View Full Version : Darpa harpa ~ ivanka considering social credit score to own guns

5th September 2019, 03:07 PM
The Trump Administration is considering using social credit score to determine who is mentally stable enough to retain their second amendment right to own a firearm.


Trump Considering Using A Social Credit Score Tied To Data From Smart Devices To Monitor American Citizens To Decide Who Gets To Own Guns | Global Unrest


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Wednesday, September 4, 2019 13:50

The Trump administration is considering a proposal that would use Google, Amazon and Apple to collect data on users who exhibit characteristics of mental illness that could lead to violent behavior, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The top tech companies in Silicon Valley have spent tens of billions of dollars since 2005 creating the digital One World System (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/category/end-times/) that is capable of monitoring us right down to how many steps we take, up to and including what my exact heart rate is right now. They are collecting data on every one of us that is so detailed you would call me a liar if I told you. Truly the average person cannot fathom the paradigm shift that has already taken place. So…what did you think they were going to do with all that lucious, juicy, irresistible data anyway? Say hello to HARPA.

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4 (KJV)

For years we have told you about the ultra-secretive government research group DARPA (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/category/darpa/), and they create all sorts of things that are right out of a Left Behind novel. Now a sister organization known as HARPA has come on the scene to monitor the thoughts inside your head. President Trump thinks it’s a good idea to tap into the vast pool of smart device data and create a social credit score of your mental well-being. This score will be used to determine if 1). you should be placed in an institution or not, 2). you should be allowed to own a gun, 3). you need to be medicated. Do you see how everyone now is all up in arms about the ‘opioid crisis (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.hrsa.gov/opioids)“? Don’t make me laugh. Big Pharma and our government which protects them created the opioid crisis. Now they’ve created HARPA, yeah, that’ll end well. Reagan nailed it with this one:
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Ronald Reagan (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/ronald_reagan_128358)
There is no escaping the coming One World System (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/category/mark-of-the-beast/), like the Matrix it is everywhere and in all of us already. We are very close to having the powers that be “throw the switch” on this brave new end times world. We have told you since 2015 that Trump was God’s man for this appointed time (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/category/the-last-trump/), but I guess you weren’t listening that we also told you that God was using Trump, like Obama before him (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/obama-is-the-king-god-has-given-to-reign-over-america-in-the-last-days/), as judgment on America and the world (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/global-shaking-donald-trump-presidency-warned-last-year-already-started/).
http://gold-silver.us/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAGQAAACXCAYAAAD j5P7jAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6 mAAAF3CculE8AAAABmJLR0QAAAAAAAD5Q7t/AAAACXBIWXMAAC4jAAAuIwF4pT92AAAY1UlEQVR42u2deXxURb bHv7fSnaSTzk4IWxJCAMMmssriggIyA4oLiowoM4iOK4MbruOM PhXHUccRwXH3jcvI6IAbKMvIIgiyg4CsCQlLFkLWTjpbd9X74y YhQEjSne6+N37e7/PJJ0n3vXXOqXPPqapT59QFE0MdORwtl345STnLQ43mJVAQRjPQ FLSklGJi4wvVvdM/l5WOSKP5CQRMrRAAMXTEKsLDy+idtl9WOyOM5uf/AUhHaYQEJfumZsmi/I5G8/P/AOS0q1ZJUDItOVvmHUsymh9/wfQuqx4paT+gAfuyOnLh4O0q50h3o1nyB9qOQmy2DIKBFDtk5s aqoYO2quzMHkaz5Wu0HYUEWQqxaFAjITUSjuZHqhEXblL52YlG s+ZLtBmFaG5ZQ5AADXApXSmZedHqouGbpaOondH8+QptRiEqOi qUGjeo2g/qlLI/K4HRF/+oZE2I0Tz6Am1GIRQXxeIGNO3UZy4FKRGwaXeqmjB6ndEs+gJt RyHO8k64AHEGy0qDZDt8+/1geduUL41ms7VoOwrJzele764aQinQBHQJg3cWTJTPP/53o1ltDdqOQo5m9iXoHN8pBVYrxFvhsTmz1Ocf32Y0u95Ca30T/oc8lhXF5QPyOVFoJaqJcFaQgLwScAJ7tg8TvQdsNJp3T9E2LGT vnsFkFVoJb2Yi5ZbQIUqfiY2/4r/KWdbmIsRtQyG7tg+lCrAEN3+tS0JqBGTm29XUq5cZzbqnaBsK2 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Trump Admin Is Considering Using Amazon Echo And Apple Watch To Determine If Citizens Should Own A Gun
FROM THE DAILY CALLER: The proposal is part of an initiative to create a Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.harpa.org/) (HARPA), which would be located inside the Health and Human Services Department, the report notes (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/08/22/white-house-considers-new-project-seeking-links-between-mental-health-violent-behavior/), citing sources inside the administration. The new agency would have a separate budget and the president would be responsible for appointing its director.

HARPA would take after Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/category/darpa/), or DARPA, which serves as the research arm for the Pentagon. The idea was first crafted in 2017 but has since gotten a renewed push after mass shootings killed 31 people (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/03/el-paso-shooting-walmart/) in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/04/dayton-ohio-shooting/), in August.
The Suzanne Wright Foundation (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.suzannewrightfoundation.org/) approached the president recently and proposed the agency include a project called Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes, or Safe Home, the report notes, citing two people familiar with the matter.
HARPA would develop “breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence,” according to a copy of the proposal. “A multi-modality solution, along with real-time data analytics, is needed to achieve such an accurate diagnosis.”

The document lists several technologies that could be employed to help collect information, including Apple Watches, Amazon Echo and Google Home. Geoffrey Ling, the lead scientific adviser on HARPA, told reporters Thursday the plan would require enormous amounts of data and “scientific rigor.”
http://gold-silver.us/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAGQAAACXCAYAAAD j5P7jAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6 mAAAF3CculE8AAAABmJLR0QAAAAAAAD5Q7t/AAAACXBIWXMAAC4jAAAuIwF4pT92AAAY1UlEQVR42u2deXxURb bHv7fSnaSTzk4IWxJCAMMmssriggIyA4oLiowoM4iOK4MbruOM PhXHUccRwXH3jcvI6IAbKMvIIgiyg4CsCQlLFkLWTjpbd9X74y YhQEjSne6+N37e7/PJJ0n3vXXOqXPPqapT59QFE0MdORwtl345STnLQ43mJVAQRjPQ FLSklGJi4wvVvdM/l5WOSKP5CQRMrRAAMXTEKsLDy+idtl9WOyOM5uf/AUhHaYQEJfumZsmi/I5G8/P/AOS0q1ZJUDItOVvmHUsymh9/wfQuqx4paT+gAfuyOnLh4O0q50h3o1nyB9qOQmy2DIKBFDtk5s aqoYO2quzMHkaz5Wu0HYUEWQqxaFAjITUSjuZHqhEXblL52YlG s+ZLtBmFaG5ZQ5AADXApXSmZedHqouGbpaOondH8+QptRiEqOi qUGjeo2g/qlLI/K4HRF/+oZE2I0Tz6Am1GIRQXxeIGNO3UZy4FKRGwaXeqmjB6ndEs+gJt RyHO8k64AHEGy0qDZDt8+/1geduUL41ms7VoOwrJzele764aQinQBHQJg3cWTJTPP/53o1ltDdqOQo5m9iXoHN8pBVYrxFvhsTmz1Ocf32Y0u95Ca30T/oc8lhXF5QPyOVFoJaqJcFaQgLwScAJ7tg8TvQdsNJp3T9E2LGT vnsFkFVoJb2Yi5ZbQIUqfiY2/4r/KWdbmIsRtQyG7tg+lCrAEN3+tS0JqBGTm29XUq5cZzbqnaBsK2 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Dc+r3duG1Svj43fvNpofv0Ku/HaijIsokwIlM9N7Gs3PWfxtWHO5BCUH9Nkrsw6mGc1PQKCqym3 yxklfyNhgJVcsudpofuogP37v9zIUJR+c9ZrRvBjTAV8unCQnX LRT/vMtw2cucs4fX5bDe2fJNSsvN5oXYzuivCxEzn/5EbliybVKqYiA08/L6SznvvCkfObxV4zuC1NB5uV0lrPvigwkTXXsSKxcufRKufXHC 42WH+D/AArUUiUW6QsPAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC86,892
White House considers new project seeking links between mental health and violent behavior https://t.co/EhrsWcgfyw
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 22, 2019 (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1164492045001662466?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

He added: “Everybody would be a volunteer. We’re not inventing new science here. We’re analyzing it so we can develop new approaches.” The White House declined to provide the Daily Caller News Foundation with a statement but sources told WaPo that Trump has reacted “very positively” to the proposal — it is unclear if he has seen the Safe Home idea.

Google and Amazon have also not responded to the DCNF’s requests for comment.

Trump said mentally ill people are responsible for the uptick in mass shootings. “I do want people to remember the words ‘mental illness.’ These people are mentally ill. … I think we have to start building institutions again because, you know, if you look at the ’60s and ’70s, so many of these institutions were closed,” he said on Aug. 15. (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-the-us-should-build-more-psychiatric-institutions-in-response-to-rising-gun-violence/2019/08/15/bb9b24e8-bfa5-11e9-9b73-fd3c65ef8f9c_story.html) The president has also floated (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/07/trump-background-checks-guns/)the possibility of supporting background checks.

The president has an icy relationship with both Google (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/?s=google) and Amazon (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/?s=amazon). Trump told his Twitter followers Monday that Google manipulated votes to help former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 presidential election. “My victory was even bigger than thought!” he added. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has long been a whipping boy for the president. READ MORE (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/22/trump-gun-control-background/)

How HARPA Will Change Lives Now
Wanting to save lives is a good thing, but that’s where it starts. It ends with the government using all the collected data to control the lives of each and every American citizen.


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HOW TO DONATE: Click here to view our GoFundMe page (https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=https://www.gofundme.com/now-the-end-begins-reader-support)

5th September 2019, 03:14 PM
Social Credit Score for Second Amendment



DARPA to monitor social media



5th September 2019, 06:11 PM
Paul Joseph Watson ~ Infowars

Social Credit Scores U.S.A.



6th September 2019, 09:44 AM
She may be a traitor, but she’s still the President’s daughter


She May Be a Traitor, but She's Still the President's Daughter

Submitted by Dave Hodges (https://thecommonsenseshow.com/user/5) on Friday, September 6, 2019 - 11:42.


Not only is the President's daughter a traitor to the people and the Constitution with her support for such communist policies such as Red Flag Laws and the Social Credit System, she is the wife of one of George Soros' business partners and she is the undeniable friend of Chelsea Clinton. Any questions? The rest of this travesty is contained in the broadcast below.


6th September 2019, 12:39 PM
Olde English law ... used to be if you had an income of 100 lbs (silver) annually you had a right to protect yourself with a loaded firearm or a loaded crossbow. Don't hold me to the amount though ... working from memory.

6th September 2019, 05:40 PM
thanks for all this info--not looking good for us, deep state definitely winning and winning and winning

7th September 2019, 12:08 AM
I heard recently that they were going to remove the "LIKE" feature from most apps

cause it was addicting and leads to immoral social behavior.

The idea behind the initiative is remove the sense of competition between users and their posts.


7th September 2019, 05:56 PM
What’s going on at the unconstitutional DHS? Meetings with Silicone Valley ~ Headlines With a Voice



7th September 2019, 06:11 PM
What’s going on at the unconstitutional DHS? Meetings with Silicone Valley ~ Headlines With a Voice



The Founders had good reason when writing the Constitution to give Congress the power and duty to provide for arming, organizing and discipling and for calling forth the Art. II §2 Militia of the several States to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

This very long 2 hour video details what the NRA refuses to address.



30th October 2019, 02:00 PM
David Knight ~ https://twitter.com/libertytarian/status/1189286812101021696?s=21

In the ever-growing police state A.G. Barr is quietly implementing pre-crime detection network


30th October 2019, 05:43 PM
Ron Paul: Patriot Act On Steroids Trump's dangerous pre-crime plan



26th April 2020, 10:56 AM
David Knight ~ https://twitter.com/libertytarian/status/1189286812101021696?s=21

In the ever-growing police state A.G. Barr is quietly implementing pre-crime detection network


It was announced that the Trump Administration awarded a 17 million dollar contract to Peter Thiel's company for his Palantir spyware https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2020/04/flu-world-order-trump-hires-thiels-palantir-to-track-americans-with-chinese-style-surveillance-app-3721197.html

1st May 2020, 08:27 PM
Spiro Skouras Whitney Webb & Ryan Cristian from The Last American Vagabond

Bill Gates Partners With Darpa & Dept. of Defense For New DNA Nanotech COVID19 Vaccine


https://youtu.be/2MGXePjIzX (https://youtu.be/2MGXePjIzXE)

Published on May 1, 2020
In this powerful interview, Spiro is joined by Whitney Webb and Ryan Cristian from The Last American Vagabond, as they discuss the rollout of a new system of control the likes of which the world has never seen.

It has been said to never let a good crisis go to waste and it appears the ones pulling the strings are taking full advantage of the current crisis as more and more evidence emerges contradicting the official story that suggests this crisis is no accident.

The fact that Bill Gates has teamed up with the Department of Defense and DARPA, which is the special project research and development arm of the pentagon to develop a brand new type of vaccine, which is being rushed into production is alarming to say the least. Especially considering this new kind of DNA / RNA vaccine would normally take 15-20 years to roll out, while this one is being rolled out in a matter of months and is already undergoing human clinical trials. The urgency and rolled back regulations to streamline this new vaccine is of course, justified by the crisis.

The Last American Vagabond Website https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelastamericanvagabond.com&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

The Last American Vagabond Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/24yV... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bitchute.com%2Fchannel%2F24yVc ta8zEjY%2F&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

The Last American Vagabond Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Cl... (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ClYrAtDNAGy5J0N-AwBNw)

Ryan Cristian’s Twitter https://twitter.com/TLAVagabond (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FTLAVagabond&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

Whitney Webb’s Twitter https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F_whitneywebb&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

Covid-19 was already 'silently circulating' in France before virus arrived from China & Italy – study https://www.rt.com/news/487294-france... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com%2Fnews%2F487294-france-coronavirus-strain-italy-china%2F&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

Introductions and early spread of SARS-CoV-2 in France https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.11... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.biorxiv.org%2Fcontent%2F10.110 1%2F2020.04.24.059576v1.full.pdf&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

TECHNO-TYRANNY: HOW THE US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE IS USING CORONAVIRUS TO FULFILL AN ORWELLIAN VISIONhttps://www.thelastamericanvagabond.c... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelastamericanvagabond.com%2F top-news%2Ftechno-tyranny-how-us-national-security-state-using-coronavirus-fulfill-orwellian-vision%2F&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

INOVIO Receives New $5 Million Grant to Accelerate Scale Up of Smart Delivery Device for Its COVID-19 Vaccinehttps://www.prnewswire.com/news-relea... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.prnewswire.com%2Fnews-releases%2Finovio-receives-new-5-million-grant-to-accelerate-scale-up-of-smart-delivery-device-for-its-covid-19-vaccine-301022049.html&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

Inovio COVID-19 Vaccine Uses Electricity to Drive DNA Into Body Cellshttps://thevaccinereaction.org/2020/0.. (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=2MGXePjIzXE&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fthevaccinereaction.org%2F2020%2F04 %2Finovio-covid-19-vaccine-uses-electricity-to-drive-dna-into-body-cells%2F&redir_token=qWNvNHYMtNmXE1Zz306jK9rZEbR8MTU4ODQ3Mj E3MkAxNTg4Mzg1Nzcy)

11th August 2020, 07:39 AM

OMG!!! If this is real and not manipulated, this verifies we are facing a family of demons pretending to be God-fearing people. This side of Ivanka should alarm all people seeking righteousness!



Replying to @RoystonPotter (https://mobile.twitter.com/RoystonPotter)

And this ties into w what I've already sharedDARPA has been working on this Gates "vaccine" for a long time2013https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/darpa-awards-moderna-therapeutics-grant-25-million-develop… (https://t.co/AyYsw47L40?amp=1)2017https://darpa.mil/news-events/2017-02-06a… (https://t.co/UYnQ2F60SG?amp=1)

11th August 2020, 07:53 AM
Gates Mark of the Beast



Replying to @RoystonPotter (https://mobile.twitter.com/RoystonPotter)

And all thisPlease look into this. It looks like it will come in the form of Gates mark of the beast "microneedle array vaccine tattoo"https://nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/microneedle-coronavirus-vaccine-triggers-immune-response-mice… (https://t.co/ozRhozIXyZ?amp=1)https://fiercepharma.com/r-d/fujifilm-joins-microneedle-r-d-boom… (https://t.co/iIQrkFqjy8?amp=1)https://tamus.edu/feds-tap-bio-manufacturing-center-in-college-station-for-warp-speed-production-of-covid-19-vaccines/… (https://t.co/a02f6pkQWZ?amp=1)https://nerdist.com/article/invisible-tattoos-vaccination-records-tracking/?amp&__twitter_impression=true… (https://t.co/GOud3a1Itz?amp=1)https://pesquisa.bvsalud.org/global-literature-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov/resource/en/covidwho-27911… (https://t.co/eAa0DiYXA3?amp=1)



30th August 2020, 05:04 PM
Nancy Morgan Hart ~ Headlines With a Voice

Congressman Thomas Massie warns of governments secret plan.



midnight rambler
30th August 2020, 07:19 PM
Her dramatic pauses as SO annoying! Makes it very difficult and painful to listen to.

19th April 2021, 09:01 AM
DARPA rolls out implantable micro chip Alex Jones


4th March 2022, 12:16 PM
DJ Trump is NOT what or who he says he is. Is Ivanka her own woman? Is Trump his own man?


Ivanka WEF Young Leader 2015

4th March 2022, 03:29 PM
DJ Trump is NOT what or who he says he is. Is Ivanka her own woman? Is Trump his own man?


Ivanka WEF Young Leader 2015

When I clicked the jewtube link I got this message


4th March 2022, 04:56 PM
above link worked for me and led to link below
Listen to Roy, tell us we the people are the target.


4th March 2022, 09:57 PM
above link worked for me and led to link below
Listen to Roy, tell us we the people are the target.


That link worked from my desktop

16th March 2022, 11:37 AM
Counterinsurgency, PSYOPS and the Military Origins of the Internet


The origins of Facebook (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/04/investigative-reports/the-military-origins-of-facebook/) coincide with a controversial military program that was mysteriously shut down the same year Facebook launched.
The military program in question, LifeLog, was developed by DARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Processing_Techniques_Office), with the stated aim of creating a permanent and searchable electronic diary of a person’s entire life – a dataset of their most personal information, including their movements, conversations, connections, and everything they listened to, watched, read and bought (https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbqdb8/15-years-ago-the-military-tried-to-record-whole-human-lives-it-ended-badly).



Mar 15, 2022
90 (https://off-guardian.org/2022/03/15/counterinsurgency-psyops-and-the-military-origins-of-the-internet/#comments)

Counterinsurgency, PSYOPS and the Military Origins of the Internet

Dustin Broadbery

PART 1: LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH (https://off-guardian.org/wp-content/medialibrary/internet-origins-banner.jpg?x94441)

As the digital revolution was underway in the mid-nineties, research departments at the CIA and NSA were developing programs to predict the usefulness of the world wide web as a tool for capturing what they dubbed “birds of a feather” formations. That’s when flocks of sparrows make sudden movements together in rhythmical patterns.

They were particularly interested in how these principles would influence the way that people would eventually move together on the burgeoning internet: Would groups and communities move together in the same way as ‘birds of a feather, so that they could be tracked in an organised way? And if their movements could be indexed and recorded, could they be identified later by their digital fingerprints?

To answer these questions, the CIA and NSA established a series of initiatives called Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS) (https://personal.utdallas.edu/~bxt043000/Motivational-Articles/Big_Data-Have_we_seen_it_before.pdf) to directly fund tech entrepreneurs through an inter-university disbursement program. Naming their first unclassified briefing for computer scientists ‘birds of a feather, (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mail.cypherpunks/4CDiW59hS88)’ which took place in San Jose in the spring of 1995.

Amongst the first grants provided by the MDDS program to capture the ‘birds of a feather’ theory towards building a massive digital library and indexing system – using the internet as its backbone – were dispersed to two Stanford University PHD’s, Sergey Brin and Larry Page (https://www.theverge.com/2019/12/4/20994361/google-alphabet-larry-page-sergey-brin-sundar-pichai-co-founders-ceo-timeline), who were making significant headways in the development of web-page ranking technology that would track user movements online.

Those disbursements, together with $4.5 million (https://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn_id=100660) in grants from a multi-agency consortium including NASA and DARPA, became the seed funding that was used to establish Google (https://qz.com/1145669/googles-true-origin-partly-lies-in-cia-and-nsa-research-grants-for-mass-surveillance/).

Eventually MDDS was integrated into DARPA’s global eavesdropping and data-mining activities that would attempt total information awareness over US citizens. Few understand the extent to which Silicon Valley is the alter-ego of Pentagon-land, even fewer realise the impact this has had on the social sphere. But the story does not begin with Google, nor the military origins of the internet, it goes back much further in time, to the dawn of counterinsurgency and PSYOPs during the second world war.

The Dawn of PSYOPs

According to historian Joy Rhodes (https://academic.oup.com/jah/article-abstract/96/1/99/739412), a renowned physicist told U.S. defence secretary Robert McNamara in 1961:
While World War I might have been considered the chemists’ war, and World War II was considered the physicists’ war, World War III . . . might well have to be considered the social scientists’ war.”

The intersection of social science and military intelligence is recognised by the US Army to have begun during WW1 when pre-war journalist Captain Blankenhorn established the Psychological Subsection in the War Department to coordinate combat propaganda.

These grey-area operations, as they become known, plateaued during world war II, when military strategists, building on wartime research in crowd psychology (https://psychology.fandom.com/wiki/Crowd_psychology), drafted social scientists into the war effort through the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). The office would aggregate information about the German people and develop propaganda and psychological operations (PSYOPS) to lower their morale. This culminated in 1942, with the US federal government becoming the leading employer of psychologists in the US.

OSRD was an early administration of the Manhattan Project and responsible for important wartime developments in technology, including radar. The agency was Directed by engineer and inventor, Vannevar Bush – a key player in the history of computing, known for his work on The Memex (https://www.darpa.mil/program/memex), an early hypothetical computer device, that would store and index a user’s books, records and other information, and which would go on to inspire most major advancements in the development of personal computers over the next 70 years.

As the second world war ended, and a new threat emerged from post war ravaged Europe, scholars and soldiers once again reunited to defeat an invisible and aggressively expansionist adversary. Though this opponent may sound like COVID-19, it was in fact the Soviet Union.

Across the Soviet satellites in Europe and in the nations threatened by communism in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, cold war special operations, as they become known, were a nebulous category of military activity that included psychological and political warfare, guerrilla operations and counterinsurgency. To mobilise these ‘special warfare tactics’ the army established the Office of the Chief of Psychological Warfare (OCPW) in 1951, whose mission was to recruit, organise, equip, train, and provide doctrinal support to Psywarriors (https://arsof-history.org/articles/v7n2_rebuilding_psywar_page_2.html).

The office was directed by General Robert McClure, a founding father of psychological warfare and friend of the Shah of Iran, who was instrumental in the overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh in the 1953 Iranian coup d’état.

Integral to the projects of McClure’s OCPW, was a quasi-academic institution with a long history of military service called the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) (https://hraf.yale.edu/about/history-and-development/). Founded by anthropologist turned FBI whistle-blower George Murdock, HRAF was set up to collect and standardise data on primitive cultures around the world. During WW2 its researchers worked hand in glove with naval intelligence to develop propaganda materials that would help the US liberate pacific nations from Japanese control. By 1954, the department had grown into an inter-university consortium of 16 academic institutions, funded by the army, CIA, and private philanthropies.

In 1954 the OCPW negotiated a contract with the HRAF to author a series of special warfare handbooks, disguised as scholarship, that sought to understand the intellectual and emotional character of strategically important people, particularly their thoughts, motivations and actions, with entire chapters compiled on the attitudes and subversive potentials of foreign nationals, while other chapters focussed on the means of transmitting propaganda in each target nation, whether news, radio or word of mouth. This was, of course, decades before the internet.


In 1956, the Special Operations Research Office (SORO) emerged from these programs. Charged with managing the US Army’s psychological and unconventional warfare tactics during the cold war and taking the work of HRAF to the next level, SORO set about the monumental task of defining the political and social causes of Communist revolution, the laws governing social change and the theories of communication and persuasion that could be used to transform public perception.

SORO formed a central component of the Pentagons militarisation of social research, and particularly the ideas and doctrine that would usher in a gradual shift towards an American-led world order.

Its research team was located on the campus of American University in Washington, D.C, and comprised the era’s pre-eminent intellectuals and academics. SORO’s ensemble team, from the fields of psychology, sociology and anthropology, would immerse themselves in social system theory, analysing the society and culture of numerous target countries, particularly in Latin America (https://www.duhoctrungquoc.vn/wiki/en/Latin_America), while confronting the universal laws governing social behaviour and the mechanisms of communication and persuasion in each jurisdiction.

If the US Army could understand the psychological factors that sparked revolution, they could, in theory, predict and intercept revolutions before they got off the ground.

SORO was part of a rapidly expanding nexus of federally Funded Research Centres (FCRC’s), that reoriented academia towards national security interests. Working at the intersection of science and the state, SORON’s, as they were known, advocated for an expert-directed democracy, regardless of the totalitarian consequences of social engineers and technocrats acquiring control over the thoughts, actions, and values of ordinary people.

In those early days of the cold war, academics and scientists working at the intersection of military and academia firmly believed that intellectuals should guide geopolitics. This was accepted as the most stable form of governance to take the free world into the next century. It explains how we have arrived under the rubric of the ‘settled science’ today. Or at least, policies masquerading as science. From the biosecurity state to the fundamentalism of climate science, much of what was achieved in those golden years of militarised social research shapes the twenty first century.

By 1962, sixty-six federally funded military research institutions were in operation. Between 1951 to 1967, the number tripled, while funding skyrocketed from $122 million to $1.6 billion.

But as opposition to the Vietnam War intensified in the 1960s, a growing number of intellectuals, policymakers and academics became increasingly concerned that the national security state was morphing into the statist, globalist force it had been fighting during the cold war and began publicly criticising Pentagon-funded social scientists as technocratic social engineers.

This inspired a wave of discontent for the militarisation of social research to grip America, culminating in 1969 with American University’s administrators banishing SORO from their campus and severing ties with their military partners.

The move was endemic of the changing attitude towards these grey area special operations and resulted in the 1960’s and 1970’s with the excommunication of military research centres from university campuses across the US. A move that forced the military to look elsewhere – towards the private sector for their alternative warfare capabilities.

Following a long tradition of public-private military cooperation, from the Rand Corporation to the Smithsonian Group, these quasi-private institutions were being spun-out of the military at a rate of knots since the 1940’s.

Project Camelot

One of the programs conceived by SORO was ‘Methods for Predicting and Influencing Social Change and Internal War Potential. Codenamed Project Camelot, the landmark program sought to understand the causes of social revolution and identify actions, within the realm of behavioural science, that could be taken to suppress insurrection. The goal, according to defence analyst, Joy Rhodes, was to ‘build a radar system for left wing revolutionaries.’

A sort of ‘computerised early warning system that could predict and prevent political movements before they ever got off the ground.’ (https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501732645/armed-with-expertise/#bookTabs=1)

‘This computer system’ writes Joy Rhodes, ‘could check up to date intelligence against a list of preconditions, and revolutions could be stopped before the instigators even knew they were headed down the path of revolution.’

The research collected by Project Camelot would produce predictive models of the revolutionary process and profile what social scientists deemed ‘revolutionary tendencies and traits.’ It was anticipated that such knowledge would not only help military leaders anticipate the trajectory of social change, but it would also enable them to design effective interventions that could, in theory, channel or suppress change in ways that were favourable to U.S. foreign policy interests.

It was intended that the information gathered by Project Camelot would funnel into a large ‘computerised database’ for forecasting, social engineering, and counterinsurgency, that could be tapped at any time by the military and intelligence community.

But the project was beleaguered by controversy when academics in South America discovered its military funding and imperialism motives.

The ensuing backlash resulted in Project Camelot being, ostensibly, shut down, though the core of its project survived. Multiple military research projects picked up on Project Camelot’s ‘early warning radar system for left wing revolutionaries,’ while its computerised database for ‘forecasting, social engineering, and counterinsurgency’ went onto inspire a nascent technology developed in the years to come, that would eventually become known to the world as the internet.


At the height of the Cold War (https://www.britannica.com/event/Cold-War), US military commanders were pursuing a decentralised computer communications system without a base of operations or headquarters, that could withstand a Soviet strike, without blacking-out or destroying the entire network.

The project was coordinated by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), created by President Eisenhower in 1958, for the development of technologies that would expand the frontiers of science and technology and help the US close the missile gap with the Soviets.

DARPA has since been at the vanguard of every major advancement in the development of personal computers ever since the cold war, culminating in 1969 with the first computers being in universities across the US.

A few years later and DARPA would develop the protocols to enable connected computers to communicate transparently across multiple networks. Known as The Internetting Project, DARPA’s prototypical communications network, the ARPANET, was born in 1973.

The project was eventually transferred to the Defence Communications Agency and integrated into the numerous new networks that had emerged. By 1983 the ARPANET was divided into two constituents: MILNET to be used by military and defence agencies, while the civilian version, would retain the ARPANET handle.

Fast forward to 1990 and the ARPANET was officially decommissioned, and the Internet privatised to a consortium of corporations including IBM and MCI. Eventually the federal government created a dozen or so network providers and spun them off to the private sector, building companies that would become the backbone of today’s internet, including Verizon Time-Warner, AT&T and Comcast.

That’s the same six corporations (https://www.vox.com/2018/1/23/16905844/media-landscape-verizon-amazon-comcast-disney-fox-relationships-chart) who not only own 90% of US media outlets, they control the flow of global communications, through a process of absolute vertical-horizontal alignment (https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveandriole/2017/05/25/there-will-be-20-technology-companies-in-2030-10-in-2050-and-then-there-will-be-none/#5cabe780132b) of legacy media with digital media, and the infrastructures and technologies that enable their mass communication, including cable, satellite and wireless, the devices and hardware, software and operating systems

JCR Licklider

A central player in the development of the ARPANET, who many consider the founding father of computing, was American psychologist, JCR Licklider.
Lick, as he was known, was the first Director of the agency tasked with executing DARPA’s information technology programs, The Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO), that has been responsible for just about major advancement in computer communications since the sixties.

As Stephen J. Lukasik, a contributor to the ARPANET project reflected in his paper ‘ ‘Why the Arpanet Was Built (http://castig.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Why-the-Arpanet-was-built-.pdf)’:
Lick saw information technology and behavioural and cognitive science issues as connected.”

Lick was essentially predicting how the internet would go on to evoke real world social processes that would radically transform how we communicate, organise and process information. It is no coincidence that a psychologist of ‘Licks calibre was at the vanguard of a new technology designed to exploit basic vulnerabilities in the human psyche.

In the 1960’s Lick oversaw DARPA’s strategic interest in the new frontier of information technology, called Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI’s). In his famous paper (https://groups.csail.mit.edu/medg/people/psz/Licklider.html), considered one of the most important in the history of computing, Lick put forward the then radical idea that the human mind would one day merge seamlessly with computers (https://www.darpa.mil/about-us/timeline/ipto).

He was anticipating the evolution of AI and the role that DARPA would go on to play in funding just about every major advancement in BCI technology over eight decades, including Elon Musk’s fully-implanted, wireless, brain-machine interface (https://neuralink.com/blog/) company, Neuralink (https://twitter.com/DARPA/status/1151594684453703681).

The Vietnam War

The ARPANET brought together the Pentagon’s war machine with university research departments and the Bay area’s counterculture scene. Inspiring much of the anecdotal idealism that would define the early years of cyberspace as a liberating new frontier for humanity. Cyberspace, it was lauded by its early adopters, would free information and provide universal connectivity. The realms of possibility were, indeed, endless.

But war hawks and intelligence analysts had other ideas. If the lessons of the Vietnam war were anything to go by, the future of US warfare would not be with nation states, it would be with ideologies, or more specifically, grassroots movements, such as the Viet Cong, who had the power to stoke the flames of civil unrest, that could lead to uprisings, or worse, revolution. Alternative approaches were, therefore, needed to infiltrate and disrupt this new threat to the free world.

As the war raged in Southeast Asia, another psychology PHD, Robert Taylor, joined DARPA as the agency’s third director. Taylor transferred to Vietnam in 1967, to establish the first computer centre at the Military Assistance Command (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Assistance_Command,_Vietnam) base in Saigon (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ho_Chi_Minh_City), a central pillar in the DoD’s psychological warfare operations. The move was endemic of the changing rules of military engagement that saw DARPA, and indeed, this new technology, playing a major role in the war effort, both in Southeast Asia, and at home on US soil, against the growing anti-war movement.

In 1968, Taylor and ‘Lick published their seminal paper “The Computer as a Communication Device.” Laying out the future of what the Internet would eventually become. The paper began with the visionary statement: “In a few years, men will be able to communicate more effectively through a machine than face to face.” Anticipating the meteoric rise of social media, particularly Facebook, in the decades to come.

Bringing the PSYOP Back Home

The origins of Facebook (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/04/investigative-reports/the-military-origins-of-facebook/) coincide with a controversial military program that was mysteriously shut down the same year Facebook launched.
The military program in question, LifeLog, was developed by DARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Processing_Techniques_Office), with the stated aim of creating a permanent and searchable electronic diary of a person’s entire life – a dataset of their most personal information, including their movements, conversations, connections, and everything they listened to, watched, read and bought (https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbqdb8/15-years-ago-the-military-tried-to-record-whole-human-lives-it-ended-badly).

But would people willingly give up a record of their private lives to a military intelligence social media platform?
Probably not. Enter Facebook.

LifeLog, meanwhile, was ostensibly shut down, but this was not the first nor the last time that a project of this magnitude would be proposed.
In a 1945 article for The Atlantic, Vannevar Bush who, the reader will recall, directed the US Army’s psychological operations during World War II, discussed his hypothetical project, The Memex, as a device “in which an individual stores all his books, records and communications, and which is mechanised so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.”

In immortalising people’s lives, it was hoped that LifeLog would eventually contribute to the emerging field of artificial intelligence (AI), that would one day think just like a human, intersecting with another DARPA backed project – the Personal Assistant That Learns (PAL) – a cognitive computing system designed to make military decision-making more efficient, which was eventually spun-off as Siri, the virtual assistant on Apple’s operating system, present in the homes of 1 billion (https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/27/22253162/iphone-users-total-number-billion-apple-tim-cook-q1-2021) unsuspecting people.

But LifeLog is just one part of the story. There was another DARPA program that was also ‘disappeared’ one year before Facebook mad its debut. Often cited as the precursor to Facebook. The Information Awareness Office (IAO) brought together several DARPA surveillance and information technology projects including MDDS which provided Googles seed funding.

The stated aim of the IAO was to gather and store the personal information of every US citizen, including their personal emails, social networks, lifestyles, credit card records, phone calls, medical records, without, of course, the need for a search warrant. This information would funnel back to intelligence agencies, under the guise of predicting and preventing terrorist incidents before they happened. Reminiscent of Project Camelot’s early warning radar system for left wing revolutionaries.

Despite the government, apparently, abandoning their gambit for total information awareness over ordinary Americans, the core of the project survived.
I draw your attention to Palantir, the spooky data analytics firm founded by Facebook’s board member, Peter Thiel.

Portrayed as science fiction in the firm Minority Report, Palantir’s predictive policing analytics have been deployed extensively against insurgents in Iraq and by police departments in the US.

This is, of course, nothing new for the Chinese. The convergence of big tech data analytics with China’s social credits system has been used for many years to weed out and punish dissidents who can find themselves held indefinitely without charge or trial in political re-education camps for holding the wrong set of political beliefs.

But it must also be accepted, these Orwellian methods of repression did not originate in China. The encroachment of the CIA onto the public sphere has been happening since the 1960’s, when the US imported years of counterinsurgency from the soviet satellites to tackle the anti-war and civil rights movements. This was ramped up in the wake of 9/11. And now through the backdoor of COVID-19 total information awareness is coming home to roost, as China’s social credits system has been implemented on the back of the Green Pass.

Before anti-vaxxer’s and conspiracy theorists, you had civil rights and anti-war activists. The ideology guiding dissent may have changed, but the military tactics used to counter it remain the same.

Part 3 continued

16th March 2022, 11:54 AM
PSYOPS Part 3 continued


Mar 15, 2022
90 (https://off-guardian.org/2022/03/15/counterinsurgency-psyops-and-the-military-origins-of-the-internet/#comments)

Counterinsurgency, PSYOPS and the Military Origins of the Internet

Dustin Broadbery


If insurgency is defined as an organised political struggle by a hostile minority, attempting to seize power through revolutionary means, then counterinsurgency is the military doctrine historically used against non-state actors, that sets out to infiltrate and eradicate those movements.

Unlike conventional soldiers, insurgents are considered dangerous, not because of their physical presence on the battlefield, but because of their ideology.
As David Galula, a French commander who was an expert in counterinsurgency warfare during the Algerian War, emphasised:
In any situation, whatever the cause, there will be an active minority for the cause, a neutral majority, and an active minority against the cause. The technique of power consists in relying on the favourable minority in order to rally the neutral majority and to neutralise or eliminate the hostile minority.”

Overtime, however, the intelligence state lost touch with reality, as the focus of its counterinsurgency programs shifted from foreign to domestic populations, from national security risks to ordinary citizens, particularly in the wake of 9/11, when the NSA and its British counterpart, GCHQ, began mapping out the Internet.

Thanks to Edward Snowden’s revelations in 2013, we now know that the NSA were collecting 200 billion pieces of data every month (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/10/nsa-metadata-surveillance-analysis), including the cell phone records, emails, web searches and live chats of more than 200 million ordinary Americans (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/10/nsa-spying-scandal-what-we-have-learned). This was extracted from the world’s largest internet companies via a lesser-known, militarised data mining program called Prism (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data).

There’s another name for this, and its total information awareness. But it’s also the highest attainment of a paranoid state, haunted by fear and looking and seeking absolute control over the general population. What ceases to be worth the candle is that their right to privacy is enshrined under the US Constitution’s fourth amendment (https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does-0#:~:text=The%20Constitution%2C%20through%20the%20 Fourth,deemed%20unreasonable%20under%20the%20law.) .

Few understand how lockdowns are ripples on these troubled waters. Decades of counterinsurgency waged against one subset of society, branded insurgents for their Marxist ideals have, overtime, shifted to anyone holding anti-establishment views. The predictive policing of track and trace and the theory of asymptomatic transmission are the unwelcome repercussions of an intelligence state seeking total information awareness.

Throughout COVID-19 anyone audacious enough to want to think for themselves or do their own research has had a target painted on their back. But according to the EU (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/01/eu-must-consider-mandatory-covid-jabs-says-von-der-leyen), one third of Europe is unvaccinated. This correlates precisely with David Galula’s theory of counterinsurgency. Remember, one third of society is the active minority ‘against the cause,’ who must be neutralised or eliminated.

And for good reason. The freedom movement is within sniffing distance of mobilising popular support from the neutral majority and toppling the house of cards. What follows is a protracted campaign to neutralise the opposition.

It was not so long ago that journalists were called muckrakers, for their proclivity for digging up dirt on the Robber Barons. But the targets of their derision learned how to throw mud back, using smear and innuendo. That’s where ‘conspiracy theorists,’ ‘anti-vaxxer’ and ‘right-wing extremist’ enters the lexicon.

When Domestic Populations Become the Battlefield

The use of counterinsurgency in the UK goes back to colonial India in the 1800s. According to historians, this is the first time the British government used methods of repression and social control against indigenous communities who were audacious enough to want to liberate their homeland from Imperialist rule.

Counterinsurgency was used extensively during The Troubles in Northern Ireland against another anti-imperialist faction, also looking to liberate their homeland from The Crown. Much of the lessons learned in Northern Ireland were later transferred into the everyday policing and criminal justice policies of mainland Britain. And it wasn’t just dissenters who were targeted by these operations, it was anyone with left wing ideals, particularly trade unionists who, it could be argued, were conspiring with the Kremlin to overthrow parliamentary democracy (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0261018316683471).

I draw your attention to the spying and dirty tricks operations against the 1980s miners’ strike (http://www.versobooks.com/books/87-the-enemy-within). This continued right up until 2012, when the police and intelligence communities were implicated in a plot to blacklist construction industry workers deemed troublesome for their union views.

The existence of a secret blacklist was first exposed in 2009, when investigators from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) raided an unassuming office in Droitwich, Worcestershire, and discovered an extensive database used by construction firms to vet and ultimately blacklist workers belonging to trade unions. More than 40 construction firms, including Balfour Beatty and Sir Robert McAlpine (https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2012/mar/03/police-blacklist-link-construction-workers), had been funding the confidential database and keeping people out of work for many years.

If you want to know what happened to the left, look no further than Project Camelot’s early warning radar system for left wing revolutionaries. Decades of infiltration has recalibrated the left into genuflections of establishment interests. It was the unions who scuppered the easing of lockdowns in the UK and consistently called on the Department of Education to postpone the reopening of schools (https://www.gmb.org.uk/news/government-must-apply-common-sense-and-postpone-schools-re-opening). This is despite the impact which school closures had on marginalised families, who were statistically more at risk from the fallout of lockdowns, and supposedly represented by union interests.

From the infiltration of unions to the co-option of activism, a judge-led public enquiry (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jul/27/undercover-police-spied-on-more-than-1000-political-groups-in-uk) in 2016 revealed 144 undercover police operations had infiltrated and spied on more than 1,000 political groups in long term deployments since 1968. With covert spymasters rising in the ranks to hold influential leadership positions, guiding policy and strategy, and in some cases, radicalising those movements from within to damage their reputation and weaken public support.
We also need to talk about big philanthropy. George Soros’ Open Foundation is the largest global donor to the twenty-first century’s equivalent of activist groups. The agitprop used in the former Soviet Union evolved, overtime, into the masthead of Extinction Rebellion. A motley crew of eco-warriors courted by high profile financial donors (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7560683/Extinction-Rebellion-money-men-revealed.html) and aligned ideologically with the very multinational energy corporations (https://medium.com/@kim.hill/unpacking-extinction-rebellion-part-i-net-zero-emissions-5a5eed68d9ce) they are supposedly at odds with. The theory of climate change came out of the UN, organiser of COP20, for what reason ER had to protest the event is anyone’s guess.

ER doner (https://sputniknews.com/society/201908031076453078-george-soros-funders-extinction-rebellion/), George Soros, is also a seed investor (https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/19/) in Avaaz (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/mar/02/avaaz-activist-group-syria), often cited as the world’s largest and most powerful online activist network. When the US was on the brink of insurrection, following the first lockdown, Black Lives Matter entered the fray, not so much a grassroots movement, but a proxy for the Democrats to essentially redirect the public’s outrage against lockdowns into the wrong, established-endorsed cause.

Counterinsurgency in the US

In the US, COINTELPRO was a series of illegal operations conducted by the FBI between 1956-1971, to disrupt, discredit and neutralise anyone considered a threat to national security. In the loosest possible definition, this included members of the Women’s Liberation Movement and even the Boy Scouts of America.

And it wasn’t just the customary wiretapping, infiltration and media manipulation, the FBI committed blackmail and murder.

Take for example the infamous forced suicide letter (https://www.vox.com/xpress/2014/11/12/7204453/martin-luther-king-fbi-letter) addressed to Martin Luther King that threatened to release a sex tape of the civil rights leaders’ extramarital activities, unless he took his own life. Consider also the FBI’s assassination of Black Panther Party chairman Fred Hampton (https://www.vox.com/videos/2021/6/2/22464896/why-the-us-government-murdered-fred-hampton).

In the 1960’s a Washington Post expose by army intelligence whistle-blower, Christopher Pyle, revealed a massive surveillance operation run by the Army, called CONUS Intel (https://www.nytimes.com/1971/01/18/archives/army-spied-on-18000-civilians-in-2year-operation-army-fed-names-of.html), involving thousands of undercover military agents infiltrating and spying on virtually everybody active on what they deemed ‘civil disturbances.’ It turns out, many of those targeted had done nothing even remotely subversive, unless you consider attending a left-wing college presentation or church meeting, revolutionary.

These programs came to a head in the 1970’s, when an investigation by the US Senate, conducted by the Church Committee, uncovered decades of serious, systemic abuse (https://archive.org/details/finalreportofsel01unit) by the CIA. This included intercepting the mail and eavesdropping on the telephone calls of civil rights and anti-war leaders over two decades. As if predicting the internet as an instrument for mass surveillance, Senator Frank Church warned that the NSA’s capabilities could “at any time could be turned around on the American people.”

And turned around they were.


Before the internet, the deployment of PSYOPS was limited to legacy media and permitted only on foreign soil. But that all changed in 2013, when the government granted themselves permission to target ordinary Americans.

Conceived at the end of the cold war as the Broadcasting Board of Governors, USAGM is a lesser-known government agency charged with broadcasting thousands of weekly hours of US propaganda to foreign audiences, that has played a major role in pushing pro-American stories to former Soviet Bloc countries ever since Perestroika.

Ostensibly concerned with maintaining US interests abroad, USAGM is also the primary funder of the Tor Project since inception. Tor, also known as The Onion Browser, is the mainstay of encrypted, anonymous search used by activists, hackers, and the anonymous community, if you can get your head around the fact that the confidential internet activity of anarchists has been framed by a PSYOP since the get-go.

For decades an anti-propaganda law, known as the Smith-Mundt Act, made it illegal for the government to conduct PSYOPS against US citizens. But that all changed in 2013 when the National Defence Authorization Act repealed that law and granted USAGM a licence to broadcast pro-government propaganda inside the United States.

To what extent US citizens are being targeted by propaganda is anyone’s guess, since PSYOPS largely take place online, where it’s difficult to distinguish between foreign and domestic audiences.

What we do know is that in 2009 the military budget for winning hearts and minds at home and abroad had grown by 63% to $4.7 billion annually. At that time the Pentagon accounted for more than half the Federal Government’s $1 billion PR Budget (https://reason.com/2016/10/10/the-pentagon-accounts-for-more-than-half/).

An Associated Press (AP) investigation in 2016 revealed that the Pentagon employed a staggering 40% of the 5,000 working in the Federal Government’s PR machines, with the Department of Defence, far and wide, the largest and most expensive PR operation of the United States government, spending more money on public relations than all other departments combined.

Things are not so different in the UK.

During COVID-19 the British government became the biggest national advertiser. Even Tik Tok and Snapchat were deployed by the Scottish government to push COVID PSYOPS to children.

Last year Boris Johnson announced record defence spending (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-military-spending-speech-b1743855.html) for an artificial intelligence agency and the creation of a national cyber force. That’s a group of militarised computer hackers to conduct offensive operations.

Offensive operations against who, you might ask.

Britain was not at war, but in an article for the Daily Mail last year, Britain’s top counter-terrorism officer, Neil Basu confirmed that the UK was waging an ideological war against anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists. Ideological wars of this nature typically take place online, where much of the government’s military budget was being spent.

Since the vaccine roll-out there has been a protracted effort to paint the 33% of British citizens who have a problem with lockdowns and vaccine mandates, as violent extremists, with one member of the commentariat drawing parallels with US style militias.

It doesn’t take a genius to see where this is heading.

The Facebook’s-Intelligence-Harvard Connection

Consistent with the opaque nature of Facebook’s origins, shortly after its launch in 2014, co-founders Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz brought Napster founder Sean Parker on board. At the age of 16, Parker hacked into the network of a Fortune 500 company and was later arrested and charged by the FBI. Around this time Parker was recruited by the CIA (https://www.forbes.com/global/2011/1010/feature-sean-parker-agent-disruption-napster-facebook-plaxo-steven-bertoni.html?sh=19014ff07c28).

To what end, we don’t know.

What we do know is that Parker brought Peter Thiel to Facebook as its first outside investor. Theil, who remains on Facebook’s board, also sits on the Steering Committee of globalist think tank, the Bilderberg Group (https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/background/steering-committee/steering-committee). As previously stated, Thiel is the founder of Palantir, the spooky intelligence firm pretending to be a private company.

The CIA would join the FBI, DoD and NSA in becoming a Palantir customer (https://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/08/14/agent-of-intelligence-how-a-deviant-philosopher-built-palantir-a-cia-funded-data-mining-juggernaut/?sh=55403c107785) in 2005, later acquiring an equity stake in the firm through their venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel. At the time of his first meetings with Facebook, Theil had been working on resurrecting several controversial DARPA programs.

Which begs the question: With intelligence assets embedded in Facebook’s management structure from the get-go, is everything as it seems at 1 Hacker Way?

According to Lauren Smith, writing for Wrong Kind of Green (https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2018/08/10/fighting-us-psychological-operations-psyops-in-cyber-warfare-winning/):
Some of Facebook’s allure to users is that Mark Zuckerberg and his friends started the company from a Harvard dorm room and that he remains the chairman and chief operating officer. If he didn’t exist, he would need to be invented by Facebook’s marketing department.”

By the same token, if Facebook didn’t exist it would need to be invented by the Pentagon.

To achieve this, you would need to embed government officials in Facebook’s leadership and governance (https://investor.fb.com/leadership-and-governance/default.aspx). Cherry-picking your candidates from, say, the US Department of Treasury, and launching the platform from an academic institution, Harvard University, for example.

According to the official record, Zuckerberg built the first version of Facebook at Harvard in 2004. Like J.C.R Licklider before him, he was a psychology major.

Harvard’s President at that time was economist Lawrence Summers, a career public servant who served as Chief Economist at the World Bank, Secretary of the Treasury under the Clinton Administration, and 8th Director of the National Economic Council (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Economic_Council_(United_States)).

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Summers’ protege, Sheryl Sandberg, is Facebook’s COO since 2008. Sandberg was at the dials during the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and predictably, manages Facebook’s Washington relationships. Before Facebook, Sandberg served as Chief of Staff at the Treasury under Summers and began her career as an economist, also under Summer, at the World Bank.

Another Summers-Harvard-Treasury connection is Facebook’s Board Member, Nancy Killefer, who served under Summers as CFO at the Treasury Department (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_the_Treasury).

It doesn’t end there. Facebook’s Chief Business Officer, Marne Levine also served under Summers at the Department of Treasury, National Economic Council and Harvard University.

The CIA connection is Robert M. Kimmet. According to West Point (https://www.westpointaog.org/page.aspx?pid=4040), Kimmet “has contributed significantly our nation’s security…seamlessly blending the roles of soldier, statesman and businessman. In addition to serving on Facebook’s board of Directors, Kimmet is a National Security Adviser to the CIA, and the recipient of the CIA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency) Director’s Award.

The icing on the cake, however, is former DAPRA Director, Regina Dugan, who joined Facebook’s hardware lab, Building 8, in 2016, to roll out number of mysterious DARPA funded-projects that would hack people’s minds with brain-computer interfaces (https://www.theverge.com/2017/4/19/15360798/facebook-brain-computer-interface-ai-ar-f8-2017).

Dugan currently serves as CEO of Welcome Leap (https://wellcomeleap.org/regina-dugan/). A technology spin-off of the world’s most powerful health foundation, concerned with the development Artificial Intelligence (AI), including transdermal vaccines. Welcome Leap brings DARPA’s military-intelligence innovation to “the most pressing global health challenges of our time,” called COVID-19.

Connecting the dots: Welcome Leap was launched at the World Economic Forum, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Its founder is Jeremy Ferrar, former SAGE member, long-time collaborator of Chris Witty and Neil Ferguson (https://www.nature.com/articles/515192a) and the patsy taking the wrap for the Wuhan leak cover-up story.

George Carlin wasn’t joking when he said: ‘it’s one big club, and you’re not in it.’

As luck would have it, just before Duggan’s arrival at Facebook, the social media giant orchestrated the controversial mood manipulation PSYOP, known as the Social Contagion Study (https://www.pnas.org/content/111/24/8788). The experiment would anticipate the role social media went onto play during the pandemic.

In the study, Facebook manipulated the posts of 700,000 unsuspecting Facebook users to determine the extent to which emotional states can be transmitted across social media. To achieve this, they altered the news feed content of users to control the number of posts that contained positive or negative charged emotions.

As you would expect, the findings of the study revealed that negative feeds caused users to make negative posts, whereas positive feeds resulted in users making positive posts. In other words, Facebook is not only a fertile ground for emotional manipulation, but emotions can also be contagious across its networks.

Once we understand this, it becomes clear how fear of a disease, which predominantly targeted people beyond life expectancy with multiple comorbidities who were dying anyway, spread like wildfire in the wake of the Wuhan Virus. In locking down the UK, Boris Johnson warned the British public that we would all lose family members to the disease.

When nothing could be further from the truth. The pandemic largely happened in the flawed doomsday modelling of epidemiologists, it happened across a corporate united in whipping up mass hysteria, and it happened on social media platforms like Facebook, where our social networks were weaponised as echo chambers of the fear-narrative. It wasn’t so much a pandemic, but the social contagion experiment playing out in real time.

But there was more than just social media manipulating our emotional states, fear, shame, and scapegoating was fife throughout as the British government deployed behavioural economics to, essentially, nudge the public towards compliance.

Launched under David Cameron’s Government, the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), who are affectionately known as the Nudge Unit, are a team of crack psychologists and career civil servants tasked with positively influencing appropriate behaviour with tiny changes.

But according to whose measure of appropriate behaviour, exactly?

A clue lies in the fact that the Nudge Unit was directed by Sir Mark Sedwill during the first lockdown. He’s one of Britain’s most senior national security advisors with links to M15 and MI6.

Put another way, that’s an intelligence operative ruling the British people by psychological manipulation, though we are led to believe that in a democracy – government is an agency of the people and parliament is given force of law by the will of the people.

But what happens when our consent is manipulated by those in power?

One consequence is that the foxes take charge of the chicken coop. Another is that we begin to see drastic changes to the constitutional landscape, as politicians acquire impunity from public scrutiny and an entire nation is kept under house arrest.

But this demonisation of the masses is also the backwash of a protracted counterinsurgency crusade waged against ordinary folks. When the Berlin wall came down in the nineties and decades of counterinsurgency was rendered obsolete, the battlelines moved from East to the West, from the Soviets to the lower orders of society. The mythos of communist infiltration, that gave rise to the threat of terrorism, is the ancestor of today’s biosecurity state. A government that tightens its grip, using fear of a common enemy, will find no shortage of common enemies, to continue tightening its grip.

Conclusion continued

16th March 2022, 11:56 AM
PSYOP Conclusions


Strongarming the world’s population under the rubric of biosecurity would not have been possible without the internet, and if the expulsion of the military and intelligence community from academic institutions in the 1960’s had not resulted in the creation of Silicon Valley, they would not have acquired total information awareness, the precursor to the Green Pass.

But this formidable goal also caused the US to morph into the opponent it had been fighting during the cold war, as predicted by public intellectuals in the 1960s.

And so, with an annual budget of $750 billion and 23,000 military and civilian personnel in their employment, the Pentagon failed to denounce what many armchair researchers called out in the early days of the pandemic. That a global coup was underway was patently obvious, as crisis actors played dead in Wuhan, China.

Instead, those charged with protecting the west from Soviet-style putsch failed to apprehend it happening right under their noses. It’s not so much that they were caught with their trousers down, it’s that they aided and abetted the coop. Years of fighting a statist, expansionist adversary, caused the intelligence state to mutate into their nemesis, namely China.

It is uncanny that the country with the worst human rights record on earth become the global pacemaker for lockdowns, as western democracies exonerated their existential threat and bowed to China’s distinct brand of tyranny.

As a result, the big tech data analytics pioneered by Silicon Valley luminaries, that was road-tested in China, finally landed on the shorelines of western democracies.

Another story entirely (https://www.thecogent.org/post/the-rise-of-world-socialism-part-iithe-united-nations-climate-change-and-one-world-government) is the infiltration of sovereign nation states by the United Nations, whose special agency, the WHO, sparked the events that would lead to the fall of the West. In keeping with tradition, the UN’s foundation at Bretton Woods was infiltrated by communist spies, driven by socialist values, and funded by powerful petroleum dollars. The same corporations looking to shore up new markets for their monopolies, who would leave their legacy to Silicon Valley.

In an ironic twist of fate, the intelligence state created at the end of world war II, under the National Security Act (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Act_of_1947), conceived the very corporations that would bring about the end of constitutional democracy, that would author a new bill of rights from their own community standards de jour, and that would shift us from sovereign nation states to global governance, into the collectivist future the Pentagon had been charged with protecting us from.

Nowadays, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the dusty slew of a Calcutta slum or enjoying pristine views over Central Park, everyone is subject to the same scrutiny and surveillance, policed by the same community standards, manipulated by same algorithms, and indexed by the same intelligence agencies. No matter where you are, Silicon Valley is limiting what information you can see, share, communicate and learn from online. They are raising your kids, shaping your worldview and in the wake of COVID-19 and climate change, they have assumed the role of science administrator.

Founded on the principles of freedom of expression and heralded as a liberating new frontier for humanity, the internet has criminalised free speech, divorced is from our nature and ensnared us under a dragnet of surveillance.

But above all else, cyberspace has bought into existence a substructure of reality that is cannibalising the five-sensory world, while forcing humanity to embark on the greatest exodus in human history, from the tangible world to the digital nexus, from our real lives to the metaverse.

As Goethe quote goes ‘None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.’ Namely, anyone still looking through rose-tinted lens at the digital age, oblivious to the fact they are victims of systematic addiction. The bread and circuses of the internet influences the same dopamine rewards centres and neural circuitry motivators as slot machines, cigarettes, and cocaine, as was originally intended by psychologists like JCR Licklider, at the helm of this new technology that would exploit basic vulnerabilities in the human psyche.

And as we descend further into the maelstrom of the digital age, the algorithms will get smarter, the psychological drivers will become more persuasive and digital rubric will become more real. Until eventually we will lose touch with reality altogether.

But don’t worry, this war of attrition is happening in conjunction with the roll out of new software and devices, and most will be too busy building their digital avatars or dissenting on social media to know any better.

Dustin Broadbery is based in London and is interested in social theory and particularly how a mutual society could bring about great advancements in the social fabric. You can read more of his work at TheCogent.org (https://www.thecogent.org/) and contact him through his Twitter (https://twitter.com/TheCogent1).

17th March 2022, 04:38 PM
I am parking this here because it will display the image files. US Intelligence Operations Against Americans. The story is bigger than Hunter Biden's laptop. ~ Techo Fog

U.S. Intelligence Operations Against Americans (https://technofog.substack.com/p/us-intelligence-operations-against?s=w)

The story is bigger than Hunter Biden's Laptop

https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:s teep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 3db0eeda-037a-4f9c-8c61-615eedd6de50_1245x701.jpeg (https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 3db0eeda-037a-4f9c-8c61-615eedd6de50_1245x701.jpeg)
The New York Times has confirmed (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/16/us/politics/hunter-biden-tax-bill-investigation.html) what the public has long-known: that the Hunter Biden laptop, with all its incriminating e-mails and scandalous media, is authentic.

This is the laptop that launched a thousand lies.
The lies came from CNN’s Brian Stelter, who claimed the “real story” wasn’t the laptop (which he suggested was Russian disinformation), but the how the story was manufactured.

https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:s teep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 14d1da8f-21da-4db0-9fd4-fd3dad2a5bb8_618x347.png (https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 14d1da8f-21da-4db0-9fd4-fd3dad2a5bb8_618x347.png)
Then there were the lies from Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes, who argued (https://twitter.com/Hagstrom_Anders/status/1319314523162107905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1319314523162107905%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.realclearpolitics.com%2F video%2F2020%2F10%2F22%2Fleslie_stahl_were_not_cov ering_hunter_biden_laptop_because_it_cant_be_verif ied.html) that the Hunter Biden laptop “can’t be verified.” Not that verification could or could not happen – but that it was impossible.

Anders Hagstrom @Hagstrom_Anders
This exchange between Trump and Lesley Stahl is insane. She repeatedly insists the Biden laptops “can’t be verified” so reporters shouldn’t talk about it.Trump asks her why it can’t be verified.Her answer: “Because it can’t be verified.” (https://twitter.com/Hagstrom_Anders/status/1319314523162107905)
October 22nd 2020
3,762 Retweets10,750 Likes
The lies also came from the New York Times, which called the Hunter Biden information “unsubstantiated (https://nypost.com/2021/09/14/nyt-deletes-unsubstantiated-claim-about-posts-hunter-biden-report/).”

In truth, the laptop and its contents are very real, very damaging, and suggest – if not outright prove – criminal conduct by Hunter Biden. While the focus of this article is on the intelligence community and its operations on American soil, let me write briefly on the potential for criminal charges against Hunter Biden.

The New York Times is a bit off-target when it suggests that the DOJ has an uphill battle in charging Hunter Biden for violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (RFRA). The New York Times sates:
But there has been debate within the Justice Department over whether the available evidence proves that Mr. Biden intended to violate FARA, which the government must prove in order to secure a criminal conviction.

I think that misstates the law. To support a FARA conviction against Hunter Biden, the DOJ would only need to prove:

That Hunter Biden acted in the U.S. as an agent of a foreign government;
That Hunter Biden failed to notify the U.S. Attorney General that he was acting as an agent of a foreign government (before said action took place); and
That Hunter Biden knowingly agreed to operated within the U.S. subject to the direction or control of a foreign government or official; and that he knew he had not provided prior notification to the Attorney General.

Intelligence Operations against Americans
Anyways, back to the lies about Hunter Biden that helped influence an election. These weren’t limited to the usual suspects in media: Stelter, CNN, etc. Instead, we saw them from more than 50 former senior intelligence officials, from directors of the CIA to directors of the National Security Agency, who accused the damaging Hunter Biden information of being part of a Russian effort to interfere “in our democracy (https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000).”

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Those officials included General Michael Hayden (a former director of both the CIA and NSA); John Brennan (former CIA Director); James Clapper (former Director of National Intelligence); and Leon Panetta (former CIA Director).

https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:s teep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 962bac40-57a1-4c50-be77-5e7f01666b02_873x926.png (https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 962bac40-57a1-4c50-be77-5e7f01666b02_873x926.png)
This was just another information campaign by the Intelligence Community, instituted for the purpose of influencing the 2020 election. The Intelligence Community (including those in its orbit and its former members) manipulated public opinion through the press to remove President Trump, to disenfranchise his voters and thwart President Trump’s agenda, to keep us in Afghanistan, and to keep us at odds with Russia.

There is the infamous September 3, 2020 article (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/) from The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg - where Goldberg accuses Trump of calling dead American soldiers “losers.” Goldberg cited anonymous sources who told him that Trump lied when blaming the rain for a canceled “visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018.”

Goldberg’s story - which was really the story of his anonymous sources - fell apart within the first paragraph (https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1301741080577298437). I do not exaggerate. There is a lie in the first paragraph. Navy FOIA records, obtained by Buzzfeed’s Jason Leopold in 2019, document that the visit was actually cancelled due to rain. These included an e-mail to the Marine One crew stating “Wx [shorthand for weather] will not support today’s mission.”

Americans saw the same type of deception from the Intelligence Community with the Russia bounty hoax. On June 27, 2020, the New York Times reported (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/us/politics/russia-afghanistan-bounties.html) that “American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops.”

This intelligence was reported during the 2020 election and as Trump sought to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. And it was used as you would expect.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe denied (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/spy-chief-ratcliffe-says-trump-never-briefed-on-russia-offering-taliban-bounties) that President Trump or Vice President Pence had been briefed on the Russian bounty intelligence. Former intelligence officials went on the attack (https://cnn.com/2020/06/30/politics/former-intelligence-scoff-white-house-denials-trump-briefed-russia-bounty/index.html) and scoffed at that denial, saying it was “absurd” and “ridiculous” and “inconceivable.”

Meanwhile, then-candidate Joe Biden called Trump’s failure to punish Moscow a “betrayal (https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/27/biden-slams-trump-over-report-russia-offered-bounties-for-us-soldiers.html)” to American troops. The disgraced Lincoln Project pushed advertisements (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nytBEWbwOkw) suggesting President Trump was “complicit” in the bounty and subsequent American deaths. Liz Cheney got in the act, using the story to argue (https://twitter.com/Liz_Cheney/status/1277200077724037122) against troop withdrawals and pleading to “hold Putin accountable.” The obtuse Steven Hayes of “The Dispatch” attacked President Trump (https://podcast.thedispatch.com/p/thanks-noam-chomsky-bf7) for being “officially silent on the fact that Russians are trying to kill our troops in Afghanistan.”

After the 2020 election, the intelligence community backpedaled on the report, with a senior Biden administration official stating the intelligence community had “low to moderate confidence (https://www.axios.com/intelligence-officials-low-moderate-confidence-russia-bounty-troops-b971724d-37f8-4eed-a003-95c86a82915d.html)” in the Russian bounty reports.

By then the damage was done. Not only to President Trump’s reelection but to Trump’s plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. And maybe that was the purpose of it all.

I put the Hunter Biden story in a broader context because the context is the scandal. It’s not just that the political figures and their offspring are corrupted. It’s that our Intelligence Community is keen on protecting the corrupt and committed to deceiving the public to achieve their goals.

In other words, the intelligence operations have come for the Americans. We’re targets - and we’re the victims.

12th June 2022, 12:55 PM
Annie Jacobsen - The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA (Audiobook) [Part 1/2 run-time 10 hours 11 minutes

May 25, 2022
https://yt3.ggpht.com/7oEySgd5bKUgC4jbKAqJpp06pPxl7NpkjMU1j4lxRnyouQ6OJD gHR03pGK2pUfNPhiB7AIYslA=s48-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZW-EMhYOtF0ByqLcVi_vKA)Red Circle — 赤い丸 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZW-EMhYOtF0ByqLcVi_vKA)

10.4K subscribers


This is the audiobook on DARPA - a compelling narrative about this clandestine intersection of science and the US military and the often frightening results.



4th January 2023, 08:46 AM
DARPA's project for mind control of our soldiers (https://t.me/RealWorldNewsChannel/24796)

link to the bitchute video (https://www.bitchute.com/video/tX6rJw9hXpfw/)


Dr. Steve Hotze (https://t.me/RealWorldNewsChannel/24796): DARPA Nano-Technology Injections

So what they've done is,

Through the injection they put nanobots in the form of graphene oxide and hydrogel into your bodies. And you literally as these interface with the brain cells, this causes you to become a receptor, a receiver and a transmitter of signals. And they can be picked up externally and externally, you can be manipulated.

And this is what DARPA has done. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency of the Defense Department they're working on mind control of soldiers by implanting them with graphene oxide.

This is well documented in the scientific journals.And there's companies that like in brain neural electronics which uses graphene oxide to interface with the brain to create a receptor and a transmitter to be able to control people's behavior.

That's where we're going. That's transhumanism. And that's what we must fight and stand against...