View Full Version : trump, be gansta n' sheeiit - n*gger loving is what trump is

16th August 2019, 06:17 PM
White guy in Sweden gets beat up by some no name rapper. And POS trump vomits, 'Homey gots yours back n sheeit. Eyes help you from those mudderfukking waycist Swedes'

trump, the first gansta black 'president':


Group trump likes: N*ggers, violent thugs, jews, alt-right jew-loving neo-nazis

Groups trump does not like: White Mexicans, White Muslims, White skinned Chinese, White Nordic Swedes

Where is 8chan on this, they are probably saying trump is playing 0D Chess.

16th August 2019, 06:22 PM
If you are a nigger and beat up AntyEp in Sweden, trump wants AntyEp shamed and the nigger released from Swedish prison.

trump is racist with the orange face, trump should wear blackface instead. trump is a nigger.

17th August 2019, 08:14 AM
In New York everyone is "so important" that nobody really is.

17th August 2019, 10:46 AM
Well the so called “White Guy” in Sweden, was an Afghani rapefugee criminal, with a rap sheet of several criminal convictions despite being in Sweden only for 3 years. After he harassed ASAPS bodyguard and got thrown away, he should have been arrested as well, but he went on holiday to his family in Iran, the country he was so persecuted in 3-4 years ago he had to flee to Sweden.

Really I have no problem with that Nigger rapper being arrested for what he did. But it wouldnt surprise me if it had been a aktive white Swede who had taunted the rapper with crew he would have been arrested on hate time charges, and ASAP would have walked free immediatelly

17th August 2019, 11:51 AM
Most Afghans have white skin, speak an Indo-European language, are Indo-Europeans. And have white parental lines:


Strange to see comments saying whites need to band together, then some Indo-European white gets beat up by a nigger, but 'he is a Muslim who previous may have beat up some nigger and had a conviction'.

I am saying trump is taking the side of niggers against whites, again. I can't post pictures of Afghans, but many are white. This victim was clearly white, as seen in the video.

In the end the Swedes sided with the whites from the Middle East, and punishes black criminals.

Watch the video:


Swedes need to kick out the rest of the African invasion. Most Muslims are white, like the Indo-European Iranians.

19th August 2019, 02:34 AM
Most Afghans have white skin, speak an Indo-European language, are Indo-Europeans. And have white parental lines:


Strange to see comments saying whites need to band together, then some Indo-European white gets beat up by a nigger, but 'he is a Muslim who previous may have beat up some nigger and had a conviction'.

I am saying trump is taking the side of niggers against whites, again. I can't post pictures of Afghans, but many are white. This victim was clearly white, as seen in the video.

In the end the Swedes sided with the whites from the Middle East, and punishes black criminals.

Watch the video:


Swedes need to kick out the rest of the African invasion. Most Muslims are white, like the Indo-European Iranians.

Yes obviously it is much better to get murdered, raped, robbed and replaced by a million middle easterners, than being temporarily visited by Africans? Because the former have whiter skins and are therefore better.

ASAP Rocky was in Sweden to perform a concert, he and his crew was harassed over an extended time on the street by these Afghan street thugs with several criminal convictions. The thugs were told to get out of their face, they didn’t care continued to harass them, so ASAP’s bodyguard pushed him away , which is when the thug threw his headphones at him with such force that they broke. The ASAP crew after that told them several times to go away after that, but they kept going after them. That’s when they got angry and started pummeling him.

Also look at the videos in the link.

I can only agree with Trump Sweden needs to start focusing on its real criminal problem. Promoting afghan refugee criminal street thugs by awarding them damages for situations they ultimately are responsible for is not a good solution. Considering his criminal history he should have been deported long time before this situation came about.

Look I have no particular love for Negro Rapstars, I think the punishment for the injuries the thug probably got in the altercation probably was a bit excessive, but he was obviously stoned out of his head, and consistently acted as an asshole after being told multiple times to stop following them.

As for Trump I only think he tries to get a greater portion of nigger votes.

19th August 2019, 04:28 AM
Yes obviously it is much better to get murdered, raped, robbed and replaced by a million middle easterners, than being temporarily visited by Africans? Because the former have whiter skins and are therefore better.

ASAP Rocky was in Sweden to perform a concert, he and his crew was harassed over an extended time on the street by these Afghan street thugs with several criminal convictions. The thugs were told to get out of their face, they didn’t care continued to harass them, so ASAP’s bodyguard pushed him away , which is when the thug threw his headphones at him with such force that they broke. The ASAP crew after that told them several times to go away after that, but they kept going after them. That’s when they got angry and started pummeling him.

Also look at the videos in the link.

I can only agree with Trump Sweden needs to start focusing on its real criminal problem. Promoting afghan refugee criminal street thugs by awarding them damages for situations they ultimately are responsible for is not a good solution. Considering his criminal history he should have been deported long time before this situation came about.

Look I have no particular love for Negro Rapstars, I think the punishment for the injuries the thug probably got in the altercation probably was a bit excessive, but he was obviously stoned out of his head, and consistently acted as an asshole after being told multiple times to stop following them.

As for Trump I only think he tries to get a greater portion of nigger votes.

While you are in Turkey welcome "White Indo-European" refugees to stay in your home to keep your lonely wife and children company. Don't disappoint C. Martel and be a hater. (https://www.unhcr.org/neu/14227-swedish-sex-couple-welcome-muslim-family.html)


19th August 2019, 08:31 AM
While you are in Turkey welcome "White Indo-European" refugees to stay in your home to keep your lonely wife and children company. Don't disappoint C. Martel and be a hater. (https://www.unhcr.org/neu/14227-swedish-sex-couple-welcome-muslim-family.html)


I start thinking he might be that Norwegian muslim that was here until a couple of years ago. I find it hard to believe Magnes would have turned into a pro-Islam propagandist.

19th August 2019, 09:37 AM
I start thinking he might be that Norwegian muslim that was here until a couple of years ago.

I realized the very exact same thing this morning just before I posted this. It IS him. He crawled out of here after our mockery...lol. (https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/11/02/12/0898294B00000514-0-image-m-14_1446465718943.jpg)


19th August 2019, 12:19 PM
I realized the very exact same thing this morning just before I posted this. It IS him. He crawled out of here after our mockery...lol. (https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/11/02/12/0898294B00000514-0-image-m-14_1446465718943.jpg)

The irony is that he choose the name of a king that was effective in repelling the Arab invaders at the time.

Charles was "a warrior who was uncommonly [...] effective in battle".[7] Much attention has been paid to his success in defeating an Arab raid in Aquitaine at the Battle of Tours.

19th August 2019, 01:23 PM
The irony is that he choose the name of a king that was effective in repelling the Arab invaders at the time.


Do you really believe he is Magnes? The style doesn’t seem the same to me.

Jeg taler ikke Dansk, but I like the guitar music of Jørgen Ingmann



19th August 2019, 04:10 PM
For argument sake, say the 'white' victim was a bad guy, it does not change the fact that trump loves niggers and is the first (or second if you count ogumba) black POS in the white house.

trump is telling one of the whitest countries on earth, a white country that deals harshly with their nigger problem, as shown in the video of the nigress thrown off the subway for not paying. Sweden is not to be challenged for going too harsh on niggers.

trump not only loves niggers, but violent ganster nigger, which I can't tell the difference these niggers are the same to me. And to many in Sweden, niggers are a violent threat.

Sweden and America have a nigger problem. trump is on the side of niggers. trump believes Sweden has an Indo-European problem and a Caucasian problem... no there is a nigger problem.

19th August 2019, 04:44 PM
The UK has the same problem, the only reason blacks are stabbing themselves is because that is who lives near them.

Why police don’t understand how to stop young black men stabbing each other


If whites lived near blacks, whites would be stabbed too in London. Most choose to flee from blacks, and avoid being stabbed.

19th August 2019, 05:43 PM
Do you really believe he is Magnes? The style doesn’t seem the same to me.

Absolutely NOT Magnes. I liked and miss Magnes...lol.

It's a sock puppet of NORWEGER (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?95703-Happy-Ramadan-2017-GSUS)


19th August 2019, 08:51 PM
Absolutely NOT Magnes. I liked and miss Magnes...lol.

It's a sock puppet of NORWEGER (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?95703-Happy-Ramadan-2017-GSUS)

Magnes was a good poster. I miss him also.

19th August 2019, 09:54 PM
Magnes was a good poster. I miss him also.

I did learn some from Magnes and appreciated it, nothing from this new sockpuppet. Not sure who or where from but a definite asshet for sure.

20th August 2019, 06:22 AM
I'm not sure if C.Martel is Norweger because he didn't really sound like him to me when he showed up again in the thread at this link below.


20th August 2019, 09:38 AM
I'm not sure if C.Martel is Norweger because he didn't really sound like him to me when he showed up again in the thread at this link below.


That does seem to be out of character for Norweger, agreed. However what he had was a fascination with Hitler and being muslim, now apparently he has managed to combine those two opposite ideologies to an all-encompassing idea that most of his Muslim brothers are in fact aryan. Other strange ideas he has promoted lately is that niggers come from Tibet. Supposedly not native to Africa. Probably he doesn’t even believe that the Somalian Muslims are niggers either.

20th August 2019, 11:04 AM
That does seem to be out of character for Norweger, agreed. However what he had was a fascination with Hitler and being muslim, now apparently he has managed to combine those two opposite ideologies to an all-encompassing idea that most of his Muslim brothers are in fact aryan. Other strange ideas he has promoted lately is that niggers come from Tibet. Supposedly not native to Africa. Probably he doesn’t even believe that the Somalian Muslims are niggers either.

According to William Finck "Arab" means "mixed". I've been wondering for awhile if C.Martel is mixed because he seems pretty sympathetic to muslims.

20th August 2019, 02:01 PM
I miss Magnus too.

But not for the reason's you guys do.

As far as I remember Magnus wanted an echo chamber and tried to chase off anyone who had a thought different than his.

20th August 2019, 03:31 PM
... Norweger... now apparently he has managed to combine those two opposite ideologies to an all-encompassing idea that most of his Muslim brothers are in fact aryan...



20th August 2019, 05:13 PM
trump is the ''white' nationalist' jews approve of. trump loves gays, fags, niggers, jews, zionists. Everything GIM1 hated, trump loves. That is where this phony trump led ''white' nationalism' is about, hating only sanctioned groups, otherwise you are a domestic terrorist for not liking jews, but trump offers you the ability to hate Mexicans, and 1/3 of Mexicans have white skin and look white, like Camron Diaz, who is Cuban. I know of many white Latin Americans, these blondes and brunettes white-americans are not a threat to whites and white cultures. The protected groups trump defends - niggers, jews, fags... are what threaten society and those are trump's political allies. Gangsta inner cities types, jews and trump has always criticized Pat Buchanan over not liking fags. So when I see trump defending niggers from white Swedes, I will point this out as another example of trump's favorites.

21st August 2019, 06:33 AM
At least he isn't Obama.

Whites choose to associate with jews over Russian mongols or blacks.

21st August 2019, 03:41 PM
btw, I am not a fan of Islam, I like whites. And the question of why are white so divided, this is why... jews did a divide and conquer and jews got what they wanted. If you hate rapist shitskin Pakistanis in the UK, so do I, I also hate Indians, but not as much as Pakistanis. Afghanistan is where the whites end.

Educating everyone on the jews... this is where we were 10 years ago, and since the migrant crisis and immigration issue is getting people awoke on limited issues.


A new Anti-Defamation League survey found 15% of Americans hold deeply anti-Semitic views.

Millions of Americans harbor an ugly secret — they’re suspicious of the Jews.

The new recruits are taught to hate Bosnian whites, Iranian whites, whites from Venezuela. I know two personally, they are white women. Latin America is filled with whites, especially in Argentina. Remember the Argentine Crisis, we did not say yeah, I am happy those Mexicans are suffering, on GIM1, we exposed what jewish banksters were doing to Argentina.

Ten years ago, things were simpler, you hated jews and niggers and the fags. And whites were banding together. The focus is no longer educating people on the federal reserve, about the history of money. The focus is on immigrants from Mexico because that is trump's focus. Libertarianism is about freedom of people from the government and government interference. That people can escape from tyranny. But this awaking was combined with realization of problem niggers pose in society.

My guess is that trump is going to be the fall dude for the movement. That after trump loses in 2020, things may get worse in that the resistance movement will only mean... you don't want Mexicans or Bosnians in your neighborhood. trump is the useless catalyst to get the jew plan of moving away from hating prohibited groups (those that jews love) to only sanctioned groups (whites in general).

Nobody wants to be around rapist shitskin South Asians. Nobody wants to be around destructive niggers. Jews have become a ruined race. And we are to hate the Illuminati bloodlines. But the problem is not Islam. Islam is a problem in that these Muslims like shitskins from Pakistan who rape anyone, that Muslims like niggers. Islam also encodes jew love, like Xianity. That is Islam's problem. Many Christians are waiting for jews to convert because gawd loves those evil jews, because gawd love evil.

I have hope for whites to figure things out. But I can't find anything wrong with having Native American blood, like some did on GIM1. Nor do I fin Han Chinese a problem. The Chinese are civilized people. Have been for 10,000 years and more. These are not niggers , nor are they South Asian rapists.

So with whites there is hope. I hope there is hope with the Chinese.

At least he isn't Obama.

Whites choose to associate with jews over Russian mongols or blacks.

3500 years ago, an army of rapist Turks invaded South Asia and ruined the people of South Asia, which was formerly heavily white. So I hate the fake whites of India because they are now really Turks. Unlike the Greeks in Turkey who are mainly Greeks and Romans. And barely any Turks in Turkey. If you converted to Islam, you were called a Turk. This was simply a name change, instead of blood.

21st August 2019, 03:56 PM
I miss Magnus too.

But not for the reason's you guys do.

As far as I remember Magnus wanted an echo chamber and tried to chase off anyone who had a thought different than his.

Ironic y'all are trying to sort out if so&so is a Magnes sock. I liked Magnes but re newcomers to GSUS, he was often the watchdog who barked too much, in trying to identify the noobs as a sock of someone in the past. :D

21st August 2019, 04:08 PM
Magnes had a better pulse of the PM prices (analyzing charts) than most, if not everyone here. I know he ruffled the feathers of many of the members that had a meet up, but I liked the guy. I always wondered if he was banned even though his username doesn't state it???

22nd August 2019, 12:59 AM
Ironic y'all are trying to sort out if so&so is a Magnes sock. I liked Magnes but re newcomers to GSUS, he was often the watchdog who barked too much, in trying to identify the noobs as a sock of someone in the past. :D
Hmmm, yeah, good point! LOL :D

22nd August 2019, 01:10 AM
I used to have an email address for Magnes and I'd hear from him once in a while. My computer crashed though and I lost it and a lot of other stuff too.

22nd August 2019, 06:34 AM
I used to have an email address for Magnes and I'd hear from him once in a while. My computer crashed though and I lost it and a lot of other stuff too.

I have had two computers crash and burn. Sucks.

6th September 2019, 01:27 PM
A$AP Rocky's Swedish lawyer is 'shot in the head and chest' in Stockholm as police question female lawyer banned from contacting him (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7435529/A-AP-Rockys-Swedish-lawyer-shot-head-chest-leaves-apartment-Stockholm.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top)

Henrik Olsson Lilja was shot leaving his building in Stockholm this morning
Gunman appeared and shot him in the head and chest, his condition isn't known
Olsson Lilja first represented Rocky when he was first taken into custody after assaulting a man who was harassing him and his team on the street