View Full Version : Trumpstein is a Trojan horse gungrabber at heart

midnight rambler
7th June 2019, 10:33 AM
"Seriously" considering banning suppressors -


midnight rambler
7th June 2019, 10:35 AM
Newsflash asshole: suppressors are never used in crimes, with this ONE recent exception.

midnight rambler
7th June 2019, 10:53 AM
ABC nooz reports that Virginia shooter had LEGALLY purchased the suppressor he used.

So much for your fucking DEEP NFA level FBI background check.


7th June 2019, 03:38 PM
ABC nooz reports that Virginia shooter had LEGALLY purchased the suppressor he used.

So much for your fucking DEEP NFA level FBI background check.


It had to be legal. A better position to then demand a ban.

7th June 2019, 05:11 PM
Instead of banning silencers,

Ban negros from getting firearms:


If you go by gender and age, it gets to about 5-6% of 'Americans' commit 50% of homicides. That is a 10 fold increase. Ban negros if you can't ban negros getting guns. Deport them to Liberia.

Guns don't kill people, never has a gun decided to kill a person. Negros do.

What jews do is divert blaming the criminal and instead blame someone or something else.