View Full Version : Civil War 2 in America - detailed analysis, factors, likely scenarios

5th July 2019, 12:27 AM
Good analysis of the factors and likely scenarios that would take place.

Watch it while its available.


midnight rambler
5th July 2019, 01:08 AM
He's an optimist. All hell will break loose within 48-72 hours of the food distribution being disrupted.

5th July 2019, 01:21 AM
He's an optimist. All hell will break loose within 48-72 hours of the food distribution being disrupted.

When the food runs out you get a race wars.

5th July 2019, 04:25 AM
If you can't define a tree then how are you going to explain a forest?

5th July 2019, 06:59 AM
All hell will break loose within 48-72 hours of the food distribution being disrupted.

We have been hearing this silliness since GIM1. (https://2ch.hk/fiz/src/1358223/15503540396870.jpg)


midnight rambler
5th July 2019, 10:01 AM
...Book comments as he goes whistling past the graveyard of dead empires.

5th July 2019, 10:02 AM
We have been hearing this silliness since GIM1. (https://2ch.hk/fiz/src/1358223/15503540396870.jpg)


Since then no food disruption ;). Do you think Americans are resilient?

5th July 2019, 11:21 AM
Since then no food disruption ;). Do you think Americans are resilient?

The fear porn boys at their best. Oh, no, it's going to happen tomorrow or next week or next month or next year...

midnight rambler
5th July 2019, 11:29 AM
Some people fail to appreciate how fragile the food supply really is. If more people grew their own food it would be nearly as fragile, but what percentage does that anymore?

midnight rambler
5th July 2019, 12:15 PM
Always has been the plan. It worked like gangbusters when the Soviets deployed the tactic in Ukraine.

"Food is power! We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize." --Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program, delivered in a speech as a featured speaker at the globalist UN World Food Summit in November of 1996.

Commie Bernie gets it.


5th July 2019, 01:05 PM
Some people fail to appreciate how fragile the food supply really is. If more people grew their own food it would be nearly as fragile, but what percentage does that anymore?

It was actually one of the things that softened the blow to people in the Soviet Union as it collapsed, because food supply prior to the collapse was unreliable a large proportion of the population in the countryside grew their own food in kitchen gardens. With the coming collapse of the fiat system as bitcoins approach $1 million the food producing and distribution will collapse with it. Ironically also electric and computer networks will collapse which will render bitcoins worthless. FUBAR

5th July 2019, 01:11 PM
Since then no food disruption ;). Do you think Americans are resilient?



5th July 2019, 02:54 PM

Can’t open your file, is it fun?

Anyway what is important to recognize, is that people have this normalcy bias. In other words they can’t imagine that things can actually change rapidly for the much worse, even if there are plenty of historical evidence of this happening repeatedly. It is obvious that the average American wouldn’t be able to handle hunger very well, mainly because they never experienced it before, same for the average Western European. But we have less guns, and perhaps more faith in authorities, and less of a go get attitude, so I think we would sit down and wait longer...

5th July 2019, 05:26 PM
In 1932 and 1933 the communists took control of the food supply in Ukraine. Before that the people there were pretty self sufficient in feeding themselves. The government took control of their food and then murdered them. I've read in the past the US government has plans to take control of the food supply in this country if Marshall law is declared and they'll do the same to us as the communists in Russia did to the people in Ukraine.

5th July 2019, 08:10 PM
In 1932 and 1933 the communists took control of the food supply in Ukraine. Before that the people there were pretty self sufficient in feeding themselves. The government took control of their food and then murdered them. I've read in the past the US government has plans to take control of the food supply in this country if Marshall law is declared and they'll do the same to us as the communists in Russia did to the people in Ukraine.

How many guns did Ukrainian farmers have?

5th July 2019, 08:12 PM
Some people fail to appreciate how fragile the food supply really is. If more people grew their own food it would be nearly as fragile, but what percentage does that anymore?

The people of Ukraine did grow their own food, and people with guns took it. If they found you were hiding food they just shot you dead.

We all have our guns, but when they show up with 20 experienced armed men, same result they shoot you dead.

Probably better shot dead than starved dead.

And hopefully I can wound a few, that would slow them down.

midnight rambler
5th July 2019, 08:13 PM
How many guns did Ukrainian farmers have?

How many gun owners have 6 months of food put away?? How many have 30 days of food put away??

5th July 2019, 10:53 PM
Some background about the first civil war:


6th July 2019, 03:54 AM


Civil war was about making all American's slaves, back on the banksters plantation.

This is a very good vid.

Art did undercover infiltration of the communist party in Seattle and found there were many people who lie to change the story that history tells.

Mass immigration changes a society.

Elimination of private property and the family.
State controls the children
Replace god with the leader.
One world govt.

Thomas Paine was an Illuminati.
Illuminati branched out to Rosicrucian.
When they are discovered they disappear and reappear with new names same org.
Organized the publication industry as a socialist tool dispensing socialism.
Sold church leaders on socialism and not to get involved in politics.

War is the best tool for change. Economic collapse is the next best tool for change.

The civil war created cover for a new govt setting up shop under a new constitution called the 14th amendment.

And today white people still believe they are free.

6th July 2019, 05:07 AM
How many guns did Ukrainian farmers have?

They had damn few and they did revolt but they only had forks, hoes and shovels to fight with. I remember reading in Miron Dolots book of one farmer who had a rifle. He didn't have many cartridges for it and when they were gone they killed him. Those who resisted were killed right away or worked to death. Those who didn't fight were slowly starved to death.

6th July 2019, 05:20 AM
War is the best tool for change followed by economic collapse.

If you are not able to change you will soon find that you are the main actor in a wake. Change is inevitable for the living .. not so much for the dead.

old steel
6th July 2019, 10:46 AM
I'm more concerned about the starving hordes coming for my food stuffs than the man at this point.

Most people live one paycheck away from being broke.

That is some scary stuff.

7th July 2019, 02:50 PM
I'm more concerned about the starving hordes coming for my food stuffs than the man at this point.

Most people live one paycheck away from being broke.

That is some scary stuff.
Don’t bring the man over to help you guard your pantry though. He lives a paycheck away too.