View Full Version : Anyone else notice that social unrest has already begun all over the world?

old steel
19th October 2019, 03:30 PM
Is this coordinated?

If so, by who?


old steel
19th October 2019, 03:44 PM
"The state is failing the people across the entire planet. It’s not just here or there, but everywhere.

It’s time to accept that the way the world is structured simply isn’t working.

We’re looking at total systemic failure, globally."


19th October 2019, 05:04 PM
"The state is failing the people across the entire planet. It’s not just here or there, but everywhere.

It’s time to accept that the way the world is structured simply isn’t working.

We’re looking at total systemic failure, globally."

Trump? Things are unraveling big time for big players here that are connected throughout the world. Hopeful thinking I guess but shit is happening for the positive.

old steel
19th October 2019, 05:31 PM
No, not Trump.

First link.

19th October 2019, 05:46 PM
No, not Trump.

First link.

Saw that. Not happening all on it's own for sure. Something triggered it.

19th October 2019, 06:09 PM
There exists in engineering a concept called 'the unit circle'. Many mathematical systems are tied to this idea. Stable systems only exist on the unit circle. If you find yourself in the space within the unit circle your system will exponentially decay toward zero. If you find yourself on the outside of the unit circle you will find your system exponentially accelerating toward infinity.

The latter option leads to inflation in the monetary system or bubbles. The first option leads to collapse. The game is rigged so that the struggle is to maintain stability between these extremes.

Anybodies guess as to which mode the monetary system is experiencing at present.

19th October 2019, 06:47 PM
Schools around the world have been pushing their communist, progressive, liberal, insane agenda, for two generations now and they're pretty good at it. The schools are a partly to blame for this unrest. No?

old steel
19th October 2019, 09:57 PM
It's just beginning too, this thing has legs.

20th October 2019, 01:19 PM
It has to be socio-political unrest that does the system in, otherwise it would be blamed on the real cause, central banking policy.

old steel
20th October 2019, 01:55 PM
It has to be socio-political unrest that does the system in, otherwise it would be blamed on the real cause, central banking policy.

They have installed their agents in Brick & Mortar Compounds on every block in the developed world while we sleepwalk down the path to slavery...

WE charge you interest on the $$$ we create with a keystroke (not a dollar of their own, or depositor, money), and if YOU miss a payment we plant the scarlet letter on your forehead (Credit Rating based on tracking every payment of every last serf), making it impossible to even rent a modest apartment.

The final push was in the early 70s, when the last barrier (what was left of gold reserve requirements... Oh sorry, I of course meant quaint, outdated relic of gold reserves) to the casino gambling model where anything goes.

The few countries still borrowing from their own treasury at zero interest (all with very small and manageable debt positions) were threatened and bribed into the evils of the compound interest model, through the new requirement to finance all Sovereign Debt through Mr Global's commercial bank racket. Today, they all carry massive debt held by the Masters of the Universe... who are now in full control!

Canada was one of those last countries and in researching the events long ago, it was impossible to find anything in the record... not a word on who made the decisions, what was the rationale for this monumental move, and where was the mandate?

And here is the DNA evidence (link below) of the evils of the Commercial Bank compound interest model resulting in the absolute financial control of the developed world by the International Banking Cabal...

Yes, while we were fretting over plans for a one world government, the entire financial system of the developed world was taken over by the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland (all Central Bank Chairs quietly meet there bi-monthly, with absolutely zero media reporting).


Notice (text) how this "Economics Professor" glosses over the explosion of Canadian debt by blaming it on higher interest rates in the early seventies... lmao!

old steel
20th October 2019, 01:57 PM
Protesters in Lebanon are now calling for the removal of the entire ruling class.


old steel
20th October 2019, 02:07 PM
49 weeks of protests in France. No mainstream media coverage. VIDEO: #Paris (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Paris?src=hash) #Acte49 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Acte49?src=hash)


old steel
21st October 2019, 10:43 AM


old steel
21st October 2019, 01:51 PM


21st October 2019, 11:18 PM
Facebook status will be perceived as the new gold credit standard,

same thing happened during the Inquisition, it was Bigbook status.

22nd October 2019, 07:20 PM
We are in a lot of trouble and there is no easy way out of it. We probably don't have enough ammunition to shoot our way out of it either. Rossette Delacroix narrates a video and adds photos and art work to a book she reads, "Our Nordic Race" by Richard Kelly Hoskins. It was written in 1958 and it explains the trouble we're in and how we got here through the centuries. History repeats and a look in to the past can show us what's coming in our future and it ain't pretty.

The video is long but it's well done, interesting and good food for thought. I think everyone should watch the whole thing. I don't think anything is going to change but only get worse. We are outnumbered already and there are many that want us completely eliminated.

This is the link to the video on Bitchute.


23rd October 2019, 01:37 AM
We are in a lot of trouble and there is no easy way out of it. We probably don't have enough ammunition to shoot our way out of it either. Rossette Delacroix narrates a video and adds photos and art work to a book she reads, "Our Nordic Race" by Richard Kelly Hoskins. It was written in 1958 and it explains the trouble we're in and how we got here through the centuries. History repeats and a look in to the past can show us what's coming in our future and it ain't pretty.

The video is long but it's well done, interesting and good food for thought. I think everyone should watch the whole thing. I don't think anything is going to change but only get worse. We are outnumbered already and there are many that want us completely eliminated.

This is the link to the video on Bitchute.


I find this extremely ironic Hoskins would in my book be a Jewish name. Definitely not a nordik name. The nord's don't use c except for foreign words.

23rd October 2019, 02:15 AM
Basically we are being set up by the Popes and the Jews in a divide and conquer of creating two groups each of which thinks it has right on it's side.

Religious people against Natures people and neither side ever talks to the other side.

And then they have mixed in competing groups all who say my god is better than your god.


Makes you want to take your fishing pole and head for some far away fishing hole, never to return.

23rd October 2019, 08:28 AM
I find this extremely ironic Hoskins would in my book be a Jewish name. Definitely not a nordik name. The nord's don't use c except for foreign words.

Looks like it's a Dutch name and those with that name in the US are mostly farmers or laborers.


23rd October 2019, 09:02 AM
Social unrest is engineered. How else is the population going to be reduced by 80%. The controllers can't handle the job so they set up the conditions so we can do it ourselves.

23rd October 2019, 09:13 AM
Looks like it's a Dutch name and those with that name in the US are mostly farmers or laborers.


Well I know a lot of Jews with names that end in "kin". It does not mean that all of the people with a name ending in kin are Jews, it's just a jumping off place to look a little deeper.

The Netherlands is the first place the Jews chose when Spain kicked them out. Lots of Jews still live there.

I have a different theory on all these Jewish expulsions. We look at them and the Jews advertise them as evil people did bad things to the poor Jews making them victims again.
The Jew shows up at your door with his hat in hand and a woeful tale of terrible evil men who will kill him if you don't let him in. His murder will be your fault if you don't help him.
And being a good Christian you let him in, then his family, then his neighbors and after a few years he's running your town/borough/city. The Jews trick is he created the bad man who chased him out. Another case for controlled opposition where the Jews get to invade your land without you being suspicious of the reason.