View Full Version : From feudalism, to freedom, to . . . . ????

old steel
15th October 2019, 11:40 AM
FROM FEUDALISM, TO FREEDOM, TO . . . . ???? by ProLiberty for The Daily Coin

by (https://www.thedailycoin.org)The Daily Coin (https://thedailycoin.org/author/rory/) · Published October 12, 2019 · Updated October 13, 2019

Homo sapiens, and many animals, have an innate desire to habituate as a group. Such an arrangement can be a protection from predators. It also facilitates specialization and the undertaking of projects beyond the capacity of a singular individual.

A group tends to select a leader. Frequently a leader is selected based upon his wise selection of alternate courses of actions. As an alternate, the leader may, by physical prowess, rule by domination. The identification of a king has frequently exhibited such a trait.
Kings customarily demanded total domination of the subjects and all property was his. His word became law; his act was beyond reproach; his ruling was beyond challenge. Such a political form has been identified as a feudal government.

A minor modification of the political form is that of communism. Such form, while touting itself as a benevolent group-living community, is viewed by outsiders as being totalitarian. The presence of an elected legislative body to make laws, and a judicial body to settle disputes, are seen as submissive agents of an oppressive regime. To challenge the state is to be sentenced to Siberia.

The $20 million investment to fund the Bolshevik revolution by Wall Streeter Jacob Schiff established communism over millions of people. Schiff’s reward was seizure of the Czar’s largest hoard of gold in the world. Power was vested in a puppet dictator and, marginally, in a legislative body. In 1946, a communist defector testified to congress that Moscow’s delay in replies to government inquiries could be expedited with a telephone call to Manhattan. Marx wrote of how to achieve political domination; nowhere did he suggest how the power so acquired was to be distributed to the people. Communism has been used by Wall Street as a ploy to pry more funds for defense from Congress.

An alternate political form called socialism is currently a political issue in the US. In times past, the term was used interchangeably with communism. Lenin took communism to accept violent acts for its imposition on society. Trotsky took socialism to restrict its imposition to acquiescence by the people. Socialism would promise benefits to the people and the masses would accept the benefits with the knowledge they would have to eventually pay for them. Government has nothing to give except what it has first seized from the subjects. Myopia frequently obscures the inevitable cost.

The cost of socialism must consistently escalate. More benefits are demanded from insatiable people who do not have to work for them. More benefits require more taxation, and the only wealth of a nation is what the masses produce. Marx foresaw the necessity of a tax on those who produce wealth and the burden would fall on the working class. Eventually, the working class will demand the free benefits and forgo the earnings from working. The working class eventually rebels from the burden; they became non-existent. The inevitable end is a few rich living on confiscated taxes and the masses of poor surviving in squalor.1 The socialistic experiment at Plymouth resulted in starvation; the cornucopia of Thanksgiving resulted from individual responsibility and control. If food, shelter, and medical care are the responsibility of the domed house on the hill, how far are we from the plantation ? The shear number of members of congress that have been affiliated with communist/socialist groups is phenomenal.2 Socialism is not a form of government; it is a means by which a central control of people is imposed. The shadow proxy of feudalism covers the land.

Occasionally, idealistic individuals will believe they should control their own destiny. They may attempt to form a ruling body they can control. The body must answer to them for any perceived wandering from the restrictions and guidelines that have been established. Such a form may be called a republic. The form requires complete knowledge of actions taken by the government. Such a form was envisioned in 1776. The Founding Father’s seminal constitution so tenaciously clung to Freedom they were compelled to draft a new charter within ten years—but demanded the inclusion of a Bill of Rights.


Liberty was specified as a Constitutional Right in the 5th Amendment and applied as to the states by the 14th Amendment. The clause of Liberty has been consistently held to include the pursuit of a Livelihood.3 Such Rights, similar to the Right to Trial by Jury, are not suitable objects for revenue taxation. The power to tax is the power to destroy. In contrast to this concept, the IRS wants the public to construe the 16th Amendment as authorizing a tax levied on labor. That is not correct. The Amendment addressed ONLY an issue of a tax from gain on capital investments; i.e., from stocks, bonds, and rental property.

The Supreme Court repeatedly stated the Amendment acted to reverse the Holding of the Pollock adjudication. The Pollock court declared an issue of a tax on remuneration for labor was NOT being adjudicated. The entire tax was voided in rehearing. The tax on labor could have been reinstated by act of congress. But the Pollock holding has been overturned by the Supreme Court; the 16th Amendment is a nullity.4

Indictments of “citizens” on income tax charges do not allege violation of “a known legal duty” as required for a valid process. A tax on the pursuit of a livelihood would be unconstitutional, and the courts steadfastly prevent exposure from being required. If the law that imposes the tax is not alleged in the indictment, it is not an issue before the court for challenge with the burden of proof upon the plaintiff. Defendants who raise a question of legality thus allow the court to shift the burden of proof to them to prove there is no possible way the tax might be legal. Such proof is impossible; the attempt is labeled frivolous. And so Due Process that blossomed with the Magna Carta has been squelched. The IRS justifies this anomaly by claiming an individual’s signature, under oath, over the line labeled ‘taxpayer’s name’ identifies themselves as legally responsible for the tax identified by the form.5

Income tax indictments cite Title 26, Sections 7201 thru 7215. The Supreme Court, relying upon the Congressional Record, identified those sections/penalties as applicable to all of the 70 or so taxes collected by the IRS.6They therefor cannot allege the required violation of a known legal duty required for valid process. The income tax is a scam.7 Protests by lawyers result in suspending their access to the Bar and bogus criminal charges. If government can properly claim 3% of an individuals earnings, they can confiscate 100% of his remuneration. Slavery has been reinstated under the guise of taxation. Whether government criminal prosecution, and confiscation of a recalcitrant individual’s assets through their use of fraud and coercion, constitutes human labor trafficking depends upon the view of the observer.

Taxation, the Supreme court has said, is an attribute of sovereignty. That over which the taxing authority is not sovereign is not a suitable object for taxation. If We the [sovereign] People who formed government for our pleasure are proper subjects for an income tax, the entire Constitution has been overturned with just one law.

In the 1910’s period, Wall Street bankers made loans to European nations to fund their military actions. The U.S. public was manipulated by media and government into war with a staged sacrifice of passengers on HMS Lusitania to prevent default on the loans. U.S. lives were lost. Lies still prevail in history class of today.8

Wall Street approached General Smedley Butler to front for a coup during the 1930’s. He exposed the potential insurrection in WAR IS A RACKET.

John Stinnett relied upon government documents obtained by FOIA to detail how Wall Street connived with their crony FDR for 17 months on an agenda to crush Japan by sanctions.9 Wall Street would not tolerate the overwhelming competition in industrial production. All Japanese communication codes were broken. The attack on Pearl Harbor was known before the event; it was Wall Street’s objective.

Hitler had received Wall Street money for his campaigns.10 His image was on the cover of Time magazine as Man of the Year in January 1938. But when he attacked Wall Street’s puppet state of the USSR he became the villain. USSR communists, who were one of six groups in concentration camps, had been organizing pitched gun-battles with police in the streets of German cities. They joined groups of homosexuals, unemployed (gypsies), mental cases, criminals, and Jews in the camps—each with a different colored lapel triangle.

Jews had been able to acquire control of access to all lucrative professions. Over 90 percent of all lawyers, doctors, dentists, judges, barbers, etc. were Jews, even when Jews were less that 2% of the population. Over 90 percent of all merchants were Jews. Only Jews were allowed to open new businesses. Price gouging was rampant. Bankers assisted the exploitation of Germans to satisfy the oppression imposed at Munich. The Germans resented becoming exploited second rate citizens in their own country. Relief of the exploitation by Hitler was a campaign promise. Churchill’s suggestion to FDR that Hitler should be allowed to destroy the USSR was ignored. It was FDR’s stripping of critical military supplies from Asia to supply the USSR that prevented the destruction of the USSR. Congress has recently held hearings on similar price-gouging practice in the pharmaceutical industry.

Wall Street recruited their crony Allen Dulles to create the CIA for concealment of their nefarious acts behind a cloak of national security. Dulles hosted the deposed Shah to Wall Street oil moguls even before he was Director. The Shah promised oil interests millions in profit from the seized BP fields if they would restore him to the Peacock throne. It required a coup of the upstart elected Iranian leader. Kermit Roosevelt organized the coup which became the model for a multitude of future CIA actions. The brutal oppression by the Shah was eventually overthrown. Wall Street has seethed over their lose of exploitative control and, even now, wants the world to totally destroy the nation.

Volumes have been written of how Wall Street has used the CIA and US military to enforce economic oppression and chaos throughout the world. William Blum, Michel Chossudovsky, Terry Reed, Douglas Valentine, David Talbot, Stephen Kinzer, and Michael Hudson are but a few. Hudson attempts to lay the onus of actions on the shoulders of government. He has received lucrative economic benefits for his assistance in deflecting the view of the public. He boosts of being sent to DC to enlighten the government. We would wonder if subsequent government actions are the result of his enlightenment.

John Perkins relates of negotiating international loans with the IMF and WB. The object was to make a loan that would be extremely hard for the nation to service. Behind cutouts, he identified Wall Street interests.11The recent loan arranged by Goldman Sachs with Greece that resulted in bankrupting the nation resulted financial entities having total control of the nation. Individual’s bank deposits were seized, pensions have been confiscated, government and private employment was slashed, and all government decisions were controlled by the Troika. Goldman Sachs did a similar rape in Argentina.12

Fletcher Prouty, from inside the Pentagon, presents a scenario of President Eisenhower grounding the U-2 flight over USSR six months before scheduled peace talks with Khrushchev in Paris. The CIA countermanded his orders, flew Gary Powers on an unprecedented trans-USSR flight with a sabotaged airplane. The plane displayed in Red Square thwarted the peace talks. Peace is anathema to Wall Street.13

Prouty also documents Allen Dulles sabotaged the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion inherited by JFK. Dulles grounded the second air strike which led to defeat. Dulles had anticipated JFK would commit the US to an all-out war to avoid defeat. Dulles lost in his “darkest day of my life.” JFK took the rap and vowed to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. Wars are profitable for Wall Street.14

When JFK was found to have a back-ground phone communication with Moscow for peace talks, he was labeled a traitor. When he issued debt-free US Treasury Notes instead of deficit spending Federal Reserve Notes, he threatened a highly profitable scheme of Wall Street.15 A federal jury in Miami came back with a verdict the CIA assassinated President Kennedy. The congressional rehearing of the Warren Commission heard evidence that located three sources of gunfire at Dealey plaza. None came from the book depository. When JFK purged 600 CIA agents and vowed to shatter the agency, that was too much. But these bits of information of CIA involvement have been suppressed by the MSM and dismissed as conspiracy theory.16

President Nixon had the audacity to close the CIA’s school in Leadville that was training Tibetans to invade China. He removed the China straw enemy the MIC needed. He used Schlesinger to purge 1500 CIA agents. He was secretly recorded by the CIA who then deleted exculpatory evidence from the tapes which were used, with MSM assistance, to hound him from office. 17

President Carter torpedoed a $4 billion nuclear aircraft carrier. He also purged 600 CIA agents. October Surprise was implemented to prevent his reelection.18

The CIA’s involvement in drugs is extensively documented.19

The CIA has been connected with the Savings and Loan scandal.20

The CIA’s disregard for laws was publicly exposed by Oliver North in testimony to Congress. He chided congress’ efforts to control the CIA—after he was granted immunity for his possible criminal acts.21

The CIA, and many other government agencies, conceal questionable acts by claiming national security. Kevin Shipp, an ex-CIA agent, attributes the actions to a shadow government.22

The FBI is alleged to flagrantly violate the law to seize an individual’s property.23

Trump’s military objectives have been claimed to be diametrically opposed to those of the Pentagon—perhaps until pressure was put on him to quell (temporarily) impeachment hype.24 Is Wall Street still incensed over being ripped by Trump in bankrupt construction loans for casinos ? Was his successful selling of overpriced New York condos to Russians that prevented personal bankruptcy too much ? Was Jerome Corsi correct in claiming Trump has been targeted by the Deep State ?25 Larry Klayman of FreedomWatch claims he has a CIA whistle blower client with voluminous evidence Trump and many others were illegally wire-tapped by the spy agencies for long periods and the FBI has stonewalled investigation for two years.26

It is ironic, and a common practice, for government agencies to supply completely redacted documents requested by congress about suspected malfeasance, but they somehow supply anonymous whistle blower information, perhaps acquired illegally, about irregularities of individuals who may not be submissive to Wall Street’s oppression.27 And they always rely upon a compliant MSM to hype a campaign for impeachment.

Skeptics will quickly point out there is no evidence of Wall Street involvement with the current turmoil in D.C., but they are ignoring evidence the MSM, redacted government documents, and internet search engines, suppress. Endless repetition of historic nefarious actions, frequently attributed to government, have been copiously documented when sufficient time is given for examination. The events of today, including whispers of coup, are duplication of CIA actions taken to conduct coups in foreign nations [and in the US] for the benefit of Wall Street.28

The method by which Wall Street uses the Federal Reserve to embezzle trillions from the government to fund the above acts has been presented.29 If the current progression continues, the means by which Wall Streetwill collect on foreclosure of the U.S. National Debt, in the same manner Greece is being raped by the Troika, has been prophesied. 30

The Barons’ mutiny, as appointed governors of the king’s shires, ignited a candle of Freedom with the Magna Carta. They refused to fund and staff the war-mongering invasion of Normandy the London financiers had persuaded King John to undertake. Even then, bankers found great profit in war. The fracture of domination was lamented by King John as to leave him with merely a crown as an image of power.

The flame of an individual’s control of their destiny was spectacularly illuminated with the sculptury from France in the shallows of New York City. Today, the blaze of Freedom appears to be on the verge of extinction with a New World Order controlled from Manhattan. The form of political domination supposedly outlawed in 1865 appears to be immanent with the total nullification of the Magna Carta’s legacy. Slavery has merely been bleached. From feudalism, to Freedom, to feudalism. Is that to be the destiny of the United State’s evolution ?


15th October 2019, 12:24 PM
So much to read, so little time.

midnight rambler
15th October 2019, 01:37 PM
So much to read, so little time.

Sez the purveyor of Anna's Bullshit flavored Kool-Aid.

Gawd I love irony.

15th October 2019, 02:52 PM
Sez the purveyor of Anna's Bullshit flavored Kool-Aid.

Gawd I love irony.

If Anna is bull shit, please point out where it is?

Seems like you can't do that, as you never have.

You just make noises that sound like you are the bullshitter.

Have you collected on Phil's award yet? How does it feel to be a brit on us soil?

15th October 2019, 05:23 PM
If Anna is bull shit, please point out where it is?

Anna tries to convince us that her nightmares are real.

Anna cannot construct a grammatically correct sentence. I share her pain since I have difficulty reading grammatically correct sentences. These are sentences where there is only one verb, either is or are, rather than an endless litany of verb-adverb combinations. Also much of her material is in PAST tense. Neither PAST nor FUTURE exists. The PRESENT is the only tense that is valid.

Anna doesn't seek responsibility for her universe. Instead she comes with an endless argument of why others are responsible for the state she is in.

Anna is a victim. She has the mentality of a victim and by the Law of Attraction people who act like victims are pre-ordained to become victims or are trying to convince others to be victims like them.

Aside from these she lives in Alaska so cannot be all bad.

midnight rambler
15th October 2019, 05:50 PM
Anna tries to convince us that her nightmares are real.

Anna cannot construct a grammatically correct sentence. I share her pain since I have difficulty reading grammatically correct sentences. These are sentences where there is only one verb, either is or are, rather than an endless litany of verb-adverb combinations. Also much of her material is in PAST tense. Neither PAST nor FUTURE exists. The PRESENT is the only tense that is valid.

Anna doesn't seek responsibility for her universe. Instead she comes with an endless argument of why others are responsible for the state she is in.

Anna is a victim. She has the mentality of a victim and by the Law of Attraction people who act like victims are pre-ordained to become victims or are trying to convince others to be victims like them.

Aside from these she lives in Alaska so cannot be all bad.

You forgot the “Anna is a very bitter and angry woman” part.

15th October 2019, 05:55 PM
You forgot the “Anna is a very bitter and angry woman” part.

Sure but that observation works for 99% of the female population. I think the female Dna is responsible for the victim part too.

Here is one for you: Would Russian men drink if they weren't trying to figure out Russian women?

15th October 2019, 06:42 PM
Anna tries to convince us that her nightmares are real.

Anna cannot construct a grammatically correct sentence. I share her pain since I have difficulty reading grammatically correct sentences. These are sentences where there is only one verb, either is or are, rather than an endless litany of verb-adverb combinations. Also much of her material is in PAST tense. Neither PAST nor FUTURE exists. The PRESENT is the only tense that is valid.

Anna doesn't seek responsibility for her universe. Instead she comes with an endless argument of why others are responsible for the state she is in.

Anna is a victim. She has the mentality of a victim and by the Law of Attraction people who act like victims are pre-ordained to become victims or are trying to convince others to be victims like them.

Aside from these she lives in Alaska so cannot be all bad.

Oh, common man, you are not real. The language you use is from and age when King Arthur had a round table.

Back here on Earth in the good old USA, we have a constitution that does not obey your rules either.

15th October 2019, 06:45 PM
You forgot the “Anna is a very bitter and angry woman” part.

Please post something to back up this claim, I've never seen it.

15th October 2019, 06:46 PM
we have a constitution that does not obey your rules either.

The constitution establishes a charitable trust. Nothing more. I don't exist in TRUST space. Neither (it appears) do the fiduciaries administrating the U.S. constitution. I can see where Marvel Comics got its' inspiration.

15th October 2019, 06:50 PM
The constitution establishes a charitable trust. Nothing more. I don't exist in TRUST space. Neither (it appears) do the fiduciaries administrating the U.S. constitution. I can see where Marvel Comics got its' inspiration.

The constitution was written as rules for the govt to operate under. It's a contract, not a trust.

15th October 2019, 06:58 PM
The constitution establishes a charitable trust. Nothing more. I don't exist in TRUST space. Neither (it appears) do the fiduciaries administrating the U.S. constitution. I can see where Marvel Comics got its' inspiration.

Ok, what is the USA? What is the US?

What is a State?

What is the several States?

What is a republican form of govt?

Do people form a union or do they all go their own way? Which appears to be where you went.

15th October 2019, 07:43 PM
The constitution was written as rules for the govt to operate under. It's a contract, not a trust.


15th October 2019, 07:49 PM
Ok, what is the USA? What is the US? [
If there is a US or USA and if it has existed for over 99 years then it is a charitable trust 'cause these are the only legalfictions permitted to exceed 99 years.

What is a State? A State is either liquid, gas or solid.

What is the several States? What is on 2nd.

What is a republican form of govt? I have this one pat. It is the form of government Democrats try to convince you they are better at.

Do people form a union or do they all go their own way?. Like join with like. You will find you will never plow a straight furrow if a donkey and mule are yoked together. People do dream a lot though. And they do act on illusions (false information). This is a form of joinder that exists in a space I have named FRAUD.

15th October 2019, 08:01 PM
If there is a US or USA and if it has existed for over 99 years then it is a charitable trust 'cause these are the only legalfictions permitted to exceed 99 years.

A State is either liquid, gas or solid.

What is on 2nd.

I have this one pat. It is the form of government Democrats try to convince you they are better at.

Like join with like. You will find you will never plow a straight furrow if a donkey and mule are yoked together. People do dream a lot though. And they do act on illusions (false information). This is a form of joinder that exists in a space I have named FRAUD.

I rest my case.

You have made a proof negative of what you are.

16th October 2019, 03:20 AM
I rest my case.

Your case includes failure to make a claim? I believe you have hit on something on which we both can agree.

16th October 2019, 03:38 AM
Your case includes failure to make a claim? I believe you have hit on something on which we both can agree.

From your spot sitting on the fence how would you know what a claim is?

your response says logic is something not of your world.

My claim is while you sit on the fence you are making a choice for the status quo.

You are a US Citizen, because silence dictates it.

16th October 2019, 05:25 AM
From your spot sitting on the fence how would you know what a claim is?
Possession is the position of the foot.

your response says logic is something not of your world
Logic is nothing more than manipulation of TRUE (1) and FALSE (0). There are no half-TRUTH or half-FALSE statements that exist in the world of Logic. The World is a communication system that includes an error detecting and correcting system to insure that when a TRUE is sent that a TRUE is received. This World is one of probabilities when NOISE is a factor.

My claim is while you sit on the fence you are making a choice for the status quo. Yet you persist in stating no claim.

You are a US Citizen, because silence dictates it. Music is the silence between notes. Do you hear Music?

16th October 2019, 07:53 AM
Possession is the position of the foot.

Music is the silence between notes. Do you hear Music?

The silence is only one component. Without the noise that breaks the silence there is no music only silence.

He who hollers is a genius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY4w4_W30aQ

16th October 2019, 08:56 AM
The silence is only one component. Without the noise that breaks the silence there is no music only silence.

There is no BLACK without WHITE.

There is no EVIL without GOODNESS.

There is no DONALD TRUMP without DEMOCRATS.

All evidence used to convict you will be provided by you. The more energy you bring the more your energy will be used to bring you into compliance. But it is your energy that is used to do it.

Without CAPITALISM there is no need for COMMUNISM. That is why it is funny that COMMUNISM was invented 7 years before CAPITALISM.

Without MALE there is no need for FEMALE (along with the opposite corollary).