View Full Version : 200 websites Google does not want you to visit

11th August 2019, 07:58 PM
Link to article (https://thomasdishaw.com/bookmark-400-links-google-doesnt-want-visit/#comment-4343760528)

Source: Thomas Dishaw (https://thomasdishaw.com/bookmark-400-links-google-doesnt-want-visit/)
http://i0.wp.com/republicbroadcasting.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/google-logo-minimalism-devil.jpg?resize=432%2C275 (http://i0.wp.com/republicbroadcasting.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/google-logo-minimalism-devil.jpg)
The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Infowars, Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling down on their ‘Orwellian’ practice of making stories disappear from their monopolistic search engine.

Outlined in their Gestapo like 160-page handbook (https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en//insidesearch/howsearchworks/assets/searchqualityevaluatorguidelines.pdf), Google describes exactly how they plan to suppress any information they deem unfit for readers. Highlighted at the bottom of page 108 Google states (https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en//insidesearch/howsearchworks/assets/searchqualityevaluatorguidelines.pdf):

● Pages that directly contradict well established
scientific or medical consensus for queries seeking scientific or
medical information, unless the query indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.

● Pages that directly contradict well-established
historical facts (e.g., unsubstantiated conspiracy theories), unless
the query clearly indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.

These two guidelines provided by Google should set off alarm bells to anyone who has a thirst for knowledge or anyone that has the audacity to examine both sides of a topic. Imagine only being able to see and hear the corporate narrative on such important issues like vaccines, 9/11, holistic health, the Kennedy assassination, climate change, banking alternatives, and many other important matters.

And that is only scratching the surface.

This information from Google’s handbook was first uncovered by Melissa Dykes at Truth Stream Media (http://truthstreammedia.com/) who made a great video that eloquently breaks down the importance of this complex issue. I highly recommend everyone watch it and more importantly support their work (https://www.patreon.com/truthstreammedia).



As bad as this news sounds there is a bright side. We have solutions people; we just have to break the habit of being slaves to the Google regime. First, we can stop using Google altogether and start using some great alternatives out there like Good Gopher (http://www.goodgopher.com/), DuckDuckGo (https://duckduckgo.com/), Yandex (https://yandex.com/), Searx.me (https://searx.me/) and Qwant.com (https://www.qwant.com/) The second and most important thing we can do is go old school and start bookmarking sites again (something I have been doing for years). This will cut out the middle man (Google) and enable you to see all the great information from thousands of independent journalists that Google is trying to suppress.

Below you will find a comprehensive list of great sites broken down by category that do an excellent job in their respective field. I urge everyone to bookmark this page and make it their go to when searching for news on politics, health and prepping.

By no means is this list complete, there are thousands of great independent sites out there that I have inadvertently missed. If your favorite site is missing send me an email at tdishaw@protonmail.com and I will happily add it to the list if it’s worthy.


Drudgereport.com (http://drudgereport.com/)
Breitbart.com (http://www.breitbart.com/)
Infowars.com (https://www.infowars.com/)
SteveQuayle.com (http://www.stevequayle.com/)
Whatreallyhappened.com (http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/)
Rense.com (http://www.rense.com/)
Blacklistednews.com (http://www.blacklistednews.com/)
Thefreethoughtproject.com (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/)
Thedailysheeple.com (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/)
Public Intelligence Blog (http://phibetaiota.net/)
Robert David Steele (http://robertdavidsteele.com/)
Judicialwatch.org (http://www.judicialwatch.org/)
Projectveritas.com (http://projectveritas.com/)
Henrymakow.com (https://www.henrymakow.com/)
Sott.net (https://www.sott.net/)
Caravantomidnight.com (http://caravantomidnight.com/)
Joemiller.us (http://joemiller.us/)
Newsbusters.org (https://www.newsbusters.org/)
Democracynow.org (https://www.democracynow.org/)
Globalresearch.ca (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)
Antiwar.com (http://original.antiwar.com/)
Reason.com (http://reason.com/)
Prisonplanet.com (https://www.prisonplanet.com/)
Copblock.org (https://www.copblock.org/)
Opposingviews.com (http://www.opposingviews.com/)
Topsecretwriters.com (http://www.topsecretwriters.com/)
Allgov.com (http://www.allgov.com/)
The Freedom Articles (http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/)
Veteranstoday.com (http://www.veteranstoday.com/)
Whowhatwhy.org (https://whowhatwhy.org/)
Truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com/)
Thenewamerican.com (https://www.thenewamerican.com/)
Freedomproject.com (http://freedomproject.com/)
Corbettereport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/)
Sgtreport.com (https://www.sgtreport.com/)
Newsbud.com (https://www.newsbud.com/)
Dailycaller.com (http://dailycaller.com/)
Mintpressnews.com (http://www.mintpressnews.com/)
Informationliberation.com (http://www.informationliberation.com/)
Truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com/)
Fromthetrenchesworldreport.com (http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/)
Trueactivist.com (http://www.trueactivist.com/)
Shtfplan.com (http://www.shtfplan.com/)
Collective-evolution.com (http://www.collective-evolution.com/)
Counterpunch.org (https://www.counterpunch.org/)
Truth-out.org (http://www.truth-out.org/)
Hangthebankers.com (http://www.hangthebankers.com/)
Govtslaves.info (http://govtslaves.info/)
Theantimedia.com (http://theantimedia.org/)
Theintercept.com (https://theintercept.com/)
Activistpost.com (http://www.activistpost.com/)
Intellihub.com (https://www.intellihub.com/)
Theeconomiccollapseblog.com (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/)
Coasttocoastam.com (https://www.coasttocoastam.com/)
Cnsnews.com (https://www.cnsnews.com/)
Wsws.org (http://www.wsws.org/)
Newstarget.com (http://newstarget.com/)
Twitchy.com (https://twitchy.com/)
Thenationalsentinel.com (https://thenationalsentinel.com/)
USAwatchdog.com (https://usawatchdog.com/)
PJmedia.com (https://pjmedia.com/)
Lifesitenews.com (https://www.lifesitenews.com/)
Allnewspipeline.com (http://allnewspipeline.com/Home.php)
Thecommonsenseshow.com (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/)
Wakingtimes.com (http://www.wakingtimes.com/)
WND.com (http://www.wnd.com/)
Theamericanmirror.com (http://www.theamericanmirror.com/)
Moonbattery.com (http://moonbattery.com/)
Thegatewaypundit.com (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/)
Bizpacreview.com (http://www.bizpacreview.com/)
Christianpost.com (http://www.christianpost.com/)
Vdare.com (http://www.vdare.com/)
Lifenews.com (http://www.lifenews.com/)
Z3news.com (https://z3news.com/w/)
Constitution.com (http://constitution.com/)
Washingtonexaminer.com (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/)
Conservativedailypost.com (https://conservativedailypost.com/)
Anotherdayintheempire.com (http://anotherdayintheempire.com/)
Townhall.com (http://townhall.com/)
Paulcraigroberts.org (http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/)
Dailysignal.com (http://dailysignal.com/)
Rollcall.com (http://www.rollcall.com/home)
USnews.com (https://www.usnews.com/news)
McClatchy.com (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/)
Thecollegefix.com (http://www.thecollegefix.com/)
Washingtontimes.com (http://www.washingtontimes.com/)
Freebeacon.com (http://freebeacon.com/)
Godfatherpolitics.com (http://godfatherpolitics.com/)
Refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com (https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/)
Informationclearinghouse.info (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/)
Americanthinker.com (http://www.americanthinker.com/)
NTKnetwork.com (http://ntknetwork.com/)
Independentjournalreview.com (https://ijr.com/)
Hellofla.com (http://hellofla.com/)
Campusreform.org (https://www.campusreform.org/)
Truepundit.com (http://truepundit.com/)
Moonofalabama.org (http://www.moonofalabama.org/)
ACLJ.org (https://aclj.org/)
Thenewspaper.com (http://www.thenewspaper.com/)
Fellowshipoftheminds.com (https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/)
AIM.com (http://www.aim.org/)
Dennismichaellynch.com (http://dennismichaellynch.com/)
Lewrockwell.com (https://www.lewrockwell.com/)
Freedomoutpost.com (http://freedomoutpost.com/)
Westernjournalism.com (http://www.westernjournalism.com/)
Conservativekings.com (http://www.conservativekings.com/)
Trunews.com (http://www.trunews.com/)
Disobedientmedia.com (https://disobedientmedia.com/)
Ronpaulinstitute.org (http://ronpaulinstitute.org/)
Thefederalist.com (http://thefederalist.com/)
EAGnews.org (http://eagnews.org/)
Ground Zero (http://www.groundzeromedia.org/)
Gotnews.com (http://gotnews.com/)
Davidicke.com (http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/)
Skywatchtv.com (http://skywatchtv.com/)
Weeklystandard.com (http://www.weeklystandard.com/)
Photographyisnotacrime.com (http://photographyisnotacrime.com/)
Jonrappoport.wordpress.com (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/)
Freedomsphoenix.com (http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Front-Page.htm?EdNo=001)
Libertybeacon.com (http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/)
Lastresistance.com (http://lastresistance.com/)
Washingtonsblog.com (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/)
USdefensewatch.com (http://usdefensewatch.com/)
Redflagnews.com (https://www.redflagnews.com/)
Raygano.com (http://raygano.com/)
Newswithviews.com (https://newswithviews.com/)
Clashdaily.com (http://clashdaily.com/)
Marylanddriversalliance.com (http://www.mddriversalliance.org/)
Tenthamendmentcenter.com (http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/)
Therightscoop.com (http://therightscoop.com/)
Whitehousedossier.com (http://www.whitehousedossier.com/)
Patdollard.com (http://www.patdollard.com/)
Thomasdishaw.com (https://thomasdishaw.com/)
Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com (http://www.full-spectrum-dominance.com/)
Massprivatei.blogspot.com (http://massprivatei.blogspot.com/2015/03/dhs-claims-isis-terrorists-could-be.html)
Devvy.com (http://www.devvy.com/)
Citypaper.com (http://www.citypaper.com/)
Nationofchange.org (https://www.nationofchange.org/)
Axios.com (https://www.axios.com/)
Skidie.com (http://skidie.com/)
Libertyheadlines.com (http://www.libertyheadlines.com/)
Caitlin Johnstone (http://caitlin%20johnstone/)
HSLDA.org (https://www.hslda.org/Landingpages/)
Milo.yiannopoulos.net (https://milo.yiannopoulos.net/)
Thesmokinggun.com (http://thesmokinggun.com/)
Truthrevolt.org (http://www.truthrevolt.org/)
Newswars.com (https://newswars.com/)
Shane Kastler (http://shanekastler.typepad.com/pastor_shanes_blog/)
Artofmanliness.com (http://www.artofmanliness.com/)
Trump.news (http://www.trump.news/)
Minds.com (https://www.minds.com/)
Courthousenews.com (http://www.courthousenews.com/)
Barnhardt.biz (https://www.barnhardt.biz/)
Wearechange.org (https://wearechange.org/)
12160.info (http://12160.info/)
Theblaze.com (http://www.theblaze.com/)
Skidie.com (https://thomasdishaw.com/)
Conservativetribune.com (http://conservativetribune.com/)
Hagmannreport.com (https://www.hagmannreport.com/)
Cryptome.org (https://cryptome.org/)
Wikileaks.org (https://wikileaks.org/index.en.html)
Publicintelligence.net (https://publicintelligence.net/)
Easton Spectator (https://www.eastonspectator.com/)
Republicbroadcasting.org (http://republicbroadcasting.org/)
Consortiumnews.com (https://consortiumnews.com/)
Larouchepac.com (https://larouchepac.com/)
Larouchepub.com (http://larouchepub.com/)
Jim Stone (
Redstatewatcher.com (http://redstatewatcher.com/)
Poisonpapers.org (https://www.poisonpapers.org/the-poison-papers/)
Evolvepolitics.com (http://evolvepolitics.com/)
Independentsentinel.com (http://www.independentsentinel.com/)
Wanttoknow.info (https://www.wanttoknow.info/)
Clarionproject.org (https://clarionproject.org/)
Tarpley.net (http://tarpley.net/)
Speroforum.com (http://www.speroforum.com/)
Stonecoldtruth.com (https://stonecoldtruth.com/)
Worldaffairsbrief.com (https://www.worldaffairsbrief.com/)
Realclearpolitics.com (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/)
Dilbert (http://blog.dilbert.com/)
Rightwinggranny.com (http://www.rightwinggranny.com/)
Realzionistnews.com (http://realzionistnews.com/)
Blog.faithandfreedom.us (http://blog.faithandfreedom.us/)
Barenakedislam.com (http://www.barenakedislam.com/)
Oathkeepers.org (https://www.oathkeepers.org/)
Chuckbaldwinlive.com (http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Home.aspx)
Gunsandbutter.org (http://gunsandbutter.org/about)
Noagendashow.com (http://www.noagendashow.com/)
Cuttingthroughthematrix.com (http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/)
Theduran.com (http://theduran.com/)
In5d.com (http://in5d.com/)
Unsealed.org (http://www.unsealed.org/)
Thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com/home.html)
Freemantv.com (http://freemantv.com/)


Zerohedge.com (http://www.zerohedge.com/)
Sovereignman.com (https://www.sovereignman.com/)
Thedailybell.com (http://www.thedailybell.com/)
Libertyblitzkrieg.com (https://libertyblitzkrieg.com/)
Dailyreckoning.com (https://dailyreckoning.com/)
Coindesk.com (https://www.coindesk.com/)
Thecrux.com (http://thecrux.com/)
Dailyjobcuts.com (http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/)
Alt-Market.com (http://alt-market.com/)
ETFdailynews.com (https://etfdailynews.com/)
Kingworldnews.com (http://kingworldnews.com/)
Mishtalk.com (https://mishtalk.com/)
Retaildive.com (http://www.retaildive.com/)
Visualcapitalist.com (http://www.visualcapitalist.com/)
Brotherjohnf.com (http://www.brotherjohnf.com/)
Personalliberty.com (https://personalliberty.com/)
321gold.com (http://321gold.com/)
Dollartoday.com (https://dolartoday.com/)
Investmentwatchblog.com (http://investmentwatchblog.com/)
TFmetalsreport.com (https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/)
Silverdoctors.com (http://www.silverdoctors.com/)
Goldsilver.com (https://goldsilver.com/)
Economicpolicyjournal.com (http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/)
Wallstreetonparade.com (http://wallstreetonparade.com/)
Maxkeiser.com (http://www.maxkeiser.com/)
Acting-man.com (http://www.acting-man.com/)
Wolfstreet.com (https://wolfstreet.com/)
Shiffgold.com (https://schiffgold.com/news/)
Capitalpress.com (http://www.capitalpress.com/)
Agweek.com (http://www.agweek.com/)
Thepacker.com (http://www.thepacker.com/)
Seekingalpha.com (https://seekingalpha.com/)
X22report.com (http://x22report.com/)
Moneyish.com (https://moneyish.com/)
Wealthydebates.com (http://www.wealthydebates.com/)
Chainstoreage.com (http://www.chainstoreage.com/)
Armstrongeconomics.com (https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/)
247wallstreet.com (http://247wallst.com/)
Coindesk.com (https://www.coindesk.com/)
Mybudget360.com (http://www.mybudget360.com/)
Misses.org (https://mises.org/)
Goldismoney2.com (http://www.goldismoney2.com/)
Ibankcoin.com (https://ibankcoin.com/)
Solari.com (https://solari.com/blog/)

11th August 2019, 07:59 PM

Sciencedaily.com (https://www.sciencedaily.com/)
Geoengineeringwatch.org (http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/)
Enenews.com (http://enenews.com/)
Climatedepot.com (http://www.climatedepot.com/)
Arstechnica.com (https://arstechnica.com/)
Eff.org (https://www.eff.org/)
Techcrunch.com (https://techcrunch.com/)
Torrentfreak.com (https://torrentfreak.com/)
Phys.org (https://phys.org/)
Newscientist.com (https://www.newscientist.com/)
Livescience.com (https://www.livescience.com/)
Universetoday.com (https://www.universetoday.com/)
Redorbit.com (http://www.redorbit.com/)
Dailygalaxy.com (http://www.dailygalaxy.com/)
Ancientcode.com (https://www.ancient-code.com/)
Disclose.tv (http://www.disclose.tv/)
Betanews.com (https://betanews.com/)
Eurekaalert.org (https://www.eurekalert.org/)
Seeker.com (https://www.seeker.com/)
MNN.com (https://www.mnn.com/)
Themindunleashed.com (http://themindunleashed.com/)
Techdirt.com (https://www.techdirt.com/)
Hackernews.com (https://thehackernews.com/)
Watchers.news (https://watchers.news/)
Suspicious0bservers.org (http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/)


Naturalnews.com (http://www.naturalnews.com/)
Nutritionfacts.org (https://nutritionfacts.org/)
Vactruth.com (https://vactruth.com/)
Fooddive.com (http://www.fooddive.com/)
Healthnutnews.com (https://www.healthnutnews.com/)
Naturalsociety.com (http://naturalsociety.com/)
Draxe.com (https://draxe.com/)
Preventdisease.com (http://preventdisease.com/index.shtml)
Organicconsumers.org (https://www.organicconsumers.org/)
GMwatch.org (http://gmwatch.org/en/)
Naturalblaze.com (http://www.naturalblaze.com/)
Althealthworks.com (http://althealthworks.com/)
Healthimpactnews.com (http://healthimpactnews.com/)
Theheartysoul.com (http://theheartysoul.com/)
Vaccines.news (http://vaccines.news/)
Naturalhealth365.com (https://www.naturalhealth365.com/)
Mercola.com (http://www.mercola.com/)
Healthydebates.com (http://www.healthydebates.com/)
Organicauthority.com (http://www.organicauthority.com/)
Foodsafetynews.com (http://www.foodsafetynews.com/)
Ecowatch.com (https://www.ecowatch.com/)
EWG.org (http://www.ewg.org/news#.WaM8DJOGPVo)
Mindbodygreen.com (https://www.mindbodygreen.com/)
Dr Group (https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/)
Alliance For Natural Health (http://www.anh-usa.org/)
Juicing For Health (https://juicing-for-health.com/)
Beautytalk.com (http://beautytalk.com/)
Foodbabe.com (https://foodbabe.com/)
Drmalcolmkendrick.org (https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/)
Extremehealthradio.com (http://www.extremehealthradio.com/)
Greenmedinfo.com (http://www.greenmedinfo.com/)
Thetruthaboutcancer.com (https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/)


RT.com (https://www.rt.com/)
Sputniknews.com (https://sputniknews.com/)
Aljazeera.co (http://www.aljazeera.com/)
Descrier.com (https://descrier.co.uk/)
Rinf.com (http://drl/)
Theepochtimes.com (http://www.theepochtimes.com/)
Redice.tv (https://redice.tv/)
Southfront.org (https://southfront.org/)
Fort-russ.com (http://www.fort-russ.com/)
Tass.com (http://tass.com/)
Pravdareport.com (http://www.pravdareport.com/)
Therussophile.org (https://www.therussophile.org/)
Rbth.com (https://www.rbth.com/international)
Russiafeed.com (http://russiafeed.com/)
Thetruthseeker.co.uk (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/)
Upi.com (https://www.upi.com/)
Panampost.com (https://panampost.com/)
DW.com (http://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/s-9097)
PressTV.com (http://www.presstv.com/)
Longwarjournal.com (http://www.longwarjournal.org/)
Nationalinterest.com (http://nationalinterest.org/)
NKHworld.or.jp (https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/)
UNZ.com (http://www.unz.com/)
Journal-neo.org (https://journal-neo.org/)
Danielpipes.org (http://www.danielpipes.org/)
Middleeastmonitor.com (https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/)
Venezuelanalysis.com (https://venezuelanalysis.com/)
21stcenturywire.com (http://21stcenturywire.com/)
Strategic-culture.org (https://www.strategic-culture.org/)
Russia-insider.com (http://russia-insider.com/en)
Canary.co (https://www.thecanary.co/)
Novaramedia.com (http://novaramedia.com/)
Telesurtv.net (https://www.telesurtv.net/english/index.html)


Offthegridnews.com (http://www.offthegridnews.com/)
Survivalblog.com (https://survivalblog.com/)
Theorganicprepper.ca (http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/)
Lowtechmagazine.com (http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/)
Naturallivingideas.com (http://www.naturallivingideas.com/)
Offgridsurvival.com (https://offgridsurvival.com/)
Modernsurvivalblog.com (http://modernsurvivalblog.com/)
Urbansurvivalsite.com (http://urbansurvivalsite.com/)
Readynutrition.com (http://readynutrition.com/)
Americanpreppersnetwork.com (http://americanpreppersnetwork.com/)
Askaprepper.com (http://www.askaprepper.com/)
Backdoorsurvival.com (https://www.backdoorsurvival.com/)
Doomandbloom.net (https://www.doomandbloom.net/)
Morethanjustsurviving.com (https://morethanjustsurviving.com/)
Commanderzero.com (http://commanderzero.com/)
Rethinksurvival.com (https://rethinksurvival.com/)
Securityandselfreliance.com (http://securityandselfreliance.com/)
Prepperwebsite.com (https://www.prepperwebsite.com/)
Bioprepper.com (http://www.bioprepper.com/)
Prep-blog.com (http://www.prep-blog.com/)
Shtfpreparedness.com (http://www.shtfpreparedness.com/)
Survivalpedia.com (http://www.survivopedia.com/)
Thesurvivalistblog.net (http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/)
Survivaldan101.com (http://www.survivaldan101.com/)
Daretoprepare.com (http://daretoprepare.com/)
Urbansurvival.com (http://urbansurvival.com/)


NRAILA.ORG (https://www.nraila.org/)
Guns.com (http://www.guns.com/)
Thefirearmblog.com (http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/)
Gunshowtrader.com (https://gunshowtrader.com/)
Gunssavelives.com (http://gunssavelives.net/)
Ammoland.com (http://www.ammoland.com/)
Northeasternshooters.com (http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/forum.php)
Bearingarms.com (https://bearingarms.com/)
Gunsamerica.com (https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/)
Thetruthaboutguns.com (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/)
AR15.COM (https://www.ar15.com/index.html)


Unexplainedmysteries.com (http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/)
Godlikeproductions.com (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/)
City-Data.com (http://www.city-data.com/forum/)
Yaplakal.com (http://www.yaplakal.com/forum/)
Freerepublic.com (http://freerepublic.com/)
Lunaticoutpost.com (http://lunaticoutpost.com/)
Fark.com (http://www.fark.com/)
4chan.org (http://boards.4chan.org/pol/)
Abovetopsecret.com (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/)
Freebird.is (https://freebird.is/)
Voat.co (https://voat.co/)


Censored.news (http://censored.news/)
Newsblok.net (http://www.newsblok.net/)
Alternativenews.com (http://alternativenews.com/)
Fetch.news (http://www.fetch.news/)
Thelibertymill.com (http://thelibertymill.com/)
Hacker News (https://news.ycombinator.com/)
Wearethenewmedia.com (http://wearethenewmedia.com/)
Standeyo.com (http://www.standeyo.com/)
Beforeitsnews.com (http://beforeitsnews.com/)
Rumormillnews.com (http://www.rumormillnews.com/)
Conspiracyculture.com (https://conspiracyculture.com/)


Health Ranger (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHealthRanger/videos)
Dr. John Bergman (https://www.youtube.com/user/johnbchiro/videos)
Dr. Axe (https://www.youtube.com/user/doctorjoshaxe/videos)
Dr. Mercola (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxscQY7X0mtnaCbkGTjZ17g)
Dr. Eric Berg (https://www.youtube.com/user/drericberg123/videos)
Dr. Group (https://www.youtube.com/user/GlobalHealingCenter/videos)
Dr. Greger (https://www.youtube.com/user/NutritionFactsOrg/videos)
RT (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg)
Infowars (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsye7V9psc-APX6wV1twLg)
Project Veritas (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEE8w-v6Gg4j3ze3oX-urEw)
Truthstream Media (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVEaFSr-jdTa_QE4PPSkVJw)
Press For Truth (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMOWB-s0Kek9o9sS8xA_kZQ)
Mark Dice (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzUV5283-l5c0oKRtyenj6Q)
Tim Pool (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG749Dj4V2fKa143f8sE60Q)
We Are Change (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwwoeOZ3EJPobW83dgQfAg)
Chris Simpson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9GexwSxlqjo9NhMMdcv6zg/videos)
Paul Joseph Watson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCittVh8imKanO_5KohzDbpg)
The Still Report (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZRoC9bMegevAxFmee1oSA)
Next News Network (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLoNQH9RCndfUGOb2f7E1Ew)
David Icke (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAhmDfQ1LfOYECmNNWgXJ7Q)
Frankie MacDonald (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx7jt4I-KPT6guTWwLxn50w)
Lauren Southern (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCla6APLHX6W3FeNLc8PYuvg)
Mike Cernovich (https://www.youtube.com/user/DangerAndPlay/videos)
Jason Goodman (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ/videos)
Stefan Molyneux (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC3L8QaxqEGUiBC252GHy3w)
Corbett Report (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7TvL4GlQyMBLlUsTrN_C4Q)
Steve Quayle (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCenEYNg0gMTgG3vY2xl1qdA/videos)
Gerald Celente (https://www.youtube.com/user/gcelente/videos)
Morris (https://www.youtube.com/user/108morris108/videos)
Rebel Media (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGy6uV7yqGWDeUWTZzT3ZEg/videos)
Laughing at Liberals (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Uod_KmZRkoBFXy3voYToA)
George Webb (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrQ-wHKVi0JDWjQGcuoYnew)
AMTV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChD-zWutIego-bcHKOatFWA)
Gregory Mannarino (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOhzyG-i7IMBEMbyRlI66g)
Dollar Vigilante (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpf2Lxgf10AjzBT4GIIgDJw)
Steve Pieczenik (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTB0IZ3M3CnB9ocxYhUeMxQ)
DAHBOO77 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFjOi1ZpZVErr8EYxg8t1dQ)
X22 Report (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg)
Grant Cardone (https://www.youtube.com/user/GrantCardone/videos)
Jason A (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDATi9UrhqjfVNxIKNizOiQ)
Ron Paul Liberty Report (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkJ1N-7g9Q6n7KnriGit-Ig)
The Real News (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmm_7RDZJeQzq2-wvmjueg)
Adam Kokesh (https://www.youtube.com/user/AdamKokesh/videos)
Hagmann Report (https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN)
Ron Gibson (https://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF)
Paul Begley (https://www.youtube.com/user/paulbegley34)
SGT Report (https://www.youtube.com/user/SGTbull07)
Greg Hunter (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-G8LLr38fQUNZU8K0t-EA)
Realist News (https://www.youtube.com/user/jsnip4/videos)
Clif High (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqXZf0F4GLSX1QXBUgPXhqg/videos)
A Call For An Uprising (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp5x5kxCgg_A220jNIsLyfA)
Face Like The Sun (https://www.youtube.com/user/FaceLikeTheSun)
Nicholson 1968 (https://www.youtube.com/user/nicholson1968)
Richie From Boston (https://www.youtube.com/user/27TUBGUY)
Lifting The Veil (https://www.youtube.com/user/cullenisfly/featured)
Dutchsinse (https://www.youtube.com/user/dutchsinse)
Secureteam (https://www.youtube.com/user/secureteam10/videos)
Suspicious0bservers (https://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers)

Featured Comment

http://i0.wp.com/c.disquscdn.com/uploads/users/3719/5208/avatar92.jpg?zoom=1.6500000953674316&w=432&ssl=1 (https://disqus.com/by/GOVTSLAVES/)
Thomas Dishaw (https://disqus.com/by/GOVTSLAVES/) Mod • 22 minutes ago (https://thomasdishaw.com/bookmark-400-links-google-doesnt-want-visit/#comment-4343760528)
By no means is this list complete, there are thousands of great
independent sites out there that I have inadvertently missed. If your
favorite site is missing PLEASE leave it in the comment section and I will add it to the story!

12th August 2019, 02:56 AM
Don't we try to warn people away from Steve Quayle and Sorcha Fail?

12th August 2019, 03:40 AM
Don't we try to warn people away from Steve Quayle and Sorcha Fail?

Even they have to put in a little truth to sell their bullshit and every once in awhile they hit the truth jackpot.

Otherwise known as infotainment.

But if they really get your goat, create your own list. A got my goat list.

14th August 2019, 01:42 PM
Google whistleblower “bomb squad, snipers on the roof . . .

videos in both links



midnight rambler
14th August 2019, 03:00 PM
Google whistleblower “bomb squad, snipers on the roof . . .

videos in both links



So that swatted him. That was easy. He probably doesn't even own any guns. Consider how easily joogle got the cops to swat him, no warrant or court order necessary. What gunowners have to look forward to if we get the ultimate betrayal aka 'red flag laws.'

14th August 2019, 03:04 PM
So that swatted him. That was easy. He probably doesn't even own any guns. Consider how easily joogle got the cops to swat him, no warrant or court order necessary. What gunowners have to look forward to if we get the ultimate betrayal aka 'red flag laws.'

yep, just call in some off the wall complaint, you get the full treatment, swat team, snipers and all with Trump’s blessing.

14th August 2019, 04:24 PM
Even they have to put in a little truth to sell their bullshit and every once in awhile they hit the truth jackpot.

Otherwise known as infotainment.

But if they really get your goat, create your own list. A got my goat list.

You know the list sucks when GSUS isn't even listed.

14th August 2019, 06:47 PM
You know the list sucks when GSUS isn't even listed.


15th August 2019, 10:48 AM
You know the list sucks when GSUS isn't even listed.Ha!

15th August 2019, 01:01 PM
Headlines With A Voice ~ Google whistleblower' Zach Vorhies's interview with Project Veritas' James O'Keefe


15th August 2019, 03:31 PM


15th August 2019, 08:02 PM

I guess you did not see the tongue in my cheek.



16th August 2019, 05:46 AM
Renegade Tribune is Honored to be on Google’s Leaked Blacklist (http://www.renegadetribune.com/renegade-tribune-is-honored-to-be-on-googles-leaked-blacklist/) August 15, 2019 (http://www.renegadetribune.com/renegade-tribune-is-honored-to-be-on-googles-leaked-blacklist/) Kyle Hunt (http://www.renegadetribune.com/author/kyle/) 14 Comments (http://www.renegadetribune.com/renegade-tribune-is-honored-to-be-on-googles-leaked-blacklist/#comments)

17th August 2019, 04:52 AM
I guess you did not see the tongue in my cheek.



His name is Robert Paulson.

17th August 2019, 05:47 AM
His name is Robert Paulson.

OK I'll play.


17th August 2019, 06:01 AM
OK I'll play.


is John Galt?

17th August 2019, 08:42 AM
is John Galt?

Hooray you win.

21st August 2019, 02:20 AM
Fantastic Zach Vorhies interview on Patriots' Soapbox from Mon 8/19

1h 25m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4E-d5EO0dM


21st August 2019, 02:45 AM
Fantastic Zach Vorhies interview on Patriots' Soapbox from Mon 8/19

near the end Zach is asked re browser alternatives... implicitly meaning, for greater privacy.

he fires back, Brave.com. Adds, forget Firefox; their developer is now at Brave. Also noted Braves's private browsing mode is base on TOR.

Brave has an affiliate promotion program, re which I know/like some vlogger affiliates like Sean/SGT Report (https://www.youtube.com/user/SGTbull07/videos), thus I'll drop his ref link: https://brave.com/sgt200

Sean notes, he doesn't get his little commish until U install it & use for 30 days.

Must be 3-4 yrs ago I installed & tried Brave - there's a thread here somewhere detailing my experience. I dumped it fairly quick; IIRC there were at least 1-2 things I found intolerably annoying, & I just resumed w FF. But will try again now; they've been working hard those years. https://twitter.com/brave

21st August 2019, 05:58 AM
I just tried Brave about 3 weeks ago.
I love Opera and Brave won't get my vote. I can't say exactly why Brave just annoyed me. It was not my Opera. They didn't sing my tune.

I think Browser's are the wrong focus. We need a good search engine, one that reports in an accurate fashion, like joogle did at first.

21st August 2019, 06:46 AM
nBut will try again now; they've been working hard those years.

Mostly Goyim...that's encouraging!


21st August 2019, 06:54 AM
I tried Brave when PatColo first posted about it a couple of years ago. I wasn’t happy with it then. I reinstalled a few weeks ago, but haven’t really used it. I used to use Opera too, but lately I am using Yandex mainly to get away from the google based search engines. I’ve used duckduckgo as a search engine for a couple of years.

However, I doubt that anything is secure.

21st August 2019, 07:19 AM
However, I doubt that anything is secure.



21st August 2019, 08:56 AM
I tried Brave when PatColo first posted about it a couple of years ago. I wasn’t happy with it then. I reinstalled a few weeks ago, but haven’t really used it. I used to use Opera too, but lately I am using Yandex mainly to get away from the google based search engines. I’ve used duckduckgo as a search engine for a couple of years.

However, I doubt that anything is secure.

OK, Opera is ?

The rest are search engines and I too have been using Yandex. But I have to confess I'm working on a thorny problem involving loading the Linux kernel onto my NVMe on a Rockpro64 and got the best results using joogle. More info, but the problem remains.

21st August 2019, 10:16 AM
OK, Opera is ?

The rest are search engines and I too have been using Yandex. But I have to confess I'm working on a thorny problem involving loading the Linux kernel onto my NVMe on a Rockpro64 and got the best results using joogle. More info, but the problem remains.

The last time I used Opera on an Apple iPad I had trouble navigating the browser.

I seldom use the laptop so I can't say if the problem is just in the tablet version or in the later upgrades

I have used Debían Linux since Windows 98 on my PCs and laptops.

I have a dual boot windows/Linux laptop now because I need windows to run the diagnostic software for my car. My current desktop is a Mac which I seldom use. Mac uses Intel processors made in israhell.

Next time I fire up my laptop I will try the Opera browser and see if I have the same problems I had on the tablet

21st August 2019, 11:47 AM
Fantastic Zach Vorhies interview on Patriots' Soapbox from Mon 8/19

1h 25m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4E-d5EO0dM


those who listened recall, at 1h 8m, Zach leaves an "easter egg" re something good to fetch from https://www.projectveritas.com/google-document-dump/

told us to find a 10/2/17 (PDF) doc includes username Niteris (zach's internal goog handle), good news for humanity...

peeps found:

suggesting, we speculate:

1) suppression of vegas shooting truth sites (LV deception-event was 10/1/17)
2) re: http://e-catworld.com - "free energy" or the like, joogle likely suppressing

21st August 2019, 01:00 PM
Russia Insider on List of Censored Sites Leaked by Google Whistle-Blower (https://russia-insider.com/en/media-criticism/russia-insider-list-censored-sites-leaked-google-whistle-blower/ri27512)

Charles Bausman (https://russia-insider.com/en/authors/charles-bausman) 4 hours ago | 510 words 857 6 (https://russia-insider.com/en/media-criticism/russia-insider-list-censored-sites-leaked-google-whistle-blower/ri27512#disqus_thread)

MORE: Media Criticism (https://russia-insider.com/en/media_watch) Regulate Them! (https://russia-insider.com/en/regulate-them)
This post first appeared on Russia Insider

Charles is the founder and editor of Russia Insider. He can be reached at charles@russia-insider.com. Follow him on Twitter (https://twitter.com/CBausman) and on Steemit (https://steemit.com/@charlesbausman).

Project Veritas (https://www.projectveritas.com/) is starting to compete with Wikileaks in terms of the amount of evil they are uncovering in our techno-surveillance state. They are doing amazing work. Everyone should be following and sharing them on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas/), and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/veritasvisuals). They lean pro-Republican, and are successful in raising a $1 million plus annual budget from conservative boomers and the GOP, allowing them to do their groundbreaking investigative work.

Their latest bombshell should be a much bigger deal than it has been, and the only reason I can think of why it hasn't is that they published it smack in the middle of August, when the beltway media-politician scrum is at the beach or in the hills.


In a nutshell, a Google insider has leaked a ton of documents proving what everyone knows is true, but which Google CEO Sundar Panchai swore under oath recently before Congress is not, that Google uses algorithms to keeps many sites out of search results and the Android 'Google Now' news stream, mostly conservative and pro-Trump ones.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the Google engineer who leaked this stuff was harassed by the police!, which Google sicced on him. This is the second Google insider Project Veritas has worked with to expose bias. Here is the first (https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/07/25/update-google-engineer-who-went-public-placed-on-administrative-leave/) from a month ago. They say they have more in the works.

This is all explained in very convincing detail, including a 30 minute video interview, on the Project Veritas site (https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/08/14/google-machine-learning-fairness-whistleblower-goes-public-says-burden-lifted-off-of-my-soul/), and the mainstream media.

Just to prove the point, when I googled the name of the whistle-blower, Zachary Vorhies, almost nothing comes up from the mainstream media, just an article in Breitbart, which is based in Tel Aviv, and the Sun, a trashy UK newspaper, and a handful of very small alternative sites.

The appropriately named Daily Beast helpfully reports (https://www.thedailybeast.com/james-okeefes-google-whistleblower-loves-qanon-accused-zionists-of-running-the-government) that Vorhies has been outspoken about Jewish influence in the media and government, Pizzagate, and 9/11 conspiracies.

We're also on vacation, so this will be brief, but here is one of the lists (https://www.projectveritas.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/news-black-list-site-for-google-now.txt) of blocked sites, the ones kept off the 'Google Now' news stream on Android phones. Russia Insider is on it along with mainstream heavyweights Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Infowars and the Daily Caller. Other notable and influential sites on the list are The Gateway Pundit, The American Thinker, Lew Rockwell, Natural News, and Vdare. The list includes the excellent and very large alt-right sites The Daily Stormer (https://dailystormer.name/) and The Right Stuff (https://therightstuff.biz/). Going through the list I recognized about 30 more names which I would say are legitimate news sources. The list is overwhelmingly conservative and pro-Trump.

As I explained in my recent summer fund drive appeal (https://russia-insider.com/en/what-we-are-doing-russia-insider-and-why-summer-fund-drive-appeal-editor/ri27442), I am convinced that these efforts to squelch conservative voices is backfiring massively, and will not succeed. The technology in our favor is simply too powerful. The more you try to stamp us out, the more people want to read us. Funny how that works.

Here's the interview with the whistle-blower. It is very convincing.



21st August 2019, 03:04 PM
You know the list sucks when GSUS isn't even listed.



21st August 2019, 04:24 PM
wow, this 8/14 dailybeast article helpfully tells of how Zach's a patriotic anti-Shlomo, & he's right on all the "CTist" issues noted, AFAIC! --H H--

James O’Keefe’s Google ‘Whistleblower’ Loves QAnon, Accused ‘Zionists’ of Running the Government (https://www.thedailybeast.com/james-okeefes-google-whistleblower-loves-qanon-accused-zionists-of-running-the-government)

The former YouTube software engineer believes Google is now trying to “off” him.

Will Sommer
(https://www.thedailybeast.com/author/will-sommer)Updated 08.14.19 7:21PM ET / Published 08.14.19 1:38PM ET

23rd August 2019, 09:33 PM
Jordan S commenting on a Zach tweet, both within recent < 2h,


Jordan Sather
(https://twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_)Cancer cures and Cold Fusion censored by Google. Crazy times we live in. Imagine the our world if everyone knew the truth about what’s possible!

Zach Vorhies


The phrase “cancer cures” was literally blacklisted... great video by Jordan Sather!

Jordan's vid today which Zach compliments:
GOOGLE'S BLACKLIST: Censoring Cancer Cures & Free Energy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QiuuwivwsM)

16 mins:


24th August 2019, 12:33 PM
New yest, 52m:

Zachary Vorhies, Greg Coppola and Dr. Robert Epstein
American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times


31st August 2019, 12:43 AM
another Zach Vorhies (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac) interview with Corey's Digs pub'd 8/30; jootube suppressing views/likes;

1h 24m:
Dig It! Podcast #11 - Guest Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Joins Us! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zQoBykRjik)


31st August 2019, 01:58 AM
Zach w interviewed by Sarah Westall, 37m

Brainwashed Google Employees Unable to Critically Think w/ Zach Vorhies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyzqOxo6gyY)


31st August 2019, 02:53 AM
another Zach Vorhies (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac) interview with Corey's Digs pub'd 8/30; jootube suppressing views/likes;

1h 24m:
Dig It! Podcast #11 - Guest Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Joins Us! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zQoBykRjik)

Zach reco's this Corie Digs article; reads better at site:

Controlling Minds, Narratives & Elections: Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter (https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/controlling-minds-narratives-elections-google-youtube-facebook-twitter/)

August 26, 2019 / 8 Comments

Censorship is the “buzzword,” but what’s really happening is suggestive mind control, propagating narratives, and manipulating elections. This is neither theory nor opinion, it is fact, and there is much evidence. But beyond this evidence, it only requires a pair of eyes to observe the fabrications dialed up on a daily basis. A 10-year-old could make such observations.

• Google was one of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign donors in her 2016 presidential run, Eric Schmidt offered to setup her tech campaign, and Google’s autocomplete feature impacted 2.6 – 10.4 million votes in Hillary Clinton’s favor.

• Facebook removed a campaign ad containing a photo of the women for Trump coalition due to their “gender identity” policies.

• Google’s YouTube “Blacklist” blocked over 2,500 searches of the Las Vegas shooting so as to suppress information and videos from getting out. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

• Google autocompletes searches to give the perception that others are actually searching those terms, in an attempt to seed their minds with information and agendas they wish to control, while suppressing what is really being searched.

more at site https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/controlling-minds-narratives-elections-google-youtube-facebook-twitter/

31st August 2019, 03:06 AM
another Aug 19 Zach interview I missed at the time. I like that his interviews are mostly different in the info he drops, with some inevitable overlap.

Dark To Light: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies (https://uncoverdc.com/2019/08/19/dark-to-light-google-whistleblower-zach-vorhies/)

admin (https://uncoverdc.com/author/admin/) -
August 19, 2019

It is a very special Monday as the Dark to Light Podcast is joined for the hour by patriot and Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies. We talk about everything from the raid on his home, to his time at Google, to his initial discoveries, and beyond. We spend some time on specific documents in his release and we ask what his thoughts on the future are.

It is TRULY a do not miss episode of the Dark to Light Podcast. You can find Zach on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac) (@perpetualmaniac) and follow his Medium article on autocomplete (https://medium.com/@zacharyvorhies/detect-when-google-is-lying-about-autocompletes-political-bias-1eff618926f6).

player @ link https://uncoverdc.com/2019/08/19/dark-to-light-google-whistleblower-zach-vorhies/

31st August 2019, 05:38 AM
another Zach Vorhies (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac) interview with Corey's Digs pub'd 8/30; jootube suppressing views/likes;

1h 24m:
Dig It! Podcast #11 - Guest Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Joins Us! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zQoBykRjik)


I didn't listen, did he reveal anything he hasn't already stated?

31st August 2019, 06:47 AM
I didn't listen, did he reveal anything he hasn't already stated?

I binge listened to like 3 zach interviews overnight; hard to recall what he said in which -- but like I said above, he's good about not too much overlap between them, often just drilling down further into topics where he just glossed over in prior shows. He reviews the "Covfefe" scandal, which really set him off, in every show I've heard. Woke him to the scale of the conspiracy, as TPTB were floating removing Trump via the 25th A. & Zach defines himself as a liberal, went to O'Bummer's inauguration in '08.

I think this Corie Digs one they dug more into joogle = fake private corp, when it's actually deep state.

Here's Corie's article re the interview,

INTERVIEW: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies (https://www.coreysdigs.com/big-tech/interview-google-whistleblower-zach-vorhies/)

August 30, 2019 / No Comments


Google whistleblower Zachary Vorhies joined us in this week’s ‘Dig It! Podcast’ to discuss the 950 documents he turned over to the DOJ and Project Veritas. We covered several of the tactics Google has been using to manipulate the elections, bury search results, and alter people’s minds with suggestive mind control.

In Corey’s Digs report ‘Controlling Minds, Narratives & Elections: Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter (https://www.coreysdigs.com/big-tech/controlling-minds-narratives-elections-google-youtube-facebook-twitter/),’ it documents evidence of the level to which these companies have gone to control the minds of millions.

Roughly eight years ago, Google altered its algorithms to derank smaller-scale ecommerce stores, while favoring and pushing big corps to the top of search results. This resulted in putting thousands of both ecommerce and brick and mortar stores out of business, making Amazon (https://www.coreysdigs.com/bill-gates/the-organic-narrative-whole-foods-red-flags/) untouchable.

Vorhies, an 8-year senior engineer at Google, witnessed Google coming out of the closet in 2016, in a desperate attempt to control the elections, conceal information, and push disturbing agendas. They dropped the veil of secrecy and began distributing internal documents, showing precisely how they were using their power, and expecting employees to be on board with these tactics. One employee refused to go along with this level of deception, collected all of the internal documents, and bravely came forward. This is his story.

31st August 2019, 07:21 AM
Part 2 w Sarah Westall; 34m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjB-QXTkCoU

Google Strategy 180: Open Platform, Gain Monopoly, Become Minister of Truth w/ Zach Vorhies (2of2)


1st September 2019, 06:22 PM
new today, w RedPill78, I didn't hear anything new in this one

37m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDQ6k9B60So


3rd September 2019, 12:43 AM
part 2 of interview with RedPill78 - Zach tweets:

Zach Vorhies
I (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac)s "cold-fusion" real? Why did an insider use a fake url to make the #Google (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Google?src=hashtag_click) algorithms to take down the #free (https://twitter.com/hashtag/free?src=hashtag_click)-#energy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/energy?src=hashtag_click) news portal http://e-catworld.com (https://t.co/xTz8rVsgU8?amp=1) from the Google search index? I spill the details about this hack at the very beginning of the video below.

39m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gV5RKP41oI


4th September 2019, 12:04 AM
with Sean/SGT Report; 65m; I'm ~2/3 through & it's >half new topics or details, good one



5th September 2019, 05:50 AM
2 new ones yesterday; first w some young black guy "Nico House" I don't know anything about, other than 40K subs YT channel. 1hr:



Longer one w YT channel TRUreporting (150K subs). Qanon, Isaac Kappy "suicide", Zach's experience with the Apr 2018 "youtube shooting" event in San Bruno CA, free energy/cold fusion/CERN.

2h 29m; Adv to 45m for when Zach joins, then he's on through the end.



5th September 2019, 01:41 PM
Infowars - @99FreeMind = that hawt blond Canadian vlogger, Amazing Polly. 22m clip inside

Zach Vorhies Gives His Explanation Of 99FreeMind's Alice In Wonderland Video (https://www.infowars.com/watch/?video=5d5f4ee24882ad0013e1bb6a)

6th September 2019, 11:28 PM
Google is a farmer and only covering its seeds so that they can grow to Redwoods.

King Louis did this for The Masons too.


12th September 2019, 01:21 AM
Longer one w YT channel TRUreporting (150K subs). Qanon, Isaac Kappy "suicide", Zach's experience with the Apr 2018 "youtube shooting" event in San Bruno CA, free energy/cold fusion/CERN.

2h 29m; Adv to 45m for when Zach joins, then he's on through the end.



above show with TRUreporting was mysteriously removed by user! When I learned this around last weekend, I tweeted tagging Zach & TRU with inquiry; no response... spooky! Best I can guess is, Zach worried some of their topics were taboo (Kappy suicide? YT shooting event?) & I know Zach's playing his cards trying to be "acceptable" to big JSM platforms like FOX, who's had a couple gootube whistleblower guests on already + O'Keefe/veritas numerous times, but not Zach. Same reason Zach doesn't bang on the JP, at least now that he's a somewhat "public figure" (soley in alt-media, AFAIK) on a mission.

But TRU did another big 2 hr show with Zach Wed 9/11; round table with some "AI-warfare expert" Patrick, who's a wealth of knowledge. Big gamergate veteran, which I'm no expert on but learning lots thru this show! VG, & I'm only 1/2 way thru. Will likely listen again later, so dense!

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM With Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies And RedPill78!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZzJIudDGHI)


13th September 2019, 05:50 PM
Agree this was very informative and interesting and Vorheis confirmed something I have observed, or was sort of paranoid about, for years. I remember about four years ago I did a Latin to English Google Translate for a Catholic theological term and the translation was clearly manipulation and absurd done for nefarious reasons. Won't give it right now as I just waded through this entire video.

Was quite a bit let down right in the last few minutes of this video... I took notes and transcribed a little of Vorheis' words...


agree about the definitions of words thing, but then he started trumpeting for how great Trump is and how Trump has done a lot to give us back our free speech. Not! There are a few words we still cannot say.

Quote E Michael Jones now only on Bitchute

"Its not a sin to say the word “Jew.” Its not a sin to criticize Jews. Moses criticized Jews. He wasn’t an anti-semite. Jesus Christ criticized Jews and He couldn’t commit any sin."

Also Vorheis started preaching the religion of liberatarianism and free markets which is a J thing from its inception a couple of centuries ago.

My thing about Trump is just to pray for him and his family just as we should pray for every president we have had and let God sort it out and to pray for the survival of our Consitutional Republic because as Sean said at the beginning of this interview if we don't have First Amendment / Free Speech it is over for the USA.

Vorheis made excellent statement that Google and Youtube are literally and deliberately destroying their own platform in order to achieve their political goals. That shows there is a higher power controlling YT and it is not about making money but more about installing the One World Death and Slavery System for all.

17th September 2019, 04:48 PM
Zach on Richie Allen show from 15:00 through 1h mark.

I didn't hear much new; I think I only heard him tell the story of (ostensible) 4chan founder Tim Poole, who then went to work for google - Zach tried to contact Tim, no response, then Zach searched him up & found he's a "ghost", can't find any verifiable info on him or his past. This was in the context of making the point that a number of mysterious, "no background" ppl are brought into goog's exec class:



17th September 2019, 08:10 PM
above show with TRUreporting was mysteriously removed by user! When I learned this around last weekend, I tweeted tagging Zach & TRU with inquiry; no response... spooky! Best I can guess is, Zach worried some of their topics were taboo (Kappy suicide? YT shooting event?) & I know Zach's playing his cards trying to be "acceptable" to big JSM platforms like FOX, who's had a couple gootube whistleblower guests on already + O'Keefe/veritas numerous times, but not Zach. Same reason Zach doesn't bang on the JP, at least now that he's a somewhat "public figure" (soley in alt-media, AFAIK) on a mission.

But TRU did another big 2 hr show with Zach Wed 9/11; round table with some "AI-warfare expert" Patrick, who's a wealth of knowledge. Big gamergate veteran, which I'm no expert on but learning lots thru this show! VG, & I'm only 1/2 way thru. Will likely listen again later, so dense!

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM With Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies And RedPill78!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZzJIudDGHI)


I did a YT search for Zach to see if I missed anything; & found vlogger julzee2 who I believe was active w Pizzagate & Qanon, re-upped the above Zach interview which vlogger TRUreporting mysteriously deleted without explanation. Comments on julzee2's re-up'ed YT instance are remarkably skeptical of Zach! And the assertions these skeptics make, I totally don't see in Zach's interview!

1h 50m; first 5m is julzee2's explanation of the story of TRUreporting's deletion & her re-up.



17th September 2019, 11:08 PM
Internet programming appears to be heading into later stages compartmentalization phase.

Alot of small fries are going to get shredded by monthly fees here pretty soon due to it.

19th September 2019, 12:42 AM
new today, only pt 1 of eventual 4 pts. Tiny YT channel, 669 subs - I gather she's some kind of holistic health expert

> half this 29m jobee is re suppressed alt/holistic healing/nutrition sites, vs (joogle & co) promoted big pharma friendly fake health sites; herbicides/dead bees, fluoride, more. Latter parts pending at her channel.


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEqAmT8KVt0)Zach Vorhies Interview Part 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEqAmT8KVt0)

15 views 14 hours ago

20th September 2019, 04:28 AM
^ part 2, all vaccines / big pharma tyranny vs alt health, + joogle's censorship via "machine learning fairness"


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZQWCzAWMWs)Zach Interview Part 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZQWCzAWMWs)

28th September 2019, 11:04 PM
^ all 4 parts of that Zach interview with the health oriented woman Maryan Henein have been up for over a week, see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnntV9JUH0hPrBodBneak_Q/videos
abysmal view #s though; she's just got a tiny channel.

She had a score yest with Epoch Times picking up this article she wrote:

Google Censors, Shadowbans, and Blacklists Alternative Health News


Maryam Henein
September 27, 2019 Updated: September 28, 2019

28th September 2019, 11:12 PM
new today; Epstein is the joo who testified to cong re goog's ability to sway 15 MM voters to their will, via sneaky search/suggestion results helping mold the unwitting jooglers' opinions.


Dr. Robert Epstein
(https://twitter.com/DrREpstein)@DrREpstein (https://twitter.com/DrREpstein)

Out today: My appearance on @GlennBeck (https://twitter.com/glennbeck)'s podcast, in which I explain how #Google (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Google?src=hashtag_click)-and-the-Gang can shift 15 million votes in 2020 & how we can use monitoring systems to stop them. "Google's Hidden Dictatorship" (70-min. video)

Oh & ICYMI, Glenn LOVES()()luv israel; just sayin.


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwNeqeTFF20)Ep 52 | Google’s Hidden Dictatorship | Dr. Robert Epstein | The Glenn Beck Podcast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwNeqeTFF20)
11 hours ago

16th October 2019, 11:22 PM
Zach on w Sara Carter podcast, only way I'm aware of to listen is player at

Begin @ 20:30 -- coz well worth avoiding Sara's vomitous pro izzy opening spiel... :(

26th October 2019, 05:02 AM
As usual, many images which won't post here so check it out at site:

October 24, 2019


Maryam Henein, GreenMedinfo (https://www.greenmedinfo.health/blog/dont-be-evil-whistleblower-zach-vorhies-breaks-down-how-google-set-out-literally-)
Waking Times (https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/10/24/whistleblower-breaks-down-how-google-set-out-to-literally-program-our-minds/)

Google’s beginnings start in Room 380 of the Gates building on the Stanford campus. It was there that founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (described as ‘nice guys’) aimed to find relevant information on the Internet, by rapidly downloading, indexing, and searching the entire Internet using low-cost personal computers. It was 1998, and they had their eyes on out-searching Altavista.

The New Yorker (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2000/05/29/search-and-deploy)soon described Google as “the search engine of the digital in-crowd.” And then Time Digital (https://www.internethistorypodcast.com/2017/04/the-history-of-google/) stated that the search engine “was to its competitors what a laser is to a blunt stick.”

more: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/10/24/whistleblower-breaks-down-how-google-set-out-to-literally-program-our-minds/

26th October 2019, 05:21 AM
I was first told about how great Google was and was the only search engine to use in 1999, and this was by the top administration of a large public university where I worked.
I had kind of clunky computer set up at home but was well into alternative news and research on false events at that time, so I found Google to be absolutely amazing. If I could only vaguely remember some words and subject discussed in an audio or video, it would give it as the top hit. AMAZING !

But I certainly understand why the slogan "Don't Be Evil" because there are a jillion ways to manipulate algorithyms to be evil. The devotion has to be strictly to objective finding of information that most closely matches search terms - PERIOD!

But Google turned EVIL and it was clearly not only for money reasons, though that always plays a top role.

The thing we should do is NEVER USE GOOGLE. I use StartPage now and am pretty happy with it. Bing was good up until just recently then it went garbage.

DuckDuckGo also went garbage about 6 months ago.

We should SHARE good search engine info.


Amazing Polly did a very recent video, she's on Bitchute too, where there is evidence to start programming the neurons in our brain without physically touching us but with waves of some kind of big new secret technology. All the Stamford Univ. and Palo Alto evil people are working on this. All of our top swamp deep state oligarchs are in on this garbage too.

So Google may be able to mess with our minds but only if we choose to use it. We still have independent thought and free will and we need to watch our simple everyday choices and use it or lose it. I like stealth and subversion tactics but not law breaking activities.

I do not want anymore WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO US, I want constructive ideas to make us each a little more free and control of our lives.

26th October 2019, 06:56 AM
Zach's twatter feed is worth a bookmark if you're into this shite: https://twitter.com/perpetualmaniac

couple zach interviews; first one with Red Pill 78 was pub'd Sept 27; I missed it at the time:


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXk1IdrfMNY)RPN Friday Night Livestream - Whistleblowers Zach Vorhies & John Carman (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXk1IdrfMNY)

& this one with In The Matrixxx was this past Thurs:


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLwpe6J44yY)The Matrixxx/Grooove Hour + -138- 10/24/19 Zach Vorhies GOOGLE Whistle-blower (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLwpe6J44yY)

26th October 2019, 07:14 AM
Health writer Maryan Henein is sort of partnered with Zach; pretty sure dating but I digress - https://twitter.com/MaryamHenein

she's into the bee colony collapse; but paired with Zach she focused on joogle's suppression of alt health/nutrition/cures info, in favor of their promoting big pharma & mainstream (read: pharma friendly) health info sites like WebMD.

So she's also done a number of alt media interviews, incl this one last night with Red Pill 78:


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hToWlHfJKwY)RPN Friday Night Livestream - Maryam Henein and the Technofascist State (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hToWlHfJKwY)

26th October 2019, 07:37 AM
The bee colony collapse is another big message to us as to what their plans for us are. It will either be fast kill or slow kill.

i have been reading up on the busting of the Sakler billionaire family and their Oxycontin product that really got the opioid genocide thing going in the USA.

Find it odd that there is not one word about any research and discoveries of what can be done to a person's brain to kill the addiction. I am sure there is a big price to pay for that physically but addiction is a road to hell for sure.

I wanted to know exactly how the oxycontin, puerdue pharmaceuticals, got busted.

Seems some doctors noticed addicition behavior with their patients - kept asking for more and more medicine. Some doctors just your ordinary criminal who does not care about having more and more addicted caseload. Just wants big money prescribing it often brings to him or her.

Some top sales people in the Perdue meetings tried to bring up the growing addiction problem with that med, but were either fired or threatened with firing if they did not get all the drug detail men and sales people pushing pushing oxycontin.

Saklers have been dropping a billion here and a billion there all over foreign private bank accounts where lawyers can't get their hands on it. Sackler family based in London but family members live in USA and all over the world. They are filthy mass murdering greedy filth.

The public schools are full of drug pushers. It may be possible for some programs to help people get off of crack but straight cocaine mostly not.

The west coast hoards of homeless addicts need to be moved to away from the city outpost where they are managed and let them not be free to engage in drug seeking activities. Sort of a prison on top of their personal prison of addiciton.

Closing border essential. CIA drug smuggling must be thwarted in every way possible and all ports of entry as well.

I just keep trying to think of ways to make things better,

but the truth is the deep state real leaders are certified satanists and they want to kill us all. They seem insane but they are demonically possessed. Take a look at Adam Schiff's eyes. Something evil about them.

ps natural products at home are a good idea but keep it simple and cheap because that is becoming a huge racket too.

26th October 2019, 08:18 AM
... Sackler family based in London but family members live in USA and all over the world. They are filthy mass murdering greedy filth....are certified satanists and they want to kill us all. They seem insane but they are demonically possessed. Take a look at Adam Schiff's eyes. Something evil about them...

Why are you concealing the glaring reality that they are EVIL JEWS ?


Tel Aviv University, the most prominent beneficiary of the billionaire Sackler family in Israel (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-at-tel-aviv-u-sackler-name-is-everywhere-not-the-opioid-controversy-1.6995081)

Schiff is an evil jew (https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-a-roll-call-of-american-jewish-politicians-of-honor-1.5438125)

26th October 2019, 08:34 AM
The bee colony collapse is another big message to us as to what their plans for us are. It will either be fast kill or slow kill.

Maryam's site is https://www.honeycolony.com/ - she made a docu a few years ago called Vanishing of the Bees (https://www.honeycolony.com/shop/vanishing-of-the-bees-dvd/) - I didn't watch but have heard her say in interviews, mainly blames RoundUp / glyphosphate. Not sure I heard her say anything re bees & 5G but I know separately she's into 5G danger.

26th October 2019, 09:59 AM
Came across this article discussed in a video. I had the author's name, half of the headline, and limited the search to this week, the article was not on the first few pages of a google search. It was the first result on duckduckgo.

Evidence suggests Tulsi Gabbard YouTube channel was censored in search at the height of media attention (https://reclaimthenet.org/steven-crowder-youtube-suppressing-tulsi-gabbard/)

Tom Parker Oct22, 2019
Gabbard’s response to Clinton on Friday (October 18) quickly went viral, propelled her to the number one trend on Twitter, and generated lots of media coverage...

According to Crowder’s tests, the YouTube search results showed nothing from Tulsi Gabbard’s official channel when searching from the US but five results when searching from Spain.

Crowder goes on to say that by Sunday (October 20), after the media attention generated by Gabbard’s response to Clinton had died down, YouTube switched the results back so that searches for “Tulsi Gabbard” from within the US and Spain were identical. ...[Still] none of the videos from the “Top news” section are from Gabbard’s official channel...

Gabbard’s social media follower growth during this period of heightened media attention shows that on YouTube her daily follower gain was relatively flat. By contrast, her Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profiles gained significantly more followers than average on and around October 18. This could be the result of YouTube hiding Gabbard’s profile from search during this period.

Crowder’s release of this evidence comes a few months after Gabbard sued Google for election interference after a very similar incident. The incident that sparked this lawsuit involves Gabbard having her search ads account suspended while she was the most searched for Democratic presidential candidate after a debate.

26th October 2019, 10:46 AM
Find it odd that there is not one word about any research and discoveries of what can be done to a person's brain to kill the addiction. I am sure there is a big price to pay for that physically but addiction is a road to hell for sure.


It is illegal in the US. There is no way anyone would abuse it because it simply is not anything like a party drug.
Serious business. It is somewhat dangerous; A small percentage of people die from the medicine.

30th October 2019, 10:43 AM
new one, 27 mins:

Google's Secret Natural Health Censorship Campaign with Sayer Ji, Zach Vorhies and Maryam Heinen



30th October 2019, 08:58 PM
haven't listened to this new one yet, but should be rich re the Palladium/cold fusion question

Dark To Light: Zach is Back, Google Cold Fusion, and Social Credit Score
Radio Influence Staff (https://radioinfluence.com/author/staff/)
October 30, 2019
1 (https://radioinfluence.com/2019/10/30/dark-to-light-zach-is-back-google-cold-fusion-social-credit-score/#comments)

https://radioinfluence.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Dark-To-Light-Logo-1500x1500-300x300.jpg (https://radioinfluence.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Dark-To-Light-Logo-1500x1500.jpg)

We are honored to be joined by Zack Vorhies (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac), the brave whistleblower who provided documents to Project Veritas and blew the whistle on Google. We start out by introducing you to the relationship between Google and China. Are they still working on any projects with them or a social credit score?

Next, we learn how AI is evolving, what plans Google has in store and how they intend to use it, and who will have access to it.

Finally, we end the show with a huge breaking story: Google and Cold Fusion, or free energy – What is it? What did Zach discover while working at Google? What are the implications moving forward?

We get a bit technical and science like on today’s show but we hope you enjoy it!

Follow Tracy Beanz on Twitter (https://twitter.com/tracybeanz), subscribe to her YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/tracybeanz), and check out her newest venture, UncoverDC.com (https://uncoverdc.com/)!
Follow Frank on Twitter (https://twitter.com/PoliticalOrgy), subscribe to his YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/ZedalzaFilms), and follow his solo podcast, Quite Frankly (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/quite-frankly/id1043194697?mt=2)!

Download (https://media.blubrry.com/dark_to_light_with_frank_beanz/s/media.blubrry.com/radioinfluencepodcasts/s/content.blubrry.com/radioinfluencepodcasts/DTL20191030.mp3)

4th November 2019, 07:24 AM
haven't listened to this new one yet, but should be rich re the Palladium/cold fusion question

Dark To Light: Zach is Back, Google Cold Fusion, and Social Credit Score (https://radioinfluence.com/2019/10/30/dark-to-light-zach-is-back-google-cold-fusion-social-credit-score/)

^ blockbuster above, esp 2nd ~half which gets into cold fusion reality, & backstory re Italian inventor Andrea Rossi vs the deep state. e-catworld.com (https://e-catworld.com/) which joogle tried to hide, is a site which follows Rossi's work. Yes, Pd is an intimate component... :cool:

Trump this AM re a race winning horse named Covfefe,

refs this tweet

4th November 2019, 08:37 AM
bit sad to see Zach post this (((Laura Loomer Congress))) endorsement yest; where to begin?!

13th November 2019, 05:28 PM
woh, Zach went on w Henrik / Red Ice yest! Recall YT totally banned Red Ice last month sometime, IIRC? Surprising, given Zach's public posturing as kosher...

I'm only ~15m into this 1h 33m show; so far all the general censorship stuff...

@ BC https://www.bitchute.com/video/l0FFh0i3tBiL/

18th November 2019, 08:14 PM
Interesting Zach tweet illustrating he's aware of (((ADL, SPLC))) being key players in social media & joogle result censorship

22 min interview today,

What You Should Know About Google's 'AI Manhattan Project' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4reDYsbFjIA)

25th November 2019, 11:27 PM
Zach on with AJ/Owen Shroyer Mon. AFAIK this link plays a repeating loop of latest 3hr "The War Room" show:

But a perma archive of the show should appear here https://www.bitchute.com/channel/9c7qJvwx7YQ1/ soon; not there at this writing.

edit: it's here too; zach comes on @ 14m here: https://assets.infowarsmedia.com/videos/0f381eeb-bf55-4934-b3dd-5c8074228a82.mp4 (https://assets.infowarsmedia.com/videos/0f381eeb-bf55-4934-b3dd-5c8074228a82.mp4?cd=attachment)

From the segments I've watched, which aint all of them, Zach & Owen were just queuing up this EMJ/Pewdepie/ADL clip, when AJ came storming in from off cam, & took over the segment like a glow in the dark nigger. Not sure it they ever played it?

7m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aDkQrTmZ1w


26th November 2019, 12:21 AM
1 hr w David Knight

Google Whistleblower: Fighting UBI, SmartCities, AI, 5G

Nov 25, 2019
The David Knight Show
(https://banned.video/channel/5b92d71e03deea35a4c6cdef)Zach Vorhies, Google Whistleblower (Twitter @PerpetualManiac), joins to talk about what he saw, how SmartCities, AI & UBI affect our liberties, what happened to him as whistleblower.

26th November 2019, 01:51 AM
"when AJ came storming in from off cam, & took over the segment "

That is AJ's consistent behavior pattern over the many years that I closely followed the "work" of this piece of work.

AJ uses his groupie popularity in a manipulative way to quash dissemination of truth on his platforms that he does not like.

The point or message of the EMJ PewdiePie clip, which I posted on this forum somewhere fairly recently, was that the jig is up on zombie unawareness of the masses as to the ADL and their long-standing malicious evil activities against the survival of the sovereign USA republic.

People are waking up and walking away from those who lie, kill and destroy the innocents in this wicked world system. That is a good thing.

26th November 2019, 07:27 AM
in this rendition of Owen/Zach's show yest, https://assets.infowarsmedia.com/videos/0f381eeb-bf55-4934-b3dd-5c8074228a82.mp4?cd=attachment - Zach sets up EMJ clip @ 17:35, & they agree to play it beginning in the next segment. AJ crashes in @ 19:50 & changes the whole direction of the show to vaxxed-ines. :rolleyes:

Owen/Zach's 2nd EMJ-clip-playing setup party crash was even more buffoonish, begin 26:10... brazen topic hijack! They never did play the EMJ clip, :rolleyes: :(

8th December 2019, 01:25 PM
Zach & Owen Benjamin in a catfight. Guess around mid/late Aug around Zach's coming-out, Owen took some shots re Zach's 'witness' role in the Apr '18 jootube campus shooter 'event'. At least that, maybe more... thinking not really worth much of my time. My watching OB's stuff had steeply wound down already by Aug & I didn't see OB's jabs.

But AFAIK Zach reawoke the thing with an otherwise unprovoked tweet yest, with a vid accusing OB of abusing his dog on his livestream. Looks to me like a drunken Owen rough housing w his big breed dog:

OB's first response, https://twitter.com/OwenComedy/status/1203583112329990144

29th December 2019, 10:12 AM
great one w Dr. Robert Epstein, 67 mins, begin @ 5:40



Maryam Henein on RT's Redacted Tonight, begin @ 14m:

Google Censorship Revealed (And Max Blumenthal Charges Dropped) | Redacted Tonight (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW8-Z2MbHWU)


29th December 2019, 11:22 AM
By the way, the top YouTube video does play though it looks like it may be erased from YouTube. I only could take 23 minutes of listening.

American Freedom Alliance NO GOOD*

Dr. Robert Epstein Not telling us anything we did not already know. Another typical deceiver.

Dr. Epstein says something like

Who gave Google that power? (to shut down the Internet for 40 minutes on March 31, 2009)

that sounds reminiscent of E. Michael Jones saying to Dr. Michael Brown in a debate something like

Who gave you the right to change the words of scripture? (Brown, a convert to Protestant / Christian Zionism from his ethnic Judaism religion, claims that the New Testament 2 Thessalonians verse that says the Jews killed Jesus really says and means the Judeans killed Jesus. I have heard a "Catholic priest" make the same claim.)

Both Dr. Epstein and Dr. Jones are asking important questions, but the only difference is that Dr. Jones knows the true answer to those two questions from those two men and will acknowledge who it is, and Dr. Epstein knows who gave google that power but will not acknowledge who it is.

* Go to

amd look at one of 5 items on their mission list

3. Islamization of the West – the increasing number of Islamic terrorist attacks here in the West is only one aspect of Islamization. The effect on the culture, on demographics, on legislation, on the very nature of the rule of law is tremendous and the consequences are already being felt most acutely in Europe but also here in the United States.

and then on that same page, take a gander at all the people's names who run that outfit.

Any questions?

29th December 2019, 03:19 PM
^ sorry you couldn't bear it Dachsie, I took alot from it.

MAYBE "nothing we didn't already know" IF you've been properly obsessed with #Technocracy #BigTechSurveillance #BigTechGaslighting as I/we have; but this talk was full of telling anecdotes & Q&A in latter half.

I don't see Dr. Epstein "deceiving" here, or anywhere else he's been guest on. If anything it's impressive that he's open about being a Demrat supporter, but here he is disgusted @ big tech's biased & underhanded manipulation of the public towards the 'side' he favors.

You could speculate, given his shaking the tin cup for shekels for some mass nationwide big tech bias surveillance system for 2020's election, that he could CharlieBrown/Lucy/Football us with a fake watchdog scam... I dunno; don't see anyone else proposing anything; & Trump remains all tweet no action wrt his periodic tweets/events on the problem.

Ep's article @ MySevenSimpleSteps.com (http://MySevenSimpleSteps.com) - I tried to paste whole thing but it was a mess with HTML coding - so I just listed the 7 steps' titles; open article for the full fleshing out of these steps.

Seven Simple Steps Toward Online Privacy
(https://medium.com/@re_53711/seven-simple-steps-toward-online-privacy-20dcbb9fa82)Mar 16, 2017 (https://medium.com/@re_53711/seven-simple-steps-toward-online-privacy-20dcbb9fa82?source=post_page-----20dcbb9fa82----------------------) · 7 min read

I haven’t received a targeted ad on my computer or mobile phone since 2014. If you care about your privacy — or even if you’re just sick of being bombarded by ads for diet pills seconds after you send an email to a friend complaining that your pants are too tight — here are seven simple steps you can take to make your online presence more private


1) Jettison Gmail.

2) Switch Search Engines.

3) Kill Chrome.

4) Axe Android.

5) Heave Home.

6) Clear Cache and Cookies.

7) Pick a Proxy or VPN.

29th December 2019, 04:14 PM
This response is offered just for fun and hopefully does not offend, but it is my truth.

Glad to see your challenge to me, PatColo.

Here goes.

"^ sorry you couldn't bear it Dachsie, I took alot from it. "

I got a few bits on info I did not know about in those first few minutes I listened, that is, in regard to all the platforms G now owns and their names, but I kind of had an inkling for a long time about all that grabbing up of platforms by G and other big ones.


" IF you've been properly obsessed with #Technocracy #BigTechSurveillance #BigTechGaslighting as I/we have; but this talk was full of telling anecdotes & Q&A in latter half."

I would not say I am "properly obsessed" but I have taken in quite a few articles and videos on the subject and I definitely see all the myriad of opportunities Google has to be evil. I get the big picture. All of G's tricks are really the same tricks of the Cass Sunstein type tricks in subverting "truth" seekers and "patriots."

I have known about surveillance and gaslighting for years. But now having this "doctor" with multiple degrees from Harvard - yadda yadda - and his speaking to the audience using impressive factual terms, like studies and findings and percentages and other proofs of surveillance and what it can accomplish, is just part of the "wow them" schtick.
I am tired of all these "brilliant" Ph.D.s telling us, again, what THEY are doing to us and "ain't it awful."

"I don't see Dr. Epstein "deceiving" here, or anywhere else he's been guest on."

It all depends on what the definition of "deceiving" is and these crisis actors / language manipulators act and lie in a manner to wow we of the ignorant unwashed masses who are easily impressed by this brilliant man seemingly coming out to the whole world fessing up about himself and telling the whole "truth. Like any good trickster crisis actor, Dr. E. deflects, distracts and performs and all the while he TECHNICALLY does not lie, just wows the easily wowed with off-topic impressive data.

"If anything it's impressive that he's open about being a Demrat supporter, "

This is the old mea culpa, mea culpa confessing truthful guy doing the tried and true martyr schtick. This strategy has been equally effective and successful for lesser lights like Alex Jones for decades.

"but here he is disgusted @ big tech's biased & underhanded manipulation of the public towards the 'side' he favors."

Aw, come'on PatColo, I have to believe you know better than believing this guy and taking it at face value. Alex Jones has done similar tap dancing routines for years.
This is a variation on the martyr schtick. This sensitive caring moral guy feels such deep disgust about bad immoral manipulation of the public that he sacrifices and risks his own personal "side" or "bias" for the "right" position. This operator does not give a rat's pitootie about manipulation of the public.

"You could speculate, given his shaking the tin cup for shekels for some mass nationwide big tech bias surveillance system for 2020's election, guess I missed that and did not listen that far into his presentation. Did he really do that? If he did, that blew his detached brilliant moral scholar schtick to smithereens, but he knew his audience would buy that.

"that he could CharlieBrown/Lucy/Football us with a fake watchdog scam... I dunno;" I have noticed more and more money collection scams for ostensibly good causes for truth and justice and liberty and saving the USA where the big campaign for donations goes gangbusters for a while and then drops out of site and the big video we were donations for, for example the truth about the USS liberty video, the video never gets made and someone Made-off as in Bernie Madoff with the purse. I notice Dave Gaharry now his own donations campaign for some truth project regarding the USS Liberty now. Does not smell right to me.

I remember that Dr. Morgan Reynolds of no planes 9-11 fame, went on the Pete Santilli radio show and Santilli had already been found guilty of making off with some big collection donation fund for truckers or something like that, and Vinney Eastwood I think exposed that. Also Santilli was exposed for being an undercover FBI agent while posing as a patriot and reporter.

"don't see anyone else proposing anything"

I do, every day. Not exactly the same as Dr. E's plan but definitely in the category of "here's how you can really DO SOMETHING THAT WILL REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and which always involves a monetary donation or consideration of some kind.

"Trump remains all tweet no action wrt his periodic tweets/events on the problem."

Agree, but I just keep praying God will save our republic even if it means an Act of God outside the purview of DJT. I have an increasingly clear picture of what losing our republic looks like and is not a pretty picture.

"1) Jettison Gmail.

2) Switch Search Engines.

3) Kill Chrome.

4) Axe Android.

5) Heave Home.

6) Clear Cache and Cookies.

7) Pick a Proxy or VPN."

Low-tech, Boomer Tech, person that I am, I already learned to make those changes myself several months ago and as for the items of the list I really do not know much about at all, I'm still not impressed with their efficacy in solving the big problem. I tend more to complete cutting with the main Internet systems as we know it. Sad reality that this great information finding tool has been taken over like 99 percent.

29th December 2019, 05:28 PM
^ I feel ur pain, Dachsie! :'( /billclintonvoice

I'd suggest, "suffer through" the rest of Ep's talk; his portion is ~1h total, & latter ~half are where the nuggets are.

& this 12m clip if U haven't already seen:

Sen. Cruz Questions Victims of Censorship on Google's Bias (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzF7nBmwPso)


Ep urges we watch "The Creepy Line" through his talk above - I have yet to watch, & don't see a free/full version but here's the 3m trailer:

The Creepy Line | Official HD Trailer (2019) | Documentary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7-Wo3VaM5o)


1st February 2020, 01:57 PM
By the way, the top YouTube video does play though it looks like it may be erased from YouTube. I only could take 23 minutes of listening.

American Freedom Alliance NO GOOD*

Dr. Robert Epstein Not telling us anything we did not already know. Another typical deceiver.

Dr. Epstein says something like

Who gave Google that power? (to shut down the Internet for 40 minutes on March 31, 2009)

that sounds reminiscent of E. Michael Jones saying to Dr. Michael Brown in a debate something like

Who gave you the right to change the words of scripture? (Brown, a convert to Protestant / Christian Zionism from his ethnic Judaism religion, claims that the New Testament 2 Thessalonians verse that says the Jews killed Jesus really says and means the Judeans killed Jesus. I have heard a "Catholic priest" make the same claim.)

Both Dr. Epstein and Dr. Jones are asking important questions, but the only difference is that Dr. Jones knows the true answer to those two questions from those two men and will acknowledge who it is, and Dr. Epstein knows who gave google that power but will not acknowledge who it is.

* Go to

amd look at one of 5 items on their mission list

3. Islamization of the West – the increasing number of Islamic terrorist attacks here in the West is only one aspect of Islamization. The effect on the culture, on demographics, on legislation, on the very nature of the rule of law is tremendous and the consequences are already being felt most acutely in Europe but also here in the United States.

and then on that same page, take a gander at all the people's names who run that outfit.

Any questions?

I heard a day or so ago that Dr. Robert Epstein's wife was killed in a suspicious looking car crash. Think it was someone who was either the guest or a caller to the Raw Deal show who started talking about all the odd deaths that center around false event or around a big whistleblower.


Wife of Google Whistleblower Killed In I-15 Crash
A North County woman identified as the wife of the Google whistleblower died following a car crash on the State Route 78 onramp to Interstate 15.
By Melissa Adan • Published December 30, 2019 • Updated on December 31, 2019 at 6:10 am
1:00/ 2:16

NBCUniversal, Inc.
Misti Vaughn has died after veering across several highway lanes and crashing on Monday, Dec. 23. NBC 7’s Melissa Adan reports.

A North County woman, the wife of the Google whistleblower, has died following a car crash on Interstate 15 on Dec. 23.

Misti Vaughn, 29, was identified by the California Highway Patrol as the deceased driver in a car crash on the morning of Monday, Dec. 23.

Vaughn was driving on the transition ramp from SR 78 to I-15 in the rain when she lost control of her Ford Ranger and spun out, veering to the left and flying across I-15, CHP said. She crashed into a big rig and an SUV, whose drivers stayed at the scene and were not injured.


I believe I expressed I was unimpressed with Epstein's revelations about Google.

I was searching around today after watching a recent, over two hours, Adam Green video where Green sort of ragged on Zach Vorhees, another Google whistle-blower and that brought me over to this thread to share some info.



I would like to discuss the Adam Green video and all the people he names throughout this video, and I of course comment through the false event/ false flag perspective, but guess that will not happen here.

1st February 2020, 02:06 PM
Zach & Owen Benjamin in a catfight. Guess around mid/late Aug around Zach's coming-out, Owen took some shots re Zach's 'witness' role in the Apr '18 jootube campus shooter 'event'. At least that, maybe more... thinking not really worth much of my time. My watching OB's stuff had steeply wound down already by Aug & I didn't see OB's jabs.

But AFAIK Zach reawoke the thing with an otherwise unprovoked tweet yest, with a vid accusing OB of abusing his dog on his livestream. Looks to me like a drunken Owen rough housing w his big breed dog:

OB's first response, https://twitter.com/OwenComedy/status/1203583112329990144

Since this is the last comment in this thread that mentions Zach Vorhies, I will post this observation about Vorheies here...


Alarming Origins of New Facial Recognition Company

2:38:36 video runtime

at about 1:23:00 Adam says a few words about Zach Vorhies.
•Streamed live on Jan 30, 2020
Know More News
120K subscribers


When you digest the worldwide super evil plans of the Israeli owned and controlled cyber world and cyber technology, you begin to accept fewer and fewer "whistle-blowers" and "opposition" scenarios within false flag events at face value. Even when these entities and sub-plots presented seem to be verified and contained facts and reality and truth, it can all still be part of the fake movie script.

1st February 2020, 04:26 PM
^ here's a search of Epstein's twatter acct for tweets mentioning "Misti"

yes suspicious death. But Ep's still doing interviews, mainly a long 2.x hr one with Dr. Mercola a ~week ago, YT search:

2h 23m:
Google and Your Privacy- Interview with Dr. Robert Epstein (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvUcFBMy5UY)
Mercola (https://www.youtube.com/user/mercola)3.2K views
6 days ago


1st February 2020, 04:58 PM

Alarming Origins of New Facial Recognition Company

2:38:36 video runtime

at about 1:23:00 Adam says a few words about Zach Vorhies.

yeah I watched that ~2 days ago; I pretty much lap up everything Adam G produces, though he errs on the side of overly long run time with lots of redundancy from his priors -- so I'll often skip ahead.

he's had it in for zach vorhies since they first had a few DMs last Aug when zach first "came out", & adam was soliciting him for an interview coz adam's specialty is izzy's control of tech/web. But after just a couple/few DMs zach accused adam of being... IIRC a NAAAAAZI and/or anti shlomo, then blocked him.

search for Adam's tweets including "@PerpetualManiac",
https://twitter.com/search?q=%40Perpetualmaniac%20(from%3AKnow_More_Ne ws)&src=typed_query

1st February 2020, 05:10 PM
Not sure what some of your abbreviations are but Adam seems fairly objective and non-nazi-like in the way he expresses himself so it sounds like Zach was overly harsh in his words.

I was impressed with Adam's presentation but I do not listen to him much so I did not find it too long. I waded through it because of the recent information by TruNews and how a total surveillance state is being launched on US citizens. Trumps peace plan with Palestine seems like such a blatant aggressive abandonment of any kind of reasonableness when it comes to Israel.

Americans must find a way to say a big resounding NO to Trump's Israel ties and bias for Israel. Adam contributes much good. I personally am avoiding going to any website that touts conservative ideas but at the same time is strong for Israel. It is all looking more and more like a big lie. I guess that is my boycott effort. I used to be a sucker for conservative talk and I know liberalism is bad too. It is all part of the game being played on people who really do want America to survive.

I want the Rebecca Carnes Sandy Hook revelations to lead to some new breakthroughs for truth and justice but no one wants to focus on furthering her research as there are so many other major bad things happening in our country.

8th February 2020, 06:07 PM
Zach has his own website up now: https://www.zachvorhies.com/ -- off hand didn't see much new there as one who's followed this closely, but I think this is the first I'd heard this Breitbart article/audio.

Whistleblower: Google Is Developing AI for ‘Planetary Surveillance’

AFP/Getty ImagesLucas Nolan (https://www.breitbart.com/author/lucas-nolan/)
14 Oct 2019

audio is 45m:
Listen to the full interview here. (https://soundcloud.com/breitbart/breitbart-news-tonight-zach-voorhees-october-11-2019)

9th February 2020, 08:44 AM
Zach has his own website up now: https://www.zachvorhies.com/ -- off hand didn't see much new there as one who's followed this closely, but I think this is the first I'd heard this Breitbart article/audio.

Whistleblower: Google Is Developing AI for ‘Planetary Surveillance’

AFP/Getty ImagesLucas Nolan (https://www.breitbart.com/author/lucas-nolan/)
14 Oct 2019

audio is 45m:
Listen to the full interview here. (https://soundcloud.com/breitbart/breitbart-news-tonight-zach-voorhees-october-11-2019)

"Vorhies continued: “Peter Thiel — he accused Google of acting in a treasonous way. This is how serious this project is. It’s the most sophisticated and advanced AI project in the world made by an American company and placed in China.”"

I heard TruNews narrators say this Peter Thiel guy is very bad news too.

It gets very confusing when there are so many real fights and fake fights within those who are all pushing for a One World Death and Slavery System for ALL.

9th February 2020, 11:11 PM
zach on Del Bigtree's (Vaxxed creator) show Highwire on 2/6

begin 22:20



10th February 2020, 02:25 AM
zach on Del Bigtree's (Vaxxed creator) show Highwire on 2/6

begin 22:20



I think people ought to discuss this here at least just to state what they "take away" from what Zach has done.

What I took away is that there is a big bad big brother just like in the 1984 saga. It is evil and vicious and has you in its clutches forever. THEY want to kill us all, some slow-kill, some quick-kill. The most we can do is investigate this enough to know that is what is being done but we can't get other people to see or understand this and try to take action to buck the system.

I have pretty much always been able to see the power of search engines and cyber power and that software designers had to follow moral dictates in their work and they had to do what they were told to hold their employment.

I note that Zach used the term "crisis of consciousness" when it seems to me he was trying to say "crisis of conscience." But maybe conscience is just a word that is just not used anymore. If that is so, conscience is one of those words that Google et other controllers want out of our vocabulary because it is a word with heavy moral, right and wrong, connotation.

I have found that StartPage is the best search engine and it is deteriorating rapidly. DuckDuckGo was pretty good for a while and then it went useless. I only use Google as a last resort and it still comes through for me when I have very scant words to use as a search term for something that is way back and vague in my memory.

10th February 2020, 06:51 AM
^ Dachsie: I've heard several search engine censorship critics now, tout this site: https://swisscows.com/?culture=en -- I haven't really played with it yet.

2 more zach interviews; this first with John Wells/ Caravan to Midnight is def quite new coz they talk about current things like the SOTU, James O'Keefe's twatter acct being suspended. Must listen, many new ideas discussed throughout, like Pelosi deliberately trying to destroy DNC? & China/corona virus possibilities:

65 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pn_rcFRrec


This next one with Sam Tripoli was just pub'd at their YT channel this morning 2/10, but unclear WHEN it took place, coz near the end they're wishing zach happy holidays & New year?! But it's also VG:

Zach's on for first ~32 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM4z9_Fy6PM


10th February 2020, 07:09 AM
^ speaking of Sam Tripoli, who I haven't followed but gather he's a comedian like Owen Benjamin-- perusing his YT ch I see some good guests for my listening queue.

Like this Jan 20 show with retired NFL star Larry Johnson who's sort of "Born Again" & now vocal against the NWO/wizardry, twatter https://twitter.com/2LarryJohnson7

1h 21m:
TFH #261: The Dark Arts of Pro Sports With Larry Johnson on Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6ayEGCrAB4)


edit: it appears Sam Tripoli posts his shows to YT around 1 month after they're recorded? Maybe it's a pay-wall model? Not sure but the above Larry J show, & show with Zach were obv around Christmas, not their YT pub dates.

20th February 2020, 08:38 AM
Zach on with "Quite Frankly" last Wed Feb 12, 41 mins:

Quite REPLAY: Zach Vorhies Talks 2020 Election, Impeachment, and Coronavirus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyO8TVCa-bY)


23rd February 2020, 12:17 AM
New Mexico Sues Google Over Children’s Privacy Violations (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/20/technology/new-mexico-google-lawsuit.html)

The lawsuit says that Google, the top tech brand in public schools, used its educational products to spy on students.

New Mexico’s attorney general, Hector Balderas, said Google collected a trove of students’ personal information. Credit...Juan Antonio Labreche/Associated Press

By Natasha Singer (https://www.nytimes.com/by/natasha-singer) and Daisuke Wakabayashi (https://www.nytimes.com/by/daisuke-wakabayashi)

Feb. 20, 2020

New Mexico’s attorney general sued Google on Thursday, saying the tech giant used its educational products to spy on the state’s children and families.

Google collected a trove of students’ personal information, including data on their physical locations, websites they visited, YouTube videos they watched and their voice recordings, Hector Balderas, New Mexico’s attorney general, said in a federal lawsuit.

“The consequences of Google’s tracking cannot be overstated: Children are being monitored by one of the largest data mining companies in the world, at school, at home, on mobile devices, without their knowledge and without the permission of their parents,” the lawsuit said (https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19734145/document_50_.pdf).

Over the last eight years, Google has emerged as the predominant tech brand in American public schools (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/13/technology/google-education-chromebooks-schools.html), outpacing rivals like Apple and Microsoft by offering a suite of inexpensive, easy-to-use tools.

Today, more than half of the nation’s public schools — and 90 million students and teachers globally — use free Google Education apps like Gmail and Google Docs. More than 25 million students and teachers also use Chromebooks, laptops that run on the company’s Chrome operating system, the lawsuit said.

In September, Google agreed to pay a $170 million fine to settle federal and New York State charges that it illegally harvested the personal data (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/04/technology/google-youtube-fine-ftc.html) of children on YouTube.

The new lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico, claimed that Google violated the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. The law requires companies to obtain a parent’s consent before collecting the name, contact information and other personal details from a child under 13.

The lawsuit also said Google deceived schools, parents, teachers and students by telling them that were no privacy concerns with its education products when, in fact, the company had amassed a trove of potentially sensitive details on students’ online activities and locations.

Jose Castaneda, a Google spokesman, said the lawsuit’s claims were “factually wrong.”

“G Suite for Education allows schools to control account access and requires that schools obtain parental consent when necessary,” he said in a statement. “We do not use personal information from users in primary and secondary schools to target ads.”

For years, parents and privacy groups have complained that Google was using its education products to track millions of schoolchildren without adequately detailing its data-mining practices or obtaining explicit parental consent for the tracking. One issue of contention is that the company applies different privacy policies to different products.

Google has said its “core” products for schools (http://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/gsuite_for_education_privacy_security.pdf), including Gmail and Drive, comply with privacy regulations requiring companies to use student data only for school purposes. The company said those core education products do not collect student data for advertising purposes or show targeted ads.

Google has maintained that other company services, like YouTube, which many schools also use, fall under a consumer privacy policy allowing it to collect user data for its own business purposes, such as product development (https://web.archive.org/web/20171207034524/https://www.franken.senate.gov/files/letter/160216GoogleResponse.pdf).

Although the company provides school districts with an online dashboard to control student access to YouTube and dozens of other Google apps, some public school officials have said it can be difficult to parse the tech giant’s differing data-mining practices.

Mr. Balderas said Google had used its education products as a means to deceptively track schoolchildren for nonschool purposes.

When students log into their Chromebooks, Google turns on a feature that syncs its Chrome browser with other devices used by a student on that account, the lawsuit said. It effectively blends a student’s school and personal web activities into a single profile that Google can view, according to the lawsuit.

A feature that would prevent Google from full access to that data is also turned off by default, the suit said.

Students “begin engaging with Google technology through teachers and in school settings for homework, communication and other educational purposes,” Mr. Balderas said in a phone interview. Then the same schoolchildren, he said, go on to use Google services from their phones or at home, “allowing Google to track them for noneducational purposes — and definitely without the consent of their parents.”

Brian McMath, a senior litigator in the state attorney general’s Consumer and Environmental Protection division, said his office estimated that two-thirds of New Mexico’s school districts use some type of Google Education product.

This is not the first time that New Mexico has tangled with Google in the courts. Mr. Balderas filed a separate lawsuit in 2018 (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/09/12/technology/kids-apps-data-privacy-google-twitter.htm) saying that a popular children’s app maker, along with advertising networks like Google and Twitter, had violated the federal children’s privacy law. In 2019, Google asked a federal judge to dismiss the suit (https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/330620/google-urges-judge-to-toss-new-mexico-ags-suit-ov.html). Mr. Balderas is also one of the state attorneys general who have publicly signed on to an antitrust investigation into Google.

To ease concerns about Google’s education data mining, the company agreed in 2015 to sign a voluntary industry pledge on student privacy. Under that pledge, Google promised not to collect, maintain, use or share student personal information beyond that needed for educational purposes.

Google also agreed not to use student information collected from its education services for behavioral ad targeting and not to retain students’ personal information beyond the time that the children were in school unless they received parental consent.

The lawsuit argued that Google had broken those promises.


23rd February 2020, 01:29 AM
this is an interesting one, mainly if you know of the seekrit background of this KSCO-Santa Cruz host, & station owner, (((Michael Zwerling))), the strikingly handsome man, in a Harvey Weinstein or Ron Jeremy kind of way, seen in the YT player below.:D

If U followed the Georgia Peach story, KSCO is the station she was fired from when she started to address White genocide and other related woke topics, and she didn't have nice things to say about Zwerling!

Thread: Georgia Peach - long time AM radio host red pilled, fired by joo station (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?100730-Georgia-Peach-long-time-AM-radio-host-red-pilled-fired-by-joo-station)

^ but that backstory doesn't really touch this interview; Zwerling sounds like just the nicest guy!! >:D

begin @ 45:20 for Zach's intro

John Dennis Is Challenging Nancy Pelosi, Zach Vorhies Google's Latest - Saturday Special 15 Feb 2020 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk5gJW-KLe4)


23rd February 2020, 08:04 AM
(((Michael Zwerling))), the strikingly handsome man, in a Harvey Weinstein or Ron Jeremy kind of way...

LOL (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KAmH_ayS5F4/hqdefault.jpg)

23rd February 2020, 12:37 PM
^ so weird Zwerling would imagine that might be an appealing (to goyim) pic of himself, to appear not only as YT thumbnail but it's the fixed visual image throughout the show! Such cocksure overflowing self esteem! He's plainly not being 'ironic' either, like, making light of his hideousness in a self deprecating humor way -- just illustrates the derangement of these demons! We see this phenom in every pic & clip of Harvey Weinstein too - who we recently learned, sports some kind of hideous/androgynous 'mangina' with no evident testicles!! (https://www.vulture.com/2020/01/jessica-mann-harvey-weinstein-trial-testimony.html) But in his own bloated rat looking head, he's God's gift to women!

for the best version of Georgia Peach's summary of (((Michael Zwerling)))'s scumbaggery, which she touches on in every interview but this was prolly deepest IIRC:

& yesterday she was on Dennis Fetcho's show; begin at 1h 33m for top of Georgia's hour 3:
Download (https://archive.org/download/ITELRadioFullShow5.18.19/ITEL%20Radio%20Full%20Show%20-%205.18.19.mp3)

27th March 2020, 06:27 PM
around a week ago, Zach & a few other influencers twatted observations/questions as many were noticing, the joo/tube censorship algo's re the usual true TPTB conspiracies APPEARED to have been LIFTED. Some made similar observations re twatter was letting dissident hashtags which SHOULD legitimately be on their TRENDING lists, actually be there, instead of artificially snuffing them out.

"Quite Frankly" & Dave/X22 Report did this show last Sat 3/21, discussing the above. 35m:

Algorithms Modified, [DS] Exposed, Truth And Transparency The Only Way Forward: Frank (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd6kf4pRSvM)


28th March 2020, 01:29 PM
around a week ago, Zach & a few other influencers twatted observations/questions as many were noticing, the joo/tube censorship algo's re the usual true TPTB conspiracies APPEARED to have been LIFTED. Some made similar observations re twatter was letting dissident hashtags which SHOULD legitimately be on their TRENDING lists, actually be there, instead of artificially snuffing them out.

"Quite Frankly" & Dave/X22 Report did this show last Sat 3/21, discussing the above. 35m:

Algorithms Modified, [DS] Exposed, Truth And Transparency The Only Way Forward: Frank (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd6kf4pRSvM)

new one today, Zach w Dave/X22.

63 mins; the first ~47m is complete rehash of Zach's joogle/leaving/whistleblower/etc story... old news

only final ~16m is "new", his view of the apparent lifting of joog's censorship algo's, which he ties to deal struck between joog & gov to make some kind of app for the joo cootie,



1st April 2020, 07:31 AM
well THIS should be interesting; haven't watched yet, 37m:

John McAfee + Zach Vorhies Interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=627MtKeLvxU)

•Apr 1, 2020


Zach Vorhies (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiuTGTCkYrjVknhvMAICFjA) 1K subscribers

The very unique and interesting John McAfee appears on an interview with Zach Vorhies to discuss computer viruses, the corona virus and more!

John David McAfee is a British-American computer programmer and businessman. He founded the software company McAfee Associates in 1987 and ran it until 1994, when he resigned from the company. McAfee Associates achieved early success as the creators of McAfee, the first commercial antivirus software, and the business now produces a range of enterprise security software

18th April 2020, 06:05 PM

Zach Vorhies
@Perpetualmaniac (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac)
3h (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1251618103177490433)
Dave of X22 Report has me back on the show to talk about how I caught @Google (https://twitter.com/Google) censoring "Cold Fusion" website http://e-catworld.com (https://t.co/xTz8rVJSiI?amp=1), using the "Las Vegas Shooting Massacre" as a cover.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=gs56eqTT9mc (https://t.co/2hyP1HjXtB?amp=1)

I explain how they do it in the comments...

43m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs56eqTT9mc


28th May 2020, 01:09 PM
Michelle Malkin w Zach Vorhies yest; 44 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zHfwV8La6A

Unfortunately mostly a re-telling of his "escape from joogle, veritas whistleblowing etc" story. Jump to ~36m for where they transition to current C1984-centric events, for the remaining measly ~8m.


new today, haven't listened yet,

Lies, Coverups, Google, Censorship, and the Whistleblower of the Year: Zach Vorhies (Part 1)

The Truth About Vaccines (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnZ_o5cpwkHJuEYjPtM0j5A)
62.4K subscribers

Charlene interviews the Whistleblower of the year, Zach Vorhies! Zach has done what few others have dared to do, tell the truth about Google and Big Tech and their attack on our freedoms and assault on the truth. Because of Zach, we now have proof that Google has been hiding the truth about cancer and vaccines and so much more from us in their search results. He also brings proof that Google is using their platform to shape shift our elections! What can we do about this? Join Zach and Charlene and learn more! You can find more about Zach here: http://www.stopbitburning.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ILhpZGLvmHA&redir_token=9oQJXxgHWvgK1wZhirEyToD9-wZ8MTU5MDc4MjY0NEAxNTkwNjk2MjQ0&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopbitburning.com) and http://www.zachvorhies.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ILhpZGLvmHA&redir_token=9oQJXxgHWvgK1wZhirEyToD9-wZ8MTU5MDc4MjY0NEAxNTkwNjk2MjQ0&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zachvorhies.com)

45m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILhpZGLvmHA


30th May 2020, 06:34 AM
Not a website persay, but Jewgle/Jewtube do not like the Flat Earth Community.

Normally when you click on a vid on jewtube, similar vids from the same channel or other channels of the same type will always pop up. This does not occur for any vid/topic that is FE related. FE be black listed from promotion.

2nd June 2020, 03:16 PM

Zach Vorhies
(https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac)First debut of my new show in @OnEdgeOfWonder (https://twitter.com/OnEdgeOfWonder)!!!

We sit down with super influencer and commentator Dave of @X22Report (https://twitter.com/X22Report)!

Watch what he has to say about the current state of the world!



29th July 2020, 10:39 AM
LIVE streaming now; I believe after it's finished the periscope stream will play the archive:

@ABC (https://twitter.com/ABC)'s broadcast: STARTING NOW: The chiefs of four of the biggest tech companies in the world -- Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google -- face lawmakers for a House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee hearing on digital competition.

5th August 2020, 11:54 AM
7/24 but Mami's just finally posted this - Zach w Giuseppe on G's "The Perfect Triangle" show, broadcasts every Tues on Revolution Radio. 2h -- U can surely skip the first 30-60m to skip another retelling of Zach's whole joogle experience. 2nd hour's more diverse, incl scamdemic talk, technocracy etc

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #3 2020.07.24 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-perfect-triangle-with-giuseppe.html)

Giuseppe and his guest: Zach Vorhies “Google Whistleblower.”

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/200ee69b0/vfcnt5k2-zk68wqz5-mtiisx2r-7egy4cer)

14th October 2020, 03:16 PM
just discovered this J. Bermas "Union of the Unwanted" roundtable with Zach V, pub'd 9/28.

3 parts:




(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoVUqZkq8Pk)The Future Of Election 2020 With A Google Whistleblower (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoVUqZkq8Pk)

5.1K views2 weeks ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qzXNVnudyFM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEZCPYBEIoBSFXyq4qpAwsIARUAAIhCGAFwAQ==&rs=AOn4CLCvFsgDNGZJubmFS-fx6NfVU4SbSg44:39NOW PLAYING

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzXNVnudyFM)The Future Of Humanity With Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzXNVnudyFM)

5K views2 weeks ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6DRB4MBtHoI/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEZCPYBEIoBSFXyq4qpAwsIARUAAIhCGAFwAQ==&rs=AOn4CLBSxGM9XIUtHlx-7hbE4Shze3lb1Q21:54NOW PLAYING

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DRB4MBtHoI)Whistleblower Talks Transhumanism With The Union Of The Unwanted! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DRB4MBtHoI)

4.2K views2 weeks ago