View Full Version : Various Intrerpretations of "the Temple" referred to in the New Testament ???

23rd November 2019, 01:09 AM
I am just throwing this out here. I do not pretend to know who is right and who is wrong. I am not trained in Catholic apologetics or theology and I just am trying to live out my faith in simple obedience to God, the trinitarian God of the Old and New Testaments.

I stumbled upon this video just posted on YouTube on November 19, 2019.


I personally perceived in this video testimony something very "Protestant" about this newly released video testimony of Roy Schoeman's conversion. He spoke two or three times about having found "a personal relationship with God." That personal relationship idea is found only in today's "evangelical Protestant" or "Christian Zionism" sects.

I also noticed Dr. Schoeman never once found himself able to choke out the name of Jesus. He did say "Christ" one time but otherwise used the term God.

I also noticed that his conversion was based on "mystical experiences" and having first experienced the Blessed Virgin Mary but not knowing the Name of the Messiah.

Now, I am in no way, shape or form able to give a reasoned traditional Catholic apologetic about this extreme uneasiness I am feeling with Roy Schoeman's "Christian Catholic conversion" testimony.

I would very much like Bishop Donald Sanborn to comment on this new video, but guess that will never happen. But if I am correct that this recent new presentation of Dr. Roy Schoeman of his personal conversion story is NOT true Catholicism and could even be some kind of deliberate misdirection or trick, it really is very important for any analysis and exposure of this to be presented very soon.

Faith, for Catholics is "an intellectual ascent to the truths presented by the teachings and teachers of the true Catholic Church. This faith is a gift of God that involves the cooperation of our will. If conversion happens as an adult, the new convert must be taught true Catholic doctrines and dogmas. Faith for a Catholic is not a "mystical experience" or a" personal relationship with God." Maybe certain saints do have some experience thus described but most of us do not have those experiences and we just accept the wonderful blessing and grace of God and the gift of faith.

Dr. Sungenis and Dr. E. Michael Jones have had several breaks in their relationship over the years though both of these Catholics agree that "Christian Zionism" is no part of the Church that Jesus Christ referred to as "My church." Both of these Catholics also accept the current novus order sect operating out of the Vatican and Jorge Bergoglio as the true Catholic Church and the true Pope. I do not. But I do believe that Christ's Church does exist now and will until His return.

I personally cannot believe that Bergoglio and what is going on in Vatican City at Saint Peter's basilica is the true Catholic Church.

There are many interpretations of the "temple" referred to in the New Testament and apparently associated with the eminent appearance of the anti-christ and the Second Coming of Christ.

One of them my a sedevacantist and probably not Catholic either, Most Holy Family Monastery is found in this video...

The Exact Location Of The End-Times Temple Of God


12 minutes

where one of the Dimond Brothers explains that the Temple is Saint Peter's basilica and Vatican City is "Babylon the Great" or I guess also "the whore of Babylon." Have to admit I found their reasoning about the Temple to be reasonable. I do not, however, do not beleive as the Dimond brother's believe that the identity of the anti-christ is John Paul II, former recent pope imposter and now canonized a saint.

The "Christian Zionists" of today very much understand that the Temple refers to a Jewish Temple being planned for and about to be built in Jerusalem. The Know More News guy, Adam Green, is a Protestant who has done several videos about this belief of many.


A Harvard Professor's Conversion to Catholicism | Roy Schoeman | Jesus, My Savior
•Nov 19, 2019
Shalom World
25.9K subscribers
Meet Roy Schoeman, a former Professor at Harvard Business School, as he speaks about his acceptance of atheism when he went to university and how it dragged him into a pit of hopelessness. He shares how God personally intervened in his life in a miraculous way. Now working as a catholic speaker and inspiring thousands of believers and nonbelievers with his story, he has found the true meaning of life and the overflowing ocean of God's Love.
People & Blogs

23:59 runtime for this video

I recall Dr. Robert Sungenis having written about a long time ago explaining what is not Catholic about Roy Schoeman's testimony of his conversion to Chritianity Catholicism in his 2004 book,


Salvation Is from the Jews: The Role of Judaism in Salvation History from Abraham to the Second Coming Paperback – January 1, 2004
by Roy Schoeman (Author), Roy H. Schoeman


fortunately, I still have that writing though Dr. Sungenis' website where it first appeared no longer exists.

Here it is. Dr. Sungenis and Dr. E. Michael Jones have each authored several writings about "Catholic convert" Roy Schoeman, so this is only one of those.


These things are no surprise to Catholics who know their Scripture and Tradition. As the 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia spoke of the Antichrist coming from the Jews, so the 1936 Catholic Encyclopedia spoke of a Temple being built for him:

“Many of the Fathers believe that Antichrist will be of Jewish extraction, of the tribe of Dan, will be circumcised, will rebuild Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple, in which he will set himself up as God. Likewise, he is to begin his work of seduction among the Jews who will accept him as the Messiah. Thus St. Irenaeus (Adversus Haereses, v. 30, PG VII, 1206) says of Antichrist: ‘Jeremias does not merely point out his sudden coming, but he even indicates the tribe from which he shall come, where he says: We shall hear the voice of his swift horses from Dan; he shall come and devour the earth’ [Jr 8:16].


“And they also, if they do not persist in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again.” Belief is never guaranteed. It is an act of the free will of man, and according to St. Paul, no one can promise that the Jews will make the right decision.

Schoeman then enters into a most crucial phase of his Zionistic interpretations – those dealing with the actual events leading up to the Second Coming. He writes:

“Related to the prophecies about the Antichrist and the final war is the belief that prior to the Second Coming, the Temple in Jerusalem will be built. This is based on an interpretation of Daniel 9-12, in which Daniel 9 refers to the Second Coming of Christ.”

He then begins his application:

“Although the prophecies of Daniel are at times associated with other events, too, since Jesus explicitly applies them to the Second Coming, that must be at least one of their intended fulfillments. The prophecies mention the sacrifice ceasing and the temple being profaned; the Church Fathers [interpret] this in a spiritual sense, to refer to a cessation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. But, it is conceivable that it might also have a literal fulfillment, if the Temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt. And this is now within the realm of possibility. In 1967, for the first time in almost two thousand years, Jews regained possession of the Temple Mount, and there are now organizations in Israel attempting to rebuild the Temple. Should it be rebuilt on the Temple Mount, also claimed by Islam as a holy site, it is not hard to envision how that in itself could precipitate the global war known as ‘Armageddon.’”

“As stated earlier, the purpose of this discussion is not to ‘prove’ that the Second Coming is near. Many of the proposed interpretations of the prophecies are speculative. Yet cumulatively they suggest that the Second Coming takes place at a time when the Jewish people have returned to Israel and formed a Jewish nation. If this is, in fact, a precondition for the return of Christ, the concerted efforts of the past century to eliminate the Jews and, failing that, to destroy the nascent State of Israel, well might be part of a diabolical attempt to prevent the Second Coming.”

Suffice it to say, these are some of the most troubling paragraphs in Schoeman’s book. It is certainly true that Jesus speaks about the abomination of desolation, and it is certainly within the realm of prophetic fulfillment that the abomination telescopes into the events near the end of time. What is not in the realm of possibility, however, is that a future Temple built in Jerusalem by modern day Jews would be a fulfillment that comes about due to a divine blessing on the Jews. Conversely, Schoeman believes that this new Temple will not only be a fulfillment of divine favor, but his statement that Daniel’s “prophecies mention the sacrifice ceasing and the temple being profaned,” coupled with Schoeman’s rejection of the interpretation of the Church Fathers that the sacrifice which ceases refers to a termination of the Catholic Mass, seems to show that Schoeman anticipates a return of Old Covenant cultic sacrifices as a primary sign of divine blessing upon the Jews. Then, by a strange twist on predictive prophecy, Schoeman posits that the “abomination” spoken of by Daniel occurs when these cultic sacrifices are interrupted by the Antichrist. In other words, because the re-institution of Temple worship, as it was practiced in the Old Testament, is, according to Schoeman, from divine favor upon the Jews, anyone who would attempt to stop it is of the Antichrist. Suffice it to say, this is the ultimate Judaizing of the Catholic Church – Temple worship under the auspices of Catholicism.

(Had many incredible difficulties in trying to post this here and that is why there are so many edit attempts.)