View Full Version : Something for Tumbleweed

midnight rambler
5th October 2019, 07:17 PM
The Horse's Prayer

- I'm only a horse, dear Master, but my heart is warm and true.
I'm ready to work my hardest, for the pleasure of pleasing you.

Good corn, hay and water, are all that I wish to ask.
And a warm dry bed to rest on, when I've finished my daily task.

Don't strike me in needless anger, if I'm slow to understand,
but encourage my drooping spirits with a gentle voice and hand.

Finally, O my master! When my health and strength are gone -
When I'm getting old and feeble, and my long life's work is done -

Don't sell me to cruel or strange owners, to be slaved to my last breath,
But grant me the untold blessing of a quick and painless death;

That, as you have always found me a patient and loyal friend,
The years of my faithful service may be crowned by a peaceful end.

I plead in the name of the Savior, Who cares when the sparrows fall.
Who was born in a lowly stable, and knows, and loves us all!

Your Faithful and loving friend,

The Horse


From Rick Gore's website, Rick being the retired cop behind the jootube video channel ThinkLikeACop, he's one of us and a really down-to-earth dude. More of his stuff on horses here - http://www.thinklikeahorse.org/index.html

9th October 2019, 10:18 PM
I've got a couple of old horses I've put out to pasture quite a few years ago. The oldest is 33 years old I think and that's really old for a horse. The other one is close to that age too. I've been many a mile with them in all kinds of weather checking on and tending cattle. They, like many others have been my helpers through the years.

I don't think these two will make it through the winter because they're both pretty thin even though they've had the best of feed and plenty of it. I might have to put them down but I sure hate to have to do that. I don't want them to suffer.

Thanks for the horses prayer. It's pretty good. I spent the day last Sunday horseback trailing cattle with my red roan horse "Spud". I named him Spud because he's the color of a red potato.

Andrew Marlin wrote this song below and his wife sings it with him in this video.


Mandolin Orange (https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ACYBGNQpEyBu2ki2XteWR2SbKa1JwN2JIw:157068356 0338&q=Mandolin+Orange&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3KEwyiU8rXsTK75uYl5Kf k5mn4F-UmJeeCgCBg-YBIAAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWl6yd9JDlAhVvhq0KHRZ2DdkQMTAAegQICxAF)

Well, I've carried the world on my back with no more to obtain
The fire in the sky-- a dim light in my eye that's long faded
And I've stood where heroes have fallen their names turned to stone
Yet I remain nameless, the best friend the hero has known

Now I'm saving my strength for running
These days I'm saving my strength for running

From the age of kings when pride decided all fate
Long before war machines took charge and I was still 'wake
It was blind hope and blinders, with young men to carry between
All the death and the glory; believin' they're one and the same

Now I'm saving my strength for running
These days I'm saving my strength for running

Yes I've carried the world on my back with no more to obtain
The sword and the shield perched upon saddles and reins
But the stampedes of thunder, the cavalry's charge leaves me now
Your last war will come but I can not follow you down

No, I'm saving my strength for running
These days I'm saving my strength for running
I said these days I'm saving my strength for running

midnight rambler
12th October 2019, 03:52 PM
Even though that 33 y.o. horse was a working animal I’m sure he has been your beloved pet as well. I suggest you prepare your emotions, send him out on a high note and give him the needle of mercy at the first indication you need to do so. Myself, I will do so at the first sign of distress at the end of my pet’s life. Our beloved animals deserve mercy and it’s our responsibility to show them that.

midnight rambler
12th October 2019, 06:37 PM
BTW, 30 years is a very long life for a horse that was worked, so for your horse to live to 33 years old indicates you took really, really good care of him.

12th October 2019, 07:12 PM
BTW, 30 years is a very long life for a horse that was worked, so for your horse to live to 33 years old indicates you took really, really good care of him.
Loosing an animal after that long would really be tough. You kind of grow together.

25th October 2019, 05:36 PM
Even though that 33 y.o. horse was a working animal I’m sure he has been your beloved pet as well. I suggest you prepare your emotions, send him out on a high note and give him the needle of mercy at the first indication you need to do so. Myself, I will do so at the first sign of distress at the end of my pet’s life. Our beloved animals deserve mercy and it’s our responsibility to show them that.

Yesterday I saw that old horse looking at me and my intuition hit me that he doesn't have long to live. This afternoon he was laying down and couldn't get up so I helped him on over to the other side with my .357 sig. This evening I've been thinking about all the places we've been together and the things we've done. I'll miss that old horse and I'm getting old and stove up too. I was horse back this morning gathering and working cattle with another horse I've spent a lot of time with. We all just go until we can't go anymore and then it's time to cross over to the other side.

There's a photo of me and that horse when he was young in a book put out by a photographer. The book is getting old and doesn't sell for much on amazon anymore.