View Full Version : Financial collapse 2.0 Deutsche Bank

8th July 2019, 12:11 AM
Reads like it has already imploded, and rats are given time to abandon ship...

8th July 2019, 12:57 AM
DB is Lehman times 20. This could be the trigger to bring down the entire banking system. Now can TPTB contain the $trillions in toxic derivatives that will emanate from DB? DB is liquidating its equities - this could signal the top in the stock markets.

8th July 2019, 01:15 AM
DB is Lehman times 20. This could be the trigger to bring down the entire banking system. Now can TPTB contain the $trillions in toxic derivatives that will emanate from DB? DB is liquidating its equities - this could signal the top in the stock markets.

I think they can, and they think they have too. It will crush the fiat system this time... $1 million bitcoin is coming

8th July 2019, 01:35 AM
Googling about and also from memory this is something that has been an issue since 2016. Germany itself is politically and financially incapable of shoring up DB’s balance sheet. European Central Bank doesn’t have the same free rein in buying distressed assets as Federal Reserve.

Here is a more in-depth analysis of the situation.


8th July 2019, 02:43 AM
Thanks Neuro. I appreciate the information.

8th July 2019, 03:03 AM
Thanks Neuro. I appreciate the information.

It seems clear that DB is a zombie bank now which hasn’t been allowed to fold, but hasn’t been saved either. The traders don’t trade because they can’t. We are going to have an interesting autumn.

8th July 2019, 03:28 AM
DB is Lehman times 20. This could be the trigger to bring down the entire banking system. Now can TPTB contain the $trillions in toxic derivatives that will emanate from DB? DB is liquidating its equities - this could signal the top in the stock markets.

Well, Gold did drop just like Lehman. Liquidity issues or the "Yuge" job numbers?

8th July 2019, 04:16 AM
Well, Gold did drop just like Lehman. Liquidity issues or the "Yuge" job numbers?
I think gold going down was due to heavy plunge protection team manipulation of expectations. They may try the same shit now, however this time they will not be successful. It is also the crypto market that needs to be managed, which will be seen as more important.

8th July 2019, 04:18 AM
Long run though only gold and silver will remain standing... Crypto’s need electricity.

8th July 2019, 05:55 AM
Here's hoping that Goldman Sachs implodes this time as well.

8th July 2019, 06:14 AM
Here's hoping that Goldman Sachs implodes this time as well.

It might... But the owners will be fine!


8th July 2019, 06:16 AM
It might... But the owners will be fine!


The warning was for this time!

’If you are very safety conscious you hold on to your gold bars!’

8th July 2019, 07:48 AM
Deutsche Bank’s brutal overhaul is sign that global financial system is in trouble – Jim Rogers


old steel
8th July 2019, 09:59 AM
These are moves to bring the global currency reset to bear.

The cabal been resisting with what power they still command but it's a done deal.

The dirty players in the cabal still trying to keep the old rigged system in place but countries around the world are all on board.

Get ready for the USN United States Note, issued by the U.S. Treasury.

At this point Steven Mnuchin is just a figurehead.

Here is the new boss to replace him under the new system.

Judy Shelton.


President Trump's Fed Nominee Dr. Judy Shelton discusses her support of a return to the gold standard and her critical take on central bank activity "Money is meant to serve as a reliable measure." (https://twitter.com/judyshel)

8th July 2019, 10:41 AM
Deutsche Bank’s brutal overhaul is sign that global financial system is in trouble – Jim Rogers

My response to JR: Duh, ya think?

Now Morgan Stanley is exiting equity markets. IMHO this is a shout out to the insiders: Last call! Get out of the casino!


9th July 2019, 07:55 AM
Pretty good article on zerohedge explains that DB is too stable to fail with its bond exposure and practices.

It was a manangement failure to expand that has lead it back down to be what it was when started. Will only fester as a continual blight on Germany's face like a mole.

The mole was priced into markets years ago.

9th July 2019, 11:28 AM
Pretty good article on zerohedge explains that DB is too stable to fail with its bond exposure and practices.

It was a manangement failure to expand that has lead it back down to be what it was when started. Will only fester as a continual blight on Germany's face like a mole.

The mole was priced into markets years ago.
Not this one surely...


Neither this...


9th July 2019, 11:35 AM
This one


9th July 2019, 11:47 AM
Not this one surely...


Neither this...


I don’t seen to find much of optimism in this one either...


9th July 2019, 11:53 AM
I don’t seen to find much of optimism in this one either...


You obviously need more time with zier0 for optimisms.

9th July 2019, 11:56 AM
This one


Okay I don’t see that article saying what you claim either. Perhaps reading between the lines, stoned out of my head could do it...

9th July 2019, 12:00 PM
You obviously need more time with zier0 for optimisms.

Huge quantities of dope will balance da sheit.

9th July 2019, 12:01 PM
The thought being that you need a chispa to make a fire, Douche Bank no chispa.

Yesterday, we saw the all-too-familiar sight of bankers departing a sinking ship clutching pathetic boxes of possessions. Some banks die fast, some die hard and slow… some explode while others splutter on into the equivalent of banking dementia. Sadly, that’s true of too many European banks. I can understand the thinking behind folk buying that have been buying recent high-yielding European Tier 1 CoCos – delusional perhaps to think banks of the quality of MPS and Pireaus will qualify for too-big-to-fail.. but they’ve lasted this long… so maybe they are investable despite their dubious records.

The stock price action on Deutsche Bank said it all yesterday – 10% down on the latest and biggest slashing restructuring plan. But it got me thinking. Deutsche Bank lost its way in Investment banking the moment it lost its self-confidence and became scared of becoming a major global player. As soon as the staff realised it, they lost interest. Bad markets didn’t help, but the speed at which Deutsche’s position in markets crashed was extraordinary and a function of failed top management. After nearly 35 years in markets, I’ve seen it and lived it, all before…

When I was just a young investment banker I ended up with the Germany beat – despite not speaking a word of the language. I had to learn all about their multiple layered banking system and the quirks of the system, for instance; the stability of Pfandbrief financing (“Since pfandbreif laws were enacted, not a single bond has defaulted” which covered up the fact they were set up because so many banks defaulted before!) I learnt there were thousands of banks, and except for the big three (DB, Commerz and Dresdner), were all parochial players. I loved covering the German banks – they were good people, great fun and engaging. Sadly, and I’m sorry to say this, they aren’t particularly good bankers. Not their fault.

For a start their experience pool was far too shallow – you couldn’t learn in Frankfurt or Munich in a lifetime what my experiences in London and New York gave me in just a few years. And they learnt all the wrong things. While Germans are superb engineers, markets are not an engineering science, and they weren’t trained with the nimbleness of thought required to understand that. You might say something similar about some French banks – superb mathematicians and derivative quants, but lacking the intuitive feel for deals, people and markets that makes the Americans so much luckier – luck and understanding is something you make and learn for yourself.

What is so wrong with German banking? If you call up the biggest most spectacular banking explosions you won’t find many German banks on the list – but their losses and subsequent costs to the German tax-payers of their public banks (the Landesbanken, Sparkassen and IKB ) over the past 10-years have been as extraordinary as the better known Lehman cardiac or the long-drawn out saga of RBOS. I could go through the names and remember their faces, but its not necessary.

Germany’s banks have come croppers on just about everything: losing money in structured debt and ABS in the US, Greek debt, property and covered bonds in Europe, shipping and investments in Austrian banks. Their market is fractured into small localities. That’s the reason Deutsche Bank became a global bank in the first place – because its domestic market was too difficult, parochial and impossible. Yet, that’s where it’s going back to? That’s madness. And that’s why the stock price is where it is.. Down 94% from its peak at $91.63 in May 2007 to $6 today. Walk away and don’t look back..

9th July 2019, 12:04 PM
The thought being that you need a chispa to make a fire, Douche Bank no chispa.

43.5 Trillions in derivatives?

9th July 2019, 12:08 PM
43.5 Trillions in derivatives?

Divide by days to eternity, equals the janitor they moved to a split shift.. _.

9th July 2019, 12:09 PM
Divide by days to eternity, equals the janitor they moved to a split shift.. _.

We shall see

9th July 2019, 12:22 PM
We shall see

Derivatives tend to have expiration dates before employee contracts end...

10th July 2019, 03:59 PM
Derivatives tend to have expiration dates before employee contracts end...

As any recent evidence might suggest, our fixed by bank then to the market economic system is rigged such that indicators and players only leave bags to hold when anyone wants to withdrawl. They are just as welcomed to destroy as many digital registries as they are to create them.

Why interest rates are so very low, they can live and dictate markets extremely well even within and part of that 1%.

They go to great lengths to create any number of non-existant then dead rabbit parties as they do live ones.

How do you think they got so rich? Cleanliness is next to godliness.

10th July 2019, 04:05 PM
As any recent evidence might suggest, our fixed by bank then to the market economic system is rigged such that indicators and players only leave bags to hold when anyone wants to withdrawl. They are just as welcomed to destroy as many digital registries as they are to create them.

Why interest rates are so very low, they can live and dictate markets extremely well even within and part of that 1%.

They go to great lengths to create any number of non-existant then dead rabbit parties as they do live ones.

How do you think they got so rich? Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Their riches are vapour, unless in real estate and slaves, most of their slaves will only come to work as long as the dollars they get paid are worth something. A few slaves they own for life because they have charming personalities.

10th July 2019, 04:37 PM
Their riches are vapour, unless in real estate and slaves, most of their slaves will only come to work as long as the dollars they get paid are worth something. A few slaves they own for life because they have charming personalities.

Some new or other thing you mean.

I'm sure any number of slumlords and or do nothing rentistas will enjoy themselves all the way until they wake up find nobody exists as an available suitor.

Then the mudflood comes and loads of orphaned children are sent to Africa.

10th July 2019, 04:57 PM
Deutsche Bank MDs Fitted For $1,900 Suits As Thousands Of Employees Lost Jobs (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-10/deutsche-bank-mds-fitted-1900-suits-thousands-employees-lost-their-jobs)

As Financial News (https://www.fnlondon.com/articles/deutsche-mds-had-1-5k-suits-fitted-while-bank-was-firing-staff-20190709) reports, on the morning that DB was beginning the process of laying off 18,000 employees, some MDs in its London office were getting fitted for suits that cost £1,500 ($1,875).

The two men pictured above? They're not traders or analysts - they're tailors. Those are garment bags they're carrying. Their names were Ian Fielding-Calcutt and Alex Riley, and they work for Fielding & Nicholson Tailoring.

10th July 2019, 04:58 PM

Makes you wonder why Douche Bank decided to not go global... or who directed them not to.

11th July 2019, 01:35 AM

Makes you wonder why Douche Bank decided to not go global... or who directed them not to.

Interesting article, what it has to do with DB I don’t know. And it is a global bank, that is why they can wind down their offices in London, New York, Australia, Hong Kong.

“Independent Central Banking” is code word for Rothschild control of the worlds monetary supply, without ever having to answer to the people for their crimes. It is ridiculous of the author to point at the minor theatrical events as evidence that “independent central banking” would be under any serious threat worldwide. Probably the journo is payed by them.

11th July 2019, 05:01 AM
(from 5/22/19)

“Deutsche Bank Says Software to Detect Money Laundering Had a Bug”



12th July 2019, 07:40 AM
Interesting article, what it has to do with DB I don’t know. And it is a global bank, that is why they can wind down their offices in London, New York, Australia, Hong Kong.

“Independent Central Banking” is code word for Rothschild control of the worlds monetary supply, without ever having to answer to the people for their crimes. It is ridiculous of the author to point at the minor theatrical events as evidence that “independent central banking” would be under any serious threat worldwide. Probably the journo is payed by them.

From the article pasted here before it was stated that DB had made decisions to not Expand globally or reduce its global footprint.

This article imo, just points out many banks across the globe that are being integrated into their respective governments in so many words.