View Full Version : Safe deposit boxes aren't safe

20th July 2019, 08:29 AM
Good article on safe deposit boxes. Most of it we already know, but good info for those that might still trust these boxes.


In the early 1980s, when Philip Poniz moved to New Jersey from Colorado, he needed a well-protected place to stash his collection of rare watches. He had been gathering unusual pieces since he was a teenager in 1960s Poland, fascinated by their intricate mechanics. His hobby became his profession, and by the time of his relocation, Mr. Poniz was an internationally known expert in the history and restoration of high-end timepieces.

At first, he kept his personal collection in his house, but as it grew, he wanted something more secure. The vault at his neighborhood bank seemed ideal. In 1983, he signed a one-page lease agreement with First National State Bank of Edison in Highland Park, N.J., for a safe deposit box.

Over the next few decades, the bank — a squat brick building on a low-rise suburban street — changed hands many times. First National became First Union, which was sold to Wachovia, which was then bought by Wells Fargo. But its vault remained the same. A foot-thick steel door sheltered cabinets filled with hundreds of stacked metal boxes, each protected by two keys. The bank kept one; the customer held the other. Both were required to open a box.

In 1998, Mr. Poniz rented several additional boxes, and stored in them various items related to his work. He separated a batch of personal effects — photographs, coins he had inherited from his grandfather, dozens of watches — into a box labeled 105. Every time he opened it, he saw the glinting accumulation of his life’s work.

Then, on April 7, 2014, he lifted the thin metal lid. Box 105 was empty.

more at link...

midnight rambler
20th July 2019, 09:49 AM
Harsh lesson for the watch collector.

If you don’t hold it you don’t own it.

25th March 2020, 01:43 PM
Most of it we already know, but good info for those that might still trust these boxes.

MY LOCAL BANK (https://www.snapwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/US-Bank-pic--e1485911792767.jpg) lobby was locked with a sign suddenly on the door saying LOBBY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.....USE DRIVE-THRU WINDOW.

Luckily, a teller opened the door and I told her I needed to access my Safety Deposit Box and was on foot. Last week the tellers were wearing medical exam gloves for the coronavirus cootie cash.

I got all my banking done and they told me I can use their Drive-Thru Window while being on foot going forward...lol.

Those of you stashing your cash and gold/silver coins in bank boxes need to remember this "By Appointment" stuff now...


26th March 2020, 07:05 AM
Those of you stashing your cash and gold/silver coins in bank boxes need to remember this "By Appointment" stuff now...


I learned this almost 10 years ago when I walked in to my bank to access my box and they had lost their key (two keys needed to access box, one I had, the other they had). I had to wait a week while they scheduled a locksmith to drill the box open for me. Now I carry my gold on my person at all times, in my gold money belt, just like the famous Turkish strongman Yusuf İsmail.

26th March 2020, 07:10 AM
So you don't need a weight belt when scuba diving?

26th March 2020, 07:23 AM
Bank safe deposit boxes are not a place to keep anything of value. When Roosevelt seized the gold the only case where the feds actually seized any involved a safe deposit box.

26th March 2020, 07:55 AM
If you don’t hold it you don’t own it.

JASON BOURNE KEPT HIS BUGOUT BAG IN A BANK SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX (https://img0.etsystatic.com/015/0/8147294/il_570xN.468204924_grse.jpg)


26th March 2020, 11:19 AM
JASON BOURNE KEPT HIS BUGOUT BAG IN A BANK SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX (https://img0.etsystatic.com/015/0/8147294/il_570xN.468204924_grse.jpg)


John Wick kept one with some heebs and had an emergency stash in a book @ the library.