View Full Version : Amazing how many people hate California

6th July 2019, 05:56 PM
I've been reading several blogs about the 7.1 earthquake, the hatred of California/Californians is extreme. Many hoping for death and destruction.
It's really sad what the Democrats and Democrat MSM have done to our country. Three years of attacking Trump, his supporters and conservatives with lies, hatred and violence has really affected our country. Spitting their insane liberal agenda in our faces hasn't helped either.
We are a long way off from healing this country, if it can be healed at all?
I personally will never forgive what these Democrats have done, but I don't wish everyone to die...well, just some politicians would be okay.
What a shame for things to be this bad in such a great and prosperous time of peace. America must be sick?

6th July 2019, 06:27 PM
I normally would say fuck them and give it, but it would affect us badly. Not sure what any answer can be cause the leftests are all over, stupid fuks.

6th July 2019, 08:36 PM
The rest of the country's view of California is media based, upon Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. Those cities out populate the rest of California and are liberal shitholes. You are all fed an agenda. Most Californians outside the city are actual free thinking individuals, who can't stand the media brain-washed liberals in the cities.

My two bits, from a member of GSUS who lives in CA.

7th July 2019, 04:42 AM
I personally will never forgive what these Democrats have done

Democrat has come to mean 'anyone who doesn't agree with me' (unless you actually are a Democrat in which case Republican means the same thing). The problem is the concept of domestic vs alien. If you view everyone as being domestic to you then anyone who disagrees or has a different viewpoint is an insurgent. Far easier to believe that everyone is an alien and is entirely entitled to their own view but lacks the authority to impose that belief on you.

If you develop this habit you adopt a more tolerant attitude and exempt yourself from other peoples illusions. Everyone you are likely to meet is going to be an alien.

7th July 2019, 07:33 AM
The rest of the country's view of California is media based, upon Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. Those cities out populate the rest of California and are liberal shitholes. You are all fed an agenda. Most Californians outside the city are actual free thinking individuals, who can't stand the media brain-washed liberals in the cities.

My two bits, from a member of GSUS who lives in CA.

I've met and known many good conservatives (Pete being one) during the 12 years I lived in CA, it's just too bad they are out-numbered at least 3 to 1, by liberals.
Not much chance voting out these lunatic degenerate CA politicians anytime in the future. What a shame the most beautiful state in the US is being destroyed by them.

7th July 2019, 08:05 AM
...they are out-numbered at least 3 to 1, by liberals.

Well duh. Hitch and his fellow White people are now only 34% of the population in California.


7th July 2019, 01:29 PM
The rest of the country's view of California is media based, upon Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. Those cities out populate the rest of California and are liberal shitholes. You are all fed an agenda. Most Californians outside the city are actual free thinking individuals, who can't stand the media brain-washed liberals in the cities.

My two bits, from a member of GSUS who lives in CA.

That's still no reason to accept the bad with the good.

I think most people online are basically jealous of California because they live in some other frightenly boring one attraction state.

Plain fact is California needs to be quartered into 4 different states, it has much to much political sway as is.

Those parts populated by cities could then be starved and drained by the surrounding states

7th July 2019, 01:52 PM
Don’t worry! I’ll come and visit you in two weeks time. I’ll probably be in your general area Hitch around 29-30th of July. Look out for a white Dodge Charger 2016. Would be great if we could go fishing, if it fits your general schedule of course...

7th July 2019, 03:50 PM
Don't these liberals realize making sporting evens political drives their fan base away?
The Democrats have done so much damage to our country, I hope people remember that when a civil war breaks out.

Lesbian soccer fans shout fuck Trump


7th July 2019, 05:24 PM
Don't these liberals realize making sporting evens political drives their fan base away?
The Democrats have done so much damage to our country, I hope people remember that when a civil war breaks out.

Lesbian soccer fans shout fuck Trump


Women soccer doesn’t have a fan base apart from Lesbians. Even in Sweden they play on arenas with a few hundred people. I know because Swedish public TV delivers sport broadcast from their games at equal numbers as men’s soccer, which has around 10.000 spectators/match at the arena. Chanting fuck Trump may actually increase the interest for women’s soccer among LGBTQXYZ pervs. Real men and women are not interested in it.

7th July 2019, 10:19 PM
You can hate it over this:


Pants falling down to your knees will be protected soon. 'Don't be discriminating n shieet, I was born without a belt. Belts are for whitey, they are oppressive n shieet'.

Twisted Titan
9th July 2019, 06:54 PM
It's sad the death grip the liberals have on that state

And they would rather see it burnt tothe ground rather than share it with folk of different view points.

It's like trying to tame a dog foaming at the mouth with rabies

9th July 2019, 07:05 PM
Don’t worry! I’ll come and visit you in two weeks time. I’ll probably be in your general area Hitch around 29-30th of July. Look out for a white Dodge Charger 2016. Would be great if we could go fishing, if it fits your general schedule of course...

It may be that I’ll be at yours a bit later, as I realized today that Napa valley was North of SAN Francisco, and I need to visit some wineries... I always thought it was between SF and LA... I am an ignoramus

9th July 2019, 07:50 PM
It may be that I’ll be at yours a bit later, as I realized today that Napa valley was North of SAN Francisco, and I need to visit some wineries... I always thought it was between SF and LA... I am an ignoramus

Yes Napa is to the north of SF, and it's very beautiful there. You'll enjoy the wineries. Let me know if/when you might pass through my area. Unfortunately I'm gone half the time for work, but I hope I'll be around. If you can get past the liberals, high prices and crazy traffic, you'll have a good time in CA.

9th July 2019, 08:02 PM
Yes Napa is to the north of SF, and it's very beautiful there. You'll enjoy the wineries. Let me know if/when you might pass through my area. Unfortunately I'm gone half the time for work, but I hope I'll be around. If you can get past the liberals, high prices and crazy traffic, you'll have a good time in CA.

They have some excellent wineries in the Temecula Valley... not to mention a very conservative attitude. Cross the southern border into SD county and it's a different story, unfortunately. Or, go to LA, same shit.

9th July 2019, 08:04 PM
It may be that I’ll be at yours a bit later, as I realized today that Napa valley was North of SAN Francisco, and I need to visit some wineries... I always thought it was between SF and LA... I am an ignoramus

If you want to make the trek to SW Riverside county (excellent wineries, breweries, conservatism), I'd be proud to make your personal acquaintance!

10th July 2019, 12:56 AM
Some Swedes go in, but never come back out.

10th July 2019, 07:53 AM
If you want to make the trek to SW Riverside county (excellent wineries, breweries, conservatism), I'd be proud to make your personal acquaintance!

If we’ll have the time we may do a Trek to the South of LA as well