View Full Version : 2019 Canadian Federal Election (NPC)

12th September 2019, 10:30 AM

The 2019 Canadian federal election (formally the 43rd Canadian general election) is scheduled to take place on October 21, 2019. Parliament was dissolved by Governor General Julie Payette on September 11, 2019 on the advice of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The 40-day campaign will see the incumbent Liberals attempt to secure a second majority mandate, that it won in the previous election. Two of the three major parties will contest this election under new leaders: the opposition Conservatives, led by Andrew Scheer, and the third party social democratic New Democrats under Jagmeet Singh.

National Party of Canada
'Make All Public Servants Service Again'

They have all the normal internets, but due to google censoring, I’m getting updates on the campaign from leaflets taped to the back of a community mailbox.

Neither the Green-Drink, nor Unraveling Socialist, nor Terrance and Phillip are good enough for Canadians. Maxime B and the PPC are being demonized, shut-out and ignored so the NPC’s expect that with even less attention, they can be felt of as the best party to vote for.

So until the election I’ll be updating this thread with reports of new National Party of Canada leaflets taped to the back of a community mailbox.

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12th September 2019, 10:37 AM
Government employment is another form of welfare. Do welfare recipients get special pension services and pension money several times larger than taxpaying citizens? No! Now doing that math will save citizen’s money biggly!

It is often said people are happiest when they do what they love. Do people love you for you or for a big fat pension?

Make All Public Servants Service You Again with Love!
Vote NPC!

13th September 2019, 08:23 AM
Government and cooperating big-tech company data profiling and harassment will be re-tasked from Zersetzunging leaders, potential leaders and activists not part of Globalist degeneracy. The it is moral to be immoral to other animals people will walk outdoors with a dollop of peanut butter on the head. The it is moral to be immoral to other people people will walk in public dragging a three foot rope tied to one foot. The serving not God, nor even of God, but corporations people will wear a two foot rope tied around the neck (or other appropriate health and safety gear).

Vote NPC!

14th September 2019, 09:14 AM
Increase pipelines and support Alberta bitumen refining to Central and Eastern Canada. Increase pipelines to Central and Southern United States.

Criminal charges for third-trimester abortion under some circumstances.
Federal funding for abortion will be voluntary, either privately by donation, or by opt-in income tax increase.

Vote NPC!

15th September 2019, 09:04 AM
We Are Not All Eskimos! Don’t Sell Us More Snow!
The Carbon Tax Has Got To
Vote NPC!

old steel
15th September 2019, 10:12 AM
The only way to vote.


15th September 2019, 04:59 PM
Is everyone drinking here or just me?

16th September 2019, 08:32 AM
The National Party of Canada will re-task airport security screening, diverting services from current priorities such as molesting children, getting all up in your stuff, and radiation exposures to include freshening and spot cleaning services for clothing and complementary new socks or wet-wipe facials for dirty, smelly, sweaty and oily passengers.

Vote NPC!

17th September 2019, 09:56 AM
The National Party of Canada will get all security agencies tasked to investigate each other in a viewable by the Public Hunger Games like scenario to whistle-blow on each other’s abuses against Citizens, with the best investigative reporting used to select the Public Servants to replace CBC producers and reporters, charge the others, then promptly privatize the CBC to Canadian Citizens.

Vote NPC!

18th September 2019, 08:22 AM
A public awareness campaign will be engaged to Increase consciousness. First priority will be enlightenment above gut, vagina/womb and anus sub-persona egoic identifications.

The campaign will include: education and incentives to reduce wheat consumption, promote organic grass-fed beef, decriminalize raw milk sales and invert public education to teach that making is better than breaking and covetith not the other vineyard.

Physical assaults leading to vibroaccoustic disease that some people commit each against hundreds or even thousands of others daily along busy roads will be reduced with subsidized installations of vehicle driver’s seat electric vibrating butt and genital pad in conjunction with quieter, tighter, exhaust system.

GI Plugs for Boomers!
Vote NPC!

19th September 2019, 09:49 AM
The National Party of Canada will start a VISA program for Mexican Dentists, modelled after the programs for Mexican farm workers. Mexican Dentists will be invited to work in Canada 3-6 months a year if they pass a Provincial certification evaluation that will also qualify them for government insurance.

Vote NPC!

21st September 2019, 07:59 AM
The National Party of Canada will change residential mortgage regulations making it illegal for banks to hold mortgages on property larger than asset value. The objective being no citizen's property will be mortgaged to a bank at greater than assessed value. If assessed property valuation drops below the mortgage amount, the mortgage must be reduced accordingly.

Vote NPC!

23rd September 2019, 06:16 AM
Eliminate the Federal deficit with no spending cuts by repatriating all Federal debt to the Bank of Canada. Interest payments on Federal debt have been approximately equal to the deficits since the mid 80’s. If resistance is incurred from the private fiat banks that have benefited in the form of ten’s of billions of dollars a year taken from Canadians for their pen, and now electron data entry efforts, the government will threaten them by demanding reparations for their usury against the Canadian government. Provincial and Municipal governments will be welcome to participate in the new policy.

Vote NPC!

25th September 2019, 06:21 AM
The National Party of Canada, through its Provincial health-care funding leverage, will work with cooperating Provinces to separate health-care from the emergency and trauma care services. Emergency and trauma care will be provided to all Canadian Citizens with no plan premium fees. Actual health care services will be opened up, more responsive to the choices of the patient, with increased focus on health and diet for prevention of disease including naturophilic medicine. A public inquiry will be started to look at the effects and risks of allopathic medicine. Drug advertising will be limited.

Vote NPC!

27th September 2019, 08:05 AM
The National Party of Canada will hold a referendum on the cull rate of Native Born Canadian citizens. Options would be: existing policy that Liberals and Conservatives both have overseen for the last 40 years of effectively culling 25% of the population every generation with low fertility rates, increase the cull rate, reduce the cull rate, or finally, discontinue the practice and return to government not of genocide but security for its Citizens with increased government policy supporting community, family and children towards stable or growing fertility rate and reduced government policy towards degeneracy, sickness, infertility mis-education, replacements2, etc.

If the results of the referendum are to continue a genocidal family and fertility policy similar to the last 40 years, the Government of Canada will do its due-diligence and warn immigrant applicants that they are moving to Population Sink habitat, especially if they are immigrating from higher quality habitat such as Africa, the Middle East and Central and South America.

Vote NPC!