View Full Version : Racist

16th July 2019, 06:24 AM
Lacking a suitable definition I conclude the following is true and accurate

Racist --- Anyone who knows enough about this topic to call someone else a racist.

Non_Racist --- Anyone who has the sense to know he/she is not one.

16th July 2019, 07:50 AM
Lacking a suitable definition I conclude the following is true and accurate

Racist --- Anyone who knows enough about this topic to call someone else a racist.

Non_Racist --- Anyone who has the sense to know he/she is not one.

I am a racist. I believe that races should exist and also that the best way to maintain diversity is to keep race mixing to a minimum. I also find my race to be exceptional and I don't want to see European Man extinguished and Western Civilization extinguished. The only way to keep western civilization alive is to preserve the unique racial heritage that fostered and helped the ideas of free association among people and many other freedoms (that most today are taking for granted) spread.

There is nothing more beautiful than a young white woman. Obviously the other races believe this too, or they would not be trying to breed with them at such an excellerated rate, unless they are purposefully doing it to genocide the white race. Anyone who hates and tries to kill-off another race should be termed an 'Anti-racist'.

Yes, I am a racist. So you are not a racist Zero? Perhaps you are just virtue signaling.

16th July 2019, 08:10 AM
I am a racist.

Yes, I am a racist.
Go back to the opening post. You need to call someone else a racist to be one.

So you are not a racist Zero?
Have I called anyone a racist? Back to the definition. Calling yourself a racist is like transferring a dollar bill from your right hand to your left hand. Who have you accused of racism?

Perhaps you are just virtue signaling.
Interpretation of grammar seems to be closely coupled to emotions. I am responsible for everything in my Universe. I have no agents. My definition of racist is not an emotional one. Rather it is a logical definition.

To be a racist I have to call another a racist. I have not done so and therefore I am not a racist.

Hobbes defined a person as
1) an action (aka 'verb')
2) a word (a specific form of action using verbal or writing skills and so another verb)
3) representation (another specific form of action ... that of appointing another to tell you what to think and to negotiate your rights away

Calling someone a racist is an action. A verb. Therefore a 'person'.

16th July 2019, 09:15 AM
What about reformist?

16th July 2019, 09:33 AM
What about reformist?

Let's slay one dragon at a time.

16th July 2019, 09:58 AM
Let's slay one dragon at a time.

That's racist, Natural Unalienable Law dictates that I am free to flock with or without any colored feather, including dragons.

16th July 2019, 10:00 AM
I am free to flock with or without any colored feather, including dragons.

I thought you hung out with Trolls.

16th July 2019, 10:15 AM
I thought you hung out with Trolls.

True, but they like to hump dragons and believe that the offspring are a superior type mixed race, Trumping all others.

16th July 2019, 11:22 AM
True, but they like to hump dragons and believe that the offspring are a superior type mixed race, Trumping all others.
Read any good comics lately?

17th July 2019, 07:25 AM
i'm a racist. so is everyone else. many of God's creatures are racist. it is innate, God's design.

fighting racism = fighting God

fighting God = not a bad definition for satanism

17th July 2019, 07:43 AM
Read any good comics lately?


17th July 2019, 07:48 AM
If you are watching CSPAN you need to get a life.

17th July 2019, 07:56 AM
If you are watching CSPAN you need to get a life.

Is that a racist channel?

17th July 2019, 08:14 AM
Is that a racist channel?

I'm just attempting to clarify your cloudy or unsuitable definition of the word.


17th July 2019, 08:55 AM
Is that a racist channel?

No. It is a boring channel.

Years back with cable TV if you didn't pay they turned off the service. They found the number of returning customers to be low. Then as a marketing ploy instead of turning off your cable service they put CSPAN on all channels and got a number of subscribers returning to pay to get off CSPAN.

17th July 2019, 09:05 AM
No. It is a boring channel.

Years back with cable TV if you didn't pay they turned off the service. They found the number of returning customers to be low. Then as a marketing ploy instead of turning off your cable service they put CSPAN on all channels and got a number of subscribers returning to pay to get off CSPAN.

Those regular subscribers must have not been familiar with their pledge and allegiance to the local indivisible cable networking at such time.

17th July 2019, 09:45 AM
Those regular subscribers must have not been familiar with their pledge and allegiance to the local indivisible cable networking at such time.

Sometimes circumstances dictate that you simply stop paying.

All contracts are dynamic. If otherwise people would have no problem living in a McMansion. Or rather .. . maybe that is why the do live in McMansions.

17th July 2019, 10:04 AM
Is that a racist channel?

flaming racist channel

get whitey leftist crap is part of their regular programming

17th July 2019, 11:03 AM
Sometimes circumstances dictate that you simply stop paying.

All contracts are dynamic. If otherwise people would have no problem living in a McMansion. Or rather .. . maybe that is why the do live in McMansions.

I will guess that "payment" includes taking a knee for deportation at the next anthem recital.

17th July 2019, 11:52 AM
I will guess that "payment" includes taking a knee for deportation at the next anthem recital.

Knees have been spoken for. You'll have to find some other part of the anatomy. May I suggest a kidney?

7th August 2019, 06:24 AM
I did a search on Google Books for 'racist'. I typically am interested in entire books so under tools I select "Free Google Ebooks". These are generally 100 years old or older to prevent copyright infringement. Surprisingly there are no old books including the word 'racist'. Etymology online explains why

racist (n.)

1932 (as an adjective from 1938), from race (n.2) + -ist. Racism (q.v.) is in use by 1928, originally in the context of fascist theories, and common from 1936. These words replaced earlier racialism (1882) and racialist (1910), both often used early 20c. in a British or South African context. There are isolated uses of racism from c. 1900.

Returning recently from a six months' visit to Europe, the Rev. John LaFarge, noted Catholic writer, warned at a dinner given in his honor that the destructive forces of "racism" are increasing in the United States, and that they could cause irreparable harm among the American people if immediate steps are not taken to combat them.

Father LaFarge said that American racism is directed principally against Negroes, Jews, and foreigners. He described it as "the pale but venomous cousin" of Nazi racism. Like its Nazi counterpart, he added, it has erected impassable barriers between extensive regions and large groups of people, has formed its own myths and moulded its own social institutions, and above all has come consistently into conflict with Christian teachings. ["Opportunity, Journal of Negro Life," vol. XVII, No. 2, Feb. 1939]

In the U.S., race hatred, race prejudice had been used, and, especially in 19c. political contexts, negrophobia. Anglo-Saxonism as "belief in the superiority of the English race" had been used (disparagingly) from 1860. Anti-Negro (adj.) is attested in British and American English from 1819.

You see ... racist is a creation from 1932 and racism from 1928

racism (n.)

by 1928, in common use from 1935, originally in a European context; see racist. Applied to American social systems from late 1930s.

This meaning of Nationalism in no sense implies any consent to the doctrine of Racism, which holds that unity of racial origin is the main principle of unity for civil society and that the members of each ethnical branch should properly aim at grouping themselves together into so many national States. Although it is desirable that strongly-felt national aspirations, which often depend on community of race, should be satisfied, as far as this may be compatible with justice, Racism or the Principle of Racial Self determination, as it has been called in recent years is a materialistic illusion contrary to natural law and destructive of civilisation. [James Strachey Barnes, "The Universal Aspects of Fascism," London, 1928]

I would therefore suggest that racism and racist are concepts created by either communists or fascists and are both of really recent origin. Divide and conquer. Look at the success they are having.

7th August 2019, 08:00 AM
I believe Racism was traced to Trotsky, as the originator. I could be wrong, plowed this field a long time ago.

We used to honor our ancestors and those that brought us into this world and they turned that into a bad thing. I still honor my ancestors and I'm a racist of that sort who believes my people are the best and all the Trotsky's can f-off.

7th August 2019, 09:08 AM
I'm a racist of that sort who believes my people are the best

That is not racist.

ALIEN, persons. One born out of the jurisdiction of the United States, who
has not since been naturalized under their constitution and laws. To this
there are some exceptions, as this children of the ministers of the United
States in foreign courts. See Citizen, Inhabitant.
2. Aliens are subject to disabilities, have rights, and are bound to
perform duties, which will be briefly considered. 1. Disabilities. An alien
cannot in general acquire title to real estate by the descent, or by other
mere operation of law; and if he purchase land, he may be divested of the
fee, upon an inquest of office found. To this general rule there are
statutory exceptions in some of the states; in Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Louisiana, New Jersey, Rev. Laws, 604, and Michigan, Rev. St. 266, s. 26,
the disability has been removed; in North Carolina, (but see Mart. R. 48; 3
Dev. R. 138; 2 Hayw. 104, 108; 3 Murph. 194; 4 Dev. 247; Vermont and
Virginia, by constitutional provision; and in Alabama, 3 Stew R. 60;
Connecticut, act of 1824, Stat. tit. Foreigners, 251; Indiana, Rev. Code, a.
3, act of January 25, 1842; Illinois, Kentucky, 1 Litt. 399; 6 Mont. 266
Maine, Rev. St,. tit. 7, c. 93, s. 5 Maryland, act of 1825, ch. 66; 2 Wheat.
259; and Missouri, Rev. Code, 1825, p. 66, by statutory provision it is
partly so.
3. An alien, even after being naturalized, is ineligible to the office
of president of the United States; and in some states, as in New York, to
that of governor; he cannot be a member of congress, till the expiration of
seven years after his naturalization. An alien can exercise no political
rights whatever; he cannot therefore vote at any political election, fill
any office, or serve as a juror. 6 John. R. 332.
4.-2. An alien has a right to acquire personal estate, make and
enforce contracts in relation to the same - he is protected from injuries,
and wrongs, to his person and property, his relative rights and character;
he may sue and be sued.
5.-3. He owes a temporary local allegiance, and his property is
liable to taxation. Aliens are either alien friends or alien enemies. It is
only alien friends who have the rights above enumerated; alien enemies are
incapable, during the existence of war to sue, and may be ordered out of the
country. See generally, 2 Kent. Com. 43 to 63; 1 Vin. Ab. 157; 13 Vin. ab.
414; Bac. Ab. h.t.; 1 Saund. 8, n.2; Wheat. Dig. h.t.; Bouv. Inst. Index,

This definition is from the perspective of the U.S. but it still has some spare pieces of meat capable of digestion. Likely everyone you ever met who was not part of your family was an alien.

Even your mother is an alien in a sense. The purpose of a placenta is to protect the fetus from the immune system of the mother. The fetus is constructed of alien cells and would be terminated quickly just as a foreign organ implanted in place of her heart or lung would be attacked.

13th October 2020, 10:19 AM
Before there was race there was ethnology

ETHNOLOGY, n. The science that treats of the various tribes of Man, as robbers, thieves, swindlers, dunces, lunatics, idiots and ethnologists.

If ethnology were still practiced Democrats would be an entire chapter.