View Full Version : RT: trump could delay war until after the 2020 selections

20th September 2019, 04:14 PM
Iran is a “strong, self-sufficient country, with large territory and capable military,” and this means no rash moves from Washington should be expected before the 2020 election, Aitech Bizhev, former Deputy Commander of the Air Force for the CIS, said.


20th September 2019, 04:17 PM
This was the plan along. They have their Lusitania. And should wait until after the selection process of a new POS in November 2020. If the Dems lose, a war is probable.

20th September 2019, 04:27 PM
trump is the self appointed king of din joos. A tin god to the Christian zionists. The 'peace' bringer. trump declares herself greater than King David and Jesus Christ, trump declares itself as the best leader of the joos ever.

The anti-Christ is supposed to bring about a war, after a period of 'peace'.

trump's campaign should be, 're-elect trump... re-elect the anti-Christ.'

21st September 2019, 04:14 PM
New sales pitch? US makes the world’s ‘finest’ anti-air systems, but sometimes they just don’t work, Pompeo explains
