View Full Version : The U.S. Is Ready To Embrace Peace _ Trump 01/08/2020

8th January 2020, 03:31 PM
The Don sounds real tired... Really don't know what to think about this one. Kinda sounds like we don't want to kick their ass. Very strange.

The U.S. Is Ready To Embrace Peace

President Trump offers peace to Iran after learning that the missile attacks, in response to Soleimani's death, did not kill any American troops and caused only minimal damage.



midnight rambler
8th January 2020, 03:39 PM
The Don sounds real tired... Really don't know what to think about this one. Kinda sounds like we don't want to kick their ass. Very strange.

The U.S. Is Ready To Embrace Peace

President Trump offers peace to Iran after learning that the missile attacks, in response to Soleimani's death, did not kill any American troops and caused only minimal damage.


You may ultimately kill that coiled rattlesnake you stumbled upon, yet that coiled rattlesnake may get in a calamitous strike before you kill it.

Iran has been preparing to fight the Great Satan for over 40 years, one would think they have many very viable military options by now.

8th January 2020, 03:46 PM
You may ultimately kill that coiled rattlesnake you stumbled upon, yet that coiled rattlesnake may get in a calamitous strike before you kill it.

Iran has been preparing to fight the Great Satan for over 40 years, one would think they have many very viable military options by now.

The power structure in Iran is struggling to stay in power. Trump knows this and this is essentially an olive branch. We killed your general after many attacks which went unanswered for years, you lobbed a couple of missiles which didn't kill any Americans, and rumors were they notified America beforehand.

This is offering them a truce.

8th January 2020, 04:07 PM
The power structure in Iran is struggling to stay in power. Trump knows this and this is essentially an olive branch. We killed your general after many attacks which went unanswered for years, you lobbed a couple of missiles which didn't kill any Americans, and rumors were they notified America beforehand.

This is offering them a truce.

Yea, I don't think this has ever worked before. What about the bankers? lol Throw them under the bus? (Sorry been drinking so cant make much sense of anything yet.

8th January 2020, 04:08 PM
Well that's an obvious freaking LIE!!

The US will never want peace!! We're running a freaking empire, looting and killing around the globe.

Give me a freaking break--THE US ONLY WANTS WAR!!!!!!! Until the Zionist Empire has all of humanity under it's boot:

The U.S. Has Been At War 222 Out of 239 Yearshttps://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/50473

This morning, I discovered an interesting statistic, “America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776“, i.e. the U.S. has only been at peace for less than 20 years total since its birth. I wanted to check, get a better understanding and look at other countries in the world.

midnight rambler
8th January 2020, 04:15 PM
The Iranians have plenty of supersonic Russian Sunburn anti-ship missiles (Mach 2.3) and likely some Russian Yakhont aka Onyx anti-ship missiles (Mach 3.2). Additionally Iran reportedly has some 6,000 subsonic Exocet anti-ship missiles. A few dozen Exocets alone launched in a salvo couldn't all be stopped/intercepted and would more than likely sink a flattop, throw those much harder to defeat supersonic missiles into the mix and the odds improve even better.

8th January 2020, 04:19 PM
Well that's an obvious freaking LIE!!

The US will never want peace!! We're running a freaking empire, looting and killing around the globe.

Give me a freaking break--THE US ONLY WANTS WAR!!!!!!! Until the Zionist Empire has all of humanity under it's boot:

The U.S. Has Been At War 222 Out of 239 Years


What if?

8th January 2020, 06:34 PM
That fucker is full of shit. Embrace peace my ass. We will continue to wage war upon any nation that can't effectively fight back. We are the school yard bully. I sincerely hope we get our ass kicked so bad that we finally realize what we are, what we have become and take our toys and go home with our head down in shame. We are merely a vassal state of Israel. Most of us in America don't know this. If most of us did, it would be a far better world.

8th January 2020, 06:52 PM
The Don sounds real tired... Really don't know what to think about this one. Kinda sounds like we don't want to kick their ass. Very strange.

The U.S. Is Ready To Embrace Peace

President Trump offers peace to Iran after learning that the missile attacks, in response to Soleimani's death, did not kill any American troops and caused only minimal damage.



Who's this "WE" shit? Again... you got a mouse in your pocket? You sound like a Fox news pundit.

I'm starting to believe Hitch about you.

And a few other members on this board.

8th January 2020, 11:59 PM
Who's this "WE" shit? Again... you got a mouse in your pocket? You sound like a Fox news pundit.

I'm starting to believe Hitch about you.

And a few other members on this board.

^ This.

Besides you and Pete there is nothing. Who are the others on the board? All the people I have personal contact with and phone numbers to call anytime I want? You guys get to drinking and can't hold yourselves together. I post a fucking article and your balls shrivel. What a fucking waste of calories.

9th January 2020, 05:03 AM
That fucker is full of shit. Embrace peace my ass. We will continue to wage war upon any nation that can't effectively fight back. We are the school yard bully. I sincerely hope we get our ass kicked so bad that we finally realize what we are, what we have become and take our toys and go home with our head down in shame. We are merely a vassal state of Israel. Most of us in America don't know this. If most of us did, it would be a far better world.


The US does NOT WANT PEACE!!! Never has, never will.

Totally agree that we are a vassal state of Israel--their influence and control has been going on forever, but I think 9/11 was sort of a coup d'etat marking their complete take over (neo-cons were controlling the Kenyan too). Under Israeli/jewish control, the US has become a psychopathic bully, who tortures, kills and steals--all for the Zio-empire (and the torture has been going on forever--back in the day, when they were getting Latin America under control, they used to train their military and leaders at the School of Americas--lessons in torture, as in electrodes to genitals and other psychopathic stuff). And, of course they completely destroyed Iraq, sent in death squads, and littered the place with depleted Uranium. But most Americans don't give a crap--they are too busy taking selfies and posting photos on facebook.

9th January 2020, 09:54 AM
That fucker is full of shit. Embrace peace my ass. We will continue to wage war upon any nation that can't effectively fight back. We are the school yard bully. I sincerely hope we get our ass kicked so bad that we finally realize what we are, what we have become and take our toys and go home with our head down in shame. We are merely a vassal state of Israel. Most of us in America don't know this. If most of us did, it would be a far better world.

TRUMP DIDN'T HIDE THIS IN 2004 (https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2016/03/Donald-Trump.jpg)


9th January 2020, 11:04 AM
TRUMP DIDN'T HIDE THIS IN 2004 (https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2016/03/Donald-Trump.jpg)

And he isn’t hiding it now. It is blatant and out in the open. They even brag about it because the Goyim are so dim witted they can get away with anything.

9th January 2020, 11:17 AM
Look at the latest BS:

Trump: Iranians Sought "To Blow Up Our Embassy" So We Took Out Soleimani


This is worth a read:

Mish's Top 10 Warmongering Ideas Of The Day


Also, lost another "friend" today--Trump supporter totally falling for the latest "evil Iran" nonsense.

9th January 2020, 12:55 PM
Look at the latest BS:

Trump: Iranians Sought "To Blow Up Our Embassy" So We Took Out Soleimani


This is worth a read:

Mish's Top 10 Warmongering Ideas Of The Day



Also, lost another "friend" today--Trump supporter totally falling for the latest "evil Iran" nonsense.

From Zerohedge Trump: “We took out Soleimani because Iranians were looking to blow up our embassy


Amid the multiple provocative statements from President Trump on Thursday, among them his expressing "doubts" that the Ukrainian airline crash over Iran was an accident (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/boeing-shares-climb-reports-iranian-missile-system-shot-down-ukraine-jet), comes this likely bombastic and truly new claim. The president claimed (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-09/trump-says-iranians-sought-to-blow-up-u-s-embassy-in-baghdad) that slain Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani and his forces “were looking to blow up our embassy” in Iraq before the US military took him out in the high profile killing a week ago.
“We took him out. We did it because they were looking to blow up our embassy,” Trump told reporters (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-09/trump-says-iranians-sought-to-blow-up-u-s-embassy-in-baghdad) at the White House. “I think it was obvious. And he had more than that particular embassy in mind.”

I still think the truth is more like Pompeo knows how to manipulate Trump and achieve the results he wants.

The attack by IRAQIS on the U.S. Embassy was retaliation against Pompeo blowing up the Iraqi/Syrian border stations after what I suspect was Pompeo’s & Netanyahu’s false flag attack at Kirkuk that killed an Iraqi born naturalized U.S. citizen contractor (mercenary interpreter).

Then Pompeo convinced Trump he must take out Soleimani because of “imminent” still undisclosed attacks. Trump, blinded by his undying love for Israhell swallowed it hook line and sinker.

9th January 2020, 07:49 PM
^ This.

Besides you and Pete there is nothing. Who are the others on the board? All the people I have personal contact with and phone numbers to call anytime I want? You guys get to drinking and can't hold yourselves together. I post a fucking article and your balls shrivel. What a fucking waste of calories.

Sorry. Bad sentence structure. That should have read "I'm starting to believe Hitch about you, and a few other members on this board."

Make more sense?

BTW, I can assure you that drinking had nothing to do with what I posted, and I imagine it didn't have anything to do with Pete's post either, although I can't directly confirm the latter.