View Full Version : HRC DNC LEAK Emails

old steel
11th November 2019, 10:23 AM
Huge new data dump just uploaded to drop box.

HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON DNC LEAK includes her contract with the DNC promising a win and all financial donations no matter what.

She owns them.

How is she not in prison?


11th November 2019, 10:36 AM
She owns them.

^ this.

old steel
11th November 2019, 10:39 AM
Rand Paul Said That People Would Be “Blown Away” By The Details In “Clinton Cash” Linking The Clintons To Enormous Exchanges Of Money And That They Seemed To Be Capitalizing On Their Service In Government And Using The System To Enrich Themselves.


“I've been briefed by Peter Schweizer on this book, and the facts are going to be alarming. They're going to be mind-boggling. And I think people are going to read this book they're going to and say, My goodness, this is happening in America? How can this happen in America? And it's detail after detail after detail. I promised not to reveal all the details because it's not my book, but I think people are going to be blown away by the details in this book and how they link the Clintons into this enormous exchange of money from foreign countries, from donors to companies, and then it's all swirling around.

And I don't think it would happen if you didn't have somebody who was a secretary of state and a former president, and they seem to be capitalizing on their service in government. And it sure doesn't remind me of Harry Truman at all. It reminds me of people using the system to enrich themselves, and I think it looks unseemly. And I think a lot of Americans are going to agree with me.” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15]

Clinton Cash
