View Full Version : Here's the Democrat that killed the college student in Utah

28th June 2019, 11:43 AM
Police: 1 person in custody in missing Utah student case


SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A college student who went missing 11 days ago after last being seen in a Salt Lake City park at 3 in the morning was the victim of a kidnapping and homicide, authorities said Friday.

Salt Lake City police chief Mike Brown said Ayoola A. Ajayi will be charged with aggravated murder, kidnaping and desecration of a body in the death of 23-year-old Mackenzie Lueck. He was arrested earlier Friday morning by a SWAT team.

Brown said he told the missing woman's parents in Southern California about the arrest earlier Friday morning.

"This is one of the most difficult phone calls I've ever made," Brown said. "We are devastated and heartbroken by this news,"

Police say Ajayi, 31, met Lueck at the park after taking a Lyft from the airport at 3 a.m. It was not immediately clear how or whether the two had known each other previously.

Brown says burned evidence, including Lueck's things and her remains, was found at his home. The home was searched on Wednesday and Thursday and Ajayi was the man previously identified as a person of interest.

It wasn't immediately clear if Ajayi had an attorney. He has not returned previous messages from The Associated Press.

Lueck was a part-time student at the University of Utah in her senior year majoring in kinesiology and pre-nursing. She has been a student since 2014 and has an off-campus apartment.

She is from El Segundo in the Los Angeles area and flew to California for a funeral before returning to Salt Lake City, police said. Her family reported her missing on June 20 and became more concerned after she missed a planned flight back to Los Angeles last weekend.


28th June 2019, 11:49 AM
Is it any wonder why democrats are trying to get felons voting rights...it's their base!

Why are all Mass Murderers Democrats?
Posted on June 16, 2017 by FDE

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Well, most of them anyway: Now you can add Elliot Rodger – the next in a long line of mass murderers with mass murder on their minds:

– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Reg*istered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu*py guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
– James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
– Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.
dem mass murder– Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
– Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
– Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.
– Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy…

Why are no conservative NRA members involved in mass shootings?

Curious, isn’t it? So I was thinking, maybe we should just make it illegal for Democrats to buy guns?

Gun control is a huge political issue right now (especially right after the mass shooting in Orlando). Democrats are all about infringing on Second Amendment rights. They claim that Republicans and NRA members are mainly responsible for “gun violence” and are the reason why “common sense gun reform” laws need to be enacted. Like everyone else on TTAG, I had my doubts about their claims and decided to crunch some numbers to see which political party’s members commit more firearms murders.

I began by finding the most recent number of firearms murders (strictly murders, this doesn’t include suicides or justifiable homicides). The source I used: the Center for Disease Control WISHERS website. I chose the most recent year they had available (2014). According to the CDC, there were 10,945 murders involving firearms in 2014.

Next I needed to find an accurate source for murder rates by race. This needs to be broken down by race because each race will have different murder rates and voting rates, which is important for getting an final product based on political affiliation. The source I used was the US Department of Justice’s homicide report published in 2011. The information contained in this report was averaged from 1980 to 2008. Here are the murder rates that can be found on the third page of the report:

52.5% were black perpetrators

45.3% were white perpetrators

2.2% were perpetrators of other races

Lastly, I needed to find the political affiliation for these races. The source I used was Cornell University. I chose to use information from the last presidential election (2012). Here are the voting rates for the Democrats broken down by race:

93% of blacks voted Democrat

39% of whites voted Democrat

67% of everyone else (average of all races other than black/white) voted Democrat

With numbers in hand, I began my calculations. First up was calculating the number of firearms murders by race. There are a few assumptions in this calculation. For on thing, it assumes that the murder rate from the 1980 to 2008 time period is somewhat correct for 2014 (the year I’m using for firearm murders). It also assumes that there is a 1:1 victim to perpetrator ratio (we all know that this isn’t always true, i.e. mass murders by one perpetrator, but this is the easiest way to compute this information). Here are my calculations for 2014 firearm murders by race:

5,746.12 firearms murders by blacks (10,945 x .525)

4,958.09 firearm murders by whites (10,945 x .453)

240.79 firearm murders by others (10,945 x .022)

After this was complete, I needed to bring in another variable: political affiliation.

This calculation would give me the total number of firearms murders for Democrats (this political party is a continuation from the calculations above) in 2014 broken down by race. Again, there are a few assumptions here:

the 2012 political party affiliation is correct for 2014 (the year I’m using for firearm murders)
there is a 1:1 political party affiliation to each perpetrator ratio (we also know this isn’t completely correct because it assumes that every perpetrator belongs to one of these 2 political parties). We have to make this assumption because there is no other data to go off of for this portion of the analysis and I believe that any error caused by it would only be +/- a few percentage points (hardly enough to have any substantial influence over the outcome).
Here are my calculations for 2014 firearm murders by race and Democrat affiliation (using this party again to remain consistent):

5,343.89 firearm murders by black Democrats (5,746.12 x .93)

1,933.66 firearm murders by white Democrats (4,958.09 x .39)

161.33 firearm murders by other Democrats (240.79 x .67)

Time to add these up to find the total number of firearm murders that were perpetrated by Democrats in 2014:

7,438.88 total firearm murders by Democrats (5,343.89 + 1,933.66 + 161.33)

Lastly I found the percentage of firearm murders that were perpetrated by Democrats in 2014:

67.97% gun murders by democrats (7,438.88/10,945)

According to my calculations, about 68% of all firearm murders in 2014 were committed by Democrats. Only 32% of all firearms murders in 2014 were committed by Republicans. This means that Democrats committed twice the number of firearm related murders than Republicans (68/32 = 2.125). This leads to three very important conclusions:

Republicans aren’t to blame for the number of firearm murders, as the Democrats try to claim
If Democrats stopped shooting people, we could reduce our firearm related murders by almost 70%
Guns aren’t the problem, Democrats are!


28th June 2019, 12:14 PM
What is a young woman doing alone in a city park at 3:00 AM?

28th June 2019, 01:09 PM
What is a young woman doing alone in a city park at 3:00 AM?

She had to be a clueless liberal.
The MSM hides most black on white crimes to the public, many don't realize how much danger they are really in, even in Utah.

28th June 2019, 01:11 PM
surname is Nigerian

must be a refugee dropped off in utah

28th June 2019, 01:56 PM
What is a young woman doing alone in a city park at 3:00 AM?

She was a self-proclaimed sugar baby who regularly met up with older men to exchange money and goods for sex. I know, perfectly healthy and wholesome activities for young women. What a shock that the MSM isn't reporting that aspect of it, but there you have it.


28th June 2019, 02:24 PM
Some whitegirl whore being slayed by a blackguy was common in N.Y.city in the 70-80's, I guess Salt Lake city is the new venue moved out west.

28th June 2019, 03:15 PM
I guess she was looking for some big black cock that night as she's probably done several times before.


EXCLUSIVE: Missing University of Utah nursing student, 23, boasted she was a SUGAR BABY who had two sugar daddies and sought out men over 35 on Seeking Arrangement and Tinder
University of Utah senior Mackenzie Lueck vanished on June 17 after she ordered a Lyft from the Salt Lake City airport
Salt Lake City police say they are looking into the 23-year-old's dating life
DailyMail.com can reveal that Lueck is a self-proclaimed sugar baby, using sites Seeking Arrangement and Tinder to find men over 35 years old
'Try tinder and be blunt about it. Mine says ''I want a SD/SB relationship with a real connection,''' Lueck wrote in a private Facebook group three months ago
She operated an Instagram account with the alias @NovaBaby96 where she posted a photo of herself in a black robe with the hashtag #daddykink
Lueck's friends say she was single but was casually dating several people and was interested in older men

PUBLISHED: 16:46 EDT, 26 June 2019 | UPDATED: 09:32 EDT, 28 June 2019

University of Utah senior Mackenzie Lueck vanished on June 17 after she ordered a Lyft from the Salt Lake City airport

Missing University of Utah nursing student Mackenzie Lueck is a 'sugar baby' who sought out men over the age of 35 online, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Lueck, 23, disappeared on June 17 after landing in Salt Lake City, Utah, and taking a Lyft ride to meet a mysterious man in a park around 2am.

The college senior's social media accounts reveal that she considered herself a sugar baby, and boasted about having at least two unidentified sugar daddies which she found through online sites Seeking Arrangement and Tinder.

DailyMail.com obtained screenshots of Lueck's posts made nearly three months ago in a private Facebook group where Lueck gave advice on how she finds sugar daddies - wealthy older men who lavish younger women with gifts and money in return for company or sexual favors.

'Try tinder and be blunt about it. Mine says ''I want a SD/SB relationship with a real connection.'' If [they] don't know what a SD/SB is, tell them bluntly sugar daddy and sugar baby. But if they don't know, they aren't really worth your time,' Lueck's comment reads.

'Set your age preferences from 35+. You'll have the most luck there. Private message me, if you have more questions! I have experience.'

DailyMail.com can reveal that Lueck is a self-proclaimed sugar baby, using sites Seeking Arrangement and Tinder to find men over 35 years old

Lueck operated an Instagram account with the alias @NovaBaby96 where she posted this photo with hashtags #daddykink

About three months ago Lueck wrote these comments in a private Facebook group offering advice on how to be a sugar baby, 'Try tinder and be blunt about it. Mine says ''I want a SD/SB relationship with a real connection'''

Salt Lake City police say they are looking into the 23-year-old's dating life by reviewing her social media accounts and dating profiles

This is the Instagram account Lueck maintained aside from her own personal page, where she posted suggestive photos

In another message Lueck revealed she has two sugar daddies and which sites she uses to obtain them.

'I have some experience on seeking arrangements, online only, tinder, and currently have two lol.'

Aside from her personal Instagram, Lueck also operates an alias account under the name @NovaBaby96, with a profile photo that shows a woman in panties that read 'Daddy' on the back.

This comes after Lueck's friends came forward to police to say she was casually dating several people and was interested in older men. Authorities didn't specify if they've spoken with anyone she was dating.

On Tuesday, Salt Lake City police shared images of her at the airport retrieving her luggage, which showed Lueck with her hair in a bun wearing a white hooded sweater, black pants and sandals.

She carried a large blue handbag with her, a small black backpack and a wheeled brown suitcase.

During a police update press conference on Tuesday, Assistant Police Chief Tim Doubt said they're looking into her social media and dating profiles.

'In regards to her online activity, we are aware of this aspect and continue to look into all facets of her life for leads into her disappearance,' Doubt said.

On Tuesday Salt Lake City Police shared these images of Lueck after she got off her plane at Salt Lake City International Airport at 2.09am. She was returning to Utah after spending the weekend in LA to attend her grandmother's funeral

She was last seen with her hair in a bun, wearing a white hooded sweater, black pants, and sandals. She carried a large blue handbag with her, a small black backpack on her back and a wheeled brown suitcase

From the airport, Lueck ordered a Lyft ride to Hatch Park in North Salt Lake at 2.40am. Her driver said he saw her jump into another car just before 3am with an unknown individual.

The Lyft driver has been cleared in her disappearance, authorities said.

The park where she was left by the Lyft driver is located eight miles from her apartment. Police have said she didn't seem distressed when she met up with the person.

'Mackenzie, in the case, if you just want to be left alone please just let us know that you’re safe,' Doubt said at the press conference.

Authorities said they have not been able to verify the make of the vehicle she jumped into or the stranger she met at the park.

'The description we have is vague. It could’ve been a male or female,' Doubt said.

'We have exhausted all avenues of determining this information and are asking that person please call us.

'We see no indication that she has gone off the grid before.

'This behavior is uncharacteristic.'

Her friends say that Lueck, who is due to graduate this year, would never cut off communication from her friends or miss midterm exams, a wedding, or a flight back to Los Angeles this week.

Police say they've received over 125 tips related to her case and there's no indication of foul play in her disappearance.

Her driver said he saw her jump into another car just before 3am with an unknown individual – but police are not sure if it was a man or woman

Her driver said he saw her jump into another car just before 3am with an unknown individual – but cops aren’t sure if it was a man or woman +10
On June 17, Leuck ordered a Lyft ride from the airport to Hatch Park in North Salt Lake at 2.40am

Police release 'last known' pictures of missing University...

On Tuesday police revealed that Lueck had encountered Salt Lake City police several times in the last four years but her disappearance does not appear to be related to these incidents.

She received a speeding ticket in 2015, encountered police in connection with an assault in 2018 and claimed lost property earlier this year.

Doubt did not specify if she was a witness or victim in that assault cast but said all of her previous cases are closed.

'I honestly am just as confused as everyone else,' Lueck's sorority sister Kennedy Stoner told Fox News.

'I don’t know why she would be meeting someone that late, especially at a park, just to — I don’t know where she would go. I don’t know anyone that lives in North Salt Lake. So I’m just as confused. I don’t understand it.'

She says Lueck doesn't typically travel alone and may have been impacted by the death of her grandmother after returning to Utah from the funeral.


28th June 2019, 04:56 PM
Coal hauling whore.

28th June 2019, 05:01 PM
She had to be a clueless liberal.
The MSM hides most black on white crimes to the public, many don't realize how much danger they are really in, even in Utah.

As my negro college professor vomited: "I just wanted to talk to the white girl" (on racists in the 60s not allowing young blacks to prey on white girls)

'Talking' would include rape and murder.

Coal hauling whore.

Her last words to her girlfriends were probably something like, 'tonight is a dark night, I will visit a dark individual who has a dark purpose for me.'

28th June 2019, 05:07 PM
Police: 1 person in custody in missing Utah student case


SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A college student who went missing 11 days ago after last being seen in a Salt Lake City park at 3 in the morning was the victim of a kidnapping and homicide, authorities said Friday.

Salt Lake City police chief Mike Brown said Ayoola A. Ajayi will be charged with aggravated murder, kidnaping and desecration of a body in the death of 23-year-old Mackenzie Lueck. He was arrested earlier Friday morning by a SWAT team.

Brown said he told the missing woman's parents in Southern California about the arrest earlier Friday morning.

"This is one of the most difficult phone calls I've ever made," Brown said. "We are devastated and heartbroken by this news,"

Police say Ajayi, 31, met Lueck at the park after taking a Lyft from the airport at 3 a.m. It was not immediately clear how or whether the two had known each other previously.

Brown says burned evidence, including Lueck's things and her remains, was found at his home. The home was searched on Wednesday and Thursday and Ajayi was the man previously identified as a person of interest.

It wasn't immediately clear if Ajayi had an attorney. He has not returned previous messages from The Associated Press.

Lueck was a part-time student at the University of Utah in her senior year majoring in kinesiology and pre-nursing. She has been a student since 2014 and has an off-campus apartment.

She is from El Segundo in the Los Angeles area and flew to California for a funeral before returning to Salt Lake City, police said. Her family reported her missing on June 20 and became more concerned after she missed a planned flight back to Los Angeles last weekend.


There has been a great deal of research examining the link between a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene and antisocial phenotypes. The results of these studies have consistently revealed that low activity MAOA alleles are related to antisocial behaviors for males who were maltreated as children. Recently, though, some evidence has emerged indicating that a rare allele of the MAOA gene-that is, the 2-repeat allele-may have effects on violence that are independent of the environment. The current study builds on this research and examines the association between the 2-repeat allele and shooting and stabbing behaviors in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors and to report having multiple shooting and stabbing victims. The limitations of the study are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259270974_The_2-Repeat_Allele_of_the_MAOA_Gene_Confers_an_Increase d_Risk_for_Shooting_and_Stabbing_Behaviors

Soon you will be called racist for not allowing blacks to murder white girls because it is in their DNA to murder white girls. 'And they can't help it.'

old steel
28th June 2019, 09:13 PM
Utah has gone all to hell, the Mayor of SLC is a leftist dyke married to another leftist dyke and they are raising 2 children.

Those poor kids will be so fucked up they'll never stand a chance.

1st July 2019, 08:35 PM
Is it any wonder why democrats are trying to get felons voting rights...it's their base!

Why are all Mass Murderers Democrats?
Posted on June 16, 2017 by FDE

Share this Shit:

Well, most of them anyway: Now you can add Elliot Rodger – the next in a long line of mass murderers with mass murder on their minds:

– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Reg*istered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu*py guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
– James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
– Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.
dem mass murder– Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
– Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
– Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.
– Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy…

Why are no conservative NRA members involved in mass shootings?

Curious, isn’t it? So I was thinking, maybe we should just make it illegal for Democrats to buy guns?

Gun control is a huge political issue right now (especially right after the mass shooting in Orlando). Democrats are all about infringing on Second Amendment rights. They claim that Republicans and NRA members are mainly responsible for “gun violence” and are the reason why “common sense gun reform” laws need to be enacted. Like everyone else on TTAG, I had my doubts about their claims and decided to crunch some numbers to see which political party’s members commit more firearms murders.

I began by finding the most recent number of firearms murders (strictly murders, this doesn’t include suicides or justifiable homicides). The source I used: the Center for Disease Control WISHERS website. I chose the most recent year they had available (2014). According to the CDC, there were 10,945 murders involving firearms in 2014.

Next I needed to find an accurate source for murder rates by race. This needs to be broken down by race because each race will have different murder rates and voting rates, which is important for getting an final product based on political affiliation. The source I used was the US Department of Justice’s homicide report published in 2011. The information contained in this report was averaged from 1980 to 2008. Here are the murder rates that can be found on the third page of the report:

52.5% were black perpetrators

45.3% were white perpetrators

2.2% were perpetrators of other races

Lastly, I needed to find the political affiliation for these races. The source I used was Cornell University. I chose to use information from the last presidential election (2012). Here are the voting rates for the Democrats broken down by race:

93% of blacks voted Democrat

39% of whites voted Democrat

67% of everyone else (average of all races other than black/white) voted Democrat

With numbers in hand, I began my calculations. First up was calculating the number of firearms murders by race. There are a few assumptions in this calculation. For on thing, it assumes that the murder rate from the 1980 to 2008 time period is somewhat correct for 2014 (the year I’m using for firearm murders). It also assumes that there is a 1:1 victim to perpetrator ratio (we all know that this isn’t always true, i.e. mass murders by one perpetrator, but this is the easiest way to compute this information). Here are my calculations for 2014 firearm murders by race:

5,746.12 firearms murders by blacks (10,945 x .525)

4,958.09 firearm murders by whites (10,945 x .453)

240.79 firearm murders by others (10,945 x .022)

After this was complete, I needed to bring in another variable: political affiliation.

This calculation would give me the total number of firearms murders for Democrats (this political party is a continuation from the calculations above) in 2014 broken down by race. Again, there are a few assumptions here:

the 2012 political party affiliation is correct for 2014 (the year I’m using for firearm murders)
there is a 1:1 political party affiliation to each perpetrator ratio (we also know this isn’t completely correct because it assumes that every perpetrator belongs to one of these 2 political parties). We have to make this assumption because there is no other data to go off of for this portion of the analysis and I believe that any error caused by it would only be +/- a few percentage points (hardly enough to have any substantial influence over the outcome).
Here are my calculations for 2014 firearm murders by race and Democrat affiliation (using this party again to remain consistent):

5,343.89 firearm murders by black Democrats (5,746.12 x .93)

1,933.66 firearm murders by white Democrats (4,958.09 x .39)

161.33 firearm murders by other Democrats (240.79 x .67)

Time to add these up to find the total number of firearm murders that were perpetrated by Democrats in 2014:

7,438.88 total firearm murders by Democrats (5,343.89 + 1,933.66 + 161.33)

Lastly I found the percentage of firearm murders that were perpetrated by Democrats in 2014:

67.97% gun murders by democrats (7,438.88/10,945)

According to my calculations, about 68% of all firearm murders in 2014 were committed by Democrats. Only 32% of all firearms murders in 2014 were committed by Republicans. This means that Democrats committed twice the number of firearm related murders than Republicans (68/32 = 2.125). This leads to three very important conclusions:

Republicans aren’t to blame for the number of firearm murders, as the Democrats try to claim
If Democrats stopped shooting people, we could reduce our firearm related murders by almost 70%
Guns aren’t the problem, Democrats are!


You missed out on the redneck killers:

Sept. 15, 2001: The Sikh owner of a Chevron gas station in a Phoenix suburb was murdered by a gunman just days after 9/11, in one of the first major cases of violence against a Sikh-American in the wake of the attacks. Balbir Singh Sodhi, 49, was fatally shot by 42-year-old Frank Roque, a Mesa, Ariz. resident, who said he was lashing out at “Arabs” after watching repeated footage of the World Trade Center attacks on television. He also attempted to shoot a Lebanese-American clerk at a nearby Mobil station and fired at a home owned by Afghan-Americans. As he was being arrested on charges of first-degree murder, Roque reportedly shouted, “I stand for America all the way.” He was convicted of Sodhi’s murder and was sentenced to death, which was later reduced to life in prison. Sodhi’s name was added to Arizona’s 9/11 memorial in the wake of the tragedy.

(PHOTOS: Wisconsin Community Reacts to Sikh Attack)

Nov 18, 2001: A Sikh house of worship, the Gobind Sadan, was severely damaged in an arson attack just months after 9/11. Located in Palermo, N.Y., 30 miles north of Syracuse, the temple was set ablaze by three local teenagers who reportedly mistook the name as “Go bin Laden.” Located in an old farmhouse, most of the structure was destroyed after the teens tossed beer bottles at the windows and then set it on fire; the only surviving rooms were the ones containing the Sikhs’ holy scriptures. The temple was later demolished to make way for a new one, which reopened in 2008. The three teenagers were charged with arson in the blaze, which caused $120,000 worth of damage.

Dec 10, 2001: Surinder Singh Sidhu had been wearing a star-spangled turban in the wake of the terrorist attacks to show his patriotism, but it couldn’t stop the Los Angeles liquor store owner from being the victim of a vicious anti-religious attack. As the 47-year-old closed his shop, two men entered with 4-foot metal poles and beat him more than 20 times, reportedly saying “We’ll kill bin Laden today.” Sidhu was treated for head injuries but survived.

March 14, 2004: Vandals spray-painted anti-Sikh graffiti on a Fresno, Calif. temple just before worshippers gathered for Sunday services. The racist phrases ‘Rags Go Home’ and ‘It’s Not Your Country’ were scrawled on the outside walls of the Gurdwara Sahib in the northern Calif. city. No one was ever arrested in connection with the graffiti.

July 11, 2004: Two Sikh cousins were attacked by a group of six people as they walked into an Indian restaurant in the New York City borough of Queens. Rajinder Singh Khalsa and his cousin Gurcharan Singh, the restaurant’s owner, were stopped by the group of allegedly drunk men outside the restaurant. “Give me back my curtain,” one allegedly said to Singh before beating them. The 54-year-old Khalsa lay unconscious after the attack, taken to the hospital with a broken nose and bruised eye socket.

(MORE: Sikh Temple Shooter Had Ties to White Supremacists)

July 30, 2006: A Sikh grandfather was stabbed in the neck with a steak knife by a man who wanted “to kill a Taliban.” Iqbal Singh was standing in his driveway in Santa Clara, Calif., preparing to depart for religious services, when Everett Thompson, 20, ran up to him and stabbed him with the knife. Thompson was arrested and charged with attempted murder and a hate crime.

November 28, 2010: A Sacramento, Calif. cab driver was beaten by two Hispanic men after dropping off them and their wives. Harbhajan Singh, 56, was left bleeding in his cab after the attack, during which one of the men asked if he was Osama bin Laden. Singh, a Sikh, was beaten more than 10 times and suffered facial fractures. He stumbled to a nearby housing complex to ask for help. After a five-day manhunt, the two men turned themselves in to police. One received 13 years in jail for the attack.

March 4, 2011: Two elderly Sikhs were shot as they took an afternoon stroll in Elk Grove, Calif., a suburb of Sacramento. Surinder Singh, 65, was pronounced dead at the scene, while his friend Gurmej Atwal, 78, was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and died six weeks later. Both men were gunned down as they ambled slowly through a quiet neighborhood, seeming victims of a drive-by shooting. The gunmen were never found.

These are dumb Republican voting rednecks who are duped by jews.

What would be hilarious if these redneck turn on their jewish masters in the media and elsewhere if 9/11 is revealed to be done by zionist jews..

2nd July 2019, 04:35 AM
Toll Paid


2nd July 2019, 01:39 PM
Toll Paid

https://i.ibb.co/Lh1WjFs/Paid-Toll-In-Full.jpgWow, that is brutal!! Ouch!