View Full Version : The border crisis set to go to the next level

midnight rambler
6th June 2019, 11:32 PM
How are a bunch of poor niggers from a turd world shithole able to make it to south Texas in such large numbers?

Do the math.

“More than 27,000 of the individuals arrested this year (just in the Del Rio sector), over 80 percent, are from approximately 38 countries other than Mexico.”




7th June 2019, 12:17 AM
How are a bunch of poor niggers from a turd world shithole able to make it to south Texas in such large numbers?

Do the math.




George Soros et al. He did it for Europe, and then he blamed it on Putin...

Half Sense
7th June 2019, 08:25 AM
The Melting Pot theory is undergoing a stress test.

7th June 2019, 08:57 AM
The Melting Pot theory is undergoing a stress test.

The purpose is to melt the pot...

old steel
7th June 2019, 10:21 AM
It gets even better, here is what a Mexican senator named Félix Salgado Macedonio (https://twitter.com/FelixSalMac) had to say about it.

Trump pelos de elote, ni creas que te tenemos miedo. Los Mexicanos estamos en nuestro territorio ( California, Nevada,Texas, Utah,Nuevo México, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado y Wyoming) Vamos a recuperar nuestro territorio que nos robaron. ¡Viva AMLO cabrones !

Translated in English reads as:

“Trump corn husks, do not think we’re afraid of you. Mexicans are in our territory (California, Nevada, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Wyoming) We are going to recover our territory that was stolen. Viva AMLO bastards!…”

(AMLO) is the abbreviation for the Mexican president.

midnight rambler
7th June 2019, 10:25 AM
It gets even better, here is what a Mexican senator named Félix Salgado Macedonio (https://twitter.com/FelixSalMac) had to say about it.

Trump pelos de elote, ni creas que te tenemos miedo. Los Mexicanos estamos en nuestro territorio ( California, Nevada,Texas, Utah,Nuevo México, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado y Wyoming) Vamos a recuperar nuestro territorio que nos robaron. ¡Viva AMLO cabrones !

Translated in English reads as:

“Trump corn husks, do not think we’re afraid of you. Mexicans are in our territory (California, Nevada, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Wyoming) We are going to recover our territory that was stolen. Viva AMLO bastards!…”

(AMLO) is the abbreviation for the Mexican president.

Wondering how much of this Mexican senator's ancestry is Spaniard...if even 1% then he and the rest of the Spaniard invaders' descendants need to return Mexico to the remaining Mayans and Aztecs (if any).

7th June 2019, 12:00 PM
Wondering how much of this Mexican senator's ancestry is Spaniard...if even 1% then he and the rest of the Spaniard invaders' descendants need to return Mexico to the remaining Mayans and Aztecs (if any).

By his looks, not much more than a % I would say...


7th June 2019, 12:14 PM
America is toast!

Of the 1 million plus illegals coming in just this year and all the other illegals already here, I'm willing to bet every female from 11 years old and up is pregnant right now with their anchor baby. Soon we will see third world brown and blacks breeding 1 million anchor babies a year, which will compound over the next 15 years. Game over folks, the globalist win. Nothing short of a civil war will change the fact whites will be a minority in the not too distant future.

I feel very fortunate to have grown up and lived in the greatest time in our history. I am saddened for what I will be leaving behind.

Data: Average of 124K Anchor Babies Born in U.S. This Year So Far
JOHN BINDER6 Jun 20191,334

An average of about 124,000 children of illegal aliens, commonly referred to as “anchor babies,” have been born in the United States this year thus far, analysis of Census Bureau data concludes.
In the first five months of 2019, about 124,000 children of illegal aliens were born on U.S. soil, thus solidifying their permanent American citizenship due to the nation’s birthright citizenship policy. The total derives from a Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) analysis of Census Bureau data, which reveals that, on average, about 300,000 anchor babies are born in the country every year, with nearly 25,000 anchor babies born every month.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled that the children of illegal aliens must be granted birthright citizenship and many legal scholars dispute the idea.

The children of illegal aliens, after being granted birthright citizenship, are able to anchor their illegal alien and non-citizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the legal immigration process known as “chain migration.”

Today, there are at least 4.5 million anchor babies in the U.S., exceeding the annual roughly four million American babies born every year and costing American taxpayers about $2.4 billion every year to subsidize hospital costs.

Though President Donald Trump has routinely denounced birthright citizenship, his promise in October 2018 to end the policy has yet to come to fruition.

The annual number of anchor babies born in the U.S. exceeds the number of births in 16 states plus the District of Colombia, combined. For example, there are more than 30 times as many anchor babies born every year than the total number of children born to native-born Americans in the state of Delaware.

Similarly, there are more than 22 times as many anchor babies born every year in the country than there are children born to native-born Americans in the state of South Dakota. The anchor baby population in the U.S. is almost twice the amount of residents living in the U.S. territory of Guam and more than double the population of the U.S. Virgin Islands, where a projected 107,000 residents live.

In total, there are now an unprecedented nearly 62 million immigrants and their U.S.-born children living across the country, as Breitbart News has previously reported. As of 2017, there were 17.1 million U.S.-born minor children of immigrants in the country.

The U.S. is nearly alone in granting birthright citizenship to the children of foreign nationals and, specifically, illegal aliens. For example, the U.S. and Canada are the only two developed nations with birthright citizenship. On the other hand, countries such as France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, and Germany all have either outlawed birthright citizenship or never had such a policy to begin with.

While foreign nationals and illegal aliens continue to take advantage of the country’s birthright citizenship policy, the foreign-born population has boomed to a 108-year record high. In 1970, the total foreign-born population in the U.S. was 9.5 million.

Today, foreign-born residents account for nearly 14 percent of the total U.S. population, and by 2060, the Census Bureau projects that about one-in-six residents in the U.S. will be foreign-born if the country’s legal immigration policy continues.

The country’s legal immigration policy is already having widespread electoral implications. In the 2020 presidential election, Pew Research Center projects that about one-in-ten U.S. voters will have been born outside the country, and Hispanic Americans are set to outpace black Americans as the largest voting minority in the election for the first time in American history.

In the next two decades, should the country’s legal immigration policy go unchanged, the U.S. is set to import about 15 million new foreign-born voters. About eight million of these new foreign-born voters will have arrived through chain migration.

Foreign-born voters, as research by Axios, the New York Times, University of Maryland, College Park researcher James Gimpel, and Ronald Brownstein has confirmed, are more likely than native-born Americans to vote for Democrats.

Brownstein’s research concludes that Democrats win about 90 percent of congressional districts that have foreign-born populations above the national average. This suggests that any district with a foreign-born population larger than 14 percent has a 90 percent chance of electing a Democrat over a Republican.

The 2016 presidential election between then-candidate Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed a similar trend.

For example, among native-born Americans, Trump won 49 percent to Clinton’s 45 percent, according to exit polling data. Among foreign-born residents, Clinton dominated against Trump, garnering 64 percent of the immigrant population’s vote compared to Trump’s mere 31 percent.

(CNN Exit Polls)

Every year, the U.S. admits about 1.2 million mostly low-skilled legal immigrants, who compete directly against at least 12 million working- and middle-class Americans that continue to be sidelined out of the labor market but who want a good-paying, full-time job.

Due to legal immigration driving most of the U.S. population growth, the country is on track to add nearly 80 million new residents to the population by 2060. This would tick the total resident population up from the current level of about 326 million to an unprecedented 404 million total residents.


7th June 2019, 12:21 PM
By his looks, not much more than a % I would say...


Her arm is peaches and cream, so she is white, as demographic charts would indicate. She only looks ethnic, not Northern European, but many slavic women look ethnic and are still white, as she is.

Blur out his face and he has roughly the spray on orange tan of trump.

Most Mexican males, I don't like, but I am not going to be splitting hairs over them in general.

Native Americans are the indigenous people and don't go around doing drive-by like niggers.

They want jobs and opportunity. Same arguments were used against European immigrants 100 years ago, 'they bring crime and take our jobs'. When they were hard working and got rich in America becoming CEOs to rich farmers.

There is an actual problem with niggers, unlike any other demographic, except jews.


midnight rambler
7th June 2019, 12:29 PM
By his looks, not much more than a % I would say...


I guarantee you he's nowhere near 100% indig. NO ONE in the middle class and above in Mexico is mostly Mayan.

Half Sense
7th June 2019, 05:41 PM
They will get here just in time to find low paying jobs wiping Baby Boomer butts and paying ultra-high taxes just to learn it ain't America no more but some kind of 3rd world idocracy. So they'll fit right in.

7th June 2019, 08:14 PM
US makes deal with Mexico on tariffs, immigration, Trump announces


Frenzied last-minute talks to avoid looming US tariffs on Mexico (http://video.foxnews.com/v/6045862002001)

President Trump plans to sit down with top aides and decide if Mexico is doing enough to avert his threat of immediate 5 percent tariffs; FBN's Susan Li reports.

The U.S. has reached an agreement with Mexico (https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/world-regions/location-mexico) that heads off the start of tariffs on Monday.
The deal, announced by President Trump via tweet on Friday night, is said to include plans to return migrants seeking asylum to Mexico (https://www.foxnews.com/category/us/immigration), where they will remain until their claims can be processed.

"I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico. The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended," he said. "Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to....stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. Details of the agreement will be released shortly by the State Department. Thank you!"

HUNDREDS OF AFRICAN MIGRANTS CROSS US-MEXICAN BORDER IN TEXAS OVER PAST WEEK: REPORTS (https://www.foxnews.com/us/the-latest-group-of-116-africans-arrested-at-border)

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)Donald J. Trump
I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico. The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended. Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to....

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)Donald J. Trump
....stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. Details of the agreement will be released shortly by the State Department. Thank you!

Trump had taken a tough position toward Mexico (https://www.foxnews.com/world/isis-plot-westerners-mexico-border) earlier in the day, tweeting, "If we are unable to make the deal, Mexico will begin paying Tariffs at the 5% level on Monday!" Mexico was able to avoid these tariffs on farm and agricultural products, according to Trump's announcement.

Mexico promises to deploy its National Guard throughout Mexico, particularly at the border, increase actions to dismantle human trafficking operations to smuggle individuals across the border, and take extra steps to coordinate with the American government to share information and "better protect and secure our common border," according to a statement from the State Department.

Even members within Trump's party had, in the days leading up to Friday's announcement, advised against imposing tariffs on Mexico, warning of the calamity it could cause for both nation's economies. Also of concern: the possibility of hindering a trade deal with Mexico and Canada.

Trump was proposing a 5 percent tariff on Mexcian goods, which would increase up to 25 percent every month, potentially harming American consumers and manufacturers who purchased $378 billion worth of Mexican imports in 2018.

Some Democrats responded with ire even in the wake of the new deal. One was 2020 presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke, who tweeted: "The damage of Trump's reckless trade policies and tariffs has already been done. What we see is yet another example of him trying to be both the arsonist who created this problem in the first place and the firefighter who wants credit for addressing it."

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1018220845829951489/k52zY0rS_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/BetoORourke)Beto O'Rourke
The damage of Trump's reckless trade policies and tariffs has already been done. What we see is yet another example of him trying to be both the arsonist who created this problem in the first place and the firefighter who wants credit for addressing it. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/06/08/trump-mexico-agreement-tariff-deadline-ac360-vpx.cnn … (https://t.co/ptxkwMDys4)


Trump: Tariffs on Mexican imports indefinitely suspended - CNN Video

President Donald Trump said tariffs on Mexican goods are "indefinitely suspended" after negotiators from the US and Mexico were able to reach a deal on immigration enforcement. CNN's Joe Johns...
cnn.com (https://t.co/ptxkwMDys4)

Nonetheless, Republican leader Kevin Brady of the House Ways and Means Committee congratulated Trump on the agreement, calling it a "strong win for Texas and America."

7th June 2019, 10:56 PM
Her arm is peaches and cream, so she is white, as demographic charts would indicate. She only looks ethnic, not Northern European, but many slavic women look ethnic and are still white, as she is.

Blur out his face and he has roughly the spray on orange tan of trump.

If you squint your eyes, they look like Spanish (but only the type that were bastardized by the ayrabs)... ;D

She is whiteish-skinned because she spend all her time indoors, and... errr, she isn’t part Slavic.

7th June 2019, 11:51 PM
If you squint your eyes, they look like Spanish (but only the type that were bastardized by the ayrabs)... ;D

She is whiteish-skinned because she spend all her time indoors, and... errr, she isn’t part Slavic.

The Muslims were kicked out of Sicily and Spain. Jews converted into the Spanish and Central Meds. S. France is more Arab than Sicily. This 'you are Arab because you look Neolithic HG Native European'. The Southern Native Europeans looked like Italian women.

That is what the native Europeans looked like before this happened:


The Swedes call them the most murderous because they killed of most of the Nordic people of Europe, with many of the victims looking like ethnic Northern Italian women.

White babies = whites. Ability to tan does not make anyone less white.

Peach and cream colored skin, means low chance of shit-skinned in ancestry. That is the main issue in violence on a small scale of your neighbor killing you for $41.50 in your wallet.

Native Americans belong in the Americas, niggers (after slavery ended) don't, negros serve no purpose in America. Unless you are saying African migrants to Europe can tell Native Europeans where to live in Europe, even kick them out of their country.

If any are Y-DNA A, B or E1a African in the Americas, ship those individuals out to Africa.

Bolivia has the highest American Indian ancestry in the Western World. And they are so resolute in opposing the jewish-zionist disorder world,


Americans are living on borrowed Native American land, unless you support theft of land, in the manner that niggers steal. But niggers don't produce anything on stolen land, they steal the land and blame whitey nigger are too stupid to figure out what to do to make success. So niggers are caught in a cycle of stealing and not producing or building.

Native Americans are not the enemy. Jews would like them fighting Westerners, because jews hate Westerners and American Indians. Divide and Conquer.

The jews rallied all the shit on the jewish team, so it is really easy to figure out who to hate.

These are sri lankans

https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https:%2F%2Fwww.unicef.org%2Fsrilan ka%2Fsites%2Funicef.org.srilanka%2Ffiles%2Fstyles% 2Fstandard_banner%2Fpublic%2F2018-06%2FEarl%2520Jayasuriya%2520182.jpg%3Fitok%3DDTmH t6_W&sp=b071d3f448c11ac1d7960feb403a35a2

There is not anything wrong with the because of having dark skin, a lesser race, but not shit-skinned negros who only know how to steal and destroy, they were never purified and thus never got white skin.

Sri lankans can be taught to hate the negro because anyone living next to inner city niggers will find out niggers hate them.

8th June 2019, 03:13 AM
C.Martel are you mixed race?

8th June 2019, 05:28 AM
Americans are living on borrowed Native American land, unless you support theft of land, in the manner that niggers steal.

Saudi Arabia is set to become home to the largest hotel in the world with a whopping 10.000 rooms.



What did the fat lazy diabetic Saudi Jews do to deserve "owning" all that oil land forever?


8th June 2019, 10:23 AM
Saudi Arabia is set to become home to the largest hotel in the world with a whopping 10.000 rooms.



What did the fat lazy diabetic Saudi Jews do to deserve "owning" all that oil land forever?


Recently they made a hundred billion weapons deal with Trumpstein to extend their lease...
https://www-telegraph-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/i/www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2017/05/22/TELEMMGLPICT000129593188-xxlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqNJjoeBT78QIaYdkJdEY4CnGT JFJS74MYhNY6w3GNbO8.jpeg

8th June 2019, 10:49 AM
C.Martel are you mixed race?

No, I am not a 'us vs them' nigger.

Niggers are 'us vs them', I like the East Asian Chinese, I like the diversity of Nordic/German and Italian and Balkan Europeans.

I want all people with good genes and non-genocidal (like jews and niggers are), to co-operate to defeat the jewish-nigger NWdisOrder.

Niggers don't simply have inferior genes, they have genes to do evil.

8th June 2019, 11:11 AM
Saudi Arabia is set to become home to the largest hotel in the world with a whopping 10.000 rooms.



What did the fat lazy diabetic Saudi Jews do to deserve "owning" all that oil land forever?


So niggers could enter Germany and steal German coal and other resources in the 1800s, is that your point.

If it on their Arabian land, and the corporations share the profits with white/mixed arabs to let them keep the money. And most of the men there are Aryans. What is the issue.

Africa was never going to be developed, should have left it alone, or never changed policy on colonialism. To lift up Arabs 'out of poverty' of living in tents and cities, did not mean the genocide of whites. Saudis rarely leave their homeland.

Sub-saharans being helped out is the ruin of the world. They can be worse than jews. Jews will destroy your government, negros will destroy your cities. How safe is Dubai? Very safe compared to Detroit and Jew York.

Most Arabs look and act white. Especially those in the Northern Middle East.

This was where whites were thousands of years ago according to Coon:


Arabs stayed relatively white, stay in their white homeland of Arabia, except for taking some non-white wives who lived near East Africa and ruining some of their genes. Don't marry a negress, some of them did, with some becoming darker in skin color.

9th June 2019, 12:43 AM
Speaking of Booms, without the constant cries to Uncle Sam for constant economic and drugged booms from Hippy Boomers.

None of this would've possibly started to occur.

Though I also do not see it promulgating itself much further with nothing of value left in U.S. currency and any social support system either bust or corrupt.


9th June 2019, 02:01 AM
Most Arabs look and act white. Especially those in the Northern Middle East.

Not true. Arabs originate from the Arab peninsula. Sure there are mixes from the countries they subsequently invaded, which are less Arab looking, but all those countries, that are considered Arab, have a population that behave Arab, even though genetically they may be less than 50% Arab. Did you ever visit any Arab countries? If so how can you claim they behave like white?

9th June 2019, 05:30 AM
No, I am not a 'us vs them' nigger.

Are you white?

9th June 2019, 09:44 AM
Not true. Arabs originate from the Arab peninsula. Sure there are mixes from the countries they subsequently invaded, which are less Arab looking, but all those countries, that are considered Arab, have a population that behave Arab, even though genetically they may be less than 50% Arab. Did you ever visit any Arab countries? If so how can you claim they behave like white?

I was in Syria in '03-'04. It seemed like some of the population looked "more white" than others. Me thinks the area was better off before the Arab invasion [by the Byzantines] even compared to now. Yeah, we have the modern electronic amenities now, but looking at some of the Roman/Byzantine ruins -- they had it pretty good even back then.

My favourite place that I visited was a Crusader Castle -- Krak des Chevaliers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krak_des_Chevaliers

9th June 2019, 09:58 AM
America is toast!

Of the 1 million plus illegals coming in just this year and all the other illegals already here, I'm willing to bet every female from 11 years old and up is pregnant right now with their anchor baby. Soon we will see third world brown and blacks breeding 1 million anchor babies a year, which will compound over the next 15 years. Game over folks, the globalist win. Nothing short of a civil war will change the fact whites will be a minority in the not too distant future.

I feel very fortunate to have grown up and lived in the greatest time in our history. I am saddened for what I will be leaving behind.

Data: Average of 124K Anchor Babies Born in U.S. This Year So Far
JOHN BINDER6 Jun 20191,334

How many illegals are dying in our country each year? Or deported? Old age, violence, etc. If the number of illegals who die or get deported is more than the number coming in, the problem will get fixed over time.

We've got to give Trump's wall time to work. It's a turtle race with this one. Slow progress.

9th June 2019, 03:31 PM
I was in Syria in '03-'04...My favourite place that I visited was a Crusader Castle -- Krak des Chevaliers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krak_des_Chevaliers


10th June 2019, 02:48 AM
I was in Syria in '03-'04. It seemed like some of the population looked "more white" than others. Me thinks the area was better off before the Arab invasion [by the Byzantines] even compared to now. Yeah, we have the modern electronic amenities now, but looking at some of the Roman/Byzantine ruins -- they had it pretty good even back then.

My favourite place that I visited was a Crusader Castle -- Krak des Chevaliers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krak_des_Chevaliers
Absolutely, Syria used to have, prior to Bush/Clinton’s civil war, sizable minorities that were not Sunni Arab, who definitely were more white, originating from the original Caucasian population, they belonged to the upper classes usually, many of them Christians, some Persian original population mixture, and a large part mixed Arab-Syriani, most of them Sunni barbarians. I was there in ‘92. I would imagine that in many areas the non-Sunni minorities are gone.

10th June 2019, 11:54 AM
Absolutely, Syria used to have, prior to Bush/Clinton’s civil war, sizable minorities that were not Sunni Arab, who definitely were more white, originating from the original Caucasian population, they belonged to the upper classes usually, many of them Christians, some Persian original population mixture, and a large part mixed Arab-Syriani, most of them Sunni barbarians. I was there in ‘92. I would imagine that in many areas the non-Sunni minorities are gone.

Yeah, you might be correct. I personally would like to go back once Assad wins the war. I never got a chance to go to Palmyra. Would like to check it out. Plus, it is cheap, cheap to live there so meals were cheap. I went to a turkish bath and then to a 5-star restaurant in Damascus for under US $10.

Another thing than surprised me was the amount of nativity scenes that were there [I was there during Christmas]. It was in stark contrast to the amount that could be seen in the US/Canada. Not all women wore head-scarves. I was told they were Christian. Beer/Alcohol was readily available. I was very well treated, unlike on the Israeli side.

If you're curious, I was a part of UNDOF. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Disengagement_Observer_Force

12th June 2019, 09:37 AM
Privately paid for wall gate pad locked OPEN by the feds LOL



12th June 2019, 12:59 PM
Privately paid for wall gate pad locked OPEN by the feds LOL



So, it's their property, break the lock and shut the gate again!