View Full Version : “Let Them Eat Cotton” : Genetically Modified Cotton as a “Solution to Human Hunger”?

30th October 2019, 05:31 PM
Yummy seed for Goyim and Goyim.

US Government regulators have approved a genetically modified cotton variety as a “potential solution to human hunger.” The radical decision is to permit consumption by humans, in addition to animals, of seeds of a GMO cotton developed at Texas A&M University, with no independent long-term testing. It opens grave new concerns about the safety of our food chain. Soon, as a result, the world food chain may well be contaminated with the GMO cottonseeds whose dangers have been simply ignored by authorities.

31st October 2019, 04:52 AM
There's a thread on here about gmo grain and an organism in it that causes infertility and abortion in livestock and in women who eat the animals fed this grain. Don Huber from Idaho has spoken about this on some interviews. GMO grain cause a lot of problems with my cattle that cost me a lot of money. Cotton seed is one of the culprits that I had tested and it was loaded with the organism that causes the problem. I guess that could be the solution to the human hunger problem by lowering the population.

31st October 2019, 07:40 AM
that could be the solution to the human hunger problem by lowering the population.

Green cookies work too.

South Carolina solved the feed problem for raising pigs. Seems pigs love to eat maggots and maggots love to eat hog manure. What could possibly go wrong?

31st October 2019, 08:21 AM
Government incompetence and corruption in not caring for its citizens in food regulation (other than short term gastro-intenstinal effects), allopathic medicine and education has gotten so bad many western countries would be better without regulation or support from government at all in many areas. Citizens then would not assume automatically that their government consumes almost 50% of their productivity to do good for them, and would take better care of their family and friends by educating themselves on these risks or taking advice from a third party they know they can trust.

31st October 2019, 08:57 AM
There's a thread on here about gmo grain and an organism in it that causes infertility and abortion in livestock and in women who eat the animals fed this grain. Don Huber from Idaho has spoken about this on some interviews. GMO grain cause a lot of problems with my cattle that cost me a lot of money. Cotton seed is one of the culprits that I had tested and it was loaded with the organism that causes the problem. I guess that could be the solution to the human hunger problem by lowering the population.

Deuteronomy 30:19 - I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

There are very powerful forces who have chosen death and are pushing it on vast swaths of the world. Also, most lefties choose death over life in almost every circumstance. Abortion, homosexuality/transgenderism and all other deviant sexual practices, forced population control, etc.

midnight rambler
31st October 2019, 08:59 AM
Deuteronomy 30:19 - I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

There are very powerful forces who have chosen death and are pushing it on vast swaths of the world. Also, most lefties choose death over life in almost every circumstance. Abortion, homosexuality/transgenderism and all other deviant sexual practices, forced population control, etc.

Com'on man, you fully realize your betters know what's best for you. Don't fight it. They really are superior beings.

31st October 2019, 11:05 AM
Com'on man, you fully realize your betters know what's best for you. Don't fight it. They really are superior beings.

Sometimes the sheer scope of what they're doing to the world just staggers me. It's equally staggering how perfectly precise and clear the Bible actually is on issues like this.