View Full Version : Trumpstein is a total con

midnight rambler
16th June 2019, 02:42 PM
Don the Con.


old steel
16th June 2019, 03:04 PM
I had high hopes for Trump but he is a Zionist through and through.

Still, Barry Soetero was worse.

He destroyed the military, did everything in his power to destroy the country from within.

Wasn't even born in the USA.

16th June 2019, 03:40 PM
"Trump Heights" :rolleyes:

old steel
16th June 2019, 03:43 PM
I take it that the unrelenting leftist attacks from Democrats and Rhinos directed towards Trump are to convince the conservatives following Trump that he is the real deal?

16th June 2019, 04:18 PM
You guys can find Trump hate articles all day long and you can think what you want about him, but
Trump has exposed the the massive corruption in government
Trump has exposed and called out the deadbeat countries that have been screwing the US for decades
Trump has exposed the insanity of the liberal leftists
Trump has exposed the traitors in congress, both Republican and Democrat
Trump has finally brought the invasion of illegals to the forefront
Trump has stirred-up the revolution spirit in patriotic Americans
Trump will ignite the 2nd American Civil War you've all been waiting for

old steel
16th June 2019, 04:40 PM
You guys can find Trump hate articles all day long and you can think what you want about him, but
Trump has exposed the the massive corruption in government
Trump has exposed and called out the deadbeat countries that have been screwing the US for decades
Trump has exposed the insanity of the liberal leftists
Trump has exposed the traitors in congress, both Republican and Democrat
Trump has finally brought the invasion of illegals to the forefront
Trump has stirred-up the revolution spirit in patriotic Americans
Trump will ignite the 2nd American Civil War you've all been waiting for

Well i hope it spills over into Canada cause i'm looking for some serious payback!

midnight rambler
16th June 2019, 04:51 PM
You guys can find Trump hate articles all day long and you can think what you want about him, but
Trump has exposed the the massive corruption in government
Trump has exposed and called out the deadbeat countries that have been screwing the US for decades
Trump has exposed the insanity of the liberal leftists
Trump has exposed the traitors in congress, both Republican and Democrat
Trump has finally brought the invasion of illegals to the forefront
Trump has stirred-up the revolution spirit in patriotic Americans
Trump will ignite the 2nd American Civil War you've all been waiting for

And most importantly he sucks Nutty-yahoo's dick WHENEVER asked.

16th June 2019, 05:31 PM
"Trump Heights" :rolleyes:

No plans, no budget: ‘Trump Heights’ inauguration slammed as a PR stunt

Opposition MK notes that there’s ‘no binding decision to implement’ pledge to name Golan town after US president


16th June 2019, 06:33 PM
And most importantly he sucks Nutty-yahoo's dick WHENEVER asked.

Every president has, with one exception, JFK.

midnight rambler
16th June 2019, 07:16 PM
Every president has, with one exception, JFK.

You're right, however Trumpstein goes the extra mileS in gobbling that juice schlong.

16th June 2019, 07:20 PM
No wars since Trump was elected. The opposite actually. Things have deescalated. ISIS destroyed.

Trump gave Syria to Assad and Putin. In fact, Syria now has S300 systems.

And he is delivering big on China. And destroying the media's credibility.

midnight rambler
16th June 2019, 07:58 PM
No wars since Trump was elected.

Yeah, well we'll see if Nutty-yahoo's pit bull on crack attacks Iran.

old steel
16th June 2019, 09:09 PM
Is anyone going to the Trump rally this week?

16th June 2019, 09:25 PM
every comment is spot on.

trump has not kept his promises

trump has outperformed several presidents before him

those two things can, and do, exist at the same time

my takeaway -- proud of americans for electing the fuck you candidate. we did all we could. and we'll continue -- trump win was outgrowth of the ron paul fuck you movement

keeping hammering devoutly

liz squaw warren is out there espousing economic nationalism......who woulda thunk that 4 years ago

17th June 2019, 03:44 AM
And most importantly he sucks Nutty-yahoo's dick WHENEVER asked.


17th June 2019, 04:16 AM
There's no point discussing anymore what Trump has done, or not done. The US is finished, illegal immigration is the final nail in the coffin. No one man can change that.
You guys need to move on and spread the notion everywhere, that civil war is coming to America soon. Bring this up on every blog you post on, at gun shows, and to anyone that will listen.
No one in government can, or will save our country. We the people are our last resort!

17th June 2019, 08:37 AM
Liz squaw warren is out there espousing economic nationalism......who woulda thunk that 4 years ago

Some time and policies need to be put in place since 08 bailouts before complete economic collapse. So Central Banks only appear as victims.

We are pretty much right about there. None of the 2020 candidates mention except Trump who reinforces their neccessity by calling them a little engine that should adjust a rate about a zero sum.

old steel
17th June 2019, 10:17 AM
There's no point discussing anymore what Trump has done, or not done. The US is finished, illegal immigration is the final nail in the coffin. No one man can change that.
You guys need to move on and spread the notion everywhere, that civil war is coming to America soon. Bring this up on every blog you post on, at gun shows, and to anyone that will listen.
No one in government can, or will save our country. We the people are our last resort!

I agree however i watched a youtube video on legal immigration awhile back and just with that system alone we are being overwhelmed to the point that we will be taken over soon.

Trying to find it now, it's quite depressing to say the least so yeah, it is up to us.

Just as a side note, does anyone know when this photograph was taken?


17th June 2019, 09:44 PM
I guess its possible that Trump could remove all government regulation and copyright laws to Medical. Then we could all Google diagnose ourselves to surgery.

Oh but, he opened up the antitrust on Google too soon and applies main pressure to China for serving more copyrights to larger trust babies.

22nd June 2019, 10:33 PM
Credit where credit is due:


23rd June 2019, 02:48 AM
I think he handles things very well on his own. You can tell he isn't run by all outsiders with a piece in his ear of what to say. This guy ad-libs everything which is very rare these days. Some the shit he says is jacked but then again he does it all alone. I give him credit for doing what he does considering he had no need to. Now can we get a president with 15K to run and win?

24th June 2019, 12:34 AM
Think he would comment on Oregon standoff.

More of these green deals that get passed locally will only guarantee the crash of the U.S. as a whole when they all fail to produce.

Pretty sure its the globalists key out of the dollar into a Spainish/Euro neutral currency.

old steel
25th June 2019, 10:36 AM
Trump, a latter day Daniel in the lions den?


3rd July 2019, 07:04 PM
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/aa2ba8b29f786b6cfc4e3b47e572faeec7b9cadac8b5d3437f 12cb17f9d14456.jpg