View Full Version : George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin's family, others for $100M

4th December 2019, 05:03 PM
George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin's family, others for $100M

Nicole Darrah By Nicole Darrah | Fox News

George Zimmerman wants $100M from Trayvon Martin’s family and others in lawsuit
George Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch volunteer, is suing the family of Trayvon Martin and others for damages in excess of $100 million. The lawsuit cites information from a documentary about Zimmerman's case 'that accuses the Martin family of engineering false testimony.'

George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, has sued the boy's family and others for damages in excess of $100 million.

The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in Polk County Circuit Court and cites information from a documentary about Zimmerman's case "that accuses the Martin family of engineering false testimony."

Zimmerman is represented by Larry Klayman, the founder of conservative legal-rights group Judicial Watch, and is seeking "$100 million in civil damages, alleging defamation, abuse of civil process and conspiracy," according to the Miami Herald. It claims the defendants “have worked in concert to deprive Zimmerman of his constitutional and other legal rights.”

The 36-year-old fatally shot Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old who was staying in the gated townhouse community in Sanford where Zimmerman lived and was serving as a neighborhood watch volunteer in February 2012. In 2013, Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in the case.

The lawsuit names Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, who has become a gun control advocate in the wake of her son's death and is running for a seat on the Miami-Dade County Commission, as the lead defendant. At the time of his death, Martin lived with Fulton in Miami Gardens and was visiting his father in Sanford.

The lawsuit "presses the Zimmerman version of events, with allegations of efforts by the Martin family to produce a false narrative through dishonest accounts from witnesses," according to the Herald.

The suit also names prosecutors involved in the case for alleged false prosecution. Additionally, Harper Collins is named because of its October release of “Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People," a book written by lawyer Ben Crump, who represented the Martin family. Crump is also identified in the lawsuit.

4th December 2019, 06:22 PM
Zimmerman is represented by Larry Klayman Jew. This will not end well.

5th December 2019, 06:26 AM
the reporting on this doesnt list all of the people being sued -- why is that?

5th December 2019, 02:06 PM
remember learning about this several months ago. it made it into the lawsuit


The Trayvon Martin case was built on a fraud, with a key witness being swapped out with an imposter when the real witness wouldn’t testify, George Zimmerman said in a lawsuit Wednesday.

The lawsuit says Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend, a vivacious 16-year-old named Brittany Diamond Eugene, when Zimmerman killed him on Feb. 26, 2012. At trial, prosecutors produced the plump, slow-spoken 18-year-old Rachel Jeantel as the girl who had crucial insight into his final moments by being on the phone with him.

The lawsuit says Eugene refused to provide the version of events used to build a narrative of racism at trial, so Jeantel, who reads at a fourth-grade level, was pressured into pretending to be “Diamond.”

The lawsuit seeks $100 million and names both young women as defendants, plus Martin’s parents, who it says were well aware of the swap.

Zimmerman’s lawyer filed the lawsuit in state court in Florida and it also targets the state of Florida and its prosecutors, who allegedly initially falsely told the defense that Martin’s cellphone was too damaged to extract its data, when it actually contained evidence damaging to their case.

That includes not only evidence of the witness swap, but also texts showing Martin previously discussing gun sales and bragging of beating up a “snitch” and saying, “He aint bleed nuff 4 me, only his nosez.” Prosecutors also ran out the clock by repeatedly ignoring the defense’s entitlement to exculpatory evidence, the suit says.

7th December 2019, 01:45 AM
Jew. This will not end well.

Zimmerman, Martin, Brittany Diamond Eugene, Fulton, Darrah, Crump. They all sound like Jew to me. Suing the family of the son you shot for $100 million for damages seems absurd to me. No matter what they may have said and done. But in a Jewey world anything is possible I guess...

7th December 2019, 05:56 AM
Zimmerman, Martin, Brittany Diamond Eugene, Fulton, Darrah, Crump. They all sound like Jew to me. Suing the family of the son you shot for $100 million for damages seems absurd to me. No matter what they may have said and done. But in a Jewey world anything is possible I guess...Diamond is definitely Jew, don't know about the rest. I think sometimes Jews stage lawsuits so they can write law by creating "past decisions" of Jew ran courts, thereby ensuring that a legitimate suit by a goy would fail afterwards.

7th December 2019, 08:04 AM
Rense last night - hr 1

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/5317c8620/vcyjpcsw-i3m32k59-mvuge35z-zxzp9z37) Hour 1 - Joel Gilbert (https://www.amazon.com/s?k=joel+gilbert+the+trayvon+hoax&crid=1471J72ONPYYU&sprefix=Joel+Gilbert%2Caps%2C522&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11) - Producer 'The Trayvon Hoax' Unmasking The Witness Fraud That Divided America