View Full Version : Gold chart looking bullish; Pd to lead new PM surge?

18th June 2019, 06:11 AM
5y chart, just to show kitco says that Summer '16 high was $1365


That $1365 high goes back to early '14, so a punch through $1365 as we're flirting with here today, would be a 5+ year breakout high.


Pd which has been making new all time highs this year, before pausing to refresh beginning in Mar, is back on its way today to challenging it's Mar $1583 all time high


I'd love to see anti-THRILLver chart more uppity, confirming Au & Pd, but it's 10y chart looks abysmal.... :'(


About the only arguably positive silver view is the "7 month view", where we can say hey, overall uptrend since last Nov! :D

Or, definite uptrend since late May! :D :D


Pt you ask? Basket case, who cares, fuck Pt! :rolleyes:

But let's watch for an Au 5y breakout high >$1365 any time soon... or not. :(

We know what the Thrillver Rocket is capable of, when the PM complex gets a fire under it. And the King of Currencies, Au, seeing a >1365 breakout would spark that fire. ^^^

The last 2 explosive PM rallys began in the Summertime, & ended the following May:

Summer '05 - May '06
Summer '10 - May '11

What season are we entering again?? :)*#*

I may look to fund a futures acct & play the rally we're potentially on the edge of that way. I made a life changing bundle in the futures in the '05-06 rally... but lost a lot of sleep during. I was happy to put futures behind me after that, & stood on the sidelines through the '10-11 rally (aside from my physical stash, somewhere on the bottom lovely Lake Tahoe).

If I jump back in that shark tank, I'd just have to take up meditation, or some shit.

18th June 2019, 08:11 AM
Good thread Pat. I read an article that if gold can break out past $1400, it could skyrocket to $1700 very quickly.

Now is a very exciting time for gold. Silver baffles me. It's doing absolutely nothing.

19th June 2019, 02:12 PM
But let's watch for an Au 5y breakout high >$1365 any time soon... or not. :(

We know what the Thrillver Rocket is capable of, when the PM complex gets a fire under it. And the King of Currencies, Au, seeing a >1365 breakout would spark that fire. ^^^

NY close $1359, +$14



& Pd +$24, marching towards it's Mar all time highs


19th June 2019, 04:48 PM
Those charts are great Pat.

I'm just goona repeat what some old stuffy poster on GIM said to me when I said silver was a better lead than gold.

"I know everything as I am experienced, this makes you just plain wrong"

19th June 2019, 05:19 PM
No silver rockets to the moon anymore. Guess it was an old fad that died out.

19th June 2019, 06:15 PM
unless my eyes are deceiving me,

its on, bitches :o


Coz above chart is live from when U open this page,

numbers showing at this writing (since after NY close today):



High: 1,394.20
Low: 1,341.00

+22.30 +1.64%


old steel
19th June 2019, 06:49 PM
So, sell gold and buy more silver?

19th June 2019, 06:52 PM

19th June 2019, 06:59 PM
Just took this screencap from https://goldprice.org/gold-price-chart.html - so this breakout goes back to June '13, a 6 year high...


19th June 2019, 07:17 PM
So, sell gold and buy more silver?

platinum, buy buy buy :D

19th June 2019, 07:52 PM
8 Reasons A Huge Gold-Mania Is About To Begin
by Tyler Durden
Wed, 06/19/2019 - 17:05

An epic gold bull market is on the menu for 2019.

I’m not talking about a garden-variety cyclical gold bull market, but rather one of the biggest gold manias in history.

This gold mania will be riding the wave of an incredibly powerful trend… the re-monetization of gold.

The last time the international monetary system experienced a paradigm shift of this magnitude was in 1971.

Then, the dollar price of gold skyrocketed over 2,300%.

It shot from $35 per ounce to a high of $850 in 1980. Gold mining stocks did even better.

Today, gold is still bouncing around its lows. Gold mining stocks are still very cheap. I expect returns to be at least as great as they were during the last paradigm shift.

So let’s get right into it, starting with the first four catalysts that will send gold prices higher…

No. 1: Basel III Moves Gold Closer to Officially Being Money Again
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is located in Basel, Switzerland. It’s often referred to as “the bank of central banks.” Its members consist of 60 central banks from the world’s largest economies.

It facilitates transactions – notably gold transactions – between central banks, the biggest players in the gold market.

The BIS also issues Basel Accords, or a set of recommendations for regulations that set the standards for the global banking industry.

On April 1, 2019, Basel III went into effect around the world.

Buried among what was mostly confusing jargon was something of huge significance for gold:

A 0% risk weight will apply to (i) cash owned and held at the bank or in transit; and (ii) gold bullion held at the bank or held in another bank on an allocated basis, to the extent the gold bullion assets are backed by gold bullion liabilities.

What this means in plain English is that gold’s official role in the international monetary system has been upgraded for the first time in decades.

Banks can now consider physical gold they hold, in certain circumstances, as a 0% risk asset. Previously, gold was considered riskier and most of the time could not be classified in this way. Basel III rules are making gold more attractive.

Central bankers and mainstream economists have ridiculed gold for going on 50 years now.

They’ve tried to downplay its role in favor of fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar. They’ve tried to trick people into believing it isn’t important.

The fact is gold is real money… a form of money that is far superior to rapidly depreciating paper currencies. This is why central bankers don’t want to acknowledge how important it is.

And this is precisely why Basel III is important. It signifies the start of a reversal in attitude and policy.

Basel III is giving gold more official recognition in the international financial system. It represents a step towards the re-monetization of gold… and the recognition of this powerful trend in motion.

No. 2: Central Banks Are Buying Record Amounts of Gold
Countries are treating gold as money for the first time in generations…

In 2010, something remarkable happened. Central banks changed from being net sellers of gold to net buyers of gold. Remember, central banks are by far the biggest actors in the global gold market.

This trend has only accelerated since…

The World Gold Council reports that in 2018, central banks bought a record 651 tonnes of gold. This is the highest level of net purchases since 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window. And it’s a 75% increase from 2017.

Russia Was the Biggest Buyer
Russia’s gold reserves have quadrupled in the last decade, making it the fifth-largest holder of gold in the world.

Last year, Russia notably dumped nearly $100 billion worth of U.S. Treasuries, and, according to the World Gold Council, replaced much of it with gold.

If this trend continues, and I expect that it will, Russia will soon become the third-largest gold holder in the world.

A major reason for Russia’s gold purchases is to reduce its reliance on the U.S. dollar and exposure to U.S. financial sanctions.

It is providing a template for others to do the same, using gold as money.

For example, in 2016, news broke that Turkey and Iran were engaged in a “gas for gold” plan. Iran is under U.S. sanctions. Through the plan, Turkey can pay for gas imported from Iran with gold.

Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and others are proving they don’t need the U.S. dollar. They are conducting business and settling trade with gold shipments, which aren’t under the control of the U.S. government.

This is how gold will benefit from the U.S. government using the dollar as a financial weapon.

No. 3: Oil for Gold – China’s Golden Alternative
In 2017, when tensions with North Korea were rising, Trump’s Treasury secretary threatened to kick China out of the U.S. dollar system if it didn’t crack down on North Korea.

If the threat had been carried out, it would have been the financial equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on Beijing.

Without access to dollars, China would struggle to import oil and engage in international trade. Its economy would come to a grinding halt.

China would rather not depend on an adversary like this. This is one of the main reasons it created what I call the “Golden Alternative.”

Last year, the Shanghai International Energy Exchange launched a crude oil futures contract denominated in Chinese yuan. For the first time in the post-World War II era, it will allow for large oil transactions outside of the U.S. dollar.

Of course, most oil producers don’t want a large reserve of yuan.

That’s why China has explicitly linked the crude futures contract with the ability to convert yuan into physical gold – without touching the Chinese government’s official reserves – through gold exchanges in Shanghai and Hong Kong. (Shanghai is already the world’s largest physical gold market.)

Bottom line, China’s Golden Alternative will allow oil producers to sell oil for gold and completely bypass any restrictions, regulations, or sanctions of the U.S. financial system.

With China’s Golden Alternative, a lot of oil money is going to flow into yuan and gold instead of dollars and Treasuries.

CNBC estimates that the amount of redirected oil money will eventually hit $600-$800 billion. Much of this will flow into the gold market, which itself is only $170 billion.

Consider this…

China is the world’s largest importer of oil.

So far this year, China has imported an average of around 9.8 million barrels of oil per day. This number is expected to grow at least 10% per year.

Right now, oil is hovering around $60 per barrel. That means China is spending around $588 million per day to import oil.

Gold is currently priced around $1,330 an ounce.

That means every day, China is importing oil worth over 442,105 ounces of gold.

If we’re conservative and assume that just half of Chinese imports will be purchased in gold soon, it translates into increased demand of more than 80 million ounces per year – or more than 70% of gold’s annual production.

This shift hasn’t been priced into the gold price. When it happens, the increased demand for gold from China’s Golden Alternative is going to shock the gold market.

The bottom line is, China’s Golden Alternative is a big step towards gold’s re-monetization.

No. 4: The Fed’s Dramatic Capitulation
In the wake of the 2008 crash, the Federal Reserve instituted several emergency measures. The chairman at the time, Bernanke, promised Congress they would be temporary.

This included money-printing programs euphemistically called “quantitative easing” (QE). Through QE, the Fed created $3.7 trillion out of thin air.

That newly created money was used to buy mainly government bonds, which sat on the Fed’s bloated balance sheet.

The Fed also brought interest rates to the lowest levels in U.S. history. The Fed artificially brought rates down to 0% and kept them there for over six years.

Capitalism’s Most Important Price
Remember, interest rates are simply the price of borrowing money (debt). They have an enormous impact on banks, the real estate market, and the auto industry, among others.

In 2016, the Fed began its attempt to “normalize” its monetary policy by raising interest rates and reducing the size of its balance sheet to more historically normal levels. By doing so, the Fed was reversing the emergency measures put in place after the 2008 crisis.

Interest rates have risen from 0% to around 2.5%, and the Fed has drained over $500 billion from its balance sheet, or about 11% from its peak.

But then, the stock market tanked…

The S&P 500 peaked at 2,930 in late September 2018. By late December, it had crashed over 19% and appeared to be headed sharply lower.

It was the worst December in stock market history, except for December 1931, which was during the Great Depression.

That spooked the Fed into its most abrupt change in monetary policy in recent history.

Instead of normalizing monetary policy and removing the so-called “temporary” and “emergency” measures in place since 2008 – as it had long planned to do – the Fed capitulated.

Earlier this year, the Fed announced it would not raise interest rates in 2019.

The Fed also announced it would phase out its balance sheet reduction program in the fall.

Previously, the Fed was slowly winding down its balance sheet by about $30 billion a month. At such a snail’s pace, it would have taken the Fed over 10 years to drain its balance sheet back to its pre-crisis normal level.

Hooked on Easy Money
This whole charade is indicative of how utterly dependent the U.S. economy has become on artificially low interest rates and easy money.

If the Fed couldn’t normalize interest rates when the debt was $22 trillion, how is it ever going to raise rates when the debt is $30 trillion or higher?

The Fed couldn’t shrink a $4.5 trillion balance sheet. How is it going to shrink, say, a $10 trillion balance sheet or higher?

The answer is it can’t and won’t. It’s impossible for the U.S. government to normalize interest rates with an abnormal amount of debt. The Fed is trapped.

After nearly six years of 0% interest rates, the U.S. economy is hooked on the heroin of easy money. It can’t even tolerate a modest reduction in the Fed’s balance sheet and 2.5% interest rates, still far below historical averages.

In other words, this monetary tightening cycle is over. The next move is a return to QE and 0%, and perhaps negative, interest rates. These moves would, of course, weaken the dollar and be good for gold.

By flipping from tightening to signaling future easing, the Fed has turned a major headwind for the gold market into a tailwind.

Now, let's dive deeper into what’s going to trigger this revival…

No. 5: Takeover Frenzy in the Gold Mining Industry
2019 is on track to be a record-breaking year for gold mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

The world’s largest mining companies are pouring billions of dollars into mergers and acquisitions.

Three blockbuster deals contributed to this result:

Newmont Mining completed a $10 billion takeover of Goldcorp on April 18.

Barrick Gold acquired Randgold Resources in a $6 billion transaction that closed on January 1.

Barrick Gold has also announced a joint venture with Newmont after a hostile bid from Barrick failed. (Barrick and Newmont are the top two gold-producing companies in the world.) The joint venture in Nevada will create the largest gold-producing complex in the world.

What these mega deals prove is that the biggest companies in gold mining think gold and gold stocks are cheap.

They show a preference to grow by buying out other companies rather than discovering and developing new resources.

If this trend continues, 2019 will go down as a record-breaking year for gold M&As.

It’s another major tailwind for gold.

No. 6: President Trump Is Pro-Gold
President Trump is a big fan of gold.

For one, he’s made a killing as a gold investor. He’s called investing in gold “easier than the construction business.”

But Trump’s affinity for gold goes much deeper. He once said:

The legacy of gold as a precious commodity has transcended to become a viable currency and an accepted universal monetary standard. Central Banks around the world are holding gold as a reserve asset.

And Trump is a fan of the gold standard… in other words, the re-monetization of gold.

While running for president, he said:

Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy, would it be wonderful. We’d have a standard on which to base our money.

And he’s acting on his pro-gold instincts in a big way. Let me explain…

Trump has been able to wield more influence over the Federal Reserve than any other president since the Fed was created in 1913.

He’s had the chance to fill five out of the seven seats on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.

In other words, Trump gets to stack over 70% of the whole Fed board with people of his choosing.

And so far, he’s nominated several pro-gold candidates, including Herman Cain and Stephen Moore. They’re both on record as supporting a gold standard.

For example, in 2012, when Cain was running for president, he wrote an editorial for The Wall Street Journal titled “We Need a Dollar as Good as Gold.” He wrote:

Gold is kryptonite to big-spending politicians. It is to the moochers and looters in government what sunlight and garlic are to vampires.

Cain and Moore have since withdrawn their nominations, but one replacement is widely suspected to be Judy Shelton, who is also an advocate of the gold standard.

Regardless, the fact that Trump nominated them in the first place shows he is willing to act on his pro-gold instincts.

Here’s the bottom line…

Having a U.S. president who favors gold and is looking to stack the Fed with pro-gold people is unprecedented in recent history. It’s a positive development for gold – and the trend of gold’s re-monetization.

But gold is going to get a boost, no matter which party is in power…

No. 7: Socialism Is on the Rise
Socialism is on the rise in the U.S. And it’s about to be entrenched in U.S. politics.

A recent poll from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, showed that one in two millennials now favors socialism and communism over capitalism.

It’s why Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and other socialists are skyrocketing in popularity.

This is no small problem.

Millennials are now the largest demographic group in America. And sometime this year, they are expected to surpass baby boomers as the nation’s largest living adult generation.

In other words, demographics alone guarantee more socialism ahead. And as we’ve seen again and again, when asked, “How are you going to pay for this?” socialists have the same answer: “Tax the rich!”

Simple arithmetic shows that even if the rich were taxed to the limit, it wouldn’t put a dent in the bills for the socialists’ government programs. But to this, the socialists respond: “We’ll just print money!”

In comes Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). It’s the latest buzzword coming out of Washington, D.C.

Contrary to its name, MMT is neither new nor “modern.” And adding the word “theory” to something doesn’t make it scientific or credible.

MMT is the same economic quackery that’s brought misery to Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and countless other places. Now, left-leaning U.S. economists, politicians, and policy wonks are taking it seriously, too. They see it as a sort of “QE for the people.”

For example, AOC and Stephanie Kelton, Bernie Sanders’ former chief economic adviser, are leading advocates of MMT.

In short, America’s embrace of socialism will lead to more money-printing and currency debasement, just as it has everywhere else it’s been tried.

But this time, it won’t be the Argentine peso or the Venezuelan bolívar that is debased. It will be the U.S. dollar… the world’s premier reserve currency.

Gold is the primary competitor for the U.S. dollar’s top role. And as the American socialists inflate the value of the dollar away, it will make gold all that more attractive.

That’s why this trend will be a big positive for the re-monetization of gold.

No. 8: Gold-Backed Cryptos – A Monetary Revolution
The last catalyst for gold is cryptocurrencies backed by gold.

There are dozens of gold-backed cryptos sprouting up.

Peter Grosskopf, the CEO of Sprott, recently called gold-backed cryptocurrencies “the most important thing to happen to the gold market in the last several decades.”

Soon after, Sprott launched a gold-backed crypto it developed with its partners.

When Sprott – a leader in the natural resources industry – makes a big move into the gold-backed crypto space, it’s a definitive sign of where things are headed.

Gold-backed cryptos combine the best attributes of gold and cryptos. I can’t think of two other asset classes that have as many synergies. In other words, the whole is worth much more than the sum of the parts.

With cryptos redeemable for gold, we can now instantly send anyone anywhere in the world small or large amounts of gold – reliably and without interference. It’s nothing short of a monetary revolution.

Gold-backed cryptos are going to make using gold as money even more convenient for the average person and business. Anyone with a cell phone now can use gold in a way that was not possible before.

This is another big reason why I think gold is coming back as money.

Putting It All Together…
When you take a step back and look at the big picture, the implications for gold are clear:

Basel III moves gold toward officially being money again.

Central banks are buying record amounts of gold.

Excessive U.S. sanctions have pushed countries to use gold.

China’s “Golden Alternative” allows for large-scale, oil-for-gold trades.

The Fed’s dramatic reversal and the return of easy money bode well for gold’s strength against the dollar.

The takeover frenzy in the gold mining industry is bullish for the price of gold.

President Trump favors returning to the gold standard and is stacking the Fed with pro-gold people.

The Democrats’ embrace of socialism guarantees more currency debasement.

Gold-backed cryptos make owning and using gold easier than ever.

Any one of these catalysts alone would be great news for gold.

But the fact they are all converging at the same time means an epic gold bull market is on the menu for 2019. And the time to get positioned is now…


19th June 2019, 08:12 PM
platinum, buy buy buy :DPlatinum is so cheap if silver is the poor man's gold, platinum must be the frugal man's gold. Whenever Pt dip below 800 I have bought some in lieu of Au. For virtually my entire life and for time and memorial Pt has sold at a significant premium to Au. Today's Pt discount to Au is literally unprecedented. It is true that Pt demand may be reduced as the auto fleet migrates from diesel to electric and gas. But few seem to acknowledge three important attributes of Pt:
1. Platinum is 10-20 times more rare than gold and the disparity in stockpiles is far greater (akin to silver) as Platinum is largely industrial and consumed.
2. Platinum for the most part comes out of high geopolitical risk countries: South Africa and Russia.
3. Platinum is selling at it's cost of production (in South Africa).

There is no downside to Platinum price IMHO. I doubt that I am the only goldbug who is happy to buy Platinum in lieu of Gold and get 40%(!) more ounces.

As for the monetary metals in general, I think that 50 years of fiat money and the debt-financed lifestyle have blinded the consumer masses to wealth and savings in part because of addiction to neverending credit and in part because they (consciously or unconsciously) expect their debts to be inflated away. Conversely, they have no desire for deflation as their debts would become financially fatal. At the other extreme, the uberwealthy, whose wealth is measured in $billions (albeit inflated dollars vis-a-vis the pre-1972 gold-backed dollar) have no desire to see their dollar denominated assets destroyed by dollar devaluation. While they can use leverage and debt to earn nominal gains in excess of slow dollar devaluation (through FED engineered inflation) they are happy with the present circumstance. Of course, the side effects of this slow dollar burn is destruction of the middle class and the creation of a permanent class of slave laborers having no real wealth and working incessantly to service ever higher debts. When this monetary insanity ends is anyone's guess. I fully expect TPTB to monkey hammer gold back below critical resistance at $1365-75. If $1375 holds for a few days, then a gold breakout is almost certainly upon us.

19th June 2019, 08:17 PM
I do imagine you could always retrieve silver price for your Platinum group metal in post apocolyptia.

19th June 2019, 08:28 PM
I do imagine you could always retrieve silver price for your Platinum group metal in post apocolyptia.Ok by me: my silver holdings (in ounces) exceed my platinum stash by 90 to 1.

19th June 2019, 08:48 PM
Ok by me: my silver holdings (in ounces) exceed my platinum stash by 90 to 1.

Square foot price of storage space in post apocolyptia should fare as well as Paladium. I imagine China will leave the new green deal and forgoe catlytic converters all together in all new vehicle production.

19th June 2019, 08:51 PM
BTC $9351, cutting ~1.5y highs since the crash around New Years '18


19th June 2019, 09:09 PM
BTC $9351, cutting ~1.5y highs since the crash around New Years '18


Great news to hit that at its peak.

I feel like i did when I was Doc Holiday on his last ride with Wyatt.

Only this time less sure, because we are the cowboys and fighting for copyright law in China.

old steel
19th June 2019, 09:28 PM
Will the price of lead follow suit?

Better grab some more while i think about it.

19th June 2019, 11:21 PM
cutting new 6y highs again atm, $1386 bid


20th June 2019, 02:46 AM
Plastics are so cheap if silver is the poor man's gold, Plastics must be the frugal man's gold.

15s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dug-G9xVdVs


20th June 2019, 07:09 AM
The threat of war with IRAN is why gold kicked. Silver? Fuk that.

20th June 2019, 08:04 PM
Gold broke $1400 after hours Pat. Tomorrow should be an interesting day! :)

Folks, this is an exciting time right now, for metals. To the moon!!!

20th June 2019, 08:22 PM
Gold broke $1400 after hours Pat. Tomorrow should be an interesting day! :)

Folks, this is an exciting time right now, for metals. To the moon!!!The cartel will try to monkey hammer gold down below $1470 to stave off a runaway rally going into the weekend. We shall see if they are successful. I'm sure a lot of shorts are getting burned right now.

20th June 2019, 09:01 PM
It's about time something exciting happens with our favorite yellow metal.

20th June 2019, 09:44 PM
The cartel will try to monkey hammer gold down below $1470 to stave off a runaway rally going into the weekend. We shall see if they are successful. I'm sure a lot of shorts are getting burned right now.

If gold can close above $1400 at the end of day tomorrow, it's game on. The bull run will have officially been started for gold, what we've all known will happen and may actually be here now.

Lot's of energy behind gold's movement right now, might be hard for the cartel to stop it.

I bought NUGT just a couple months ago for $14. Sold some last week for $21.50. Now it's at over $26.

20th June 2019, 11:52 PM
Lot's of energy behind gold's movement right now, might be hard for the cartel to stop it.

I bought NUGT just a couple months ago for $14. Sold some last week for $21.50. Now it's at over $26.

If only they had more Hitch's that sold last week...

21st June 2019, 11:02 AM
Bolton war on Iran is good for price of gold!

21st June 2019, 11:25 AM
If gold can close above $1400 at the end of day tomorrow, it's game on. The bull run will have officially been started for gold, what we've all known will happen and may actually be here now.

Lot's of energy behind gold's movement right now, might be hard for the cartel to stop it.

I bought NUGT just a couple months ago for $14. Sold some last week for $21.50. Now it's at over $26.
I meant to type $1370 as key resistance. Presently gold sits at $1391 and that's very encouraging.

And now for some interesting statistics(approx):
Annual Production (millions oz).....Estimated World Stockpile (million oz)......Spot ($).........Market Cap ($billions US)
Gold ........100....................................... .6000.........................................$139 9...................$8,400
Platinum.......6.................................. ...........8...................................... ....$818...........................6.5
Silver........860................................. .......3000....................................... .....$15..........................45

22nd June 2019, 08:20 AM

Sound cloud link https://cf-media.sndcdn.com/bXBaAzoe75fg?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cm NlIjoiKjovL2NmLW1lZGlhLnNuZGNkbi5jb20vYlhCYUF6b2U3 NWZnIiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1 M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNTYxMjE2ODYzfX19XX0_&Signature=c6dFrGF6XEzxGqXig0S2KsW0iv5ALArpIfbER5Yw a~rbz-SYa6AKMlw~Pi6p6v0A9Op2qJlRhbaTLMkDqxIxKS1bEWas5uCV W94BFxIilyv4XcgJF4eOZHjFu58nJ6nz9QU3XvadR3B2xY4u0p TWRwas1WQ7Bwn~tHrL5WTdL4YdcCzHEJNBKGjjFq2DVycQ34jJ 0tLNW8G6m0WH83T3iPpaT9G6VUrXzI3gVmNufZRB0teLNrR4D3 kc-jHF6Demz6fVGIsBM9EzYGPYUoZVFZPKtH81xvD13cAoJ59SjXg 4W9I-DktNILr7S1yvl9BIvZ1-F~88hpUPTlw7rVeUIA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAI6TU7MMXM5DG6EPQ

22nd June 2019, 12:42 PM
Meanwhile, bitcoin just soared over $10k per coin!


We are all fools for not listening to Sir Gonzo back when he told us to back up the truck when bitcoin was approaching silver spot price!

22nd June 2019, 03:39 PM
It's rocketing up with very little volume. That to me looks like you need a trigger finger to bail at a stop. No volume up, not much volume to short it back down. Just looking at them charts made me stress out. lol


25th June 2019, 03:35 PM
July silver futures bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage.

Bluestacks (https://bluestacks.vip/) Kodi (https://kodi.software/) Lucky Patcher (https://luckypatcher.pro/)

25th June 2019, 10:58 PM
Meanwhile, bitcoin just soared over $10k per coin!


We are all fools for not listening to Sir Gonzo back when he told us to back up the truck when bitcoin was approaching silver spot price!
True, however it would probably been lost in Mt Gox or other exchanges failures over the years. Or just plain stolen like ximmy’s, or lost the key to the wallet.
I should have bought a $1000 worth of bitcoin cash a couple a months ago when it was below $100 now they are over $500, but I was a lazy ass. Probably is a good idea to buy them now also, but it’s hard to bring yourself to paying more than 5 times the price you stood over...

I guess life is long streak of missed opportunities

25th June 2019, 11:55 PM
Gold rally fizzling....down to $1409 presently...and we are heading into end of month profit-taking. I expect silver might get pulled down below $15.

26th June 2019, 01:53 AM
Bitcoin Price



26th June 2019, 03:20 AM
Bitcoin Price


I think we can safely say that cryptocurrencies have again turned bullish...
Question is though will it save McAfees dick? $1,000,000 requires it to gain 80x from now. Not that I think he will ever honor his statement...

26th June 2019, 05:38 AM
We humans are so silly. The whole bitcoin thing reminds me of the scene from History of the World Part One, Nothing for Sale.


26th June 2019, 08:55 AM
We humans are so silly. The whole bitcoin thing reminds me of the scene from History of the World Part One, Nothing for Sale.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HlxcVT0u4cNothing for sale indeed! Bitcoin reminds me of that Rod Serling Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man." Bitcoin is the cookbook. Isn't it odd how anyone who talks up gold and silver as investment is disappeared from the MSM but the same assclowns just love pumping Bitcoin. We know now that all encryption software has an NSA backdoor built into it. We know that chips are made in (((that shitty little country))) with built in back doors. We know that cryptocurrecncies are denominated in dollars and dollar profits are reportable to the IRS as income. But Bitcoin is completely anonymous and safe, right???

Cryptocurrencies, it's how TPTB tenderizes us for the cashless society and total enslavement. Your money for nothing and your chains for free!

26th June 2019, 03:00 PM
Bitcoin Price



climax high today, flirted w $14,000, before collapsing in the past ~2h

24 Hour Open$11,510.68
24 Hour High$13,879.24
24 Hour Low$11,510.65
Change $864.76

27th June 2019, 10:19 AM
I think we can safely say that cryptocurrencies have again turned bullish...

Well, that's just wonderful news.

Whens the next exchange robbery?

27th June 2019, 05:38 PM
Nothing for sale indeed! Bitcoin reminds me of that Rod Serling Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man." Bitcoin is the cookbook. Isn't it odd how anyone who talks up gold and silver as investment is disappeared from the MSM but the same assclowns just love pumping Bitcoin. We know now that all encryption software has an NSA backdoor built into it. We know that chips are made in (((that shitty little country))) with built in back doors. We know that cryptocurrecncies are denominated in dollars and dollar profits are reportable to the IRS as income. But Bitcoin is completely anonymous and safe, right???

Cryptocurrencies, it's how TPTB tenderizes us for the cashless society and total enslavement. Your money for nothing and your chains for free!

I think "They" are manipulating bitcoin just as they are the gold market. They will make the markets play whatever tune they call. It is all just another pump and dump.

27th June 2019, 10:21 PM
Well, that's just wonderful news.

Whens the next exchange robbery?

Can’t believe I managed to escape FBI closing down btc-e, with just a small reduction of my funds half a year later as it re-appeared as WEX (missed the increase in value though as my funds was in USD at the time). And subsequent collapse after the last bullrun of WEX. I got my holdings out when usdtether started trading at $1.3, if I had waited a couple more days I could have only gotten out with steep discounts, and a couple months later not at all. Keep your coins in a private wallet

28th June 2019, 02:37 AM
Keep your coins in a private wallet
If you don't hold it you don't own it. Illusions are difficult to actually hold. They are also more difficult to seize or steal.

How does money taste? How does it feel? Can you hear it? What does it look like? Does it smell? These are the five elements that tells you something is real. Lacking several elements does not eliminate an item from the real category. Lacking all elements make something an illusion. Any action based upon an illusion is called 'delusional'. Working for a FRN is a delusional act. Working for a bitcoin is a delusional. Collecting either is delusional.

Man to Psychiatrist: "I am having a problem dealing with reality."
Psychiatrist: "I can cure you but it will cost you $5,000."
Question: Which man is more delusional?

28th June 2019, 03:35 AM
If you don't hold it you don't own it. Illusions are difficult to actually hold. They are also more difficult to seize or steal.

How does money taste? How does it feel? Can you hear it? What does it look like? Does it smell? These are the five elements that tells you something is real. Lacking several elements does not eliminate an item from the real category. Lacking all elements make something an illusion. Any action based upon an illusion is called 'delusional'. Working for a FRN is a delusional act. Working for a bitcoin is a delusional. Collecting either is delusional.

Man to Psychiatrist: "I am having a problem dealing with reality."
Psychiatrist: "I can cure you but it will cost you $5,000."
Question: Which man is more delusional?
As long as you can commonly use the illusion to buy things of real value, and don’t hold onto the illusion as it would represent something of constant value. I think it is quite rational accepting a commonly accepted medium of exchange-illusion, just be aware of its limitations. The emperor may have no clothes, but it is still stupid to point it out if it leads you to lose your real head in the town-square, or some other physical sanction.

As you can see above if you have 1 oz of gold it is interchangeable for some 1400 FRN’s at the moment, and vice versa, so the illusion is interchangeable with something real...

28th June 2019, 03:50 AM
the illusion is interchangeable with something real...

The illusion is that a FRN can purchase anything. This is not the case with gold or silver.

You might find gold or silver (or other minerals) and make a claim based upon the discovery. You cannot purchase gold or silver but you might convince someone else to relinquish their claim. This would be in the form of a QUIT CLAIM rather than a TITLE.

Describing an old system (gold/silver) transformed through time/illusion to an entirely new system results in some traits of the old system appearing to vanish. The reason still exists though.

TITLE is what vanishes in the new (improved) system.

28th June 2019, 04:04 AM
The illusion is that a FRN can purchase anything. This is not the case with gold or silver.

You might find gold or silver (or other minerals) and make a claim based upon the discovery. You cannot purchase gold or silver but you might convince someone else to relinquish their claim. This would be in the form of a QUIT CLAIM rather than a TITLE.

Describing an old system (gold/silver) transformed through time/illusion to an entirely new system results in some traits of the old system appearing to vanish. The reason still exists though.

TITLE is what vanishes in the new (improved) system.

Sorry you have misunderstood this profoundly. All the gold and silver in my possession I have purchased with fiat currency, and since it is in my possession, I hold it and I OWN IT, no one else.

Unfortunately most of it was lost in a tragic boating accident, maybe that’s what happens when you purchase with fiat?

28th June 2019, 02:16 PM
Neurbiro - Keep your coins in a private wallet

This suggestion is almost as bullish for Bitcoins as Hitch's exclaiming he sold mining shares last week for a Gold Bull.:rolleyes:

28th June 2019, 03:20 PM
since it is in my possession, I hold it and I OWN IT, no one else.

Sure ... but who owns YOU? Concentrating on what YOU own is irrelevant if you have no capacity to own.

28th June 2019, 04:18 PM
This suggestion is almost as bullish for Bitcoins as Hitch's exclaiming he sold mining shares last week for a Gold Bull.:rolleyes:

I sold some too early, at $21.50. It's now almost $27.50. Up from $14 in just one month. Now that's a 100% gain, that's a Bull! And, the Gold Bull is just starting. Gold has held above $1400 for several days now. Look for the next leg up to $1500 and beyond. :cool:

28th June 2019, 09:43 PM
This suggestion is almost as bullish for Bitcoins as Hitch's exclaiming he sold mining shares last week for a Gold Bull.:rolleyes:

For sure it is more bullish. Holders of coins keeping it away from the ‘banks/exchanges’, limits supply=Bullish. A guy I know was given a Bitcoin 8-9 years ago from an internet contact, he made a hardware wallet for it on his now old computer. He lost the code for his wallet, so it is pretty much lost forever. The fact that if you are keeping your coins at an exchange, you are exposed to the risk of theft, should make investors actually hesitant in pursuing bitcoins, but it’s volatility and possibility for extreme short term profits makes it attractive. I thought the last run up was the ultimate tulip bulb mania, I was wrong, this coming one will be. I wouldn’t be surprised if bitcoin will reach $1,000,000 within a year or so. Which would put a market cap of the entire bitcoin stock of around $18-19 Trillion. Bitcoin may not even be the biggest crypto currency at the peak. Ethereum or Bitcoin cash may surpass it, as they essentially are better currencies.

Perhaps entire crypto market cap would surpass $100 T, and as the mania pops it will take the world with it.

The surprise has always been to the upside on this beast, until recently people have been laughing at McAfee and his pledge to eat his dick if bitcoin doesn’t reach a million dollars in 2020, now I think it is entirely possible that he is correct. It is gaining momentum at an enormous rate.

28th June 2019, 10:23 PM
Sure ... but who owns YOU? Concentrating on what YOU own is irrelevant if you have no capacity to own.

Good question. Am I a slave at the plantation? I think I am freer than most, but to some extent I probably am slaving for the benefit of the plantation owners... Perhaps even they feel that the value I provide to them, deserves me the right to some freedom, because they realize that if they take away my relative freedom, I wouldn’t provide as much value. Anyhow I plan on outliving the plantation. I can live without it, most can’t. Can you? That trust you set up, that provides for your basic needs, can it survive the demise of the plantation?

29th June 2019, 12:16 AM
For sure it is more bullish. Holders of coins keeping it away from the ‘banks/exchanges’, limits supply=Bullish.

Certainly isn't finance or currency "Bullish", possibly Cowish or fucked into a pocket.

Eggish then rotten probably a better term.

29th June 2019, 04:33 AM
Good question. That trust you set up, that provides for your basic needs, can it survive the demise of the plantation?

Who is to say it exists now?

29th June 2019, 04:37 AM
Yeah let’s just spend our remaining days arguing terminology, aka mental masturbation...

29th June 2019, 05:07 AM
Yeah let’s just spend our remaining days arguing terminology

I don't argue. I merely explain why I am right.

29th June 2019, 09:43 AM
I don't argue. I merely explain why I am right.

About what?

29th June 2019, 10:33 AM
About what?

Forced Integration through Nazi Kinetics.


29th June 2019, 10:44 AM
About what?

About anything I am right on. Practically.

old steel
29th June 2019, 04:06 PM
Forced Integration through Nazi Kinetics.



29th June 2019, 09:17 PM
About anything I am right on. Practically.

You’re a glorified fartwoop of your own image.

30th June 2019, 04:11 AM
You’re a glorified fartwoop of your own image.

Nonetheless. I am right.

30th June 2019, 12:19 PM
Nonetheless. I am right.

Even when you are wrong. Like a sub-atomic particle that can exist in two states at once, it really depends on the observer whether you are right or wrong. Just put the proper 'spin' on it.

30th June 2019, 01:03 PM
really depends on the observer whether you are right or wrong.

Not really. The outcome depends upon the universe the observer is in. If the observer finds himself in the proper universe then he might even come to the conclusion/observation that the earth is not round, that Democrats are rational, that blue is a color rather than an emotion. If you were to put the proposition in linear algebra terms then you might use a translation matrix to rotate any fact to such a universe that that it has no existence, or color, or sound, or feel, or visibility.

The universe decides which laws are in effect and which are ineffectual. Except there is multiple universes and to get between them all you need is ....

30th June 2019, 04:36 PM
I'm only interested in how the term fartwoop is relative this thread and spot price for either gold or bitcoin.

30th June 2019, 04:52 PM
Nonetheless. I am right.

What are right about? Did you buy bitcoins when they were $100 a coin, now worth over $10,000 a coin? If not, seems to me the folks that did were right.

30th June 2019, 04:55 PM
What are right about? Did you buy bitcoins when they were $100 a coin, now worth over $10,000 a coin? If not, seems to me the folks that did were right.

Those people do not exist.

30th June 2019, 05:03 PM
Those people do not exist.

What do you mean? I had a neighbor named Jason. He is about 35, he bought 2 houses and a half million dollar yacht, all from bitcoin. He retired, at 35 because of bitcoin.

He was right. Not zero.

30th June 2019, 05:17 PM
Did you buy bitcoins when they were $100 a coin, now worth over $10,000 a coin?

Is that right? Sounds wrong to me.

I had a neighbor named Jason. He is about 35, he bought 2 houses and a half million dollar yacht, all from bitcoin. He retired, at 35 because of bitcoin.

You neighbor exists in a universe where nothing is owned except the perception of wealth .. not real wealth. People in this universe exist on illusion rather than reality. It is why society is so messed up.

Which universe do you exist in?

30th June 2019, 06:08 PM
Is that right? Sounds wrong to me.

You neighbor exists in a universe where nothing is owned except the perception of wealth .. not real wealth. People in this universe exist on illusion rather than reality. It is why society is so messed up.

Which universe do you exist in?

He owns two houses, paid in full. And, a nice yacht. Those are tangible assets. I've met him, he's one happy dude.

The smart folks turned bitcoin into tangible assets, and profited. That's reality. Houses, yachts, ARE real, and in our universe. Some save for years, others won a gamble called Bitcoin.

If you can't realize that fact, you are delusional.

30th June 2019, 06:17 PM
If you can't realize that fact, you are delusional.

Delusion is an action made based upon an illusion. Illusion is false information. Your universe is filled with illusions. In fact many illusions become shared with others. Psychiatrists have studied this phenomena and people you might consider rich use the results to convince others of their wealth.

Sorry you have been misinformed. Hope you do better when you attempt to leave the Hotel California only to find they have procedures for checking in but never a way to check out.

Just to help you on your journey I should mention that people based in the real often attempt to use real techniques to combat the illusion. This is a poor idea. An illusion that is firmly believed is impervious to hand grenades, firearms, knives or firecrackers. Bitcoins is an illusion. It is only real because you are sharing the illusion with your neighbor.

30th June 2019, 06:27 PM
An illusion that is firmly believed is impervious to hand grenades, firearms, knives or firecrackers and houses and yachts. Bitcoins is an illusion until converted to houses and yachts. It is only real because you are sharing the illusion with your neighbor.

I fixed some of that for you. Also, if he used bitcoin to buy hand grenades, firearms, knives or firecrackers, would it still be an illusion?

It's an illusion UNTIL converted into tangible assets. That's the delusion you suffer from realizing.

30th June 2019, 06:59 PM
I fixed some of that for you. Also, if he used bitcoin to buy hand grenades, firearms, knives or firecrackers, would it still be an illusion?

It's an illusion UNTIL converted into tangible assets. That's the delusion you suffer from realizing.

Like joins with like. Gold is portable soil (aka 'land'). Silver is something that is used to convert to other things real.

As to using the imaginary to purchase the real you need to review USES and USUFRUCTS. These are trust concepts that go back many hundreds of years. The imaginary is not convertible to the real so that means a $1 FRN (or .00001 bitcoins) is impossible to purchase a loaf of bread. What this means is that whatever entity that owned the bread before the $1 FRN transaction took place still owns it after the transaction. There is no title. Nothing changed hands.

In the universe you find yourself in all is based upon TRUSTS. You work for a trust. You receive benefits (either uses or usufructs) from the trust. Your buddy may not own that mansion or his yachts but he has the right to enjoy them. He doesn't get title but the system protects his usufruct as long as he behaves himself and doesn't try to drive without a drivers license or smoke dope while enjoying his collection of handguns. When he gets out of line the system will take away his usufruct which, if he had title, would otherwise be in volatile.

If you don't believe me why not try a little experiment with your rights. This need not be harsh. No need to do it with you prize possession. Why not just go and purchase a junker and then proclaim your right to take it where you like without commercial insurance or plates. Write your own title and vest it in yourself ... you know .. just to see if you are capable of owning something like this. Until you do this you have no right to instruct me on any of your other delusions.

Have at it, Sport. Tell me something I don't already know about what will happen. Or be silent and occupy the desert of your mind.

30th June 2019, 07:30 PM
Like joins with like. Gold is portable soil (aka 'land'). Silver is something that is used to convert to other things real.

As to using the imaginary to purchase the real you need to review USES and USUFRUCTS. These are trust concepts that go back many hundreds of years. The imaginary is not convertible to the real so that means a $1 FRN (or .00001 bitcoins) is impossible to purchase a loaf of bread. What this means is that whatever entity that owned the bread before the $1 FRN transaction took place still owns it after the transaction. There is no title. Nothing changed hands.

In the universe you find yourself in all is based upon TRUSTS. You work for a trust. You receive benefits (either uses or usufructs) from the trust. Your buddy may not own that mansion or his yachts but he has the right to enjoy them. He doesn't get title but the system protects his usufruct as long as he behaves himself and doesn't try to drive without a drivers license or smoke dope while enjoying his collection of handguns. When he gets out of line the system will take away his usufruct which, if he had title, would otherwise be in volatile.

If you don't believe me why not try a little experiment with your rights. This need not be harsh. No need to do it with you prize possession. Why not just go and purchase a junker and then proclaim your right to take it where you like without commercial insurance or plates. Write your own title and vest it in yourself ... you know .. just to see if you are capable of owning something like this. Until you do this you have no right to instruct me on any of your other delusions.

Have at it, Sport. Tell me something I don't already know about what will happen. Or be silent and occupy the desert of your mind.

You are conflicting yourself. You equate gold as portable soil, such as land.

Let me give you an example to help free your mind. We both agree land is tangible, aka "gold = portable soil."

Say you agree with a land owner to purchase his land, for agreed 100 oz of "portable soil" gold. You worked hard for the gold your whole life.

My neighbor Jason offers 20 bitcoins for the land, and the land owner goes with that deal. Sorry Ziero, he says, 20 bitcoins are worth more.

Would you then agree to what I'm saying, if you experienced that happen to you? Anything that can be converted into tangible assets TODAY, has value. Tomorrow, bitcoin could be worth nothing, it really is nothing. But, today, Jason can buy you out underneath you, with bitcoin. Because bitcoin is a bubble. Gold is not, and will never be. But, facts are facts. Today, as we speak, bitcoin is worth about 8 ounces of gold.

30th June 2019, 07:42 PM
You are conflicting yourself. You equate gold as portable soil, such as land.

Let me give you an example to help free your mind. We both agree land is tangible, aka "gold = portable soil."

Say you agree with a land owner to purchase his land, for agreed 100 oz of "portable soil" gold. You worked hard for the gold your whole life.
Not necessarily. I might be a pirate and just take it away from those who have it. I'm still actively searching for all those shipwrecks known to have gone down with Ponce's fortune.

My neighbor Jason offers 20 bitcoins for the land, and the land owner goes with that deal. Sorry Ziero, he says, 20 bitcoins are worth more.

Would you then agree to what I'm saying, if you experienced that happen to you? Anything that can be converted into tangible assets TODAY, has value. Tomorrow, bitcoin could be worth nothing, it really is nothing. But, today, Jason can buy you out underneath you, with bitcoin. Because bitcoin is a bubble. Gold is not, and will never be. But, facts are facts. Today, as we speak, bitcoin is worth about 8 ounces of gold.

Frankly your neighbor doesn't have the capacity to own much of anything in the society you have in Kalifornia. What you use for money helps form your status ... which in turn determines what you can hold on to and what you might as well stop defending.

Ahhh but you say your entirely state is based upon private property so what do you actually hold. The answer is a QUIT CLAIM. You convince the previous user (or usufruct holder if you prefer) to abandon his claim and before the rest of the world determines that the property is unclaim you (the 'purchaser') steps in and takes possession. The previous owner gives you a warranty that he has in deed abandoned the claim. He doesn't even pretend to protect you from the next homeless family who moves in because you were several days slow doing so.

Nope. You are just another Toby on the plantation. Don't go around trying to pretend you actually have status because you know how to spell BITCOIN.

30th June 2019, 08:06 PM
Nope. You are just another Toby on the plantation. Don't go around trying to pretend you actually have status because you know how to spell BITCOIN.

This just proves to me you acknowledge you lost our argument.

You can trade one bitcoin for gold right now, if you want. The price is north of 7 oz of gold.

I don't personally own any bitcoin. But, I do have gold. You need to refresh your memory on what the freedom of "barter" means. Today, people are bartering 7 oz of gold for 1 bitcoin. To me, that is a piss poor deal. But, to those who have bitcoin, it's a big win, imo. With bartering though, who knows, that's what freedom is. The freedom to barter.

30th June 2019, 08:18 PM
He owns two houses, paid in full. And, a nice yacht. Those are tangible assets. I've met him, he's one happy dude.

The smart folks turned bitcoin into tangible assets, and profited. That's reality. Houses, yachts, ARE real, and in our universe. Some save for years, others won a gamble called Bitcoin.

If you can't realize that fact, you are delusional.

Anybody who made millions off of bitcoin did not buy it at $100 and wait until $10000

They shorted the shit out of it cause they saw it as the clown's game it is.

30th June 2019, 08:22 PM
Anybody who made millions off of bitcoin did not buy it at $100 and wait until $10000

They shorted the shit out of it cause they saw it as tge clown's game it is.

I still wonder...if that neighbor was SirGonzo. He was very happy, had several hot bikini babes on his boat. :) He must have bought 1000's of bitcoins early on, pennies on the dollar.

1st July 2019, 04:03 AM
This just proves to me you acknowledge you lost our argument.
I don't argue. I explain why I am right.

You can trade one bitcoin for gold right now, if you want. The price is north of 7 oz of gold.
Not a trade so much as a QUITCLAIM. You abandon possession of gold (or anything) and receive the disability of the previous possessor to complain. Everything in your universe is abandoned property.

I don't personally own any bitcoin. But, I do POSSESS gold. You need to refresh your memory on what the freedom of "barter" means. Today, people are bartering 7 oz of gold for 1 bitcoin. To me, that is a piss poor deal. But, to those who have bitcoin, it's a big win, imo. With bartering though, who knows, that's what freedom is. The freedom to barter. Society will not protect your property rights in your current system of barter. You don't deal with remedy at law but rather praying for relief in equity (a feminine system in which all parties are permitted to lose simultaneously).

3rd July 2019, 01:39 PM
I'm only interested in how the term fartwoop is relative this thread and spot price for either gold or bitcoin.

Its relative to ziero0’s input in the thread. However perhaps he has a point, and perhaps even you do too. I’m suggesting you don’t. Palladium is doing well though relatively. Right now you get more than a hundred ounces of silver for each ounce of palladium, some 7-10 years ago you would have had less than 10 oz of silver for each oz of Pd.

3rd July 2019, 02:18 PM
I don't argue. I explain why I am right.

Not a trade so much as a QUITCLAIM. You abandon possession of gold (or anything) and receive the disability of the previous possessor to complain. Everything in your universe is abandoned property.

Society will not protect your property rights in your current system of barter. You don't deal with remedy at law but rather praying for relief in equity (a feminine system in which all parties are permitted to lose simultaneously).

“Society” will not protect anyone’s property rights, unless you pay the fees society deems you need to pay. It’s up to you to protect your rights. Society doesn’t necessarily deems your rights superior just because you say you are right.

3rd July 2019, 03:19 PM
“Society” will not protect anyone’s property rights, unless you pay the fees
NEWS FLASH!!! If you are paying a FEE you don't have any rights to protect.

3rd July 2019, 11:41 PM
NEWS FLASH!!! If you are paying a FEE you don't have any rights to protect.

BINGO! What gave you the idea that ANY rights exist at all? They are as real as bitcoins.

If you have property you either protect it your self or you hire somebody to protect it for you. If that somebody is “society” it comes with a whole bag of strings attached, depending on the society you align yourself with. It may also provide you with the illusion of “rights”. When a society starts discussing/ demanding women/ minorities/ perverts/ immigrants rights you can bet your ass on that it will come with a hefty membership fee, and will not exert itself overly in protecting your “rights” to your property.

However if society believes you are one of its children, you will not be allowed to make the choice if you want to belong, especially not in the “inclusive” society mentioned above... Further if you don’t play nicely and pay the fees society deems fit, you will only have prisoner rights.

3rd July 2019, 11:55 PM
Trump Says US Should Join "Great Currency Manipulation Game" By Devaluing Dollar


4th July 2019, 12:15 AM
Trump Says US Should Join "Great Currency Manipulation Game" By Devaluing Dollar


This sounds gold and bitcoin bullish. Let the race to the bottom begin!

4th July 2019, 04:19 AM
What gave you the idea that ANY rights exist at all? They are as real as bitcoins. if you don’t play nicely and pay the fees society deems fit, you will only have prisoner rights.

You mean if I don't pay the fee I gain the rights of a prisoner? If you have no rights then you can always gain prisoner rights? That's something ... isn't it?

4th July 2019, 06:05 AM
Trump Says US Should Join "Great Currency Manipulation Game" By Devaluing Dollar


The U.S. $ is 371 1/4 grains of fine silver. Trump’s FRNs and digital currency are frauds

4th July 2019, 06:35 AM
Trump’s FRNs and digital currency are frauds

Donald Trump's companies have declared bankruptcy...more than four times ... I wouldn't be looking at a bankrupt for the concept of money. Ponzi would be a better charge than fraud.

4th July 2019, 07:41 AM
Donald Trump's companies have declared bankruptcy...more than four times ... I wouldn't be looking at a bankrupt for the concept of money. Ponzi would be a better charge than fraud.

Possible they were only mockingly facetious bankruptcys as recreated in his own mind. ._.

Or the easy way out, that we are told is only available through Bitcoin.

4th July 2019, 09:31 AM
Or the easy way out, that we are told is only available through Bitcoin.
Smith & Wesson might be the easiest albeit the least honorable.

4th July 2019, 10:27 AM
You mean if I don't pay the fee I gain the rights of a prisoner? If you have no rights then you can always gain prisoner rights? That's something ... isn't it?

Prisoner rights are taken away if you are discovered not following the rules of the prison. Society “rights” are essentially the same. Essentially you have no rights, they are all illusions. Might is right!

4th July 2019, 10:39 AM
Donald Trump's companies have declared bankruptcy...more than four times ... I wouldn't be looking at a bankrupt for the concept of money. Ponzi would be a better charge than fraud.

Rothschilds saw potential in him, 30 years ago, that’s why we still remembers him and why he is the POTUS. He is their puppet, and they understand the concept of money more than you do. They dedicated generations to get control of its supply. They are ready to crush their fiat system. In the process bitcoin may go to a million dollars or even more.

4th July 2019, 02:18 PM
Rothschilds saw potential in him.

Evidently the Persians loaned the money in the 1800's to get the Rothschilds started.... and they haven't repaid. The conflict in the middle east is all about locating the bonds currently outstanding.

5th July 2019, 12:37 AM
They are ready to crush their fiat system. In the process bitcoin may go to a million dollars or even more.

I'm just examining past participles (as any clear speaking English student might) and something seams wrong with the above statement...

Why exactly would anyone want a million dollars in that process?

5th July 2019, 03:29 AM
Why exactly would anyone want a million dollars in that process?

'cause that would be the price of a cuppa Joe?

5th July 2019, 05:54 AM
Evidently the Persians loaned the money in the 1800's to get the Rothschilds started....

Can you please link us to that evidence?

5th July 2019, 05:57 AM
I'm just examining past participles (as any clear speaking English student might) and something seams wrong with the above statement...

Perhaps you should ask a tailor for advice on your problem?

5th July 2019, 06:04 AM
Why exactly would anyone want a million dollars in that process?
Exactly, it is the demise of the fiat system in the process... I am not saying it is optimal to keep your bitcoins until they are worth $1 million. Probably a good idea to change them into gold or silver around $100k. Even worse to keep cash obviously...

5th July 2019, 08:53 AM
Perhaps you should ask a tailor for advice on your problem?

Apparently close only counts with horseshoes, handgrenades, and now Chiropractology.

5th July 2019, 09:08 AM
'cause that would be the price of a cuppa Joe?

Joe wouldn't have enough fiat to make it to your local grocery store, I'm not even sure enough almost infinitely divisible Bitcoins either.

A stronger Euro is probably required first, lol and that may take half a century.

5th July 2019, 09:53 AM

Can you please link us to that evidence?

Why would I want to muck up a good rumor with fact?

5th July 2019, 09:59 AM
Why would I want to muck up a good rumor with fact?

Evidently= allegedly?

5th July 2019, 10:37 AM
Evidently= allegedly?

allege (v.)
c. 1300, "make a formal declaration in court;" mid-14c., "pronounce positively, claim as true," with or without proof; it has the form of one French verb and the meaning of another. The form is Anglo-French aleger, Old French eslegier "to clear at law" (from a compound of Latin ex "out of;" see ex- + litigare "bring suit" (see litigation).

However eslegier meant "acquit, clear of charges in a lawsuit," and the Middle English word somehow acquired the meaning of French alléguer, from Latin allegare/adlegare "send for, bring forth, name, produce in evidence, send on business," from ad "to" (see ad-) + legare "to depute, send" (see legate). Related: Alleged; alleging.

5th July 2019, 10:42 AM

5th July 2019, 11:09 AM

yawn (v.)

c. 1300, yenen, yonen, from Old English ginian, gionian "open the mouth wide, yawn, gape," from Proto-Germanic *gin- (source also of Old English giwian, giowian, giwan "to request," Old Norse gina "to yawn," Dutch geeuwen, Old High German ginen "to be wide open," German gähnen "to yawn"), from PIE root *ghieh- "to yawn, gape, be wide open." Modern spelling is from 16c. Related: Yawned; yawning.

5th July 2019, 01:04 PM
The easiest way to defeat any Trump is an agent is with a strawman.

Even if he knew he was an agent, his ego would not let him remember properly.

Henceforth he is only a facillitator of inevitability.

Like Rothschilds were to the Persians.. _.

5th July 2019, 01:14 PM
The easiest way to defeat any Trump is an agent is with a strawman.

Even if he knew he was an agent, his ego would not let him remember properly.

Henceforth he is only a facillitator of inevitability.

Like Rothschilds were to the Persians.. _.

Perhaps, that is a possibility. However it appears his purpose is a greater Israel, just like Rothschilds. If he somehow forgets that and would get in the way of that goal, there is always Mike. So far he seems to be in favor with his lords, though...

5th July 2019, 02:00 PM
Its relative to ziero0’s input in the thread.

sperg (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sperg)

'Sperg' is both a verb and a noun. It's almost always used for Internet purposes, and to sum up (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sum%20up), it pretty much means a person with Aspeger's (or perceived to have it) that gets so dramatically passionate about a subject to the point where it's greatly aggravating (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=aggravating) to everyone else.


5th July 2019, 02:17 PM
sperg (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sperg)

'Sperg' is both a verb and a noun. It's almost always used for Internet purposes, and to sum up (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sum%20up), it pretty much means a person with Aspeger's (or perceived to have it) that gets so dramatically passionate about a subject to the point where it's greatly aggravating (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=aggravating) to everyone else.


Got Justice?

5th July 2019, 07:24 PM
gets so dramatically passionate about a subject

Now here is something for you to get passionate about.


Gold and silver? Not so much!!!

5th July 2019, 09:49 PM
Now here is something for you to get passionate about.


Gold and silver? Not so much!!!

ziero0, jumped the shark


6th July 2019, 04:11 AM
jumped the shark


10th July 2019, 07:46 AM
BIG UPS TODAY... but firstly, either enable images in posts again, or this forum is RIP.... :( What's the next non-Big-Tech forum we should migrate to, should GSUS no-images situation persist??

Look at Pd today, + $42, new all time high!

10th July 2019, 11:11 AM
I read an article today (will try to find it) that stated Russia bought over 276 tons of gold last year, all from selling US treasuries. Same with China. Also, many other countries. Poland added over 10 tons of gold to their reserves.

Countries are buying gold hand over fist and selling US treasuries. The media isn't reporting on it.

My thoughts are that gold is embarking on a major bull run. A slow steady rise as the US dollar dies a slow death.

10th July 2019, 02:00 PM
I read an article today (will try to find it) that stated Russia bought over 276 tons of gold last year, all from selling US treasuries. Same with China. Also, many other countries. Poland added over 10 tons of gold to their reserves.

Countries are buying gold hand over fist and selling US treasuries. The media isn't reporting on it.

My thoughts are that gold is embarking on a major bull run. A slow steady rise as the US dollar dies a slow death.

The death only is slow in the beginning of the process. At the end the dollar will deteriorate fast, and death will be sudden. I do think it is very possible John McAfee will be correct on his prediction of a bitcoin will be worth a million dollars before the end of 2020, within the next 18 months. However if that is the case a dollar would be worth maybe a tenth or a 20th of what it is worth today in terms of purchasing power.

There are a few requirements that need to be fulfilled for that to happen. US loses its reserve currency status, as you pointed out it is happening now, China and Russia is buying gold with US Dollars. Further earlier they traded with each other using USD as medium of exchange. They stopped doing that. A new financial crisis, bigger than the one in 2007-8, where central banks just shoves in endless amounts of cash to keep over leveraged markets liquid. And an alternative to bond markets as safe havens, which is where the cryptocurrency’s with bitcoin leading comes in. Major financial institutions are the primary investors in these schemes nowadays, and bitcoin alone has a market value of over $200Billions. USD is only a safe haven as long as people think it is, when it comes in doubt, things may accelerate very quickly. If bitcoin do this year what it did in 2017, it would 10-fold from here to about $100,000, that means bitcoin would be worth about $2 Trillion dollars by year end, and crypto market in total about 5-6 Trillion dollars, which would then be greater than US M1-money supply as it is now (I think M1 is around $3.7 Trillion), IOW all the circulation cash and bank account balances.

The internet and the interconnectedness and speed of communication, and spread of information whether true or false, means that a collapse can happen very quickly once trust is broken.

It is a house of cards built on a trust that it isn’t worthy of.

10th July 2019, 02:01 PM
Poland added over 10 tons of gold to their reserves.

So when gold stops changing hands and Russia wants to increase the size of their treasury they merely have to invade Poland and take what the Poles have accumulated? Nice they are setting up the motivation for the next phase of WW1.

10th July 2019, 02:14 PM
So when gold stops changing hands and Russia wants to increase the size of their treasury they merely have to invade Poland and take what the Poles have accumulated? Nice they are setting up the motivation for the next phase of WW1.

Merely? You make it sound like an easy thing to do, and an easy decision. A merely decision from you would start WW3.

10th July 2019, 02:18 PM
It is a house of cards built on a trust that it isn’t worthy of.

You just described the USD and Bitcoin.

If we have a major currency war, or currency collapse, bitcoin will sit it out. Useless, in a time of crisis.

10th July 2019, 02:24 PM
Merely? You make it sound like an easy thing to do, and an easy decision. A merely decision from you would start WW3.

History has proven that Poles invite invasion.

Now take the U.S. on the other hand. They won't have any gold so why on earth would Russia choose to invade? Nothing here to take.

10th July 2019, 02:33 PM
History has proven that Poles invite invasion.

Agreed. History also shows Poland fights back.

I don't think you realize I agree with you. Poland buying Gold is a big deal, worldwide. Should Russia take the bait it's TSHTF for all of us, regardless of where you live.

old steel
10th July 2019, 02:58 PM
Lead is the ultimate PM.

10th July 2019, 03:00 PM
Lead is the ultimate PM.

Cold Iron

Gold is for the mistress -- silver for the maid --
Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade."
"Good!" said the Baron, sitting in his hall,
"But Iron -- Cold Iron -- is master of them all."

So he made rebellion 'gainst the King his liege,
Camped before his citadel and summoned it to siege.
"Nay!" said the cannoneer on the castle wall,
"But Iron -- Cold Iron -- shall be master of you all!"

Woe for the Baron and his knights so strong,
When the cruel cannon-balls laid 'em all along;
He was taken prisoner, he was cast in thrall,
And Iron -- Cold Iron -- was master of it all!

Yet his King spake kindly (ah, how kind a Lord!)
"What if I release thee now and give thee back thy sword?"
"Nay!" said the Baron, "mock not at my fall,
For Iron -- Cold Iron -- is master of men all."

"Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown --
Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown."
"As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small,
For Iron -- Cold Iron -- must be master of men all!"

Yet his King made answer (few such Kings there be!)
"Here is Bread and here is Wine -- sit and sup with me.
Eat and drink in Mary's Name, the whiles I do recall
How Iron -- Cold Iron -- can be master of men all!"

He took the Wine and blessed it. He blessed and brake the Bread.
With His own Hands He served Them, and presently He said:
"See! These Hands they pierced with nails, outside My city wall,
Show Iron -- Cold Iron -- to be master of men all."

"Wounds are for the desperate, blows are for the strong.
Balm and oil for weary hearts all cut and bruised with wrong.
I forgive thy treason -- I redeem thy fall --
For Iron -- Cold Iron -- must be master of men all!"

"Crowns are for the valiant -- sceptres for the bold!
Thrones and powers for mighty men who dare to take and hold!"
"Nay!" said the Baron, kneeling in his hall,
"But Iron -- Cold Iron -- is master of men all!
Iron out of Calvary is master of men all!"

10th July 2019, 03:02 PM
Should Russia take the bait it's TSHTF for all of us, regardless of where you live.
Being alive = ability to change

Only the dead cannot change.

10th July 2019, 03:05 PM
You just described the USD and Bitcoin.

If we have a major currency war, or currency collapse, bitcoin will sit it out. Useless, in a time of crisis.

Of course it requires an internet and electricity, as the dollar dies, with the economy it serves as a medium of exchange for, bitcoin will not have any utility, but until that happens, you will get much more gold with your dollars if you put them in bitcoins now. Bitcoin becomes the alternative to the US junkbonds, which will destroy the USD, which destroys the economy, which destroys the basic requirements for bitcoin to function. Probably somewhere north of $1 million/bitcoin. Bitcoin right now trades at 7-8 oz of gold, perhaps at year end you’ll get 40 oz of gold for 1 BTC at $100k with gold at $2,500. By end of next year you may have a btc at $1M, but probably you wouldn’t be able to get gold for it delivered home with general breakdown of society progressing.

I feel pretty certain that bitcoin/crypto will be what breaks fiat, in the ultimate tulip bulb craze, and western civilization going down in the flames of speculation. Nothing wrong with buying gold or silver now though.

10th July 2019, 03:28 PM
Being alive = ability to change

Only the dead cannot change.

The dead change. I caught you straight up being flat out wrong.

1st. Death, the soul moves on from the physical body.

2ndly. The physical body left behind changes. First from warm blooded to rigormortis, then full on decomposition. Earth to earth we return eventually.

10th July 2019, 03:36 PM
I feel pretty certain that bitcoin/crypto will be what breaks fiat, in the ultimate tulip bulb craze, and western civilization going down in the flames of speculation. Nothing wrong with buying gold or silver now though.

I disagree. I don't think bitcoin will ever gain the faith of the masses. It's a bubble, a big one, it has to be. Where is all the money coming from to shovel into bitcoin?

Logically, it doesn't make sense. Money flows to either tangible assets, or ways to generate income. Homes to rent, businesses to grow, etc. Bitcoin has neither of that.

The only thing gold has going for it is it's rare, can't be made by man, and governments hoard it.

Bitcoin is not rare. The number of different cryptos that can be created is unlimited. It IS made by man, ie, not tangible, and governments don't hoard it, they hate it. In fact the death of Bitcoin is a GOLD backed cryptocurrency, which Russia is already working on.

10th July 2019, 03:41 PM
The dead change.

I don't see any dead entering a BUY order on Pd at $12,000.

10th July 2019, 03:53 PM
I disagree. I don't think bitcoin will ever gain the faith of the masses. It's a bubble, a big one, it has to be. Where is all the money coming from to shovel into bitcoin?

Logically, it doesn't make sense. Money flows to either tangible assets, or ways to generate income. Homes to rent, businesses to grow, etc. Bitcoin has neither of that.

The only thing gold has going for it is it's rare, can't be made by man, and governments hoard it.

Bitcoin is not rare. The number of different cryptos that can be created is unlimited. It IS made by man, ie, not tangible, and governments don't hoard it, they hate it. In fact the death of Bitcoin is a GOLD backed cryptocurrency, which Russia is already working on.

Bitcoin is limited to 21 million and right now it is worth around 65% of the entire crypto market. The next one is ethereum at around 10%. There are hundreds other currencies that you can trade, governments will go down with the fiat collapse, because they are tied with it. A gold backed cryptocurrency has the same weakness as bitcoin, actually worse as it requires a counter party that guarantees the gold. It offers no benefit vs holding the gold yourself, apart from being a temporary guarantee against theft of your gold. But when the internet is down due to no electricity you won’t be able to trade your Russian cryptogold, but it may help in breaking the USD.

Btw I don’t disagree with you that bitcoin is a bubble. And it will gain widespread adoption this year. I am not going to promise to eat my dick if I am wrong though.

10th July 2019, 03:56 PM
I don't see any dead entering a BUY order on Pd at $12,000.

I don't see any living entering that BUY order either.

10th July 2019, 04:00 PM
I don't see any living entering that BUY order either.

But they do on bitcoin, today it was over $13,000, now around $12,000. ;)

10th July 2019, 04:00 PM
Bitcoin is limited to 21 million and right now it is worth around 65% of the entire crypto market. The next one is ethereum at around 10%. There are hundreds other currencies that you can trade, governments will go down with the fiat collapse, because they are tied with it. A gold backed cryptocurrency has the same weakness as bitcoin, actually worse as it requires a counter party that guarantees the gold. It offers no benefit vs holding the gold yourself, apart from being a temporary guarantee against theft of your gold. But when the internet is down due to no electricity you won’t be able to trade your Russian cryptogold, but it may help in breaking the USD.

What you are talking about is a completed game changer. Either Bitcoin is a trading vessel (which it currently is) based upon speculation, or a hedge against monetary collapse.

If the internet is down and it's barter time. Physical gold and silver, as well as rice, ammo, tobacco, etc. Physical goods will rule. Bitcoin would well just disappear. After that collapse, when societies rebuild, bitcoin along with fiat currencies will just have to compete for attention.

Bitcoin has more association with fiat currencies than with gold.

10th July 2019, 04:04 PM
Maybe its me, I just dont see King Abdulah tossin Bitcoins at bellydancers.


10th July 2019, 04:06 PM
But they do on bitcoin, today it was over $13,000, now around $12,000. ;)

The world sure is complicated these days. :) Nothing makes any logical sense. If logical sense had any value, the liberals would be shit out of luck. Everything is emotion based. To succeed today, make decisions based upon presumed emotions.

10th July 2019, 04:22 PM
What you are talking about is a completed game changer. Either Bitcoin is a trading vessel (which it currently is) based upon speculation, or a hedge against monetary collapse.

If the internet is down and it's barter time. Physical gold and silver, as well as rice, ammo, tobacco, etc. Physical goods will rule. Bitcoin would well just disappear. After that collapse, when societies rebuild, bitcoin along with fiat currencies will just have to compete for attention.

Bitcoin has more association with fiat currencies than with gold.
Sure and it will bring the fiats down, in an amazing speculative inferno... After a hundred years or so when recovery is possible at some locations of earth to the point that some kind of medium of exchange may be possible beyond barter, no one will remember having any bitcoins or any such nonsense...

10th July 2019, 04:26 PM
The world sure is complicated these days. :) Nothing makes any logical sense. If logical sense had any value, the liberals would be shit out of luck. Everything is emotion based. To succeed today, make decisions based upon presumed emotions.

But bitcoins actually make far more sense then fiat currency which is in endless supply to the rulers, but very limited to the rest.

10th July 2019, 04:46 PM
Just to show what the chart looks like... most likely we’ll see a repeat of 2017 this year. What was $2000 then is $12000 today, we’ll ride this up to $100k, before the end of the year when crypto will be bigger than the current reserve currency of the world, USD

Oh I forgot that you can’t import images...

Here it is anyway.


10th July 2019, 05:09 PM
Lead is the ultimate PM.

This is pithy Truth.


10th July 2019, 06:21 PM
Just to show what the chart looks like... most likely we’ll see a repeat of 2017 this year. What was $2000 then is $12000 today, we’ll ride this up to $100k, before the end of the year when crypto will be bigger than the current reserve currency of the world, USD

Oh I forgot that you can’t import images...

Here it is anyway.


SO how would I go about buying 100 bux worth? This has always been my downfall on getting any, I am not a smart man... or strong but want some.

10th July 2019, 06:48 PM
I don't see any living entering that BUY order either.
But the living can... that is the point.

10th July 2019, 07:20 PM
SO how would I go about buying 100 bux worth? This has always been my downfall on getting any, I am not a smart man... or strong but want some.

I suppose you could open a coinbase account. Just go to coinbase.com and open an account. They will get your bank info and do a transaction of a few cents. Once the transaction goes through, you are good to go and can purchase various types of crypto.

10th July 2019, 07:34 PM
But the living can... that is the point.

I don't see the point. If there IS a point, you really should explain your position.

I don't think you have a position to even start with.

10th July 2019, 08:24 PM
you really should explain your position

Invaders perform the action of invading because they want something. Providing a large supply of what they want (aka "gold") creates motivation to invade.

11th July 2019, 01:05 AM
I don't see the point. If there IS a point, you really should explain your position.

I don't think you have a position to even start with.
His position is word salad.

11th July 2019, 08:58 AM
SO how would I go about buying 100 bux worth? This has always been my downfall on getting any, I am not a smart man... or strong but want some.

if you do open an account @ coinbase and purchase $100 immediately create a bitcoin wallet in your personal computer & tranfer the bitcoin there. Then make a copy of the wallet and move the copy to an offline computer

11th July 2019, 10:41 AM
His position is word salad.

I have to lower my grammar standards so you might stand a chance of de-ciphering my words.

11th July 2019, 12:13 PM
I have to lower my grammar standards so you might stand a chance of de-ciphering my words.

Another option would be to actually engage in the discussion (or whatever you’ld prefer to call the discourse here). Oh glorious one of ununderstandable blabber...

11th July 2019, 03:58 PM
Another option would be to actually engage in the discussion.

I am not engaging?

12th July 2019, 02:43 PM
I am not engaging?

I have no idea what you are engaging in...

12th July 2019, 03:09 PM
I have no idea what you are engaging in...

Exactly!!! When contemplating Nothing the Universe expands to include Everything. Enjoy your journey.

24th July 2019, 01:09 PM
thrilver making ~13 month highs this week, after breaking above Feb 2019 $15.95 high.

current ~$16.60 POS takes us back to mid June '18.

https://silverprice.org/silver-price-chart.html < fiddle with time frames above graph. Next significant peak $17.38, from Jan '18. Steady as she goes.

I haven't so far made good on my June 18 OP threat to fund a futures acct again, & swim w the sharks again on this move.

Thrilver was $14.98 on June 18; moved +11% since then to current $16.60.

AU was $1340 June 18; now $1425, +$85 or +6.3%

old steel
25th July 2019, 06:28 PM
UP, up and away for the devils metal!

25th July 2019, 10:33 PM
UP, up and away for the devils metal!


27th July 2019, 12:51 PM
thrilver making ~13 month highs this week, after breaking above Feb 2019 $15.95 high.

current ~$16.60 POS takes us back to mid June '18.

https://silverprice.org/silver-price-chart.html < fiddle with time frames above graph. Next significant peak $17.38, from Jan '18. Steady as she goes.

I haven't so far made good on my June 18 OP threat to fund a futures acct again, & swim w the sharks again on this move.

Thrilver was $14.98 on June 18; moved +11% since then to current $16.60.

AU was $1340 June 18; now $1425, +$85 or +6.3%

And Gold moved first

on June 18th

6th August 2019, 06:55 PM
woot https://goldprice.org --H H--^^^O0 (https://goldprice.org)

7th August 2019, 12:03 PM
woot https://goldprice.org --H H--^^^O0 (https://goldprice.org)

This is gold, Mr Bond. All my life, I've been in love with its colour, its brilliance, its divine heaviness. I welcome any enterprise that will increase my stock, which is considerable.

7th August 2019, 12:15 PM
Thrilver was $14.98 on June 18; moved +11% since then to current $16.60.

AU was $1340 June 18; now $1425, +$85 or +6.3%

wicked move up in the thrillver today, +4.6% :cool:

update since June 18:

AU $1340 > $1504, +12.3%
AG $14.98 > $17.15, +14.5%

9th August 2019, 12:31 AM
wicked move up in the thrillver today, +4.6% :cool:

update since June 18:

AU $1340 > $1504, +12.3%
AG $14.98 > $17.15, +14.5%

I predict the dollar and gold will shed that percentage over the next 9 months.

9th August 2019, 07:07 AM
I predict the dollar and gold will shed that percentage over the next 9 months.
Deflationary collapse with both gold and the dollar declining? That’s rather scary

12th August 2019, 10:55 AM
Deflationary collapse with both gold and the dollar declining? That’s rather scary

Ever stop to think that the wall was actually built to impose tariffs on Mexico?
All those trafficked Mexicans just an ends to the means?

19th August 2019, 04:06 PM
check that beauteous cup/handle forming in Pd since late Mar,

20th August 2019, 08:45 AM
check that beauteous cup/handle forming in Pd since late Mar,
Should get Pd up to close to $2k

24th August 2019, 07:41 AM
check that beauteous cup/handle forming in Pd since late Mar,

One man's "beauteous cup/handle" is another's pile de la poo :)

3rd September 2019, 10:36 AM
woot! https://silverprice.org/

I'ma gonna get off the dime & make good on that threat to get into the futures...umm... soon. Pd's lagging today, up only $3 atm; but beautious handle forming on that double bottom cup; breakout/rally will be powerful. >$2K/oz by next May. And that's conservative. :)


old steel
3rd September 2019, 10:43 AM
"I could be wrong but I think that is now pointing in the direction of 'da moon'...."


5th September 2019, 06:04 AM
pullbacks in Au Ag & Pt this morning; meanwhile Pd is sneakily tiptoeing towards a breakout from its lovely >5 month cup/handle... like a caterpillar moves, Pd forges the new trail higher, then takes a break & bases while the other 3 PMs catch up; now the other 3 may stop & catch their breath, as Pd pounces into new highs again, like a coiled spring...

6 months Pd, so you can see how it's pulling higher, while the other 3 PMs are red.

oh gee look, someone even woke up dog-with-fleas-Pt in the recent ~2 weeks! >15% rocket higher in < 1 month, welcome to the party Pt! :rolleyes:

9th September 2019, 05:23 PM
My MS Paint job w Pd chart, https://imgur.com/a/qr2q9gL

I ignored the July 11/12th Pd intraday highs... to see that chart live go to https://goldprice.org/ - scroll down to big gold candlestick chart, & in the right pane there showing other commods/indexes, click Pd. I'm not aware of a unique URL to go straight there. :(??

when Pd busts that upper red trendline she prolly won't look back; esp if the other PMs confirm w up moves at same time - new/multi-year highs not nec.

I'm in the process of waiting for "good funds" to settle so I can move $ to fund futures acct again

9th September 2019, 06:24 PM
My MS Paint job w Pd chart, https://imgur.com/a/dDEAEY9

I ignored the July 11/12th Pd intraday highs... to see that chart live go to https://goldprice.org/ - scroll down to big gold candlestick chart, & in the right pane there showing other commods/indexes, click Pd. I'm not aware of a unique URL to go straight there. :(??

when Pd busts that red trendline she prolly won't look back; esp if the other PMs confirm w up moves at same time - new/multi-year highs not nec.

I'm in the process of waiting for "good funds" to settle so I can move $ to fund futures acct again

Pat, you are a wealth of information. Back when platinum (Palladium actually) was cheap, I was lusting after some of those Russian Ballerinas. I never did get any, they were playing hard to get back then. I did blow a very small wad on some silver recently and that, no doubt, is the reason for the pullback.:)

9th September 2019, 07:44 PM
I did blow a very small wad on some silver recently and that, no doubt, is the reason for the pullback.:)

I am the guilty one, woodman. I made this post..


Silver was a healthy $19 and change, and tanked the very next day. Keeps going down.

I shoulda kept my damn mouth shut. Damnit.

old steel
9th September 2019, 07:46 PM
How many billions in paper gold/silver derivatives have the usual suspects dumped onto the Comex in the part couple of trading days?

10th September 2019, 02:17 AM
... to see that chart live go to https://goldprice.org/ - scroll down to big gold candlestick chart, & in the right pane there showing other commods/indexes, click Pd. I'm not aware of a unique URL to go straight there. :(??

^ Follow same path above, & notice the next item in that right pane below Pd, is the Gold:Silver ratio chart - around 83:1 atm. Notice, mouseover the chart, & your mouse scroll wheel adjusts date range shown. Also, left-click-hold & drag for diff time frames ending earlier than current date. Slick!

Heres a snapshot I just took of the full ~22y 'max' they'll chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/GODmWHbP/

Never got into the "Gold:Silver ratio" thing as being very meaningful or predictive of future price action. In fact in my 15y since delving into the PM world, & esp from those first 3-4 years when I used to actually read goldseek/silverseek.com type articles from their stable of perma-bull writers as I was ascending the PM learning curve; the (silver) bulls nonstop reciting of some worn out "historic 16:1 Au:Ag ratio means Ag will be going to $X-hundred/oz, sure as the sun always rises in the East!! :D" mantra, got downright annoying! Next article plz!! :rolleyes: I gather these hucksters are going back in time to like, Before Christ?... appears downright irrelevant today!

That said, the Au:Ag chart above is... an interesting study! U can see in that 22y chart, a big sawtooth pattern, & how the ratio broke out to new high zone late 2018, peaking at 22y (& I assume all-time?) high at ~94 just 2-3 mos ago, when Ag finally came to life & raced past Au's price/ROC rally. I won't blahblah about every nuance in that chart or I'd be typing for an hour+; but I'll be keeping an eye on whether we're turning the corner here for another (multi year?) Au:Ag downleg; generally suggesting Ag zooms up in price with a rate-of-change far exceeding Au...? If I were a betting man :D that'd be my bet here! & Yes, in the futures/options-on-futures market U can "bet the spread" between 2 diff commods. :cool:

10th September 2019, 02:42 AM
but I'll be keeping an eye on whether we're turning the corner here for another (multi year?) Au:Ag downleg; generally suggesting Ag zooms up in price with a rate-of-change far exceeding Ag...? If I were a betting man :D that'd be my bet here! & Yes, in the futures/options-on-futures market U can "bet the spread" between 2 diff commods. :cool:

Here's a closeup of the recent 1y of Au:Ag chart: https://imgur.com/a/eyA6pZ9 - that stab down to ~79.2 was just last week, 9/4.

That stab pierced this trendline began in Apr '11, when Ag was zooming toward it's $49.xx/oz peak, https://imgur.com/a/JZJ60Pi

Same trendline on the 22y/max chart, https://imgur.com/a/GLrJSFs

10th September 2019, 04:27 AM
Gold:Silver ratio chart - around 83:1... If I were a betting man :D that'd be my bet here! & Yes, in the futures/options-on-futures market U can "bet the spread" between 2 diff commods. :cool:

The old 35-to-1 ratio depended on the US Mint making our coins out of real silver. That huge silver demand no longer exists...


10th September 2019, 05:02 AM
The old 35-to-1 ratio depended on the US Mint making our coins out of real silver. That huge silver demand no longer exists...


purports to show Au:Ag since 1915,
Gold to Silver Ratio - 100 Year Historical Chart (https://www.macrotrends.net/1441/gold-to-silver-ratio)

^ so it looks to have been >80 three times, all three times also exceeding 90, including this most recent past ~1y when it was mostly >80 with the late June/early July stab >91... recall Au made that 5 year high breakout June 19th, & it was a couple weeks b4 Ag woke up & sprang higher like a jack rabbit passing the Au turtle... bringing ratio back < 90. 1y: https://imgur.com/a/eyA6pZ9

& this 2012 article shows 324 years; wherein they note:

"If the ratio were to return to the pre-1900 average of 16.13, the silver price would have to rise to about $105/oz."

324 Years Of The Gold-To-Silver Ratio And $195 Silver (https://seekingalpha.com/article/422081-324-years-of-the-gold-to-silver-ratio-and-195-silver)

10th September 2019, 05:36 AM
The old 35-to-1 ratio depended on the US Mint making our coins out of real silver. That huge silver demand no longer exists...

I guess today you have demand for silver from electronics, but probably that won’t outweigh the minted coin. An iPhone has what an old dimes worth of silver? As always silvers greatest hope is high inflation. QE INFINITY will see to it...

10th September 2019, 07:39 AM
The old 35-to-1 ratio depended on the US Mint making our coins out of real silver. That huge silver demand no longer exists...


The silver/gold ratio while the Mint was producing both gold and silver coins was 20:1. 1932 was 20:1 1934 35:1 after Roosevelt confiscated America's money he revalued gold at $35 and made it illegal for citizens to possess.

10th September 2019, 08:31 AM
The silver/gold ratio while the Mint was producing both gold and silver coins was 20:1. 1932 was 20:1 1934 35:1 after Roosevelt confiscated America's money he revalued gold at $35 and made it illegal for citizens to possess.

^ not according to this chart purporting to plot the ratio since 1915, which puts the ratio 40 - 90 throughout the 1930s.

Gold to Silver Ratio - 100 Year Historical Chart (https://www.macrotrends.net/1441/gold-to-silver-ratio)

Notice u can mouseover the chart & it tells what month/year you're on at the bottom, & ratio #.

also, avg ratio between 1915 & 1965 appears to me would be around 40 somewhere, just eyeballing it & guessing.

10th September 2019, 09:44 AM
^ not according to this chart purporting to plot the ratio since 1915, which puts the ratio 40 - 90 throughout the 1930s.

Gold to Silver Ratio - 100 Year Historical Chart (https://www.macrotrends.net/1441/gold-to-silver-ratio)

Notice u can mouseover the chart & it tells what month/year you're on at the bottom, & ratio #.

also, avg ratio between 1915 & 1965 appears to me would be around 40 somewhere, just eyeballing it & guessing.

You are quoting the London Market,

From 1791 to 1932 New York Gold was $19.39 - $20.67

The CHART I got prices from was the official US pricing


Just to clarify, Book was referring to the US Mint and its gold - silver ratio and Roosevelt's $35 gold. That to me indicated he was referring to the US Official price which was about 20:1 for over 100 years

10th September 2019, 10:16 AM
You are quoting the London Market,

From 1791 to 1932 New York Gold was $19.39 - $20.67

The CHART I got prices from was the official US pricing


I don't get it, 2018 US official price is $42.22

10th September 2019, 10:34 AM
I don't get it, 2018 US official price is $42.22

Yes, I think think Congress fixed the official price around the time of the Bretton Woods agreement.

I can't find any info doing a search, but when Nixon made it legal for citizens to buy and sell gold they could trade on the spot market price

11th September 2019, 07:02 AM
I don't get it, 2018 US official price is $42.22

Yes they adjust the size of the ounce, unofficially, so that it always will have this price. They store mostly toilet paper in Fort Knox these days, if the shit hit the fan. ;)

11th September 2019, 08:36 AM
Yes they adjust the size of the ounce, unofficially, so that it always will have this price. They store mostly toilet paper in Fort Knox these days, if the shit hit the fan. ;)


11th September 2019, 10:26 AM
My MS Paint job w Pd chart, https://imgur.com/a/qr2q9gL

Pd's busting out of that handle today,

dammit I'd hoped to have a seat on this next ride up with couple/few futures contracts by now; my fault for sitting on the pot thinking about it for too long. Maybe she'll pull back < $1560 (ask) & give me a 2nd chance? Doubt it though.

11th September 2019, 10:27 AM
Could Gold Confiscation Happen Again?
The United States has seen four different gold confiscations — the last of which was in 1933. Few people realize that when the freedom to own gold was restored in 1972, the President retained the power to require us to surrender our gold which he can do again any time (probably on a Friday) with the mere stroke of a pen.
That means all confiscated gold could possibly be compensated at only $42.22 per 1oz. and not at the world market price. Don’t take this decision lightly. It is a blatant warning that the government may be contemplating grand larceny — AGAIN.

old steel
11th September 2019, 10:55 AM
Keep stacking, as long as all your other preps are in place.

11th September 2019, 01:58 PM
Keep stacking, as long as all your other preps are in place.

My boat sunk

11th September 2019, 10:52 PM
My boat sunk

Did you ever even have a boat?

12th September 2019, 02:39 PM
Pd's busting out of that handle today,

yuuup; back into the blazing new all time highs zone again; $1,622x high so far today

17th September 2019, 11:05 PM
yuuup; back into the blazing new all time highs zone again; $1,622x high so far today

I just read somewhere that autos expect to slump somewhere into early 2021

19th September 2019, 12:11 PM
yuuup; back into the blazing new all time highs zone again; $1,622x high so far today

Just yesterday afternoon I nearly commented in this thread, how with past ~week's PM downdraft, Ag was 5% off recent multi-year high; Au 4%, & Pd only 2%

I didn't get around to posting that comment, but come today with PM bounce, Pd is +$33 (+2.1%) punching to another new (all time) high touching $1628, as Au/Ag are only up < 0.5%, still several % off their recent highs.

Pd atm: https://www.tradingview.com/x/1XNJ60FE/

20th September 2019, 03:16 AM
Pd up another $30 atm, touching $1,650
snapshot; not live: https://www.tradingview.com/x/tnmlMab9/

compare with
Au https://www.tradingview.com/x/oM1QEsCx/
Ag https://www.tradingview.com/x/z0QzjcEA/

"easy money" going long Au/Ag here as a shorter term play; their following Pd's lead & snapping to new multi-year highs = a layup, & SOON (today?)

26th September 2019, 10:39 AM
Just yesterday afternoon I nearly commented in this thread, how with past ~week's PM downdraft, Ag was 5% off recent multi-year high; Au 4%, & Pd only 2%

I didn't get around to posting that comment, but come today with PM bounce, Pd is +$33 (+2.1%) punching to another new (all time) high touching $1628, as Au/Ag are only up < 0.5%, still several % off their recent highs.

Pd atm: https://www.tradingview.com/x/1XNJ60FE/

Pd recovering like the boss again today, high so far $1673, +$32 / 2% AKA only $3 off its all time high of $1676 in Tue night trading, before the whole PM complex tumbled during Wed COMEX trading.

Pd ~6 month snapshot: https://www.tradingview.com/x/SdofSK3X/

Pd chart w hourly ticks below, covering past ~5 trading days. Check out the table on the right, listing Au Ag Pt & others; compare Pd's speedy % recovery today with the listless +/- mix of Au & Ag


27th September 2019, 08:27 AM
what an odd divergence today; silver shits the bed testing, & breaking ~$17.50 support of the past month, off 2.5%, & gold off nearly 1%,

meanwhile Pd streaks decisively to yet another new high, touching so far high of $1,694 +$28 :o

hourly Pd chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/o50HTYVs/

this show can't go on - afraid Pd's gonna have another one/two of its $100 waterfall days; or... :(??

old steel
27th September 2019, 10:49 AM
Physical gold and silver are still being shorted by the billions in the paper derivative market by the banks on the Comex.

Until that changes with Jamie Dimon and Blythe Masters behind bars for rigging of the physical gold/silver markets it will continue on.

29th September 2019, 08:48 PM
what an odd divergence today; silver shits the bed testing, & breaking ~$17.50 support of the past month, off 2.5%, & gold off nearly 1%,

meanwhile Pd streaks decisively to yet another new high, touching so far high of $1,694 +$28 :o

hourly Pd chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/o50HTYVs/

this show can't go on - afraid Pd's gonna have another one/two of its $100 waterfall days; or... :(??

the Pd divergence show goes on this Sun night Asia open... up +$13 or 0.8% atm, pennies from Fri's $1694.xx intraday all time high,

while Au/Ag both down fraction of a %. Pt just making a tiny +0.2x% sympathy move with its Big Cousin Pd

30th September 2019, 11:45 PM
Crazy tug of war between Pd, vs the other 3 bigs, Au Ag Pt these past ~24h

Last night Pd surpassed Fri's new all time high $1694.xx, & pierced $1700 before getting drawn down with Au/Ag, which both broke down through support of their preceding ~5 week basing patterns. Pt collapsed the bigleyest, down >5%. Yet all through Mon, Pd maintained a higher high, & higher low than its Fri trading; no 'collapse' whatsoever!

ATM Au & Ag both declining further, making new 6-8 week lows; Au touched $1,460.xx & Ag touched $16.87.

But Pd still holding tightly within it's Mon range, $1,673 atm; goodly above it's Mon $1655 low.

SOMETHING's keeping Pd so buoyant, esp vs its PM peers! But alas I still believe a reckoning is due -- will be either a fast Au/Ag/Pt snap higher; or more likely I'm afraid, a Pd $100 waterfall of cascading stops... :(??

8th October 2019, 03:44 PM
nice all greens action across the PMs today.

Ag look like it's prolly put in a bottom, touching 16.87 last week

Pd threatened a breakdown overnight, touching 1,629 for < 1 min then prompt reversal - but that was a ~3 week low going back to Sep 19th. Here's an hourly chart going back to 9/17 https://www.tradingview.com/x/9fQC40mb/ - after last night's little breakdown scare she rocketed right back to middle of current sideways basing pattern which began 9/19, & closed only 1.7% off its $1700 all time high - still the closest of all the PMs.

Biggest % Pd got off last week's 1,700 all time high, & last night's ~3 week low of 1,629, was only 4.2% :cool:

Last night looks like a "running the stops" swindle move, actually. :rolleyes:

28th October 2019, 07:44 AM
all reds in the PMs today; oh woh is us eh?

WAIT! What's this??!?!
https://www.tradingview.com/x/4Od3NgrH/ :D:)&:)*#*--H H--

30th October 2019, 10:30 AM
Pd doing that crazy new all time highs thing again today :cool:


30th October 2019, 04:56 PM
I used to be very good at reading charts prior to 2008. Chart looks good to me. Then again I lost 130K I should not have been playing with and am now below poverty level lol. It was fun tho.

31st October 2019, 06:11 AM
A buy and hold strategy beats market timing every time ... unless you happen to be psychic... which happens to be close to a situation called psychotic.

11th November 2019, 08:17 AM
at least so far today, PMs following through with their short term selloffs began Fri.

Au/Ag both broke support going back to early Aug; Pd is only making < 1mo lows from mid Oct.

taking pricing from https://goldprice.org/ (click Pd in the right-sidebar beside the big live candlestick chart); Pd's late Oct all time high was $1823; price atm $1700 aka 6.75% off its high.
~1y chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/wX8tJzOz/

Just taking the recent multi-year highs of Au & Ag,

Au (early Sep) high $1557, now $1448, = -8%
~1y chart https://www.tradingview.com/x/Ow9H0MyG/

Ag (early Sep) high $19.58, now $16.70, = -14.7%
~ 1y chart https://www.tradingview.com/x/n7oBKjYu/

Me thinks this pullback is a bump in the road aka opportunity in this still-intact bull market. Buy today, be happy next Apr/May. :)

23rd November 2019, 08:54 AM
taking pricing from https://goldprice.org/ (click Pd in the right-sidebar beside the big live candlestick chart); Pd's late Oct all time high was $1823; price atm $1700 aka 6.75% off its high.
~1y chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/wX8tJzOz/

Just taking the recent multi-year highs of Au & Ag,

Au (early Sep) high $1557, now $1448, = -8%
~1y chart https://www.tradingview.com/x/Ow9H0MyG/

Ag (early Sep) high $19.58, now $16.70, = -14.7%
~ 1y chart https://www.tradingview.com/x/n7oBKjYu/

weekend update: all 3 metals above still have their same "recent high marks" so only updating how far% each is from that high as of Fri's close (using Goldprice.org prices)

Au close $1462, -6.1%
Ag close $16.97, -13.3%
Pd close $1776, -2.6%

23rd November 2019, 09:00 AM
weekend update: all 3 metals above still have their same "recent high marks" so only updating how far% each is from that high as of Fri's close (using Goldprice.org prices)

Au close $1462, -6.1%
Ag close $16.97, -13.3%
Pd close $1776, -2.6%I feel a big price plunge coming. To be sure, any price dip is an excellent time to add to the stack. Au has done magnificently these last 20 years. Silver has been stubbornly lackluster largely because the public is so woefully ignorant of silver as money; they continue to slave away for worthless fiat to buy more crap and service debt that they needn't have created in the first place.

23rd November 2019, 09:57 AM
^ bear in mind mamboni, only Pd is so close to it's ALL TIME HIGH in my numbers there.

I just grabbed those recent highs #s for Au/Ag, both set ~2.5 months ago, coz they're both still so far off their Apr/May '11 peaks. But Au made that big 5+ year base breakout last June, & silver's recent $19.62 only takes us back to its Summer '16 peaks... long term charts tell the stories.

I'm guessing/betting on a nice Q1 2020 rally after this current consolidation completes, with Pd cutting new(er) all time highs >$2000 & Au/Ag resuming making new multi-year highs.

It's a tough call, coz Pd has its little "cold fusion" story bubbling under the surface, setting it apart from the PM complex. & Ag continues to annoy by not clearing its summer 2016 high over $21, far from it here. >:(

25th November 2019, 04:26 AM
Yes PD clearly leads the way this time. In late 00’s it was Platinum. Gold came later and last came silver. Pd is the canary in the coal (gold) mine now

27th November 2019, 11:14 AM
muh Pd making muh new all time highs again today, as the other 3 PMs all red

snapshot: https://www.tradingview.com/x/gD6YOZws/

16th December 2019, 10:27 AM
According to Kitco, Pd touched $2,000.00 exactly this morning... odd cohencidence in that perfect round figure eh? But Goldprice.org doesn't quite agree, putting the day's high at $1,992.91.

I'm amending my prognostication for ongoing rallies in POG & POS into the Spring. Those 2 metals just aren't shaping up with the bullish charts which they should have by now. They can still shape up into something nice & move higher of course -- just not a bet I would make any more.

This rally has been a Pd fundamentals story, guessing re cold fusion, which the (((financial press))) can't talk about so they just drone on re "rising Pd demand in jewelry & catalytic converters..." :rolleyes:

23rd February 2020, 05:26 PM
kitco.com is down at this writing... so check https://goldprice.org/

nice open for the new week, gold bolted >2% higher at the open, now sustaining +1.x%

this says to me, corona joo virus = good for PMs, at least the global TEOTWAKI uncertainty... we always imagined it would be but also nice to see rally actually materialize when times really do get hot -- acid test.

saw a comment last week from some twatter-nobody that gold was at new highs in every currency EXCEPT the USD -- is this twoo?

no need to review but heck why not, Pd popped it's little 1 month "flag", from Jan 17 - Feb 17, will she touch $3K this week?

chart snapshot https://www.tradingview.com/x/wDXzNoaw/

I'll need nearly a $100 move higher, to cover last week's joo/proxy-theft of my little Honda Fit (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?101863-Soooo-anyways-got-my-car-nicked) :'(

24th February 2020, 04:36 AM
I have been wondering if Pd will hold it's price with economy slowdown and car sales plummeting. We shall see.

24th February 2020, 06:18 AM
I have been wondering if Pd will hold it's price with economy slowdown and car sales plummeting. We shall see.

^ I've been trying to tell yawl, it's the cold fusion stupid! :rolleyes:

24th February 2020, 11:33 AM
kitco.com is down at this writing...

Thanks for the update, I did a double take when I saw this!


26th February 2020, 01:44 PM
Pd obv to be powering higher from here, after this little 6-trading-day mini flag, or "shelf" perhaps. 30 min price bars: https://www.tradingview.com/x/JaGRnH75/

this rally since last June has been nearly all Pd & Au -- Ag has disappointed, and as always, fuck Pt.

But Ag could be a coiled spring here -- Pd & Au are 'extended' from a trading view, but Ag's certainly NOT!

Au:Ag ratio over 90 again, same as last June when Au broke to 5y high while Ag just ZZZZ, ratio hit 93.xx then.

~91.6 atm, Au:Ag chart since mid 2018: https://www.tradingview.com/x/WcDkT85H/

25th March 2020, 12:24 PM
So Pd up ~20% atm... $2,320
chart snapshot: https://www.tradingview.com/x/fPeECJp8/

notice Pd fared quite well in this corona joo virus takedown of nearly all markets... only smacked down to the level of that ~5 month cup/handle base it formed last Mar-Sep, IE around $1,500, & presently snapping back.

compare to Ag, smacked below $12, which it hadn't seen since 2009: https://www.tradingview.com/x/dJEkE7wF/

9th October 2020, 10:41 AM
1y Pd chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/J5pAO37u/

broke out from a ~6 month cup/handle today, after the Mar jooflu19 fake-black-swan smackdown across all markets, which the billionaires all cohencidentally seemed to be on the right side of...

Billionaire wealth hit a record $10.2 trillion amid pandemic, study finds
Dalvin Brown (https://www.usatoday.com/staff/2648017001/dalvin-brown/)
Oct 7, 2020

As millions of Americans lost jobs amid the raging coronavirus pandemic, billionaires' wallets swelled to reach new heights, according to a new study.

Between April and July, billionaire wealth hit $10.2 trillion for the first time ever, according to a study released by the Swiss banking institution UBS and accounting firm PwC.

The previous peak for billionaire wealth was $8.9 trillion; that number was reached at the end of 2017. The total number of billionaires increased by one person since then, according to the data.

There are now 2,189 billionaires in the world.

Amid the pandemic, billionaire wealth rose across virtually every sector, though entrepreneurs in the technology, health care and industrial sectors pulled further ahead as those services took center stage in the world's recovery from the outbreak.

Teens are impacted, too:Teen spending hit a 40-year record low due to the pandemic, (https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/10/06/teen-spending-hits-40-year-low-due-pandemic-survey/3635700001/)

moar https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/10/07/billionaire-wealth-hit-record-amid-pandemic-study-says/5907199002/

13th October 2020, 11:37 AM
Sounds dollar positive +1

17th March 2021, 05:21 PM
big Pd breakout yest & today, to 1y high since last Mar 2020's lockdown smackdown

17th March 2021, 05:36 PM
big Pd breakout yest & today, to 1y high since last Mar 2020's lockdown smackdown

Pt is due for a big move. $2,000?