View Full Version : Hitler was a joo agent!

midnight rambler
13th December 2019, 07:23 PM
Right. Anyone who believes that shit and says so out loud confirms that they habitually smoke crack.

Punk ass bitches.


I don't buy the Hitler suicide notion.

14th December 2019, 12:28 AM
Right. Anyone who believes that shit and says so out loud confirms that they habitually smoke crack.

Punk ass bitches.


I don't buy the Hitler suicide notion.

I've never smoked crack, but Hitler was definitely a Jew agent.

He did not lock up a bunch of Jews and the Jews he locked up were instantly promoted to running the concentration camps. Kind of like saying it would not look good to outright hire you to ride herd on all the German's we are locking up, so instead of an employment agreement we will let you claim to be prisoners.

Hitler stopped the German army whenever it was close to a war ending victory and when the German army got mired down at Stalingrad Hitler made them fight house to house.

Myopicallyfocused on capturing the city named for his mortal enemy, Hitler took no noticeof the buildup of Soviet reserves on Sixth Army's weakly held flanks. When theSoviets launched an attack to encircle Sixth Army—Operation Uranus—inmid-November, they quickly shattered first the Romanian and later the Italianand Hungarian armies flanking the city. Two days later, Soviet pincers met atthe nearby town of Kalach, entrapping the Sixth Army. For several months thedoomed army slowly starved, before finally surrendering on February 2, 1943.

Hitler'smaniacal insistence on seizing and holding Stalingrad had cost over 750,000causalities, and the loss of an irreplaceable field army. It was, up to thatpoint, the greatest single disaster the German army endured.

Hitler so loved the big blond German's he put them all in the front lines to be annihilated.

21st December 2019, 03:51 PM
I've never smoked crack, but Hitler was definitely a Jew agent.

Bigjon's regular nonsense here at GSUS when he isn't daily pimping (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1576962040419.png)Anna von Reitz's cult website...lol. (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1509342747063.jpg)


21st December 2019, 04:46 PM
Bigjon's regular nonsense here at GSUS when he isn't daily pimping (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1509342747063.jpg)Anna von Reitz's cult website...lol. (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1509342747063.jpg)

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." ---Oscar Wilde

Say what you want about Wilde, but this quote is something I find to be 'true'.

I am actually on the fence concerning Hitler. I have done much research and I have come up with nothing conclusive.

As far as Bigjon's beliefs, I find them to be compelling. He has some very sage predecessors, among them Douglas Reed who felt that Hitler's sympathies at least were suspect. Given his communist leanings and obscure history, this an intelligent conclusion. Again, I do not know. Maybe we truly are just Gullible Goyim. The fact is though, Hitler was a Joo Agent whether he intended to be or not. I read his writings and I find nothing wrong with the man or his motives. I look at his handiwork and I think he was the greatest boon to world wide Jewry that ever existed.

It is Hitler's last testament that I find extremely suspect. His 'suicide note', call it what you will, protested vehemently about his pacifist attempts. Again and again he notes that he tried to stop the aggression and warfare. Strange thing to get vociferous about in a last testament. "Methinks thou dost protest too much."

The whole thing hinges upon the most obvious fact that Hitler and his minions had to know and certainly did, that America was firmly in the hands of the Jews and would without a doubt fight like a bear to subjugate Germany, on behalf of it's Jewish overlords. He said as much in his last testament. Read it again and note this. Can this really be debatable? History, especially recent history was a brutal and effective teacher. What miracle did they expect that would give them a better outcome than they had the first go-round in WWI? Round up the Jews and coalesce their determination to wipe out the German People. Yeah, that'll do it. Then, get all misty-eyed about the 'flower of English youth' at Dunkirk and allow them to retreat and fight another day. Hell, the war would have ended right then, if Hitler had taken them as prisoners. The English resolve would have melted easily.

One of the most telling signs of a complete set-up is the fact that he made no attempt to negotiate a surrender before things got as far as they did. Or did he? You guys have some info that I don't? There was no hope. German cities were being bombed into oblivion and it was an obvious genocide upon the German citizenry. This after Germany was very reticent in unleashing hell upon England, which it certainly could have all along when it held the European mainland. No, they chose to lob an occasional V2 rocket and some night-time bombing raids which did nothing but piss-off the English and Americans and again, coalesce their determination to destroy Germany. This became an extremely one-side affair and we know where it went from there.

Germany did not do it's best to win the war. If it had, the war would have ended as a stalemate.

This is how I see it. I don't know about Hitler. Reading his writings, I want to believe in the guy and hold him up as a model. Looking at his handiwork, I am very uncertain.

Let us discuss this further, with out name calling and getting shitty. I would really like to come to a determination on this. Let me hear your best reasoning.

21st December 2019, 06:09 PM
I am actually on the fence concerning Hitler. I have done much research and I have come up with nothing conclusive...The fact is though, Hitler was a Joo Agent whether he intended to be or not.

You obviously haven't been "on the fence" in any of the numerous Hitler threads here at GSUS. Nice try...lol.


21st December 2019, 06:21 PM
You obviously haven't been "on the fence" in any of the numerous threads here at GSUS. Nice try...lol.


Nice try? How about some debate, or are you not up to it. I stated my case and said that I am 'one the fence' about Hitler's duplicity. This means I have not made up my mind conclusively about Hitler. Was he simply an idiot and madman, or was he an enemy of the German people or was he neither? You have never debated this belief of yours that Hitler was the best man for Germany and the last hope of Western civilization. Let me hear some debate or you are merely not up to it? If you are not up to it then you should not try to ridicule my words. I said what I meant and I meant what I said.

I have stated many times in the past that I doubted the integrity of the Nazi Party and Hitler; I still do. Prove my doubt to be ill founded in open and honest debate. You may very well convince me that Hitler was true. I am open. C'mon, you can convince a gullible dupe like me can't you?

21st December 2019, 06:30 PM
Right. Anyone who believes that shit and says so out loud confirms that they habitually smoke crack.

Punk ass bitches.


I don't buy the Hitler suicide notion.
MR, It is time for me to address your opening post here. You claim that anyone who believes this notion that you are so averse to, is a punk ass bitch and habitually smokes crack. This is quite humorous and I think you posted it in that way. There is almost always a seed of truth behind humor though. You made the statement here that you don't buy the Hitler suicide notion; does this mean you don't believe he committed suicide?

21st December 2019, 06:36 PM
My pure blood Norwegian mother said Norwegian's never feed the Troll's.

They only have rocks for brains.

21st December 2019, 06:58 PM
My pure blood Norwegian mother said Norwegian's never feed the Troll's.

They only have rocks for brains.
There are two options here. These guys truly believe Hitler was genuine and have great respect for him. They therefor are very incensed about those of us who doubt his integrity, stating our doubt. Or they are shills working for the enemies of free thought. I think the first.

Also, I have been mixing Anchor Steam Beer with Miller High Life, and I even got into some Kentucky Straight Bourbon tonight. I am having problems typing but am feeling my oats none-the-less.

21st December 2019, 07:02 PM
I have stated many times in the past that I doubted the integrity of the Nazi Party and Hitler; I still do. Prove my doubt to be ill founded in open and honest debate.

You have been debating" this for over eight years (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%99-Hoax&p=517868&viewfull=1#post517868) and still "doubt".

:D "doubt"

21st December 2019, 07:11 PM
Nice try. You have been debating" this for over eight years (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%99-Hoax&p=517868&viewfull=1#post517868) and still "doubt".

:D "doubt"
Wow, that is a blast from the past. Yes, I still doubt. I read Mike King from Tomato Bubble and I really want to see it his way but I am just not convinced. I do have great respect for him though. I have a few of his books and lend them out. I lend a lot of books out. I sometimes have to chase them down to get them back.

21st December 2019, 07:13 PM
Here is the thing: If Hitler demanded the German people to fight to the last man, to expend their last energies and last breaths in fighting the tyranny that had so unfairly been brought down upon them, then shouldn't he himself have been enough of a man to at least spend his last breaths with a weapon in his hand, fighting these enemies that he himself demanded his people to fight against even though there was no hope? Instead he chose to die the death of a coward who chose to whimper and die like a beaten dog and not even have the manhood to face his enemies in battle.

Here is the horrible truth of WWII: The German people were never given the option of surrender. They never had a choice of laying down their arms and pleading for a cessation of hostilities. If Germany had been allowed to surrender, how many millions of innocent casualties would have been avoided? I am not just talking about German lives, what about all the soldiers who died fighting Germany after it was clear there was no hope of victory? How about all the concentration camp inmates who died due to the hell that was rained down upon Germany? It is not just the German politicians I am pointing at here, the politicians in control of the allied forces were far more complicit in this horrible mass murder than the Germans.

I truly do not know, but I think it very possible that Hitler, as many claim, lived his last days in South America. If he did, he was with out a doubt an agent of the Jews or they would not have let him live.

21st December 2019, 07:25 PM

Merry Christmas to Tumbleweed. (https://images.fastcompany.net/image/upload/w_596,c_limit,q_auto:best,f_auto/fc/3024022-inline-article-2516555-19c2b0b800000578-602634x680.jpg)


21st December 2019, 07:25 PM
More and more I am leaning to the idea that all hostilities on an international level are engineered and managed by the leaders of both sides. I don't believe Saddam Hussein was found hiding in a hole in the ground and was tried and hanged. If they wanted the man so bad, they would surely have sent in assassins to do the job before mounting a trillion dollar war. I don't believe that seal team six found and killed Osama Bin Ladeen in Pakistan and then buried him at sea.

The whole thing is a great big reality show and it's fake as hell. The losses are real.

21st December 2019, 09:26 PM
I've posted a lot of information on the Bolshevik revolution, WWI and WWII and I wonder if any of you guys read or watched any of it. I don't understand how anyone could still be bashing Hitler for trying to help his racial brothers and sisters. He was no coward and he stood up and fought the jews and their dumbed down, brainwashed lackies.

His behavior was that of a true christian in the words of William Finck and I agree with him wholeheartedly. I posted a link to a talk by William Finck in the religion section and he has a pretty interesting take on why Hitler lost in WWII.

In Revelation it is prophesied that when Jesus returns he will judge and destroy completely the jews and all memory of them. It wasn't for Hitler to do that before the return of Jesus and we have to wait for his return and when that time comes we will be called upon to "arise and thresh". I look forward to that day.

When the Israelites turned away from God he divorced them and blinded them to who they really are. There are always a few who aren't blinded though and I guess me and Jewboo just happen to be a couple of the few who aren't still blinded. There probably isn't a damn thing either one of us can do to take the blinders off of those who have been blinded no matter how hard we try.

21st December 2019, 09:56 PM
...There are always a few who aren't blinded though and I guess me and Jewboo (https://live.staticflickr.com/3044/2948188982_6d4e7a9cc0_z.jpg) just happen to be a couple of the few who aren't still blinded. There probably isn't a damn thing either one of us can do to take the blinders off of those who have been blinded no matter how hard we try.

I downloaded all that stuff you posted and added it to my 32GB USB Archive Thumbdrive. All of it especially the eBooks and MP4 videos.


midnight rambler
21st December 2019, 10:00 PM
does this mean you don't believe he committed suicide?


Only one piece of the puzzle, seems credible. There are many other credible pieces.

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.infobae.com%2Fsociedad%2F2019% 2F09%2F14%2Fhitler-en-la-argentina-la-carta-y-el-audio-del-militar-que-le-conto-a-sus-hijos-su-encuentro-secreto-con-el-criminal-nazi-en-bariloche%2F

There are other obvious other outcomes rather than "Hitler was left alone in S. America by da joos because he worked for them" such as radically derailing the *official narrative* that Hitler committed suicide. That would have been very embarrassing and would have caused a lot of people to start asking questions and demanding a trail. Can't have that shit.

22nd December 2019, 05:11 AM
Rossette Delacroix did a good video on all the bullshit jews have spread about both Hitler and Jesus Christ. The jews have done everything they can to smear them because they hate both and people are led a stray by it. Some of the jew lies are in this thread too that spread doubt. One of those lies is that Hitler didn't commit suicide and she covers that in this video. Jews want to claim both Jesus and Hitler were two of their own but they were not.

Adolf Hitler and Jesus Christ


22nd December 2019, 06:32 AM
Youse guy are the onlyest ones to expose da joos. BS

From Disgrace Abounding by Douglas Reed
Published in 1939


The word 'acquaintances' was carefully chosen. I have never had a Jewish friend. I never shall. I could, if Jews were Jews, subjects of a Jew state, avowedly foreigners in other lands, not professedly Germans, Englishmen, Hungarians, Austrians, Poles.

I have sharpened my wits on the conversation of Jews, I admire their quick-wittedness. If there were a Jewish nation I would make it an ally of England because I believe that, for their own cause, the Jews would fight like lions. I know that many of them fought in the armies of Germany and France and England, I know that each of these Jews wanted his side to win. But I also know that they had less to fear if their side lost, that they prosper in defeat and chaos. I saw this in Germany and Austria and Hungary.

I distrust the fiction that these Jews are Germans or Frenchmen or Englishmen, when I know that they are in all countries closely welded communities working, first and foremost, for the Jewish cause. Walk any Saturday evening along Oxford Street or Regent Street, contemplate those thousands of hatless young men, of carefully dressed and arm-linked young women coming up from the east to go to the great film theatres round Piccadilly and Marble Arch, to invade the chocolate-sundae corner palaces. Do you believe these are English people? Do they?

Will they help us to re-make England into a sturdy and well-found land of craftsmen and farmers and sailors? Do they not rather stand for cheap and tawdry frocks, and their corollary, sweated labour (if you have the energy, go down into the East End and visit the people who cut and sew those frocks), for gaudy Babylonian film temples, for your blasted Glamour Girls, for trashy imitation jewellery, for spurious marble halls at the sign of the fish-and-chip?

But that is another question. No penny-in-the-slot machine could produce its response more quickly than that question brings the answer from me. I know the answer.

'What have you in your heart for the Jews? Is it pity?'

The answer is: 'What have you in your heart for Gentiles?'

That brings you at a stroke to the root of the matter. Not anti-Semitism was first, but anti-Gentilism. You have heard a lot in recent years about Hitler's Nuremberg anti-Jewish laws, with their ban on intermarriage, which the Germans call race-defilement.

A most intelligent and cultured and open-minded Jew in Budapest said to me, 'After all, the Nuremberg laws are only the translation into German of our own Mosaic laws, with their ban on intermarriage with Gentiles'.

Race-antagonism began, not with the Gentiles, but with the Jews. Their religion is based on it. This racial lunacy which you detest in the Germans has possessed the Jews for thousands of years. When they become powerful, they practise it; as they consolidate their position in one trade after another, in one profession or another, the squeeze-out of Gentiles begins. That was why you found, in Berlin and Vienna and Budapest and Prague and Bucharest, newspapers with hardly a Gentile on the editorial staff, theatres owned and managed by Jews presenting Jewish actors and actresses in Jewish plays praised by the Jewish critics of Jewish newspapers, whole streets with hardly a non-Jewish shop in them, whole branches of retail trade monopolized by Jews.

Jews, if you know them well enough and understand these things enough for them to talk openly with you, will admit this. They cannot deny it.

In the beginning was anti-Gentilism. This, not the perfidy of the Gentiles, prevents the assimilation of the Jews. This prevents them from ever becoming Germans or Poles or Italians. This keeps them welded together as alien communities in foreign lands, communities ultimately hostile to the Gentile.

It is their religion? Good, but it is the reason why they cannot be assimilated.

In the defeated countries the Jews did not use the great power they achieved to promote and accelerate assimilation. They used it to increase the power and wealth of the Jews, and their intensive mutual collaboration, in that era to oust non-Jews from professions, trades and callings, was the outward and visible sign that anti-Gentilism remained within them. The race barriers that had existed against the Jews were broken down, every path was open; but the race-barrier within themselves still existed, and thus you had the misuse of this freedom and those grave signs of its abuse, the exploitation of cheap labour and of young non-Jewish womanhood, which were so repugnant a feature of life in Berlin and Vienna, and still are seen to-day, as I write, in Budapest and Prague.

These are grave things, which need to be understood.

22nd December 2019, 06:51 AM
Youse guy...

We're kinda busy (https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article4643615.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Nazi-Christmas-decorations.jpg) at the moment getting ready for the Christmas Party (https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8zV8adBUOJY/V5Bcgl-DGAI/AAAAAAAAKmY/YM8VE2iqY7QElWmb1ebOYCtRzE0s5Wh9wCLcB/s1600/Inside%2Ba%2BNazi%2BChristmas%2Bparty%2Bhosted%2Bb y%2BAdolf%2BHitler%252C%2B1941%2B%25283%2529.jpg).


22nd December 2019, 07:43 AM
Youse guy are the onlyest ones to expose da joos. BS

You help them spread their lies Bigjon.

22nd December 2019, 09:36 AM
I've posted a lot of information on the Bolshevik revolution, WWI and WWII and I wonder if any of you guys read or watched any of it. I don't understand how anyone could still be bashing Hitler for trying to help his racial brothers and sisters. He was no coward and he stood up and fought the jews and their dumbed down, brainwashed lackies.

His behavior was that of a true christian in the words of William Finck and I agree with him wholeheartedly. I posted a link to a talk by William Finck in the religion section and he has a pretty interesting take on why Hitler lost in WWII.

In Revelation it is prophesied that when Jesus returns he will judge and destroy completely the jews and all memory of them. It wasn't for Hitler to do that before the return of Jesus and we have to wait for his return and when that time comes we will be called upon to "arise and thresh". I look forward to that day.

When the Israelites turned away from God he divorced them and blinded them to who they really are. There are always a few who aren't blinded though and I guess me and Jewboo just happen to be a couple of the few who aren't still blinded. There probably isn't a damn thing either one of us can do to take the blinders off of those who have been blinded no matter how hard we try.

I am still working my way through the information you have posted. I have read a lot of it but have more to read. At this point I don’t feel informed enough to have a valid opinion. Because I still have unanswered questions in my mind I tend to share Woodman’s opinions. One thing is certain from what I have read is the official narrative they pumped in us in high school is pure bullshit.

22nd December 2019, 10:58 AM
I am still working my way through the information you have posted. I have read a lot of it but have more to read. At this point I don’t feel informed enough to have a valid opinion. Because I still have unanswered questions in my mind I tend to share Woodman’s opinions. One thing is certain from what I have read is the official narrative they pumped in us in high school is pure bullshit.

Holohoax Denial Laws.............you go to PRISON for questioning Monty (https://i.redd.it/2s4yrsbqrwx21.jpg)

New bill to ensure Holocaust education in US schools announced (https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5458321,00.html)

22nd December 2019, 11:34 AM
Holohoax Denial Laws.............you go to PRISON for questioning Monty (https://i.redd.it/2s4yrsbqrwx21.jpg)

New bill to ensure Holocaust education in US schools announced (https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5458321,00.html)

What can I say? As long as Uncle Sam is able to bribe the schools and universities with “free money” the brainwashing will continue.

22nd December 2019, 01:44 PM
I downloaded all that stuff you posted and added it to my 32GB USB Archive Thumbdrive. All of it especially the eBooks and MP4 videos.


Do you have Dr. David Duke’s Secrets Behind Communism?

.pdf download link


22nd December 2019, 02:55 PM
Do you have Dr. David Duke’s Secrets Behind Communism?

Yep already have that...just one of the complete 157 .pdf eBooks on my 32GB Archive Thumbdrive.

My Archive Thumbdrive is now 32GB and also has hundreds of complete .mp4 Videos including a high-res 720p copy of Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3526810/) that is 5 hours 50 minutes long. I recoded this one myself down to a single 4.1GB mp4 Video that is 720p high resolution so it can be also shared on a single standard blank data DVD.

PM me a mailing address Monty and I'll anonymously mail you a free copy Thumbdrive. I've been archiving this stuff since GIM1...distilled and now organized into ten folders. (((They))) are now killing Truth on their (((Youtube))) and on their (((internet))) but they can't kill anonymously-mailed Archive Thumbdrives...


22nd December 2019, 02:59 PM
the official jewish narrative of "hitler": he was an evil, white german who hated jews. Most of your posts here prove that you are completely swallowing kike propaganda.
1. his family name was shekelgroover
2. he wasnt even german
3. he ignored german generals and lost a perfectly winnable war on "accident"
4. he murdered the brownshirts
5. he started moving jews to Palestine before and during the war, hence the repatriation coin minted by goebbles featuring both a swastika and a star of david
6. the leader of the ashkeNAZI party was rabbi Alfred rosenberg
7. his bodyguard jew otto skorzney was recently featured in the jewish national paper as the man who after being hitlers SS chief went on to a career as a mossad hitman
so, no, i refuse to believe the official story dripping of jewish propaganda.

22nd December 2019, 03:20 PM
the official jewish narrative of "hitler": he was an evil, white german who hated jews. Most of your posts here prove that you are completely swallowing kike propaganda.

Yet another ironic drive-by shooting by you...lol. You and me met face-to-face several years ago in Boise. You now might be interested in this story about where you bought that cigar... (https://www.kivitv.com/news/treasure-valley/hannifins-cigar-store-closes-shop)

:D Anyone else notice that the ONE AND ONLY thing that jews can't allow in the year 2019 is any POSITIVE mention of Hitler? It's now a "hate crime". Me and Tumbleweed alone apparently are now hate criminals at GSUS...lol...you fellow goyim are (sadly) hilarious in 2019...see my avatar <<<<<----- to the left. :D

midnight rambler
22nd December 2019, 04:13 PM
so, no, i refuse to believe the official story dripping of jewish propaganda.

And yet you fully embrace joo lies about Hitler. lol

Gawd I love irony.

22nd December 2019, 06:47 PM
Holohoax Denial Laws.............you go to PRISON for questioning Monty (https://i.redd.it/2s4yrsbqrwx21.jpg)

New bill to ensure Holocaust education in US schools announced (https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5458321,00.html)

Who's govt?
The govt for US Citizens?
Doubt if you know who they are.

22nd December 2019, 07:48 PM
You help them spread their lies Bigjon.

Well it's kind of hard to know, if you don't specify the lies.

A blanket accusation is worthless.

22nd December 2019, 09:56 PM
Bigjon's regular nonsense here at GSUS when he isn't daily pimping (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1509342747063.jpg)Anna von Reitz's cult website...lol. (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1509342747063.jpg)


Now that is funny; Jooboo is calling We the People of The United States of America cult members.

Now lets read a letter from Anna.

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDdcgmLReA2YgpYSrfoVvsB3fE_dSs_SV0P5DaUzZb6D9 nZUlq8enDgumq30gNfXVkmhgoccmVjTg7q&hc_ref=ARQ63jvyXCJ_VPay9mln1iHQ7dajeb9zN7ajA8WQ-Q79hzo8qQ0yq96ONJwyEIeR0Rs&fref=nf)
18 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2625699514145779) ·

The Cards Are Called

We've had some real rats as Presidents. Gangsta quality guys. Robber barons. Even pukes like Slick Willie. There are no --- repeat, no, none, zero, zip, nada --- choir boys in the ranks of the Presidents. Number one, they can't be Candide and get that far, and number two, if they were all sweet and cuddly and a box of rocks, they'd make terrible Presidents.

The trick most of them employ is to: (1) look good; (2) say whatever people want to hear (Obama is an excellent example of this); and (3) follow the political maxim of "do whatever you want, so long as you don't get caught".

This means that in addition to not being Choir Members, most Presidents are tremendous hypocrites. Not all, but most of them, don't believe in or care about anything but money and power and how best to benefit themselves and their pals at the public trough.

That's why when someone like Trump comes in without a ticket, it upsets the whole DC Beltway Carnival.

Trump is not a Choir Boy, either.

The difference is that he is a really astute business man. And he's not nearly the world-class hypocrite that most US Presidents have been.

He actually sees --- and values --- the power and potential and beauty of America. He knows in his own terms what the "American Dream" is.
That's the truth about Donald Trump, as proven in the pudding he has served up over the last four years.

By their fruits you shall know them.

The American Dream runs counter to the Democrat Dream of controlling the work force via Labor Union bosses just like the Overseers on their beloved plantations.

Most people don't realize it, but the modern Democratic Party was birthed by largely German Communists who came here after the 1848 Worker's Rebellion and settled in my home state of Wisconsin. They were joined by the "traditional" Southern Democrats who were the remainders of the Southern elitists leftover after the Civil War. This unlikely marriage of what superficially appears to be radically different partners wasn't so strange after all.

It turns out that the Communists have a lot in common with the traditional Southern Democrats, though for wildly different reasons. Both groups are elitist. Both believe in deceit and that lying is an acceptable means to an end. Both readily adopt to either/or thinking patterns and use "pillar" to "post" control systems to divide and conquer. Both groups are hypocrites. Both believe in subjugation of the inferior masses -- while spieling the exact opposite message from both sides of their mouths.

Just so we are clear, I don't venerate either political party and I did not start my life despising the Democratic Party. Far from it.

I grew up in hardscrabble Black River Falls, Wisconsin, in a working class farm family and almost everyone I knew who bothered to vote --- was a Democrat. I considered myself a Democrat at one time and I continue to embrace many of the broad-minded egalitarian principles that the Democrats pretend to champion.

That's the problem.
They pretend to champion all these high ideals of caring about communities and working class people and sharing with the less fortunate and education for all ---and, as it turns out, the Democratic Party doesn't actually care about any of those things. The Democratic Party is ruled by thugs with connections to big crime syndicates and populated with staffers and wannabes too stupid to notice that all the rhetoric is fake.

Stone cold fake. And on purpose.

I had to learn that the hard way, by pouring through piles and piles of voting records on major issues and pieces of legislation that have been severely damaging to working class people and people of color.

I've got a tip for you -- in every case I examined, and that ran a gamut from the Civil War to 1973, Democrats created the evil legislation, spoke loud and long against it, and then, by wild margins, voted FOR it. In every single case.

I remember kicking back in my chair and staring at the ceiling of my college dorm room, feeling like I had been slapped up the side of the head. It was like the time I kept track of the "nightly news" stories for content and discovered that I was being fed a steady diet of stories about death and sex, and virtually nothing of use or benefit to me or anyone else.

So I turned off the Democratic Party like I turned off the Nightly News.
Back then, with all my youthful idealism intact, I thought Democratic politicians believed in the stuff they talked about.

It's only when you look at actual voting records-- at what the Democrats do, rather than what they say-- that the brutal truth shoves firmly into view.

This also explains why -- despite having super majorities for entire decades -- the slave-like, destructive welfare state has burgeoned into a huge population of people who are literally entrapped by the welfare system.

Entrapped, dependent, believing that there isn't enough of anything --- not enough money, not enough food, not enough of anything --- and that the only way to get more is to push for more welfare spending and more welfare programs.

It never occurs to them that they are being kept poor and dependent and miserable on purpose. And by the very people they believe are their champions.

Most people forget or miss the point that the government is in the business of providing services and that having a large captive population totally dependent on such services adds up to big profits for them and big meal tickets for bureaucrats---- and large dependent voting blocks for scumbag politicians who deliberately create poverty and break families and stifle job opportunities so that they have a big captive population to serve.

Thus, Black and Hispanic and other Minority voters put these rats into office year after year, decade after decade, vainly hoping for change and a better life, and never once realizing that their purported champions are the ones doing them the damage and keeping them down.

Like other Americans, Minority Voters don't check voting records and don't know the history of the Democratic Party. They don't read the horrible damaging legislation proposed by Democrats, then repudiated by Democrats, and then, quietly voted for ---- all by Democrats.

"Keep them hungry and keep them stupid." is the unofficial motto of the Democratic Party at the highest levels. Believe me, because I have been there in my younger days and no matter what they say or pretend, I would never go back again.

Don't believe me? Go look at the actual voting records on key topics.
Enfranchisement ---as in Dairy Queen enfranchisement. Electoral votes (actual voting rights) for women and people of color. Municipal corporations. Taxes. Abuse of Social Security funds. CPS. Land ownership. Marriage "licensing" laws. The Buck Act. And why in the Hell didn't they recognize the "Natural and Unalienable Rights" of colored people, instead of pulling yet another sleight of hand and offering "Civil Rights" instead?

If you are a rat, born to the breed, then you would find it deliciously amusing, just how easily misled and stupid American voters have been, and how many generations of us have taken politicians at their word and never checked their actual voting records and actual performance.

Let's finally get to FDR, the King Rat of them all.
I am going to quote the guts of Executive Order 2039 which created the perpetual private trusts on March 6, 1933 --- the very same day that the Conference of [Territorial ] State [of State] Governors "pledged" their "states and the citizenry thereof" as collateral for loans from the Municipal Government.

"....the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President and under such regulations as he may prescribe, is authorized and empowered (a) to permit any or all of such banking institutions to perform any or all of the usual banking functions, (b) to direct, require or permit the issuance of clearing house certificates or other evidences of claims against assets of banking institutions, and (c) to authorize and direct the creation in such banking institutions of special trust accounts for the receipt of new deposits which shall be subject to withdrawal on demand without any restriction or limitation and shall be kept separately in cash or on deposit in Federal Reserve Banks or invested-in obligations of the United States."

So, what are we really witnessing here?

At the Conference of Governor's meeting taking place that same day, FDR got the rats to "pledge" all the Territorial "citizenry" as collateral backing loans from the Pope.

The same day, "clearing house certificates" were allowed to be issued for "new deposits".

He's talking about birth certificates and the "new deposits" were American babies being deliberately misidentified as "United States Citizens" and used as literal bank collateral to fund the bankruptcy reorganization of "the" United States of America, Inc.

The Pope and the then-King are consolidating their operations on our shores, moving to run both sides of their Papist Commonwealth-Roman Municipal scheme under one consolidated governmental services corporation --- and all at our expense.

Think of it. You are the Pope and you are in the business of providing "governmental services". You have two levels of the American government under your control, one directly, and one indirectly. Well, of course, you want to reduce your costs and expand your services---and profits--- by doubling them up and expanding the range of services on offer.

So you hire, on our behalf of course, two guys to do the job of one, profit yourself from the labor of both, and charge the clueless American public for it.

Just go on the internet and do a search for something that should be simple --- like "Alaska Department of Natural Resources". What you will find is a multitude of such entities listed, all with slightly different names, different addresses, etc.

There's the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the Alaska DNR, and so on.

Now, you may think that these are all the same and all part of the same government, but they aren't. What you are seeing is the duplication for profit scheme in action---- a Territorial DNR, a Municipal DNR, a Regional (UN) DNR, a State Trust DNR....... and so it goes, the "government services" proliferating like a rapidly growing cancer.

And stupid people clamoring for more.

And of course, the "Legislatures" which are just elected Boards of Directors for these governmental services corporations, have no motive to stop it, so long as they can charge you for it and profit themselves at your expense.

Having created a completely redundant second or third or fourth set of workers, you can then use all the extra help for political and other profit making purposes.

The final details of the 1933 take-over transition were finished four years later in 1937 with the signing of The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.

At least they had enough class back then to admit that they were "in" The United States.

I happen to have and to have securely archived an original signed copy of this document implementing Corporate Feudalism---which was handwritten on over-sized sheets of rag paper in India ink, like something from the Middle Ages.

Please notice that the main Issuer and Purveyor of the bonds related to FDR's Executive Order 2039 action was the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and that the underlying holding company in possession of the "deposits" --- i.e., Birth Certificate Applications, was Cede and Company --- all managed by the newly created Vatican Government (est. 1929).
Also notice that from FDR's side of the "New [Undisclosed] Deal" his profits from selling you into slavery and confiscating all your assets were poured into the Federal Reserve Banks and that "special trust accounts" were established in the names of all the "new deposits".

This is where "YOU" came in, along with the all the undisclosed escrow accounts siphoning off your money, the value of your labor, and your natural resources--- including your children.

When we started tracking it, the money trail led from DTC to the Vatican Bank (the Pope gets his share first) and then to the Bank of Canada (the Queen's "Commonwealth" share) and having been laundered through both these banks, the filthy loot of the Slave Traders comes back to the Mellon Bank (the share of the American traitors and their "progeny" --- mostly members of The Pilgrim Society) -----and finally, the remainder lands in the Federal Reserve Banks closest to wherever the victims were born.

All the lucre raised from selling "me" that was left after the scumbags took their shares is sitting in the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, under a CUSIP/AUTOTRIS "Social Security Number" and an account labeled: RIEZINGER, ANNA MARIA.

Please note that the habit of using all capital letters without hyphens between the words is known as "DOG LATIN" --- a venal script amounting to gibberish that was applied by the Roman Emperor Justinian to identify and defraud "tribal members" who were illiterate.

This slave operation has been going on a long, long time, but it is time for it to end, and for the outraged world to throw off the yoke of men who at best could be called criminals--- and also the institutions which have betrayed the trust and Good Faith of billions of people.

And there, right smack dab in the middle of the cradle of this stinking and reprehensible modern day enslavement and racketeering scheme, sits Pope Frances.

There are only two possibilities: (1) Frances is the Chosen One of the evil and rightfully suppressed "Holy Roman Empire" and he was, as is rumored, put in power by means of murder and blackmail; (2) Frances is the loyal Jesuit "Bag Man" for Pope Benedict XVI, who has taken a powder from public view, similar to Prince Philip who retired from public life two days after receiving $950 trillion dollars worth of "Life Force Value Annuities" belonging to us and the Canadians.

This is how, when, where, and by whom we were all secretively betrayed and the reason that we all have been treated as slaves and sucked dry by our public servants; and this is how slavery has been maintained in the modern world, right here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, since 1933.

This was done to us by FDR and the Democratic Party, which deserves to be outlawed as a crime syndicate--- up front, here and now, for sure.
I still have friends and family members who are Democrats and Catholics, both, and I love them dearly. If they knew what has been going on in their Party and their Church, they would be as sickened as I am.

They couldn't imagine such evil and deceit, lurking just underneath the surface of their government, their political party, and most of all, their church.

But the evidence is in, and the cards are called.

Yes, Julia, there were Republicans in the dog pile, too.
Teddy Roosevelt, FDR's Cousin, was an absolute promoter of the whole scheme, and a skilled and devious actor. His career was launched by the Robber Barons. He oversaw the First Bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper doing business as The United States of America, Inc. and he established the foundations for the Federal Reserve System and did far more damage to this country than ten atom bombs----and he was a Republican.

But he was also a Roosevelt.
So we had Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, doing the set up, and we have FDR, a Democrat, doing the take down.
Among all the Players who have contributed to this seething cauldron of corruption--- the name "Roosevelt" needs to be etched in stone.
Rothschild means "Red Shield" and Roosevelt means "Red Field".
Go figure.

These men were so arrogant, so evil --- and so diabolically brilliant --- that they literally believed that the rest of us would never be able to figure it out.

Yet, there it is, all neatly dissected, decoded, and presented in a single paragraph of a single Executive Order issued back in 1933.

Let's outlaw the Democratic Party as a crime syndicate. And then let's abolish the Political Party System and the Federal Reserve System, too.
Lets make a clean sweep and all go home to America, where we don't have political parties, don't buy and sell babies as "new deposits", and are sick to death of all of this crap.

23rd December 2019, 12:15 AM
Well it's kind of hard to know, if you don't specify the lies.

A blanket accusation is worthless.

I did mention a couple. You help them spread all of their lies though by constantly demonizing Hitler. I'm sure they love you for helping them with their efforts to demonize him too. Their lies are numerous and are pointed out in the books and videos I've mentioned in other threads and also in the link to the video by Rossette I posted in this thread.

23rd December 2019, 03:39 AM
I did mention a couple. You help them spread all of their lies though by constantly demonizing Hitler. I'm sure they love you for helping them with their efforts to demonize him too. Their lies are numerous and are pointed out in the books and videos I've mentioned in other threads and also in the link to the video by Rossette I posted in this thread.

The number one Jewish lie is that Hitler locked up only Jews in his concentration camps.

I found that was a Jewish lie, by reading Douglas Reed's book where he reported Hitler mainly locked up German's.

I report the facts about Hitler and you don't like those facts.

23rd December 2019, 04:32 AM
...Hitler mainly locked up German's.

DO THEY LOOK "LOCKED UP" ? ? ? (https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=853&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=CrMAXs-yH8f6-gSBxZBI&q=hitler+rally&oq=hitler+rally&gs_l=img.12...0.0..52837...0.0..0.0.0.......0..... .gws-wiz-img.apwyAxFBczM&ved=0ahUKEwjP38zf4svmAhVHvZ4KHYEiBAkQ4dUDCAY)


23rd December 2019, 05:05 AM
I report the facts about Hitler and you don't like those facts.

That's what I do too when I post the things found in books and videos and you don't like the facts found in them.

23rd December 2019, 05:46 AM
DO THEY LOOK "LOCKED UP" ? ? ? (https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=853&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=CrMAXs-yH8f6-gSBxZBI&q=hitler+rally&oq=hitler+rally&gs_l=img.12...0.0..52837...0.0..0.0.0.......0..... .gws-wiz-img.apwyAxFBczM&ved=0ahUKEwjP38zf4svmAhVHvZ4KHYEiBAkQ4dUDCAY)


They sure do look locked up to me.

A picture of German's playing soccer (football) would look like freedom.

How about some pictures from a cc camp, the Jews always say all of the people there were Jews, but Reed interviewed them and most said they were German, only 2 to 3 percent identified themselves as Jews.

23rd December 2019, 05:48 AM
That's what I do too when I post the things found in books and videos and you don't like the facts found in them.

A specific example is?

23rd December 2019, 06:23 AM
Hitler was definitely a Jew agent.


Here's one Bigjon and it's bullshit the jews promote and it helps them spread their lies.

James Wickstrom was a DSCI Pastor and he did know what the jews are and who they are. He tells it like it is now in this country and was for the Germans before the start of WWII. Hitler was no jew agent and he was trying to help his people.

Dennis Wise's Tribute to James Wickstrom


23rd December 2019, 06:34 AM
Here's one Bigjon and it's bullshit the jews promote and it helps them spread their lies.

James Wickstrom was a DSCI Pastor and he did know what the jews are and who they are. He tells it like it is now in this country and was for the Germans before the start of WWII. Hitler was no jew agent and he was trying to help his people.

Dennis Wise's Tribute to James Wickstrom


I listened to it and agree with it.

Has nothing to do with anything I've ever said.

What's your point?

23rd December 2019, 09:33 AM
I listened to it and agree with it.

Has nothing to do with anything I've ever said.

What's your point?

Wickstrom knew the jews are Canaanite/Edomite bastards, the children of the devil and that Hitler was a true white Israelite who fought them and he was no (Jew agent) as you've stated.

23rd December 2019, 09:52 AM
A specific example is?


Bigjon's dream world without the mean Germans who "lock people up" for no reason at all.


23rd December 2019, 10:24 AM
Wickstrom knew the jews are Canaanite/Edomite bastards, the children of the devil and that Hitler was a true white Israelite who fought them and he was no (Jew agent) as you've stated.

Well I listened to the clip you provided and did not hear anything like that.

So do you have a clip that says that?

If he knew that he did not say it.

23rd December 2019, 10:25 AM

Bigjon's dream world without the mean Germans who "lock people up" for no reason at all.


Typical clown stuff from you.

Making shit up.

23rd December 2019, 02:11 PM
These are grave things, which need to be understood.



23rd December 2019, 02:30 PM
Well I listened to the clip you provided and did not hear anything like that.

So do you have a clip that says that?

If he knew that he did not say it.

He was a DSCI pastor and they know who and what the "jews" are. You don't seem to know who or what they are. Go to this thread and start reading if you want to know. Bertrand Comparet explains it very well.

You wanted a specific lie of the jews that you repeat that helps them and I gave you one and you've ignored it.

23rd December 2019, 03:50 PM
Wickstrom knew the jews are Canaanite/Edomite bastards, the children of the devil and that Hitler was a true white Israelite who fought them and he was no (Jew agent) as you've stated.

This is what you gave me.

plus watching a clip that said nothing of the sort.

So this is what you believe. Why bring in Wickstrom as he does not say what you claim?

All we have to go on is Hitler's actions. He made a lot of speeches about the Jews, but did not do anything to the Jews except aid in their transfer to Palestine.

Plus he killed a whole lot of German's. His actions directly lead to at least 10 million dead German's.
He stopped the German army at Dunkirk and Moscow, both places would have changed the outcome of WWII.

He created a Communist state and gave it a different name Fascism which is indistinguishable from Communism.

Where is the lie?

23rd December 2019, 04:29 PM
Now that is funny; Jooboo is calling We the People of The United States of America cult members.

Bigjon knows this REALITY (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1576002321577.jpg) but still plays dumb in this thread...lol.

:D We The People

23rd December 2019, 07:30 PM
Bigjon knows this REALITY (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1576002321577.jpg) but still plays dumb in this thread...lol.

:D We The People

Since you don't seem to know anything about "we the people" maybe you should read the preamble to the Constitution for.

All those people were citizens of their respective states.

And Anna's website gives a roadmap (https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/?fbclid=IwAR3NTxw3FTfM9MMjnCHV4MrBMq0SCutWbJw6YIe6 ZSfWieAvdQ9W4K8tA6o) on how to regain that status.

(Preamble)We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

23rd December 2019, 07:49 PM
the official jewish narrative of "hitler": he was an evil, white german who hated jews. Most of your posts here prove that you are completely swallowing kike propaganda.
1. his family name was shekelgroover
2. he wasnt even german
3. he ignored german generals and lost a perfectly winnable war on "accident"
4. he murdered the brownshirts
5. he started moving jews to Palestine before and during the war, hence the repatriation coin minted by goebbles featuring both a swastika and a star of david
6. the leader of the ashkeNAZI party was rabbi Alfred rosenberg
7. his bodyguard jew otto skorzney was recently featured in the jewish national paper as the man who after being hitlers SS chief went on to a career as a mossad hitman
so, no, i refuse to believe the official story dripping of jewish propaganda.
does anyone care to debate #1-7? especially # 7

old steel
23rd December 2019, 08:19 PM
Hitler and his fellow German officers were impeccably outfitted in their uniforms.

Best dressed military on the planet.

Show me a jew with an eye for detail like that?

While i think of it:

Why did Hitler commit suicide?

- He saw the gas bill.

24th December 2019, 03:07 AM
This is what you gave me.

plus watching a clip that said nothing of the sort.

So this is what you believe. Why bring in Wickstrom as he does not say what you claim?

All we have to go on is Hitler's actions. He made a lot of speeches about the Jews, but did not do anything to the Jews except aid in their transfer to Palestine.

Plus he killed a whole lot of German's. His actions directly lead to at least 10 million dead German's.
He stopped the German army at Dunkirk and Moscow, both places would have changed the outcome of WWII.

He created a Communist state and gave it a different name Fascism which is indistinguishable from Communism.

Where is the lie?

Well hell Bigjon why stop at demonizing just Hitler for getting people killed. Why don't you demonize Jesus Christ too while you're at it? He got a hell of a lot more of his followers killed by believing in him and that continues right on up until today.

Hitler was christian and his behavior was that of a true christian trying to do the will of God by separating his people from the children of the devil and that got him killed too. He was trying to separate the wheat from the tares.

The "jews", the genetic descendants of Satan, plan on exterminating all of the pure white descendants of Adam and Eve. This war began in the garden of eden when God in Genesis 3:15 said he would put enmity/hatred between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. There's no fence sitting on this one Bigjon. You're either on the side of the children of god or the children of the devil. When you speak the jews lie "Hitler was a jew agent" it sure as hell looks to me like you've chosen the side you're on and the jews are happy you're on their side. The best lies are those surrounded by the most truth.

Hitler made some mistakes because he wanted peace and didn't want to kill off his racial brothers and sisters.That's the behavior of a true christian who loves his racial brothers and sisters as God commanded. Queen Isabella made the mistake of thinking a jew can ever be trusted or be christian when she drove the jews and muslims out of Spain. Even Jesus Christ had a devil as one of his apostles as a good example and he betrayed him. The jews are living breathing devils that walk the face of the earth and as William Finck says collectively they are Satan.

There's and interview of William Finck I've posted in the Religion section here by Rossette Delacroix that describes exactly what's happening here in this thread with you Bigjon. No matter how much I might try or what ever I post it's not going to make any difference in what you believe. He also speaks of why Hitler failed. Click on this link below and listen to the part starting at 40:00 and ending at 50:00.


For anyone who has questions about Hitler and Germany I'd suggest William Fincks Main Camp section at christogenea.org. I'll post a link and an excerpt from the home page on what it's about.


"Here we shall endeavor to accomplish three goals. First, we shall present the entire James Murphy translation of Mein Kampf, remaining faithful to the page numbering and type styles of that volume even if aesthetics suffers a bit for it.

Then we will also present papers, as an ongoing project, demonstrating that Adolf Hitler was a good Christian man who cared deeply about his race, and followed the examples of Christ rather than just the lip-service found in modern churches, for better or for worse.

Lastly, we will publish whatever other worthy papers we can possibly obtain in order to set the record straight in reference to certain historical events, and others which are supposedly historical. It may take some time to attain these goals for this project, however God willing, we will indeed attain them.

It is not the holocaust deniers who are a danger to truth and freedom in this world. It is the Christ deniers who are a danger to truth and freedom!"

One more thing I'll put here for anyone interested. There's a video with the words of James Wickstrom as background but with photos showing what his words describe. It can be downloaded for free. It's a good example of the Bible quote Mathew 7:16 "You will know them by their fruit" and the death and destruction shown is the "fruit of the jews", the children of the devil.


24th December 2019, 04:16 AM
Well hell Bigjon why stop at demonizing just Hitler for getting people killed. Why don't you demonize Jesus Christ too while you're at it? He got a hell of a lot more of his followers killed by believing in him and that continues right on up until today.

Hitler was christian and his behavior was that of a true christian trying to do the will of God by separating his people from the children of the devil and that got him killed too. He was trying to separate the wheat from the tares.

The "jews", the genetic descendants of Satan, plan on exterminating all of the pure white descendants of Adam and Eve. This war began in the garden of eden when God in Genesis 3:15 said he would put enmity/hatred between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. There's no fence sitting on this one Bigjon. You're either on the side of the children of god or the children of the devil. When you speak the jews lie "Hitler was a jew agent" it sure as hell looks to me like you've chosen the side you're on and the jews are happy you're on their side. The best lies are those surrounded by the most truth.

Hitler made some mistakes because he wanted peace and didn't want to kill off his racial brothers and sisters.That's the behavior of a true christian who loves his racial brothers and sisters as God commanded. Queen Isabella made the mistake of thinking a jew can ever be trusted or be christian when she drove the jews and muslims out of Spain. Even Jesus Christ had a devil as one of his apostles as a good example and he betrayed him. The jews are living breathing devils that walk the face of the earth and as William Finck says collectively they are Satan.

There's and interview of William Finck I've posted in the Religion section here by Rossette Delacroix that describes exactly what's happening here in this thread with you Bigjon. No matter how much I might try or what ever I post it's not going to make any difference in what you believe. He also speaks of why Hitler failed. Click on this link below and listen to the part starting at 40:00 and ending at 50:00.


For anyone who has questions about Hitler and Germany I'd suggest William Fincks Main Camp section at christogenea.org. I'll post a link and an excerpt from the home page on what it's about.


"Here we shall endeavor to accomplish three goals. First, we shall present the entire James Murphy translation of Mein Kampf, remaining faithful to the page numbering and type styles of that volume even if aesthetics suffers a bit for it.

Then we will also present papers, as an ongoing project, demonstrating that Adolf Hitler was a good Christian man who cared deeply about his race, and followed the examples of Christ rather than just the lip-service found in modern churches, for better or for worse.

Lastly, we will publish whatever other worthy papers we can possibly obtain in order to set the record straight in reference to certain historical events, and others which are supposedly historical. It may take some time to attain these goals for this project, however God willing, we will indeed attain them.

It is not the holocaust deniers who are a danger to truth and freedom in this world. It is the Christ deniers who are a danger to truth and freedom!"

One more thing I'll put here for anyone interested. There's a video with the words of James Wickstrom as background but with photos showing what his words describe. It can be downloaded for free. It's a good example of the Bible quote Mathew 7:16 "You will know them by their fruit" and the death and destruction shown is the "fruit of the jews", the children of the devil.


When you are losing throw the kitchen sink in for good measure.

And I just have to quit beating my wife. It's such a bad habit.

I'm not defending the Jews. As you try to imply.

When you speak the jews lie "Hitler was a jew agent"

Please show me where the Jews claim this?

24th December 2019, 07:54 AM
... that describes exactly what's happening here in this thread with you Bigjon. No matter how much I might try or what ever I post it's not going to make any difference in what you believe.

Bigjon is waiting for his daily dose of Anna Von Reitz to find out what he believes today.


midnight rambler
24th December 2019, 08:07 AM
Bigjon is waiting for his daily dose of Anna Von Reitz to find out what he believes today.


OUCH! The truth hurts!

24th December 2019, 08:45 AM
Bigjon is waiting for his daily dose of Anna Von Reitz to find out what he believes today.


I believe in the founding documents of this country.

Apparently you don't even know what they say.

Anna's stuff is probably too technical for you so I'll post a link to someone who spell's it out real simple for simpleton's.



24th December 2019, 08:52 AM
OUCH! The truth hurts!

It sure does simpleton.


midnight rambler
24th December 2019, 09:13 AM
Right, Anna von Nutcase gloms others’ work and claims it as her own. lol

24th December 2019, 09:16 AM
Right, Anna von Nutcase gloms others’ work and claims it as her own. lol


Got a link,or just making shit up, like you usually do.

midnight rambler
24th December 2019, 10:03 AM
Anna von Dipshit is the absolute master at making shit up, I bow to her supreme mastery as the #1 bullshitter.

24th December 2019, 10:35 AM
Anna von Dipshit is the absolute master at making shit up, I bow to her supreme mastery as the #1 bullshitter.


What is it that she made up?

Looks to me like you need to look in the mirror, if you want to see a bs'r.

24th December 2019, 01:41 PM
Youse guy...

Peace. It's Christmas Eve. Join brother Tumbleweed and me for a drink (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1577222469981.png) and a cookie (https://i.imgur.com/Bsg9q.jpg).


24th December 2019, 07:28 PM
does anyone care to debate #1-7? especially # 7

I suppose post world war job opportunities for former body guards of Hitler were not growing on trees and Otto got employment where he could. Besides Otto was a Jew so he didn’t mind playing both sides.