View Full Version : New cities in China as our own USA cities become shitholes

11th September 2019, 05:24 AM

New cities in China as our own USA cities become shitholes (https://komonews.com/news/local/komo-news-special-seattle-is-dying)


midnight rambler
11th September 2019, 05:25 AM
The thing is the Chicoms are smart enough to keep out the riff-raff.

11th September 2019, 11:15 AM
The thing is the Chicoms are smart enough to keep out the riff-raff.
They haven't kept out the Jews.....the main profiteers of Chinese growth.

11th September 2019, 02:29 PM
When you warn the Chinese about the nig nog problem in the world, they call you racist and inform you they are open to welcoming millions of nig nogs into China to 'improve' their cities, like nig nogs 'improved' Chicago and other cities in the US.

Grab some popcorn!

Chinese are good people in general, thus produce civilization for thousands of years. It was/is the Mongols that are their niggers. They raided, stole, raped, murdered and gonocided the civilized Chinese people. And the Chinese always worked hard and repaired their nation. This importation of niggers will be the fall of China in 100 years. Every city like Chicago. China thinks they can get rich off of African resources by being nice to the nig nogs.

Divershitty will arrive in China via the jews demanding it:


Where will the 4 billion Africans get their food and housing? China

The infestation of Africans will be so bad even the jews are taking notice:


Niggers have no respect for jews, and would probably kill off the jews within 200 years for forcing blacks to worship jews. Jews trained some dragons to attack the goyim, and the dragons will eat them.

Its a nigger future, designed by jews and the jews are not worried. They think the AI robots will handle the nig nogs.

I hear that jews are even training the nig nogs to think. This is the end of the jews, by their own actions.

The only safe spaces will be underground and any remaining jews will have to be morlocks.

11th September 2019, 02:50 PM
Niggers have no respect for jews, and would probably kill off the jews within 200 years for forcing blacks to worship jews. Jews trained some dragons to attack the goyim, and the dragons will eat them.
Not a chance. Jews are killing off Whitey first for a reason. We are right next to them on the food chain. Blacks are way down the food chain and easy to manipulate. Those who are easy to manipulate are just as easy to exterminate. They are worth nothing as slaves so they will be killed.

11th September 2019, 03:04 PM
Not a chance. Jews are killing off Whitey first for a reason. We are right next to them on the food chain. Blacks are way down the food chain and easy to manipulate. Those who are easy to manipulate are just as easy to exterminate. They are worth nothing as slaves so they will be killed.

Jews are training nig-nogs to think. I make sure I don't. I am aware of the races that are inherently murderous and it is wise to not train them to think, but keep them as dumb.

Asians have done nothing to the jews and the jews want to replace Asians in Ivy League schools with nig nogs. This has been going on for 50 years. Jews are slowly created a world where there will be a holocaust against the jews. And it won't be whitey who does this.

The two competing jewish sponsored ideologies love the nig nogs. The SJWs bleeding heart liberals have been trained by the jews to near worship black skin. The neo-far right that only hate black Muslims has been trained by jews not to be racist against jews and nig nogs. That is the rise of the far right in Europe, only jew-hating Muslims are the problem to them, and so they like blacks in general. So if a black Christian joins the AfD, the neo-nazis must love and respect that nig nog. Jews are setting up their own self destruction. There are races that only kill, and nig nogs are among those races, Mongols are another race that only kills.

Bernie Sanders must like the truth occasionally because in saying abortion is the way to keep nig nog numbers in check, Sanders is trying to embrace the truth. That is the best line of defense, other than CIA/zionist wars in Africa to bring down the population.

11th September 2019, 03:24 PM
The jews used to own much of the world. How they have fallen.


The jews were first on the good side of the Germans in WWI, then betrayed the Germans and sought to destroy them in both world wars.

Their IQs are sub-par under 100, and they are a blind race. They destroyed themselves for their destroyed their good allies, when they controlled much of the world.

The jewish empire now is less than a house of cards, for they became a wicked race of betrayers. Everybody good they want gone. Soon it will be only African nig nogs and jews, and the nigs will eat the jews after China and much of the free world is destroyed by jews.

The default state of nig nogs:

(bitchute took down a multicultural video on three African blacks in the jungle beheading a white woman in her 30s as she screams, similar stuff is happening in South Africa)

The Han Chinese on the other hand are a pure race.

On the ruined African race, read the comments:


12th September 2019, 07:01 AM
(bitchute took down a multicultural video on three African blacks in the jungle beheading a white woman in her 30s as she screams, similar stuff is happening in South Africa)

The Han Chinese on the other hand are a pure race.

On the ruined African race, read the comments:


I saw that video posted on another forum and the woman and her killers were thought to be South American. It was thought the killers were speaking Spanish or Portuguese at the end of the video. Those kind of bastards are coming across our southern border now and we'll need plenty of ammunition to deal with them and also the niggers from Africa.

12th September 2019, 07:58 AM
Don't make the mistake of assuming a city is the territory it claims. Any municipality is the officers assigned to represent it. That would be the mayor, chief of police, trash collector and sanitation engineers.

midnight rambler
12th September 2019, 08:20 AM
I saw that video posted on another forum and the woman and her killers were thought to be South American. It was thought the killers were speaking Spanish or Portuguese at the end of the video. Those kind of bastards are coming across our southern border now and we'll need plenty of ammunition to deal with them and also the niggers from Africa.

Apparently the web nannies got that video removed. Anyone got another link?

12th September 2019, 11:53 AM
This link works for me.


12th September 2019, 01:56 PM
White woman goes to the capital of cultural enrichment and gets ceremonially beheaded.

Jews better watch out for the cultural enrichment they are spreading throughout the world, most of the world will be uninhabitable in 100 years.


Nig nogs are worse than the Hiroshima bomb:


12th September 2019, 03:28 PM
The Chinese walk their streets at night to catch of bit to eat, even at night popular districts are safe. The only thing to bite at night in Murican cities are the bullets flying by.

These are the old 'run down cities':


Even Chinese old cities are not piles of shit like those in the US, but vibrant.

No, the Chinese are not niggers. Niggers destroy and get rich off of plunder and rape. The Chinese work hard and build, they have been doing this for thousands of years, civilization is in their blood.

12th September 2019, 05:22 PM
This link works for me.


Pretty sums it up for pro immigrants