View Full Version : Huber finds Clinton Foundation and Uranium One deal - Nothing to investigate here

10th January 2020, 04:34 AM

Investigation Over

•Jan 10, 2020

Headlines with a Voice

Investigation Over

Forgive me if I laugh throughout the following. I said this would happen nearly three years ago ...


10th January 2020, 04:52 AM
No surprise there. We all knew that was just another head-fake, to cover for Clinton. Pretty sure guys like Jim Jordan were calling for a special council to investigate Uranium One and all things Hillary, so "Trust Sessions" Said no need for a special council b/c this guy Huber is on the case. The fix was in, same as always. Months ago, Victoria Toensing, lawyer for the Uranium One whistleblower said Huber had done nothing and never even contacted her.

10th January 2020, 05:04 AM
Yes, you are right on, Amanda.

I remember Charles Ortel was a guest on several Internet regular shows and explained with great thoroughness and expertise the many glaring irregularities and breaking of laws regarding the Clinton Foundation, like Greg Hunter show and Jason Goodman show. Ortel was quite an impressive reporter and we all thought 'surely, this seals it for the Clintons' but then we saw that Ortel was not being called to testify or report and even though he was still putting out solid bombshell information, we heard less and less about the Clinton Foundation. Same for Uranium One deal.

They just moved our attention on to other outrages du jour.

This Headlines With a Voice narrator is probably the only online alternative media who will even mention that Huber's big investigation is a big nothingburger.

10th January 2020, 05:13 AM
No surprise there. We all knew that was just another head-fake, to cover for Clinton. Pretty sure guys like Jim Jordan were calling for a special council to investigate Uranium One and all things Hillary, so "Trust Sessions" Said no need for a special council b/c this guy Huber is on the case. The fix was in, same as always. Months ago, Victoria Toensing, lawyer for the Uranium One whistleblower said Huber had done nothing and never even contacted her.

The Clinton Foundation probe isn’t the only case where Huber appears to be dragging his feet.
Sessions told Congress he also tasked Huber with looking into whether FBI investigators and Justice lawyers misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court by making deliberate misrepresentations about evidence presented against Page, whom they targeted as a “Russian agent." Allegations include omitting material facts and exculpatory evidence undermining their probable-cause case. For instance, they never told judges that their application relied heavily on a dossier of anti-Trump opposition research funded by the Clinton campaign. Recently revealed emails show then-FBI Director James Comey raised concerns about the reliability of the “unverified” dossier before he signed the initial application for the FISA warrant in October 2016.
Page, who denies the allegations, says he has not been contacted by Huber’s office. “Never heard anything from Utah,” he said in an interview. In fact, Page added, “I have spoken with no federal law enforcement officials this year.” In addition, Huber has yet to interview a key Justice official involved in the surveillance activities.



10th January 2020, 06:02 AM
Yes, you are right on, Amanda.

I remember Charles Ortel was a guest on several Internet regular shows and explained with great thoroughness and expertise the many glaring irregularities and breaking of laws regarding the Clinton Foundation, like Greg Hunter show and Jason Goodman show. Ortel was quite an impressive reporter and we all thought 'surely, this seals it for the Clintons' but then we saw that Ortel was not being called to testify or report and even though he was still putting out solid bombshell information, we heard less and less about the Clinton Foundation. Same for Uranium One deal.

They just moved our attention on to other outrages du jour.

This Headlines With a Voice narrator is probably the only online alternative media who will even mention that Huber's big investigation is a big nothingburger.

Dachsie--Yes, Charles Ortel had all the info on the Clinton Foundation, and if they were truly interested in getting to the bottom of all things Clinton, all they had to do was call him to testify--he had all the info. Of course the guy was ignored, b/c nobody in the psychopathic crap-hole known as DC has any interest in the truth. Nothing but coverups for the criminal political class.