View Full Version : Burn-ey declares war against whitey

midnight rambler
21st August 2019, 04:16 PM
Jump to 2:52 for the supreme irony -


21st August 2019, 05:18 PM
this is what trump was about... to bring about a reaction from the left to attack whites and racism. trump's goal was to hate everyone, including white Swedes for arresting a nigger ghetto freak. trump hates everyone except those that jews like.

And then to have backlash because trump is so over the top on hating everyone kosher certified and with trump's lack of civility.

trump hates the wrong guys, and then bernie sanders and the left want to end racism against niggers and jews. Bait and switch. The far right was had with trumpstein. On the most important matters, trump is a sell out. On issues that won't make America great again, trump is doubling down and wasting our time. trump's second term will be the betrayal of the far right by trump being redeemed and a war with Iran.

Do you want your future president to hate (a) Mexicans or (b) call blacks 'niggers' and hate blacks and jews.

Most on the far right are happy with trump, the Mexican hater.

trump is head deep involved with jewish occult circles and child rapists. This should have been the warning:


then this too:


Does anyone know what this Russia-trump connection is? It is not Putin but trump is involved with the jewish Russian Mob and the Russian jews' Chabad. Those two group of Russian jews got trump promoted in the jewish media. They were trump's backers.

Has anyone ever heard of Felix Sater:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Sater#Involvement_with_Trump_Organization_du ring_presidential_campaign

This goes very deep. The British did an expose into trump and the jew mobster Sater and trump was involved with the Russian mob in real estate. New York City is a jewish town. The jewish media in Amurica won't touch this because it would shine light on the jewish mobsters and jewish crimes. But the trump haters in Britain exposed this.


to sum up, trump will not defend jew-haters or nigger-haters. Only Mexican and Bosnian haters. If you hate Bosnians, trump is your POS in the white house for the next year.

Ron Paul would have been far better, the zionist conspiracies would have stay on the need to know basis on internet forums, and Paul would have put in Libertarians onto the 'Supreme Court' defending our right to free speech and to spread the word that niggers are not to be befriended and to be avoided. The same with jews.

21st August 2019, 07:34 PM
Ron Paul was weak and sold out.

No one else as president would have exposed the fraud, crimes and underbelly of the Democrat party, deep state, RINO Republicans and justice system to the degree Trump has. We see it all now and who most of the players are. Whatever Trump does from here on out, you can't take that away from him.

IMO, if Trumps wins a second term and Repubs take back the house, Trump will be unstoppable in what he can achieve. With no more elections, he won't give a shit what anyone thinks of him, he will do what he always said he would.

Seeing a Democrat get power ever again, is not an option.

23rd August 2019, 11:05 AM
Seeing a Democrat get power ever again, is not an option.I appreciate the optimism, but of course there will be another Democrat president, and of course he/she/it will be far more left than Obama ever was. Collapse may be able to be slowed down, but no way can it be avoided.

23rd August 2019, 11:29 AM
I appreciate the optimism, but of course there will be another Democrat president, and of course he/she/it will be far more left than Obama ever was. Collapse may be able to be slowed down, but no way can it be avoided.

Our country has been marching towards communism since the beginning of the 20th century with the Democratic party leading.

old steel
23rd August 2019, 12:01 PM
You are here


25th August 2019, 10:08 AM
You are here


Feel The Bern 2019 must be significantly more red-pilling to the Bernie-Bros


feel-the-bern-tax-ben-garrtson-are-there-ppl-on-49250780.png (https://pics.me.me/feel-the-bern-tax-ben-garrtson-are-there-ppl-on-49250780.png)

old steel
25th August 2019, 10:21 AM
All leftist scumbags like Bernie know how to do is lie cause they believe the bigger the lie and the more it's repeated it will convince the sheep.

Says his entire family was wiped out by Hitler and white nationalism and yet, here he is, to tell us all about it.

27th August 2019, 08:10 PM
Bernie declares war on the successful. Bernie wants whitey to pay for 5-10 new social programs that healthy, white successful people will rarely ever use. Unless you are a recent grad.

If you are a morbidly obese crack whore who has a PhD in Afro-Studies, Bernie is your candidate. You qualify for every Bernie stupid idea.

Bernie is vehemently opposed to Yang's Universal Basic Income. Bernie hates the idea, because UBI is the end of socialism. Socialism would not be needed and crack whores would no longer be the number 1 recipients of welfare for welfare would not exist.

UBI is a declaration of economic and political war against the two parties. Like how Ron Paul's end the fed, shocked both neo-libs and neo-cons. Bernie wants only certain groups to get rich off the government, if you are not in those groups, then you are the individual who pays for certain voting blocks free stuff.

Bernie has a socialist zionist vision and that is a vision of hell, trump's is worse, but bernie wants the elimination of whitey, so Bernie is bad enough.

You can probably put down Bernie as a jewish communist. I want trump defeated but these main Dems are train-wrecks. Yang is the only populist. The others are loonie or bad or like Warren, unelectable.

Hopefully Biden wins everything in the election... and the way Biden is now like 'Weekend at Bernies', a lifeless corpse that is paraded to the crowds, but nothing is going in upstairs in the noggin.

Biden - dementia
Sanders - Commie
Warren - people don't view her as presidential material
Harris - nobody likes her
Yang - Populist who would end socialism for good
Buttplug - E Michael Jones' worst enemy
No names - have no chance

A Sanders-Yang ticket would energize the Dem base and would win the general election, but Sanders hates Yang's idea.

The more and more you find about Bernie, you feel the burn.

28th August 2019, 09:41 AM
Bernie is vehemently opposed to Yang's Universal Basic Income. Bernie hates the idea, because UBI is the end of socialism. Socialism would not be needed and crack whores would no longer be the number 1 recipients of welfare for welfare would not exist.

UBI is a declaration of economic and political war against the two parties. Like how Ron Paul's end the fed, shocked both neo-libs and neo-cons. Bernie wants only certain groups to get rich off the government, if you are not in those groups, then you are the individual who pays for certain voting blocks free stuff.

Isolated from everything else, I don't like UBI or think it's a fair system, but because of where we are as a country right now, the best thing UBI has going for it is that everyone, including Whites, get the money. If we're going to have socialism, I prefer the kind where I get money too, instead of where I'm being robbed to pay for all the losers.

29th August 2019, 04:52 PM
Isolated from everything else, I don't like UBI or think it's a fair system, but because of where we are as a country right now, the best thing UBI has going for it is that everyone, including Whites, get the money. If we're going to have socialism, I prefer the kind where I get money too, instead of where I'm being robbed to pay for all the losers.

I agree. UBI is a terrible idea in a decent country. But the path we are headed, Dems are eying Whitey as the future plantation slave, who gets taxed and pays for special interest groups' special programs for immigrants and blacks. Whites will figure this out and snap and form a real political movement - a real white reaction, not this fake trump zionist crap. That is a hope.

Only UBI and with welfare gone, you have a limited survival of the fittest, with UBI help for everyone. That is a much improvement over reproduction of the nig-nogs, and whites foot the bill.

1000 per month is so high, that the economy could not support any more free stuff, this would literally cost 2-3 trillion per year. And that is the idea. Without UBI being there, there is so much more jewish social engineering in the future and more pointless zionist war. Who knew we would get this far. And Republicans are not doing anything to reverse the Democratic ideas and generally support new wars. So UBI would stop bad ideas of both Republicans and Democrats.

Jews hate UBI because they rich jews would pay for whitey getting 1-2 trillion USD in free money per year, they would not be able to suffer this.

If whites wise up, they could retake back the country, always asking why is this being spent (for they will get used to money being given to them), because neo-libs and socialists and jewish commies could not spend a dollar more with UBI in place. If they do they economy could collapse and collapse for good (with UBI being worthless), and whitey would survive because hopefully they will band together. Nig-nogs would demand more free stuff and die off. Niggers would BBQ their babies for food.

That said UBI is still a terrible idea, but something whitey could use against the jew-black alliance. UBI poses a path toward freedom, especially if whites starts asking, what is in the social program for us.

What we need is a Libertarian. But that said, UBI is not as bad as Bernie.

Hopefully some zero population growth liberals would support UBI over welfare. Like I said Yang is on the record as saying some in America make more than $1000 per month in free funds from the 'government'. These would be those with many niglets.

Ask yourself where would you rather live, in an area that gets government spending projects to grow and prosper. Or an area like Nome, Alaska where the town is in poverty. Like this or not, where the government spends billions, they get economically prosperous. Those that are taxed to death and not given money back in terms of investment, are poor.

There are areas already on UBI: Florida and the South were developed by the fact that they got Washington investment by politicians. While the North focused on taxing itself to death to educate and give free or limited health care. There is a joke in the North that the high taxes go to teach the young, who move to the South and make the South prosperous. UBI levels the playing field in terms of welfare. The North is dying because they focused on supporting nig-nogs reproducing and over-funding education and health care. Bernie, a Senator from Vermont, will burden the economy with a Northern style government, and the money will flow to blacks disproportionately. Whites who work already have heath insurance. Most have paid off their college tuition. Most don't need day care, they plan ahead:


Whites plan and prepare to bring up children, nig-nogs spawn and take and take freebies.

We are living in idiocracy. UBI would level things for whites, and then some if nig nogs don't change their bad virtues.

The future of the world without UBI (giving Africans free food 'for the children' is disgusting):


UBI only for adults is NOT 'for the children' spiel that attracts bleeding heart liberals support any insane idea. UBI for only adults, punishes those who have children, because raising kids won't be on 'government's money' (taxpayer's money) anymore for Tyrone.

Thank God for Yang to be the first to propose UBI, imagine if Bernie proposed it as for every adult and child, or every child. That would speed up the process to Benie's hellish world.

Keep UBI for adults only, and UBI is bearable.

Bernie and Yang might debate UBI soon. If Bernie ever supports UBI, Bernie would support it for 200 per year, per citizen and illegal. I know how bernie is, and this is more welfare for those who have 8 niglets. I'd take the money, but anything Bernie thinks up is not helpful for whites, because Bernie is a no good jew.

The video makes him look yellow:


Chinese are among the civilized people in the world. Look at Silicon Valley and the rest of their neighborhoods.

29th August 2019, 09:21 PM
bernie was one of the lesser get-whitey leftist loons until recently. somebody advised him to get with the program, or get buried (again)