View Full Version : Congress needs to get back to work to help solve this problem
5th August 2019, 06:54 AM
Most of the violence in our country is created by the leftists.
It's time for congress to ban movies with violent gun mass murdering, that Hollywood profits from?
It's time for congress to ban leftist produced violent video games that desensitize the young?
It's time to penalize leftists that are removing God from our schools, our government and our country?
It's time to penalize leftist schools and businesses for white shaming and blaming whites for society's problems?
It's time to penalize leftists for any action that denigrates the nuclear family, to promote homosexuality and perversion?
It's time to end leftist incentives that promote the invasion from our southern border, only to increase their voting base?
It's time to end leftist policies that put foreigners before Americans?
The left's extreme hatred for conservatives, Christians and our president has created a volatile society, this must stop!
Do you agree, or not?
The leftists are in full assault mode to strip Americans of our guns, hitting them with these things could open a discussion and expose these Satanists.
5th August 2019, 07:30 AM
Most of the violence in our country is created by the leftists.
It's time for congress to ban movies with violent gun mass murdering, that Hollywood profits from?
It's time for congress to ban leftist produced violent video games that desensitize the young?
It's time to penalize leftists that are removing God from our schools, our government and our country?
It's time to penalize leftist schools and businesses for white shaming and blaming whites for society's problems?
It's time to penalize leftists for any action that denigrates the nuclear family, to promote homosexuality and perversion?
It's time to end leftist incentives that promote the invasion from our southern border, only to increase their voting base?
It's time to end leftist policies that put foreigners before Americans?
The left's extreme hatred for conservatives, Christians and our president has created a volatile society, this must stop!
Do you agree, or not?
The leftists are in full assault mode to strip Americans of our guns, hitting them with these things could open a discussion and expose these Satanists.
I do not agree, you cannot ask the government to ban any creator given, constitutionally protected speech.
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him."--John, Viscount
As repugnant as I find leftists, we cannot incorporate their methods in order to win the war.
5th August 2019, 07:42 AM
I do not agree, you cannot ask the government to ban any creator given, constitutionally protected speech.
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him."--John, Viscount
As repugnant as I find leftists, we cannot incorporate their methods in order to win the war.
Do you have anything to offer to push back on the leftists? I'm looking for ways to hit their profiting off killing movies and killing video games.
5th August 2019, 07:54 AM
Do you have anything to offer to push back on the leftists? I'm looking for ways to hit their profiting off killing movies and killing video games.
Their movies actually have been getting hit. Every time they get woke, the movie goes broke. Ghostbusters reboot and there are several others. While typing this post I came across a list someone put together of entertainment that has not done well because of leftist agenda.
The free market will nullify them, its not as fast as we would like, but it comes around eventually. I heed Washington's word that the government is a fearful master, giving them the power to decide on what can and cannot be spoken, or shown is an extremely slippery slope to our own speech being outlawed when someone else gets into power that does not agree with us.
5th August 2019, 08:06 AM
Most of the violence in our country is created by the leftists.
Interesting premise. Why not just say
And then when anyone attacks you on the truth of your statement just tell 'em
I define LEFTIST as anyone who creates violence.
Or you could substitute REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT in the above definition and be just as accurate.
5th August 2019, 08:19 AM
Their movies actually have been getting hit. Every time they get woke, the movie goes broke. Ghostbusters reboot and there are several others. While typing this post I came across a list someone put together of entertainment that has not done well because of leftist agenda.
The free market will nullify them, its not as fast as we would like, but it comes around eventually. I heed Washington's word that the government is a fearful master, giving them the power to decide on what can and cannot be spoken, or shown is an extremely slippery slope to our own speech being outlawed when someone else gets into power that does not agree with us.
It's too late to stop censorship, the left controls the internet and are in full censorship mode.
8chan: Another Mass Shooting, Another Internet Purge
by Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/05/2019 - 08:56
Authored by Kit Knightly via,
This is the third “mass casualty event” in less than a year that was immediately followed up by censorship of the internet...
Last year, after the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the new social-media platform Gab was attacked in the press and bullied off the internet.
Earlier this year, following the Christ Church mosque attack, New Zealand briefly totally blocked access to several websites.
Yesterday, two men allegedly killed 30 people at a store in Dayton Ohio, and a mall in El Paso Texas.
Today 8chan has been totally shut down.
If you don’t know what 8chan is, well it’s like 4chan but without the sense of decency. If you don’t know what 4chan is, it’s like reddit went off its medication.
Both places could be, can be, kinda gross. But they could – can – also be amazing. Insightful. Useful. Free speech is like that. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly. If you cut off the ugly parts it’s not “free speech” anymore. This is something we all know, but the media is trying to force us to forget.
The boot-licking justification of this move was, of course, spear-headed by The Guardian: 8chan: the far-right website linked to the rise in hate crimes
The hand-wringers and pearl-clutchers in the media are happy to pretend this is about “hate” and “safety”, which is obviously not true.
Take the thrust of the Guardian article:
8chan...why is a website linked to such a high death count allowed to exist on the open internet?
Wouldn’t this question be better asked of
Or maybe one of these…
Hell, going by this absurd definition of “death count” – meaning, apparently, “someone who allegedly posted there, allegedly committed a crime” – then all Facebook and twitter have staggering “death counts”.
Known war criminals use twitter every single day.
The alleged Christ Church shooting was live-streamed on Facebook (but it was 8chan that got blocked).
The Guardian itself published an opinion piece, a week ago, written by Alastair Campbell. A man with a body count 50,000x higher than the Texas shooting. That’s an El Paso every day for 137 years.
This isn’t about hate, they’re fine with hate. This isn’t about blood, they love blood.
8chan was no more hateful or bloody than any website on that list, so what was the real problem with it?
It was anonymous, fringe and uncontrollable.
It was free. Now it’s not. Any one of us could be next.
5th August 2019, 08:50 AM
It's too late to stop censorship, the left controls the internet and are in full censorship mode.
8chan: Another Mass Shooting, Another Internet Purge
by Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/05/2019 - 08:56
Authored by Kit Knightly via,
This is the third “mass casualty event” in less than a year that was immediately followed up by censorship of the internet...
Last year, after the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the new social-media platform Gab was attacked in the press and bullied off the internet.
Earlier this year, following the Christ Church mosque attack, New Zealand briefly totally blocked access to several websites.
Yesterday, two men allegedly killed 30 people at a store in Dayton Ohio, and a mall in El Paso Texas.
Today 8chan has been totally shut down.
If you don’t know what 8chan is, well it’s like 4chan but without the sense of decency. If you don’t know what 4chan is, it’s like reddit went off its medication.
Both places could be, can be, kinda gross. But they could – can – also be amazing. Insightful. Useful. Free speech is like that. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly. If you cut off the ugly parts it’s not “free speech” anymore. This is something we all know, but the media is trying to force us to forget.
The boot-licking justification of this move was, of course, spear-headed by The Guardian: 8chan: the far-right website linked to the rise in hate crimes
The hand-wringers and pearl-clutchers in the media are happy to pretend this is about “hate” and “safety”, which is obviously not true.
Take the thrust of the Guardian article:
8chan...why is a website linked to such a high death count allowed to exist on the open internet?
Wouldn’t this question be better asked of
Or maybe one of these…
Hell, going by this absurd definition of “death count” – meaning, apparently, “someone who allegedly posted there, allegedly committed a crime” – then all Facebook and twitter have staggering “death counts”.
Known war criminals use twitter every single day.
The alleged Christ Church shooting was live-streamed on Facebook (but it was 8chan that got blocked).
The Guardian itself published an opinion piece, a week ago, written by Alastair Campbell. A man with a body count 50,000x higher than the Texas shooting. That’s an El Paso every day for 137 years.
This isn’t about hate, they’re fine with hate. This isn’t about blood, they love blood.
8chan was no more hateful or bloody than any website on that list, so what was the real problem with it?
It was anonymous, fringe and uncontrollable.
It was free. Now it’s not. Any one of us could be next.
8Ch is in the process of migrating over to Epik hosting. They'll be back up shortly. This is why I DO NOT want any censorship. the 8Ch dev is currently working on a decentralized blockchain solution for 8ch which will render it unstoppable. same with how Gab is now unstoppable.
People have been getting around censorship for thousands of years. This time will be no different and will truly come up with a permanent solution. Even removing DNS names will not stop it once full integration with name coin (*.bit domain names) is completed as its blockchain based and absolutely cannot be shut down.
With no censorship this type of technology would not be developed, I want them to continue to develop means and solutions to centralized censorship so that we can have a decentralized infrastructure. So every time I see a website taken down, or someone censored on a centralized platform (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) I cheer. :)
5th August 2019, 11:28 AM
This is why I DO NOT want any censorship.
We can't even post an image here at GSUS.
midnight rambler
5th August 2019, 11:44 AM
Have faith! They're going to get right to work on solutions to solve the problem! Trumpstein said so! Everyone's onboard!
5th August 2019, 12:52 PM
Have faith! They're going to get right to work on solutions to solve the problem! Trumpstein said so! Everyone's onboard!
Which everyone knows will do absolutely NOTHING to anyone determined to cause mass death. Look at the UK, guns are banned, yet jihadist's use trucks to drive through crowds of people.
Republican or Democrat, I WILL NOT hand over my means of defense.
midnight rambler
5th August 2019, 12:53 PM
"...those who pose a grave risk to public safety..."
In this sense the term 'public' = state (as in .gov). Do the math all you fucking white supremacists!*
*if you're white then you're a supremacist
I love how Trumpstein squints his eyes.
5th August 2019, 12:53 PM
We can't even post an image here at GSUS.
I've tagged JQP in the admin boards to explain the rationale, I don't feel its my place to speak on his behalf about that... But I agree I hate not being able to post images.
midnight rambler
5th August 2019, 12:55 PM
I've tagged JQP in the admin boards to explain the rationale, I don't feel its my place to speak on his behalf about that... But I agree I hate not being able to post images.
I suggest he relinquish control to someone who will get the forum hosted overseas.
midnight rambler
5th August 2019, 01:48 PM
President Javanka is onboard! YAY!
5th August 2019, 03:39 PM
Before the 9/11 bombing of the Twin Towers and WTC7 the Federal Rules of Criminal procedure contained a definition of “Act of Congress” TION
Territorial Jurisdiction
Rule 54 (c):
In order to define the jurisdiction of the Federal courts to conduct criminal prosecutions, one would have to find out what the specific definition of "Act of Congress," is. We find such a definition in Rule 54(c) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (*/doc/%7Bt772%7D?) prior to Dec. 2002, wherein is defined "Act of Congress." Rule 54(c) states:
"Act of Congress" includes any act of Congress locally applicable to and in force in the District of Columbia, in Puerto Rico, in a territory or in an insular possession."
Unless you are some variety of United States Citizen . . . .
The Federal Firearms Act
Where does the federal government get its Constitutional authority to enact laws such as the National Firearms Act, which has been codified to Chapter 44 of Title 18 of the United States Code? Upon whom are such laws operative, and where? Since a careful reading of the Constitution reveals that the federal government has no specifically delegated authority to regulate firearms, from where does the federal government's authority to regulate firearms come?
One would think with the high number of Americans supporting the right to keep and bear arms, this question is one that would be of some concern. We've never heard the question asked. One would think that the firearms industry would ask such a question if for no other reason than that they will surely be an industry of the past if anti-gun legislation continues to propagate. In other words, without a solution, the firearms industry as we know it today will cease to exist.
Over the last 30 years or so, laws concerning firearms have become a matter of "public policy", with no regard for the Constitutional elements involved. Why aren't more Americans challenging federal gun laws? We believe it is because The People of this great nation have an innate understanding that the federal judiciary is corrupt and will not honor the Constitution when required to do so.
We also believe that Americans are not willing to challenge federal firearms laws because over the last 40 years or so, laws have been written in an ever-increasingly deceptive manner. Even laws that were clear when originally enacted have been amended over the last 40 years to remove the specificity of the law and render them more vague, and more prone to "flexible" interpretations by "cooperative" judges. Ironically, this has been done under the guise of making these laws more clear! As many laws stand today, the average American cannot understand them and attorneys generally will not explain the true meaning, lest they lose their monopolistic advantage over the machinery of the legal system.
The Federal Firearms Act (as amended)
(18 USC, Chapter 44)Try as you might to find the title, "Federal Firearms Act" associated with 18 USC, chapter 44, you will not. Why then do we refer to it as such here? Many of the provisions that are currently codified to Title 18, chapter 44, were not originally codified there.
The Federal Firearms Act was enacted in 1938 and it was originally codified to Title 15. So what is Title 15? It is entitled "Commerce and Trade". Do you remember that little discussion about creating vagueness where none originally existed? Well here is a stunning example. From 1938 until 1968, the Federal Firearms Act was within Title 15. That's 30 years folks! Despite the law operating just fine for 30 years, someone deemed it no longer proper to have the law contained within Title 15. Want to guess why? That's right - the government's jurisdictional limits were far too easy to ascertain when the law was within the "Commerce and Trade" title. If it wasn't moving in interstate or foreign commerce, then the US didn't have jurisdiction over it! However, by moving the Act to Title 18, and thus disconnecting the Act from the Title of "Commerce and Trade", there are few clues left to the law's original intent and its Constitutional limitations.
Despite the fact that chapter 44 of Title 18 has been amended many times, (most notably by the Gun Control Act of 1968) it is still essentially the Federal Firearms Act of 1938 [ch. 850, 52 Stat. 1252].
Having said all this, there is an interesting element to Chapter 44 and its interstate commerce authority that you should know about.
There are two different definitions for interstate and foreign commerce in Title 18. The first is found in §10 of the Title and is the definition that is generally applicable through the entire Title, unless re-defined for a specific chapter or section of the Title.
18 USC §10:
The term ''interstate commerce'', as used in this title, includes commerce between one State, Territory, Possession, or the District of Columbia and another State, Territory, Possession, or the District of Columbia. The term ''foreign commerce'', as used in this title, includes commerce with a foreign country.
This is a pretty clear definition - and it will get clearer as this article proceeds!
Interestingly, "interstate commerce" and "foreign commerce" are redefined just for chapter 44.
For use within chapter 44, they are no longer two separate items, but have been combined into one legal term, to wit:
18 USC §921(2)
The term ''interstate or foreign commerce'' includes commerce between any place in a Stateand any place outside of that State, or within any possession of the United States (not including the Canal Zone) or the District of Columbia, but such term does not include commerce between places within the same State but through any place outside of that State. The term ''State'' includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the possessions of the United States (not including the Canal Zone).
[emphasis and underlining added]
You should recognize that as a legal term, the phrase "interstate or foreign commerce" does not mean what logic might tell you it means. You must remember that it means only what Congress says it means and nothing more!
We have had to ask ourselves why the general definition provided in §10 was inadequate for use within chapter 44. If §10 was a good enough definition for all of Title 18 generally, why is it not adequate for chapter 44?
The only distinction we find is in the use of the words "...any place in a State...". Why is that change so essential? Why go through the hassle of altering the definition just to add two little words? On the surface it doesn't seem to make sense - or does it? Maybe we should ask what "place within a State" might the definition be referring to, and why would that distinction be important? Let's explore!
Title 18, §13 is a general provision section (which means it is operative throughout the Title) and is entitled "Laws of States adopted for areas within Federal jurisdiction". What does that title mean? One of the things it means is that there is "State jurisdiction" and there is "federal jurisdiction", and the two are not the same.
Before we explore §13 any further, we need to take a brief side trip and look at §7. We need to do this because §7 is specifically referred to in §13, and we'll get lost if we don't understand exactly what is being referred to in §7.
Section 7 defines the "Special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States". Although the definition is a bit long and wordy, here is the essential part in reference to what we are discussing in this article:
18 USC §7(3):
Any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of a fort, magazine, arsenal, dockyard, or other needful building.
The basic meaning of that definition is any location that is not under State sovereignty, but solely under federal sovereignty, or otherwise within federal jurisdiction. It must be remembered that such federal "places" exist within the states of the Union.
One should take note of the common language, and common meaning, between 18 USC §7, and Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the US Constitution:
To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same [federal place] shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings
Now that you can clearly see where §7 is taking us, let's go back to §13; specifically, subsection (a).
[Editor's Note: We've removed some of the excessive wordiness from §13(a) that might tend to confuse the meaning for the first-time reader.]
18 USC §13(a):
Whoever within...any places...provided in section 7 of this title...not within the jurisdiction of any guilty of any act or omission which, although not made punishable by any enactment of Congress, would be punishable if committed or omitted within the jurisdiction of the which such place is situated...
Ah ha! Did you get that? Ladies and gentlemen, §13 (in conjunction with §7) defines the "places" that are referred to in the definition of "interstate or foreign commerce" at §921(2). The places made mention of in §921(2) are the "places...provided in section 7 of this title", which of course we now know are federal lands (and waterways) that are not within the jurisdiction of the State, but are within the geographical boundaries of the State!
Now let's do a little of our own alteration to §921(2). Let's add the specificity that the legislative draftsmen intentionally left out when they wrote the definition of "interstate and foreign commerce" (at §921(2)). Our "clarified" version reads like this:
The term ''interstate or foreign commerce'' includes commerce between any area of land under federal jurisdiction that is within a State and any area of land under federal jurisdiction that is outside that State, or within any possession of the United States (not including the Canal Zone) or the District of Columbia.
Boy, that sure changes the meaning that you had of §921(2) about 10 minutes ago, doesn't it? Also, please note that after the part of the definition that addresses "States" is complete, it goes on to define other federal areas. In that portion, "interstate or foreign commerce" means commerce [solely] within any possession of the United States or within the District of Columbia! My, my, my. Congress sure defines terms to mean whatever the hell Congress wants them to mean!
Are you getting the picture? Every "place" being referred to in §921(2) is a place within a State, or outside a State, that is under the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of Congress, pursuant to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the US Constitution. And the "interstate and foreign commerce" being described at §921(2), is a limited form that operates only between such "places". For the purposes of chapter 44, Congress has even defined "State" as "the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the possessions of the United States". In short, it's all territorial.
The definition of "interstate or foreign commerce", at 921(2), is only a "red herring" placed there by the legislative draftsmen to make you think the authority is nation-wide and all-pervasive under the US Constitution's interstate commerce clause. In point of fact, certain sections of chapter 44, such as 922(o)(1), which makes the mere possession of a machine gun a crime, can only be territorial in nature because Congress has no authority to define any act that takes place within a state of the Union as a crime (except such acts as take place against federal property or persons). The federal government cannot define a crime that would take place within a state of the Union because the US has no police powers in a state of the Union.
Now do you see why it was so important that chapter 44 not use the general definition of "interstate commerce" provided at §10? Two little words - "any place" - needed to be added if the law was to pass Constitutional scrutiny.
If one reads the "Congressional Findings and Declarations" in the notes for §921, one finds that Congress enacted the Federal Firearms Act, and its various amendments, in order to [ostensibly] assist the States in controlling crime. Well guess what? The Constitution does not grant the federal government any authority to assist the States of the Union in combating crime. The federal government may regulate interstate commerce; it can define crimes that may take place upon federal property; and it can exercise police powers within places that are embraced by the "exclusive legislative control" clause, but it may not do any of that upon land that is under the sovereignty of a state of the Union.
Congress is free to make any asinine statement it wants about its "intentions" or its "goals", but the text of the laws it enacts must still adhere to the limits of federal power imposed by US Constitution.
Laws No Longer Printed
You should also be made aware that the historical notes reveal there have been some significant items that were "omitted" when the statutes were transferred from Title 15 to Title 18. It should be noted that there is no legal definition for the word "omit"; therefore it can only be defined by a standard English dictionary. The first definition that appears in Webster's II New Revised University Dictionary (1994) is, "Left out". When a section or portion of a statute is "omitted" it is exactly as Webster has stated - it is merely left out. The section or portion has not been repealed; it is still in full effect - it simply isn't printed in the United States Code any more!
[Editor Note - The original language, in its entirety, can still be found in the original Statute-at-Large. See"What is the United States Code" ( for more on the Statutes-at-Large.]
So what are these sections that have been left out? The most interesting items left out in 1968 were subsections (f) and (i) of then section 902 (Title 15), which speaks of the rule of "presumption from possession". While we've not looked up the old section 902, our experience with such statutory "presumptions" tells us that the section likely raised a rebuttable presumption that if you were found with any firearm, suppressor, etc., that is defined in [the current] chapter 44, you acquired it through an act of "interstate or foreign commerce". Of course for a presumption to be rebutted, the accused would have to know that the US Attorney's Office and the United States District Court were functioning under a statutorily created presumption to begin with. Needless to say, that's a bit difficult when the law isn't printed in the Code any more!
The other omitted items are subsections (b) and (c) of former section 902 which prohibits, "receipt with knowledge...that the transportation or shipment was to a person without a license where State laws require prospective purchaser to exhibit a license to licensed manufacturer or dealer, respectively." You've got to love what these guys choose to keep hidden from you!
SummaryHopefully this article has helped you to understand the sophistry used when the legislative draftsmen wrote the text that now appears as chapter 44 of Title 18. Hopefully, this will assist Americans in not being wrongfully prosecuted for crimes they've never committed and hopefully this document will somehow get to the firearms industry, since it is the key to freeing that industry from the stranglehold of "public policy" law that will eventually take the industry's life, and with it the American Citizen's access to at least one form of arms.
Let's review what we've covered:
Title 18 of the United States Code (USC), chapter 44, has its foundation as the Federal Firearms Act.
The Federal Firearms Act was enacted in 1938 and was originally codified to Title 15, "Commerce and Trade".
In 1968, most of the Federal Firearms Act was repealed and reenacted in Title 18.
Certain elements of the Federal Firearms Act were never repealed, but are no longer printed in the USC. [This is why one must always read the actual Act of Congress to see what they're really up to.]
Since 1968, chapter 44 has been amended numerous times, usually under the disingenuous rationale of securing the rights of law abiding gun owners!
The foundation of the federal government's authority in chapter 44 is territorial, i.e., Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the US Constitution.
Chapter 44 does contain a certain limited form of commerce authority, but it only controls commerce between federal places within States, or commerce within a federal possession, or the District of Columbia.
The definition of "interstate and foreign commerce" at §921(2) does not refer to the government's Constitutional authority to regulate commerce between the states of the Union. It is a territorial based power that relies on the federal government's police powers, which exist only within those places that are subject to the exclusive legislative authority of Congress.
The "declarations" or "findings" that Congress may issue have absolutely no bearing upon the words of an Act Congress passes. Such declarations and findings may contain any manner of outrageous lies or distortions, but the language of the laws that Congress passes must still adhere to the Constitution.
If you have found this item to be informative, please send this URL to a friend, associate, or family member.
5th August 2019, 04:22 PM
Congress needs to get back to work to help solve this problem
they ARE at work, silly!!
Massive delegation of (41) Democrats arrive in Israel despite efforts by far Left (
The trip – meant primarily for freshman representatives – is organized August of each non-election year by the American Israel Education Foundation, a charitable organization affiliated with AIPAC.
By Herb Keinon (
August 5, 2019
"...A Republican delegation expected to be of a similar size is scheduled to arrive on Friday. That group will be headed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy...."
5th August 2019, 05:52 PM
I do not agree, you cannot ask the government to ban any creator given, constitutionally protected speech.
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him."--John, Viscount
As repugnant as I find leftists, we cannot incorporate their methods in order to win the war.
Interestingly, I see the act of the gov't forcing God out of schools as an act of banning constitutionally protected speech, and in this case I agree with the OP premise that those leftists should be punished. We desperately need God back in school; kids need to learn early that they are subject to a higher power, subject to a God who forbids murder.
5th August 2019, 06:48 PM
Interestingly, I see the act of the gov't forcing God out of schools as an act of banning constitutionally protected speech, and in this case I agree with the OP premise that those leftists should be punished. We desperately need God back in school; kids need to learn early that they are subject to a higher power, subject to a God who forbids murder.
And a school can put God back in to it's curriculum as soon as they stop accepting federal money.
Accept federal money, then you accept the strings that come attached to it.
7th August 2019, 03:43 PM
And a school can put God back in to it's curriculum as soon as they stop accepting federal money.
Accept federal money, then you accept the strings that come attached to it.
The honest truth is that most public schools wouldn't exist without federal funding. I agree that privatization of education would come a long way in helping get God back into school, but under the current system it won't happen.
7th August 2019, 04:47 PM
Those that benefit from random attacks on innocent people are totalitarian government and financially the public servants and contractors they employ. In addition those who wish to see society damaged and degraded by totalitarian government and a segment of the left that considers themselves unwilling or unable to take care of themselves AND want others to suffer the same.
13th August 2019, 06:59 AM
Congress hard at work kissing Israel’s ass
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