View Full Version : YouTube Removes 17,000 Channels 100,000 Videos, 500 Million Comments for “Hate Speech
21st October 2019, 11:01 PM
Per email from Dr. James Fetzer
YouTube Removes 17,000 Channels, 100,000 Videos, 500 Million Comments for “Hate Speech”
Bradford Hanson BRADFORD HANSON · 29 SEPTEMBER, 2019
YouTube says it has removed more than 17,000 channels for “hate speech”, representing a spike in takedowns since its new “hate speech policy” went into effect in June.
THE GOOGLE-OWNED company calls the June update — in which YouTube said it would specifically prohibit videos that “glorify Nazi ideology” or deny “documented violent events” like the so-called Holocaust — a “fundamental shift in our policies” that resulted in the takedown of more than 100,000 individual videos during the second quarter of the year. The number of comments removed during the same period doubled to over 500 million, in part due to the new “hate speech policy”.
YouTube said that the 30,000 videos it had removed in the last month represented 3 percent of the views that knitting videos generated during the same period.
“We’ve been removing harmful content since YouTube started, but our investment in this work has accelerated in recent years,” the company wrote in a Sept. 3 blog post detailing its efforts to clean up its platform through the removal of videos that violate its standards.
YouTube, which has 2 billion monthly logged-in users, has come under fire in recent years for its struggle to keep up with the constant influx of new content that “promotes violence, hate speech or misinformation”. The company has taken steps to censor its platform and remove such content, relying on its machine learning technology to help detect videos that are in need of human review. In the blog post, YouTube said an update to its spam detection system during the second quarter led to a 50 percent increase in the number of channels that were terminated for violating its spam policies.
Together with Google, YouTube also has a team of over 10,000 people who focus on detecting, reviewing and removing videos that violate its policies.
YouTube says the videos removed represented a five-times increase compared with the previous three months. Still, in early August the ADL’s Center on “Extremism” reported finding “a significant number of channels that continue to spread anti-Semitic and white supremacist content”.
* * *
Source: Daily Archives
21st October 2019, 11:23 PM
At least this time Youtube is getting the evil connotation it always deserved.
They are coming down heavily on anything that even slightly resembles copywrite material as part of a global push against the Chinese form of beneficial to Chinese only communisms.
No original thought will be permitted to air unless its patented by bureaucracy first.
22nd October 2019, 03:16 AM
This is how THEY subtly but sternly force a change in the meanings of words.
I do not HATE anybody. I do not love and admire and promote what I know as VIOLENCE.
HATE and VIOLENCE is what is being perpetrated on we the people by the totalitarian regime.
We can observe and publicize what THEY are doing but we must EXPLAIN to people what it is THEY are actually doing.
We must not simply play the "ain't it awful game". That is useless we must understand THEIR real goals and thwart them with whatever courage and discipline we have left in us.
We must exercise our remaining right to choose and to take action against THEM, and that is by staying away from YouTube as much as possible.
I am not sure Bitchute is much better and I know is much better, but both of those platforms are missing many of the good features of YouTube. But I have a feeling having those special nice features is what tips the platform into being another Big Brother platorm that we get hooked on because of their convenience.
When we accept the glossy shallow news and facts, "fair and balanced", at face value we are accepting as true the underlying premises that could only make the face story true.
It all boils down to DO WE WANT THE TRUTH and a halfway decent republic or DO WE WANT TO IMBIBE the lowest quality moonshine thrown at us. The only problem is the underlying premises are FALSE, LIES FROM THE PIT OF HELL.
THAT is how THEY work this communication and language game on us and
THAT is how we become the zombies they desire.
22nd October 2019, 03:35 AM
So what is stopping us from creating our own version of Youtube? Are we Gentiles incapable of organizing even a video hosting site? Seriously, let the Commies/Zionists/whateverthefucktheyare have their way with Youtube. It is theirs, is it not? Why can't we create our own and remove their idiocy from our channel? We have made the educated decision that the Holocaust is lies and hate speech, so we should be able to censor 'them' out in turn.
22nd October 2019, 04:33 AM
The only things that are stopping us apparently are...
Fear of the regime and holding on to our jobs and supporting ourselves and families
money income to support the platform
Jason Boss, and his teen age son I think, have moved to another country and have managed to keep up and running after repeated attacks.
We should send him donations if we can.
That is the only platform that I know of now that still has First Amendment free speech.
22nd October 2019, 07:50 AM
So what is stopping us from creating our own version of Youtube? Are we Gentiles incapable of organizing even a video hosting site? Seriously, let the Commies/Zionists/whateverthefucktheyare have their way with Youtube. It is theirs, is it not? Why can't we create our own and remove their idiocy from our channel? We have made the educated decision that the Holocaust is lies and hate speech, so we should be able to censor 'them' out in turn.
The dictatorship of the proletariat (
23rd December 2019, 10:17 AM
Facebook bans journalist Ford Fischer from posting links as he attempted to share YouTube censorship article (
Tom Parker Dec17, 2019
Facebook has blocked independent journalist and Filmmaker Ford Fischer of News2Share from posting links for 60 hours after he attempted to share a Reclaim The Net article about YouTube censorship. Fischer wasn’t given any warning and was automatically and instantly blocked as soon as he attempted to share the link.
The article that Fischer attempted to share, 2019 was a low point for YouTube and demoralizing for creators (, documents YouTube censorship, leaks that have exposed YouTube bias, and the controversial policies YouTube has introduced in 2019. Fischer's News2Share channel being demonetized on YouTube ( after it introduced its controversial “hate speech” rules is one of the stories featured in the article.
I just attempted to post the @ReclaimNet story about YouTube censorship to Facebook and they automatically blocked me from posting links for exactly 60 hours without any explanation.
Appears posting this story is an insta-ban on @Facebook.
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) December 17, 2019
23rd December 2019, 10:28 AM
Found the offending article.
December 16, 2019 - 8:28 pm EST December 16, 2019 - 8:28 pm EST
Creators, Free Speech and Censorship, News, Opinion
2019 was a low point for YouTube and demoralizing for creators and the community
There are no signs things will be better in 2020.
Didi Rankovic
by Didi Rankovic December 16, 2019 - 8:28 pm EST
To view embedded videos in this article, go to original article.
2019 has been a rough year for YouTube content creators, many of whom have had to contend with a range of problems Google's giant video platform has been unceremoniously throwing their way.
Founded in 2005 and acquired by Google a year later, YouTube has grown not only to dominate the video-sharing market in most parts of the world thanks to the homegrown creator talent who have been given a chance to earn a living on the platform. But with a string of decisions over the past several years, and many issues coming to a head this year, that partnership seems to be steadily dissolving.
It isn't that YouTubers are leaving the platform in droves – but the feeling is that they very much would be doing that if only they believed they had any other place to go.
Creators feel unappreciated and unprotected on a site they helped build, with YouTube often pulling the rug from under them by introducing new rules often to satisfy outside forces. Many of the changes threaten to fundamentally change the nature of the platform – and what made it appealing in the first place.
2019 has seen some endemic issues that have persisted for years, like YouTube's propensity to “delegate” problems, something obvious in the way it handles DMCA takedown notice from rights holders and copyright trolls alike, essentially leaving creators to deal with them and suffer monetary consequences.
This year, a deal YouTube struck with Federal Trade Commission for violations of the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) follows in the same format – by and large, leaving creators to figure out for themselves how to adjust to the new rules and protect their revenues.
With hot-button issues like hate speech and bullying thrown into the mix of moderation and censorship enforced on the platform, YouTube is increasingly becoming a minefield that creators must navigate.
Banned accounts and copyright claims
2019 started with YouTube and other social media continuing their account banning and suspending spree, often baselessly – a trend started the previous year. These kinds of blunders were likely caused by overreliance on algorithms and overzealous attempts to keep content under control.
Comedian Steven Crowder's troubles on YouTube began in February when his annual Anti-Oscars Party live stream was suspended on the grounds of four copyright claims from Disney and Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) Oscars.
Crowder was hit with false copyright strikes that were used to take down his livestream, highlighting the flaws in YouTube's policies
These bogus claims were filed under DMCA rules that are supposed to allow fair use, and Crowder argued that his content as a transformative work fell under the fair use principle. He also said the real reason the entertainment giants came after him by abusing YouTube's broken copyright system was anti-competitive – simply to keep him off the platform.
Even when the issues were later rectified, it was days after the livestream and the damage was already done.
This system was further exploited later in the year to block President Trump's “Nickelback Joe Biden meme” video, exploring a corruption scandal involving the former US Vice President in a humorous way. Those who disliked the meme decided to take it down using a questionable copyright claim, ignoring that parody is another example of fair use.
Even The White House faced false DMCA claims that YouTube complied with. read interesting coverage at link above.
23rd December 2019, 10:46 AM
And yet the Republican party and Trump do NOTHING about the censorship of conservatives. If not for the incredible jaw-dropping overreaching criminality and stupidity of the Democrats and deep-state public servant corruption as they do their Stasi-government and media gang-stalking thing on President Trump, the 2020 election would not be as certain, but what about after 2020?
As some one who in the past has faced some pretty significant western government co-ordinated Stasi-type gang-stalking, and still do if I try to step outside of the cage I am barely allowed to exist in, let me tell you the co-ordination between governments and private business appeared seamless. Many conservative and anti-war youtuber's seem reluctant to admit this, but I see the mis-treatment of conservatives on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc as victimized by the fallen feminine pharmaceuticalized boomer western public servant's post 9/11 zionist-masonic-pedosatist-'publicservant' anti-Euroite police state.
13th January 2021, 10:48 AM YouTube bans [President] Trump from uploading videos for at least 7 days 'given the ongoing concerns about violence' (
"After review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to Donald J. Trump’s channel for violating our policies," YouTube said in a statement. "It now has its 1st strike & is temporarily prevented from uploading new content for a *minimum* of 7 days."
The statement continued, "Given the ongoing concerns about violence, we will also be indefinitely disabling comments on President Trump’s channel, as we’ve done to other channels where there are safety concerns found in the comments section."
13th January 2021, 11:39 AM
I am not able to access and Jim Fetzer Bitchute channel page.
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8th October 2021, 05:38 PM Updating our ads and monetization policies on climate change (
October 7, 2021
[T]oday, we’re announcing a new monetization policy for Google advertisers, publishers and YouTube creators that will prohibit ads for, and monetization of, content that contradicts well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change...
In creating this policy and its parameters, we’ve consulted authoritative sources on the topic of climate science, including experts who have contributed to United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Reports.
8th October 2021, 06:03 PM Updating our ads and monetization policies on climate change (
Climate change, is only one of the many verboten words on their system.
Election Integrity
are also to be banned.
Anyone using google, youtube has nothing to do with First Amendment, and are only making money on pretending to be opposing our lost First Amendment.
Llost is past tense. It's a done deal. The First Amendment is lost.
We have to just figure best way we the ordinary working people can put forth a real fight.
P.S. Gab seems to be a sincere effort. I signed up a long time ago and sent a small donation but admit I never spent time there and never figured out how to use it.
I understand that Gab is under many attacks.
2nd February 2022, 07:56 AM
The degradation marches on... YouTube’s new censorship tactic is to limit streams that are too popular (
February 1, 2022
YouTube is capping the number of live viewers for some creators.
YouTube has a brand new censorship tactic that appears to be affecting small creators – and one that, on the face of it, makes no sense.
Several livestreams posted on Google’s platform last weekend by truckers protesting in Canada have had their audience limited. The reason given to viewers trying to access the videos? They were too popular.
“Video unavailable: This video is popular! Due to limited creator history, we’re limiting the number of viewers,” YouTube’s message reads, and then advises visitors to subscribe to the channel “to help this creator reach a broader audience.”...
Reports also note that visitors can see the videos if they’re logged out of their YouTube accounts, and interpret this as a way to at once limit the reach of a video and be able to track viewers.
Over on Reddit’s NewTubers subreddit that gathers small content creators, more similar stories are popping up, with one user sharing that their livestream quickly hit 300 views only to be informed by one of the people in the video’s chat that they started getting the “too popular” error.
This creator explained that they have had the channel for seven years, with 90 videos and several streams, and could not understand why YouTube was limiting them, noting in the comments that the content was “nothing unusual” or “controversial.”
Another similar article on the censorship: YouTube Censors Livestreams Of Canadian Trucker Protests For Being Too Popular (
Jan. 31, 2022
2nd February 2022, 08:28 AM
I am spending less and less time on YouTube. I do enjoy very old Western movies, like from the 30s and 40s, but fear I have see them all, each several times.
Really, as a Christian, I think each person should just pray and ask God what is the best Internet platform they should post on, if any. It is easy to be deceived, so put on the whole armor of God to protect your thoughts, words and deeds.
Being not conformed to this world system and being "in Christ" means the same thing to me and that is what gives each of us the best shot at getting to heaven.
1 Corinthians 3:19
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is the one who catches the wise in their craftiness”;
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