasoning things is low from me. All aside the prostate, drain it a few times a month and those probs dont exist, I have no clue of what he did there. Anyways last resort chemo and whatever (I don't know details) And poof the dude was a zombie in 2 weeks. Last I talked to him he couldn't have an original thought except what his wife told him to say.

His wife called me last month, not a good sign. Uncle Ed was dead. I was adopted and this guy was the straightest up front guy I ever met. Not that my adopted parents totally sucked but If I had a choice... Wish I could have been more involved.

midnight rambler
8th January 2020, 04:25 PM
He trusted his Big Pharma saleslady cause he felt she cared.

Well I'm quite sure she does care, just not in the way he thinks she cares.

8th January 2020, 05:12 PM
Well I'm quite sure she does care, just not in the way he thinks she cares.

There is a thought gap between care and we don't give a fuck cause your a number. My 90+ year old uncle trusted her. In my mind I wonder how these people clear there heads after killing people.

8th January 2020, 06:40 PM
I just stumbled on this thread today and having been reading comments from latest toward the earliest - backwards that is. But I have already learned a lot. Like neuropathy comes from statins. My dear brother started taking statins years ago and I had watched a lot of videos by MDs disputing their safety and efficacy so I tried sharing that with him but I think he is still on statins and is now battling the neuropathy and I think brain fog too.

I just was told I had high cholesterol like 256 and that my ratio ldl to hdl etc was not good but my doc said he decided not to treat it for now. I just ordered a bunch of supplements to try and deal with it in my own way. I do know that statins like Lipitor and others are definitely no good. They exist to bring down a fake number of the result of a fake lab test. It is all on paper and lots of green paper to the medical mafia.

Vitamin B3 has been known to lower cholesterol. There is a study done by Dr. Hoffer in the early 20th century that proved it and he monitored them for years, and he is the foremost expert on Vitamin B3 supplementation and the beneficial results.

You can read it here: http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_cardio.html

You need Nicotinic Acid (I.E. it makes you flush YOU WANT THIS)

8th January 2020, 06:48 PM
Vitamin B3 has been known to lower cholesterol. There is a study done by Dr. Hoffer in the early 20th century that proved it and he monitored them for years, and he is the foremost expert on Vitamin B3 supplementation and the beneficial results.

You can read it here: http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_cardio.html

You need Nicotinic Acid (I.E. it makes you flush YOU WANT THIS)

I have been taking a B100 capsule for over a year. That includes 100 mg ob B3 as niacinamide -- same thing ?

I do get flushing sometimes so at least now I know why. Will get some more of my B100 pills as I just ran out and was going to discontinue it.

8th January 2020, 06:55 PM
Vitamin B3 has been known to lower cholesterol. There is a study done by Dr. Hoffer in the early 20th century that proved it and he monitored them for years, and he is the foremost expert on Vitamin B3 supplementation and the beneficial results.

You can read it here: http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_cardio.html

You need Nicotinic Acid (I.E. it makes you flush YOU WANT THIS)It is true that megadose Niacin will reduce cholesterol. However, cholesterol has nothing to do with arteriosclerotic heart disease. And taking a single B-vitamin in megadoses can cause deficiencies of the other B vitamins. The body uses cholesterol as a repair molecule. High cholesterol is a symptom of underlying disease (i.e. inflamed arteries from transfats and peroxidized vegetable oils, diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity etc.). Inhibiting cholesterol production with a statin is harmful. The body uses cholesterol to patch up damaged arteries (filling pot holes analogy) and then organizes these patches for final repair. Rather than emphasizing a single nutrient, it is best to give the body all 90 essential nutrients and eliminate the bad foods and allow the body to heal itself naturally.

8th January 2020, 07:04 PM
"However, cholesterol has nothing to do with arteriosclerotic heart disease. And taking a single B-vitamin in megadoses can cause deficiencies of the other B vitamins. The body uses cholesterol as a repair molecule. High cholesterol is a symptom of underlying disease (i.e. inflamed arteries from transfats and peroxidized vegetable oils, diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity etc.)."

Well said. I know enough to see the disconnect between high cholesterol and arteriosclerotic heart disease, but you stated it perfectly. I do need to clean up my diet and I think the reason I always listened to health videos and read books and took so many supplements was that I thought taking lots of supplements would make up for my poor diet. I used to order my birthday special meal and always would specify "no fruits, no vegetables."

The part about inflammation also rings true to my health status because I have at least two, and now maybe three, significant autoimmune inflammatory conditions.

I don't want to get off on another subject, but I am sure many here know about the difficulties of trying to get to the bottom of high inflammation and autoimmune symptoms and conditions.

8th January 2020, 07:08 PM
It is true that megadose Niacin will reduce cholesterol. However, cholesterol has nothing to do with arteriosclerotic heart disease. And taking a single B-vitamin in megadoses can cause deficiencies of the other B vitamins. The body uses cholesterol as a repair molecule. High cholesterol is a symptom of underlying disease (i.e. inflamed arteries from transfats and peroxidized vegetable oils, diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity etc.). Inhibiting cholesterol production with a statin is harmful. The body uses cholesterol to patch up damaged arteries (filling pot holes analogy) and then organizes these patches for final repair. Rather than emphasizing a single nutrient, it is best to give the body all 90 essential nutrients and eliminate the bad foods and allow the body to heal itself naturally.

I've come to the conclusion that we should take Mamboni seriously (not like "Jesus" seriously, but kinda) when it comes to nutrition.

How an M.D. got this smart, I don't know ;)

8th January 2020, 07:29 PM
It is true that megadose Niacin will reduce cholesterol. However, cholesterol has nothing to do with arteriosclerotic heart disease. And taking a single B-vitamin in megadoses can cause deficiencies of the other B vitamins. The body uses cholesterol as a repair molecule. High cholesterol is a symptom of underlying disease (i.e. inflamed arteries from transfats and peroxidized vegetable oils, diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity etc.). Inhibiting cholesterol production with a statin is harmful. The body uses cholesterol to patch up damaged arteries (filling pot holes analogy) and then organizes these patches for final repair. Rather than emphasizing a single nutrient, it is best to give the body all 90 essential nutrients and eliminate the bad foods and allow the body to heal itself naturally.

Yes, this is true. I was just pointing out a B3 vitamin straight Niacin Nicotinc Acid (Not Niacinamide.) Niacinamide is metabolized differently, and does not do anything with Cholesterol.

Also true high cholesterol indicates underlying problems within the body.

Dachise, clean up your diet. Cut out carbs, and sugar eat meat, fat, vegetables (organic preferred). Supplement with Vitamins and Minerals and your cholesterol will lower as your body repairs itself.

8th January 2020, 11:00 PM
I refused to take the statin my doctor prescribed after reading this thread. Some here apparently dismiss our now-tiny forum, but for us remaining few it really does offer us kindred spirits "out there" a here-and-now acknowledgement that us few still exist on January 08, 2020:

This is a good breakdown on the issue if you've not seen this video:


If you're interested watch other videos on the channel.

Statins are also designed to reduce testosterone. There's a reason why they are so heavily pushed by the same company that also sells "male enhancement" pills, Pfizer.

9th January 2020, 04:37 AM
Dachise also look into fasting. That alone will super charge your bodies healing ability. I'm working toward a 4/20 intermittent fasting routine. (Fasting for 20 hours, and only have a 4 hour window to eat.)

HGH increases during fasting after your glycogen stores are used up which takes only a few hours on a fast. HGH and Insulin are inverse of each other. If Insulin is high, inflammation is also likely high. Insulin is low, HGH is high. HGH is responsible for fat metabolism as well as triggering cellular repair and reducing inflammation.

9th January 2020, 05:00 AM
Dachise also look into fasting. That alone will super charge your bodies healing ability. I'm working toward a 4/20 intermittent fasting routine. (Fasting for 20 hours, and only have a 4 hour window to eat.)

HGH increases during fasting after your glycogen stores are used up which takes only a few hours on a fast. HGH and Insulin are inverse of each other. If Insulin is high, inflammation is also likely high. Insulin is low, HGH is high. HGH is responsible for fat metabolism as well as triggering cellular repair and reducing inflammation.

Yes, I have been doing intermittent fasting since August 2018. 3-4 days a month I don’t follow the schedule and eat a breakfast, and sometimes I do 14 hours intermittent fasting sometimes 20. I have lost maybe 15-20 lbs, but I have lost more in fat and gained some muscle. I am not doing any exercise, only my work, which is physical in nature. I am sure the effects is from increase in human growth hormone levels, which is a rejuvenating hormone. My patients tell me I look younger. I think this may be one of the most important things you can do for longevity and health. Also helps with cleaning out “junk” from your system, when your intestines and liver gets a respite from digestion.

9th January 2020, 05:08 AM
Yes, I have been doing intermittent fasting since August 2018. 3-4 days a month I don’t follow the schedule and eat a breakfast, and sometimes I do 14 hours intermittent fasting sometimes 20. I have lost maybe 15-20 lbs, but I have lost more in fat and gained some muscle. I am not doing any exercise, only my work, which is physical in nature. I am sure the effects is from increase in human growth hormone levels, which is a rejuvenating hormone. My patients tell me I look younger. I think this may be one of the most important things you can do for longevity and health. Also helps with cleaning out “junk” from your system, when your intestines and liver gets a respite from digestion.

It is, I've been taking martial arts training for the past couple of years and part of that training is high intensity burn outs, basically doing a routing to the point of exhaustion. This has been shown in numerous studies to boost HGH levels by up to 2000% (Fasting + high intensity exercise). HGH is responsible for turning back the clock at a cellular level. Keep it up long enough (i.e. years,) you're looking at increasing your lifespan significantly. Some mice studies have shown an 80% increase in lifespan. I know humans are not mice, but if a mouse can increase its lifespan by fasting, it stands to reason that a human lifespan will also increase significantly as we have a slower metabolism than a mouse.

9th January 2020, 09:33 AM
I just stumbled on this thread today and having been reading comments from latest toward the earliest - backwards that is. But I have already learned a lot. Like neuropathy comes from statins. My dear brother started taking statins years ago and I had watched a lot of videos by MDs disputing their safety and efficacy so I tried sharing that with him but I think he is still on statins and is now battling the neuropathy and I think brain fog too.

I just was told I had high cholesterol like 256 and that my ratio ldl to hdl etc was not good but my doc said he decided not to treat it for now. I just ordered a bunch of supplements to try and deal with it in my own way. I do know that statins like Lipitor and others are definitely no good. They exist to bring down a fake number of the result of a fake lab test. It is all on paper and lots of green paper to the medical mafia.

If you haven’t already watch this video Tumbleweed posted:


9th January 2020, 09:57 AM
Dachise also look into fasting. That alone will super charge your bodies healing ability. I'm working toward a 4/20 intermittent fasting routine. (Fasting for 20 hours, and only have a 4 hour window to eat.)

HGH increases during fasting after your glycogen stores are used up which takes only a few hours on a fast. HGH and Insulin are inverse of each other. If Insulin is high, inflammation is also likely high. Insulin is low, HGH is high. HGH is responsible for fat metabolism as well as triggering cellular repair and reducing inflammation.

Yes, fasting is something that seems even more do-able for me than moving to mostly meat and fat (keto ?) diet.
I had to be emergency admitted and found out I had cholelithiasis (gallstones) and had very high liver enzymes and jaundice. Did not have pain or history of gallstones - just extreme uncomfortableness. I stopped eating 8 days before I went to emergency room because I would vomit after attempting to eat. I also was fasting in hospital for tests and laparoscopic surgery for several days so for like 12 or more days I did not eat and what was so amazing to me is that I was not at all hungry ever all during that time.

9th January 2020, 10:25 AM
Yes, fasting is something that seems even more do-able for me than moving to mostly meat and fat (keto ?) diet.
I had to be emergency admitted and found out I had cholelithiasis (gallstones) and had very high liver enzymes and jaundice. Did not have pain or history of gallstones - just extreme uncomfortableness. I stopped eating 8 days before I went to emergency room because I would vomit after attempting to eat. I also was fasting in hospital for tests and laparoscopic surgery for several days so for like 12 or more days I did not eat and what was so amazing to me is that I was not at all hungry ever all during that time.

Check out this video. He lays out the benefits of fasting even up to 72 hours or more:


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhmtoAYVRSo

9th January 2020, 12:59 PM
Check out this video. He lays out the benefits of fasting even up to 72 hours or more:


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhmtoAYVRSo

Thanks for posting on this--I'm definitely interested in doing this. I'm hoping in a month or so I can get there.

Also, quick update on my father: he's basically NOT following the protocol. At first he did, but then since he wasn't feeling symptoms, he just stopped doing it. We got him powders to stir in juice or water 3x/day, but the retired guy can't seem to fit it in. He still does the Vitamin K2. And now he's back on sugar (cookies). I'm staying out of it and letting my mother pressure him.

He also stopped focusing on it (linus pauling protocol) b/c he got a new problem of severe arthritis in his hands. He had minor arthritis all along in his shoulder, and prior to finding out about the clogged arteries, I told him to get off the nightshades. Of course, he didn't listen to me, and went ahead and planted a whole garden full of tomatoes and was eating them by himself b/c my mother doesn't like them. So his hands blew up with extremely painful arthritis and he's pretty much disabled by it, so he hasn't been focusing on the Linus Pauling protocol, since he doesn't have symptoms from that, but the pain in his hands is severe. Anyway, he finally stopped the tomotoes, but keeps messing up the elimination of the nightshades (we read Dr. Sherry Rogers and she says get off them for 8 weeks or so and it improves arthritis in lots of people). He kept messing up, eating potatoes or peppers, and the arthritis would get worse again. So, as of Jan he's starting all over again.

So that's that.

Thanks again to everyone for the good info here. I definitely plan on getting into the fasting soon. Maybe keto too.

10th January 2020, 06:33 AM
Thanks for posting on this--I'm definitely interested in doing this. I'm hoping in a month or so I can get there.

Also, quick update on my father: he's basically NOT following the protocol. At first he did, but then since he wasn't feeling symptoms, he just stopped doing it. We got him powders to stir in juice or water 3x/day, but the retired guy can't seem to fit it in. He still does the Vitamin K2. And now he's back on sugar (cookies). I'm staying out of it and letting my mother pressure him.

He also stopped focusing on it (linus pauling protocol) b/c he got a new problem of severe arthritis in his hands. He had minor arthritis all along in his shoulder, and prior to finding out about the clogged arteries, I told him to get off the nightshades. Of course, he didn't listen to me, and went ahead and planted a whole garden full of tomatoes and was eating them by himself b/c my mother doesn't like them. So his hands blew up with extremely painful arthritis and he's pretty much disabled by it, so he hasn't been focusing on the Linus Pauling protocol, since he doesn't have symptoms from that, but the pain in his hands is severe. Anyway, he finally stopped the tomotoes, but keeps messing up the elimination of the nightshades (we read Dr. Sherry Rogers and she says get off them for 8 weeks or so and it improves arthritis in lots of people). He kept messing up, eating potatoes or peppers, and the arthritis would get worse again. So, as of Jan he's starting all over again.

So that's that.

Thanks again to everyone for the good info here. I definitely plan on getting into the fasting soon. Maybe keto too.

I do not know your medical history, but be careful with Keto if you have diabetes. You can put your body into a dangerous sometimes fatal condition called Diabetic Ketoacidosis.

However if you do not have diabetes, Keto will be of a huge benefit.

10th January 2020, 06:40 AM
Thanks. No health problems here--my main interest in keto is simply that I've heard it's very healthy (I've been following a lot of Dr. Berg's youtubes on keto) I've always been low-carb for the most part, so it shouldn't be a hard shift.

10th January 2020, 06:43 AM
Thanks. No health problems here--my main interest in keto is simply that I've heard it's very healthy (I've been following a lot of Dr. Berg's youtubes on keto) I've always been low-carb for the most part, so it shouldn't be a hard shift.

Okay good, Keto is really only a concern with individuals who are diabetic. So just wanted to do my due diligence and offer that warning in case you weren't aware. Glad to hear it should not be an issue as I shuffle between Keto and Paleo for the most part.

26th January 2020, 09:21 PM
Ran across this video today and hope it has not been posted before.

He named some tests I think I might ask my doctor to run on me...like

inflammatory markers show heart attack or stroke risk

sed rate esr

C reactive protein

C peptide level

ferotin level

a lot of doctors are still prescribing statins to lower cholesterol and this doctor says that is just not so at all.

I think many people may be afraid to go off of statins so they need some help in maybe going off of them in the right safe way.

part about height to waste ratio was also very interesting.


KETO Increased Your Cholesterol?? (Here’s why It's OK) ��
•Mar 25, 2018
994K subscribers
Your doctor telling you that your cholesterol level has gone up can be scary. Your doctor telling you that you need to take a Statin for your cholesterol can be terrifying.

Let me calm your fears and tell you exactly what you should worry about with respect to the risk of heart attack and stroke. It's not what you think, and it's not what you've probably been told.

There is a huge paradigm shift in medicine and nutrition. We have all be tricked to fear saturated fat and cholesterol, and now we are slowly realizing that neither of these nutrients are dangerous.