View Full Version : Survival skateboard!

midnight rambler
23rd August 2019, 02:38 AM
Have been looking at options for my get back home kit. I've never taken up skateboarding. That may change. It may not get you all the way home put it will certainly help cover some distance more quickly initially when it's called for. There's also the Boosted Rev scooter with a range of more than 20 miles and it goes 24 mph.

The guy making this maneuver is using a Boosted Board.


23rd August 2019, 06:16 AM
Have been looking at options for my get back home kit. I've never taken up skateboarding.

Nah. Keep wtshtf transportation simple. (https://www.amazon.com/Timberland-Mens-Maddsen-Hiker-Boot/dp/B008VPU81M/ref=pd_sbs_309_5/144-0495671-6800138?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B008VPU0GK&pd_rd_r=49b7dbdd-3c65-44cd-b864-35600e7011f5&pd_rd_w=FQSiS&pd_rd_wg=VoPHC&pf_rd_p=1c11b7ff-9ffb-4ba6-8036-be1b0afa79bb&pf_rd_r=YGH20RPQV00DJCHB117K&refRID=YGH20RPQV00DJCHB117K&th=1&psc=1) I'm now 71 and easily walk three miles per hour.


23rd August 2019, 06:54 AM
Have been looking at options for my get back home kit.

https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quia.com%2Ffiles%2Fquia% 2Fusers%2Fedeboo%2Fhitchhikers_thumb.PNG&key=nxwQfQHy6aZPwixaxAZmRA

23rd August 2019, 12:07 PM
Just keep a collapsible bike in your vehicle. Faster and easier to use than a skateboard if you have to abandon your vehicle.


midnight rambler
23rd August 2019, 03:49 PM
Just keep a collapsible bike in your vehicle. Faster and easier to use than a skateboard if you have to abandon your vehicle.


A collapsible bike* is a great idea...when space isn't at a premium already. In the cargo area where I would put such a backup ride it is not friendly to a bicycle which is easily damaged. I wasn't really seriously considering the skateboard as much as Boosted's Rev scooter which seems to be much more resistant to being damaged in the cargo hold of the vessel.

*note that the bike you referenced is
for adults, fits up to 5’3-5’9” so kinda restrictive on height

27th August 2019, 01:47 PM
A collapsible bike* is a great idea...when space isn't at a premium already. In the cargo area where I would put such a backup ride it is not friendly to a bicycle which is easily damaged. I wasn't really seriously considering the skateboard as much as Boosted's Rev scooter which seems to be much more resistant to being damaged in the cargo hold of the vessel.

*note that the bike you referenced is so kinda restrictive on height

Yeah, I didn't even see the height limit on that thing, so it wouldn't really work for me either. I know back in the 80's Honda made collapsible motor scooters, but I forget what they were called.

EDIT: Here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Motocompo

midnight rambler
27th August 2019, 03:08 PM
Yeah, I didn't even see the height limit on that thing, so it wouldn't really work for me either. I know back in the 80's Honda made collapsible motor scooters, but I forget what they were called.

EDIT: Here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Motocompo

Apparently those become available on feebay occasionally, one recently sold for $6,000 Buy it now -


midnight rambler
27th August 2019, 03:19 PM
This looks interesting, it's got some pretty decent range -


27th August 2019, 03:55 PM
I wasn't really seriously considering the skateboard as much as Boosted's Rev scooter which seems to be much more resistant to being damaged in the cargo hold of the vessel.

What "vessel" are you talking about MR ? ? ?

midnight rambler
27th August 2019, 06:31 PM
What "vessel" are you talking about MR ? ? ?

The vessel I navigate the rivers of asphalt with.

The general reaction to my daily used vessel is: Nice. How do you like it? (as they check it out admiringly) I'm not kidding. It's actually pretty plain jane generic although unique in design. There are tens of thousands on the road. I bet you saw one today. I have a much more desirable and unique vessel yet rarely get comments on it (although a lot of guys secretly wish they owned it).

28th August 2019, 06:04 AM
Nah. Keep wtshtf transportation simple. (https://www.amazon.com/Timberland-Mens-Maddsen-Hiker-Boot/dp/B008VPU81M/ref=pd_sbs_309_5/144-0495671-6800138?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B008VPU0GK&pd_rd_r=49b7dbdd-3c65-44cd-b864-35600e7011f5&pd_rd_w=FQSiS&pd_rd_wg=VoPHC&pf_rd_p=1c11b7ff-9ffb-4ba6-8036-be1b0afa79bb&pf_rd_r=YGH20RPQV00DJCHB117K&refRID=YGH20RPQV00DJCHB117K&th=1&psc=1) I'm now 71 and easily walk three miles per hour.


Simple common sense and probably the safest option, hiding in plain sight, or just walk off the road and hide if a threatening situation comes your way.