View Full Version : BUSTED: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Wore “Brownface” in Party Pictures

19th September 2019, 05:56 AM
Oy Vey !

Pic @linky

19th September 2019, 09:57 AM
Global News: EXCLUSIVE: Video shows Trudeau in blackface in 3rd instance of racist makeup (https://globalnews.ca/news/5922861/justin-trudeau-brownface-video/)

Sept. 19 Global News has obtained video showing Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau in blackface, the third instance of racist dress to come to light in 12 hours.

The video was shot in the early 1990s, however it’s not clear where it takes place.

This is all a little unfair. He was after all a part-time drama teacher before entering politics.

old steel
19th September 2019, 02:22 PM
A video of him just surfaced doing blackface so that's 3 separate occasions, talk about through, it's not only blackface, it's back hands, black arms, black legs, i wonder if, nah.

This from his home riding in Quebec.


Search engines have been scrubbed but what's the point, the photo's and video are everywhere on MSM.


19th September 2019, 03:36 PM
I personally couldn't give a shit if someone wore blackface at a party, or in a play. It's the Democrats that decided it's a crime against blacks.
Don't ya just love it when the liberal agenda bites a liberal in the ass!

19th September 2019, 04:14 PM
Doesn't making fun of niggers partly qualify you for higher office. This should.

Now at the present moment, what qualifies anybody for public office is raping kids like Denny Hastert, trump and the rest of Epstein and CIA clients of the child rape prostitution ring.

I support Justin in Justin's blackface, there is not anything wrong with this, unlike what trump does to teen girls. Now that is wrong.

Shows that the zionist future is neo-conservative and neo-nazis. The jew loving and nigger loving kind of neo-nazis.

The conservatives can't hold the gold chalice of Justin, it is a shame that most alt-righters seek to shame a nigger hater.

And those who say Justin is a hypocrite. Isn't everybody who works for the jew system, the 'murican economy, and everything that seeks to enslave humanity to the jew. They are hypocrites. To operate in the West, to support yourself you have to be a hypocrite and keep quiet your true beliefs. If human resources finds out you hate niggers, you could get fired. This is happening to Justin, and it is a shame, a shame of the right to not come to the defense of nigger hating.

Even the jewish rabbis hate niggers. They want no niggers in Isreal, and rightly sterilize them so no violent niglets running around hell aviv and harassing and massacring the jews in Isreal. Not even nobodies like niggers.

Ever wonder why jews pedal vileness to the goyim to destroy them, yet jews are racists who want to keep the serial murderers out of Isreal.

old steel
19th September 2019, 04:26 PM
I'm my mind it's not that he did it, it's the fact that he calls white old stock Canadians racist, nazi's, etc while he is holier than thou.

The entire election has been about his virtue signaling how perfect he is and the problem is everyone else who is white is racist.

Karma has come for the Turdope.

A liberal war room nightmare scene.


19th September 2019, 04:48 PM
If the shoe fits. Alt-righters hate everybody different than them, peaceful Vietnamese, peaceful Han Chinese, peaceful Iranians, peaceful Swedes, peaceful Bosnians, peaceful Greeks. They are haters and Justin is correct the Alt-right is sick with hate. They hate good decent people. People who have good blood, good genes and who for thousands of years lived peaceful hard-working lives.

I hate niggers because they are racist. Niggers are an evil bloodline, history and DNA proves this. Niggers have DNA that prompts them to kill the person next to them. This is from scholarly scientific publications.

The steppe kurgans are another vile race of racist niggers, who killed off 90% of (Nordic) Europeans because those Nordics were not part of the Kurgans tribe.

Hating your neighbor is evil, so I hate and call niggers evil and hate their devil ways.

old steel
19th September 2019, 06:03 PM
If the shoe fits. Alt-righters hate everybody different than them, peaceful Vietnamese, peaceful Han Chinese, peaceful Iranians, peaceful Swedes, peaceful Bosnians, peaceful Greeks. They are haters and Justin is correct the Alt-right is sick with hate. They hate good decent people. People who have good blood, good genes and who for thousands of years lived peaceful hard-working lives.

I hate niggers because they are racist. Niggers are an evil bloodline, history and DNA proves this. Niggers have DNA that prompts them to kill the person next to them. This is from scholarly scientific publications.

The steppe kurgans are another vile race of racist niggers, who killed off 90% of (Nordic) Europeans because those Nordics were not part of the Kurgans tribe.

Hating your neighbor is evil, so I hate and call niggers evil and hate their devil ways.

He is also a major globalist who taxes the people with a carbon tax on fuel for their vehicles and natural gas to heat their homes.

He says global warming climate change caused by people is real and we all need to pay through the nose with it increasing on a yearly basis.

He also gave the Clinton Foundation $241,000,000.00 of taxpayer money, hangs with Obama and other deep state leftists like George Soros and has handed control of Canada's immigration over to the UN.

He gave his Laurentian elite buddies at SNC Lavlin multiple no bid contracts, fired the Attorney General cause she objected, and didn't allow her to tell the real story of graft corruption, kickbacks, money laundering and paid

for an across Canada trip for one of Gadaffi's son on Via rail complete with hookers and cocaine all paid for by Canadian taxpayers just so his Laurentian elite buddies at SNC Lavilin could get no bid contracts over in Libya.

He destroyed the oil and gas industry in Alberta by buying a pipeline for $4 billions dollars so it wouldn't get built to tidewater.

He is also best friends with 3 convicted pedophiles, and is in in bed with those who were charged in the NXVIM sex cult, namely the Bronfman family.

He also bought off the mainstream media with a $600 million dollar grant so they would support the news he wants reported, which is pure fascism.

Maye you could come up here and hold his hand through this latest crisis, bought on by himself.

midnight rambler
19th September 2019, 06:06 PM
The word is that he's Castro's son.

old steel
19th September 2019, 06:13 PM
The word is that he's Castro's son.

Oh the resemblance is uncanny, i'd pay for the DNA test out of my own pocket.

When Castro died he had all govt flags in the country flying at half mast.

He also married his dead brothers gf, and the rumors were flying that he was the one who did him in.

19th September 2019, 07:04 PM
I am well aware that this is Trudeau's fantasy world:


However if one of the multiCULTuralists in the video start to make fun of blacks, you don't pile on, even if they are commie globalists.

Let their own eat their own. Let liberals destroy themselves. No need to get involved.

If liberals ask for your opinion, tell them there is nothing wrong with blackface except it is like dressing up as the devil on Halloween. It could scare children.

19th September 2019, 08:57 PM
I personally couldn't give a shit if someone wore blackface at a party, or in a play. It's the Democrats that decided it's a crime against blacks.
Don't ya just love it when the liberal agenda bites a liberal in the ass!

Its good news, Miley Cyrus says she will not have children until someone fixes the climate changing.

20th September 2019, 02:34 PM
I personally couldn't give a shit if someone wore blackface at a party, or in a play. It's the Democrats that decided it's a crime against blacks.
Don't ya just love it when the liberal agenda bites a liberal in the ass!

Obviously you or I don't care about silly things like this, that's not the point. The point is the standard that the Left has created is that nobody is ever allowed to have ever worn blackface, otherwise they are a racist. We've seen them apply the racist label to every republican or conservative who got caught in a photo from 20 years ago with blackface. We expect them to hold their beloved Trudeau to the same standard. Are they going to "cancel" Trudeau and label him as a dreaded RACIST??? If not, that's where I have a problem.

20th September 2019, 03:42 PM
nobody is ever allowed to have ever worn blackface, otherwise they are a racist. We've seen them apply the racist label to every republican or conservative who got caught in a photo from 20 years ago with blackface.


racism (n.)

by 1928, in common use from 1935, originally in a European context; see racist. Applied to American social systems from late 1930s.


racist (n.)

1932 (as an adjective from 1938), from race (n.2) + -ist. Racism (q.v.) is in use by 1928, originally in the context of fascist theories, and common from 1936. These words replaced earlier racialism (1882) and racialist (1910), both often used early 20c.

There were no racists prior to 1932. The concept didn't exist and was created to fulfill some unknown need.

To reinforce this go to GOOGLE BOOKS and insert in the search engine RACIST or RACISM and you will come up with the null set for free ebooks that include these words.

My definition of RACIST is 'one who calls another a RACIST'. It takes one to know one.

21st September 2019, 12:33 PM
Global News: Liberal campaign signs in B.C. defaced with blackface after Trudeau photos emerge (https://globalnews.ca/news/5925010/kelowna-liberal-signs-defaced-blackface/)

Six Liberal campaign signs in Kelowna have been defaced with blackface.

The signs for Liberal incumbent candidate Stephen Fuhr were defaced by someone who drew over Fuhr’s face with a black marker....

Meanwhile, a Kelowna city councilor says the political storm surrounding the brownface and blackface incidents is an attempt to discredit Trudeau.

“What happened 20 years ago is not acceptable today, but the prime minister meant no harm. It was a costume he was dressed up in, and the norms of 20 years ago don’t apply today.”

Singh called Trudeau “the most inclusive, accepting, welcoming prime minister I have known in my 30 years in Canada.”

“This is just derailing a political election that should be based on fact and issues, and not what somebody did when he was 20,” she added.

21st September 2019, 06:11 PM
Just an update to my post above.

I've since learned that Trudeau was 29 years-old during his last blackface. Not 20 as stated in the uncorrected, incorrect quote in the Global Media article.

Global: Scheer criticizes Trudeau for adding anti-Conservative union to media bailout panel (https://globalnews.ca/news/5319421/andrew-scheer-justin-trudeau-unifor-media-panel/)

old steel
22nd September 2019, 02:17 PM
Got to go to the USA to get the real story, the blackface turd bought off the Canadian MSM with a $600,000,000.00 grant so they will present the news that he approves of, which is textbook fascism.


He has also promised a ban on all Ar-15/M4 type "assault" firearms right out of civilian hands which when read sounds like all semi auto rifles.

Blackface, virtue signalling, hypocrite, incompetent, traitor, has got to go.

23rd September 2019, 07:09 AM
This will teach Canadians not to embarrass him again with what he did!!
Better keep your tweet-button unused next time you notice the Emperor does not practice what he preaches!

Global News Sept.20,2019 Trudeau vows to ban military-style assault rifles, including AR-15 (https://globalnews.ca/news/5928779/justin-trudeau-assault-rifle-ban/)

“You don’t need a military-grade assault weapon — one designed to take down the most amount of people in the shortest time — to take down a deer,” Trudeau said in his announcement.

The accompanying press release described the pledge as one to “ban all military-style assault rifles, including the AR-15.”

Trudeau described the move as one “that’s going to work to keep our communities safe.”

Much of the violence domestically, though, has been linked to illicit and smuggled handguns used by gangs...

Trudeau was asked by reporters on Friday why he wants to ban assault rifles but not handguns, and the Liberal leader responded by saying the plan introduced also includes a vow to give more powers to municipalities to allow them to restrict or ban handguns within their boundaries...

A ban on assault rifles would put the focus on a class of weapons that isn’t technically defined under the provisions of Canada’s Criminal Code.

So sad that these feminist globalist tyrants working hard to destroy our basic right to self-defence cannot even be bothered to take the time to learn the words for what they want to take from their citizens. Assault rifles are already illegal in Canada, suggesting he has not thought about this, but is a herd animal repeating incorrect propaganda others of the herd are sensing and feeling. This would be like Trudeau deciding to ban gasoline automobiles for citizens and displaying his callousness by saying he is going to ban people's 'moving things'

FULL EXCHANGE: Trudeau's staff blocks Andrew Lawton from covering Trudeau


23rd September 2019, 08:37 AM
one of the great ponderings of our time

call a negro a black panther = term of endearment

call a negro a monkey = outrageous insult

why does the cat outrank the primate? and by such a large margin?

1st October 2019, 04:37 PM
If not Trudeau's Liberals then Scheer's Conservatives.


Narcity: What Did Andrew Scheer Do Before Politics? Insurance Wasn't His Only Job (https://www.narcity.com/news/ca/what-did-andrew-scheer-do-before-politics-insurance-wasnt-his-only-job)

Sept.12, 2019
Andrew Scheer got his first job at just nine years old, as a newspaper delivery boy in his hometown...

By the time Scheer was attending high school at Immaculata, an Ottawa Catholic school, he was also working on a concession stand at Ottawa sporting events. When he wasn’t helping out on sports days, Scheer was waiting tables in a local restaurant...

By 2003, Scheer was married and graduated. He took a job as an insurance broker at his friend’s company for a brief period, but quit to pursue a career in politics.

Globe and Mail: Andrew Scheer, a work in progress: Where the Conservative Leader comes from and how he really thinks (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-andrew-scheer-a-work-in-progress-where-the-conservative-leader-comes/)

Sept.28, 2019
Mr. Scheer talks of learning about the struggles of small businesses while working for them.

In fact, his private-sector experience is scant.

In 2003, he worked briefly as a waiter in Regina after moving there to be with his future wife, Jill. Then he spent a few months working in insurance – although what he did isn’t exactly clear.

In official bios (such as the one on his Facebook page), Mr. Scheer is said to have been an insurance broker before entering public life. His office said he was an insurance agent. He was not.

The Globe and Mail found no record he ever received the licence required by law to work as an insurance agent or broker in Saskatchewan. Asked to clarify, Mr. Scheer’s spokesman, Daniel Schow, said earlier this week that Mr. Scheer took broker courses, but left the industry before receiving a licence. The job functions Mr. Schow listed were clerical, such as issuing licence plates and collecting payments.

2nd October 2019, 03:42 PM
one of the great ponderings of our time

call a negro a black panther = term of endearment

call a negro a monkey = outrageous insult

why does the cat outrank the primate? and by such a large margin?Another question worth pondering is why is it that you would be called a racist if you called a black person "colored" as they walked to their NAACP meeting.

26th October 2019, 10:43 AM
Been avoiding Canadian MSM for years now, still the bits that I come across keep getting crazier! Lawton has had some connections with Rebel media, but is basically a fairly mainstream-like, yet red-pilled conservative blogger.

FULL EXCHANGE: Trudeau's staff blocks Andrew Lawton from covering Trudeau

BREAKING: Trudeau government appeals True North journalist’s court victory to cover debates (https://www.thepostmillennial.com/trudeau-government-appeals-true-north-journalists-court-victory-to-cover-debates/)

Oct25, 2019
Despite having won accreditation and the election being over, the Trudeau government has taken it upon itself to appeal the court’s decision to confirm True North and Rebel Media journalist Andrew Lawton’s right to cover the debates...

“The idea that they can just say, ‘no you’re not a journalist’ and come up with excuses – these people are acting like dictators, they’re acting like bullies and I don’t think they should be allowed to get away with it,” said Malcolm at the time of the lawsuit.

Ultimately, Lawton was victorious in his accreditation case, and the courts forced federal election staff to allow him to cover the election and ask questions.

old steel
26th October 2019, 10:58 AM
Hey Keehah, what is going to happen when the blackface turd traitor to Canada wants us to turn in our firearms next month?

27th October 2019, 11:40 AM
It that still a current season thing old steel? Followed some of the campaign via a few Independent Canadian you tubers. I know Trudeau mentioned it once in the election campaign with about as much thought as his plastic straw ban intuitive based off of false information from a child's website.

Like I said stopped watching MSM Canadian news, it is full of sociopathic journalist's piss and shit (perhaps ordered to piss and shit from the boss like CNN but still) destroying the native peoples with psychotic fear-mongering, dumbing everything down and corporate debt enslavement and waste the countries resources for big multinationals propaganda while at the same time massively promoting all sort of genocidal degeneracy masked as socialism. The last few more human journalists in the local corporate media were laid off around 2016 it seemed to me.

My Province had a referendum a few years back on electoral reform. Don't know how the vote went and I only know that we had one because I got the forms in the mail.

old steel
27th October 2019, 11:51 AM
Yea, they are going for a major gun grab.


27th October 2019, 12:23 PM
Hmm...perhaps I'd better buy that Norinco T97 I've been thinking about getting then. Great price. Reviews suggest it is a decent gun as long as one uses metal magazines.

I knew a few people who worked for a legit and legal gun importation and distribution company in Canada. The company and employees got the public servant's Stasi no-privacy and harassment treatment before it was common for our western governments to start targeting conservatives with the same.

Automatic and large magazines ("assault") weapons are already not legal in Canada. Sigh..... when did citizen's rights theiving politicians stop adulting?

And one last observation of how bad things are up here: I know a retired guy who had a stroke and was going to a senior's rehab group. This is an articulate, friendly and social guy, he still does therapy and councilling. So this guy mentions during group socializing he thinks Trump is a good president. A retired civil servant in the group reports this to the Heart and Stroke foundation provincial head office. The head office then calls this guy to tell him not to come to any more group rehab until the Provincial president has the time to personally travel out to sit in on a rehab meeting to vet and approve that this person can continue going to the rehab and meetings.

12th February 2020, 09:39 AM
First five minutes is about independent Canadian journalist Kevin J Johnston being arrested, the rest is about Arana having been contacted by another teacher working with Trudeau at the time and a fellow student and friend of the alleged victim of Trudeau's underage student allegations.

Arana Nation
Feb 9, 2020


Buffalo Chronicle: Trudeau’s West Grey accuser was much younger than first thought (https://buffalochronicle.com/2019/10/19/trudeaus-west-grey-accusor-was-much-younger-than-first-thought/)
October 19, 2019

4th March 2020, 06:09 AM
Update about journalist Kevin J Johnston's incarceration, he is still being held in jail. Arana indicates it still looks like his journalism with a crown prosecutor who he asked a few questions of as he was on a public sidewalk getting into his car, Kevin then edited in a clip for about 1 second with a close-up of his licence plate.

If this is the excuse to put him in jail, its for inconsequential reason from a weak form of doxxing. For $59 the crown prosecutor could undo the 'damage' by changing his Ontario vehicle licence plates.

Conservative Journalist & former Mississauga Mayoral Candidate Kevin J Johnston speaks from Jail!
Conservative Journalist, Former Mississauga Mayoral Candidate and Political Prisoner Kevin J Johnston makes a statement from Maplehurst Correctional Complex in Milton Ontario where he is being held as a Political Prisoner in the opinion of Arana Nation for "harassment" even though he was doing what all other Journalists do and that is street interviews. Listen to this exclusive recording obtained by Arana Nation of Kevin J Johnston from Jail. #KevinJJohnston #Mississauga #BonnieCrombie
