View Full Version : Nancy Pelosi gives the green light for assassination of President Trump

old steel
17th October 2019, 09:30 AM
See for yourself.

If this happens, kiss America goodbye.


17th October 2019, 09:36 AM
Whatever Trumps doing is making a lot of people very desperate. I am not seeing the bad so he must be doing something good.

17th October 2019, 11:49 AM
I wasn't going to post this until I saw this thread



17th October 2019, 01:36 PM
“MAGA For Miles!” Trump Supporters Line Up TWO DAYS in Advance to Attend Trump’s Rally in Dallas (VIDEO)
Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila October 17, 2019 55 Comments

President Trump will be in Dallas Thursday evening for a mega rally at the American Airlines Center.

The Dallas arena will hold 20,000 Trump supporters and thousands more will be outside.

This is President Trump’s 6th trip to Texas this year.

The media continues to push the lie that over 50% of Americans want Trump removed from office, but in reality, Trump’s approval rating is hovering around 50% despite the sham impeachment inquiry.

Some Trump supporters were lined up two days in advance to attend the Dallas rally!

“MAGA for miles!”


17th October 2019, 03:20 PM
Did Feely Uncle Joe blab Pelosi's assassination plan?


17th October 2019, 05:08 PM
Assuming he's not gassed tonight-- one popular tweeter suggested there will be a major announcement-- but wouldn't say more.

The only fer sher full TV coverage I'm aware of is CSPAN -- tho FOX likely will too.

On web at https://www.c-span.org/video/?465272-1/president-trump-holds-rally-dallas-texas&live

17th October 2019, 05:14 PM
Did Feely Uncle Joe blab Pelosi's assassination plan?



The David Knight Show (https://www.infowars.com/videos/?channel=5b92d71e03deea35a4c6cdef)
Published on Oct 17, 2019
*00:08:11 #Biden17Slip - besides the half dozen gaffes, there was another one that trended — why did he say Trump needed to be “removed from office on the 17th”? *00:13:26 Elon Musk gets $5M to tell his SpaceX employees not to use drugs the federal govt says are illegal (like the marijuana he smoked on-air), but others are locked up for months, nearly years, for having powdered milk (cops said it was cocaine) or honey (cops said it was meth) *00:30:59 Trump’s Acting Director of Immigration says at least 22M illegals & anchor baby fiction can be ended by executive order *00:45:35 Twitter followers mock AOC doll *00:50:20 Venezuela implements Democrat’s economic program *01:27:53 Gerald Celente, TrendsResearch.com (http://trendsresearch.com/), on war & peace in the middle east, gold & what you can do to prepare for the coming Greater Depression *01:27:53 UBI — the favorite plan of billionaire tech-plutocrats to control YOU *01:54:41 Trump just moved to protect the tech tyrants censoring free speech — and extend protection of their censorship internationally

17th October 2019, 05:18 PM
Waiting on a reply but if anything goes down it would be an inside job from whoever protects Trump. Everyone entering gets metal detected and patted down. No bullshit bags full of cans or food etc.

midnight rambler
17th October 2019, 07:15 PM
The Jonestown Show!


18th October 2019, 03:54 AM
Well so much for a public gassing like JFK or even making some bombshell announcement news.

Nearest I saw was his dwelling on killerys emails a little extra long, "I don't know, they're looking for them, maybe they're gonna find them, I don't know. "