View Full Version : Cia, mossad & “epstein network”
6th September 2019, 06:00 PM
Whitney Webb has released her latest report on “THE EPSTEIN NETWORK”
It is too long to post here in its entirety
The CIA, Mossad and "Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings (
The Takeover
Following another catastrophic mass shooting or crisis event, Orwellian “solutions” are set to be foisted on a frightened American public by the very network connected, not only to Jeffrey Epstein, but to a litany of crimes and a frightening history of plans to crush internal dissent in the United States.
Following the arrest and subsequent death in prison of alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a little-known Israeli tech company began to receive increased publicity, but for all the wrong reasons. Not long after Epstein’s arrest, and his relationships and finances came under scrutiny, it was revealed that the Israeli company Carbyne911 had received substantial funding from Jeffrey Epstein as well as Epstein’s close associate and former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak, and Silicon Valley venture capitalist and prominent Trump backer Peter Thiel.
Carbyne911, or simply Carbyne, develops call-handling and identification capabilities for emergency response services in countries around the world, including the United States, where it has already been implemented in several U.S. counties and has partnered with major U.S. tech companies like Google. It specifically markets its product as a way of mitigating mass shootings in the United States without having to change existing U.S. gun laws.
Yet, Carbyne is no ordinary tech company, as it is deeply connected to the elite Israeli military intelligence division, Unit 8200, whose “alumni” often go on to create tech companies — Carbyne among them — that frequently maintain their ties to Israeli intelligence and, according to Israeli media reports and former employees, often “blur the line” between their service to Israel’s defense/intelligence apparatus and their commercial activity. As this report will reveal, Carbyne is but one of several Israeli tech companies marketing themselves as a technological solution to mass shootings that has direct ties to Israeli intelligence agencies.
In each case, these companies’ products are built in such a way that they can easily be used to illegally surveil the governments, institutions and civilians that use them, a troubling fact given Unit 8200’s documented prowess in surveillance as a means of obtaining blackmail and Israel’s history of using tech companies to aggressively spy on the U.S. government. This is further compounded by the fact that Unit 8200-linked tech companies have previously received U.S. government contracts to place “backdoors” into the U.S.’ entire telecommunications system as well as into the popular products of major American tech companies including Google, Microsoft and Facebook, many of whose key managers and executives are now former Unit 8200 officers (
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it no secret that placing Unit 8200 members in top positions in multinational tech companies is a “deliberate policy” meant to ensure Israel’s role as the dominant global “cyber power”, while also combating non-violent boycott movements targeting Israel’s violations of international law and stifling the United Nations’ criticisms of Israeli government policy and military operations abroad.
As Jeffrey Epstein’s links to intelligence in both the United States and Israel — the subject of a recent four-part series ( exclusive to MintPress — began to be revealed in full, his financing of Carbyne came under scrutiny, particularly for the company’s deep ties to Israeli intelligence as well as to certain Americans with known connections to U.S. intelligence. Ehud Barak’s own role as both financier and chairman of Carbyne has also added to that concern, given his long history of involvement in covert intelligence operations for Israel and his long-standing ties to Israeli military intelligence.
Another funder of Carbyne, Peter Thiel, has his own company that, like Carbyne, is set to profit from the Trump administration’s proposed hi-tech solutions to mass shootings. Indeed, after the recent shooting in El Paso, Texas (, President Trump — who received political donations from and has been advised by Thiel following his election — asked tech companies ( to “detect mass shooters before they strike,” a service already perfected by Thiel’s company Palantir, which has developed “pre-crime software” already in use throughout the country. Palantir is also a contractor for the U.S. intelligence community and also has a branch based in Israel.
Perhaps most disturbing of all, whatever technological solution is adopted by the Trump administration, it is set to use a controversial database first developed as part of a secretive U.S. government program that involved notorious Iran-Contra figures like Oliver North as a means of tracking and flagging potential American dissidents for increased surveillance and detention in the event of a vaguely defined “national emergency.”
As this report will reveal, this database — often referred to as “Main Core” — was created with the involvement of Israeli intelligence and Israel remained involved years after it was developed, and potentially to the present. It was also used by at least one former CIA official on President Reagan’s National Security Council to blackmail members of Congress, Congressional staffers and journalists, among others.
Given recent reports ( on the Trump administration’s plan to create a new government agency to use “advanced technology” to identify “neurobehavioral signs” of “someone headed toward a violent explosive act” using data collected by consumer electronic devices, the picture painted by the technology currently being promoted and implemented under the guise of “keeping Americans safe” is deeply Orwellian. In fact, it points directly to the genesis of a far-reaching surveillance state far more extensive than anything yet seen in American history and it is being jointly developed by individuals connected to both American and Israeli intelligence.
Continue reading at Mint Press (
6th September 2019, 06:26 PM
Only read the first couple paragraphs but it is so believable and so disgusting. Operation Talpiot continued. We need to collectively correct this situation.
6th September 2019, 06:35 PM
Only read the first couple paragraphs but it is so believable and so disgusting. Operation Talpiot continued. We need to collectively correct this situation.
Besides this Carbyne and Peter Theil’s Palantir software there is also Promis the jews are using to spy on us.
Lee Stranahan is also digging into this same thing. He communicates closely with this young lady, Whitney Webb.
I am worried the kikes might off her for exposing too much of their underhanded operations.
I just barely got started reading this, back to finish it.
edit: Ghislaine Maxwell is connected to Promis
6th September 2019, 07:43 PM
... Operation Talpiot continued.
Anne Neuberger, who helped establish the U.S. Cyber Command, will protect us from these Israeli spies!
6th September 2019, 08:16 PM
Anne Neuberger, who helped establish the U.S. Cyber Command, will protect us from these Israeli spies!
Her and all the other kikes Trump has surrounding him and their direct pipeline to Israhell.
If this isn’t treason what the hell isit?
midnight rambler
6th September 2019, 08:26 PM
If this isn’t treason what the hell is it?
Business as usual.
7th September 2019, 03:53 AM
Her and all the other kikes Trump has surrounding him and their direct pipeline to Israhell.
If this isn’t treason what the hell isit?
It certainly is treason. It has become so entrenched, so pervasive and they have been getting away with it for so long, that they are blatant and boastful at this point. All the watchdogs and checks and balances have been commandeered. Sadly, the average American seems to either be ignorant of true reality, or willfully turning a blind eye and trying their best to enjoy their servitude. I have come up against amazing gullibility that has bordered on Stockholm Syndrome when trying to discuss these things.
7th September 2019, 11:32 AM
Besides this Carbyne and Peter Theil’s Palantir software there is also Promis the jews are using to spy on us.
Lee Stranahan is also digging into this same thing. He communicates closely with this young lady, Whitney Webb.
I am worried the kikes might off her for exposing too much of their underhanded operations.
I just barely got started reading this, back to finish it.
edit: Ghislaine Maxwell is connected to Promis
The heat is coming
Also, Social media companies met with the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY this week to prevent "cyber-influence ops" from "bad actors" ahead of the 2020 election.
My deplatforming (and that of many others) is imminent, so follow me on Gab, Bittubers or Mastodon.…
old steel
7th September 2019, 01:23 PM
The heat is coming
Also, Social media companies met with the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY this week to prevent "cyber-influence ops" from "bad actors" ahead of the 2020 election.
My deplatforming (and that of many others) is imminent, so follow me on Gab, Bittubers or Mastodon.…
She is a great digger, exposing the evil Zionist pedo elites supporting the evil jew pedo elites fucking us all over for a bigger share of the profits and total control.
She needs a few bodyguards at this point.
old steel
7th September 2019, 02:02 PM
A picture says a thousand words, more like millions of words here.
Look at the bottom corner photo with Trump and Clinton, is Trump grabbing slick willies dick?
7th September 2019, 03:49 PM
a bit of a tangent here on why you can't wake some people up...
I was just over at the conservativetreehouse to see if anyone was posting anything "awake" over there and for the first time over there I actually saw someone post something from mintpressnews on Epstein:
It was this link:
The CIA, Mosaad and “Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings
it only had 2 likes (me and somebody else)
and immediately below was this:
"Please No more mint press news. Not a good source. They tend to take snippets of truth then weave a dubious narrative cloth" (obviously some kind of lover of Israhell)
And during this whole Epstein saga, I have checked out their threads on it, and there was NEVER any mention of Epstein working for Mossad and the whole thing being a blackmail operation to control US politicians behind the scenes. It just proves that these Christian zionists are HOPELESSLY brainwashed.
7th September 2019, 03:52 PM
Whitney Webb
( (
I drop a lot of crazy info in this report, but I reveal for the first time Israel's previously hidden role in the creation of the controversial "Main Core" database of American dissidents and how that MC will likely be used by the Trump admin to direct this new "pre-crime" system
7th September 2019, 03:59 PM
...this young lady, Whitney Webb.
Life is much more enjoyable since I recently discovered that I can get a nice buzz drinking one single 24oz can of Heineken without getting a headache. Thus comfortably numb, I just now researched that name and followed the links everywhere to finally arrive at THIS PHOTO ( which can no longer even be posted here in our JQP CONTAINMENT FORUM once known as GSUS. This thread, nevertheless, demonstrates that Monty, Amanda, PatColo, and a very few other survivors (thank you) remain at the true bleeding edge of "actual happening conspiracies". This brilliant investigative journalist Whitney Webb ( should currently be plastered al over our (((MSM))) not now apparently needing bodyguards...
:o <--- I can still seriously follow this thread and look at our Reality but only after a beer
7th September 2019, 05:29 PM
most kosher-MAGA christo-zio's recently applauding Whitney for her Epstein series, aren't aware how JP-wise she is.
From 7/12/19 b4 Whitney was (in?)famous for her excellent Epstein deep dive series. Russia Insider just reprinted this, & re-titled to be more blunt/clickbaitey as they like to do:
How Jewish Elites Infiltrated US Protestants, Creating a Powerful Pro-Israel Lobby Among Gullible Evangelicals (
the version @ Whitney's blog:
Whitney Webb July 12th, 2019
7th September 2019, 05:31 PM
7th September 2019, 06:39 PM
8th September 2019, 06:54 PM
Apparently Ghislaine Maxwell has two sisters who dabble in spyware
8th September 2019, 10:03 PM
Hasbara trolls are working overtime on 4chan to get everybody back to supporting trump.
lol Comedy of the neo-right. When someone points out truth, zionist shills pass out the kool-aid to keep everybody in a zombie state supporting trump.
Those jew agents questioning the authenticity of the story are humorous.
The far right will remain zionist slaves or bust. The sanity lately has been with the traditional left. The neo-nazis have mush for brains from lusting after trumps daughters.
9th September 2019, 06:54 PM
Hasbara trolls are working overtime on 4chan to get everybody back to supporting trump.
lol Comedy of the neo-right. When someone points out truth, zionist shills pass out the kool-aid to keep everybody in a zombie state supporting trump.
Those jew agents questioning the authenticity of the story are humorous.
The far right will remain zionist slaves or bust. The sanity lately has been with the traditional left. The neo-nazis have mush for brains from lusting after trumps daughters.
Isn't that what the whole Q thing is about--hopium and keeping everyone on the Trump train?
At least a year or so before Q I used to regularly listen to x22 report (he pretty much focused on headlines from zerohedge and was good at breaking down the psyops/false flags), but I had to stop when he continue to push that Q stuff--I just wasn't buying those sealed indictments, Mueller has flipped, etc.
Anyway, every once in a while, I just check him out to see what he's saying and it's the same hopium crap--"Deep state is in a panic," "Deep state in on the run," "declass is coming," "Nothing can stop what's coming," etc. yet all I see is NOBODY GOING TO JAIL and the DOJ REFUSING to prosecute McCabe, Comey , Strozk, etc. Nothing is happening to Hillary, and nothing is happening with Huber (that was just another stall tactic in response to calls for a special council on all things Hillary, e.g. Uranium One). I think the Uranium One coverup is on-going (Victoria Toensing in the attorney for the Uranium One whistle blower and they have NOT been contacted by Huber)
And Barr is a total deep state swamp rat and his DOJ continues to PROTECT HILLARY!!!
And this guy suggests that the deep state got to Trump on foreign policy (since what's happening on the ground is not what he campaigned on) and suggests there might have been some kind of deal to make the Mueller Investigation(aka Clinton lawyer investigation go away)
Anyway, back to the topic of the thread:
Gordon Thomas on Robert Maxwell/Mossad Espionage Project in the USA and Beyond
Gilad Atzmon ( • September 8, 2019
As time goes by it seems as if Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard was just the tip of the iceberg. America has been riddled and infiltrated by Israeli spies at the highest possible level for decades. You must listen to this interview with Gordon Thomas:
Robert Maxwell House Spies: Dead to the Last Drop
Today on TruNews, host Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart examine the espionage connections throughout the family of Israel’s superspy, Robert Maxwell. His daughter Ghislaine is in the news, but several other members of this notorious clan may have also been part of an effort by the Mossad to create a global data collection network, leveraging information against global citizens. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 9/6/19
9th September 2019, 07:18 PM
And many here (you know who you are) just keep sucking it up. If some of us are so gullible, just imagine how many gullible fools are out there sucking this shit up while the world is being pulled down around them.
"Trump is our savior!"
Trump is there to make you think you have a choice.....until you don't have any choice at all.
midnight rambler
9th September 2019, 07:56 PM
old steel
14th September 2019, 01:57 PM
Whitney Webb Blows The Lid Off Epstein/Clinton, Orwellian Gun Control and 9/11
This makes George Orwell's 1984 look like a Sunday school picnic, in comparison.
14th December 2019, 11:39 AM
After taking a break from her research Whitney Webb has interviewed former Israhell spy Ari Ben-Menashen who details Izzy’s main motive behind Epseins’s sexual blackmail operation ~ MintPress Dec. 13, 2019
Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation
MintPress speaks with Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy who worked closely with Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, as part of their work with Israeli military intelligence and had frequent encounters with Jeffrey Epstein.
December 13th, 2019
By Whitney Webb ( Webb (
MONTREAL — In recent weeks, renewed attention has been brought to the allegations that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking and sexual blackmail operation was run on behalf of Israeli military intelligence. Those claims revolve around statements made by a former Israeli military intelligence official turned public relations consultant Ari Ben-Menashe, whose allegations regarding the Epstein scandal were reported by MintPress this past October.
Ben-Menashe’s claims related to Epstein first surfaced in an interview between Ben-Menashe and Zev Shalev of the independent news outlet, Narativ. As detailed in a MintPress summary and commentary ( of that interview, Ben-Menashe claimed to have seen Jeffrey Epstein in the office of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, several times in the 1980s.
At the time, Ben-Menashe was in close contact with Robert Maxwell regarding their work mutual work with Israeli military intelligence. Maxwell, in addition to heading a media empire and being a one-time member of U.K. parliament, was a longtime operative for Israeli intelligence, so much so that his 1991 funeral was attended by no less than six ( epage&q=funeral%20%22robert%20maxwell%22&f=false) serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence as well as several high-ranking Israeli politicians and prime ministers.
Maxwell is alleged to have recruited Jeffrey Epstein for Israeli intelligence and later introduced Epstein to Ben-Menashe and another operative, Nicholas Davies. Epstein was introduced to Ben-Menashe as having been pre-approved by leading figures in Israel’s military intelligence directorate, known as Aman.
MintPress recently conducted its own interview with Mr. Ben-Menashe as part of an ongoing investigation ( on the life and connections of the now-infamous Jeffrey Epstein.
Part of that interview is provided below with relevant commentary, particularly regarding claims related to the relationship between Epstein and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Epstein’s trip to Tel Aviv immediately prior to his first arrest, and the reasons for Israeli military intelligence’s interest in orchestrating and financing a major sexual blackmail operation targeting top U.S. politicians. (
“Israel Requested that Epstein Target Clinton” (
MintPress News first asked Ben-Menashe about Robert Maxwell, a known asset and operative for Israeli intelligence, having recruited Jeffrey Epstein. Ben-Menashe =confirmed this to MintPress and also noted that, after their initial meeting, Epstein was frequently present in Maxwell’s office in London. (
During the 1980s, as MintPress ( reported (, Epstein claimed to have been an intelligence operative and so-called “bounty hunter” in the world of shadow finance. During this time, he was known to have developed close relationships with several British arms dealers, particularly Sir Douglas Leese. Thus, Epstein appeared to frequently be traveling between the Middle East and London, which is also supported by Epstein’s now-infamous Austrian passport which he was believed to have carried during this period of time.
Ben-Menashe told MintPress that he had not only met Epstein after Epstein had been recently recruited by Israeli military intelligence, but had seen him on several occasions thereafter as Epstein “used to be in [Robert Maxwell’s] office quite often” and would arrive there between trips to and from Israel.
In addition, Ben-Menashe revealed his understanding of why Epstein was eventually shepherded into acting as a professional sexual blackmailer on behalf of Israeli military intelligence. Per Ben-Menashe, there were concerns among Israeli intelligence figures that, following the Reagan Era, a new president would push for Israel to make peace with the Palestinians, something those officials sought to avoid by any means necessary.
ABM | Here’s the thing… Mr. Carter… as in President Carter… the Israelis feared that Mr. Clinton, when he was campaigning for President, will be a repeat of Mr. Carter. He wanted to press them for peace with the Palestinians and all that stuff. They feared… Clinton wasn’t that… but they feared he was that… And I think Mr. Epstein was sent early on to catch up with President Clinton.
MintPress News (MPN) | Well, that’s interesting because the first year Clinton was in office, Epstein was already attending donor dinners at the White House and making White House visits as well.
ABM | Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. I believe his biggest client was Mr. Clinton catch, or catch, or whatever, and he had a few other congressmen and what not but Clinton was, was his biggest catch.
Thus, Ben-Menashe argues, when Bill Clinton’s candidacy in the 1992 U.S. Presidential election became clear, efforts were made to target him via sexual blackmail and Jeffrey Epstein was chosen for that purpose. Bill Clinton was eventually blackmailed ( by the state of Israel and his administration was also targeted by Israeli espionage as part of the “Mega” spy scandal ( Epstein’s involvement in the Clinton administration and his visits to the White House date back to ( Clinton’s first year in office. More information on the Epstein-Clinton relationship can be found in this [I]MintPress report (
In addition, MintPress also asked Ben-Menashe if he was aware of Ghislaine Maxwell being directly involved with her father’s intelligence-related activities prior to his death in 1991. Ben-Menashe noted that Ghislaine accompanied her father so frequently, including on a now-infamous 1989 party on Maxwell’s yacht ( where Donald Trump and several key figures in the PROMIS software scandal ( were in attendance, that she was involved in his intelligence-related activities to some extent. However, he stopped short of saying how involved she was or what she has specifically been involved in prior to her father’s death.
When did Epstein really meet Ehud Barak?
One of the more controversial ties between Epstein and powerful politicians is that between Epstein and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Barak has claimed to have only met Epstein in 2002 and, from that point on, their relationship was very public, with Barak frequently visiting and even spending the night at residences owned by Epstein, including apartments where he housed the underage girls that he exploited. Barak also visited Epstein’s now-infamous island and recruited him to help fund the Israeli intelligence-connected company, Carbyne911 (
However, there appear to be indications that Epstein and Barak may have met much earlier than Barak has since claimed. Given that Ben-Menashe claimed to have learned of Epstein’s recruitment by Israeli military intelligence in the 1980s, MintPress asked if one of the people involved in his recruitment was Ehud Barak. Barak served as head of Israel’s military intelligence directorate, Aman, from April 1983 to January 1986.
Ben-Menashe could not recall the exact year when he first became aware of Epstein’s recruitment by Israeli military intelligence but stated that it was “most likely” during Ehud Barak’s tenure as the head of Aman. Yet, even if Epstein’s recruitment did not take place while Barak headed Aman, it is highly likely — per Ben-Menashe — that Epstein had met Barak during this time because “Robert Maxwell became buddies with Ehud Barak…and he [Robert Maxwell] probably introduced them, the young man [Epstein] to Mr. Barak” if the two were not already acquainted.
Since the Epstein scandal broke, Ehud Barak has insisted that he did not meet Epstein until the year 2002 and claimed that the two had been introduced by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres. Ben-Menashe dismissed the possibility that this claim was true, emphatically stating that he was “sure they had met before” and that he did not believe that their first meeting was in 2002.
Epstein’s 2008 Trip to Tel Aviv
Just a few months before he was sentenced to prison for the first time in June 2008, Jeffrey Epstein had made a sudden visit ( to the Israeli capital of Tel Aviv. In April of that year, the Palm Beach Daily News reported that Epstein was staying at the Tel Aviv Hilton and quoted an Epstein spokesman as saying that he was “spending Passover, meeting with Israeli research scientists, and taking a tour of military bases.”
Sometime prior to Epstein’s sentencing on June 30 of that year, Alexander Acosta –then-U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida– signed off on a lenient sentence for Epstein who was charged with soliciting sex from a minor. That legal arrangement has since been nicknamed the “sweetheart deal.” Acosta later told Trump transition officials prior to his nomination for Secretary of Labor that his decision to approve the “sweetheart deal” came after he had been told to back off ( in the Epstein case because Epstein “belonged to intelligence.”
Though Acosta did not specify from whom he had received this information, former CIA agent Phil Giraldi has made a convincing case ( that they originated from Epstein’s then-lawyer Alan Dershowitz, a close associate of Epstein with ties to high-ranking Israeli politicians, and Barry Krischer, then-Florida State Attorney for Palm Beach who recently received an award ( from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for his “outstanding contribution to the legal profession and to the community at large.”
As detailed in a previous MintPress report ( on Epstein’s ties to Israel published this past August, the ADL’s long-time top funders have close ties to Epstein and his sexual blackmail network, particularly the Bronfman family of Seagrams fame.
Ben-Menashe told MintPress that Epstein’s 2008 Tel Aviv visit was likely “blowing smoke” and involved Epstein “trying to make himself important maybe not to get arrested” and “hoping that the Israelis would help him.” He then added that “At the time they probably did” help Epstein, but added that “the second time around [i.e. 2019], well…it would be a harder sell.”
Feature photo | A graphic shows Ari Ben-Menashe, left, and Jeffery Epstein, right. Credit | Claudio Cabrera
Whitney Webb is a MintPress News journalist based in Chile. She has contributed to several independent media outlets including Global Research, EcoWatch, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has made several radio and television appearances and is the 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism.
14th December 2019, 12:36 PM
After taking a break from her research Whitney Webb has interviewed former Israhell spy Ari Ben-Menashen who details Izzy’s main motive behind Epseins’s sexual blackmail operation ~ MintPress Dec. 13, 2019 .
1) Notice that our own kosherized "Intelligence" agencies never did anything about this. Not the NSA.CIA, or FBI.
2) Whitney Webb ( is in real personal danger now for exposing all this jew zion evil. She names names...
:o (
14th December 2019, 02:30 PM
1) Notice that our own kosherized "Intelligence" agencies never did anything about this. Not the NSA.CIA, or FBI.
2) Whitney Webb ( is in real personal danger now for exposing all this jew zion evil. She names names...
:o (
When she posted this on Twitter I wondered if it was because she might be getting threats
midnight rambler
14th December 2019, 02:36 PM
Just a few months before he was sentenced to prison for the first time in June 2008, Jeffrey Epstein had made a sudden visit ( to the Israeli capital of Tel Aviv. In April of that year, the Palm Beach Daily News reported that Epstein was staying at the Tel Aviv Hilton and quoted an Epstein spokesman as saying that he was “spending Passover, meeting with Israeli research scientists, and taking a tour of military bases.”
How far up the food chain does a CIVILIAN WITH NO PRIOR MILITARY SERVICE need to be to rate getting VIP reception* at MILITARY BASES??
*we would have to assume that the REPORT of Epstein "tour(ing) of military bases" is the truth considering the source
16th December 2019, 09:54 PM
When she posted this on Twitter I wondered if it was because she might be getting threats
Another investigative gal on the ball:
17th December 2019, 11:11 AM
More from Whitney Webb UK Conservative ban Boycott Israel BDS
18th December 2019, 12:49 PM
This woman who claims she was trafficked by Epstein says Whitney Webb is part of the coverup.
It seems the opposite but Whitney Webb is a part of the coverup. Shell never report Epsteins & DC Madam are same ring. Shes tied to TruNews who abused the real victim that started this. They make $ off victim testimony, know full truth but wont tell you. Thats how they get paid.
5th July 2023, 10:30 AM JP Morgan agrees to pay $290m to settle lawsuit brought by Jeffrey Epstein victims (
12 June
JP Morgan has agreed to pay roughly $290m (£232m) to settle a lawsuit brought on behalf of alleged victims of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
Attorneys for the bank said it was "in the best interests of all parties, especially the survivors who were the victims of Epstein's terrible abuse".
The lawsuit had alleged the largest US bank ignored warning signs about its client during a 15-year relationship.
The agreement is subject to court approval.
JPMorgan Chase will not admit liability in the case, but upon the settlement's approval the bank will put out a statement regretting its association with Epstein, David Boies, one of the victims' attorneys, told CNN.
"We all now understand that Epstein's behaviour was monstrous," lawyers for the bank said in a statement on Monday...
The Jane Doe 1 lawsuit said that JP Morgan "knowingly facilitated, sustained and concealed" the frequent cash withdrawals Epstein made to pay the young women he trafficked, while profiting from the deals and clients that the financier brought in.
The bank, which earlier failed to dismiss the dual suits, has countered that any civil liability should rest with Jes Staley, a former top executive who befriended Epstein.
Mr Staley has said his former employer is trying to "deflect blame" for its own failures and sought to dismiss the claims, but the complaint against him remains active.
Last month, Deutsche Bank, where Epstein was a client after he left JP Morgan in 2013, settled for $75m with Epstein accusers.
To date, the Epstein estate has paid out more than $150m to more than 100 of his victims.
Out with the old in with the new? launches sustainable data solutions to simplify ESG investments (
June 12, 2023
JPMorgan Chase & Co's Securities Services division is launching a sustainable investment data solutions initiative for institutional investors in a bid to make investments in ESG easier...
"To use ESG related data at times it can take up to six to twelve months, however, we have standardized the data in a way that the same information can be used within hours," Francis said, adding that the new solution is cost effective and easy to use for investors.
16th January 2024, 12:25 PM Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation (
July 6, 2016
Attorneys for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton's controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, has learned.
The 23-page letter, written by high-powered lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt, was apparently part of an ultimately successful bid to negotiate a plea deal...
"Mr. Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which is described as a project 'bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges,” read the July 2007 letter to the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of Florida. “Focuses of this initiative include poverty, climate change, global health, and religious and ethnic conflicts.”
The hedge fund magnate’s true role in creating the foundation could not be confirmed. Whether Epstein was an actual founder of the foundation or exaggerated his role in a phony effort to appear altruistic is not clear.
Epstein is not cited in official paperwork filed by the Clinton Global Initiative as a founder or director. Neither The Clinton Foundation nor Dershowitz responded to’s inquiry as to the extent of Epstein’s involvement. first reported that flight logs show the former president flew on Epstein’s private plane dozens of times. But Clinton has publicly credited longtime assistant Doug Band, now counselor and director of the foundation, as conceiving of the idea.
Wikipedia: Clinton_Foundation (
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and CGI U
The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) was founded in 2005 by Bill Clinton. Doug Band, counselor to Bill, was integral to its formation. Clinton has credited Band with being the originator of CGI and has noted that "Doug had the idea to do this." Band left his paid position at CGI in 2010, preferring to emphasize his Teneo business and family pursuits, but remains on the CGI advisory board. The overlap between CGI and Teneo, of which Bill was a paid advisor, drew criticism. According to his attorneys during 2007 plea negotiations on sex offense charges, financier Jeffrey Epstein also formed "part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative", though his name was not mentioned in any of the organization's founding documents...
In September 2016, it was announced that the Initiative would be winding down to be discontinued and that 74 employees would be let go at the end of the year. In January 2017, it was announced that another 22 employees would be let go by April 15, 2017, and that CGI University would be continued.
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