View Full Version : Vincent James interviews E. Michael Jones hopefulness rising

27th November 2019, 12:11 PM
Vincent James is about to be kicked off of YouTube completely.

He and his guest, Dr. Jones, are building platforms elsewhere and are moving away from YouTube. Both are on Bitchute now too.

I thought this was a very insightful interview and Vincent did ask all the right questions so a lot of territory was covered.

Dr. Jones feels "they" have overplayed their hand and it is backfiring on them and he feels there is reason for hope.

Dr. Jones belongs to the novus ordo sect and so does Vincent James (Vincent's real last name is Foxx ??? ) and they quote Vatican II document, Nostra Aetate" as saying nothing wrong and being basically a fine document. While I agree that Dr. Jones explains his reasoning very well and it is definitely deeper more solid reasoning, I believe Nostra Aetate is just another trick by those who took over the Catholic Church and the whole truth is not being communicated yet by any true Catholic that I am aware of about that document.

Vincent James' The Red Elephants channel is now on Bitchute and the videos page there is


Nov 27, 2019
E michael Jones and Vincent James Discuss the ADL and the the Revolutionary Jew





Dr. Jones also just posted this interview on his own YouTube channel and it is found here


#CultureWars #LogosRising
A Cozy Stream With E. Michael Jones and Vince James
•Nov 27, 2019
E. Michael Jones
52.1K subscribers
This stream first appeared on Vince James' D-Live channel. Here is how you find Vince:

P.S. I notice the YouTube posting Dr. Jones did about one hour ago was immediately erased from YouTube so you will have to watch this on bitchute.

27th November 2019, 12:50 PM
Dr. Jones also just posted this interview on his own YouTube channel and it is found here

Gassed already.

@ EMJ's bitchute channel (https://www.bitchute.com/emichaeljones/), 63 mins:


27th November 2019, 03:57 PM
Let's see what Dec 10th brings. Jewtube might just go to shit (I hope) I hope word gets out about bitchute and any others that will pop up.

5th December 2019, 11:09 AM
In case anyone is interested, here is something I just posted, as Dachsie1,as a comment on EMichaelJones Bitchute channel location of this same video with Vincent James.

Dachsie1 • 13 minutes ago • edited


I have prepared a PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT of an excerpt from this video.





30:10 to

"So what you’re
saying now here is that ‘if you don’t agree…--

Okay, the
first one, okay, an anti-semite used to be one who hated Jews -- well that’s gone.

Then it
became someone who criticized Jews.
Okay, that makes you an anti-semite.

And now it’s
gone even further with people like Dr. Brown* if you disagree with a Jew, if
you disagree with a Jew who doesn’t like your interpretation of scripture, THEN
you’re an anti-semite.

Well, it’s
getting pretty claustrophobic here.

I mean you’re
really pushing to the limits here because this country was created by people
who came here to escape from this religious type of tyranny and
brow-beating. And now, you’re saying,
you’re accusing me of being an anti-semite – okay – because I disagree with
your interpretation of I Thessalonians, Chapter 2. [specifically I Thessalonians,

That’s not
where it stops though.

Okay, two
days after I do this [interview with Dr. Brown], there’s the Poway** shooting.

And then,
Dr. Brown says I’m responsible for the Poway shooting because of the way I talk
and because of my interpretation of I Thessalonians, Chapter 2.

Now, this is
outrageous! This is completely outrageous,
an outrageous violation of the discourse we're supposed to have.

So then it
doesn’t stop there.

Now remember
when he says ‘there’s no such thing as “the Jews.”

Well, there
is such a thing as “the Jews.”

“And this is
how it works. So he calls me an
anti-semite and then two days after the Poway Shooting,**

Ambassador Danon*** comes over from
Israel and he says 'The time for talk is over. We're going to criminalize

So this is
how it works. Jews dribble the ball down the court and they pass it from
one to the other. And so it goes from now it begins with I disagree with
his [Dr. Brown’s}, Jewish Christian Zionist scholar| interpretation of scripture
and it ends up I'm going to go to jail because I don't agree with his
interpretation of I Thessalonians chapter 2.

Now this has got to stop!

of partial transcript @32:21.


Thessalonians 2:14-15


King James Bible

Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us;
and they please not God, and are
contrary to all men:

Jerusalem bible version


is only free online New Jerusalem bible to my knowledge, but is in Latin and a
bit difficult to navigate.

This is the
version quoted by E. Michael Jones. This
is a Catholic bible version.

human race” is the technically correct phrase.

human race” ,“all mankind” , or “all of mankind” are phrases used but not
technically correct and are not found in any bible version to my knowledge.)

14. For you,
my brothers, have modelled yourselves on the churches of God in Christ Jesus
which are in Judaea, in that you have suffered the same treatment from your own
countrymen as they have had from the Jews, 15. who put the Lord Jesus to death,
and the prophets too, and persecuted us also. Their conduct does not please God, and makes them the enemies of the whole
human race,"



L. Brown (born March
16, 1955) is a radio host, author, professor and noted proponent
of Messianic Judaism, Christian
and the Charismatic Movement. He also holds a Ph.D in
Near Eastern Languages and Literature from New York University.


Dr. Michael
Brown’s YouTube channel is ASKDrBrown.



"Poway synagogue shooting occurred on April
27, 2019, when a gunman armed with an AR-15 style rifle[1] fired shots inside the Chabad of Poway synagogue in Poway, California."




"Danny Danon is Israel’s Permanent Representative
to the United Nations. Danon previously served as a member of the Knesset from
the Likud Party, as Minister of Science, Technology and Space, and as Deputy
Minister of Defense."



5th December 2019, 10:39 PM
3 recent EMJ interviews; 1st one from today

What Happened To Ireland? E. Michael Jones and John Waters (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8BCK-23Spc)
The Conversion of the Jews - A Discussion with a Convert (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRgUJXF_v_4)
Sex-Ed and Ireland - Computing Forever and E. Michael Jones (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bf7jSr0-FM)

5th December 2019, 11:13 PM
E. Michael Jones usually does not question false flag events and just takes the official narrative as fact, as he did about the Poway synagogue "shooting." His theory is that people are getting so frustrated and mad about the shutdown of freespeech, by the Js, that some people react by just going in and shooting up some Js. I have not studied the Poway case, but 153news.net usually has several good videos right after the event that bring forth all the questionable things about the official story.

I am amazed that so many educated intelligent people just take the story of a shooting to be just as the government / MSM presents it. It does not seem to occur to them to question the official story no matter how many questions and odd findings do come out. A family member experience recently prompted my comment here.

6th December 2019, 07:48 AM


BREAKING NEWS: Poway, California CHABAD Synagogue Shooting April 27, 2019

channel image

Wardo Rants


2846 subscribers

Smells like a FALSE FLAG EVENT to write more ANTISEMITISM LAWS.
Poway Synagogue Shooter Left a Manifesto – Calls President Trump a “Zionist, Anti-White, Traitorous, Cockcksucker".
Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over


The reason I posted this 5 minute video is that there are a couple of ways to interpret this 19 year old white male "shooter" named John Ernest (now in custody supposedly).

E. Michael Jones interprets that this young man was driven to insane violent actions because of his frustration with the Jews' suppression of our liberties and freedom. So EMJ opines that the Jews have overplayed their hand on their pushing of "hate" and hate thoughts only as criminal act and "anti-semitism" as hate and hate crime. EMJ says this Poway "shooter" who left a manifesto showing himself to be a real hate filled person driven to violent crime by his big hate for Jews is "backfiring" on the Zionists or Jews and people will rise up and start shooting back at them for their suppressive rhetoric and law/legislation actions and policies.

Those of us in the long-time conspiracy corner, who saw the original movie Manchurian Candidate can see this "shooter" guy to be sort of mind controlled robot created and sent out on stage to act and show himself as "big anti-semitic hate thought equals violent criminal" guy to the world, thus justifying the now progression of the ideology being thrust on the American people to now "hate is crime punishable by law" and "anti-semitism is hate is crime". That is where we are now. (Trump "appears" on the surface to be in a vise and surrounded by Zionists and "Christian Zionists." However, maybe God can take hold of Trump and make Trump willing to give up his life, like JFK did, to stand up for what our once great nation was supposed to stand for.) We should pray for the survival of our republic and for our duly elected president and his and his family's personal welfare. see Romans 13 I think.

John Ernest may or may not have actually killed or injured people. We never have any way of verifying that, but with recent "shootings" we see "victims" who had sustained two or three AK47 gun shot wounds up and around after a one week stay in the hospital and being interviewed by the press all smiles. NOT! But the producers of the "crazy lone shooter guys" on the public stage, at just the most strategic efficacious time politically, are real and so evil that they have no problem at all really killing and injuring elderly attendees at the synagogue.

"NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."

Expose lies and evil and falsehood and error of every kind, as much as you can in your "circle of influence."

and having done all, each of us will stand, no matter what the worldly outcome of this attack against the First Amendment we are all experiencing now. God's will be done.

6th December 2019, 12:52 PM
At least a couple times I protested EMJ's base acceptance of the OCT in these psyop 'events' in his twatter's (https://twitter.com/emichaeljones1) comments, under tweets where he touts his misleading analysis. Biggest 2 of these event/analysis patterns that I've seen were re Poway & NZ mosque. Follows the DDuke formula of (((fraud 'event'))) analysis. :(

He was esp noisy after Poway when he speedily cranked out a 24 pg kindle pamphlet he was promoting, originally asking about $7, currently w only 4 reviews @ amzn

Is Christian Anti-Semitism Responsible for the Poway Synagogue Shooting? Kindle Edition (https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Anti-Semitism-Responsible-Synagogue-Shooting-ebook/dp/B07S4DCYYN)

6th December 2019, 01:33 PM
I think I am the only rare bird outlier old-school Catholic and long-time student of USA false flag events. I cut my teeth on 9-11 but already knew about false events of history.

I saw EMJ take a major wrong turn about 9-11 and he was sort of in with The Ugly Truth guy and Christopher Bollyn and Kevin Barrett. They all pretty much bought in to the Dr. Steven Jones nanothermite nonsense theory and real planes and real hijackers. But they all had one big thing in common -- were majorly against "the Zionists" and "those of the Jewish revolutionary spirit."

I have the same gripe with all of those guys and it mainly is what they won't talk about, the questions and data that they won't touch with a ten foot pole. I have even seen them sort of contaminate the good work of the USS Liberty efforts to put out a good video.

EMJ fancies himself as a psychoanalyst and you can hear him wax eloquent in that vein on many of his interviews.

My concern is being true to the data and the facts, because truth and honesty is always the best policy. I do better when I try in my small way to stand up for truth and not be afraid.

I do appreciate many of EMJ's insights and I really appreciate what he is doing now, in his own unique slant, which is to get on as many interview venues as he can right now to speak up for the First Amendment. THAT, I appreciate about him.

He is a "novus ordo" type Catholic and that I just don't get that at all, but we Catholics, no matter how bad of Catholics we may be or have been, all did have drilled in to us at an early age the importance of right and wrong and sticking to the truth.

6th December 2019, 02:56 PM
I think I am the only rare bird outlier old-school Catholic...I have the same gripe with all of those guys and it mainly is what they won't talk about, the questions and data that they won't touch with a ten foot pole...My concern is being true to the data and the facts, because truth and honesty is always the best policy. I do better when I try in my small way to stand up for truth and not be afraid....but we Catholics, no matter how bad of Catholics we may be or have been, all did have drilled in to us at an early age the importance of right and wrong and sticking to the truth.

Both you and Catholic JQP have apparently refused to even address THIS THREAD (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?99751-Vatican-Snake-Building&p=939766&viewfull=1#post939766).


6th December 2019, 06:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBZtJ8gXXEUikkzXrpqnGxNNGidweRklWBn984_-Bh97Qpmz0Me6kYE_VJXlKtlvy2GuiRTSiRxVL0Y&hc_ref=ARSccCJaltMpOYqcYdxAt0uooQBoowGL4HJirAsw0S6 TFaWGWaiznFU7LSGBwbuJUuw&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2590286297687101) ·

BWAAAH! What Have I Been Telling You???

For several years now, I have flatly defended Pope Benedict and praised him for his efforts to dismantle the criminal machinery of the Pontificate and the incorporated governmental services entities masquerading "as" national governments worldwide. I have explained and published my role giving Notice and Due Process to his employees, to stop the wrong-doing and fraud they have been engaged in, in numerous articles, published letters, and especially my book, Disclosure 101.

But there have been those who have instead told you that Benedict XVI was an evil man and that as Pope he "had to be" in on the fraud, and those who have tried to paint me as an "Agent of the Vatican" even though it is plain as the nose on my face that acting as a "private attorney" for Benedict XVI has nothing to do with the Vatican.

My business with the Pope was with the Holy See, regarding the contracts we hold with them since the 1700's; the Vatican only came into existence in 1929.

And now, today, look at what comes across my desk.
Confirmation of the "Vatican Coup" led by Soros, Obummer, Killary, Biden, and the rest of the Goon Squad from Hell, promoting a radical leftist --- Pope Francis, who, technically, isn't even eligible to serve as Pope.

Jesuits take their Oath to serve the Pope, which logically precludes the premise of a Jesuit holding the Office. Anyone who knows anything about the Roman Catholic Church was taken aback by that, including millions of Catholics.

And here, at last, is the confirmation of what I always knew: Benedict XVI was black mailed and deposed by force. The whole Papacy has been reduced to a politicized farce and Francis does well not to accept obedience, because he is owed none. Read on:
WikiLeaks: Clinton, Obama, Soros Overthrew Pope Benedict In Vatican Coup Posted by Francesco I

George Soros, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coup in the Vatican to overthrow the conservative Pope Benedict and replace him with radical leftist Pope Francis, according to a group of Catholic leaders citing evidence from various sources including WikiLeaks emails.

Pope Benedict XVI reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013 before unexpectedly resigning in unusual circumstances. Becoming the first Pope to step down since Pope Gregory XII in 1415, Benedict is widely considered the first to do so on his own initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294.However the group of Catholic leaders cite new evidence uncovered in emails released by WikiLeaks to claim the conservative Pope Benedict did not actually resign on his own initiative, but was pushed out of the Vatican by a coup that the group of researchers are calling the “Catholic Spring.”

Soros, Obama and Clinton used the United States’ diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce, bribe and blackmail “regime change” in the Roman Catholic Church in order to replace the conservative Benedict with the current Pope Francis – who has since become an unlikely mouthpiece for the international left, stunning Catholics around the world.

Now the group of Catholic leaders have sent a letter to President Trump urging him to launch an official investigation into the activities of George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton (and others) who they allege were involved in orchestrating Catholic Spring that resulted in their goal of “regime change” in the Vatican.

The Catholic leaders cite eight specific questions they seek to have answered concerning suspect events that led to the resignation of Pope Benedict, the first papal abdication in 700 years.

“Specifically, we have reason to believe that a Vatican ‘regime change’ was engineered by the Obama administration,” say the petitioners, in their January 20remnantnewspaper.com/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2F20remnantnewspaper.com%2F%3Ff bclid%3DIwAR3JO95KJIMQBNqcql3VTUW2ePXKiMhTT_kmLSyX ZvON8FVC4etFJWqs7bo&h=AT2cazdxaAVfg47EUOFbijFBMW9Z1GOR-cm53g_dUVcukBML9epqc5mfCfp6za1TKW_Vors47ZhJb55lFzg IKUxSDh8vJtWiZZBMhFRsINsenOX6CyW_n3I70N1Gpeo2G-6_Yu7cgw4CRRA3mDtVDMCWE5B6MIZc)…/3001-did-vatica….

“We were alarmed to discover,” their letter notes, “that, during the third year of the first term of the Obama administration your previous opponent, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other government officials with whom she associated proposed a Catholic ‘revolution’ in which the final demise of what was left of the Catholic Church in America would be realized.”

The letter includes links to documents and news stories underscoring their claims. It first directs attention to the notorious Soros-Clinton-Podesta e-mails disclosed last year by WikiLeaks, in which Podesta and other progressives discussed regime change to remove what they described as the “middle ages dictatorship” in the Catholic Church.

Regarding the Podesta e-mails in question, The New Americanwww.thenewamerican.com/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FAmericanwww.thenewamerican.co m%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3TcJiNZbHTm9iFw3iwnAWOslpQEdzC _qAd56-mrX1iaSg14TVjkup5P9U&h=AT0QGZYV758g9JiwJqhtZqTX45FWA7xBhgsxZfn2WrjW1Uvi JwgcoB3ltlQXIbiaKSP_-5Nk6gCGgaEMaFtJxMoBW1NI2fz0lpbbvYiWdkW-OXwo5uXcO2zAV1DFh_LC-OaySGkAfur8h-a6HKpTOVb8NzYgvo5l)…/24289-clinton-c…
last October:“

Podesta, a longtime Clinton adviser/confidante and hand-picked top activist for left-wing funder George Soros, revealed in a 2011 e-mail that he and other activists were working to effect a “Catholic Spring” revolution within the Catholic Church, an obvious reference to the disastrous “Arab Spring” coups organized that same year by the Obama-Clinton-Soros team that destabilized the Middle East and brought radical Islamist regimes and terrorist groups to power in the region.

The Podesta e-mail is a response to another Soros-funded radical — Sandy Newman, founder of the “progressive” Voices for Progress. Newman had written to Podesta seeking advice on the best way to “plant the seeds of the revolution” in the Catholic Church, which he described as a “middle ages [sic] dictatorship.”

In their letter to President Trump, the group of Catholics leaders write: “Approximately a year after this e-mail discussion, which was never intended to be made public, we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left. The Pontificate of Pope Francis has subsequently called into question its own legitimacy on a multitude of occasions.”
“We remain puzzled by the behavior of this ideologically charged Pope, whose mission seems to be one of advancing secular agendas of the left rather than guiding the Catholic Church in Her sacred mission,” they say, expressing the thoughts of millions of Catholics around the world stunned by Pope Francis’s left-wing ideology. “It is simply not the proper role of a Pope to be involved in politics to the point that he is considered to be the leader of the international left.”

Theyremnantnewspaper.com/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FTheyremnantnewspaper.com%2F%3 Ffbclid%3DIwAR1QPjbsXiQB8Oy2FBDb__pMpYEPayAOizF4yn CLi0ErB3XaLqdlSxEwPi4&h=AT3J_8H6esENm3QB2gi6j-BGTt8ZqE-KsdlDCGP-VJywpAjUmTCGJCgQhd7d1sJn75DdBydylXxLrMNGxOMewI9BA7 MViuvIrjcOPuHzTnubzuFdfxhZyVxXkSsqZ_-mqDuXhTkV8zATXPz_VhN_0_ChGtNkAY9l)…/3001-did-vatica…
“With all of this in mind, and wishing the best for our country as well as for Catholics worldwide, we believe it to be the responsibility of loyal and informed United States Catholics to petition you to authorize an investigation into the following questions:

– To what end was the National Security Agency monitoring the conclave that elected Pope Francis?

– What other covert operations were carried out by US government operatives concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict or the conclave that elected Pope Francis?

– Did US government operatives have contact with the “Cardinal Danneels Mafia”?

– International monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended during the last few days prior to the resignation of Pope Benedict. Were any U.S. Government agencies involved in this?

– Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict XVI announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence?

– What actions, if any, were actually taken by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and others tied to the Obama administration who were involved in the discussion proposing the fomenting of a “Catholic Spring”?

– What was the purpose and nature of the secret meeting between Vice President Joseph Biden and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on or about June 3, 2011?

– What roles were played by George Soros and other international financiers who may be currently residing in United States territory?”

The investigation the group of Catholic leaders is requesting of President Trump should be of interest to more than just Catholics. George Soros’s ability to co-opt leading political figures to assist his radical plans for nation states is well known; but his ability to force “regime change” in the Catholic church, an institution previously thought impenetrable from the outside, raises serious questions about his potential for global chaos. The investigation — and punishment — should begin at once.

remnantnewspaper.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fremnantnewspaper.com%2F%3Ffbc lid%3DIwAR0L7S3WVz3DyjYHleaqMwwaPMqxqltZHADpvvJfUv rwZ7-Stl3wzLbE0PM&h=AT0k1ser87GnhdUfZmy4OO92ElPjiO9Q4Io3DxG_2P9uZdeX h06Y8c4ozbkuGKyJikfeZyfFKwliPtnqs8QDyWmKoRhvY4Bd8D M-DvWxCqwtAimOMtlbM6xQqtaAUgOWensXHNv-fzRvC3oDV9LyqW7qHBQCxo66iIrSiKJTzmrflA)___

http://gloria.tv/article/DbyFpcQKRK7i4jp3sei1peUS8 (https://gloria.tv/article/DbyFpcQKRK7i4jp3sei1peUS8?fbclid=IwAR1qOIyjNpUVQzN UOOGMhGGRjgCIAOtiFtMypwAsksKufEkE3SBIq9_Jz4Q)

8th December 2019, 08:58 AM
Many "patriot" commentators know the current state of peril for our whole nation and the whole world. They all use different terms to describe the evil doers and even when commentators from different parts of the political spectrum use the same term, they each are operating with a different meaning of the term. That's called the logical fallacy of equivocation. I got a real laugh recently when Nancy Pelosi announced she was moving forward with the articles of impeachment and frequently mentioned her "Catholic" religion and her love of the Constitution. It concerns me that God did not strike her down right then and there.

E. Michael Jones used the term "nationalism" as a negative term - I heard he say one time "nationalism rears its ugly head."
Some people think "nationalism" is synonymous with patriotism. Some socialist types are using the term "nationalism" as a weapon against "racists" and "anti-semites" and "hate criminals" and "terrorists" with their definition of the term.

I have noticed Ron Paul is using the term "the neocons" lots in his recent commentary.

Here is a person who is fighting to save our republic but she is not a Christian, and she is using the term "the Bolsheviks" lots lately.


4 minute video

The Nation Holds Its Breath
•Dec 8, 2019
Headlines with a Voice
96K subscribers
The Nation Holds Its Breath

If good and decent people know this, know the damage being inflicted on society, on innocents, on the weak, the helpless …and still do nothing…
